Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©tegmt iatly
University of Oregon, Eugene
Btj Nath - Managing Editor
Harold . _ Sports Editor
Vlomeo Jones .... .....— Literary Editor—
Henry Alderman-Contributing Editor
Bertram Jessup_Contributing Editor
Paul Luy_ Feature Editor
News and Editor Fnones, oos
DAT EDITORS > Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher, Barbara Blythe,
Bill Haggerty. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace Fisher. __
WIGHT EDITORS: Bob Hall, Supervisor; Wayne Morgan, Jack Coolidge, John Nance,
Henry Lumpee, Leonard Delano.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack O’Meara, Assistant Sports Editor; Dick Syritg, Art Schoeni,
Hoyt Barnett, Dick Jones, Bob Foster.
FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Ruth Corey, John Butler, Joe Sweyd,
LaWanda Fenlason.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge, Bob Galloway.
NEWS STAFF: Grace Taylor, Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten, Dorothy Hater, Kenneth
Boduner, Betty Schultie, Frances Cherry, Margaret Long, Mary McLean, Bess
Duke, Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard, Lucile Carroll, Eva Nealon, Margaret
Hensley, Margaret Clari., John Allen, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy Franklin, Eleanor
Edwards, Walter Coover, Amos Burg. Betty Hagen, Leola Ball, Dan Cheney, Ruth
Milton Goonro_Associate Manaiftr
Herbert Lewis_Advertising Manager
Joe Nei!_Advertising Manager
Larry Thielen _ Foreign Advertising Mgr.
Both Street_Advertising Manager
Francis MCJvenna .... wrcumnuu wuuaBv*
Ed Bissell _ Ass't Circulation Mgr.
Wilbur Shannon _ Circulation Ass't
Alice McGrath .. Specialty Advertising
Advertising Assistants: Flossie Radabaugh, Roderick Larouerie, maurme ^omuaia,
Charles Reed, Bob Moore, Bill Hammond. Oliver Brown.
Offica Administration: Ruth Field. Emily Williams, Lucielle George._
Tha Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of
dM University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during
tba college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice
at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, *2.69 per year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1329.
Business offica phone, 1896._
Day Editor This Issue— Genevieve Morgan
Assistant—Marion Sten
Night Editor This Issue—Bob Hall
Assistant—Sid King
TDEAS arc for the most part
like bad sixpences and we
spend our lives in trying to pass
them off on one another.—Sam
uel Butler.
Smoke and
Be Damned
DO YOU remember, perchance,
that rather uncomfortable es
say of Tolstoy’s entitled, “Why Bo
Men Stupefy Themselves?” That es
say in which, you will recall, the
great Slav, the last practicing Chris
tian, laid it down that you and I
and all such as puff the weed there
by convict ourselves of moral de
The argument was this: “One who
is not living as conscience demands,
one who lacks strength to reshape
his life,” seeks the unholy aid of
things which stupefy “to stifle the
■voice of conscience.”
To be laughed at? Well, dead
maggots are to be laughed at, but
living ones are to bo reckoned with.
And wo might have laughed, even
as you, last night, but this morn
ing in scanning the nows of the day
we chanced upon this:
Three sophomores at Linfield
College will be suspended for the
remainder of the school year for
smoking if today’s recommenda
tions of the honor council to the
faculty and administration is ac
cepted as it is certain to be.
No, we do not laugh.—B. J.
Envy the Fishes;
They Swim
OH, to be a fish!
A' fish, someone has remarked,
has the best chances of graduating
from this university. Not that he
may boast of great intellectual
prowess, but he can swim three
lengths of a tank of his stomach
and one on his back, and thereby
he fulfills a prime requisite for the
B. A. degree.
The fish might bo the source of
envy now for several seniors who
are being reminded that incompleted
physical education requirements, in
most cases failure to pass the swim
ming test, stand between them and
their degrees.
The merits of physical education
and the ability to swim aro evident.
But this, just as conjecture regard
ing the unimportance of degrees, is
beside the point. These considera
fions do not hide in any way the
silliness of a regulation that says
a man is not educated unless he has
exercised exactly so much, and is
able to swim so far. To make scho
lastic achievement, no matter how
distinctive, secondary to such a rul
ing is to make a joke of the uni
versity and the purpose for which
it supposedly exists.
Margaret Achterman, ex927, tells of
Life in Hydaburg, Alaskan Village
Surrounded by Water and Deep Forests, Indians
Find Interest in Fishing and Feasting
A pestilence in their home in
British Columbia drove the Hyda
Indians into Alaska, where they
settled in three villages. They want
ed a community center, but, not
being able to agree on any one of
the three, they formed a new set
tlement in 1911 and named it Hyda
burg, after their tribe, according to
Margaret Acterman, ex ’27, a mem
ber of Sigma Beta Phi, who return
ed to Eugene Saturday after teach
ing school in Hydaburg this year.
“In many ways the Hyda Indians
are like white people, and yet they
have a tendency to keep their old
diatoms,’’ she said. “They are very
fond of community feasts, known
as potlatches. Every once in a while
they have a controversy over witch
craft. If you want to insult an In
dian, call him a witch. The natives
thrash out all family affairs in
community meetings.
“They all speak English, except
a few of the very oldest. I had just
one beginner who could not speak
English, out. of fifteen. I taught the
kindergarten and the first and sec
ond grades.”
The village is on the west coast
of Prince of Wales Island, surround
ed on three sides by the waters of
Sukkwam Bay and on the fourth by
and almost inpenetrable forest of
apruee and hemlock. The village is
divided in the middle by a pictures
que trout brook. Sometimes she
and the three other white people
there would wade up the edge of the
creek into the forest, sit on a log
jamb, and fish. The brook runs
into the bay in front of the gov
ernment owned house where they
lived, and from the front window
could be seen across the bay, gi
gantic snow-capped mountains bo
bind which the sun set.
Sukkwam Village, on an island
across the bay, is deserted, but
there is a community house there
that is so old it was put together
with pegs instead of nails. For pil
lars there are two totem poles. In
the middle there is a fire box, with
a hole in the ceiling for a smoke
vent. Three of four totem poles are
out in front.
The Indians are devoutly relig
ious, according to Miss Achterman.
They have a Salvation Army corps
and a Presbyterian mission church,
with a half-breed minister. She de
scribed a basket-social given to
raiso funds for a now smoke stack
for the saw mill, at which the na
tives spread their snowy table
cloths on the floor; a storm that
arose while they were two hours out
from tho landing in the mail boat
during the Christmas vacations; and
a native wodding held at the church
and followed by a banquet in the
town hall, the food and service be
ing conventional American.
“The white people^ including the
four in the villngo aiul the pastor,
were honored by being seated at the
bride’s table. They had a wedding
cake decorated by an Indian, and
it was as pretty as any I’ve seen, ’ ’
she declared. “Whenever there is a
wedding or other holiday, they go
hunting. They were very generous
about bringing us halibut and veni
A seven-hour journey from Ilyda
burg in a gas fishing boat is Kla
wock, also on Prince of Wales Is
land. It is an older village, and
much moro typically Indian, being
inhabited by the Tlinket Indians.
Ketchikan is about 35 miles directly
east of Hydaburg, and there she
saw Agnes Coates Beck, ’25, and
Kate Pinneo, ’24.
Oregon Scenic Views
Are Sent to Prospects
Seven hundred colored views of
the Three Sisters and of the Oregon
campus lire being mailed to those in
the middles west and east who have
shown interest in the Oregon sum
mer sessions for this year, accord
ing to Alfred Powers, dean of the
extension division, who was on the j
campus yesterday.
California. Washington, and Ida- I
ho head the list of states from j
which the 200 Oor more inquiries |
concerning summer work have ar- !
rived. Iowa, Indiana, and Wiscon- !
sin follow close behind. A number j
of schools, especially in California,
have written asking for more in
ffe seers
Now that Better Music Week is
over why not have a Better Music
ians Week?
• • •
If Mother Nature doesn’t get a
move on pretty soon, we are going
to be having spring fever about the
same time the milliners are showing
the first fall hats.
• • •
Protective June brides will do
well to attend The Bulletin’s cook
ing school.—(Bend Bulletin). An
imaginative person might guess that
they meant “prospective.”
• * *
The secret of success, or how the
Kappas keep their place at the head
of the grade list, is out. You see
it’s this way. Helen Davidson is
the grader for the Living English
Writers class which helps quite a
little bit since Helen herself is tak
ing the course as well as quite a
few of the other wearers of the key.
And Helen knows a good student
when she sees one. Hasn’t she been
at the head of the list all term? Her
sisters follow close at her Trench
heels, also. There it is.
* * *
• * *
The line-up has Patricia Hatch’s
twinkling toes on the left wing.
(This paper.) Let’s see now, how’s
• • •
Ted Leiter and Fred Wilcox reg
istering fear.
Ted Loiter and Fred Wilcox reg
istering joy.
• «■ •
Tlie professor with the shiny blue
serge suit says some people whistle
at their work and others just
EVERY town of no.
MATTER what size has.
ONE I guess and if.
YOU want to know what.
IT IS I am referring to.
IT’S the society matron.
WHO delights in telling.
ALL about her JOHN or.
MARY away at college.
ANI) particularly about
SOME thing that has.
BEEN going on at their house.
WELL the lady I hare in.
MIND had a son studying at.
0. A. C. whose name was.
DAVID and she bored her.
FRIENDS by continually.
TELLING things abcuts. ,
DAVID’S fraternity until.
THE friends called it the.
Judging from the grade list, it
ioesn’t agree with the Delts, Sigma
Dhis, and Phi Delts to have their
formals the same term they hap
pened to be carrying a few hours.
Jack Hempstead’s publicity agent
is quite a writer, I think. For in
stance when she has two stories in
the paper about her meal ticket
she shows herself to be an artist
an the Royal. In one she writes,
‘ Jack Hempstead, two years a var
sity debater and orator and at pres
ent general manager of forensics,”
while in a second she says, “Jack
Hempstead, varsity debater for two
coars and general manager of for
•nsics at present.” That’s real va
riety in writing.
• • •
'theaters „
McDONALD: Last day: Mc
Donald second Anniversary Week
] rogram headed by the first and
only local showing of John Barry
more in “Don Juan,” the screen’s
greatest lover in the greatest ro
mance of all ages, supported by
Mary Astor and ten of the most
beautiful women in America; Anni
versary specialties: Sharkey Moore
and the melodious Merry-Macks in
“Birthday Greetings,” with Harry
Scougal, singing Schubert’s “Ser
enade,” nightly at nine; Frank Al
exander in solo, “Kamennoi-Os
trow,” (The Angel’s Dream) and in
marvelous musical settings on the
super-organ; first complete air
views of the Mississippi flood disas
ter; (matinee special) Felix, the
cat, in “Scooting Through Scot
Coming (Thursday)—Laura La
Plante in “The Love Thrill,” a
sparkling comedy of love, laughs
and life insurance, with Tom Moore
and Bryant Washburn features; al
so, the last of “The Collegians.”
• • •
REX: First day: Ben Lyon in
“High Hat,” with Mary Brian, in
a delightfully farceful comedy dra
ma of the movie studios, where an
aspiring extra wouldn’t take “no,”
and found fame and excitement
linked together in astounding ad
ventures, replete with laughs, mys
tery and romance; Rex comedy and
short subjects; John Clifton Emmel
at the organ.
Coming (Friday) — Carl Laem
mle’s epic of the west, “Men of
Daring,” a stupendous drama of
empire builders, who braved the
perils of the primitive trails to our
great coast country, and of love
that did not falter in the face of
danger; the cast is headed by many
favorites, with thousands in the
supporting company.
• • •
COLONIAL: Today and Thurs
day: Ken Maynard in “Senor Dare
devil.” It’s a drama of the golden
days of the West when the beautiful
went to the brave and the most
beautiful of them all went to the
Senor, because he was the bravest
of them all. Conpedy and news.
Coming Friday: Constance Tal
madge and Ronald Colman in “Her
Night of Romance.”
Measles on Campus;
Annex Now Open
The measles fad which has brok
en out on the campus within the
last two weeks is so popular that,
according to Dr. Fred N. Miller,
University physician, the infirmary
annex has been opened for the nu
merous patients. In order to insure
the best possible care for the sick
a trained nurse has been placed in
charge of the annex.
Six students, both co-eds and
men, are now held in the infirm
ary, with measles.
How to Correct Them
By Helena Rubinstein
International Beauty Specialist
beauty depends
very largely upon
fineness of the
pores. This simple
treatment corrects
oiliness—makes pores invisibly
tiny and keeps complexion clear,
smooth and unblemished.
Each night cleanse with VALAZB
BEAUTY GRAINS, rrty skin enliven-'
ing wash which frees pores of excess
oiliness, blackheads and all impurities
—refines pores —leaves skin velvet*
smooth. 1.00.
For ULTRA sensitive skins (instead of
Beauty Grains) use VALAZB PORE 1
Follow, every other night, with VALAZB
mates—bleaches mildly, creates an ex
quisite skin teflture. 1.00.
On alternate nights, and every morning
FACE CREAM—the only cleansing
cream that benefits oily, pimpled or j
acne-blemished skins—soothes and pro- i
tects. 1.00.
For daytime cleansing and before ap
plying powder VALAZE LIQUIDINE
—refreshes—refines—absorbs oiliness— 1
corrects shine on nose and chin —im
parts flattering finish. 1.50.
The Finest Cosmetics j
LIPSTICKS absolutely pure—protec
tive to the most delicate skin—in a
wide range of extremely flattering tints.
1.00 to 5.50.
At the better stores or direct from
46 West 57th Street, New York
K*S. U. S.
P»t. o«.
Send for SECRETS of
BEAUTY— Edition 27-a
40-page booklet filled with
valuable information on
the scientific treatment of
all beauty-marring con
Oregon Knights—Very important
meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Ad
ministration buiMing. All members
must be present.
Big rehearsal of “Creole Moon”
tonight at 7:30 in Villard hall. All
characters and speaking parts are
expected to report.
Orchesis meeting tonight at 7:30
in the Woman’s building.
Mathematics clnb picnic Thurs
day. Meet at 4 o’clock Johnson hall.
Bring cup and spoon.
Men’s Glee Club meet at assembly
Thursday 11 o’clock.
Meeting of Delta Sigma Bho to
night in the Sociology building at
Pi Sigma business meeting, Wed
nesday at 4 p. m. in room 107, Ore
gon hall.
All juniors from the following
houses report at McArthur court
this afternoon for work on the Jun
ior Prom decorations: Sigma Nu,
Beta Theta Pi, Gamma Phi Beta,
Delta Delta Delta, Hendricks hall.
Margaret D. Creech will be on the
campus Wednesday afternoon, and
all day Thursday and Friday of this
week. She will be 'glad to see any
prospective students who might de
sire to consult her about social
work. Appointments can be made
through the extension division.
Owen Calloway Buyer
For Montgomery Ward
Owen Calloway, 1923, has recently
been appointed Pacific Coast buyer
for Montgomery Ward Company,
with headquarters at San Francisco,
according to Dean E. C. Bobbins of
the sehool of business administra
Since his graduation Mr. Callo
way has been employed by the Port
land branch of Montgomery Ward
Say, she knew them from
the first sprout
“It” is her specialty—
You’ll get yours
Tomorrow, Boy, Tomorrow!
Sally Hughson Taken
III With Diphtheria
Sally Hughson, a sophomore in
education from Portland, is ill at
the Mercy hospital with diphtheria.
She was taken sick yesterday and
confined in the hospital last night.
During the past week, Miss Hugh*
son has been doing her regular
school work.
The members of the Alpha Phi
house of which she is a member are
being innoculated today, but the
house has ritot been quarantined.
Several students who came in con
tact with Miss Hughson are also
being innoculated.
This Pen Must
Stay in Perfect Order
or we make it good without charge
The custom of sending Gifts to Graduates has
now been extended by general accord to include
those in the lower classes who have manifested suffi
cient industry to pass their final exams*
To know what to give, one needs but observe the
students’ own expressions of preference for the Parker
Duofold Pen and Pencil.
To have earned the favor of the younger generation
is our reward lor serving it with studied personalin
terest. We have lifted the frowns from student brows
[among others] by giving the world a writing pair that
are inspirations to work with and beauties to possess.
All those in favor of owning, or giving the finest
— whether for Graduation, Birthday or Wedding
Gifts, or for prizes at Bridge or Golf—will signify by
stepping in to the nearest Parker pen counter. The
first thing to look for is the imprint,“Geo. S. Parker,”
on the barrels. Then nobody will be disappointed.
Parker Duo fold Pencils to match the Pens:
Lady Duofold, $3; Over-size Jr., $3-50; "Big Brother” Over-size, $4
The Parker Pen Company • Janesville, Wis.
The First Cost is
the Last Cost
April 1st we began to ser
vice Dtiofold Pens without
charge. It is useless to pay
more for any Pen.
When its
18,000 degrees—in June
B. A., B. S., E. E., C. E. and many others
soon to be awarded to thousands of students
throughout the land.
Degrees representing a wide variety of work,
and all of them qualifying the graduate to enter
the broad field of electrical communication.
For men of technical training, of course, and
for many others besides—salesmen, accoun
tants, purchasing men, potential executives—
here is an industry in which America leads the
world, but which is only on the threshold of
greater things.
^Western Electric Company
Makers of the Nation’s Telephones
Number 70 of a Stria A