Women’s League Installs 6 New Office Holders Kathryn Ulrich, Esther Hardy Tell of Visit To National Meet Standing Committees for Next Year Announced Women's League officers for next year were installed, and the reports of the recent Women’s League eon vention at the University of Il linois -were given at one of the league’s largest mass meetings of the year, yester day afternoon in Alumlni hall. Schooling con sists of getting, ■while an educa tion combines the giving and learn usi/iier naiuy mg ox wisaom, accurumg 10 Leonard, of the University of Il linois, reported Kathryn Ulrich in her survey of the three days which she and Esther Hardy spent at the University of Illinois, Champagne, HI., attending the National Wom en ’s League convention. In her op ening address the dean of women of Illinois also stressed three things that every girl should strive for in her life—simplicity, sincerity, and refinement. On Wednesday afternoon of the conference a discussion of the Big Sister movement was led by Brig ham Young university, and on Thursday morning the University of Michigan led a discussion on self-government. The subject of the point system was taken up by Cor nell university, which stressed three particular details—the spread of activities, the individual bene fit, and the problem of not over burdening one individual. Cornell requires a certain scholarship aver age for participation in student ac tivities, according to Kathryn Ul rich’s report. Particularly interesting to the Oregon delegates was the problem of vocational guidance which was taken up on Thursday afternoon by Northwestern university. This has been met at Northwestern by a plan whieh is designed to place be fore the women of the university all possible fields open to women, and will likely be considered on this campus, Miss Ulrich stated. Leland Stanford led the discus sion of social factors on Friday, and the evenings of the convention were taken up with round table dis cussions, which offered a chance for the clearing up of individual prob lems. The officers installed yesterday were: Esther Hardy, president; Prances Plimpton, vice-president; Joan Patterson, secretary; Marion Sten, treasurer; Dorothy Baker, re porter; and Beatrice Milligan, ser geant-at-arms. Esther Hardy took the chair fol lowing the installation, and an Dunlap’s Dollar Store SHIRT SPECIAL Thursday, Friday, Saturday Broadcloth Shirts 87c Each In Blue, Grey Tan and White See Them In Our Window Dunlap’s Dollar Store 933 Willamette nounced the chairmen of the stand ing committees of Women’s League for next year. They are: Maizie Richards, Foreign Scholarship fund; Edith Dodge, activities, Katherine Kneeland, Big Sister, and Helen Webster, Women’s building. The new president urged the help of all the women on the campus in carry ing out the work of the league, and said that although there was little that was new in the plans for next year, it is hoped that some woman from the East may be obtained to j*ive a series of lectures. The retiring officers of Women’s League are: Kathryn Ulrich, pres ident; Catherine Struplere, vice president; Nancy Peterson, secre tary; Marian Barnes, treasurer; Margaret Long, reporter; and Elaine Crawford, sergeant-at-arms. Commencement Talks To be Given at Schools By Faculty Members Commencement addresses will be given in five high schools this week by Oregon faculty members. Seven ty-five Oregon and two Washington schools have asked for speakers, and more requests are being received daily. Twenty-four members of the faculty have already been sched uled for addresses. John F. Bovard, dean of the school of physical education, will speak at Prairie City high school j Thursday, at‘John Day Friday, and at Canyon City Saturday. “The Fourth 1R ’ ” is the subject for his addresses. Bruce J. Giffen, University pastor, will talk Friday before the high school in Tygh Valley. The title of his talk is “You Are the Hope of the World.” Warrenton high school will today hear J. Stanley Gray speak on “Fingerboards on Life’s Turnpike.” Last year fifty-seven speeches were arranged. The practice of commencement addresses being giv en by faculty members has been followed for a good many years, according to Mary E. Kent, office manager of the extension division. Pamphlets with the names of pro fessors who will speak, the subjects, and the number of engagements they can fill are sent to the high schools. Then they write in and ask for the speaker and subjects they wish. Juniors attention! All juniors, men and women, from the fol lowing houses are scheduled to report for work on the Junior Prom decorations today in Mc Arthur court: Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pi Beta Phi, Phi Mu, Sigma Beta Phi, Hen drieks hall. Other juniors hav ing free time between the hours of two and five o’clock this afternoon will be welcomed! Prize (Continued from page one) away, who for a year after grad uation, was secretary of the Ore gon City chamber of commerce. She resigned that position to be married. The winner last year was Paul Ager, then vice-president of the student body, this year a graduate student in the University. Mr. Ager lately received a valuable research schol arship at Yale for next year. Mr. Albert, donor of the cup, is cashier of the First National Bank of Salem. He is much interested in college men and women. He offers a prize similar to the one given in the University, at Oregon Agricultural College and Willamette University. Burgess (Continued from page one) are assigned to men of different countries. No fees are charged as it is supported by endowments from wealthy moslems; food and lodging are furnished free, though of very simple kind. Men were warming up dishes over oil lamps, and lines of washing hung across one corner of the court. The colonnades stretch on and on, and eager groups of eight or ten sit crosslegged around their chosen leader while he expounds the word. One such group made a strong impression upon me because of the rapt and beautiful faces of some gray haired men listening to an aged teacher. There was at least a suggestion of the conversations of the old Greek philosophers. And now we are on the Nile, in Nubia, beyond the great dam at As souan. The passing of the dam was of much interest. Five locks, be sides a long introductory canal ele vated us 98 feet to the summit, where we looked across the mile long structure and the vast waters of the reservoir. Near the base of the huge dam in front issued two Niagaras through the giant sluice gates. The massiveness and force of it all are tremendous. But our party scrambled gaily up the stone stairways from level to level, and at the top a party of Englishmen raced merrily in a handcar. They were accompanied by a dashing sheik with flowing moustaches, flow ing silk headdress and flowing blue robe in which he strode haughtily like a tragedian. Four days we have sailed this great reservoir above Assouan, 360 miles to Abu Simbel and back. Des ert cliffs rise in tawny yellow be yond the submerged fields. Half sub merged palm trees and aeacias poke out of the water near the banks. On these rocky cliffs and sand banks are rows and rows of mud brick Theatregoers! A Theatrical Event The management of the Heilig Theatre desires to call your attention to A Stellar Attraction of First Mag nitude which comes to the Heilig Theatre for one night only—Tuesday, May 17. Mr. Lee Schubert Presents the Distinguished Star and Exponent of Cheerfulness WM. HODGE One of the Finest and Most Popular Actors through out the East, who is appearing in his greatest Com edy Triumph since “The Man from Home.” The Judge’s Husband The Laughing Success of New York, Chicago and Boston with the entire New York Cast intact and lavish scenic production exactly as presented on Broadway. MAIL ORDERS NOW Orders will be filled in the sequence in which they are received. Please enclose self-addressed stamped envelope to insure safe return of tickets. Prices: Floor $2.75 and $2.20; Balcony $2.20, $1.65, $1.10 and 75c Self Boosting— is no crime if the truth is told. We are not hesitant about telling the public of some of the superior fea tures of the Eugene Hotel because we believe it’s the truth, and our patrons know it. Your parents will enjoy staying at the Eugene. Phone 2000 houses, the villages reconstructed by the government for the farmers whose lands have b$en submerged. Our boat, the “Lotus,” with its party of thirty-five, is navigated by Nubians, whom we have all come to like very much. The Nubian is gentler than the Arab, and does not have the coarse features of the Sudanese. Faces often show delic acy and sensitiveness as well as amiability; that of our aged pilot is a study in patient wisdom. The men work to chanties. When poling us into direction in entering the locks, when heaving the poles that anchor us for the night to the sandy shore, even when scrubbing down the decks, they sing and swing. An agile young leader runs outside the rail, lifting up a strain in high key; the others follow in deep refrain. But instead of invoking “dead men and a bottle of rum” they call upon Allah for help. When they have nothing else to do, the boatmen sometimes gather at the bow to sing and dance to the piping of a yellow turbaned Arab. If the passengers throw* coins or take their photographs they chant together: ^ “Hip, hip, hoory, hip, hip lioory; thank you; very good, very nice, very sweet; thank you.” The owner of The Lotus, Mr. Far ajallah, a Syrian, says that these are a happy peonle because of the qual ity and comradeship among them, that they have few desires outside the circumstances of their life. One incident partly confirms, partly mod ifies this. Yesterday as w*e were passing some of the mud brick vil lages along the banks of the reser voir, the boat was stopped and sev eral sailors were given a half hour in which to visit their homes. The little town was quite emptied of its folk, who came to the waterside with one accord. They stood upon the housetops looking down upon groups of parents, wives and chil dren along the shore, and eagerly listening to the stories of the sailors from their boat. When all was over, the black robed procession of women filed slowly up the hill, and the sailors all too soon rowed back and sadly re-entered the boat. One of these, a new one in the crew, had gone to Cairo twenty years ago to make his fortune and had never se cured money or a job to bring him back to his family until now. These men are obliged to seek J work elsewhere in winter, because of the submergence of their lands; I they return usually for summer and I autumn to till the fields then out of | water. Dr. Powers says: " The Nu bian peasant suffers no loss from the annual inundation.” The ad vantages to lower Egypt are great, in that it equalizes the flow of water, so that crops can be raised the year around. Dr. Powers says j of the dam: “The ease and rapidity | Lingerie and Dainty Clothes Are treated with the ut most care and skill Avhen they are washed in our modernly equipped plant. Domestic Laundry Phone 252 SUMMER SCHOOL Enrollment dates; Monday, June 6, 13, 20. You have your choice of a regular course, or special work. Ask for particulars. It’s a good school, and the rates are reasonable. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E. Roberts, President. Phone 666 992 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon with which these stupendous mech anisms are operated by the power of the imprisoned river is a triumph compared to which the building of Karnak is but. children's play. Whether judged by the mastery achieved or by the beneficence of the end sought, our age need not fear comparison with that of the ' Pharaohs.” Model Seven-three A thousand and one musical THIS marvelous Victrola Radiola, with it* famous Orthophonic tone-chamber, repro duces both records and radio with absolute fidelity and amazing naturalness. You hear both kinds of music as you could in no other way, Come in and see it —- hear it — soon! The \eu y'hibophomc VSniKRBEB -poffm “Victrola with Radiofo LARAWAY’S y#r> ^me Mwfde! Laraway’s Credit Plan Makes It Easy Every man or woman can now wear a Laraway Dia mond Ring. Don’t envy your friends—come to our store and choose a beautiful Diamond Ring— pay us a small amount down and the balance in easy weekly or monthly payments as suits your income. No red tape—no embarrassment—no delay. Take' the Ring along with you. Why do Eugene people wear more beautiful Diamonds than others? Answer— Laraway’s Engagement Diamond and White Gold Wedding Ring Both the ring and the wedding band are of 18 kt. white gold and both are richly engraved in the same motif. The diamond is blue white, and perfect cut! The beauty of these matched rings will be a life-time reminder of the beauty and joy of married life. Make ‘Her” happy! Please “Her” with this delightful combination! It is our supreme effort in value giving. On Convenient Weekly Terms Seth Laraway Diamond Merchant and Jeweler