Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 28, 1927, Image 1

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Donald Beelar New President of Associated Students
Varsity Nine
Off Tonight
For Seattle
Husky Squad to be Met in
Two Game Series
This Week-end
Reinhart Spends Time
On Pitchers in Practice'
Injuries Affect Throwing
Ability of Flingers
,rf''lOACH Billy Reinhart, 14 var
sitv baseball players and Har
old Brumfield, manager, leave to
night at 7:15 for Seattle where the
Lemon-Yellow meets the University
of Washington Huskies in a two
game series, Friday and Saturday.
The Puget Sou^d games mark the
varsity's second conference series.
Last night’s practice consisted
mainly of trying out pitchers. Rein
hart had fiinger after flinger on the
mound, each heaving to the varsity
swingers. Bill Baker is the only
pitcher who has shown much stuff to
date. Freddy West, who Reinhart
figured quite extensively on at the
beginning of the season, is suffering
from an infected shoulder muscle.
He is making the trip and should
the shoulder respond to treatment
by that time, the little right hander
will start Saturday’s fracas.
Search for Hurler
Jerry Gunther, the latest try in
the box, will accompany the team
north. Gunther worked out last
night, but has been taking it too
■strenuously the past few days, and
is bothered with a sore elbow. Dave
Epps is also a new comer on the
mound, and according to Reinhart
last night, the big left fielder may
get a chance to perform on the hil
lock. Epps has quite an assortment
of curves, but has had little chuck
ing experience.
For southpaw hurling, Reinhart
will depend on Lefty Macdonald
and Art Schoeni. Macdonald worked
in several of the pre-conference
games, but is troubled with a lack
of control. Schoeni has done little
throwing thus far, as an injured
back has kept him from the mound.
In case West’s shoulder is not im
proved Schoeni will start the sec
ond game.
Baker to Start
Bill Baker will assume the pitch
ing burden in Friday’s game and
should make it interesting for the
northerners. Baker scored a win
(Continued on page four)
Excursion to Newport
Planned by Scientists
For April 30 and May 1
An excursion to Newport under
the auspices of the departments of
geology and biology for members
of the faculty and student body'
who may be interested is planned
for April 30 and May 1. A special
train will be chartered for the ex
cursion and it is necessary for a
hundred persons to sign up to make
the trip possible. About sixty have
already signified their intentions of
The biological phase of the ex
cursion will occupy the morning
hours of May I from 6 to 8:30 and
the geological, the rest of the day.
Outlines will be given out on the
train so that those who are going
for the educational phase will know
the purpose of the trip. Geology
students will be given outlines, and
the biology students, a biological
check list of animals which they
are expected to see some time dur
ing the excursion. Biology students
will study especially the marine
fauna on the reefs near the light
The train will leave the campus
at 1 o’clock Saturday, and will
leave Newport at 5, Sunday, arriv
ing on the campus at 10 o’clock.
Round trip tickets are $4.00; any
one wishing to go will kindly notify
Dr. E. L. Packard, professor of
geology, or Dr. A. R. Moore, head
of the department of zoology.
Voters Set Record
At Polls Yesterday
WHETHER it was the heat
ed discussion Ihat this year
preceded election on account of
the proposed amendment con
cerning the Emerald editorship,
or whether it was the sudden
change from June weather to
April showers, the largest vote
recorded in Emerald files was
yesterday cast at the University
Of 3054 students enrolled, 1740
this year cast votes for the pres
idency. In 1920, 1186 were en
tered for this office, ,Carlton
Savage being elected. In 1921
Lyle Bartholemew become po
tentate with a total of 1025
votes cast, a slight decline from
the 1920 record.
John MacGregor in 1922 took
office after 1241 votes had been
thrown into the box. With a
total of 1450, Randall Jones in
1924 received the title of pres
ident, and Walter Malcolm be
came head after 1536 marks had
been made on the ballot for
president in 1926. For Hugh
Biggs and his opponent, James
Johnson, 1556 votes were cast.
S. S. Smith’s New
Book on Comedy
Now Completed
Ten Chapters Devoted
To Study of Social
Idea in Comedy
“As for the English comedy, it is
furtherest from my intent to deny
it an independent life, gay, viva
cious, full of caprice, and follow
ing its own bent apart from all his
tory outside its own. But I want
here to find out how far, since 1860,
it has been like the play going on
upon the ‘Great Stage of the
World,’ as Calderon called his best
morality,” says S. Stephenson
Smith, assistant professor of Eng
lish, in his recently-completed book,
“The Social Idea in Comedy, 1860
to 1920.”
“As sixteenth century comedy
came from the tavern and the uni
versity, restoration- comedy from
the court and the boudoir, eigh
teenth century comedy from the
drawing-room and the country
house; so the Victorian comedy
emerged from the clubs, to be
promptly impounded by the ladies,
and endowed with the proprieties,
the etiquette, and the decorous ro
manticism of the tea-table. Against
this influence, slightly dampening to
the spirits of high comedy, the writ
ers were to struggle in vain, even
when they adopted French farce;
until in the late nineties Thalia
was shown into still stranger com
pany by George Bernard Shaw,”
the author explains.
One of the ten chapters is de
voted to Shaw, in which he is com
pared to Don Quixote, with Sidney
Webb for his Sancho Panza. “And
he has not slashed at the winesacks,
fought with Biscayan monks such
as Max Nordau the pessimist and
(Continued on page four)
Dr. Smith to Relate
Philippine Experiences
An illustrated lecture on Spanish
influence in the Philippines will be
given by Dr. Warren D. Smith of
the geology department at 7:30 to
night in Condon hall before Sigma
Delta Pi, honorary Spanish club.
It is open to the public.
The lecture will be in the form of
a travelogue, combed from the ex
periences and observations of Dr.
Smith during 12 years of explora
tion on the islands when he pene
trated the interior of the large is
j lands from Formosa to Borneo. He
was the first white man to conduct
j a scientific expedition across the
| island of Mindanao and one of the
| first jnen to cross the island. Part
! of the way the men had to bore a
' tunnel through a jungle so dense
, that they were unable to ascertain
I the direction of the sun.
And Athlete
Speaks Today
Dr. Bruce Curry to Speak
To Students Today
At Assembly
Trip Will be Made to
Washington, W. S. C.
Edward Best to Give Solo;
Hall to Preside
BRUCE CURRY, noted Bible
study leader, athlete, and phil
osopher, will address the assembled
students this morning. Dr. Curry
lives in Berkeley, California, where
he teaches at the Pacific School of
Religion, and has in the past been
a tennis and football man at Prince
ton, besides being the author of
several religious texts. He has a
Ph. D. from Columbia university.
“Bruce Curry has the respect and
affection of thousands of students
all over America and Europe. He
was the unanimous choice of the
country for chairman of the recent
Milwaukee National Student Con
ference representing the Christian
life of many hundreds of colleges.
“Several years a professor in the
Biblical Seminary, New York City,
and taught in Dr. Fosdick’s place at
Union Theological Seminary last
year while the latter was in Eur
He addressed O. A. C. students
Wednesday evening, and will be on
the Oregon campus until Sunday
afternoon. He will hold aimilar
week-end conferences at the Uni
versity of Washington and at W. S.
C. He will occupy the pulpit of the
First Presbyterian church at Port
land, for three or four days next
Dr. Curry is a graduate of the
Columbia Theological Seminary and
studied at the University of Vir
ginia from 1877 to 1879, and in
1897, received his D. D. at South
western Presbyterian university at
Clarksville, Tennessee. He was
moderator at the general assembly
of the Presbyterian church of the
United States in 1921.
Edward Best, University student,
will play a violin solo at the as
sembly, and Barbara Edmunds will,
accompany him.
Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, presi
dent of the University, will preside.
The Reverend H. W. Davis, director
of United Christian work on the
campus, will give the invocation.
Golf Addicts Seeking
Donut Fame Must End
First Round by May 10
Divot-diggers, better known to
campus denizens as golf players,
have been given free leash by the
donut authorities, with the result
that they will soon be tearing at
each other right merrily.
The matches between the eight
pairs entered are to be 18 holes,
best ball winning. The play will be
in foursomes and the scores are to
be turned in to Bob Giffen at the
Men’s gymnasium.
The first round of the tournament
must be played before May 10, and
the clubbers are to fix their own
playing time and place.
Drawings for the first round of
the tournament are: Phi Sigma Kap
pa vs Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Tau
Omega vs Friendly hall, Phi Gamma
Delta vs Chi Psi, Independents vs
Psi Kappa.
Dr. Young Undergoes
Successful Operation
F. G. Young, dean of the school of
sociology, was operated on success
fully yesterday morning at the Pa
nic Christian hospital by Dr. George
Hurley. He has not been meeting
his classes since a week ago Monday,
the day following the first attack of
his illness.
See Europe on Easy
Terms, Latest Plan
LIKE to go to Europe this
Would you care to “drink deep
in art, antiquity and culture for
less than you can stay at home”?
“Go to Europe and visit many
countries; be looked for as an
honored guest and royally re
ceived in each center.”
What? No money?
Don’t let that worry you. The
crowning example of modernity
in student European tour pamph
lets has just been received by
Dead Virginia Judy Esterly from
the Student Internationale, Little
Building, Boston, Massachusetts.
In flaming red type calculated
to arouse the passion of travel
in collegiate breasts the follow
ing glorious news for optimiste
cosmopolitans is written:
“Europe on Credit. Our Plan,
Small down payment. Balance
ten monthly payments after you
return. Five per cent discount
for cash.”
McCroskey Will
Give Oration in
Contest Friday
Winner Competes in May
For Chance to Enter
National Finals
Benoit McCroskey, Oregon debat
er and orator, will represent Oregon
tomorrow night in the Intercolleg
iate Constitutional contest to' be
held in the music auditorium at
8:00. “The Constitution” is the sub
ject of his oration.
All colleges in the state are eli
gible to participate in the contest
although the exact number of en
trants has not yet been determined.
The winner will compete in the
Pacific coast finals early in May,
and the winner in that elimination
contest will go to Los Angeles
where the national contest is to
take place some time in June. Ail
the entrants in the national con
test in Los Angeles will receive a
money prize, ranging from $300.0(1
to $1500.00.
McCroskey has represented Ore
gon in debate three years and in
| oratory two years. This year he de
j bated against the team from Syd
ney. Australia, and against the Uni
versity of Washington at Seattle.
Two years ago Oregon won fourth
place in the national contest, when
Jack Maguire participated. He won
an award of $400.00.
Each of the participants will be
j allowed about ten minutes for his
oration, which must be on some
phase of the constitution or one of
the early presidents.
Judges of the contest will be Dr.
George Winchell, Eugene, and Dr.
j George Hurley, Eugene; the third
j judge, Charles Hardy, has not def
j initelv accepted.
College Y. M. Delegates
Convene Here Friday
A Y. M. C. A. Officers Training
! Conference, attended by all the
I major officers of that organization
j in the colleges of Oregon, will be
: held Friday afternoon from four to
| six in the men’s room of Alumni
hall, in the Woman’s building. A
: dinner will be held immediately
I afterwards at the Y hut, and there
i will be discussion upon the various
problems, and the best methods for
their solution, until eight o’clock.
The conference, which is under
: the supervision of the Oregon Field
] Council, composed of one Y repre
! sentative from each college, will be
j presided over by Ray Culver, gen
eral secretary for the college Y. M.
] C. A. organizations of the north
I west.
Mangum Chosen Editor
Hayward Picks
15 Trackmen for
Relay Carnivals
No Men Entered Medley;
7 Schools to Compete
Next Saturday
Fifteen varsity trackmen were
picked to represent the University
in the conference relay carnival to
bo hold at Wash
ington on Satur
day. Final try
outs were held
yesterday after
noon, when Bill
Hayward made
his selections
from his crew of
cinder aspirants.
Wobfoots will
not participate in
11 1 the medley event
Bill Hayward as Oehler cannot
make the trip due to illness, and as
a consequence of tho cancelling of
this event, Proc Flanagan, team cap
tain and entrant in the medley, will
not go north.
For the mile relay, Price, Stan
dard, Pearson, and Jefferies. Four
mile: Tattle, Jansen, Ueidemeier,
and Kelly. 100 yard dash, (special) :
Extra and Kircher. Shot-put, (spe
cial) : Wetzel. McCarty, Robinson,
Hudson, and McKonnon, of the
freshman track squad, were chosen
for the frosli mile event. Calder
McCafl, manager, and Bill Hay
ward, coach, will accompany the
This meet, which is being held
for the eighth time, is considered
to be attracting tho largest num
ber of entrants. Washington, Ore
gon, O. A. C., Idaho, W. S. O., Mon
tana, and U. S. C. are sending men
to the meet.
K. Ulrich, E. Hardy
Back From Women’s
League Convention
Delegates from all the large col
leges in the United States attended
the recent national convention of
the Intercollegiate Association of
Women Students at Champagne, Il
linois, April 20-23, from which Kath
ryn Ulrich, retiring president of
Women’s League, and Esther Hardy,
incoming president, returned yes
terday noon.
“We received some wonderful
ideas,” said Miss Ulrich last night,
j “because the problems presented
I were almost identical to ours. Be
| sides the business meetings there
I was lots of entertainmont and we
! saw the entire University of Illinois
Miss Ulrich was much impressed
with the now library which was
i just erected there and said it was
the largest structure she had ever
seen on a university campus. Tho
student body at the University of
j Illinois numbers 13,000.
The next Women’s League mass
meeting will be held Tuesday, May
10, in Alumni hall. Reports on all
phases of the convention will bo
given then by Miss Ulrich and Miss
Tlaikly, and installation of ne^t
[year’s officers will take place. At
this time, an announcement will al
so he made of the standing com
mittees for next year.
Tracy Has Narrative
Accepted by 4The Dial’
Paul Tracy, senior in the school
of journalism, has received word
that The Dial, well known ‘high
brow’ magazine, has accepted a de
scriptive narrative by him called
“Old Red.” The story runs about
1600 words, and deals with charac
ters in a snow-bound, mountainous
district in Idaho.
Exact date of publication is not
[vet known. Tracy has' had some
j light verse accepted before by dif
j feregt magazines.
Herbert Socoiofsky Gets
Vice-Presidency; Vena M.
Gaskill to Be Secretary
Mary Benton To Edit Next Oregana; Forensic
and Music Changes Carry By Big Majorities;
Co-Op Directors Chosen for Coming Year
The big race is over, with 17 firsts.
The amendment to change the editorial control of The Emerald from
the editor of the publication to the publications committee was snowed
under by a vote of 1329 against and 386 for it. In percentage it fig
ures 77 per cent of those voting were against it and 23 per cent for
it. To pass the amendment it would have taken 66 2-3 per cent. In
other words it needed 43 and 2-3 per cent more.
Donald Beelar was elected president; Herbert Socoiofsky, vice
president; Vena M. Gaskill, secretary; Harold Mangum, editor of The
Final Count
Don Beelar .1024
Benoit McOroskev . 716
William Powell . 341
Herbert Socolofsky .1390
Vena M. Gaskill . 929
Nancy Peterson . 797
Paul Luy . 321
Harold. Mangum . 881
Bay Nash . 473
Senior Woman (One Year)—
Edith Bain . 508
Marian Barnes . 643
Gladys Calef . 563
Junior Man (Two Years)—
Arthur Anderson . 727
Ronald McCreight .1026
Senior Men (Three)—
Hoyt Barnett . 620
Edward Best . 498
Roland Davis .1119
Homer Dixon . 724
Oalder McCall . 459
Ronald (Doc) Robnett .. 926
Mark Taylor . 630
Senior Women (Two)—
Frances Cherry .1143
Constance Roth .1038
Ruth Street . 975
Junior Men (Twd)—
Wendell Gray . 981
Joe McKeown .-.1300
Fred Meeds . 929
Junior Woman—
Doris Efteland . 269
Katherine Kneeland . 497
Virginia Manning . 338
Josephine Ralston . 725
Sophomore Man—
Don J. Campbell . 443
Ed. Merges . 193
Kenneth Potts . 535
Tim Wood, Jr. 626
Bob Foster . 577
Bob Warner . 1137
Mary Benton . 911
Claudia Fletcher . 779
Freshman (1)—
LeRoy Hall . 593
Tom Stoddard .|976
Sophomores (2) —
Allen Boyden . 697
Albert Hansen . 509
Ronald Hubbs . 911
Robert Lemon . 384
Robert Sargent . 607
Yes . 386
No .1329
Yes . 1302
No . 352
Yes .1417
No . 255
’Emerald; Marian Barnes, senior
woman on the executive council;
Ronald McCreight, junior man on
the executive council for two
years. Roland Davis, Ronald Rob
nett, and Homer Dixon, are the
three senior men on the student
council; and Frances Cherry and
Constance R-oth were chosen senior
women on the student council.
Warner Yell King
Wendell Gray and Joe McKeown
were selected as junior men on the
student council, Josephine Ralston
v;ll be the junior woman on that
body. Tim Wood, Jr., was chosen
from a field of four as sophomore
man on the student council.
Bob Warner was re-elected yell
king and Mary Benton won the race
for editor of the Oregana.
For directors on the board of
directors of the Co-op, A1 Boyden
and Ronald Hubbs were elected aa
sophomore representatives and Tom
Stoddard freshman on the board.
The Music and Forensic amend
ments both carried by large major
Don Beelar, the president elect,
won from Benoit McCroskey by a
vote of 1024 to 716. Beelar was in
Portland last night delivering hia
prize Inter-Collegiate Peace Orator
ical contest “Democracy and the
Hope of Peace” over KGW. He had
a heavy lead from the start and
kept it up throughout the counting.
Mangurn New Editor
Harold Mangurn, editor elect, took
as many votes as the other two can
didates together. Mangum’s count
ed up to 881, Ray Nash’s to 473 and
Paul Luy got 321 counters.
Herbert Socolofsky, who was
elected vice-president, received the
greatest number of votes cast for
any office, 1390. His opponent, Wil
liam Powell, received 341.
Vena M. Gaskill was selected over
Nancy Peterson as secretary of the
student body. Vena received 929
votes to 797 for Nancy.
The race was close for senior
woman on the executive council.
Marian Barnes finally won with 643
votes while Edith Bain drew 508
and Gladys Calef 563.
Ronald McCreight won the two
year job of junior man on the ex
ecutive council by 299 votes. Arthur
Anderson took 727 while McCreight
won 1026.
Roland Davis, 1119; Ronald (Doc)
Robnett, 926; Homer Dixon, 724;
won the three first places and places
on the student council as senior men.
Mark Taylor was fourth with 630
votes, Hoyt Barnett fifth with 620;
Edward Best, sixth with 498; and
Calder McCall seventh with 459,
was the way they finished.
Cherry and Roth Win
Frances Cherry, 1143, and Con
stance Roth, 1038, won the jobs as
senior women on the student coun
cil. Ruth Street was third with
975 votes.
Wendell Gray and Joe McKeown
(Continued on page three)