Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1927, Image 1

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Oregon Grads
Editors’ Meet
Delegates Still Arriving;
Press in Every Part
Of State Represented
George P. Cheney, publisher of
the Enterprise Record Chieftain,
and George Cheney Jr. drove down
from Enterprise, in the beautiful
Wallowa country, for the confer- j
ence. Mr. Cheney’s son Daniel is a j
junior in the school of journalism 1
and a member of the University or
L. D. Gordon, publisher of the
Southwestern Oregon Daily News,
is up from Marshfield for the con
ference. Mr. Gordon has just added
to his record as an employer of
an all-Oregon staff by engaging Miss
Mary Conn, ’26 graduate, as report
er to succeed Miss Nettiemae Smith,
and Allan Canfield, ex-’28, in place
of Pete Laurs, ex-’27, who has re
turned to Oregon City to be news
editor of the Enterprise.
Eugene E. Short, ’24, now with
the Oregon City Enterprise, helped _
E. E. Brodie, publisher, and Hal E."
Hoss, manager, represent the Enter
prise properly at the conference. Mr.
Short is employed in the advertis
ing department with Byron O. Gar
rett, another Oregon graduate, who
is .local advertising manager.
* * »
Arne G. Rae, ’22 graduate, now
editor of the Tillamook Herald, is
on the campus for the conference,
with his eo-publisher, Fred T. Mel
linger. During their absence from
Tillamook their paper is in charge
of Mildred Jean Carr, 1926 Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Bede are
among those registered for the con
ference. Mr. Bede has just finished
another term of service as reading
clerk of the lower house at Salem.
During his absence the Cottage
Grove Sentinel, twice-a-week, is
looked after by Miss Mary Clerin,
Oregon 1925 graduate, who gets the
paper out on time and, so Elbert
says, as good as ever.
Ralph R. Cronise, who was an
Oregon student about 13 years ago
and is now co-publishc1- of the Al
bany Democrat-Herald with W. L.
Jackson, is on the campus for the
conference. Mr. Cronise is chair
man of the advertising committee
of the state association. Mr. Jack
son ’s daughter, Olga, is a senior in
English in the University.
When Harris Ellsworth was in the
University, he was supposed to be
an English major, but he succeeded
Jeannette Calkins as manager of
the Emerald and has been more or
loss journalistic ever since. He is
now manager of the Four-L Lum
ber News, published in Portland,
and he has the figures to show that
he’s making the business grow.
A. C. Gage, publisher of the An
gora Journal, combined attendance
at the Conference with a visit with
his daughter Leslie, sophomore in
No sooner had Earle Richardson
left the University as a graduate in
1920 than he went right into news
paper work. Before long he was
married and together with Art
Steele was running the Clatskanie
Chief. Then he stepped out and
bought the Elgin Recorder, later
taking over the Dallas Observer,
which he is now conducting as a
live county weekly. He and Mrs.
Richardson, who was Miss Elizabeth
Stewart of McMinnville, are at the
Dean Collins, assistant city edi
tor of the Portland Telegram, and
Portland’s versifier de luxe, spent
part of yesterday afternoon finish
ing his paper to be read at the con
ference today.
* * .
J. H. Dellinger, publisher of the
Morning Astorian, deserted his
paper and his extensive cranberry
bogs to come to the conference. Mr. j
Dellinger is a prominent Republican,
business man, farmer, and editor of
the Lower Columbia River district.
• • •
Lee D. Drake, of the Astoria Eve
ning Budget, breaks into print as
the first conference delegate to reg
ister in the big red book.
• • •
Although the farthest realm to
send delegates to the Editors’ Con
ference, San Francisco takes sec
ond place in number of representa
tives here, Portland, of course, head
ing the list. From the southern
(Continued on page two)
State to Feel
Spirit of Old
Oregon Soon
University Night Is New
Feature; to Be Annual
Part of Plans
Reception, Glee Club,
Show to Fill Evening;
Important Meeting of All
Committee Todav
BUILDING for a greater Uni
versity, tire 1927 Greater Ore
gon committee will complete its last
piece of work dnring spring vaca
tion when it will present Oregon
spirit in programs, to be given be
fore the high schools of the state.
Outstanding in the spring program
is University of Oregon Night to
be held at the Broadway theater in
Portland. This feature of the pro
gram is being initiated this year
by Dudley Clark, chairman of the
Greater Oregon directorate, and is
planned to be an annual affair.
Reception to Be at Theater
A reception will be held in the
theater reception rooms, March 22,
in connection with the glee club con
cert, which will be given at the
Broadway, March 22, 23, and 24.
A program consisting of numbers
by the quartet, skits, and short
talks by members of the faculty,
students, and alumni will feature
the reception. Refreshments will be
served. President Hall, Captain Mc
Ewan, Hugh Biggs, and other prom
inent persons connected with the
University will be present, and the
opportunity will bq afforded pros
pective Oregon students of the Port
land high schools to become ac
quainted with University folk and
the spirit of the University.
Special Program Planned
The Broadway is presenting a pro
gram of special attraction for the
three evenings that the glee club is
to appear. “Nobody's Widow,” star
ring Leatrice .Toy, will be the mo
tion picture. A thirty minute con
cert by the glee club will follow,
featuring ballads that are favorites
among old-timers. Classical music,
will also have a place, and the quar
tet, consisting of George Wardner,
John Stark Evans, Frank Rorer, and
Ted Larsen, is working out some
snappy songs and a skit. These
three concerts will come as the cul
minating point of the glee club tour
which will be conducted during the
vacation. One of the best of Fan
chon and Marco’s presentations will
complete the program. “Mr. Wu and
the Feast of Lanterns” is the name
of the number and a Chinese jazz
band should add to its success.
uancing to Feature
An opportunity for dancing will
be afforded immediately after the
reception. Those desiring to see the
show should go to the eight o’clock
performance, as the reception is
scheduled to begin about ten o ’clock}
according to Clark.
A meeting of the entire committee
is called for four o’clock today in
Villard hall, and the following mem
bers of the directorate are requested
to notify all members of their com
mittees of the necessity of their
Committee to Meet
District 1, Nellie Carroll; district
2, George Hill; district 3, Don Mc
Cook; district 4, Edith Dodge; dis
trict 5, Nick Carter; district fl,
Ronald Sellers; district 7, Paul Slet
ton; district 8, Don Beelar; district
9, Jack Hempstead; district 10, Cliff
Kuhn; district 11, Herbert Socolof
sky; district 12, George Mimnaugh.
Dudley Clark, as chairman of the
Greater Oregon work, desires to
make it especially imperative that
members of the committee be pres
ent at the meeting today, and co
operate to the utmost in this last
piece of important work which is to
be put forward by the 1927 com
Nash Honor Guest at
Printing Breakfast
Dr. John Henry Nash, patron of
fine printing at the University, was
the guest at breakfast this morn
ing of Robert C. Hall, manager of
the University Press, and the ad
vanced typography class. Dean Erie
W. Allen, of the school of journal
ism, was present.
The students are working on the
late President P. L. Campbell’s
monograph on education, “Educa
tion and the State’’ under Dr.
Nash’s supervision. They are: Lew
is Beeson, Genevieve Morgan, Cal
vin Horn, Milton George, and Ray
Symphony Orchestra Conductor
Willem Van Hoogstraten, noted conductor of the Portland Symphony
Orchestra, which will he heard in concert here Monday night.
Edith Dodge
Named Head
Of Committee
Women’s League Drive for
Fine Arts Building
Will Begin
The appointment of Edith Dodge
as general chairman of the
Women’s League spring drive to
raise money for the proposed Fine
Arts building was announced yes
terday by Kathryn Ulrich, presi
dent of Women’s League. Helen
Webster will be assistant chairman
and Gladys Steiger, chairman for
The drive will take in all parts
of the state and will be conducted
during spring vacation. The same
plan was carried out Christmas va
cation, and the money turned in
from giving benefits amounted to
nearly four hundred dollars.
A girl has been appointed from
each town the drive includes, to
act as chairman there. She may
choose her own committee among
students on the campus from that
particular place and if she plans to
give a dance, it would be a good
idea to ask men to help, says Miss
The following are the .committee j
chairmen: Albany, Betty Beam; As
toria, Clover Burlingame; Bandon,
Dorothy Belle Endicott; Coquille,
Maxine Paulson; Cottage Grove,
Marian White; Dallas, Barbara
Chapman; Enterprise, Myra Jordan:
(Continued an page three)
Specialty Talent
Expected En Masse
For Saturday Tryout
Already a large number have
turned in their names signifying in
tentions to take part in the tryouts
Saturday afternoon for the Junior
Musical Bevue which, this year, will
take the place of the antiquated
vod-vil idea of past years. Satur
day tryouts, which will be for spe
cialty talent, will be under the di
rection of Billy O’Bryant, in tho
Guild theater from 1 to 5 p. m. Al
though the character and chorus try
outs for the Revue will not be held
until the first week of spring quar
ter, the judges will keep in mind
all talent appearing today whether
their acts are selected or not. Those
not chosen will probably be given
leading parts in the Bevue, there
fore a large turnout is expected to
Don McCook, business manager
for the revue, announces that al
though much more money will be
expended on this year’s show than
on previous ones, the admission
prices will be the same. Members of
this year’s show will be given a spe
cial block of seats for their use.
Almost a hundred persons will
take part in this year’s production.
Kittye Sartain, dancing director,
and Constance Roth, costume direc
tor, have arranged with a San Fran
cisco firm to obtain many of the
costumes to be used in the produc
Famed Players
To Be Heard in
Concert Monday
Portland Symphony Group
Declared One of Best
Six in America
Ono year ago Josef Lheviane^
eminent artist, said, “Willem
van Hoogstraten will make the Port
land Symphony Orchestra one of
the very finest in the country—I
would say one of the best half dozen
in America.”
Today his statement was vindi
cated by John Stark Evans, of the
University of Oregon music school,
who said: “The-Portland Symphony
Orchestra is, without question, one
of the best six in America. Mr. vau
Hoogstraten is equal to any con
ductor in this country, and there
are very few who are his peers any
The Portland Symphony' Orches
tra, Willem van Hoogstraten, con
ductor, will be presented in concert
by the A. S. U. O. Monday night,
March 7. The concert will be given
in McArthur court, in order that
there will be available room for
everyone. This is the third guest
attraction on the music series. No
admission will be charged to those
holding student body cards or sea
son tickets.
“Mr. van Hoogstraten has brought
the orchestra to a high degree of
excellency, for he is not only a
great conductor, but he has men
under him who are very fine music
ians. The orchestra plays with fine
intonation, and Mr. van Hoogstraten
gets what he pleases at the moment,”
said Mr. Evans.
Ischaikosky's Symphony No. 6
(“Pathetique”) will be the prin
cipal work offered. This is consid
ered one of the composer’s greatest
achievements, if not the greatest.
In this work he has set the Slavonic
“temperament” to music.
“The Flight of the Bumble Bee,”
by Kimsky-Korsakov, has also been
included. This piece was recently
given in Portland and proved so
popular with the audience, that it
was repeated at a following con
cert. It is taken from the opera
“Tsar Sultan.”
The concert will start promptly
at 8:15. The program is as follows:
Beethoven .“Egmont” Overture
Tschaikowsky, Symphony “Pathet
Tschaikowsky .
.Symphony “Pathetique”
Mozart ....“Fine Kleine Nachmusic”
Moussorgsky .
.“Night on a Bald Mountain”
Bimsky-Korsakoff ..
.“Flight of the Bumble Bee.”
Wagner .“Tanhauser” Overture
Thespians to Honor
Last Year Girls Today
The Thespians, freshman honorary
society, will entertain their sister
Thespians of last year at the College
Side Inn today from till 5 o’clock.
Bridge and dancing will be the di
versions of the afternoon. Light re
freshments will be served.
State Editors
Talk of News
And Business
Style Book Report Given;
Uniform Technical
Usage Is Aim
Value of Advertising
Subject of W. P. Burn
Field Agent for Papers
Urged by Read
types of news, occupied the first
day's session of the Oregon State
Editorial association, which was
held in the Journalism building yes
Mimeographed copies of a part
of the style book being worked out
for the association were distributed
bv C. J. McIntosh, of the O. A. C.
department of industrial journalism,
who gave the report of the commit
tee. He indicated that there would
bo no attempt to influence the style
of individual writers on the papers,
but an effort would be made to se
cure uniformity in the technical as
pects of writing.
The value of advertising cam
paigns was pointed out by Walter
P. Burn, manager of the Pacific
Coast Bureau, American Newspaper
Publishers’ association, in his talk
on the “Development of National
Newspaper Advertising.”
Mount Talks on Fraud
There are three kinds of fraudu
lent advertising which a paper may
be asked to carry, said Robert M.
Mount, manager of the Better Bus
iness Bureau, Advertising club of
Portland, in his talk on “Fraudulent
Advertising; Some Bad Accounts to
Look Out. For.” These are the ob
viously fraudulent, such as ads
which offer cures for diseases re
quiring expert medical attention;
the doubtful type, such as a puzzle
scheme so simple that anyone can
work it, but which offers prizes of
no value; and the typo that cannot
'be detected from copy, which is
the hardest to handle. The devel
opment of a newspaper man’s “sec
ond sense” is necessary for the de
tection of this kind of copy.
Public Opinion No Myth
“This thing public opinion is no
myth,” said Mr. Mount. If editors
accept fraudulent advertising, the
result is a growing dissatisfaction in
the minds of the readers with the
paper and with advertising in gen
eral. The newspaper, he said, is no
longer a medium in which anything
can be advertised, as long as the
space is paid for.
OMMITTEE reports, discussions
of advertising and the various I
Confidence and service were em
phasized as the main points in sell
ing’ advertising by Harris Ellsworth,
of the Four-L Lumber News, in his
talk on “What the Local Advertiser
Needs to Know About Your Paper.”
“An ad salesman must keep his cli
ents at a high point of confidence,”
he said.
Service Important
In the way of service, Mr. Ells
worth advised ad salesmen to put
suggestions on paper and let the
advertiser see what he is getting.
Advertising has to be regarded as
a staple commodity, he said. It
has to be sold, and if it is economic
ally sound, it will stay sold, and
help you to sell more.
Regional Agent Wanted
That the organization of news
papers in this state in order to sup
port the office of a field agent is a
necessity, is the belief of Ben II.
Read, regional secretary of tho
Western Division of the National
Editorial Association, and executive
secretary of Southern California
Mr. Read declared that a news
paper is the show window of a town,
the vital force in the community,
if it is properly conducted.
Bede and Hoss Talk
In the first meeting of the after
noon, Elbert Bede, editor of the
Cottage Grove Sentinel, talked for
ten minutes on what the Editorial
association had done in the last
session of the legislature, mostly in
the nature of clarifying the laws.
Hal E. noss, secretary to Governor
Isaac, L. Patterson, spoke briefly
about the work in the legislature.
Foreign Advertising
“If the advertiser wants to reach
the people in small towns, he must
use the local newspaper,” said Lu
cien P. Arant, manager of the Baker
Herald. He spoke on “Working up
(Continued im page two)
Editors Hear From Six
Groups in Quick Time
T TIIE editors’ banquet at
-*• *-the Osburn last night the
keynote was “make it snappy.”
The affair, contrary to all pre
cedent, actually started on time;
and the chicken followed the
soup with unprecedented prompt
ness. The speeches were all to
be short, since everyone—having
no idea what the basketball game
was to bo like—was eager to get
out and see it.
So when Dean Eric W. Allen,
who was the toastmaster, an
nounced that the heads of six
important journalistic organiza
tions were present, and would be
heard from, 277 persons groaned
inwardly. Ho proceeded to name
the 'organizations deliberately.
There were present, it appeared,
a director of the International
Press Foundation, a vice-presi
dent of the National Editorial
association, the president of the
Pacific Slope Newspaper confer
ence, the secretary of the State
Editorial association, a director
of the Willamette Valley Ben
Franklin club, and the secretary
of tho Clackamas County Pub
lishers’ association. All these or
ganizations, he thought, really
should be heard from, each
through its authorized represen
tative. So he introduced a repre
sentative of each—and Hal Hoss,
of the Oregon City Enterprise,
stood up; he was all of them,
with more journalistic offices
than anyone else in all creation.
And the secretary of an ax-wield
ing governor besides.
Hoss told a few good stories
and pulled a new one on Elbert
Bede by referring to Elbert’s
children as his “string of little
Valuable Ming
Vase Presented
By E. E. Brodie
Beautiful Example of
Rare Work Bought
In Far East
A Chinese red lacquer vase, about
live feet in height and beautifully
carved in many intricate designs
and figures, was presented to the
University by E. E. Brodie, publish
er and editor of the Morning Enter
prise, Oregon City, and delivered
at the school of journalism by him
The vase, dating from the time of
the Ming Dynasty, was made in
Fuchow and is one of the very few
in existence at the present time.
This art disappeared because the
rare pieces took many, many years
to make and few people knew how.
The vases were made for members
of the royal family and are symbolic
of their rule.
At the time of the Revolution in
1!)12, the pieces fell into the hands
of dealers, Mr. Brodie explained,
and with much effort and expense
he was able to purchase the piece
which he has just given to the Uni
lie procured the specimen of art
from a Chinese dealer who had two
vases and two screens to match.
He had some difficulty in persuading
the dealer to give him only one
piece, but after a long time he was
able to do so.
Realizing from his own knowledge
that the piece was too valuable to
keep in his own home but was fitted
to be a museum piece, Mr. Brodie
decided to give it to the University.
It will be placed with the other
exhibitions in the Murray Warner
collection of Oriental art.
Vesper Program to Be
Secret Until Sunday
A program that is creating as
much interest among musical circles
on the campus by its secrecy as if
all the numbers to be included in
the afternoon’s services had been
announced, will be given tomorrow
at vespers, at 4:30 in the school of
music auditorium. John Stark Evans
lias consented to give several organ
selections but has withheld the
names of the compositions with the
view that Sunday offers better in
spiration in deciding on them than
Robert McKnight, baritone, and a
senior in the school of music who
has had charge of the music at the
Unitarian church for several years
and who is prominent in the glee
club and musical circles, will sing
Riddle’s “The Lord Is My Shep
Oregon Five
Defeated Bv
Golden Bears
California Takes Fourth
Conference Flag by
33 to 21 Victory
Swede Ends Career
In Blaze of Glory
Ridings 011 Bench With
Injured Foot
California (S3) (21) Oregon
Watson (7) f (4) Gunther
R. Dougery (6) f (1) Epps
Corbin (10) c (2) Okerberg
J. Dougery (4) g (5) Milligan
Dixon (2) g (9) Westergren
Substitutions: California, Tripp,
4; Butts, Fechter, Dean. Oregon,
Referee, Tom Fitzpatrick. Um
pire, Bill Mulligan.
THE California Golden Bears
clawed and chased the Univer
sity of Oregon webfooted basketeers
around for forty
hectic minutes in I
McArthur court 1
last night, and 1
ended the eve- j
ning’s entertain- ’
ment by tucking \
the Pacific Coast
conference flag
into the old
trophy bag by the I
strain of 33 to
21. This was the ■
second gamo of
the championship Westergren
series, the first having been won by
the visiting hoopsters 35 to 29
Thursday night.
The playing of “Swede” We-ster
gren, diminutive Oregon guard, was
one of tho outstanding features of
last night’s tilt. He not only check
ed his man and broke up the oppos
ition’s plays but he hawked the ball
all over the court and gathered nine
counters for his team. In spite of
the fact that as soon as he got with
in average scoring range he was
swamped by husky six footery, be
slipped away and started several
Oregon rallies by looping the pill
through the hemp-draped circle.
Ridings on ±iencli
Tlie Webfoots started the fracas
with a combination on- the floor
that has rarely seen service to
gether. Cord Ridings, Oregon for
ward, was adorning the bench with
a pair of crutches at his feet, and
Dave Epps was forced into service
for the lirst time since the Washing
ton State game played at Pullman.
R. Dougery, who is fifty per cent
of the Dougery brothers combination
on tho Golden Bear’s quintet, start
ed the scoring in the first minute
and a half of play when he swished
tho hemp from a difficult angle.
Epps Makes a Point
Dave Epps did his beat to even
the count as he approached the
Santa Claus line after Watson trip
ped him. His efTort brought the
count to 2 to 1. This, however, was
the nearest that Oregon came to
overcoming California’s lead.
Watson, blue and gold forward,
soon goaled the spheroid for two
more points, and then the other
half of the Dougery combination
started paying dividends. His heave
was followed by one by Corbin that
brought the count up to 8 to 1.
At this stage of the riot Oker
berg showed a flash of his old form
as he took careful aim from the
center of the floor and dropped the
ovel through the ring without touch
ing a hair. This and the shot made
by Westergren in the last half wa3
the prettiest exhibition of long
range sharp shooting seen on the
floor last night.
The blue and gold warriors then
retaliated when Watson and Dixon
each converted from the Santa Claus
line on sins committed by Epps and
Rally Nipped
An embryonic rally was started
by Oregon when Milligan took a
pass from Gunther and looped the
pill without breaking his stridtt.
Milligan, who was all hopped up
and rarin’ to go, mixed it with the
doughty Dixon, and Fitzpatrick
chastised the pair with a double
foul. Milligan finned the oval bas
ketward, but it provokingly rolled
around the edge, tottered for a sec
ond and toppled outside. Dixen,
however, stepped up to the Santa
Claus line and sank his putt just
before the gun ended the half. At
this juncture the Webfoot basket
(Continued on page th .<ey