QDregmt Sailg fmetalii University of Oregon, Eugene eon ABRAMSON, Editor EARL W. SLOCUM, Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Rar Nash _ Managing Harold Mangum --—. Sports Fbmev Jones - Literary Editor Editor Editor Henry Alderman . Contributing Editor. Bertram Jessup . Contributing: Editor j Paul Luy .... Feature Editor | >r PhnnM iNewn ana tuiwr r uuucs, ww DAT EDITORS: Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher, Barbara Blythe, Bin Haggerty. Alternates: Flossie Radabaogh, Grace Fisher. NIGHT EDITORS: Wayne Morgan, Jack Coolidge, Bob Hall. SPORTS STAFF: Jack O’Meara. Dick Syring, Art Schoeni, Charles Burton, Hoyt gteaTTrag- WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Ruth Corey, A1 Clarke, Sam Kinley, John Butler. UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge. NEWS STAFF: Helen Shank, Grace Taylor, Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten, Dorothy Baker Kenneth Roduner, Cleta McKennon, Betty Sehultze, Frances Cherry, Mar garet'Long Mary McLean, Bees Duke. Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard, Lncile Carroll hiaudie Loomis. Ruth Newton, Eva Neaion, Margaret Hensley. Margaret, Clark, Ruth Hansen, John Alien, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy Franklin, Eleanor Edward*. LaWanda Fenlason, Wilma Lester, Walter Coover, John Black, Tboraen Bennett. BUSINESS STAFF Million George __ Associate Herbert Lewis -— Advertising Jac IJ«a _ Advertising Manager Francis McKenna .. Circulation Manager Manager Ed Bissell . Aaa’t. Circulation Mgr. Manager Wilbur Shannon ... Circulation Asa't Larry Thielen _ Foreign Advertising Mgr. Huth Corey .Specialty Advertising Bath Street __ Advertising Manager Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising Advertising Aaaistanta: Flossie Radabaugh, Roderick LaFollette, Maurine Lombard, Charles Reed, Bob Moore, Bill Hammond. Office Administration : Dorothy Davis, Lou Anne Chase, Ruth Field. Th* Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of tha University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during As college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffict at Bugene Oregon, as second-clasa matter. Subscription ratea, $2.60 per year. Adver- I thing rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1320. ! Business office phone, 1896. [ Day Editor This Issue—Bee Harden Night Editor This home— Charles Burton Assistant— Sidney Dobbin Unsigned comment in this column is written by the editor. Full responsibility -Si Miumed by the editor for all editorial opinion. THE strongest man in the world is ho who stands most alone.—Ibsen. TIETHER there be a veritable T ▼ “'wave’' of college suicides or no must be answered by a more de tailed and interpretive examination of the (lata than has so far been Mafic by any of the howlers who have raised the cry. For instance, an intelligent answer would neces sarily take into consideration the ratio of college suicides to suicides generally,—past and present. Howsoever, there is no escaping tho fact of a tidal wave of shouts, pratings, wagging of heads and wise finalities anent the cause of the phe nomenon. Pick up a newspaper or a magazine almost, any where or any time and the chances are even that you will find some fresh opin ion on the matter. The assigned causes have long since out-numbered the famous Hfty-seven varieties. They range from “modern philosophy and psy chology” to the weather. Over-edu cation and under-education; coward ice and boldness; extroversion and introversion; all these and many other easy guesses have been fas tened upon as the source of the suicidal “fad.” Every man from high priest to country editor con sults his particular religious or so cial prejudices and reads the writ and pronounces. The latest and the funniest comes from no Icsh a dignitary than the erudite head of a neighboring uni versity—President \V. W. Campbell of the University of California. Un less it be that some embryo reporter •on the worthy “Daily Californian” has bungled an assignment, Mr. Campbell is responsible for the fol lowing; “Many students have a hard time over the winter, and a state of mental depression is a natural result. In California, where there is a mild climate, and where con ditions are better generally, we have no such contributing causes, apd consequently no student trag edies.' Now thiit (1 scholar has spoken wo hope M,c matter is get I led, Hut alas, there arises th'3 more stupendous problem: How can we get the re gents and legislatures of the forty .seven remaining states to act in time? For no one, being properly in- i Out of the Air, All Things! formed of the dire discovery, will, of course, fail to see the social neces sity of making haste to transplant I our universities en masse to beam- j ing California where the realities of philosophy, psychology, and such like truths are rendered wholesome | in soft breezes and roseate glows.— j B. J. What Next, Harvard? (McGill Daily) rjx) EXPRESS surprise at any- ■ thing a modern university may j undertake to teach nowadays is to i confess lack of sympathy with mod- I ornity. This may be a very good i thing to confess and defend at | times, however. The proposal to add a course of lectures on the moving picture industry to the curriculum ; of the Harvard graduate school seems to provide a case in point. [ While it is obvious that many people j are engaged in this industry who j know little or nothing about it, this ! after nU is a matter of business, not j of education in a university. The youth of a nation, and this should apply to the students to the south of us, are sent to its univer sities not to learn how to make dol j lars and cents, but to learn how to live. In precise proportion to the success it attains in aiding them to j this knowledge is the university ful filling its proper function. When it begins to offer courses in the fine arts of managing a peanut-stand at a street corner or producing pic- ; turns for the edification of the pub lic, then the university might as well abrogate its present proud position as the source of inspiration and guidance to young men and women of today. To add purely commercial training in one special business to the course of any university is eth ically wrong and a practical error of the first magnitude. We Greet Our Peers “TJ'KLLOW editors,” we call tliem in this brief welcome. And it’s so pleasant to call them that, because in a few months the best claim we’ll have will be “fel-i low human being.” In the mean- I time, though, WO are equals, and I as we say “welcome, fellow edi- ; tors," we feel mighty iiU||optnnT, Even though we know the inevitable tomorrow is just around the corner, we’ll try to be on our dignity ttml avoid ail air of patronage. , Common-! ications „ '■»?->j. fessiaful_, Eugene Bible University i Eugene, Ore. Dear Editor: We girls of Rohm hall wish to | thank you for the publicity you gave us in the Emerald of March 2. We are sorrv, however, to say that ! “Bethemy ” is now o\’er-stoeketl with dates and ran use no more. Some time ago Paul Luv (or one rf the Seven Seers') made a plea to the cooks in the fraternity houses to save the empty coffee cans for the “Rlieams Hall girls" to start geranium slips in. We thank you for the cans, but we would appre ciate it more if you would get the geranium plants for us. But still better if you would get a door bell for us so we eould always know when the sheiks eall on us late at night. I saw your notice in this morn ing’s paper about not printing any letter that had no name. I am not asking you to print this. I thank you onee again for vour kindness. Yours very truly, “One of the Rheums Hall girls.” Editor’s note: This anonymous contribution is published because the communicant-’a sentiments are ! too precious for the editor alone. For the Many or the Few? To the Editor: From reliable sources comes to me the news that members of the Executive Council have been pro-' videil with complimentary tickets for the Coast Conference games. Yet only with one ticket but with several, in order that they might invite several dear friends. Under these conditions the rumored gate crashefs have my wholehearted en dorsement and more power to them. Of course there has been a great deal of wrangling over what to Mr. Beneliel is a small matter and to the degree of what one correspondent calls the corruption of Oregon spirit over the "mere tritie” of a fifty cent charge. Don’t worry, we’ll still have that old Oregon Spirit—wr're not forgot ting it at all. And fur thermore we all know the games or any part of a game is going to be worth fifty cents. What we are moaning about is the principle of the thing. And why should the Executive Council members be shown any more favoritism than anyone else? Why should they re ceive more than one ticket? Don’t worry if a person can’t judge how anxious we are to see the Hreen and VeUow emerge victorious bv the remonstrances of the past week over a mere fifty cent charge which the majority of the students think ilftSETEN JOURNALISTS ARE BORN NOT PAID. New Yorkers are paying as high as $1 a box for hothouse strawber ries. That’s nothing. Think what Browning is paying for peaches. —Los Angeles Record * « * Twenty-three students have com mitted suicide now. When I think about term papers the number al most leaps to twenty-four. Object as you may but we take off our hat to the Delt frosh who got into the game free by carrying a Corona case. CAMPUS STROLLING The first of the state editors ar riving on the campus for the press convention. It would be just our luck to have a nice scandal break while they are here on the spot. Few of them have ink under their nails, however. As many students as possible should make an effort to carry a copy of College Humor un der their arm while they are here. It is expected of us. FOLKS WE COULD CONSCIEN TIOUSLY KILL The guy at the theater who walks through the row of seats behind us dragging his overcoat across our head. GRETCHEN WONDERS IF THE SWEEPING CHANGES AT THE UNIVERSITY WHICH THE ORE GONIAN MENTIONS WILL AF FECT THE JANITORS. First editor: ‘‘Do you follow the policy of nothing but the truth?” Second editor: “Well, no; we print weather forecasts.” Joe Copydesk, art editor of the Oregonian classified ad section, who will address the editors’ convention being held this week-end. His topic for tonight is “Snow-shoes for the j Linotype Operator,” and tomorrow he will speak on “Canvas Gloves as an Aid in Copyreading. ” Prior to coming to Eugene, Mr. Copydesk was art critic of the Police Gazette but failing eye-sight caused by the terrific strain forced him to resign. He came west just at the time the Oregon Journal was completely baffled by the problem of printing square papers with its new rotary presses. Joe made a study of the matter and found that by running the presses In the dark the conven tional paper could be produced. As a token of appreciation Joe received a genuine cow hide pocket flask, i We hear that Margaret Munsey : doesn’t know what it’s all about.* j * See Doc Osborne or any Theta or Fiji. The time for handshaking is get tin fail—well—ertl-ly to bed with him on those throe nights! And, if it collies to putting one over on the students we sure give up to our "big butter and egg man.” One of 3500 Seeks Enlightenment To the Editor: Careful reading of the student body ticket should do much to dear up the misunderstanding in regard to the payment of admission fees to the games. Final intercollegiate contests are there differentiated from other campus activities or events. Tho expenses of the visiting team must be paid whether the game is played in Eugene, or, as last year, in California. The whole trouble could be clear ed up once and for all if the finan cial status of the A. 8. U. O. were printed, not merely read at a meet ing. Where does the money from the games gof Is it true that we have made large sums of money from them# What are the salaries of some of the officials and the ex penses of the teams? The atmos phere of secrecy or indifference to student opinion has done more harm than good to the affairs of the A. S. 17. O. Print a financial statement once in a while. It won’t hurt us. W. L. CAMPUS ! Bulletin* i Girls in charge of tickets for W. j A. A. banquet must turn in money ' to Nellie Johns today. | Teminids: Meet at Craftsman’s j club 7:15 tonight to go to district I convention of O. E. S. in mass. ; Bring 1926 receipts. ting shorter every day. I imagine that had something to do with La Wanda Fenlason hastening to over take her history prof the other day. j Humor has it that the boat being j constructed down on 11th near Wil lamette is going to be used to patrol the race this season. She’d better use a bottle of Root Beer to christen it. The Eugene I home brew would eat a hole in the ! hull. * * » ; Whatever troubles Adam had i When he and Eve cut capers He never had to stay up nights I Writing on term papers. HAVE YOUR TICKETS READY! Polo as an official sport has made its debut at the University of Wash ington. REX NEW SHOW TODAY TOM TYLER in “LIGHTNING LARIATS” A whirlwind drama o flightning action romance and adventure OTHER FEATURES New Things at DeNeffe’s Two express shipments of Tudor Hall and Langham Suits Castle Hats Irl smart new shapes and col ors. Priced $6.50 Shirts Collar attached i n the new spring fabrics, very good look I hig. j | . ! DeNeffe’s Young Men's Wear , McDonald Theatre Bldg. | i _ _ STOREY-MEN 713 WHJJL&LETTE Our “Smartone” group of suits was specifically created for young men who demand authentic fashion without eccentric crudities. The “Londoner” has slim-and-trim London lines. TAILORED IN OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE PATTERN-WEAVES BY MESSRS. STEIN-BILOCH, INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED v/ v/ V V Y VVVVVYVYV VVVVY V V V V ' X STICKY STRIKES are smooth and mellow— the finest cigarettes you ever smoked. They are kind to your throat. Why? All because they are made of the finest Turkish and domestic tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great skill, and there is an extra process in treating the tobacco. “It’s toasted” Your Throat Protection