Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    QDtegmt Daily ^mecalb
University of Oregon, Eugene
. .. Managing Editor
. Sports Editor
. Li tor ary Editor
Ray Nash .-.—
Harold Mangum .
Florence Jones -
Henry Alderman .... Contributing Editor j
Bertram Jessup Contributing Editor i
Haul Buy ... Feature Editor '
News and Editor Jrnones, boo
DAY EDITORS: Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher, Barbara Blythe, l
Bill Haggerty. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace Fisher.
NIGHT EDITORS: Wayne Morgan, Jack Coolidge, Bob Hall.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack O'Meara, Dick Syring, Art Schoeni, Charles Burton, Hoyt
FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Ruth Corey, AJ Clarke, Sam Kinley, John
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge.
CHSWP STAFF: Helen Shank, Grace Taylor, Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten, Dorothy
Baker Kenneth Roduner, Cleta McKennon, Betty Sehuitze, Frayres Cherry, Mar
^arvt Long, Mary McLean, Bess Duke, Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard, Lucile
CarroH Maudie Loomis. Ruth Newton, Eva Nealon, Margaret Hensley,
Margaret, Clark, Ruth Hansen, John Allen, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy
Franklin, Eleanor Edwards, La Wan da Fenlaaon, Wilma Lester, Walter Coover,
John Black, Tborsen Bennett._
Milton George __ Associate Manager
Herbert Lewis Advertising Manager
Jo* Neil ._ Advertising Manager
Larry Thielen .. Foreign Advertising Mgr.
Roth Street - Advertising Manager
Francis McKenna .. Circulation Manager j
Ed Bissell . Ass't. Circulation Mgr. :
Wilbur Shannon . Circulation Ass’t j
Ruth Corey .. specialty Advertising I
Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising
Advertising Assistants: Flossie Radahaugh, Roderick LahoJIette, Maurine Lombard, ;
Charles Reed, Bob Moore, Bill Hammond.
Office Administration: Dorothy Davis, Ed Sullivan, Lou Anne Chase, Ruth Field.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of
th« University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during
cha college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffict
at Bogane, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 per year. Adver
tising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1320.
Biatneu office phone, 1895.
Day Editor This Issue— Grace Fisher
Night Editor This Issue— Charles Burton
Unsigned comment in this column is written by the editor. Full responsibility
Is assumed by the editor for all editorial opinion.
THE rain it raineth every
<1 ay.—Sli a k espeare.
What Sort of a
Chap Was George?
father (if hii} country, was
born at 10 o’clock on Friday morn
ing, February 22, 1732. The hour
and day of the week, though not
generally known, are authentic,
having been provided through ref
erences to the Washington family
bible and by perusal of astronomi
cal formulae. Time-worn subjects
are always improved with a little
original material.
It is always fun to wonder what
the world’s great men were really
like. Was George a good husband?
Was he bored at church? Was he
noisy with his soup? Did lie bother
with a cuspidor? Did that august
dignity shed by all his pictures
shine with equal vigor upon the
members of his household? Did he
play with his children? Or did ho
have children? •
It is really a pity that we haven’t
a good picture of the national hero.
No man can look natural when he
knows he is having his portrait
painted. The same applies to por
trait photographs. What wo really
need is a snapshot of George, taken
when he wasn’t. looking.
But then, they probably couldn’t
have caught him when he wasn’t
The answers to practically all our
questions can be found in history
books; the nice thing about them
being that after all. we don’t have
to believe them. At best, they are
simply conjecture, even when made
by experienced historians. One
man, following the prevailing bi
ographical. fashion, declares that
George was fur too partial to strong
waters. Another contradicts with
shrill cries of “Ginr!” A third ob
serves brightly that George was a
good business man; whereupon a
fourth breaks forth hi vituperative
jealously because that is what lie
had thought all along. Hut what’s
the odds? Get ’em rave. There are
a million George Washingtons for
every million Americans; a phe
nomenon which, when v<»u come to
think of it, is really very satisfac
After all, George must have been
,(Continual front jiane one)
tion in !Ncw York City public
school t.
The arrnv of visiting talent sched
uled to tcacli in Portland is no less
great. For the history courses, Tai
wan! T\ Cheyncy from tin Univer
sity of IViutsy!vauin has been so
e tired. Iir. i'Ihvih-v has written a
number of well known books includ
ing “Social Oha ges n England in
the lOth Century." 'Socitil and In
dustrial Itiston of England,’’ and
“European Rackground of Amer
ican History." Reginald F. \rrngon,
professor of history at .Reed Col
lege. will also gi\e courses in the
Portlan t m ssion.
Other Noted Teachers
Shirley \ . Long, who teaches
short story t lumbia University,
and who ! . ocono famous for her
work th-ic, in give two eourscs
in Portland. Elmer TV. Smith, pro
fessor of English at Colgate, will
also have class* s.
In psychology, Franklin Fearing,
of Ohio Wesl. yin V i. !\ersity, will
teach. Chatles M Kinl-y f Reed
will take daises in pou iealu icionce.
■William Savory, head of the phil
osophy department nv tin Univer
sity of Washington, will also be at
J. F,. Kirkwood, professor at the
University of Montana, who re
ceived his doctpi’s degree from
Columbia University, will teach bot
Hr. A. if. Paterson, chairman of
a pretty good sort. At least nobody
has ever claimed that he didn’t win
tlie war.—H. A.
More Evidence of
America’s Greatness
AN inspirational editorial, patri
otically speaking, especially
appropriate -on a national holiday,
is the following from the Daily
Iowan: ' .
"Plain, forthright names are the
role in our remarkable republic.
Oeorge Washington, Andrew Jack
son, Abraham Lincoln, are examples
of the good old fashioned American
name which says something and
then stops.
"In this respect we may claim a
certain kinship with the world of
the ancients. Cicero, Caesar, Hanni
bal, Socrates — these are names
whose pregnant syllables intrigue
the mind. They are real names and
real personalities.
"In imlodorn Europe, however, are
to be found many whose names
would make a suitable sketch in
"Who’s Who and How Come.’’
"The following is the name of a
citizen of Spain:
"Cristobal Colon do Toledo y
Larreateeghi do la Carda Ramie do
manqued y Canto, Almirante y Adel
antado, mayor do las Indian, Mar
quis de la Jamacica, Deque de
Espana, Sonador del Reins, Cabal
lero de la Insigne Order de Pro,
Oran Crux de la Concepcion de
Villaviciosa, (lentil Hombre de
Camara did Rev de Espana.”
"Yes, we are through the tunnel
now. You mav open the windows
“ Uni' would think that Cristobal
Colon do Toledo, etc-., would natural
ly lead a somewhat cneimubeved life.
When the lady who is just a bit
deaf was -introduced and made the
inevitable rejoinder that she didn’t
<1 uite catch the name, the introducer
would be tempted to resign or ask
for a raise in his salary. In cross
ing crowded intersections afoot,
Christobal, etc., would be in great
danger of getting his na-me mixed
up with the running gear of a pass
ing flivver and of being dr tigged in
to the Croat Beyond. For his sake,
lot as hope that his intimates call
him ‘’Chris,’’
■“Hut, Cristobal to one side, let
us all be thankful for our simple
tastes in names. For u good short
name is better than great riches.’’
the romance language department at
Syracuse University, will have
classes ia French and Spanish. Tie
holds the degree of Pocteur d’Uni-j
versite from Grenoble University, !
in Franco, and also a Harvard de
gree. According to Dr. Kay P,
Bowen, head of the University ro- -
manee language department, he is
one of the best known authorities on
Fronch phonetics io the country.
Other instructors from the East
will be added before the summer
session starts, Dealt Powers an
U . ( . Hackabee to lie v
Luncheon Guest Friday
A luncheon in honor of W. C.
Hitekahoo, ono of the 1 raveling sec
'‘torios oi the Student Volunteer
movomont, who will lie In Kugone
on Thursday and Friday, will be
given it the Westminster house by
some of the Christian leaders on the
eam|His, Friday noon. This was an
nouneod by 11. W. Davis, director of
Christian work.
Personal conferences will be held
with students of the University im
mediately after the luncheon, and
continuing throughout the after
Miss Goldie Walters is in charge
of the committee on preparations
for the reception of Mr, Hackabee. j
We won’t say anything about
Washington as the man because the
U. of W. Columns said too much I
about Lincoln and look what hap- i
Several professors were caught up
the McKenzie by high water and
were unable to get back for Mon-j
day classes. Why couldn’t there;
have been a faculty picnic up there'
, # • *
Of course some of them had ex
cuses for not getting back through |
the high water, but we think there
is no reason in the world why An
drew Fish didn’t get back. What’s
in a name after all?
CHOICE bit of
WENT into the
EMERALD offiee and
SPOKE to the day '
EDITOR and she
IGNORED me and said
SHE was thinking so
I left and asked
ONE of the copy
READERS but he said
HE too was thinking
SO the next person
TO come along was
A reporter with a
PENCIL and paper in
HAND and he surely
LOOKED like he would
KNOW what I wanted
TO find out but when
I asked him he said
IIE was thinking and
THIS had gone far
ENOUGH when three
PEOPLE in a row who
HELP put, out this
PAPER tell me they are
THINKING. Don’t'they
KNOW I read this sheet
QUITE thoroughly?
The flood is giving all aspiring
George Youngs of Springfield a
chance to come to the front.
The chapter of Alpha Delta Sig- j
inn, national advertising fraternity,
at Oklahoma University is named
after William Wriglev Jr., tht^
chewing gum manufacturer. Mr.
Wriglev made the fraternity a gift
of his photograph, framed and auto
David John Jones, who was re
cently awarded a one-year con
tract as superintendent of the Eu j
gene high school, sang “Lend Me
Your Aid’’ and “It Is Eonugh’’:
at vesper services yesterday. Such
The battle for virtue and culture |
in Batavia, Ohio, as reported by the
eminent Plain Dealer:
BATAVIA, ()., Feb. 14— Showing
of the film drama, ‘-‘Faust,” has!
been barred here by Mayor J. bar- 1
kin because a poster announcing!
the (production 'displayed on the
street here the picture of. a woman
he deemed unsufficiently clad.
" l just happened to see that pos
ter,’’ he added. “I was walking up I
Main street when.it attracted my
attention. 1 don't know what the
show's about—but one look at the
poster was enough to convince me
it wasn’t fit for anybody to see.
‘‘1 judged from that the show
wasn't the kind we want exhibited
here in Batavia. So I removed the
bottom thumbtacks and fastened
up the poster in a wav to hide the
offensive portion of it.”
The trouble with the “No Park
ing” signs Is that you can't see
them for cars.
George Washington never .told a
lie, so tile story goes. Vos but I’ll
bet lie never had to get out of one
of the dates his room mate got for
him either.
I'he I’niversity of Washington
Columns is suspended for the third
time. Evidently it's taking quite
a time to educate the faculty up
there. . I
I ’in an old tashiontnl girl.*’ *
'Iteau Geste.' Thrilling
Him. Playing at lleilig
Tragedy, absorbing mystery, and
marvelous characterizations are the
outstanding qualities of “Beau ties
to" which opened yesterday for a
two.day showing at the Heilig the
ater. The film is artistically pro
duced and yet realistic and human,
depicted in the love for each other
of tile Gestos and the cruelty of
Sergeant Lejaune.
Rei aid Column, Noah Beerv and
Mice Joyce are the stars of the
picture. “Beau Geste” is being ex
hibited as a road show, carrying
a complete 20-piece orchestra. Two
showings take place at 2:30 and
h:30 o'clock.
McDONALD: Second day: “Stella
Dallas,” a marvelous picturization
of the widely read novel, that bares
the heart" and soul of romantic wom
anhood, with Belle Bennett, Ronald
Colman, Lois Moran, Jean Hersholt,
Alice Joyce and Douglas Fairbanks,
Jr.; McDonald’s “Birthday Party,”
entertaining all persons born on
Washington’s birthday (today) as
guests of honor; on the stage—-Shar
key Moore and the Merrv-Macks in
“Springtime,” a medley of Spring
melodies, featuring Cara Ash, Port
land’s most popular violin soloist,
tonight at nine; International news;
Frank Alexander in superb musical
accompaniment to the picture.
Cpming—Douglas MacLean in
“Hold That Lion,” hailed as the
funniest of all the hilarious com
edies “Doug” has given the world,
and jovial Walter Hiers is the as
sisting “lion tamer”—with pretty
Constance Howard as the girl who
causes all the complications; the
Merry-Macks will introduce “The
Blushing Bride.”. And, following,
next week, will come “The Night of
Love,” the most glorious romance
screenland has conceived, with the
perfect lover, Ronald Colman and
Vilma Banky co-starred.
* » •»
REX: Last day: Jetta Goudal in
“Her Man O’War,” with William
Boyd, in a glowing romance of the
great conflint, when heart beats
were quickened to the deafening roll
of thundering drums: a typical pro
gram for Washington’s birthday;
comedy and news events; Clifton
Emmel at the organ.
IIEILIG: Today only: “Beau
Geste” in road show production with
showings at 2:30 and 8:20 o’clock.
“Beau Geste” is a tragedy, tinged
throughout with a feeling of impend
ing terror of absorbing mystery.
But the dread horror of it all, the
cuelty and fears and passions, al
most are eclipsed by the fidelity
and love of three Geste brothers to
each other.
Starting Wednesday and continu
ing Friday and Saturday—-“The
Scarlet Letter*’ featuring Lillian
Gish. The picture portrays the stern
intolerance of the early Puritans,
their hardships and their fanatical
opposition to all that savors of
pleasure. The story is staged on a
lavish scale.
(Continued from par/e one)
listed ;is a forward in the box scores.
Gunther was an all-coast forward
last year, but this year his duties
have been mostly along guarding
lines. Gunther has developed until
he is almost in a class by himself
ns a guard. Bright spots in his
career this year are his work against
Captain Schuss of Washington at
Seattle, when the blonde skipper of
the Huskies was held to one field
goal, and that a long one, while
.lorry was scoring liberally, and his
deportment again Captain Graap of
0. -\. C. who was held to one field
goal in Corvallis recently. Graap’s
tally came when Gunther slipped and
fell down, thus leaving him un
watch ed.
Ridings Back in Game
Young Gord Hidings, another very
excellent 'guard who is listed as a
forward, will be back in harness to
night, as he is needed for his floor
work, and ball-hounding.
"If the boys play together and
forget about piling up scoring rec
ords,” says Billy Reinhart, who is
in a position to know, “we will
win tonight, but otherwise a great
surprise may greet the fans who
open Wednesday morning’s paper.
If the boys play ball the way they
know how, we’ll beat them all.”
That closes our storv.
Twenty-one Stories
Compete for $50 Prize
Many clever titles have been turn
ed in on the short-stories entered in
the Edison Marshall contest and M'.
F. G. Thaeher, professor of journal
ism, hopes that the manuscripts will
prove to be as clever as the titles
Every year Edigon Marshall, an
Oregon graduate, offers a prize of
$.‘0 for the best short story. Mr.
Marshall, being a writer of some
prominence, himself, is keenly in
terested in romantic fiction, as op
posed to the realistic. The only
standards recognized are those of
present day American writers.
Twenty-one manuscripts w e r e
turned in and those will be identified
by their titles, their writers remain
ing unknown to the judges. The
submitted papers will each be grad
ed on a percentage basis, working
out the final decision, from the sheets
submitted by the judges containing
the grades.
The judges are: R. B. Horn, pro
fessor in English: Mrs. Clara Fitch,
secretary of the administrative’ of
fices; and Mr. E. ,T. Hayeox, a prom
inent Oregon short-story writer.
The returns will be published in
about three weeks, according to the
I.ast year Miss "Mary Jo Shelley
won the prize of $50.
Girls’ Choice
Of Sports Takes
New Tendency
F. Alden Says Activities
Showing Individuality
Are Most Popular
Special Needs Satisfied by
Five Classifications
A significant change has taken
place during the last few years in
the kind of activities selected by
the girls taking physical education,
according to Florence D. Alden, di
rector of the women’s physical ed
ucation department.
The most popular activities chosen
are those which show the greatest
individuality, such as interpretive
dancing, the first on the list, swim
ming and horseback riding, while
team activities, a few years ago the
most popular, are now nest to the
lowest in popularity.
“I do not believe that this neces
sarily means that we ar» becoming
individualistic to an undesirable ex
tent,” Miss Alden said. “Possibly
it would indicate that the girls are
consciously taking activities that
will serve them as recreation after
school days when they cannot call a
team together for organized- sports
at a moment’s notice.”
The system used in the women’s
physical education department has
been entirely changed this year,
Miss Alden went on to explain. Last
year the sole classifications were in
A and B groups, consisting respec
tively of the higher fifty per cent
and the lower fifty per cent.
Now, however, the girls are div
ided into five classifications, all of
which receive distinctive work and
special^ privileges, to fit the girls’
special needs. First, there is the
individualistic gymnastics class for
those who need special attention.
Second, the novice class, composed
of those passing below 5 in the pos- ,
turo or above 37 in the agility test, j
These girls are given a few min- 1
utes of wide awake posture and de
velopment work and are then divid
ed into squads according to their
most obvious needs. Although the
work is both restricted and correc
tive to a certain extent, a very def
inite effort is made to interest the
girls not only in their own improve
ment, but in the activities them
The third group is composed of
the average girls, who are allowed
to elect folk dancing and clogging,
games and sports, swimming, inter
pretative dancing, horstbaek riding,
or fencing.
The honor group may elect any of
the aoove activities, or may substi
tute any supervised intramural sport
for the required work.
The same agility and posture tests
that were used last year were re
peated this year, and show a very
definite correlation to the (girls’
ability as proven by other means.
Several majors in the department
have worked with this as a thesis
problem during the last three years.
Emphasis of the system is placed
upon three points: 1. To find out
what each girl’s special needs are
and to try to fit the work to those
needs. 2. To put girls of similar
ability, skill and knowledge in
classes together so that they may
progress evenly and enjoy working
together. 3. To offer a very wide
range of choice of work, so that
the girl may enter into the type of
activity in which she is interested.
Miss Burgess in Athens
The First of February
The beautiful Mediterranean is
especially mentioned in the cards
received from Miss Burgess lately
by various members of the English
department. She was in Athens the
first of February.
Sophomore Oregon Knights—Meet
at Beta house this morning at 10
o ’clock.
Theta Sigma Phi—Meet at Fran
ces Bourhill’s tonight at 5:30.
Amphibians to meet after game
tonight in Woman’s building.
Camp Cookery Class
May be Given at 8 a. m.
Men, do you want to learn how
to cook at eight o’clock in the
morning? Of course, the ability to
cook won’t be limited to that hour
but the instruction will. Miss Lilian
Tingle announces that she will give
the camp cooking class, especially
designed for men, at 8 o’clock Tues
days and Thursdays if there are
additional requests for that hour.
The class is regularly scheduled
for 10 o’clock Tuesdays and Thurs
days, but another hour will also be
fixed if there is enough demand.
Anyone interested should see Miss
Tingle at once.
Billy O’Bryant
and his boys
O 3 to 5 p. m.
at the
Camba Shoppe
Alpha Chi Omega j
Grille Dance |
25c per couple Cover Charge
Campa Shoppe
__________________ ig
Old Gold
it’s the Smooth est cigarette
“‘Put him out!’ someone yelled, when
my cough interrupted the Judge’s
speech . . . Next day I switched to
Old Gold Cigarettes. There isn’t
a cough in a carload. It soothes
the throat while it thrills the taste. ”
C 1927, P. LORILLARD CO., EsttHiskiJ 1760