Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 01, 1927, Image 1

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Track Meet to
Varsity to Compete With
Freshmen Saturday
Scott Warren “Find”
In Shot Put Event
Loving Cups for Whinners
Of Coming Races
THE University of Oregon var
sity track men are working
hard trying to get in condition for
Bill Hayward
Inc VV lisillllgiun
Relay Carnival
Ajpril 30 at Se
attle. In order to
get a line on the
best available ma
terial Coach Bill
Hayward has ar
ranged an intra
fraternity relay
meet for April 16.
At that time
cups will be giv
en the winning
teams in each event. The cup for
the 440-yard relay, in which each
man runs 110 yards has been offered
by Dave Graham of the Graham
shoe store. For the 880-yard affair,
wherein each man sprints 220 yards,
the cup will be given by Obak’s
cigar store.
The winner of the mile relay will
receive a cup from the Johnston
Motor Car company. In this race
each man on the team runs ;i40
yards. A large cup will be present
ed to the winning team of the
sprint medley by the College Side
Inn. In this event the first two
men sprint 110 yards, the third runs
the 220 and the fourth covers 440.
Medley to Feature
The feature race of this meet will
be thei distance medley, and the
cup which is to be presented by Eav
Babb to the winner is the biggest
one of Jhe group, according to Bill
Hayward. The first two men in
this race sprint 220 yards with the
third going 440 yards and the fourth
running a half mile.
The main purpose of this meet is
to get a greater number of men in
terested in track, but the value of
this competition for getting the
best material lined up for future
meets must not be ignored, accord
ing to the coach.
Inter Squad Meet Tomorrow
There is to be an inter-squad
track meet on Hayward field Sat
urday afternoon. In this competi
tion eight events will be staged but
the freshman athletes will compete
with the varsity athletes.
The events Scheduled are: 220
vard dash, 440-yard dash, 880-yard
run, mile, high jump, pole vault,
shot put and discus. The races will
be run over the full distance in
stead of the shorter courses as was
the custom last term.
New Light Found
The javelin and broad jump have
been omitted from the program be
cause the weather has been so damp
and cold that it is not practical to
run the risk of pulling a tendon in
these events.
A new shot putter has been dis
covered by Coach Hayward in Scott
Warren, who has had only two days’
experience. Warren seems to have
a natural adaptability in this event
as well as strong arms, and may
hurry the regulars.
Margaret Clark Takes
Place of Miss Shank
Margaret Clark, a sophomore in
journalism, has been appointed
society editor of the Emerald by
Ray Nash, managing editor. She
succeeds Helen Shank, who is not
attending the University this term.
Miss Shank, who was also a sopho
more in journalism, is now employed
as head usher at the Bagdad The
ater in Portland. She expects to
continue her work at the University
in the future.
Last Vesper Services
Of Year to Be April 3
Sunday will mark the last vespers
of the year in which John Stark
Evans will participate as organist
playing several selections. Mrs.
Marvel Skeels Oberteuffer, soloist
for the Methodist Episcopal church
and a former student at the Uni
versity, will give the vocal composi
tion of Sehubert’s “Ave Maria.”
Reverend Frederick G. Jennings
will conduct the service.
Chinese Republic, Founded in 1812
~ ^4s Far From Reality Today as Then
“Tuchuns,” Military Provincial Governors, Help
Bandits by Keeping Arms From People
(Editor’s note: The character of the
Northern Chinese forces and the source
of their strength is the subject of this
article, the third of a series prepared
by a committee representing Chinese stu
dents of New York in an effort to pre
sent the Chinese viewpoint to American
students. The next and concluding article
will deal with solutions of the present dif
ficulties. )
(New Student Service)
In 1911 a revolution broke out in
South China, a revolution which had
as its main purpose the establish
ment of a progressive republic in
place of the hopelessly inefficient
Manchu dynasty. In 1912 a Chinese
Republic was established. Foreign
ers not in touch with the situation
immediately concluded that the
goal of t)ie revolutionists was
achieved; consequently they have
had scant sympathy with the domes
tic. conflicts which have kept China
in a turmoil ever since.
Actually the republic which the
revolutionists set out to establish is
almost as far from a reality today
as it was in the days of the Man
clius. The revolution started in the
South, where the rapidly progress
ing industrialization of China had
created a new native merchant, in
dustrial and manufacturing class
who were the backbone of the
movement. This class aimed at the
development of a modern industrial
ized nation, with a republican form
of government under Chinese con
But the South was too weak to
achieve its goal unaided. Yuan
Shili-kai, powerful Northern leader,
an anti-republican at heart, had to
be placated with the post of presi
dent before the Manchus could be
deposed and a republic (which
could only be nominated with such
a head) established.
Yuan soon alienated his Southern
partners by attempting to make
himself a hereditary monarch and
by encouraging the attempts of
foreign capitalists to secure addi
tional concessions infringing on
China’s sovereignity.
A seeoud revolution, consequent
ly, broke out in 1913. It failed, but
the South broke away soon after
and formed its own government.
Yuan died in 1916, and with the re
moval of his strong hand, there re
sulted in the North an era of in
ternal warfare among the “tuchuns”
or military provincial governors,
who had been his henchmen.
Since then war among these tu
chuns has been practically contin
uous. The Southern government has
(Continued on page two)
Churches Plan
Party to be Held
Tonight at 7:30
One Act Play, Games,
Eats, Will be Featured
On Program
The psyelio-analysis hounds of the
University of Oregon are expected
to tm'n out in full force for the
inter-church party scheduled to
open at 7:30 tonight at the Con
gregational church. They will miss
something if they don’t, for one
of the features of the party is the
one act play, “Suppressed Desires.”
Any students possessing a sup
pressed desire to know the truth
about psycho-analysis and inciden
tally enjoy other stints, games,
and eats, are invited to attend, says
Pauline Winched, chairman of the
program committee.
A unique and unusual reception is
promised those who will gather at
the Congregational church. Immed
iately following these opening cere
monies, which have been shrouded
in mystery, the party will div.de,
half going to the Methodist church,
and half remaining at the Congre
gational. Besides the games and
stunts led by V. Edwin Johnson, it
is at the Methodist church that the
play, “Suppressed Desires,” will be
presented. Wendell Balsiger, Eve
lyn Schenck, and Viola Storer of
the Wesley club of the Methodist
church compose the cast. Musical [
numbers will be provided by the i
Westminster house group.
The program at the Congregation- j
al church includes readings hv Jean
Spencer and Lois Tuttle, and a solo
by Lyle Bolton. The two groups
will trade places at 8:45, and at
10:00 will meet at the Christian
church, where refreshments will be
served. The program will end with
several musical numbers.
Grace Trawin and Lois Tuttle are
assisting Pauline Winchell on the
program committee. Edna Dunbar
and Helen Holt have charge of pre
paring the refreshments.
Psychologists to Give
Sophomore Retests
In addition to the tests given to
the entering freshmen, the psychol- J
oy department will give retests to
a number of sophomores. The re
tests will be used to determine the
stability of the tests as measures of
student ability and to indicate the ;
degree of progress made since tak
ing the entrance test, according to
Howard R. Taylor, assistant profes
sor of psychology.
Retests will be given on Tuesday,
April 5, at 9 a. m. and 1 p. m.;
Wednesday, April 6, 1 p. m.; Thurs- |
day, April 7, 9 a m. and 1 p. m., !
and Saturday, April 9, at 9 a. m.
The freshman tests for those just
entering the University will be at j
9 a. m., Saturday, April 9 in room
301, Condon hall. All who are to
take the tests will be notified by
mail. Freshmen may take the tests
at any of the times listed for earlier
in the week if they wish to do so.
J. Duncan Spaeth
Points Out Value
Of Read ng Books
Unrealized Ideals Trans
lated in Literature
Enrich Life
Snapshots from Spaeth.
IT ISN’T hell that is paved
with good intentions; it’s the
road to hell.
I’d rather be a backward-look
ing man moving forward than a
forward-looking man moving
Some of these pieople back
into hell.
- the tinlizzification of the
* * *
Imagination without life is
empty; life without imagination
is deadly.
Some believe it is better to
have gone (to the University)
and failed than never to have
gone at all.
Speaking before the assembly yes
terday on “Books and Experience,”
Dr. J. Duncan Spaeth, professor of
English at Princeton, this year ex
change professor at Beed College,
pointed out the value of literature
in education and life. In interest
ing phrases, full of wit he cham
pioned the cause of literature over
materialism. I“lf one hasn’t Ex
perienced a book he can’t say that
he knows himself. True literature
explains the right meaning of
things,” according to Dr. Spaeth.
“Ideals that we can’t realize are
translated in art and literature.
Ideals are really thoughts that en
able us to come back to life with
sense and reason. Ever since man
became conscious he has enriched
his mind from experiences of others.
Man is an animal that looks before
and after and carries what he learns
into his own life,” the doctor said.
“There are two kinds of books.
Books made out of other books;
and books out of which other books
are made,” the speaker said. He
introduced humor into his talk at
this time by starting to read Words
worth and concluding it with a
reference to “smelt in the Sandy.”
Doctor Spaeth said that books he
(Continued on page two)
Four Students Leave
To Compete in Contest
Four majors in the school of bus
iness administration will go to Port
land today to compete in the finals
of the life insurance selling contest
being conducted by several life in
surance companies.
The Oregon men who survived the
tryohts held here are Fred Wilcox,
C. M. Broderson, Don J. McCook,
and C. L. McKenna.
The finals will be held in the
Elks’ Club at Portland today at 12
Sorority Will
Be Installed
Into Plii IMu
Kappa Omieron Joining
National Body as
Eta Gamma
Mrs. Keller, Executive
Scribe, Is Officiating
Affiliation Brings Local
Nationals to 16
KAPPA 0MICRON, local soror
ity, will be installed ns the Eta
Gamma chapter of Phi Mu, during
the next three days. This will bring
the total of national sororities on
the campus up to sixteen.
The installation ceremonies will
begin today, with Mrs. Z. W. Kel
ler, national executive secretary,
acting as installing officer. She ar
rived yesterday and will remain
throughout the installation. Twenty
five Mu Phi members from the Eta
Beta chapter at the University of
Washington, and the Tau chapter at
Whitman college will also be pres
ent. They will remain until Sunday
.Reception Tomorrow
There will be a reception Satur
day afternoon at the Woman’s
building, to which three hundred
and fifty members of the faculty
and townspeople have been invited.
This will be followed by a formal
Phi Mu banquet at the Eugene,
hotel, and a formal dance, also at
the Eugene hotel.
The local chapter was founded
May 23, 1923, with seven charter
members, several of whom will be
here during the installing cere
Phi Mu had its beginning at
Wesleyan College at Macon, Geor
gia, in 1852. The Oregon chapter
will bring the total number of chap
ters up to forty-nine.
Active members of Kappa Omi
cron are Bertha Bodine, Buth El
lison, Flossie Badabaugh, Kate
Buchanan, Annie Meade Watkins,
Dorothy Gay, Virginia Priaulx, Lil
lian Bramliall, Leola Ball, Vernita
Winzenried, Marie Palo, Lova Bu
chanan, Amedia Kiblan, Agda Palo.
Pledges are Betty Summers, Betty
llagen, May McFadgen, Lucile
Gray, Marjorie Allen, and Pauline
Six Alumni Members
There are six alumni members of
the sorority, including Mary Mc
Mahon, Margaret Kressman, Helen
Kiblan, Kee Buchanan, Arlene Lar
imer, and La Verne Bich.
The following are members which
are not now active, but which have
not graduated from the University:
Katherine Kressman, Eunice Park
er, Dorothy Foil, Monica Michels,
Margaret Michels, Constance Cole,
and Katherine Compton.
House officers are Virginia
Priaulx, president; Bertha Bodine,
treasurer; Buth Ellison, secretary;
Vernita Winzenried, corresponding
Jack Hempstead Has
News Article Printed
In Sunday Oregonian
•Jack Hempstead, a junior in the
school of journalism, had an article
published in the Sunday edition of
the Oregonian. The article deals
with the building of stadiums at
the Universities on the Pacific coast.
Hempstead shows in what manner
the students helped in carrying out
the building programs, which
amounted to several millions of dol
Accompanying the article was a
series of cuts, one of the new half
million dollar memorial Union build
ing which is to be built at Oregon '
Agricultural College next spring,
one of an interior view of Mc
Arthur court and another of the
million dollar football stadium at
the University of California which
seats 79,000 spectators.
Hempstead has had another ar
ticle accepted by the National Re
tail Clothier, describing the Pacific
coast collegiate spring styles, which
will appear in print soon.
Ben Chan Will Attend
Photo Engraving School
Benjamin Chan, who left the
school of journalism at the end of
the fall term and went to Chicago
to study press-work, is now attend
ing the night school of the Chicago
School of Printing, and will soon
go to the School of Photo engraving
at Effingham, Illinois, it was report
ed in a letter received by Mrs. Don
nelly recently.
Oregon Loses
Decisions in
Debate Meet
Vote Results 3-1 U, of W.;
2-1 for University of
Idaho Score
Political Democracy, a
Failure Was Discussed
Freese and Berber Uphold
Negative Side of Issue
"DOTH Oregon teams entered in
-U the annual tri-state triangular
debate meet with the University of
Washington and the University of
Idaho were defeated, last night, on
the question, Resolved: that polit
ical democracy is a failure. Ore
gon’s affirmative team, Benoit Mc
Croskev and Ronald McCreight, was
defeated 3 to 0 at Seattle, while the
negative team, Mark Taylor and
Avery Thompson, lost to Idaho, 2
to 1.
In his constructive speech for the
negative, George Freese of the Ida
ho team contended that democracy
is successful because it has per
formed the five fundamental prin
ciples of government: first, protec
tion of the community from attack
from without; second, protection of
the community from rebellion with
in; third, determination of justice
between man and man; fourth,
management of public utilities;
fifth, assistance of the individual in
providing business which will not
check his individual capacity.
democracy successiul
Democracy has further proved to
be a successful government in the
United States, he contended, be
cause representatives in the nation
al government perform their best
service or are recalled by vote of j
the people. State representatives, !
likewise elected by popular vote,
strive to make government function
for the best interests; and local ad
ministration is carried on by direct
election of the people.
Avery Thompson, who presented
the affirmative case, first stated
that democracy is a failure because
it depends on the ability of the
people to get at the facts, and that,
since the average of American in
telligence is that of a child of
thirteen years, intelligence molded
by a press controlled by special in
terests, public opinion, because it
does not got at the facts, is a haz
ardous thing on which to base de
Failure of Governments
The primary purpose of democ
racy, Thompson explained, is to do
away vt'ith the old defects of gov
ernment. Democracy has failed to
fulfill its purpose, a fact which is
evidenced by election of officials
by corrupt methods. Finally, he
contended, democracy has ffailed in
crises, when the tendency is away
from democracy. Washington, Lin
coln, and Wilson all assumed dic
tatorial powers. After the world
war, when Italy faced an economic
crisis democracy and parliamentary
government was in power, the black
shirt army of Mussolini built on
the fallen democracy the successful
government of Italy today. Tyran
ny is bad, he argued, but in crisis
is better than democracy.
In cross-questioning Thompson,
the affirmative speaker, Becher,
cited as an instance Czeclio-Slo
vakia, which became a democracy
after the war. Thompson replied
that the country is now under a
(Continued on page two)
Zero Hour Nears
For Women's Frolic
HPHE hour of the much antici
pated April Frolic nears and
the stunts of the classes are also
nearing perfection. Rumor has it
that the elaborate productions
are mote clever than ever this
year, and the position of first
place will be dearly won.
Chinese m aide n s, tramps,
e 1 o w n s, far-eastern beauties,
dolls, will stream into the Wo
man's building tomorrow night,
and the atmosphere of enchant
ment, joy and excitement that
occurs only once a year will in
vade the scene. The entertain
ment will be original, new and
different, and the costumes are
expected to excell all others in
beauty and originality. April
Frolic, the event that intrigues
freshman women, will roign su
preme Saturday night.
Men are again warned to be
ware of attempting to invade
the “No Man’s Land” of April
Frolic this year. Special forces
will guard the portals to the
Woman’s building, and freshman,
sophomore, junior and senior cops
will make life miserable for any
poor male trying to enter. All
that the male sex will be able
to glimpse of this entertaining
evening ,will be the various fan
tastic arrangements of t h o
gowns of the fairer sex as they
enter the door. Vigilant cops will
protect and safeguard the merri
ment of the costumed women,
and joy will be unconfined.
Tickets are on sale at Lara
way’s and the Co-Op for 35c for
upstairs seats and 15c for down
stairs seats. No seats will be re
More Try-outs
For Revue to Be
This Afternoon
Chorus and Comedy Roles
To be Chosen* for
Cast of Show
Character try-outs will be held
this afternoon for the Junior Revue
from 2 to 5 in Villard hall. In con
nection with the character contest
additional chorus try-outs for wom
en will also talce place for those
who were unable to appear yester
day afternoon.
The revue this year will require
a fairly large cast of characters.
There are several good comedy parts
in addition to the more serious
The committee in charge an
nounced, yesterday that everyone
that participates in the chorus try
outs this afternoon will have just
as much chance as those who tried
out yesterday as the eliminations
will not be made until the Friday
try-outs have been judged. The list
of those selected for the second
chorus try-Outs on Saturday after
noon from 2 to 5 will appear in the
Emerald that morning.
A big turnout for the men’s
chorus is being anticipated. Those
tryouts will bo held from 9 to 12
on Saturday morning in Guild hall.
“The committee is jubilant over
the way the campus is becoming in
terested into the revue,” states
George Eisman, assistant director
of the show. “It was a remarkable
turnout on Thursday afternoon and
every bit of the talent that com
peted for the revue was of splendid
quality. The committee will have
a hard task in carrying out the
necessary eliminations.”
" The} Torch bearers ’ on First Night
[Proves to Be Effective Production
By T. J.
“The Torch Bearers,” a three act
comedy, was presented by the Uni
versity Players in Guild hall last
night. The play, a satire on ama
teur theatricals, was almost a pure
slapstick, effective not only in it
self as such, but also effective in
its presentation. It elicited more
response from its audience than any
other play given during the year,
perhaps not only because it was
comedy, but also because the spirit
and the finesse with which it was
acted were so felicitous. Mrs. J.
Duro Pampinelli, that prodigious
and resonant manager of amateur
drama and tuft-hunter of dramatic
talent, was played by Altheat
Dwyer. Miss Dwyer carried honors
in her terrible sweep of garments.
She was rarely amusing and had
the curious knack of telling gesture,
and those irresistable nasal inflec
tions. Her acting was subtle and
sustained; it held in it a happy
variety of moods. She could be
both ridiculous, and, singularly, a
little pathetic. Miss Dwyer’s work
demands perhaps the most praise,
for the reason that it was by far
the most difficult of the roles to be
William Forbis as the distracted
husband (Frederick Ritter) of the
also distracted, and would-be actress
wife, was appealing. He individ
ualized a typical part, perhaps more
than such a part deserved. He was
the least farcical of all the char
acters in the farce. Etha Jeanne
Clark, as the wife, and Kitty Sar
tain, as Miss Florence McCrickett,
played the high-voiced aspirers
after dramatic fame with under
standing. Constance Roth as Mrs.
Nelly Fell, a bad promptress and a
successful widow, was vivid and vo
ciferous. The part of Mr. Huxley
Ilossefross was taken by Cecil Mat
(Continued on page two)
Men’s Smoker
To Be Given
Saturday Nite
Food, Stunts, Music, and
Fights Fill Program;
Champs to Tilt
Five Piece Orchestra
To Play All Evening
McArthur Court Chosen
For Affair
TJLANS for (.jle men >s smoker,
scheduled for McArthur Court
tomorrow night starting at 7:30,
are practically,
complete, accord-;
ing to Lauren |
Conley, general;
chairman. The';
line-up for the ;;
inter - fraternity
competition is i
complete and the j
vaudeville stunts |
are ready to go at j
a minutes ’ notice. *
me eveningMaurice Collings
will start with the service of food
to every iman who enters the Igloo
doors. It will not stop there, howev
er, because arrangements have been
made whereby every man can call
for refills as often as he wishes.
Squawk Heard
To date there has been but one
squawk heard and that comes from
the present holders of the free-for
all championship who will not get
a chance to compete under the same
conditions that prevailed last year.
At that time each organization en
tered a two man team, but this year
five strange men are going to be
turned loose in the Ting together
and the survivor will be declared
champion of the University.
Rather than go without a fight
Carl Kippel and Tony Greer, pres
ent title holders, have issued a chal
lenge to any two men on the cam
pus. This seems to be nearly as good
as winning over again because no
two have picked up the gauntlet.
Entries Many
For the rooster fighting and the
horse and rider tilts, five leagues
have been formled with each loop
to carry on a private elimination
tournament to decide the champion
of the circuit. The second round
will bo between the five league
champions to decide the University
of Oregon title holders.
The organizations which have en
tered the first league are Alpha
Beta Chi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta
Theta Pi, and Phi Psi. The second
loop consists of Psi Kappa, Theta
Chi, Sigma Pi Tau, and the Oregon
club. Number threo is composed of
Sigma Nu, Friendly hall, Delta Tau
Delta, and Phi Sigma Kappa. The
fourth league consists of Sigma Al
pha Epsilon, Fiji, Chi Psi, and Sig
ma Pi Epsilon. The fifth circuit
contains teams from Phi Delta
Theta, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma,
and the Independents.
Heavies on Deck
Entries for the heavyweight divi
sion of the free-for-all are Keeney,
Shields, Jackson, I.angworthy, and
Wood. In the 150 pound weight Hal
derman, Jost, Shannon, and Konig
shoffer liavo signed to battle. In
the l.'iO pound division Deule, Davis,
Hubbs, and Harris will don the
bix snappy vaudeville acta have
been booked for the evening’s per
formance. They were selected with
the idea of giving the fans quality
instead of mere quantity, and the
committee believes that it has se
cured the services of the snappiest
entertainers on the Oregon campus.
West to Banjo
Freddie West, musical athlete,
will give a ten minute demonstra
tion on the banjo. This will be fol
lowed by the act of Mason and Kel
ley, who specialize in getting har
mony from the combined devices of
banjo and cazoot.
Collins Elkins is scheduled for a
monologue and will be followed by
an acrobatic and tumbling act by
Richmond, Gower, and Wetzel. An
other banjo act will be staged by
Hurd and Jones, and Bill Lake will
finish this part of the program with
a “What Have You.”
The boxing bouts for the smoker
are being arranged by Maurice Col
lings, and will be annoquced this af
ternoon. The services of a five piece
orchestra has been secured for the
entire evening. This group of syn
eopators will contain somo of the
best musical talent that can be ob
tained on the Oregon campus, Pro
moter Conley announced yesterday.