Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1927, Image 1

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    NUMBER 123 V 3
Billy O’Bryaiit
Song Writer
Kittye Sartain Leads
Creole Moon Chorus;
‘Beauties Can Dance’
By H. W. M.
Here we have William Billy
O’Brvant, campus Irving Berlin,
who has written words and music
for all the songs
to be used tonight
and tomorrow
night and after
noon in “Creole
Moon.” Billy is
far from a novice
at song writing,
having conducted
professional or
chestras for over
two years.
The songs have'
lilt to them, and
Billy O’Bryant
tne wnoie campus win ue Humming
them next week. That’s a cinch bet.
And here is Renee Grayce Lillian
Miss Eugene Nelson, leading de
partment store commentator, and
Renee Nelson
also prominent
in the cast of
“Creole Moon.”
She gets swiped
and then the fuij.
Benee Grayce
etc. is a Montana
lassie, spending
her first year on
the Oregon cam
pus. She recent
ly won the title
of “Miss Eu
gene,77 at a beauty contest stageu
by a local theater, but she’s as dem
ocratic as ever.
* « *
Meet Kyttye Sartayn, dyrector of
the choruses. Kyttye has had lots
of experience, and in addition she
nas proven 10 ue a
mercyless task-mas
“The girls have
all been good
sports,” she says,
“and have cooper
ated in every way.
In addition, and
what is vastly more
important, they can
dance—every moth
er’s daughter of
them. It isn’t hard
to make a fyne
Kittye Sartain
cress out or uui juau
make an evening gown out of bur
lap. That’s the way with the beau
tyes and ponyes. They came to me
all cut out and ready to sew.”
Winston (“Big Voice”) Lake is
formally presented for inspection.
He is the colonel of “Creole Moon.”
Winston Lake
juvcr^ uiic huu uaa
seen a southern
play or read a
book with a set
ting anywhere be
low the Mason
Di^ton line is fa
miliar with col
onels—white goat
ees, ice-cream
pants, mint juleps, j
and all, but few
of them have pos
sessed bellows for
lungs such as
“Windy” does. When he speaks the
ceiling vibrates.
Arthur Anderson has the part of
an aristocratic young southerner
who fails to comprehend what it is
all about. He is
engaged to Billy
Lee, but that is
Colonel Travers’
doings—to lift the
mortgage on the
old homestead, or
something. Billy
Lee can’t see Mr.
Anderson for
smoke, and finds a
sweetie of her
own, leaving the
said Mr. Anderson
auouL me same as ail aiiueisuu
he was before.
Here is He Who Gets Booted,
(Continued on page three)
Corrections Made of
League Appointments
Two Women’s League appoint
ments announced in yesterday’s Em
erald were reversed and should
have been Helen Webster, chairman
of Big Sister committee, and Kath
erine Kneeland, chairman of Wom
an’s building committee.
Track Squad
Leaves For
Husky Meet
Washington Track Stars
Strong; Hayward
Four New Men Due
To Drag in Points
Surprise Awaits Seattle
Fans, Says Hayward
T~>ILL HAYWARD, track coach,
sat in the' bleachers on Hay
ward field yesterday afternoon and
told the trackmen who will go to
Seattle for the dual meet with the
Huskies Saturday just what he ex
pected of each of them.
And if each of those men act
exactly per specifications the final
figures will be close—very close—
according to Bill. An inch or so in
the shot put, a 12-inch lead in the
hundred, a third in the high jump
a point whereever it may be gath
ered, will probably decide the
The squad leaves at 11:15 this
morning. In the line-up announced
by Hayward last night, a number of
men have been shifted from their
regular events. Joe Price, quarter
miler, is listed for the high jump
and broad jump; “Speed” Bur
nell’s name appears with the 220
men. Wade Rutherford is entered in
the 880, and Proctor Flanagan is
listed in the high hurdles. Ralph
McCulloch is in the line-up as a
All this shifting means things—
things that will be more evident af
ter the meet Saturday. Every bit
of Hayward’s ingenuity is necessary
to plug up the holes in the line-up
that mean points for Washington,
and to concentrate on “Hek” Ed
mundsen’s thin spots.
In the Washington-Oregon meet
last year, Holt, Kelsey, Tuck, Cleav
er, Eby, Crowley and Overstreet
scored 36 of the Webfoot total of
42% points. Overstreet was forced
i to drop track because his eyesight
went back on him, and Crowley is
out for the rest of the season with
an ankle injury. The other four are
all graduated. Only four new men
on the squad have proved them
selves able to drag in points. They
are Standard, Stager, Hill, and
(Continued on page four)
Plans for Frosh Picnic
Started; Large Crowd
Anticipated for Event
The plans for the freshman pic
nic which is to be held at Midway
May 19 are well under way, accord
ing to George Peterson, general
chairman of the picnic. Prom two
o ’clock on, free transportation to
the scene of the picnic will be pro
Something will be doing all the
time and there will be no idle mo
ments for anyone. A treasure hunt
will usher in the afternoon’s enter
tainment which will be followed by
baseball games and swimming. Ke
freshments will be served late in
the afternoon.
The refreshments committee is
planning on serving 700 persons.
The food will be dispensed in cafe
teria style by girls of the class.
Three long tables are being con
structed at Midway, and with those
now available there, service will be
speeded up.
George MeMurphey’s K o 11 e g e
Knights, an eight piece orchestra,
has been secured for the evening to
furnish music from 7:30 till 11
o’clock. Numerous old fashioned
dances will add to the evening’s
entertainment and as a feature Ed
Cheney will give a soft shop dance.
A large turnout is expected and
with something doing every minute
should furnish plenty of entertain
ment and assure everyone a good
Jack Jones Is ‘Duke*
Of All Oregon Knights
Jack Jones was elected “Duke”
of the Oregon Knights at a riieet
ing held Wednesday night.
C. C. Mitchell, who was the for- |
mer “Duke,” was to have held of
fice until the end of winter term of 1
1928, but due to the fact that he
might be unable to return to Ore- !
gon next year, he vacated the office. ,
A report of the national conven
tion which was attended by dele- !
gates of the various chapters was i
given by Burr Abner, delegate from ;
the Oregon chapter.
Tomato Soup Falls
Heavily on Pledges
Of Sigma Delta Chi
Yes, there was soup—tomato flav
or and not unmixed with water.
But it was served to and not bv
the six well-dressed pledges of Sig
ma Delta Chi on the library steps.
The waiters’ training in serving
and in the culinary arts had evi
dently been badly attended to, for
both the tomatoes, which arrived
from below, and the water, which
fell from above, failed ignobly tc
hit the spot.
What was heard of the speeches
between water-showers and the roai
of “Creole Moon's” latest winged
convert was well received by the
assembled crowd.
Sacajawea, now abiding in Port
land’s city park, will be brought tc
the campus to keep company with
the Pioneer, if the suggestion of the
high hatted pledges be accepted
Such action is only fitting for a
co-educational institution.
The recommendation to build a
wind-mill in honor of the varsity
debaters and for the information ol
collegians who wish to know when
a debate on the campus is in pro
gress was also received.
The consensus of opinion seemed
to favor the mock-proceedings ovei
and above any regular installation
assembly. In other words, the poli
cies of the self-elected and self
retiring officials were much ap
The initiates are: Bill Haggerty
Bob Galloway, Amos Burg, Kennetl
Wilshire, Art Schoeni, and Waltei
seventeen Take
Oath of Office
At Installation
Glenna Fisher Awarded
Phi Chi Theta Annual
Thursday at the last A. S. U. O,
business meeting of the year, Hugh
Biggs, retiring president of the stu
dent body, administered the oatli
of office to the seventeen newly
elected student officers, and pul
into the hands of Donald Beelar, in
coming president of the A. S. U. O.
the chief executive responsibilities
of that organization.
“Successful, student government
depends as much upon the interest
and work of the entire student per
sonnel as upon that of the studenl
officers,” said Hugh Biggs. “There
is no higher political service than
that of representing the body which
one serves and so far as possible
carrying out the will of that dem
ocratic body. If we of the outgo
ing administration can leave office
feeling that we have accomplished
this, we know that our activities
have been successful.”
When Mr. Biggs handed the gavel
to Mr. Beelar, he said, “I turn over
to you this responsibility, knowing
that you will administer the duties
of the office faithfully, fearlessly
and intelligently.
“It will be the policy of the in
coming administration to carry out
the will of the student body,” said
Mr. Beelar. “It is too early to out
(Continued on page two)
$2,500 Scholarship
Offered College Men
By University Afloat
A $2500 scholarship for study
in the University Afloat has been
offered to all men students in the
universities of the United States,
according to a poster received by
Mrs. C. R. Donnelly, employment
secretary for the Y. M. C. A.
The scholarship is to be awarded
in a national essay contest open only
to undergraduate men. Candidates
for the scholarship will write a 2000
word essay on one of the following
subjects: “The International Point
of View in Education,” “The In
fluence of the West on the East,”
or “Contrasts in Eastern and West
ern Civilization.” The contest
closes at midnight on June 1.
Each essay must be typewritten
and accompanied by a letter from
a school official stating that the
student is enrolled in that institu
tion, is of good standing, and that
the essay was written by the stu
dent. The name, age, and home ad
dress of the student must be writ
ten on a separate sheet of paper
and clipped to the manuscript. The
address to which the manuscripts
should be sent is University Travel
Association, Inc., 285 Madison Ave
nue, New York City.
Eurther information about the
scholarship may be obtained from
Mrs. Donnelly.
Beauty Ready to do as Beauty Does
Ten beauties—and no beasts at all—comprising the beauty chorus of “Creole Moon,’’ junior revue to
be given tonight and tomorrow night, and tomorrow afternoon at the Heilig theatre. From left to right
they are: Mae Tobin, Nancy Luckel, Mayfan VurpUlat, Florence Grimes, Esther Maxwell, Frances Morgan,
Myrabelle Palmer, Margaret Bunn, Grace (Tardner, and Frances Hare.
Curtain Will Rise at 8:15
On Junior Musical Show
Possibility of Presenting Entire Cast with Choruses
And Specialties of ‘Creole Moon’
In Portland Theater
Latest Modern Plays
By Masefield, O’Neill,
F. Molnar at Library
Plays—different, clever and real
istic are the order of the day at
the library. No less than five plays
were included in the last shipment
of books and their popularity is
being demonstrated by the demand
for them. The most popular of the
plays which have been received dur
ing the last month is “The Shang
hai Gesture,” which is a decidedly
unusual book. The new plays which
are just in bid fair t'o rival it, how
John Masefield’s “The Witch” is
a realistic play in which the young
son falls in love with his father’s
young wife. The plot is adapted
from a Norwegian tale of H. Wiers
P. G. Wodehouse also adapts a
plot, this time from a Hungarian
story by F. Molnar to form “The
Play’s the Thing,” a fantastic and
clever play especially recommended
for light reading.
“Marco Millions” is the first full
length play of Eugene O’Neill’s
which has ever been published „be
fore actual stage production. It is
a satirical dramatization of the life
and journeys of Marco Polo, and
since the play is to bo put on in
New York this winter,* to read it is
almost like seeing a dress rehearsal.
“The Captive,” by Edouard Bour
det, has for its sole interest the
revelation of character.
A highly recommended play is
written by Philip Barry with an
introduction by Donald Ogden Stew
art. It is called “White Wings.”
Of this play, Edna Ferber writes,
“Something beautiful and important
and gay and rare. It is a play
certainly for an intelligent modern.
It is a play for the swarm known as
the younger generation.” Robert
Benchley, critic, says in regard to
“White Wings,” “It was worth be
ing a dramatic reviewer for ten
years to have seen this one play.”
j Spurs Club Chooses
Verne Dale President
Verne Dale, sophomore from Pen
dleton, was elected president of the
Spurs club, campus equestrians, at
a meeting held Wednesday. Cath
erine Martin, Portland, was chosen
treasurer and Sarah Rorer, Eugene,
secretary. Retiring officers are Bob
McKnight, Eugene, president; Nonie
Vial, Portland, treasurer; Margaret
Spencer, Portland, secretary.
A moonlight ride, to be taken in
about two weeks, is being planned
to wind up the activities of the
term. A challenge to a steeple
chase to be held in Corvallis has
been received from the riders ’ club
at O. A. C. and accepted. The time
has not been definitely set but the
meet will be within the next two or
three weeks.
> -
THE madness of the moon will
transfer the drab stage of the
Heilig theater tonight into a won
Billy Lee
u c i i a u u uo. iu
malice, dreamy
melodies, spar
kling eyes, and
kicking toes.
“Creole Moon,”
lavish revue,
backed by the
junior class, will
dart at 8:15, with
a golden moon
beaming on an
old - fashioned
southern garden,
and three hours later tne curtain
will descend on the same scene, after
the characters have been taken
I through the New Orleans Mardi
Gras, to Margot’s cafe, and to the
Mississippi levee, where darkies
dance and sing.
The cast has toiled incessantly
until every line is memorized and
every step is letter-perfect. Fresh
men, sophomores, juniors, and sen
iors have worked with a will. The
hodge-podge of scattered acts has
taken form and semblance, and now
the entire production is waiting for
the opening curtain. A long dress
rehearsal was held yesterday after
noon, and another last night, start
ing at 11:30, and winding up in
I that darkness which is blackest
1 just before the dawn.
Portland Show Possible
The cast, choruses, and specialties
will have something more than the
joy of work well done to strive for
tonight, for word has come that a
representative of the Ileilig theater
of Portland will be on hand to give
“Creole Moon” professional consid
eration. If ho believes it good
enough, the entire production will
be taken to Portland for presenta
tion at the Heilig theater in that
city in the near future. Toes will
twinkle tonight with an added in
i centive.
The action begins with Colonel
| Travers and Billy-Lee quarreling
as a result of his having betrothed
her to Clinton Noland, neighboring
1 aristocrat, without taking her views
on the subject into consideration.
She runs away to the Mardi Gras—
for a thrill, with her best friend as
j a companion.
Billy-Lee Is Lost
In the crush of the carnival
| crowd, she becomes lost, and comes
| across Ralph Clayton, masked as a
fool, who has long loved her, but
' has never dared to speak his mind
because of the absence of a reas
: suring moon. A Mardi Gras cus
tom calls for couples apprehended
within a certain ring to kiss each
other. Of course Ralph and Billy
Lee are caught in the circle, and
developments commence. In the
swirl of pleasure seekers, Billy-Lee
is again lost.
Friends, disguised as pirates,
want to kidnap Colonel Travers’
daughter—for a thrill. They get
1 Carita, a Spanish senorita, instead.
The scene shifts to Margot’s cafe.
(Continued on page two)
Oregana Editor
Appoints Staff
For Year Book
R. Nash, Associate Editor;
Katherine Mutzig to Be
Art Editor
A number of the appointments
for the 1927-1928 Oregana were an
nounced yesterday by Mary Benton,
editor. However, there are still some
that have not been chosen. “Some
of the departments need a longer
time to gather their material to
gether, and some havo more mater
ial to got. For this reason, some of
of the appointments had to be made
earlier than others,” explained
Miss Benton.
Ray Nash will handle the associ
ate editorship. “His present posi
tion of managing oditor of the
Emerald, together with his interest
in typography, give him 'both exe
cutive ability, and knowledge of
type, which are needed for the posi
tion,” said the future editor. Nash
has worked on the Emerald for
three years, and wag recently elec
ted president of Sigma Delta Chi,
men’s national journalism frater
nity. He is also a student in John
Henry Nash’s advanced typogra
phy class.
Barbara Blythe, junior, and Mar
ion Sten, sophomore, supplement
each other as assistant editors. Miss
Blythe is one of the day editors on
the Emerald this year, and a mem
ber of Theta Sigma Phi, women’s
honorary journalism fraternity. She
is affiliated with Alpha Phi. Mar
ion Sten has been a consistent
worker of the Emerald staff during
her two years in the University.
She is a member of Alpha Chi
Katherine Mutzig, junior, will
be art oditor. She is a major in the
art department and has contributed
to several issues of Webfoot, and
designed the j)rograrns for the
sophomore informal dance. The art
work on the junior prom programs
for this year will also bo of her
Section editors chosen this far are
literary editor, Ruth Newton, Kla
math Falls; R. O. T. C., Ronald
Hubbs, Silverton; sports, Richard
Jones, Portland; features, Don
Johnson, Maple Grove; faculty and
student administration, Edith
Dodge, Ashland; college year, Doro
thy Baker, Salem.
Oregon Graduate Gets
Ohio College Position
Germany Klemm, ’21, has been
elected an assistant professor of
fine arts at the Ohio State College
at Athens, Ohio, according to word
received by Professor E. E. DeCou,
head of the mathematics depart
MDs Klemm majored in mathe
matics and fine arts while at Ore
gon. In 1922-3 she attended Colum
bia University where she received
her M. A. degree in' fine arts. From
then until the present year she has
been an assistant professor of fine
arts at Texas State College for
women at Denton, Texas, Miss
Klemm will take her new position at
once, teaching in summer session
and in the regular sessions next fall.
Senior Ciass
To Elect For
Albert Prize
Westergren, Abramson,
Biggs to Vie as
Cup Winner
Senior Song Night
Scheduled May 25
Anne Runes Selected as
Alumni Secretary
MEMBERS of the senior class
will today elect the winner of
tho Albert prize, a silver loving cnp
awarded annually to an outstand
ing graduating student. Polls will
be open in Villard hall from 11 to
12 and 1 to 3, and a close check
will be made so that only seniors'
votes will bo counted.
The three men on the ballot are
Hugh Biggs, retiring president of
the A. S. IT. O., Sol Abramson, edi
tor of the Emerald, and Algot Wes
tergrcn, Oregon’s all-star basketball
Salem Man Donor of Cap
This cup is donated by Joseph
Albert, cashier of the First National
bank of Salem, who offers similar
prizes at Oregon Agricultural Col
lege and Willamette University. He
desires that the recognition be giv
en “To the member of the senior
class who during his university
career shall have made the most
progress in character, service, and
wholesome influence and leader
A University committee on
awards, headed by George Turnbull,
professor of journalism, nominated
the candidates after careful con
sideration of a number who were
recommended by student advisers
and the dean of men.
Senior Song Night Planned
Twenty-one members of the class
of ’27 met at Villard last night and
decided that inasmuch as funds are
low and social events are many, a
Pjicliic would be inadvisable. A
Senior Song night will be held May
25. Bob Hunt w-as appointed chair
man of this event, and Jack
O’Meara publicity man. A dance at
the College Side Inn will be one of
the main features of the evening.
Anne Runes Alumni Secretary
Anne Runes was elected perman
ent secretary for the class by a
unanimous vote. She will keep in
touch with Old Oregon and have
charge of class reunions which are
supposed to take plaeo every five
A report was made on the prog
ress of tho sale of the biography of
Prince Campbell, late president of
the University. Copies of this work
by Joseph Schafer, head of the his
tory department at the University
of Wisconsin, are available at the
main . library for $2.50 each.
Earl Chiles, president, reminded
the students that it isn’t long until
commencement, and that caps,
gowns and the other necessary equip
ment should be reserved at once.
Spelling Tests Prove
College Students’ Need
For Much Instruction
The average college student’s
spelling is from twenty to twenty
five per cent incorrect if he doesn't
limit his vocabulary to just the
simple words he can spell, accord
ing to tests which Pat V. Morris
sette, instructor in English, made
in his four report writing classes
this week.
A hundred words selected from
lists compiled by the Universities
of Illinois, Minnesota, and Wiscon
sin, were given the students orally.
The errors numbered from 15 to 50,
and one of the 50 per cent incorrect
papers was a senior’s.
“These tests prove conclusively
that spelling is only 85 per cent per
fect at best,” said Mr. Morrissette.
The best remedy, he believes, is
for the students to make more use
of the dictionary. Every student
should learn the elementary prin
ciples of good grammar, spelling in
cluded, before graduation. Unless
there is more evidence of such know
ledge, further work along this line
should be given, even if it neces
sitates referring a student back to
English A, Mr. Morrissette declared.
Some of the commonest errors he
found were: “extaey” for “ecstasy,”
“artic” for “arctic,” “disipate” for
“dissipate,” “visably” for “vis
ibly,” “superceed” for “supersede,”
and “picnicing” for “picnicking.”
Mr. Morrissette has included many
of the same words in each of the
three spelling quizzes he has given
this year, and each time they were
misspelled again.