Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1927, Image 1

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Prep Schools
Arrive Here
For Tourney
Plays to Start Each Night
At 8:00; Tickets
At Office
Over Eighty Amateurs
To Appear in Contest
Cup to be Given Winners
Friday Evening
TONIGHT is the premiere open
ing of the High School Drama
Tournament, -which will last three
full days, closing Friday night, May
6, with the presentation of the cup
to the winning group. Ten high
schools have entered, so the Univer
sity will be hosts to at least 85
aspiring young actors. Committees
are taking care of housing and the
Last night members of the cast
of the “Playgoers,” the play that is
to be given by Newberg high school,
arrived. Their director is Miss
Elaine Cooper. She has in the cast,
Lloyd Whitlock, Mabel Brown,
Helen Graham, Fay Finch, Wilma
Cornell, Margaret Gall, Ruby Hod
son and Nels Anderson. p
University high school will give
“The Drums of Oude.” It is direct
ed by Mrs. Edna Assenheimer. The
cast contains Denzil Page, Kermit
Stevens, Wilbur Adams, Charles
Rickabaugh, Lloyd Gardinier, Ray
Foss, Wilbur Jones, Austin Frey
and Ruby George,
x Lebanon Play Wednesday
“The Maker of Dreams” will be
the third play given Wednesday
night. It is under the direction of
Alice M. Oliver, is given by the
* Lebanon school, and contains in its
cast, Zata Fee, Forest Campbell
and Huntington Clark.
Thursday evening four plays are
to be given. They are in order:
“The Heart of Francis” by Eugene
high, directed by Ethel Chase Chris
tie. The participants are Dolly Hor
ner, Angeline Fischer, Dorothy
Wade, Gretchen Wintermeir, Joe
Moore, Russel Prarie, Iris Roadman,
Nell Baxter. Music will be fur
nished by Doris Helen Patterson and
Maidia Gross.
“Much Too Sudden” by Washing
ton high of Portland, directed by
Hilda B. C'arruth. Mary Catherine
Fenton, Sonia Tronsides, Dorothy
Nicholsen, Ellen Sersanous, Mary
Garrett, Betty Knight and Evelyn
Sweetland are taking part.
McMinnville will present “The
Cajun” under the direction of Mrs.
Glennie Mae Early. Elizabeth Da
vidson, Mary Ballen, Gene Inspeep,
Frederick Paul, Leon Redmond and
Warren Dunn make up the cast.
Corvallis, under Miss Libby
Kricheskv. will give the past play
Thursday evening. “The Flower of
Yeddo” will be staged by Wendall
Ball, Susan De Moss, Margaret Lee
and Reginia Dusenberry.
Three Acts Friday
Three plays close the drama con
test. They are “Will o’ the Wisp”
by Milwaukie high school under the
direction of Jeanette H. Elliott.
She has picked Jean Lennard, Mar
garet Dana and Alice Zook.
“Trifles” is to be given by Rose
burg. Under the direction of Lloy4
J. Reynolds are Milford Howard,
Thomas Harefield, Bill Knight,
Pauline Bubor and Daphne Hughes.
Closing the tournament is the
play “The Romancers” presented by
Jefferson high school of Portland
under the direction of Nina L.
Greathouse, assisted by Miss Laber.
The cast includes Junior Brink, Mar
guerite Rarick, Jack Stipe, Bob Van
Nice and George Nicholsen.
The curtain rises each night
promptly at 8 o’clock. No advance
tickets are being sold except in the
high schools; others will have to
purchase them at performance time
from the box office at Guild theater.
Mrs. Esterly Is Guest
Of Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger
Mts. Virginia Judy Esterly, dean
of women, left yesterday for Port
land where she will be the guest
of Mrs. George T. Gerlinger and
Mrs. Pat Allen this afternoon at a
tea in honor of Miss Georgia Ben
son, ’25, whose marriage to Paul
* Patterson, ’26, will take place Mon
day, May 16. Miss Benson, until
the end of the fall term, worked in
the office of the dean of women.
Mr. Patterson is assistant district
attorney at Hillsboro, where they
will make their home.
Mrs. Esterly will attend a recep
tion this evening for Dr. Arnold
Bennett Hall at Mrs. Gerlinger ’s,
and will return Thursday.
Don't Give Up Ship,
There’s Still Food
THE lions and the lambs are
slated for a big food and
foot flinging fiesta at the Campa
Shoppe where a table will be
reserved Friday night for the
candidates who entrusted their
fates to the “fickle whims” of
the students of the elections last
Wednesday. This affair will en
compass and include candidates,
their promoters and managers,
and those who encouraged or dis
couraged the adoption of amend
ments to the Constitution or by
laws. The only charge for this
hospitality is regular prices.
“The first shall be last and the
last shall be first;” therefore,
be it resolved that President
Hugh Biggs be allowed to sit at
the head of the table through
the ability his amendment dis
played in taking it on the chin.
On his right hand will be Wil
liam Powell, and on his left Bob
Foster, each gaining the posi
tions through their electorial
McCroskey to
Try for Pacific
Finals Today
‘The Constitution’ Subject
Of Oration at Meet
At 0. A. C.
At 1:00 today, before the Oregon
Agricultural College assembly, Be
noit McCroskey will represent Ore
gon in the Pacific coast finals of
the Intercollegiate Constitutional
contest. He won the state contest
here in the Music building last Fri
day night.
The winner of today’s oratory
meet, in which all Pacific coast col
leges are eligible to compete, will
enter the national finals in Los
Angeles, June 24. Prizes for the na
tional finals range from $300 to
McCroskey will be accompanied
by J. Stanley Gray, oratory coach,
and Walter Durgan, debate manager.
The Oregon men plan to return to
Eugene tonight.
“The Constitution” is the subject
of McCroskey’s oration.
Benoit McCroskey is a three-year
veteran debater, has represented the
University in oratory two yars, and
is president of Delta Sigma Rho.
He is a junior in pre-law. Last year
he was Oregon’s entrant in the con
stitutional contest but was unable
to enter because of illness.
Two years ago Oregon won fourth
place in the national intercollegiate
contest when Jack Maguire partici
pated, winning an award of $400.
Marion Lowry to Be
Delegate to Conference
Of Theta Sigma Phi
Theta Sigma Phi, women's hon
orary journalism society, has elected
Marian Lowry, major in the school
of journalism, to be delegate to the
national convention of the group in
Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 13,
14, and 15.
There are some 30 chapters of
the society throughout the United
States which will be represented at
the convention. The latter will en
tertain some of the outstanding
women writers of the day.
Miss Lowry is retiring vice-presi
dent and secretary-elect of the so
ciety for next year. While attend
ing the University she is a reporter
and the society editor on The Eu
gene Guard with which she has
been for the past three years. She
was formerly on both the, upper
and lower staff of the Emerald and
a day editor on the publication.
She also served on the Oregana
At the last convention of Theta
Sigma Phi the local chapter was
one of the hostess groups, the con
vention having been held at the
University of Washington, Seajtle.
Mortar Board Elections
To Be This Afternoon
Junior girls are urged to attend
the meeting which will be held to
| day at 5 o’clock in Villard hall to
vote on candidates for Mortar
Board. Each junior will vote for
the 15 girls she considers to be the
most representative in the class,
and the 15 girls who place first will
be rated for scholarship and chosen
on that basis.
“If every junior woman turns
out to vote, the selection will be
representative of the entire class
instead of a small group,” said Es
ther Setters, president of Mortar
Ball Practice j
Prevented by
Wet Diamond
Two Games Here Against
Huskies Next Monday
And Tuesday
Ridings Behind Batter;
Mimnaugh in Outfield
Batting Average of Squad
Sinks to .234
THE Oregon varsity baseball
team ’s strongest opposition, the
weatherman, was successful in his
purpose yesterday afternoon so no
practice was held because of sog
gy condition of the practice field.
With half of the conference
games already played, the Webfoots
ara taking things easy this week
until the two conference games
with the University of Washington
Huskies here next Monday and
Tuesday. There is some chance,
however, that a practice game will
be scheduled with Willamette
university Friday afternoon.
Kiminki on Injury List
Another change has made its ap
pearance in the ranks of the lemon
yellow nine. Gordon Ridings has
been assigned first string catching
honors. Ridings was a member of
last year’s yearling nine as a third
baseman. He has had previous re
ceiving work.
Ridings’ advent into the catching
position will shift George Mimnaugh
into the outfield where he perform
ed in a number of games last year.
Arnie Kiminki is still out of prac
tice with an injured ankle.
According to Coach Billy Rein
hart, Jerry Gunther’s prospects as
a pitcher are getting better all the
time. Gunther made the trip to Se
attle, but didn’t have a chance to
show his wares against the Hus
Hitting Averages
A newly compiled batting aver
age for the lemon-yellow batsmen
in their four conference tilts shows
that the varsity nine has only gar
nered 32 safe bingles out of 137
trips to the plate for an average
of .234. Dave Epps still leads his
teammates in hitting with 8 hits
out of 17 tries for an average of
The batting . averages for the
team are as follows:
Player at bat hit Ave.
Epps . 17 8 .470
Baker . 9 3 .333
Eddy . 11 1 -286
McCormick . 15 1 .266
Kiminki . 8 2 .250
West . 4 1 .250
Dutton . 11 2 .182
Jones . 17 3 .176
Mimnaugh . 13 2 - .154
Gould . 14 2 .143
Johnson . 13 1 .077
Slauson . 1 0 .000
Kuhn .. 1 0 .000
W. A. A. Week-end
Hike to Horepasture
Mountain Planned
Now’s the time of year when the
first hint of spring makes one want
to hike away over the hills, forget
ting there are any such things as
classes. This week-end all girls who
have such a desire will have a
chance to indulge in it in an over
night climb up Horsepasture moun
tain, according to lone Garbe, head
of hiking.
That is, the hike will be taken,
if the weather permits and if enough
signify their intention of going to
make it practicable. On Saturday
afternoon the party will go by auto
mobile 56 miles up the McKenzie
river, where camp will be made for
the night. The 22-mile hike up the
mountain and back will be made
on Sunday, and the return to Eu
gene that evening.
Each person will be expected to
furnish her own food and blankets
for the trip. This will be easier,
Miss Garbe thinks, if several girls
go in together in parties of four
or five each.
All those who are interested are
requested to get in touch with lone
Garbe at 1317, with Miss Shelly, or
sign up on the bulletin board at the
entrance of the Woman’s building.
Anyone who can furnish a car for
the trip will be welcomed with open
arms, for those who cannot get rides
in this way, will have to go up on
the stage.
The hike will count for 22 miles
toward the 70 miles needed to earn
50 points in W. A. A.
Jury Declares
'Fratf Pin Means
Only Friendship
Warner Wins Decision
In Moot Case
Does the boy friend’s fraternity
pin worn by a co-ed mean an en
gagement, or simply an avowed
friendship? This was the question
upon which balanced the decision
in the Griffith-Warner breach of
promise suit held in the Lane county
courthouse last night. The jury
said “no” when it rendered a ver
dict in favor of the defendant.
Just what happened on that ro
mantic night of October 26, 1926,
will never be known. Ruth Griffith
testified that Bob asked her to be
his forever, but Bob says he did not.
He planted his fraternity pin upon
her, he admitted, but it was simply
an expression of friendship.
The defense attempted to prove
by testimony given by Clark Wood
cock, fraternity brother of Bob
Warner, that the planting of fra
ternity pins upon girl friends does
not signify engagement. Accord
ing to his testimony, Woodcock has
planted his one and only pin upon
two girls during the last two years.
Elizabeth Shields, witness for the
plaintiff, testified that fraternity
pins do signify engagements, but
her testimony was refuted by Vir
ginia Russell, her room-mate and
sorority sister. She said that she
did not think Miss Griffith took the
engagement seriously, for she had
often said she was not the marrying
Margaret Woodson and Edward
Kelley represented the plaintiff, and
Hymen Samuels and Robert Mautz
were the councils for the defense.
William G. Hale, dean of the law
school, acted as judge.
Roland Davis Elected
Head of Co-op Board
For Coming Year
Election of officers for the com
ing year was the principle business
transacted at the meeting of the
board of directors of the Co-op yes
Boland Davis was elected presi
dent of the board for the coming
year. Arthur Hamilton will be vice
president; and Allen Boy den secre
A committee of three was ap
pointed to direct the work of the
store during the summer: James H.
Gilbert, acting dean of the college
of literature, science, and the arts;
John H. Bovard, dean of the school
of physical education; and M. F.
McClain, manager of the Co-op.
Gilbert and Bovard are faculty
members of the board of directors.
The system used in running the
store and the work of the mem
bers of the board of directors were
explained to the group by Manager
McClain for the benefit of the new
ly elected members.
Retiring officers and directors of
the board are: Ralph Staley, presi
dent, senior; Pat Hughes, vice
president, senior; and Arthur An
derson, sophomore elected last year
to serve for one year.
Dr. Williams to Visit
On Campus Two Days
Dr. J. F. Williams, head of the
physical education department of
Columbia university, New York, will
arrive on the campus Sunday for
a two-day visit.
The program planned in Dr.
Williams’ honor consists of a trip
up the McKenzie river, Sunday, by
the members of the University Phy
sical Education club. Monday at IX
a. m., Dr. Williams will give a talk
in the auditorium of the Music
building for men and women phy
sical education majors and faculty.
The noted educator is coming
west to take part in the dedication
of the new woman’s gymnasium at
O. A. C., May 6 and 7.
Motion Picture Tests
Postponed ’til May 9
The motion picture screen con
test has been postponed until Mon
day, May 9., Daniel P. Cheney, rep
resentative, announced yesterday
after receiving a communication
from the company.
Pledging Announcement
Pot and Quill, women’s local
honorary writing society, an
nounced the pledging of
Miriam Olds,
Ruth Newton,
Florence Hurley.
Five Slated
For Jobs on
Next Emerald
Harold Mangum Gives
Walter Coover Position
Of Associate
Robert Galloway, ’29,
To Be Managing Editor
Johnston and M. Clark
Are Selected
FIVE appointments to next year’s
Emerald staff were made yester
day by Harold Mangum, editor
elect. These ap
pointments are or
dinarily reserved
for the final Emer
ald of the term,
but they have been
advanced this year
because of many
important changes
being planned for
next year which
will require prep
aration during the
remainder of this
Harold juangum semester.
All of the persons appointed have
had considerable experience on the
Emerald or other newspapers. The
business manager will probably be
named today at a meeting of the
executive council. Further staff ap
pointments will be made next fall.
Walter J. Coover, junior in jour
nalism from Portland, has been
chosen as associate editor; Robert
Galloway, sophomore in journalism
from Cottage Grove, managing edi
tor; Arden X. Pangborn, Portland,
sporting editor; Donald Johnston,
Maplewood, feature editor; and
Margaret Clark, Portland, society
Coover Named Associate
Coover, named associate editor,
has been on the Emerald staff for
three years. His freshman year ho
was on the news staff, during his
sophomore year ho was a night edi
tor and this year he has been P. I.
P. editor as Well as a reporter.
Coover is a pledge of Sigma Delta
Chi, national honorary journalism
fraternity for men.
Galloway, managing editor for
next year, is at present on the up
per news staff of the paper. Last
year while on the news staff he won
the first prize for the best indi
vidual reporting, and also for the
largest number of tips turned in.
This year he was a day editor, fall
term, and was publicity chairman
for Homecoming and the Semi-Cen
tennial celebration.
He is acquainted with the me
chanical as well as the editorial
work of the paper, having been em
ployed on the Cottage Grove Sen
tinel for three years before entering
University. Since entering Univer
ity ho has done part-time mechan
ical work. During the last legisla
tive session he was employed Jry the
Oregon Voter at Salem. He is a
ledge of Sigma Delta Chi, men’s
journalism fraternity.
Pangborn Sports Editor
Pangborn, who has been appoint
ed sports editor, is a former Morn
ing Oregonian sports writer. This
year he has been Oregonian sports
writer for the University, and has
also done reporting for the Emerald.
Johnston, the new feature editor,
has written feature material since
his entrance into the University.
He has been a member of the Em
erald feature staff for two years,
has written humor for the Webfoot,
| campus magazine, and has been a
S member of the feature staff for this
year’s Oregana. He is a Seven Seer,
organization of campus humorists.
Margaret Clark has been re-ap
pointed society editor. Miss Clark
is at present society editor of the
Emerald. She was a member of the
Emerald news staff prior to her
present appointment.
R. O. T. C, Will Begin
Regular Drill Today
Two weeks leave from It. O. T. C.
classes for freshmen and sophomores
ends tomorrow, when regular drill
periods must be attended, as well
as the parade, officially the “Regi
mental Review and Escort to Col
Another such review will be held
the following week, the President’s
Review will be May 18, and the
Governor’s Review May 25, closing
the season.
‘Four Bits9 Today
Keeps Expose Away
BOB FOSTER and Procter
Flanagan, two of the young
men who have drawn censure
from the discipline committee for
alleged participation in the re
cent April Frolic, are still hold
ing a sack in their campaign for
money to pay for damages to
the Woman’s building that night.
Their deadline is noon today,
They have gathered a list of
approximately 50 names of men
who were also present, but who
haven’t been apprehended. Un
less those implicated come
through with four bits apiece to
day, their names will be pub
lished tomorrow. The list is at
present in Dean Walker’s hands.
Money can be given to Dean
Walker, Procter Flanagan, or
Bob Foster, or it can be left at
either the Phi Psi or Sigma Chi
houses. If the missing brass vase
and fire extinguisher return, the
cost will be lightened.
Animal Play Day
To Be May 14,
' At Corvallis
Oregon, O. A. C. Women
To Contest in Hockey
And Baseball
Play Day, which is an annual
event between the women of Ore
gon and of 0. A. C., will be held
this year on Saturday, May 14, at
Corvallis, according to word received
from there by Myrtle Mast, presi
dent of W, A. A.
There will be participation in two
major sports, baseball and hockey,
as well as a game of horseshoes.
So far, there is no Oregon horseshoe
team, but the sport managers are
confident that there is a lot of good
material available, so they aren’t
worrying. If anyone has ability in
that line, they will have a good
chance to demonstrate it at this
time, and get a trip to Corvallis.
The girls will have an opportun
ity to see the polo game between
O. A. C., Washington and California
while they are in Corvallis. There
will also be a social swim at 4
o ’clock in the afternoon, but there
will be no competition in this sport.
This program eliminates tennis,
canoeing, and the horseback riding
demonstration. The girls have put
in a lot of work on the latter, how
ever, and the demonstration will
probably be given here sometime
during the term.
Play Day is scheduled at O. A. C.
at the time of their Junior week
Ruth Scott has been appointed
general chairman of transportation.
One largo bus, holding thirty or
forty passengers, has been char
tered for the trip. As many privato
automobiles as are available and
as wfill bo needed will also be
taken, said Myrtle Mast.
Varsity Lands Win in
Water Fight; Ladies
Invited to Polo Meet
A barracuda, wolf of tlio -ea,
would have put, its tail between its
hind flippers and sought a drain
pi fie, if it has been in the tank with
the fighting frosh and varsity water
polo teams last night. Coach Aber
crombie shouted himself hoarse,
spectators were soaked, and many
were the sears received by the
battling tinmen in the fray.
Five to six, varsity, was the final
score, the winning goal being made
by Boggs with a swift backhanded
throw in the last minute of play.
At the end of the half the babes,
who last week trounced the upper
classmen, 3-0, were one goal behind,
4-3, and a desperate rally failed to
count up enough to top the score.
Tteed, varsity, and Silverman,
frosh, were high point men, with
three goals to their credit. “Wigs”
Fletcher made two straight splashes
for the varsity, while Anderson,
Sharp, and Boggs each contributed
In the last ten seconds of the
play, there was a regular massacre
at the edge of the frosh goal, with
about six men piling on each other,
the whistle stopped the game
just in time to prevent another
The ladies’ night of the series
> will be held next Thursday evening
I at 7 o’clock. Bleachers will be put
I up for their convenience.
Canoe Fete
Declared Off
For This Year
Committee Makes Final
Decision at Meeting
Last Night
Future Events Not
Affected by Action
Plans of Week-end An
nounced by Chairmen
THEBE will not be a canoe fete.
This decision was reached last
night by the executive committee in
charge of the event af^er carefully
considering all angle,. >f the case.
Dean H. Walker, Jack, Benefibl,
Prank Biggs, junior class president,
Herbert Socolofsky, canoe fete
chairman, and Don Beelar, general
chairman, composed the committee
which made the final announcement.
“Prom a sound business stand
point, we think it would be foolish
to attempt to stage a fete this
year,” Socolofsky said. “We have
consulted engineers and officials of
the University and have come to
the conclusion that it would not be
practical. The tremendous expense
of putting in a bulkhead and then
taking the chance of complications
which might arise are reasons for
our decision.”
No Effect Later
“We realize that the canoe fete
is an institution and tradition at
Oregon and because of the senti
ment which naturally surrounds such
an event the committee made every
effort to carry it through success
fully,” the chairman declared. “I
see no reason, however, why this
year should in any way affect future
Details of every particular of
Junior Week-end festivities were
made known last night at the junior
class meeting held in Villard hall.
The general plans for the “week-end
program were outlined by Beelar,
while members of the directorate
told of the various phases of the
week end activities as planned.
Two Revenue Sources
Because the Junior Bevue and
Junior Prom will be the only
sources of revenue this year to
meet the tremendous expenses of
the week-end activities considerable
effort is put forth to make these
events successful. The Bevue will
take place on Parents Week-end and
students are asked to order tickets
early in order to assure their get
ting a sufficient number. Don Mc
Cook, manager of the Bevue, has
called a meeting of the organiza
tions’ representive committee which
will be held this afternoon at 4
o’clock in room 4, Johnson hall.
At this meeting instructions for the
sale of tickets and seating plans
will be given out. Several novel
advertising ideas have been ar
ranged including an areoplane stunt
Tharsd,ay before the Bevuq. A1
Clark and Clinton Mitchell will drop
dodgers from the air over the cam
pus on which will be fifteen lucky
numbers. The holders of these
numbers will receive free tickets
to the Bevue.
monies to nance
The Ponies will dance at the
Campa Shoppe Friday night and one
of the choruses will take part in
the assembly program May 12,
Benoit McCroskey, in charge of the
Revue, said.
Junior Prom decorations will
start today, Bill Powell, chairman
i of the Prom, announced. Aztec de
sign will be carried out in the en
tire scheme and bunting will reach
t from the ceiling to the floor of Me
Arthur court, making a false ceiling
■ unnecessary, Powell said. Because
; of the tremendous amount of work
in the decorating of the building all
juniors have been asked to assist.
Luncheon Planned
Pauline Stewart, chairman of the
campus luncheon, is making plans
for the serving of 3,000. The lunch
eon will be held in front of Deady
hall if the weather is fair and in the
men's gymnasium if it rains, Miss
Stewart said. Nellie Johns will act
as assistant while Norma Lee Stamp
and Naomi llagensen will work on
the committee.
Because of the parched mill race
the annual tug-of-war will take
place on Kincaid field, Bill McGreg
or, ehairmaicof this part of the pro
gram, announced. Two sections of
a fire hose have been secured from
the fire chief and permission to use
the fire faucets for the event has
been given by the water department.
Details of the plan have not yet
been worked out, McGregor said.
Beryl Hodgen was appointed chair
, man in charge of the painting of the
(Continued cm page three)