Oregon Loses In First Round Of Net Tourney Huskies, Stanford Aces, Beat Their Opponents Between Showers Okerberg and Neer Star For Webfooters WITH the northwest tennis title depending on the outconte of the second doubles match, the last t n e tne a ay,.. Plummer an d Brown of the Hus J kies overcame a 5 to 1 lead in the, first set and de- ' feated Edge and Hartman of Oregon,: 8-6, G-3. This marks the: second time in as many years, that Washington has cinched the north- UKemerg ern championship, and left Oregon as runner-up. Yesterday was dark and cold, taking the keen edge off the players; throughout most of the matches a slight drizzle fell, and at one time players and spectators were forced to scurry for shelter from a near cloud-burst. The singles were just getting well started when the the deluge fell and play could not be resumed for more than an hour. Huskies Lose by Default Neer and Okerberg were the out standing performers for the Web foots. Necr’s steadiness and accu rate placements, and Okey’s blind ing net work and service were al most unfathomable. The style of play used by these two men is a direct contrast, but paired together they make an ideal doubles combi nation. Neer is very cautious and takes advantage of every break, coming up to the net only when there is a certain possibility of mak ing a kill. Okerberg follows his fast twisting service to the net, and is all set for a smash. His long reach and ability to cover the court make him a dangerous iman to lob to. Neer, playing won from Dranga by default. Neer took the first sot easily, 6-1, but Dranga was coming to the front in the second set, and was leading 2-1 when the rain came. Dranga had motored from Seattle Thursday, and the ex posure affected his eyes, so that he was unable to continue his match with Neer, being forced to drop out of the doubles. Okerberg won a brjiliant ' three sot duel from Clark, 6-1, 2-6, 6-3. Clark found a weak spot in Okey’s defense and hammered away at his back-hand to win three straight games and the second set. Oker berg’s aggressiveness and his work at the net outshone his back hand weakness and enabled him to take the next sot and the match. The Huskies triumphed in the other singles matches, winning from Hartman, Edge, and Cross. Hartman took the first set, 7-5, after the rain had necessitated a halt. Plummer rallied in the next two, however, taking them both by 6-2 margains. Edge, Webfoot man, lost to Schwartz in straight sets. The first sot went to Schwartz at love, but Edge made a fight of it in the sec ond and carried it to 7-5. Cross came out on the short end of a three set affair with Brown. Cross went through the first set in whirl wind fashion, winning it 6-2. Brown seemed to find new life in the in terval between showers and won the next two, 6-4 and 6-3. Oregon Doubles Good Oregon's first doubles combina tion, Neer and Okerberg, had little trouble in downing Schwartz and Clark of the Huskies in straight sets, 6-2, 6-3. The Webfoot pair have remarkable team work^ and their stroking was as near perfect as the rawness of the weather would permit. They should give Ogden and Herrington, of Stanford, a stiff bat tle when they meet today. The powerful Cardinal team made a clean sweep of the Aggie raeket weilders. In the singles, no Orange man was able to win more than two games in one set. Speerows and At kinson managed to take four games in the second set of their doubles match with Herrington and Ogden. Oregon will meet the Cards at 9:00 this morning and the Aggies at 10:00. Summary of Games Washington vs Oregon: Singles—Ncer, Oregon, defeated Dranga, Wash., 6-2, 2-1. (Dranga de faulted because of illness); Okcr berg, Oregon, defeated Clark, Wash., 6-1, 2-6, 6-3; Plummer, Wash., de feated Hartman, Oregon, 5-7, 6-2, 6-2; Schwartz, Wash., defeated Edge, Oregon, 6-0, 7-5; Brown, Wash., defeated Cross, Oregon, 2-6, 6-4, 6-3. Doubles— Neer and Okerberg, Oregon, de feated Schwartz and Clark, Wash., 6-2, 6-3; Plummer and Brown, Wash., defeated Hartman and Edge, Ore gon, 8-6, 6-3. Stanford vs O. A. C. Summary— Singles—Herrington, Stanford, de feated Speorow, O. A. C., 6-1, 6-0; Wheatley, Stanford, defeated Klahn, O. A. C., 6-0, 6-0; McElvenny, Stan ford, defeated Blaine, O. A. C., 6-1, 6-2; Ogden, Stanford, defeated At kinson, O. A. C., 6-1, 6-2. Doubles—Herrington and McEl venny, Stanford, defeated Speerow and Atkinson, O. A. C., 6-0, 6-4; Wheatley and Ogden, Stanford, de feated Klahn and Blaine, O. A. C., 6 0, 6-2. Pledging Announcement Sigma Beta Phi announces the pledging of Helen Weeks, of Can non Beach. Four University Students Conquer Roaring McKenzie on Canoe Trip Narrow Escapes, Shooting Rapids, Catching Fish, Prove Intensely Interesting 'The tumultuous upper McKenzie siver was conquered for perhaps the 'first time in history when Amos Burg, Prince Helfrieh, John Mean iibwA Frank Sparks, University stu dents, rode the raging river for over 30 miles from McKenzie bridge to Deerhorn ferry last week-end. Helfricli, who understands the treacherous river like a brother, es corted the canoe with his own boat, accompanied by Sparks. For the entire distance, the river j presents a furious aspect, brawling i and boiling along a narrow and rug- I geil channel, cascading over .'10 vie- j lent rapids, and tossed the canoe and traml about like bits of driftwood. ! At times both crafts were almost buried in the roaring surges ns they glided safely among the ragged j boulders. The McKenzie, fed by the glaciers on the Three Sisters, heads in Clear Sake at 3.T0G feet elevation above She sea and thunders 8(1 miles on its wild onrush to the Willamette. A short distance below the lake it • isappears into the McKenzie lava k*-ds for three miles, finally spout ing out of a crevasse nud resuming Sis boisterous career by descending ■over the three pitches of the South cm Paeific falls, some sis miles above t>hc embarkation point of the four vovngeurs. At many of the rapids a portage was impossible, owing to the pre cipitous banks and the rich ver dure that hung into the river and swept back and forth in the roar ing current, lloth crafts ran every Tapid in the river. The men took photographs at most of them which will be used as illustrations in an article that Burg is preparing for the Oregonian. The Martin Kapid, 23 miles below McKenzie t bridge, and doomed, it seems, to bo the scene of many dis asters on the river, offered the most promising pirospects of ending the trip with n bath for the entire par ty. it was safely run by the eanoe lifter. Helfrieh and Sparks had made a successful descent in the boat. The canoe in running the Gate Greek rapid played such antics iu riding the smoking crests of the combers that at times Bean, who was the steersman, could not roach the water with his six foot paddle; other times the water was up to his elbows. Shortly below this place an unnamed rapid was christened the “Jumping Frank” bv the party, after Frank Sparks “Who was tossed several feet into the air when the boat jumped the crest of a giant comber, lie was sitting in the stern < of the canoe when he went into the air and landed head first in the bow. According to Helfrieh who has fished the river since he was old enough to eat beefsteak, the trout iu the McKenzie show a slimmer waistline than lake-raised trout. This is caused by a turbulent en vironment that compel them to wage a ceaseless battle against the cur rents of the river. A trout placed in the waters of Clear lake will grow to resemble a bar tender at the end of a year compared to his twin brother on the lower river who will only be half as large. Although till was agreed upon as the official number ,pf trout caught by the party, six was the limit that could be hooked on their lines. A speckled trout that llelfrich hooked was swallowed by a cannibalistic Dolly Vardan before it was landed which brought iu two fish on one hook. Experienced fishermen seldom fish with more than two hooks on their lines yet they passed an ama teur who had crowded his line with over 17 hooks, evidently intent on catching all his fish with one haul. Both Bean and Helfrieh are geol ogy majors and spent considerable time in the study of formations along the river. Sparks is a sopho more in physics. The canoe used on the voyage was the same one that carried Burg on his 11000 mile cruise down the northwest coast and the Columbia river last summer. Yearling Track Squad Defeats Rooks, 63-59 Frosh Spill Dope, Taking Nine Firsts; O. A. C. Gives Battle Friday proved to be an all-frosh day. Not only did they lick the sophs in the morning but the fresh man track team went to Corvallis and licked the highly-rated Beaver rooks. The frosh came to the fore with a 03 to 59 victory. The meet started true to form when Coach Grant Swans, rooks, took all three places in the mile. Instead of having the heart taken out of the coach, Del Oberteuffer’s frosh staged a comeback, and pro ! ceeded to take nine firsts in 14 events. Probably the best race of the meet was the half-mile between Web Hayes of the frosh and Farrow of the rooks. After trailing the field the first laps they started a sprint at the 000 mark that lasted to the finish. Three steps from the tape Farrow started to fall while Hayes managed to get a step farther. Hayes fell at the tape breaking it in his fall and Farrow fell on top of him. The rest of the races were close and before the relay the score stood 59 to 58 in the rooks’ favor. Members of the team are asked that a picture be taken at 4:15, Tuesday, on Hayward field. Summary: Mile—Hansen, O. A|. C., first; Gilmore, O. A. C., second; Brown, O. A. C., third. Time, 4:38. 100-yard dash—Doty, O. A. C., first; Brown, Oregon, second; Lives ley, Oregon, third. Time, :10.4. 440-yard run—McCarty, Oregon, first; Hamill, Oregon, second; Bry ant, O. A. C., third. Time, :53. 120-yard higli hurdle—McKSnnon, Oregon, first; Disbrow, 0. A. C., second; McDowell, Oregon, third. Time, :17. Shot put—Stadleman, Oregon, first; Ennisman, O. A. C., second; Disbrow, O. A. C., third. Distance, 42 feet, 1% inches. 880-yard run—Hayes, Oregon, first; Farrow, O. A. C., second; Dry nan, O. A. C., third. Time, .2:07.4. Pole vault—Robinson, Oregon, first; Hamilton, O. A. C., second; McLane, O. A. C., third. Height, 11 feet. 220-yard dash—Doty, O. A. C., first; Brown, Oregon, second; Pef ley, Oregon, third. Time, :23. 220-vard low hurdles—Kelly, Ore gon, first; Johnson, O. A. C., sec ond: Disbrow, O. A. C., third. Time, :28.4. nigh jump—Carter, O. A. ('., first; Reed and Hollister, Oregon, tied for second. Height, (i feet, one inch. Discus—Hildreth, Oregon, first; Altschuler, O. A. C., second; Junta, O. A. (\, third. Distance, 123 feet, 2 inches. Broad jump—Bredthauer, Oregon, first; Unamuno, O. A. C., second; Robinson, Oregon, third. Distance, i 21 feet, 1 inch. Javelin—Horton, O. A. C., first; i Thompson, (). A. 0., second; Stadle man, Oregon, third. Distance, 151 feet, 2 inches. Relay—Oregon (Hudson, McKen- j non, Robertson, McCarty), first; O. i A. 0„ second. Track (Continued from paye one) elin—Whitlock, Jarvis, Mitchell, Twitcholl. Oregon tracksters to compete are: mile—Jensen, Kelley, Little; 100 yard dash -Extra, Kircher, Flana gan; 410-yard—Standard, Price, Pearson; 120-yard high hurdles— Crawford, McGee, Burns; two-mile j —Hill, Niedermeyer, Little; 220 yard -Extra, Kircher, Flanagan; half mile-—Rutherford, Kelley, Man ning; 220 yard low hurdles—McGee, Crawford, MeCutehan, Prendergrast: mile relay—Standard, Pearson, Ross, and Jeffries or Price; shot-put— Wetzel, Stager; high jump—McCul loch, Flanagan, Crawford; discus— Stager, Hoyden, Wetzel; broadjump Flanagan, Ord, McGee; javelin— Wetzel, Burnell, Adams; pole vault Bracher, Richmond. Meet Officials Named Officials of the meet must report at Hayward field at 2 o’clock Sat urday afternoon. They are as fol lows: Referee- Walter Hummel. Clerk of course—George Craig. Announcer—Bob Mautz. Inspectors—Ward Cook. Lauren Conley, Carl Johnson, Bob Barnes. Judges of finish—Dean Walker, Virgil Earl, W. A. Kerns, Ralph rUNIOR WEEK-END PROGRAM Saturday, May 21 9:00—Tennis--Stanford vs. Ore gon 9:00—Teitnis—University of Washington vs. O. A. C. 10:00—Tennis—O. A. C. vs. Ore gon 1:00—Baseball—G. A. C. vs. Oregon 1:00—Tennis—Stanford vs. Uni versity of Washington 2:15—Track—O. A. C. and Ore gon 9:00—JUNIOR PROM Coleman, Art Morris, Lieutenant Herbert. Timers—Harry Scott, Earl Wid mer, Bob Hager, Perry Davis. Judges of pole vault—“Shrimp” Phillips, Ed Cro\yley, A. J. Bill. Judges of broad jump—Walter Kelsey, Ralph Tuck, H. Baker. Judges of high jump—Francis Cleaver, Pete Jensen, Judge of shot—Charles Stockwcll. Judge of discus—Carol Eberhart. Judges of javelin—Grant Swan, Russ Jarboe, Beryl Hodgen. Scorer—Bill Peek. Starter—Mike Butler. Press—Bob Poster. Field physicians—Doctor Miller and Doctor Romig. Marshals—Hal Harden, Sherm Smith, Bert Kerns. 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The first complete and intimate biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne is given us by Lloyd Morris in “The ^Rebellious Puritan.” The book is a portrait of Mr. Hawthorne. "Emer son and Others” is the title of Van Wyck Brook’s book on several fa mous men. The study of Emerson is outstanding among these. "To understand him is to under stand life and human beings,” has been said of Charles Darwin. George A. Dorsey makes one understand him better in his book, "The Evo lution of Charles Darwin.” "Palmerston,” is written by Philip Guedalla. This is the first full length historical study that Mr. 914-J is the number. Phone us for the best service for all bakery goods. Wholesale rates to living organi zations. Daily deliveries. // Phone us, we do the rest! ^.NNWWIWVb ' IButter-Krust >( BREAI. /'•M i Guedalla has given us since "The Second Empire.”' "Edwin Arling ton Robinson,” is written by Mark Van’Doren. "An American Saga,” by Carl Christian Jensen is the true story of Mr. Jensen’s life. Other new books in the library include: "The Pomps of Satan,” in which Edgar Saltus, author, exposes his whims, his ideas, pictures the past, forecasts the future, and deplores the present is replete with grace and graciousness and full of a del icate charm. With rare clairvoyance, Mr. Sal tus includes the German Kaiser in a chapter on "Hyenas,” wherein stalk the blood-stained shadows of Attila, Cesare Borgia and Ivan the Terrible. Other chapters have as clever touches as "Hyenas.” The LAST DAY Matinee 2 P. M. Comedy Pathe News book is one of the newest recevied at the library. In keeping with the "The Pomps of Satan," are several other wierd books. "Masks and Demons," is in closed in a well-designed red cover, which is very suggestive^ "Peacock House, and Other Mysteries," is a book of fifteen short mystery stories by Eden Phillpotts. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE EMERAEB I Give your I clothes a | chance H ■ | and they will last | as they should. § | Send them to us | for proper clean ! ing. 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They’ve urged conveniences upon you till you’re old-fashioned not to enjoy. Phono graphs, radios, refrigerators, breakfast foods —they’ve talked about them all. So spread the news that they are easy for you to get. Every day the advertisements tell of new im provements; tell of a number of things you might not likeTo miss. Read Emerald Advertisements They’re News