Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Many felt the urge to visit their
homes this last week-end and con
sequently some of the houses on the
campus were rather quiet. On the
other hand several organizations
had guests and entertained with
formal dances, spring dances and
sport dances. Unless the weather
becomes more settled on week-ends,
however, many picnics and outdoor
entertainments will be cancelled
this term.
Guests at the Hendricks hall
sport dance entered the Frolic Inn,
former country club, via a gang
plank. The Inn was decorated to
resemble a yacht with the pilot’s
wheel, lanterns, rope railings and
the like. Programs in the shape of
a canoe carried out the aquatic
motif. The feature was a modern
interpretation of the sailor’s horn
pipe. by Miss Margaret Holbrook
The patrons and patronesses were
President and Mrs. Arnold Bennett
Hall. Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly,
Dr. Ray P. Bowen, Mr. William
Maddox, and Miss Consuelo Mc
Chi Omega held their formal open
house Saturday afternoon and eve
ning. Guests were shown through
all the rooms in the house which
were attractively arranged and dec
orated with spring flowers. The
giving room was decorated with
lovely baskets of flowers, which were
sent with congratulations and best
wishes from different organizations.
Many alumnae were visiting at the
house for the week-end. In the re
ceiving line were Miss Betty Easter
day, Mrs. Lydia Benefiel, Mrs.
Gladys Clark, and Mrs. L. E. Wood
Refreshments were served in the
dining room. The table was decor
ated with an elaborate centerpiece
of all spring flowers. Pouring dur
ing the afternoon were: Mrs. P. E.
Snodgrass, Mrs. Rudolf Ernst, Mrs.
Ruby Goodrich, Mrs. Arnold Ben
nett Hall, Mrs. Henry D. Sheldon,
Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly, and
Mrs. C. V. Boyer. During the eve
ning, their places were taken by
Mrs. A. H. Sehroff, Mrs. Prince L.
Campbell, Mrs. Campbell Church,
Mrs.. George Rebec, Mrs. John J.
MeEwan, and Mrs. Marion F. Mc
Clain. There was music during the
entire time.
The dean of women and the house
mothers of the Oregon Agricultural
College spent a delightful afternoon
last Tuesday at the Murray Warner
museum in the Woman’s building
looking over the beautiful collec
tion of art presented by Mrs. War
ner. They also had the privilege of
meeting Mrs. Warner, who has re
cently returned from the Orient.
They were received by Mrs. Lucy
Perkins and the house-mothers of
the University. Tea was served in
the porceline and .bronze room by
members of the Alpha Delta Pi
house. Several of the women were
guests at the different houses on the
• * *
The engagement of Miss Moreita
Howard to Alexander William Pig
got was announced Friday at the
Alpha Delta Pi house. Miss Howard
graduated from the University in
the class of ’21 and has been teach
ing science at Franklin high school
in Portland. Mr. Piggot attended
the University of Mississippi and
Anna Q. Nilsson
Holbrook Blinn
Chas. Murray
Usual Prices
International News
now jives in Seattle, wnere ne is
working for the Olympia Construc
tion Company. They will take a
! wedding trip east and will live in
Seattle after their return. The date
of the wedding has been set for
June 18.
• • •
| Miss Mary Stewart, secretary to
j the dean of women, visited her
home in Portland this week-end.
Theta Sigma Phi, women’s honor
! ary journalism fraternity, held a
literary meeting Sunday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Eric W. Allen
in honor of the members of Sigma
Delta Chi, men’s honorary journal
ism fraternity, and the journalism
faculty of the University. Mr.
Stephenson Smith talked to the
group on “The Art of Framing
• • •
The members of Kappa Alpha
Theta were hostesses at a dance Sat
urday evening at the chapter house.
The dance was very informal and
was given in honor of guests which
were visiting at the house for the
week-end. Jack Coolidge gave a
feature oil his •banjo. The patrons
and patronesses were Mrs. George
Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merrill
aiul M’-s. Charleston.
# * *
A spring dance was sponsored by
the members of Alpha Phi sorority
last Saturday evening. The rooms
were decorated with spring flowers
and the programs were in the shape
; of fanse. The patrons and patron
esses were Mrs. Henry W. Augus
tine, Mrs. Charles G. Gret, Mrs.
Lucy Abrams, and Mrs. J. W. Kays.
* » *
The marriage of Miss Phyllis
Coplan and Mr. Delbert G. Finnigan
took place Thursday night in the
chapel of Saint Michael and All
Angel’s church. Mr. and Mrs. Fin
nigan both attended the University
of Oregon, where Mrs. Finnigan was
a member of Alpha Chi Omega and
Mr. Finnigan was affiliated with
Sigma Nu.
• • •
An informal dance was given by
the members of Delta Zeta on Sat
urday evening, April 30. The rooms
were decorated with apple blossoms,
moss, ferns, shrubbery, and pots of
flowers in the corners of the room.
The members of the alumnae were
guests and there were about 44
couples in all. Two girls gave an
interpretative dance to carry out
the spring atmosphere of the dance.
The patrons and patronesses 'were
Mr. and Mrs. Kobert D. Horn, Mrs.
Katherine Yerex, and Mrs. Grace
Miss Elizabeth Blanchard has re
cently returned from Dallas, Texas,
where she attended the convention
of Theta province of Delta Delta
Delta. Miss Blanchard traveled
with the delegates from Oregon Ag
ricultural College and made the trip
through California, being gone about
two weeks.
The raftsman’s club was the scene
of the Susan Campbell hall formal
last Saturday evening. The room
was decorated in pink and lavender
| “Skin-clearing
[ Masterpiece”
•j Created by
VALAZE Beautifying
Skinfood—clears, puri
fies, whitens and refines
the skin. Removes light
tan, freckles, sallowness
and muddinesst; and restores
• the delicate transparency
I and glow of youth. This
, unique cream is not, as its
] name suggests, a tissue
| builder, but an indispen
sable regulator and ani
mator of every skin. As nec
essary to the beauty of the
skin as air is to life. 1.00,
Carroll’s Pharmacy
730 Willamette St.
crepe paper streamers, palms, and
bouquets of lilacs, tulips and irises.
Miss Bell Hayes gave an interpreta
tive dance. The patrons and pat
ronesses were Miss Fanny McCam
mant, Mr. A. W. Shepherd, Miss
Ernestine Troemel, Mr. Hugh C.
Frame, Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly,
and Mr. Howard Van Nice. .
Miss Maxine McClain, Miss Helen
Borden, and Miss Margaret Agnew
visited at the Delta Delta house at
O. A. C. last week-end. While they
were there they attended the Mil
itary Ball and a dance at the chap
ter house.
The members of Psi appa frater
nity were hosts at a formal grille
dance at the Eugene hotel last Sat
urday evening. The tables were
decorated with centerpieces of
tulips. The patrons and patronesses
for the dance were Dr. and W. H.
Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harpnn,
and Captain and Mrs. J. J. Me
Miss Kathryn Ulrich, Miss Esther
Setters, Miss Myrtle Mast, and Miss
Nellie Johns have recently returned
from the east where they have at
atended conventions. Miss Ulrich
and Miss Setters attended the Wom
en’s League convention at Chicago
and Miss Mast and Miss Johns were
delegates to the national conven
tion of Women’s Athletic Associa
tions. •
• • •
A formal grille dance was given
at the Eugene hotel by the mem
bers of Alpha Chi Omega last Sat
urday evening. The tables were
decorated with spring flowers and
the programs were of batik work.
Miss Louise Storla. did a feature
dance and Miss Gretchen Kier and
Miss Leota Biggs sang. The pat
rons and patronesses were: Judge
-and Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Bell, Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Boynton, Mrs. Anna C. Hart,
and Mis Virginia Judy Esterly.
* * *
An informal spring dance was
given by Thacher cottage on Fri
day evening. The rooms were dec
orated with lilacs and irises. Dur
ing the evening balloons were dis
tributed with the name of a part
ner for one of the dances attached.
The patronesses were Mrs. Anna C.
Hart, Mrs. Lucy Abrams, and Mrs.
Henry W. Augustine.
» * *
A French cabaret, carried out
even to having the punch served
from bottles packed in ice and
placed under each table in a bucket,
was the motif for the informal
dance given by the members of
Gamma Phi Beta on Friday eve
ning. Teel O’Hara give the feature.
Mrs. Josephine Stewart was the
* * *
The members of Orchesis gave
Miss Lillian Stupp a Jjhrewell
breakfast at Lucille's tea room on
Sunday morning. The table was
decorated with moss in which wild
flowers were placed so that they
seemed to grow from the table.
About fourteen members were pres
ent. Miss Stupp will not be at the
University next year.
• • •
Gamma Phi Beta entertained at
their house Friday night with a de
lightful grille dance. Spring flowers
and paintings furnished decorations.
Bottles of punch in iced containers
lent an exotic atmosphere.
(Continued from page one)
voiee affair. On the trip to Port
land, Colin seemed in very good
condition, according to those mak
ing the trip with him. About a half
an hour before the matches start
ed, he seemed unusually quiet, that
is for an orator, and before his
match started lie was unable to ev
en acknowledge the introduction to
his opponent. He managed, however,
to win this match, and in the dou
bles, playing with Richard Edge,
who has a wonderful voice, the, pair
obtained enviable results.
That evening Cohn looked wor
ried, and after a restless night
came the dawn. The nerve-shattered
Cohn took the court with O’Hara
and lost, tout in the doubles with
Edge doing the talking the lemon
yellow combination starred, taking
the match from the Winged “M”
racquet wielders.
The complete results of Satur
day’s matches follow:
Singles, Henry Neer, Oregon, de
feated F. C. Smith, Multnomah, 6-4,
7- 5. Rogers MacVeigh, Multnomah,
defeated Clare Hartman, Oregon,
6-4, 6-0. Edgar O ’Kara, Multnomah
defeated Mel Cohn, Oregon, 6-4, 6-0.
A. S. Froham, Multnomah, defeated
Toni Cross, Oregon, 4-6, 8-6,
8- 6. Dick Edge, Oregon, defeated
W. D. Green, Multnomah, 6-4, 6-3.
Roy Okerberg, Oregon, defeated
Gardner Brown, Multnomah, 6-2,
4-6, 6-2.
Doubles, Okerberg and Neer de
feated Smith and MacVeagh 6-4,
Lest We Forget—
- Mother’s Day is May 8. You’ll find just
the right token at the—
Aladdin Gift Shop
“Tasteful Gifts for University People”
Today and
Sharkey Moore
and the
Hits and Bits
Frank’s Musical
Neal Bums
“Cash and Carry’’
Semi-Annual Attraction
from May 2 to 7, inclusive
Haircut and Shingle
Neck Clip .
Marcelle .
Reset .
Bobby Pins .
Colgate’s Shaving
Soap .
1 for 5c—1 Free
2 for 15c—two Free
Hair Tonic aiul Dandruff Remedy
in bulk, bring container.
GIoco, $1.50 value, for .75c
Lucky Tiger Dandruff Remedy,
limit one of each to a customer,
$2.00 value, for ..$1.00
I Eugene’s Largest and Most Modem Shop, uses a Sterilizer for Each Operator.
| Odd Fellows Bldg.
882 Oak Street
5- 7, 6-2. Hartman and Cross
defeated Frohman and Hauser, 7-5,
6- 2. Cohn and Edge defeated J. H.
Mackie and Brown 2-6, 6-2,
Mrs. Ernst’s Address
To be Published Soon
A request has been made for the
publication of the talk given re
cently by Mrs. Alice Henson Ernst,
assistant professor of English, be
fore the Salem Women’s club. The
article will appear in a Sunday lit
erary seetion of the Salem States
man. It is a study of the main cur
rents of thought in the present day
Classified Ads
TYPING WANTED—Theses, term
papers, short stories, etc. Exper
ienced stenographer. Paper fur
nished, ono carbon copy free. My
electric typewriter insures clear
cut carbons. Samples and prices
gladly furnished. Attention given
to spelling and punctuation, if de
sired. Public Stenographer, Eu
gene Hotel. Phone 228-J, Ees.
phone Springfield 111-W. 27-8-9-30
SOME MEDICAL student can save
a lot of money on a good micros
cope. It is made by the Spencer
Lens Company, like those used at
the II. of O. The number of the
instrument is ‘26478 and is left for
sale by a customer. Bristow’s,
formerly called Lnckey’s Jewelry
Store. " a29-30-M3-4
drama evolving from the back
ground of the age of realism into
modern expressionism, which is cur
rent in various phases of art. Mrs.
Ernst is at present writing on re
lated subjects of the theater.
Afternoon Hunger
With a couple of tasty
candy bars
Campus Grocery
1249 Alder
Groceries at Cut Prices
With Flowers
Mothers Day, Sunday, May 8
Send Her Favorite Flowers
Chase Gardens Florists
Corner 9th and Oak
Phone 1950
There joy and a feel
ing of security among
hunted men, for “Eagle
Eye,” the untiring and re
lentless, has gone into re
tirement never to take the
trail again.
“Yes,” he said, “I have
sold my many disguises
and I’m through. For the
first time in my career as a
detective, I’ve failed to
get my man.”
“It is a year now since
I first went in search of
a cough in an Old Gold
Cigarette. I have yet to
find it.”
“I have found thou
sands (of men who were
glad to cough up 15 cents
for a package of Old
Golds, but not one of
them ever coughed after
smoking them.”
“Still I made a great
discovery . . . that you
can’t beat Old Golds for
smoking satisfaction, and
that they won’t irritate
even the sensitive throats
of opera singers.”
“I crave food!”
“Here’s a coin. Let’s flip to decide where we’ll
“Flip nothing! There’s no question in ray mind. I’m
going right across the street to the Peter Pan.”
Peter Pan
10th and Willamette Phone 1096