Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1927, Image 1

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NUMBER 105' <
Women’s Names
Liven Talk
About Politics
Three Names Mentioned
For Secretary of the
f Student Body; Two
Men for Junior Man
Many persons have added fuel to
the campus political flames in the
past week, until now sparks are
shooting up from all parts of the
campus. Until after elections, how
ever, the flames will only be
rumors, some of which may be true
and some not so true. No one knows
•—sometimes not evdn the candi
date himself.
Chief among rumors this week are
proposals for secretary of the stu
dent body. Three names have been
heard in that connection: Edith
Bain, Vena Gaskill and Nancy Pet
* * *
Those who are planning to run
k. for other women’s offices are do
ing a good job of keeping quiet.
The only other rumor heard about
women’s jobs was that Dorothy
Dougall would run for senior wo
man on the executive council. Such
position will |be open.
Two men have been mentioned in
campus talk as running for junior
man on the executive council—Bon
ald McCreight, and Joe McKeown.
For senior man on the student
council, several names have been
mentioned: Boland Davis, Mark
Taylor and William Powell. Powell
was mentioned also as a possibility
for vice-president. Three senior
men are elected to tlft student coun
cil each year.
No one has yet been mentioned
for junior man on the student coun
cil, yet two will be needed. It is
rumored that the Phi Sigma Kappas
4 will have a candidate up for the
position of sophomore man. Who the
man will be is still a mystery of
the coming week. Alonzo Jasmin
is a rumored candidate for the job.
It is generally rumored that Bob
Warner will be a candidate for re
election as yell king.
The candidacy for the presidency
has narrowed by only one man, ru
mors say. Frank Biggs, according to
the conversation, won’t run for any
thing. That leaves Donald Beelar,
Jack Hempstead, Benoit McCros
kev, and Herbert Socolofsky as the
Rumors for vice-president haven’t
expanded or contracted except for
William- Powell, who has ibeen men
tioned for the position. Homer Dix
on, Jack Hempstead and Herbert
Socolofsky were the three men
tioned before as rumored to run.
As far as is known, the race for
editor of the Emerald hasn’t
changed. Paul Luy, Harold Mangum,
and Bay Nash are continuing to
carry on their duties as though their
was no contest.
Late rumors were to the effect
that Barbara Blythe wouldn’t run
for editor of the Oregana. This
leaves Mary Benton and Claudia
Fletcher as the rumored aspirants.
Nominations will be made Thurs
day at the regular assembly, and
■only then will it be definitely
known who will run for what. His
chances for election will l?e known
about one week later.
Some students think that the dif
ferent groups on the campus will
“line up’’ a great deal as they did
last year. Others point to the fact
that different houses are running
candidates and that last year’s dope
won’t amount to anything.
Students who have been following
campus elections for a number of
years predict that the largest vote
ever polled will be cast this year,
largely because of the friction,
(real or imaginary) on student tra
ditions, and because of the question
whether or not the editorial policy
of the Emerald shall be supervised
bv the executive council.
Due to the fact that over-en
thusiastic coupon hunters, by
carrying away bundles of Emer
alds, have prevented many stu
dents from receiving their
copies of the paper, the best
dressed-man contest is hereby ,
discontinued so far as the Em
erald is officially concerned.
The Oregon Daily Emerald
Sol Abramson, Editor,
Earl W. Slocum. Manager.
Oregon Beats
Pacific 8 to 4
In SecondTilt
Bill Baker, Varsity Hurler,
Plays Stellar Game;
Strikes Out 13
Final Contest Will Be
At Ten This Morning
Visitors Hold Single Run
Lead for 2 Innings
STRIKING out 13 Pacific Univer
sity batsmen and crashing out
a triple and a double in four trips
Baker, varsity
(linger, led the
University of Ore
gon baseball team
to its first vie- ^
tory, 8 to 4, over
the Badger Col
lege nine yestor- |
day afternoon.
The final game of |
the series will be 1
played this morn- I
ing at 10 o’clock.
Regardless o f
Bill Baker
rl frnnnonf
the cold weather and the frequent
drizzle of rain, Baker held the For
est Grove nine at bay during the
eight inning fracas. His underhand
ball was working to perfection and
coupled with a good change of pace
he dished out only three meager
hits up to the eighth inning. Baker
eased up a bit in this canto and the
Badger garnered three safe singles.
Visitors Break Ice
The visitors started out in the
initial inning as if they intended to
duplicate Thursday’s feat. After
Holloway grounded out, James King
drew a free pass. Lefty Ike Rannow
then stepped to the plate and, ap
parently still feeling elated over
his pitching victory of the day be
fore, drove out a triple over left
fielder which scored King.
The Lemon-vollow sluggers came
to life in the third inning. Mc
Cormick, first man up, was hit by a
wild pitch. Mimnlaugli 'got ,on
through a fielder’s choice and Mc
Cormick was out at second. Lynn
(Continued on page four)
Freshman Nine
To Meet Albany
This Afternoon
Starting Line Not Picked;
Contest to Begin at
2:30 o’Clock
Frosh bat wielders get their first
opportunity to perform for their
Alma Mater when they meet the
Albany college nine here this after
noon at 2:30. Inasmuch as the frosh
have only had two weeks of actual
practice to round into shape, it is
difficult to prophesy as to what the
final score will be. Albany has al
ready played a game with Linfield
college, which it lost by a close
margin, and will have the edge on
the frosh in this repect.
Coach Spike Leslie has had an
abundance of material to work with
this spring and competition for reg
ular berths on the team will be
close. The pitching staff has been
one of the shiny spots of the squad
with McDonald, Fuller and Ander
son performing in big league style.
McDonaldi will probably get the
call to start the game today but ;
Fuller and Anderson both will un- ;
doubtedly get a chance to show !
their stuff before the game is over.
The catching department has
been the weakest part of the squad
so far, according to Coach Leslie.
Speer will probably be the battery
mate of McDonald, although Walton
will no doubt be called upon to dis
play his wares. The rest of the
lineup will be picked from Nelson,
first base; Wirth or Streamer, sec
ond base; Robie, shortstop; Mason,
third base; and the outfielders from
Williams, Coleman, Laughlin, and
Batting and infield practice has
been given the greatest amount of
attention so far. No base running
or actual practice games has been
on the schedule as yet, so today’s
game will give Leslie a chance to
pick out tfie weak spots in the line
up. A short batting practice was
held last night as a final workout.
Everyone who ha3 been turning
out for practice this season is urged
by the coach to be out in uniform
this afternoon. “All that can be
worked in will be given a chance
to play today,” he said.
Shall Oregon
Be Stifled by
"Gag” Rule?
Editorial Reprinted From
Eugene Guard
The student council at the University of Oregon is re
questing a vote by the student body to place the editor of i
the student publication. The Emerald, under its control in i
the future. As reason for this move the members cite the j
past year’s evidence of disagreements of the editor with !
school policies as outlined by them. It would be regrettable
if this measure should carry. If The Emerald editorial page
is to be of any service to the University, its policies should be
governed by the editor elected to assume that responsibility.
Criticism of policies, while unpalatable to those responsible
for them, is not injurious but rather advantageous. If ob
jection to criticism is made because it receives favorable at
tention, there is a bare possibility that the policies of the stu
dent council may not be altogether perfect. This paper has
not agreed with many things advocated by The Emerald dur- j
ing the past year but sees in that fact no reason for muzzling |
the publication. Editors should be elected with careful at
tention to qualifications, but onte in charge should be untram
meled. Otherwise the editorial page should be abolished.
Editorial Reprinted From
Eugene Register
The student council at the University of Oregon has vot
ed to put on the ballot at the coming student body election
a measure that, if adopted, will place the editorial policies of
The Emerald, the student daily paper, under control of a pub
lications committee to be appointed by the president of the
student body.
Of this proposal, the editor of The Emerald says: “We
think the council blundered in putting forth a proposal that,
if adopted, will seriously curtail—perhaps destroy—the value
of The Emerald.”
We should like to record here our agreement with The |
Emerald editor. The proposed arrangement would make The j
Emerald merely the organ, the mouthpiece, of the student
body, and no newspaper that is merely an organ ever amount
ed to a hill of beans.
One of the late Mr. Bryan’s pet schemes was a govern
ment newspaper, edited by ukase and containing authorized
publicity of the government itself, its departments and its em
ployes. It would have been a flat and dismal failure. The
editor of The Emerald quite properly shudders when he con
templates such a status for his newspaper.
To the Editor:—
Throughout the college year I have been rejoicing at the
stands you have taken on freshman hazing, retention of tra
ditions, Greater Oregon committee, and your effort to awak
en general scholarship on the campus. Your editorials have
been very worthwhile.
Now that the battle is on I venture to give a bit of en
couragement, and add, I hope your courage does not waver,
for believe many are with you in your viewpoint and avowed
As we have never met simply sign myself
A Mother of Students.
Craftsmen to Exemplify
Work at McMinnville
The degree team of the Crafts
men’s club, campus organization of
Masons and Masons’ sons, will go
to McMinnville today and tonight
will exemplify the M.M. degree be
fore the McMinnville lodge.
Last Tuesday night the team con
ferred the degree on candidates for
the Springfield lodge.
. According to Raymond Voegtly,
president, the team draws many
visitors and has received compli
ments on the manner and efficiency
it shows in the work.
Two Pass Preliminary
Masters’ Examinations
Herbert T. Tobie, a graduate his
tory major at the University, has
successfully passed his preliminary
examination for master’s degree in
history, and is now working on his
thesis, “Early Settlement of the
Willamette Valley.”
“Chinese in Oregon” is the sub
ject of the thesis of Mrs. Viola Cur
rier, of Portland, who has also
passed her preliminary master’s ex
Elton Edge, Junior,
Sailor for 20 Years
Elton R. Edge, junior in zoology,
is realizing liis ambition after 20
years of service in the United
States navy. He is now enrolled
in the University.
Edge enlisted at the age of 16.
He went to high school at Albany
before entering the ranks of the
gobs. A few years ago, he enrolled
in the American Correspondence
school at Chicago. He finished thiij
work in a year and a half, then
took a year of extension work from
the University of Oregon.
While in the navy, Edge was a
radio operator, spending part of his
time on naval radio shore stations
and cruising vessels. The la3t years
of Edge’s naval service was on the
U. S. S. Nevada, which made sev
eral trips up and down the coast,
as well as a longer cruise to Aus
tralia and New Zealand.
Edge was on leave when he first
registered in the University, but
almost immediately he was trans
ferred to the Fleet Naval reserve.
He is still under navy pay and or
ders, but is not likely to be called
into the service again unless a na
tional emergency arises.
Debaters Win
Six Contests
Out of Eleven
_ i
Prohibition, Democracy,
Fraternal Orders, and
Education, Subjects
Varsity Men Take Part
In 8? Women Are in 3
Radio Affairs Bring Votes
From New York
OIX debates won, five lost, is Ore
^ gon’s record for the debating
season, which ended Thursday night
when the varsity team defeated
Oregon has participated in 11 var
sity contests, eight of which were
men’s debates, three women's de
bates. In addition to the varsity
contests there were four freshman
,T. Iv. Horner, debate coach said:
“We have trained 26 debaters this
year, 12 varsity men, six varsity
women, four freshman men, and
four freshman women. In this pol
icy Oregon differs from practically
every other school, because their
system is that of training about six
debaters for all contests, while wo
have been represented by different
debaters in every contest.”
Radio Debates Popular
Radio debates, in which Oregon
is the pioneer among the schools of
the coast, have proved to be most
popular, judging from the replies
received from the debates broad
cast, from the Portland debate last
fall term, when Benoit McCroskey
and Jack Hempstead competed
against representatives from the
University of Sydney, Australia, and
also when .the Montana debate was
broadcast in Portland last term
with Jack Hempstead and Dudley
Clark, the Oregon debaters, replies
were received from all over the
country, even as far away as New
York. Oregon won both of these
radio debates, but lost to the Aus
tralia team in the contest hero in
Australia in Tri-State one
Four of the 11 varsity debates,
two for the women and two for the
(Continued on page three)
Seventy Girls
Interested in
Arrow Tourney
Two Classes Practice
For Proposed Meet
With O. A. C.
Arcliery has always been pop
ular with the co-eds, ever since it
was established at the University
15 years ago, according to Miss
Harriet \V. Thompson, professor of
physical education, and this year is
no exception'.
The two full classes, together with
the eight advanced students, who
shoot by themselves, total about 70
girls, each class shooting) ,three
times a week. Practice was at first
somewhat delayed because of the
weather and the lack of ammuni
tion; the latter has now been re
ceived. The girls are now holding
target practice; later when they be
come more proficient, they will do
flight shooting, that is, shooting for
Sometime during the term, there
will be a tournament in archcry.
There may be, too, a team sent to
O. A. C. for Play Day, if there is
enough interest in its on the part
of the girls. MiSs Thompson said
she has already had inquiries about
sending a team, and this seems to
indicate that there will probably be
such a team.
Miss Thompson is very much
pleased with the talent displayed in
archery this year. Several of the
girls are displaying real ability.
Points in the Women’s Athletic
association are given for archery.
At the end of the season each girl’s
score is checked, and if she has ful
filled the requirement, she is award
ed 50 points toward her letter or
sweater. * i
Archery is one of the foremost
women’s sport in the United States,
and is installed in almost every uni- ,
versity in the country. Mrs. M. C.
Howell, of Norwood, Ohio, is the
foremost woman archer in the Unit
ed States, having won the women’s
archery championship of the Unit
ed States 17 times between 1883
and 1907. Xo other woman or man
in America has a record to compare
j with this.
Bookmakers Ready
For Political Race
TTSTITIf the official entry
’ ™ boohs scheduled to be
opened at next Thursday’s nom
inating assembly, managers and
trainers of political horses of
varied hues are busily engaged
in grooming their charges for
the annual stampede for student
body office.
The season for rumors has in
dicated that there will be lots
of competition for the advan
tages of a pole position in the
different races and that the man
agers will strive to get the most
possible publicity for their can
didates by announcing their en
try as soon as they are sure the
steed can go the distance.
In order to assure an early
printing of the announcement of
a candidacy, the name of the
nominee must be given to the
Emerald by 0 o’clock of the day
preceding publication. An
nouncements may be sent in be*
ginning next Tuesday.
President Hall
Scheduled for
Portland Talks
_ \
Busy Fortnight Arranged
For Executive Upon
Return From East
Since liis return to the University
tliis week, President Arnold Ben
nett Hall has been extremely busy
with interviews and conferences. A
full program, consisting of meetings
and speaking engagements in and
around Portland, has been planned
for the coming week. The follow
ing week, with the conclusion of his
immediate engagements, President
Hall plans to spend in Eugene.
President Hall will attend the an
nual meeting of the board of higher
curriculum, which will be held in
the office of Joseph E. Hedges, in
Oregon 'City, Monday. Ho also
plans to take part in the B. O. T. C.
review which will take place here
the first part of the week, and ex
pects to spend as much of Monday
as possible and Tuesday in Eugene
in connection with that.
Wednesday evening Prosiden,t
Hall will attend the annual dinner
of the Portland extension depart
ment of public speaking at Mult
nomah hotel. At a meeting of the
Portland Women’s club in Portland
Friday, he will speak on “Educa
tion and Character.” Friday eve
ning President Hall will conclude
his Portland engagements by broad
casting over radio KEX. His topic
probably will be relative to the new
four-quarter system of the Univer
sity and the University summer ses
At the educational conference to
be held in Monmouth next Saturday,
President Hall will speak on “Sci
ence and Education.”
Huestis and Parker
Win Handball Title,
21 to 13, 21 to 11
A fierce struggle, characterized
by long volleying and hard-won
points, decided the doubles hand
ball tournament championship of
the. University Thursday afternoon,
when Norman Parker and “Doc”
Huestis finally subdued Bob Mautz
and Carl Dahl in a much harder
fight than the score, which was
21-13 and 21-11, indicates, according
to Ford Knutson, court attendant.
A novice doubles handball tourna
ment, for the benefit of those who
have not played before, is being
scheduled to begin Monday, April
25, it was announced. Men can sign
up at the handball courts until six
o’clock, April 23, and the complet
ed list of opponents will be posted
the same day. All those who have
comfpeted before lin (tournament
games are ineligible.
(). A. C. Faculty Hear
Of Junior College
George Bebee, dean of the grad
uate school; Professor O. F. Staf
ford, head of the department of
chemistry; Eric W. Allen, dean of
the school of journalism; and Sol
Abramson, editor of the Emerald,
were guests of the Triad Club, of
O. A. C. at luncheon Thursday.
The speakers discussed the sub
jects of the junior college and honor
system which has been adopted by
the faculty of the University.
The Triad Club, which is made
up mostly of members of the faculty
of O. A. C., expressed a great deal
of interest in the changes.
Biggs, Baker
Stale Stand
On Emerald
Student Body President
And Vice-president
Deny “Gag”
Desire to Promote
Harmony Is Claimed
Group Control Preferred
To That of Editor
In support of the proposed amend
ment to the Constitution in regard
to the policy of the Emerald 'being
under control of the Publications
committee, instead of directly un
der the editor, Hugh Biggs, presi
dent of the Associated Students,
and Lowell Baker, vice-president,
have issued the following state
<4TUDGING from the sentiment
** expressed recently in the
Emerald in regard to the proposed
constitutional amendment, there
appears to be a confusion of the
issues involved and a misunder
standing of the administration's
motives. There is a decided tenden
cy to take an extreme attitude in
regard to the possibilities of the
‘ ‘ The one fundamental issue up
on which the merits of the whole
controversy rests is this question of
principle: Should the editor of the
Emerald consider the editorial col
umn an agency for the expression
of his ideas alone without regard
for student sentiment, or should the
editorial expressions seek to inter
pret and represent student opin
ion, or questions of major import
ance and involving the policies of
student administration ? ”
Group Leadership Stressed
‘1 Inasmuch as the Emerald is an
official student publication author
ized and supported by the student
body, it is reasonable to suppose
that its policies should coincide
with and promote the best interests
of its sponsors and owners. Assum
ing this conception to be sound, the
question then arises, Who is better
able to interpret student opinion,
the editor of the Emerald or a group
representing the various elements of
the University?”
“It is a sound and generally ac
cepted principle that policies more
adequately represent the interests
of the constituency when they are
settled upon by a (board of qualified
representatives than by an execu
tive head. The Publications commit
tee consists of five members ap
pointed in accordance with certain
constitutional restrictions as to
their qualifications and by the in
coming and outgoing student body
presidents and the president of the
University. Their tenure of office
is for the school year, and they are
subject to no power of removal save
that of the executive council which
is again a representative group.
Such a diffusion of authority re
moves all danger of too great con
centration of power in the hands
of the student president.”
Editorial Initiative Safe
"The practical operation of such
a scheme would not in any way im
pair the originality or initiative of
the editor insofar as he consciously
sought to consider the best inter
ests of the student body in his edi
torial policies.”
‘‘The administration’s motives in
proposing the amendment in not
to ‘gag’ the Emerald nor to restrain
unreasonably the power of the edi
tor, but rather to promote a more
permanent spirit of co-operation and
harmony between the administrative
councils and the official publica
tion. There cannot possibly be exer
cised an executive dictatorship of
press policies; there can be promot
ed under the amendment, however,
a closer unity of purpose, a better
spirit of co-operation and a more
intimate understanding of the na
ture of each other’s problems, all
of which would be conducive to
greater success in future student
Baker Gives Opinion
“It seems to me absurd to con
tend that ‘gag rule’ will result
from submitting the general edi
torial policies of the Emerald to
the Publications committee, a repre
sentative body which, according to
the constitution, shall consist of
members of the executive council
including two students and at least
one representative each of faculty
and alumni. The committee is ap
pointed jointly by the president of
(Continued on page three)