Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene
Ray Nash .—
Harold Mangum .
Florence Jones -
. Managing
.. Sports
_ Literary
Editor Henry Alderman . Contributing
Editor Bertram Jessup . Contributing
Editor Paul Luy . Feature
Editor i
News and J&ditor rnones, odd
DAY EDITORS: Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie^ Fisher, Barbara Blythe,
Bill Haggerty. Alternates: Flossie Iiadabaugh, Grace Fisher.
NIGHT EDITORS: Wayne Morgan, Jack Coolidge, Bob Hall.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack O’Meara. Dick Syring, Art Schoeni, Charles Burton, Hoyt
FEATURE* WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Ruth Corey, AI Clarke, Sam Kinley, John
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge.
NEWS STAFF: Helen Shank, Grace Taylor, Herbert Lundy. Marian Sten, Dorothy
Baker Kenneth Rodaner, Cleta McKennon, Betty Sehultze, Frances Cherry, Mar
garet "Long Mary McLean. Bess Duke. Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard, Lucile
Carroll .vlaudie Loomis. Ruth Newton, Eva Nealon, Margaret Hensley,
Margaret, Clark, Ruth Hansen, John Allen, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy
Franklin, Eleanor Edwards, LaWanda Fenlason, Wilma Lester, Walter Coover,
John Black, Thorsen Bennett.
Milton George _ Associate Manager
Herbert Lewis . Advertising Manager
Joe Neil . Advertising Manager
Larrr Thielen .. Foreign Advertising Mgr.
Ruth Street . Advertising Manager
Francis McKenna .. Circulation Manager
Ed Bissell . Ass’t. Circulation Mgr.
Wilbur Shannon . Circulation Ass't
Ruth Corey . Specialty Advertising
Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising
Advertising Assistants: Flossie Radahaugh, Roderick LaFollette, Maurine Lombard,
Charles Reed. Rob Moore, Bill Hammond.
Office Administration: Dorothy Davis, Ed Sullivan, Lou Anne Chase, Ruth Field.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during
(he college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the pos toffies
at logene Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, *2.50 per year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1320.
Businees office phone, 1895.
Day Editor This Issue— Bill Haggerty.
Nioht Editor This Issue—Henry Lumpee _
Unsigned comment in this column is written by the editor. Full responsibility
la assumed by the editor for all editorial opinion.
IF A little knowledge is dan
gerous, where is the man who
has so much as to he out of
danger?—Thomas Huxley.
From Burlesquer
To iconoclast
DISCLAIMING any intentions of
censorship but* at the same time
demanding “a satisfactory program
of supervision,” the dean of the
faculties at the University of Wash
ington, acting on 1he recommenda
tion of the faculty publications com
mittee, has indefinitely suspended
publication of “Columns,” student
humor magazine, and barred the
editor and a contributor from par
ticipation in student activities for
one year.
The cause of the trouble was an
article entitled “Lincoln Apple,
sauce,” published in the current is
sue of the magazine. It was written
in imitation of the American Mer
cury’s “de-bunking” style, as one
of a series of burlesques on well
known publications.
From the Washington Daily we
learn that “investigation of the sit
uation by the faculty committee
after protests from members of the
state legislature, patriotic societies,
and business and professional men
of the city preceded the recommen
dations.” In other words, the article
was acceptable to the' faculty until
tho patriots took offense. Action was
taken to save the good name of the
■university and publication of “Col
umns” suspended until “those re
sponsible for it can present a satis
factory program of control which
will safeguard the University
against the recurrent publication of
articles which damage its reputa
The' wholp matter is not directly
our affair, especially since the Daily,
which )>v its very nature might be
expected to champion a free press,
accepts the faculty dictum without
complaint. But after rending and
re-reading the supposedly offensive
article we are convinced that it
contained nothing that warranted
the action taken. The faculty com
mittee, in waiting until it was
moved by outside pressure, acted,
it would seem, not from genuine
conviction that there was anything
wrong with the article in question,
but because it feared censure. This
being the case, we can see nothing
praiseworthy in the committee’s de
Jjineom Applesauce” was plain
ly mark0(1 by an apology lino as a
burlesquo, not on Abraham Lincoln,
but on the American Mercury. It
burlesqued (with only fair success)
the Mercury’s tactics of bringing
heroes down to earth. It was suf
ficiently exaggerated as to appear
anything but tin* expression of any
one’s genuine beliefs. It did make
the fatal error of containing too
much truth, but whose fault is that ’
Certainly, bv its very nature it con
tained nothing that* might offend
anyone or alter existent notions
about the hero. It was, we repeat,
a burlesque on the American Met
The “public” that incited the sus
pension is taking tno much for
granted when it assumes that col
lege editors represent campus opin
ion. God forbid! (This from 1 th
the students and th.liters. The
faculty committee, in permitting the
“public" to dictate, in this case at
least, did itself no honor. State in
stitutions must indeed give heed t «
the “public.” ’Tis neither safe nor
good business to bite the hand that
feeds. But if the colleges are for
ever going to listen to a self consti
tuted “public. * which alwavs makes
plenty of noise whether it means
tea persons or a hundred thousand,
they might as well ec.nsi operations.
To the outraged worshippers of
Abraham Lincoln, we would point
out that if their idol is all they
claim for him he can well stand a
dozen burlesques that arc written in
burlesque spirit.
For the blue-pencil committee w<
have pity but not praise. They
heard their masters’ voices and got
busy. They might better have put
the patriots right by defining for
them the word “burlesque” and toll
ing them of the existence of the
American Mercury and explaining its
style, instead of making the two stu
dents stand trial rather than defend
the right of the university and those
within it to do their own thinking.
For the suspended writers we ex
press our sympathies. They may
find their compensation in the real
i ization that they could teach some
I of their teachers a lot. They did
| not, nor did they try to shatter the
idol of Abraham Lincoln, but even
so they successfully reduced to re
spectacle old men the possible
idols that a few days ago were, we
presume, respected teachers.
We Have It !
11E idea of education with us
Americans is a fact. The right
of education has come to stand only
second to that of political freedom
in the body of fundamental tenets
of American democracy. Even as
the best-favored scion of the “May
floweiiest” family of Ihe land, and
even as the offspring of the lowliest
Italian boot-black or -logger, so
may we “Anv-old Americans”
claim the loftiest seats of statesman
ship or of scholarship as the right
ful stuff of our dreams. In theory it
is so.
Yesterday—for a few short hours
—there was on the campus a man
from Old England. Mr. Kenneth
Lindsay is his name, and the preach
ing of industrial democracy is his
life, lie is of that momentous pres
ent-day political phenomenon, the
British Labor party. He is a ris
ing leader in this movement, and his
business in the United Stntes is to
explain its sources and its aims.
Those several scores of students
who were so favored as to sit in on
the British gentleman’s brief talk,
went away undisturbed and even
somewhat pleased with the visitor’s
words regarding ourselves. To those
of us who are liberals—and most
college students pretend to that per
suasion—it was perhaps gratifying
to tie told that that which the La
bor party of England is working
for is precisely the traditional equal
ity of opportunity which has always
characterized America.
| The speaker gave three elements
j ns vital to democracy. The third
I was education. And most of us who
; were there mentally nodded assent,
j Of course! How well do we know it.
Have we not etched where all who
come to our campus tnay,read, “Ed
ucation, the soul of a republic”?
Ami yet there was a whisper of a
| definition to which the man from
England did not give full utterance,
lie spoke in a sentence of something
essential -something deep. It seem
ed he even voiced the word, “cul
|ture. " And he hinted—merely hint
i ed, that—well, American education
still misses something. We some
of us were afraid he would say it
bluntly 'Education is culture!"
Her most of us liked the engaging
gentleman and we know that ed
ucation is efficiency. The belt rang
just then and most of us thought no
more about it. We event on to our
business of getting educated.
MCE more we are confronted
with this problem of securing
speakers for the campus. Todav’s
correspondent is irate about some
body's failure to secure Hugh Wal
pole’s presence on the campus this
weekend, lie doesn’t know who is
responsible, but he feels that there
is “something wrong, somewhere.”
And there is.
Just who is to blame, of course
is, as always, another matter. The
committee in charge of arranging
for speakers will probably declare
that the risk incurred in getting
Walpole and Sandburg on the cam
H. J.
'f here Are the
Men of Letters?
At least that’s one of the few
ways by which you can make mon
ey the same way you spend it.
Heal'd during the recent flood:
“Johnnie, swim out to the pump
and bring mamma a bucket of wa
ter. ’ ’
Katherine Talbot munching her
breakfast on the run to an 8 o’clock.
This morning it’s a piece of toast.
Yesterday it was a doughnut. I
hope the Kappas never have bacon
and eggs, or waffles. That will
probably take care of itself, how
ever. Alice Kraeft, the tiny presi
dent of Hendricks hall. I wonder
if her feet reach the floor when she
is sitting in the president’s chair.
Some Sigma Pi Tau father must be
a nurseryman judging from the
number of shrubs around the house.
“Now when I was in the Philip
pines— ” Warren D. Smith.
I THERE'S always a
^ BRIGHT side to most
THINGS when you get
RIGHT down to the
BOTTOM of proceedings
FOR you know I was
JUST thinking yesterday
WHAT 'a good time of
THE month the flood
CAME and cut us off
FROM the outside for
A WHILE at least
ANYHOW I haven’t
HEARD from home in
ALMOST a week"now
BECAUSE no mail can
GET through and I
WAS thinking how
DISASTROUS it would be
AT say the first of the
MONTH not to hear from
HOME in nearly a week.
Gretchen says the Rotary club i
has certainly got the jump on the j
other service clubs this winter, j
‘ ‘ The railways are using Rotary i
snow plows on most all the nioun- i
tain lines,” she reads.
There are some practical co-eds.
pus, is too great. “They want too
much,” they will wail. “The stu
dents won’t come. Men like that
never have been successes (finan
cially).” And so on.
Obviously if anything is to be
done to change this state of affairs,
it must originate with the student
body. Those interested in securing
first class speakers (and there is
no small number of them) can, like
our correspondent, talk themselves
black in_ the face about the situa
tion, but the value of such protests
has only a momentary value. It isn’t
cumulative. It lacks the weight of
concerted determination. They might
ask the committee all sorts of em
barrassing questions, such as: why
turn down Walpole at one figure,
when Roy Chapman Andrews is glad
ly signed at an even higher con
sideration ? Is there some conspiracy
afoot (as our correspondent hints)
against men of letters1?
Sandburg yesterday, AValpole to
day . . . who will it be tomorrow.
We’ve lost two good speakers; are
we going to lose the next-one, also?
And the next?
G. F. B.
Wliitlier Bound. Committee?
Dear Editor:
A short time ago Carl Sandburg
visited those parts and delivered a
number of lectures. lie spoke in
Salem before a large crowd, lie
spoke in Portland, lie visited Cor
vallis at the invitation of the stu
dent bodv of O. A. C., and addressed
the student body, lie didn’t speak
in Eugene.
This Saturday night Hugh Wal
pole, well known English novelist
and man of letters, will speak in
Portland, lie will not, I understand,
appear in Eugene.
1 do not know just who is re
sponsible for the speakers who ap
pear on the campus, nor do T know
who is responsible for those who
don’t appear, but the arrangement
or lack of arrangement seems to me
a queer one. Why the state Uni
versity, of all places in the state,
should not take an active part in
the entertainment of men of letters,
is to me a mystery. As a member of
the student body l feel that those
responsible for our speakers are eith
er sadly negligent in the perform
ance of their duties, or are deliber
ately insulting the student body
which they serve, by tactile infer
ring that we are not interested in
the Sandburg and Walpole type of
speaker. If this last is true I would
like to challenge this assumption on
the part of “those in power.’’
I know one who is majoring in Eng
lish, but she is mixing some sewing
and cooking from the household arts
department with her Shakespeare
and Ancient Literature.
| The copywriter at his writer making
| copy.
| The dressmaker at her dresser mak
ing dresses..
! The watchmaker watching me make
| And the presser at his presser mak
There seems to be a dearth of men
for the Order of the O to paddle
this season. Why not reserve the en
tire section for them? That would
; fix it up all right.
* » *
Things are still pretty wet over
in Springfield. All the girls are
wearing pumps. Many of the people
are sleeping on the floor fearing the
springs in the beds will come
through. They should sleep on a
fraternity bunk if they have those
Five thousand fans sat breathless.
Five thousand fans rose as one.
The score was tied—only a few' .min
utes to go! One team scored on a
long shot—five thousand fans yel
led with all their might. The other
team followed with a difficult one
handed shot after taking the ball
through the entire opposing team—
tli cheering was deafening. When
the referee had hushed the crowd
and stood ready to toss the ball on
what might be the deciding play
of the game a clear feminine voice
behind me said, “I don’t like
Flora’s new hat, do you?”
(Continued from page, one)
diesis alone. “Night’s Mardi Gras”
was the theme, and the lines were
written by Mildred Le Com]ite
Moore, now in charge of the chil
dren’s dancing classes on Saturday
afternoon. The staging was designed
and executed by Nolan B. Zane’s
class in design, and Miss Victoria
Avakian’s class in costume design
made the costumes. The production
was under the management of James
Leake, ’26.
Last year the Bailee Drama was
given in the McDonald theater and
was an adaptation of “Midsummer
Night’s Dream.” The same art!
classes did the costuming and stag
ing as the year before, and also
shared in the finances.
Here’s the Place—
Fountain Service!
Milk shakes with wafers
Malted Milks
Sundaes, all flavors
(your choice)
Toastwich Shop
786 E. 11th St.
tvzth an
on it. This shirt has
the long point collar.
It is made of a genu
ine imported English
Broadcloth — the best
in collars and in shirts
that you can buy.
Ask Tour Dealer
Th.9 Mathematics club will meet
at 7:30 in room 1, Johnson hall.
Gladys Euehler will speak on Con
formal Mapping.
Women’s League tea this after
noon from 4 to 6, on sun porch of
Woman’s building.
Mass meeting of W. A. A. at 4:15
in 101 Woman’s building. Impor
Sigma Delta Pi meeting Friday
at 7:30 at Y. W. bungalow. Miss
Thompson to speak.
Agora meets tonight at 7:30,
Woman’s building.
Phi Chi Theta meeting tonight at
J100 Commerce at 7:15.
Alpha Delta Sigma meets today
} noon at the Anchorage.
(Continued from pago one)
source of interest in the winter
Basketball was resumed at the
University during the 1917 season
but with little success. It marked
one of the freakiest athletic seasons
ever experienced by the Webfoots.
Eleven games were played, and none
was won. Oregon’s most decisive
defeat that year was at the hands
of the Multnomah club aggregation,
which romped away with a 33 to 3
Several things interfered with
Oregon’s hoop season. The lack of
experienced players and a post-sea
son football game with the Uni- |
versify of Pennsylvania eleven, '
—to study
—to work
—to succeed
Depends on your Physical Fit
ness. Try Chiropractic.
Geo. A. Simon
Phone 355-J
Over Penny’s Store
widely read novel
of the
When two women are in love
with the same man. something
interesting is bound to happen
—- especially when one is his
wife . . .
Week-end Trips to
—loiv roundtrip fares for
week-end travel
there and back
Go Friday. Saturday or Sunday;
return by midnight Tuesday fol
Trains at 7:35 a. m., 11:10 a. m.,
3:20 p.m. Returning S:3 5 a.m., 9:30
a. m., 5:00p.m., 8:15 pan., 9:00 p.m.
Special Pullman leaves Eugene
2:20a. m., ready at 9:30 p. m. an 1
arrives Portland 7 a.m. Returning
leaves Portland 1 a. m , ready at
9:30 p. m., and arrives Eugene at
5:30 a. m.
Save time, money and nervous
energy. Travel by train.
F. G. LEWIS, Ticket Agt. iH
Phone 2200 ;§j
which attracted Coach Hugo Bez
dek’s attention until after the new
year. Members of the team included
Lynn McCready, Hollis Huntington,
forwards; Dick Nelson, center; Shy
Huntington, Ferd Cate and Jay Fox,
(This is the third article of a
series of early basketball days at
the University.)
Dr. Walter Barnes
Returns to Classes
Walter Barnes, professor in his
tory, returned Monday to his class
es after being absent for about two
weeks because of illness.
Mr. Barnes is also taking Dr. H.
D. Sheldon’s class in.World history
in the absence of the dean.
Prompt Service
When you need a clean
shirt in a hurry, don’t
forget our fleet of delivery
trucks are always ready
to serve you. Phone 252
for fast service at reason
able prices.
Phone 252
Grille Dance
Friday, February 25
No Grille Dance Saturday
Ye Campa Shoppe
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Carl R. Baker’s Kodak Shop
“Everything Fotographic’’
7 West 7th, Eugene, Oregon
Laraway’s Shopping News
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