©rggott ©axltt ^mcralii University of Oregon, Eugene SOL ABRAMSON, Editor EARL W. SLOCUM, Manager j EDITORIAL BOARD R*y Nash . Managing Editor Henry Alderman Harold Mangum . Sports Editor Bertram Jessup Florence Jones .. Literary Editor.... Paul Luy . News and Editor Phones, 655 Contributing Contributing . Feature Editor J Editor ! Editor DAY EDITORS: Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher, Barbara Blythe, Bill Haggerty. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace Fisher.__ NIGHT EDITORS: Wayne Morgan, Jack Coolidge, Bob Hall. SPORTS STAFF: Jack O’Meara, Dick Syring, Art Schoeni, Charles Burton, Hoyt Barnett. FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Ruth Corey, A1 Clarke, Sam Kinley, John Butler. UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge. NEWS STAFF: Helen Shank, Grace Taylor, Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten, Dorothy Baker, Kenneth Roduner, Cleta McKennon, Betty Schultze, Frances Cherry. Mar garet Long, Mary McLean, Bess Duke, Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard Lucile Carroll, Maudie Loomis. Ruth Newton, Eva Nealon, Margaret Hensley, Margaret Clark. Ruth Hansen. John Allen, G.-ayce Nelson, Dorothy Franklin, Eleanor Ed wards, LaWanda Fenlason, Wilma Lester, Waiter Coover, John Black, Thorsen Bennett. BUSINESS STAFF Milton George . Associate Manager Herbert Lewis . Advertising Manager Joe Neil . Advertising Manager Larry Thielen .... Foreign Advertising Mgr. Ruth Street . Advertising Manager rancis Mcnenna .... urcumuyu wauaBti E<1 Bissell . Ass’t Circulation Mgr. Wilbur Shannon . Circulation Ass’t Kuth Corey . Specialty Advertising Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising Advertising Assistants: Flossie Radabaugh, Roderick L.ar oliette, Maurine ijornoaru, Charles Reed, Bob Moore, Bill Hammond. Office Administration: Dorothy Davis, Lou Anne Chase, Ruth Field, Emily Williams. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 per year. Adver tising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1320. Business office phone, 1895. Day Editor This Issue—Genevieve Morgan Night Editor This Issue—Bob Hall Unsigned comment in this column is written by the editor. Full responsibility is assumed by the editor for all editorial opinion. TRUTH and understanding are not such wares as to be monopolized and traded in by tickets and statutes and stand ards.—John Milton. An Arc Light For a Halo “But the privilege and pleasure That we treasure beyond measure, Is to run on little errands "For the ministers of State.’’ <<"pAYING for what we get.” XT This is the explanation of a faculty member, known both for a scholar and a patron of the brawny arts, who writes in the March issuo of Old Oregon in defense of the tax levied on students during the basketball championship series. The professor writes well, so well that he decorates the whole matter with a halo, albeit he uses an are light. Perhaps the question which now seems bo be losing timeliness, should be dropped, but lest the semi officially-flavored whitewashing bo taken too seriously and furnish an excuse for later repetitions of the tmweleomo extortion, the Emerald, which he mentions as supportor of the crying few, takes issue with the “explanation,” which wo pre fer to label “alibi.” Tho objectors are designated, in words that are meant *o wither, as traditional taxpayers in the mak ing, who “every time the school board wants a levy for more equip ment, or to raise the teachers’ pay, or the city has to ask money to renovate the parks or replenish the books in the public library . . . will be all practiced up for tho old fam iliar objection: ‘Didn’t wo pay for a new school house—sometime, it doesn’t matter when?’ ”... Then, with special reference to the $1!> fee for the basketball pavilion, we are informed “that a gilt is not a price, and entitles no one to any thing but the pleasuro of giving to a good cause.” Without a doubt it is a fine trick of writing to raise a smoko haze by talking of basketball pavilions and school houses, libraries and parks, in one breath, but they don’t fit under the one caption “worthy causes. ’ ’ Tin1 professor must have failed to note the important fact—and wo choose to deal with facts that the basketball pavilion was built un der different circumstances and from different .motives than are school-houses and libraries, on which no financial returns are expected, even by the “traditional tax-pay -or.” It was constructed as a busi ness venture, after a lot of bally hooing about big gate receipts and frequent assurances that the build ing would pay for itself. While the professor mentions li braries and pavilions in one sen-1 tence lie might consider his own] curious but unmentioned common-1 tary on the interests of a university student body, that they should tax themselves for an athletic structure (of doubtful value even as a purely j business investment) and let a li ■] brary go begging. Equally worthy causes, indeed! lu defense of the 50-cent ruling he explains that the regulation which demands the tax is not made at Oregon or for Oregon's benefit. True, but Oregon did have a vote in the matter. llegnrdless of where the legislation was enacted, the writer does not explain why the conference should take unto itself the privilege of dictating how each institution should meet its guuran tee. This, it seems to us, is the prob I lent for each institution to decide. If Oregon, with a gigantic pavilion, can realize enough money from j ticket sales to outsiders to meet the ' guarantee, why should she tax her ( students? If Idaho, on the other hand, with a small gymnasium, can not collect the amount of the guar antee from outside ticket sales, let her levy a tax of 75 cents or a dol lar, or whatever she deems neces sary. The amount of the guarantee can pretty accurately be determined in advance of the contests, and each member of the conference arrange beforehand on the method for meet ing the expenses. It may be, of course, that the conference magnatos find it requi site to their jobs to do everything in involved fashion. Or perhaps Ore gon’s giant igloo is unable to earn as much as its supporters predicted. If that is the case, there will be many taxes for the support of the white elephant. “Pathos and humor mingle in this plaintive desire to get something wo have not paid for,” writes the professor. Indeed, a humorous re mark and a pathetic excuse. But studonts are paying for the pavilion, a building that “is going to pay for itself,” and they have the right not only to ask, but to demand that they bo freed from further taxa tion. If the building cannot earn enough to pay the upkeep costs mentioned in the white-wash ar ticle, what in the world are we go ing to do with it? In truth, it now has all the ear marks of an exag gerated gold brick. It is equipped only as a basketball court, useless even as a much-needed gymnasium that might reliovo the intolerable intramural situation. So it’s $200, 000 for a basketball pavilion and not one cent for a library or a gymnasium. Are we praying for another championship?” comes the next question, intimating that we must pay for it if we want it or get it. Under the admirable arrangement canonized by the semi-official spokesman, an arrangement that calls for $200,000 pavilions when basketball championships aro won, and we suppose million-dollar stadia when football championships are won, structures erectod at student expense and maintained by- stu dents’ taxes, wo answer: No, a thousand times no! If hy Pip pa Is Not Passe C°NG Week is upon us. “So is poison oak,” observed tlio office cynic, but he didn’t really ■ mean it. After nil, singing a{ the , table is pretty good fun if everyone takes the simple precaution of swal lowing. Tt is most fitting that Song Week ’ should come in the spring. It is a ' time when everybody feels like'1 singing whether he should or not. book at 1’ippa. Do you suppose she would have achieved her present fame if she had done her innoeu L "U» vocalizing on any but a spring day.’ It is doubtful. Even the Swiss chcescmaker yodeling from his Alp has something in his favor if he con 1 fines the practice to April or May:1 though the Lord knows that that particular form of laryngeal contor tion usually sounds like little more ( than glorified gargling. ycs, spring is the logical time for, warbling. However, one other pro-! f caution is necessary: keep the blinds drawn. Uemember the historic case ( of the fraternity that was pinched , on masse by the game warden who t found tlu1 stiff, cold corpses of fif- ] teen mother robins outside the din-m ing room window. Attracted by the! noise and smell of cooking, the ,] sight of III howling, hungry mouths t had proved too much for their al- , ready fatigued spirits. v And speaking of maternity, does I anybody know if Mother’s Day n comes during Song Week? What a \ marvelous opportunity it would be c to give voice to the national Oedi- h pus complex through singing all the c mammy songs.—H. A. o i TkSEVEN L SEERS | “FOILED AGAIN,” SAID LIT TLE BOBBIE BURNS. • • • The men of the campus carried on a little student investigation all their own at the April Frolic the; other night. * * * Whatever troubles Raleigh had With mud and coat and queen; He never had to fix a tire Of a royal limousine. * * • -* and -* don’t' seem to get enough holding of hands and the such when not in public so of late they have been amusing Dr. Bowen’s French students by holding hands in class. ’'Names omitted by request. Gretchen emphatically denies that her boy friend was seen walk ing up Alder street the other night with a quart bottle in one hand and an orange squeezer in the other. She says he was walking down Alder street. • • • TRYOUTS FOR THE PUPPET SHOW WILL BE HELD TONIGHT IN GUILD THEATRE. * * * The professor with the shiny blue serge suit says he is getting so ab sent minded that he bites his nails too short to scratch matches on them and then forgets and scratches matches on them. • * * TODAY’S SIMILE As scarce as Phi Bet keys in the Sigma Chi house. * * * THE other noon I WENT into a well KNOWN inn for what I HAD hoped would be LUNCH but after waiting FOR a waitress for 20 MINUTES I had almost GIVEN up that idea but JUST then up popped a BUXOM lass from some PLACE and planked a BUTTER horn in front OF ME that was old when the CONDON oaks were saplings AND I asked her how she GOT that way or something TO THE effect and she SAID she was sorry but ORDERS would get mixed up SOME times and so while SHE was there I ordered THE long sought lunch &ND after another 20 MINUTE wait slio brought LT IN and after calling HER back 4 times for BUTTER, water, fork, and SALT 1 let her go. ■ THANX. Some enterprising person should ako advantage of a wonderful op oortunity and start a soda foun ain up near the cemetery. Now that nill racing is not so rosy there vould bo customers up on the hill, 10 end. There’s one thing about the old nvisiblo writing typewriters, Peo lie couldn’t read over your shoul ler. FAMOUS LAST WORDS Uuv one. It’s for the Fine Arts1 Building. Barents to Be Guests On Gam pus May 13, 14 May Id and it have been sot by he student council as the dates for 'others’ and Mothers’ week-end. ’hose dates coincide with the time et for the two performances of the unior Revue. This period given ver to the entertainment of the tudents’ parents is an annual vent. Many plans are being formu ited to give them an idea of eol ,'ge life and customs. Donald McCook, manager of the unior Revue, announced yesterday hat he would make special reser- , utions for the fathers and mothers I ho wish to attend the production. IcOook has appointed on his com littee, Sam Kinley to manage ad vrtising, and Hope Crouch in liarge of the programs. Costumes ave been ordered from San Fran iseo by Constance Roth, chairman f the costume committee. CAMPUS ! Bulletins, Co-operative House Managers meeting tonight 5:30 p. m. at the Alpha Delta Pi house. Song week judges please meet to night at 5 p. m. in the basement of Johnson hall. Thespian meeting at Woman’s building, 7:15 Wednesday. Pot and Quill will meet with Mrs. Ernst tonight at 7:30. Intra-mural Baseball—meeting of all intramural representatives to discuss coming baseball season, Men’s gymnasium, Thursday, at 11 a. m. Important. Pi Lambda Theta meeting, Thurs day noon, at College Side Inn. Dr. R. P. Bowen Writes Of French Novelist The January-March number of the Sewanee Review, published by the University of the South, con tained an article on Edouard Es taunie by Professor Pay P. Bowen, head of the department of romance languages of the University of Oregon. Estaunie is a member of the GLOVE-SMOOTH HE super-moist, saturated lather of 1 Williams Shaving Cream does 'more than soak the beard bristles soft for easy shaving. It does more than lubricate the razor’s path—preventing little cuts and scratches. For Williams actually conditions the skin — leaves it glove-smooth—gives you that barber’s massage feeling. Two sizes—35c and 50c. Williams Shaving Cream auto McLean Auto Rental Co. 143 11th St. 1 I I ’ fl/'Kt PARR un on it. This shirt has the long point collar. It is made of a genu ine imported English Broadcloth — the best in collars and in shirts that you can buy. Ask Your Dealer French academy and is one of the best known of the contemporary French novelists. He writes psychol ogical novels, choosing for the most part lonely souls for the heroes of his stories. They are men who are interesting but who do not invite friends because of a certain quality of character. Professor Bowen knows M. Es taunie personally, and so hig study of this author is to a certain extent an outgrowth of long talks with him about his books. Edgeworth Absolutely pre-war Easter “Sweets” Happy event . . . Easter, and a most appropriate occasion to remind mo ther, sister, or sweetheart of your hap piest best wishes for “her.” We gladly mail to any part of the state for you. Whitman and Helen Ardell $1 and up. Crown Drug Co. James H. Baker, ’24, Prop. Miner Bldg. I Call 146 For the benefit of the University of Oregon Fine Arts Building. At the Fashion Luncheon Today Noon at the Eugene Hotel Eight young ladies from the campus will act as living models,—They are:_ Edith Bader Rose Roberts Adalia Everts Billie Martland Esther Setters Jo-Ann Paterson Doris Meldrum Janice McKinnon Naturally,—the smart, very fashionable shoes they will wear are to be furnished by Graham’s, and are to be on display in their show windows immediately following the luncheon.