Tennis Coach Forming Squad For Reed Meet Harry Coffin, Star, Not Out; Okerberg and Cohn Look Good With the tennis season opening on April 28 with Reed Coliege in Portland, more than a dozen play ers are working out daily under Coach Abercrom bie. Following the Reed matches, the Webfpots will take part in five contests, includ ing one round robin tourney and an open meet for all amateurs at Eugene. These meets will give them the condi Mel Cohn tiomng tor the big meets later. Most of the' members of last year’s team are back again this year. The most serious loss was that of Harry Coffin, No. 2 on last year’s team, who until the begin ning of spring term a week ago, was expected to report for practice. Coffin, however, has earned suffici ent credits to graduate and is in eligible. Eoy Okerberg, No. 1, and Mel Cohn, No. 3, are both out and prac ticing daily. Okerberg has changed his style of serve to increase his accuracy, while Cohn has changed to an entirely new serve. Cohn played daily throughout spring va cation and has a jump on the rest of the team as far as training is concerned. Tom Cross, who played with him, will probably be No. 4 k on the Webfoot squad. Others who look good are George Mead, Bill Powell, Hal Hutchinson, Henry Neer, Claire Hartman, and Dick Edge. Mu Phi Will Give Tea And Musical Program In Alumni Hall Sunday A tea and musical program to be given in honor of the patronesses of Mu Phi, has been planned by the members for Sunday, April 3, in Alumni hall at 2 o’clock. Invita tions have been sent to Phi Mu in itiates and to the individual guests of Mu Phi members. The afternoop’s program, consist ing of a varied selection of famil iar compositions, will be given by the Underwood Quartette followed by an instructive talk on Schu mann’s Quartette, illustrated by phonograph records, which will be given by George Hopkins, instructor in the school of music. Several piano and vocal numbers to be giv en by the members of the club have been arranged during the tea hour. It has been the policy of the club ! Classified Ads \ ..—--is SUMMEB WORK for college men. Mr. Thomas, Eugene hotel, phone 1200 for appointment. al-2 MEN interested in Real Silk sum mer proposition see Earl Raess, Russell Perriss or Erancis Rcider, Phone 841. al-2 Students Object To God’s Creatures PLAIN, ordinary mosquitos are bad enough, goodness knows, but when they’re educated, they are almost annoying as students. It has been learned on more or less veracious authority that a tribe—or perhaps school would be the better term—of these of ficious liexopoda has infested the academic precincts of Deady hall and utterly put to rout the host of Deady bugs that have long held unchallenged suzer ainty there. It is rumored that what the pests really want is not an edu cation but rather a satisfied sense of vanity for they confine most of their attention to the work and workers in Dr. Boyn ton ’s photography class—atten tion that is returned with veno mous interest by the photograph ers. Indeed, it is felt that unless something drastic is done with in a comparatively short time, the class will have to disband en tirely for lack of subjects. For who can sit still enough to have 'his picture taken when the tip of his nose or perhaps his left car is receiving excruciatingly boresome treatment from the prying proboscis of the genus culex? to study the programs presented by the Underwood Quartette, and dur ing this meeting the selections to be given by the four string instru ments at the next concert on April 13, will be studied. Frances Pierce is chairman of the meeting and Harriett Baldwin has charge of the program. Pledging Announcement Pi Beta Phi announces the pledg ing of Annale Magee of Piedmont, California. REX FIRST TIMES TODAY A Western Cyclone, a Cloud-burst of humor and thrills. Comedy and News Snough Freedom for Comfort Snough Firmness for Figure Beauty CA MODEL such as is shown here is admirable for the woman who likes a well-boned but not too heavy corset with a rubber top and flexible clasp. It laces in the back and is made of durable and attractive material. A Warner’s is invariably so satisfactory in every respect that you will find an inspection of the new models well worth your while. gamers, Prices $1.25 to $5.00, Second Floor i s f/JXBILIXDEMKrMENTjSfangB- J \ 'UA39 ' Candidates for Girls’ Tennis Teams Must List Signatures Today Today js the last opportunity to sign up for girls’ tennis, and all those interested in going out for this sport are urged to sign at once. Class managers will be picked at the end of the week. By April 11 each aspirant will have pat in four practices in order to be eligible for the ladder tournament, which will go on until May first. Class tournaments will begin on May first, and will continue until eight games have been played. There will be three girls on each team— a double and single team. There will be tickets for the ladder and tournament games, but for the prac tices the girls are asked to sign up 'The. air of distinction^ imported, by a smart, becoming hat remains a. long time. ~ - * if the hat is Stetson. - made Sight to FortyPollavs Write for Interesting Booklet 'The STETSON HAT in LITERATURE’ John B. Stetson Company. Philadelphia / STETSON HATS SiijledJoi young 3Cen Wade Bros. Exclusive Stetson Dealers EUGENE HOTSY TOTSY! STARTS TODAY Which Shall It Be—? Which Shall It Be? I looked at Greta— And then Arlette— Adolphe MENJOU in “Blonde or Brunette" with Greta Nissen Arlette Marchal Laughing love and loving laughs—the suave Menjou in his “meanest” role—two of the screen’s most striking light and dark hopes —it’s the last word in comedy. OH BOY—HEAR SHARKEY MOORE and his MERRY-MACKS featuring “NO WONDER SHE’S A BLUSHING BRIDE” with MAX STAUFFER singing newsboy Twice Nightly Frank’s Music in Mr. Grimes’ office after each practice. SUBSCRIBE FOK THE EMERAEb j You Drive It Yours®!f McLean Auto Rental Co. 143 11th St. New t Spring \ Dresses k' Just the thing for Ito campus wear at t h e remarkab'ly Low price $14.85 Chic Tailored Coats Same Price Robb’s Dress Shop 620 Willamette St. W H ERE Q IJ A LIT Y M F ETS CO K FI D E N6-E Eugene’s Newest Department Center Laraway’s Shopping News Eugene’s Newest Trading Center Our Grand Opening Sale Starts Promptly Friday A.M. April 1st, at 8 A. M. Three Days of Sensational Price Reductions Friday, Saturday and Monday, Apr. 1, 2, and 4 A wonderful opportunity to save on your Easter Purchases. A Brand New Stock of Merchandise to select from. Every piece of merchandise in our store is the Cream of the Market for this season. We buy nothing but quality merchandise and sell for less. We delayed holding our Grand Opening Sale until every department in the store was completely stocked. Our stocks are now complete, you need the merchandise and here is the opportunity to save on Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear, Mil linery, Piece Goods, Notions, Men’s Furnishings and Clothing, Hats and Caps and Shoes for the family. Read our Big Four Page Circular. It contains a message and prices worthy of your attention. Laraway’s Department Store i i Ready-to- < Wear < i | Department < Ladies’ Dresses $4.98 Up Ladies’ Coats $5.00 Up 4 Ladies’ Suits $19.75 Up i i Read, full description in our Big 4 Four Page Circular i Ladies’ Hosiery Sale All lines of Hosiery ex cept Notaseme line and Rollins goes on a special bargain table. Values up to $2.00 at— 98c pair Millinery Buy your Easter Milli nery during this sale. Every hat marked down to Grand Opening Prices. $2.98 up to $9.90 Men’s Shoes $3.00 pair Men’s Scout Shoes, with Rubber Heels— $1.98 pair All sizes and a great bargain Men’s Work Clothes Overalls, waist and bib ..98c pair Chambray Shirts . 69c each Khaki Pants . $1.49 pair Rain Test Pants, 10 oz. $4.90 pair Rain Test Coats, 10 oz. $5.90 each Ladies’ Shoes For Every Occasion Footwear of the day for every occasion of the hour is presented for your se lection at Our Grand Opening Sale. $2.98 to $5.90 pair Laraway’s Department Store FREE! FREE! With every Man’s Suit sold during this sale we are going to give you a New Hat Free. See large four-page circu lar for full particulars. i ] Phone 2233 Phone «? 2233 ♦: ^ 4 Department Store 4 it 966-968 Willamette Street Lara way Building J WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE ♦: ♦: ♦: