Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 15, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    ®EC0Utt ©ailg ijittieralii
University of Oregon, Eugene
m_ «..v Managing Editor; Harold Mangum, Sportn Editor; Florence Jones, Literary
' Editor; Paul Lay. Feature Editor; New* and Editor Phones, 6S6
PAT EDITORS: Beatrice Harden Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher, Barbara Blythe,
Bill Haggerty. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace Fisher.
MIGHT EDITORS: Wayne Morgan. Jack Coolidge, Bob Hall.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack O’Meara. Dick Syrmg, Art fachoem, Charles Burton, Hoyt
FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Ruth Corey, A1 Clarke, Sam Kinley, John
UPPER*NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge.
MEWS STAFF: Helen Shank, Grace Taylor, Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten, Dorothy
p.v., Kenneth Roduner, Cleta McKennon, Betty Sahultse, Frances Cherry, Mar
garet ’ Long Mary McLean, Bess Duke. Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard, Lucile
C?a7roU. Maudie Loomis, Ruth Newton, Eva Nealon, Margaret Hcnaey,
Margaret, Clark, Ruth Hansen, John Allen, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy
Franklin, Eleanor Edwards, LaWanda Fenlason, Wilma Lester, Walter Coover,
John Black, Tborsen Bennett. __
MIHxm George __ Associate Manager Francis McKenna .. Circulation Manager
Hediert Lewis_Advertising Manager Ed Bissell Ass't. Circulation Mgr.
Neil __ Advertising Manager Wilbur Shannon . Circulation Ass t
Larry Thielen .. Foreign Advertising Mgr. Ruth Corey ...- Specialty Advertising
Both Street .. Advertising ManagerAlice McGrath . Specialty Advertising
Advertising Assistants: Flossie Radabaugh, Roderick LaFollette, Maurine Lombard,
Charles Reed, Bob Moore, Bill Hammond.
Offiea Administration: Dorothy Davis, Ed Sullivan, Lou Anne Chase, Ruth Field. ^
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official- publication of the Associated Students of
Om Unfversity of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during
£ college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffict
at Inaane, Oregon, as second-claSB matter. Subscription rates, $2.60 per year. Adver
IMgg rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2298-L; manager, 1820.
Business office phone, 1806. __
Day Editor This I ante— Barbara Blythe
Night Editor This lame—Jack Coolidge
VnBigTied comment in this column is written by the editor. Full reeponsibility
ti BMtimed by the editor for all editorial opinion.
THE task of liberal education
iB the reassertion of the in
equalities which mass appeal ig
nores, the rediscovery for the
modern spirit of the distinction
between superiority and infer
iority.—Everett Dean Martin.
For a Bigger and
Better Tradition
«TfcADDLES to Play no More
•^Part in Life at U. of O.,” pro
claims a head over a story in a
Sunday newspaper. Would that it
were true, but the head-writer was
either unduly optimistic,—or per
haps he failed to read on and note
that punishment is still to be meted
out to freshmen. The ceremony is
to be a private affair, witnessed by
a select few and no longer by the
students at largo who, the student
council is so very certain, have been
clamoring for “enforcement of tra- j
ditions. ”
A communicant last week sug
gested with fine sarcasm (but not
too fine) that those “igTey-beards”
(figurative?) who object to harm
less and spontaneous “horseplay”
retire in peace and leave youth to
its pleasurable pursuits. The writer
evidently feared that as a result of
suppression of masculine pugnacity
the students might become over
cultured. We hasten to assure him
there is no danger of such horrible
consequences on this campus.
Despite our contributor’s com
ment, we still object to “traditions”
that must be “enforced.” If, as
representatives of the howling mob
of tradition worshippers assure us,
freshmen are in favor of retention
of silly rules, we are in favor not
only of “enforcement of traditions”
but also of the use of heavy oaken
paddles, iron-bound if possible. If
nothing can be done with fresh
man heads, perhaps concentration of |
heavy artillery in other quarters
will be more effective.
Hazings and freshman parades
will end, it seems, whenever the
freshmen decide to put a stop to
thorn. Whenever any one beginning
class decides to drop the silly cere
monies when it reaches the year of
sophomore authority, the change will
have been made. It is evident that
wo can hope for no relief from
those enlightened junior and senior
councillors on whose spines a double
sot of shivers plays a medley of old
time tunes whenever any variation
from old standards is suggested.
To the freshmen we put the mat
ter just as it was presented to them |
at the first of the year by Carlton j
E. Spencer, registrar of the Uni- j
“If, during the next few months,
you like everything that takes place
and think it’s good for the Uni
versity, keep it. If you think it’s'
beneath the dignity of a self-re- |
•pecting university, put a stop to j
it. It’s up to you.”
To the upholders of the rights of
carefree youth we would explain I
that we have no objection to "on- I
forcing traditions” upon hare-brain- j
ed freshmen who think college with
out hazing would be ike Santa
Claus without whiskers. Hut we do
object to the application of these
same rules upon those persons who
expect to be treated as men and j
who have far more right to protest
against freshman rules than have
a whole army of ponderous col
legiate pundits to enforce them.
If these bloodthirsty sophomores
are seeking reprisals for the indig
nities they suffered, why don’t they
have a real fight with the present
junior class that did the hazing?
And why don’t the alumni stage a
few similar battles? We are heart
ily in favor of that sort of revenge
and are certain it would be no less
interesting to watch, and no less
akin in sentiment, than, a battle
between a lot of army mules.
It should be a more pleasing tra
dition all around:—-satisfying to tho
animal spirits, and perhaps fatal to
a few dozen tradition worshippers.
There’s Nothing Like
A Good Woman
WE HAVE long suspected that
all was not as it should be
in the field of journalistic endeavor.
Now we know. Witness the damning
expose by a lady citizen of one of
our lesser metropli, printed only yes
terday morning in one of the Port
land dailies.
The horrid disclosure follows in
“In nearly every city today there
are merchants (anxious to increase
their sales, no matter the route)
that place goods, no matter the
quality, in conspicuous display at
such small cost that the modern
youth is tempted or ridiculed by
companions of less Christian up
bringing into buying. His falso
stand against purity is thus started,
for a lurid tale is a most subtlo
channel for error of every kind.
“In a town of which I know is a
shop where most of the boys and
some girls congregate in the eve
nings to gossip, buy sweets, listen
to the radio. They are given free
dom to peruse or purchase these re
volting periodicals, not one of which
T have ever opened. The titles and
illustrated covers are the farthest
I could possibly go. These items
alone I consider an insult and be
trayal of everything that American
manhood and womanhood stand for.
“If someone were to insult or at
tempt to undermine by act or word
of mouth the glory and God-in
spired reason for our beloved coun
try, would we not see that such an
one were speedily deported or
placed where he could do no fur-1
ther harm? I ask, then, if such a
misguided one ns the above example
is one whit worse than a merchant
who accepts ns merchandise such
reading matter as that which tends
to undermine character and scoffs
at every ideal.”
The temptation toward joyous,
heedless ridicule after reading this
bit of subnormal piety must be re
gretfully forgone, if for no other
reason than that the good lady is
so confoundedly right.
We are sorry, ma’am, in fact
there is actual pain for us in the
admission of an almost complete
agreement with you. There are some
admittedly salacious periodicals be
ing published just now and they no
doubt do a great deal of harm. Rut
don’t you think, ma’am, that such
gosh-nwful holiness on your part is
apt to antagonize, rather than in
fluence those persohs whose co- I
operation would prove the greatest !
help in the solution of the difficulty? ;
Barry Writes That
Nearly Sixty Students
To Make Russian Trip
Word has boon received from
Griffin Barry, who visited the ,am
pus recently and spoke on .Russia
here, that a group of not fewer than
sixty students of American colleges
will visit Russia next summer, under
the auspices of the “Open Road”
Travel Bureau, acting in conjunction
with the National Student Federa
tion of America.
The party will travel in a single
class student steamer to Havre,
where it will be met by a special
Russian government steamer. It
will proceed direct to Leningrad,
I where it will stay a week, then a !
! fortnight at Moscow. From Moscow j
four alternative tours are arranged !
to the Caucasus, Urals, Central :
Siberia and the Black Sea. The vis
itors will travel in groups of a
dozen to fourteen each, in charge of
a professor, but facilities are given
for individuals to follow any line
of personal interest.
Arrangements have been complet
ed by John Rothschild, president of j
the “Open Road” Travel Bureau, i
The tour will cost $750 for five
weeks, or $850 for seven weeks, full
round trip from New York, includ
ing sleeping-car accommodation,
hotels, and meals.
The information from Mr. Barry
was contained in a letter to Pro
fessor Ralph I). Casey.
A friend of mine says he hopes
that no war comes out of the trouble
with Mexico. It would he terribly
confusing to have to call hot tam
ales liberty dumplings.
Johnnie Anderson, the blond swim
minig champ on the campus, is a
miracle worker on land as well as
in water. Just ask him about his
recent record-breaking stunt in
black magic.
* “I go to the movie just to *
* see the newsreel.”
“Use banjo in a sentence.”
“Dot aint Horace, dot banjo.”
* * *
This is an exclusive photo of
Connie Both and Sarah Borer, Theta
red-apple-merchants strutting their
wares. Miss Borer can not make up
her mind as to whether she is going
to sneeze or tie her shoe string.
Miss Both is proving that the Thetas
do still dance the Charleston.
Gretchen says it keeps her so busy
reading the books she shouldn’t
read that she doesn’t have time to
read the ones she should read.
Bed -.
- is here.
- another one.
Broken -.
—•— water.
I hope the O. A. C. rooters can
be induced to bring their band over
with them next week. It would do
us good to hear a good snappy one
once in a while.
Burning stakes served in warming
pans with gasoline gravy in the
field headquarters of the Dean of
Chemical Fires at Hades.
Oars lined up to the extent of j
fourteen in front of the Phi Delt j
house. Makes it resemble a Tfsed
Car lot. Whatever became of Bay '
Edwards and his booming voice?
Beatrice Milligan with her smile ,
and “hello” for everyone. Two men
carrying brief cases. It’s difficult I
to tell whether the carriers of brief *
cases are debaters or musicians,
nowadays. Anyhow, which is the
lesser of the two evils?
It seems that Florence Wilbur lost
Hie key to her apartment and every
time she wished to get in someone
had to climb through a window and
unlock the door. Well, Bill Mad
dox and David Faville came to her
assistance willingly, but in time
even this grew tiresome so Miss
Wilbur complained to the landlady
that she was tired of seeing Har
vard and Oxford legs dangling from
windows, and that she wished a
new key. The landlady handed over
a Yale key.
The rumor that Sol Abramson has
been elected to membership in the
Order of the O is unfounded.
And speaking of traditions, it’s
about time the traditional scandal
was getting out on the campus.
This time last year there was a nice
juicy one going the rounds.
It has bet'n rumored around that
Bertram Jessup, intelligencia amoe
ba, is in love. Observers have not
ed the stare in his big baby brown
eyes, as reflecting nmorisms. Of
late he has been studying Platonic
I _
COLONIAL: Today and Wednes
day: Norma Talmadge and Eonald
Coleman in “Kiki.” An Interna
tional News and Comedy.
Coming Thursday~-Charlie Chap
lin in “The Gold Rush.”
HEILIG: Second day: “Faust.”
The picture is taken from the age
old legend, which Marlowe and
Goethe developed and to which
Gounod set his unforgettable music.
Thursday — Regular Association
vaudeville program featuring five
musical and comedy numbers. The
bill is headlined by the Severny
twins and their Jazz Pirates in a
melange of song, dance and music.
“The Laugh Barrage” is a timely
talk on ticklish subjects by Broad.
Holden and Graham will offer a
novel turn in shadowgraphy. Joseph
M. Bernard and Winifred Axtel will
give a skit entitled, “Who Is Shef”
Friday and Saturday—“A Reg
ular Scout,” featuring Fred Thom
son and filled with all the sweep,
action and thrills of the West.
Coming attractions — “Beau
Geste,” a road show production of
the famous motion picture, will open
next Monday for a two-day show
ing. “The Scarlet Letter” comes
next week-end.
McDONALD: Second day:
Adolphe Menjou in “The Ace of
Cads”, a genuinely entertaining
adaptation of the Mjchael Arlen
play, with the screen’s most pol
ished artist in his most gala role as
the hero-villain who never kissed a
woman until he had made her want
to be kissed—with beautiful Alice
Joyce heading the large cast of play
ers; special feature: “How to Dance
‘ Black Bottom ’ ” showing the or
igin and all the steps of America’s
newest dance craze; Sharkey Moore
and the “Merry-Macks” in “Valen
tines,” featuring “I Never See Mag
gie Alone,” and with Frank Alex
ander, piano soloist; International
news events; Frank Alexander in
musical comedy setting on the organ.
Coming—“Sweet Rosie O’Grady,”
a compelling drama of the Irish and
the Jews, that contains all the hum
or of “The Cohens and Kellys,” and
the heart throbs of the famous song
on which it is based, with Shirley
Mason and Cullen Landis heading
the cast of favorites featured; Kath
leen Powell, Eugene favorite sop
rano, singing “My Wild Irish Rose”
and “Sweet Rosie O’Grady” in an
atmospheric prologue to the feature.
REX: Last day: Priscilla Dean in
“West of Broadway,” a mixture of
East and West, where the trails of
romance cross, with thrills inter- |
mingled with hearty laughter: Se- |
lected comedy and news events;
John Clifton Emmel at the organ.
Coming—Laura LaPlante in “But
terflies in the Rain,” with James
Kirkwood; Zane Grey’s “A Man of
the Forest,” with Jack Holt.
love but so far has been unable to
put the theory into practice, much
to his humiliation. The vacant stare,
we might add, when literally inter
preted means a room for rent up
stairs. Neverthelesss, more power
to you Bertram. It would have been
awful to have been called Ethel
bert and subsequently been endowed
with a high tenor voice. “Take in |
the moon, hang out the sun,” must
be your favorite hymn.
Better Books Being
Read, Says Librarian
Campus reading has taken a
broader turn this year than last, ae
jording to Mrs. M. F. McClain, cir
culation librarian. Last year there
was an incessant demand for one
Ye Tabard Inn meets at the
Journalism building at 7:30 tonight.
Temenids: meeting Thursday eve
ning, 7:15, Craftsmen’s club. All
Eastern Star girls invited.
Dial will not meet this week.
Men’s glee club meet today at
Music building at 5:00 o’clock.
or two books, while this year many
different books covering a great
variety of subjects are taken out.
“ This year’s reading shows a
much healthier indication of indiv
idual taste than last year’s, when
everyone wanted ‘Town and Gown,’
or ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,’”
said Mrs. McClain.
Books chosen from the seven day
shelf are especially indicative of
the variety of student reading. A
list of the seven day books of Jan
uary and February has been posted,
as well as a list of the rent books,
to facilitate student choice of books.
For students who have not time to
read extensively, Mrs. McClain sug
gests that the adoption of the read
ing of book reviews would help.
Books, The Saturday Review, and
The New York Times Book Review
are received once a week, and Book
man once a month. These may be
procured at the circulation desk and
taken out for two days at a time.
Subscribe for the Emerald
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Pledging Announcement
Chi Omega announces the pledg
ing of Myra Jordan of Enterprise,
A comedy drama
of East and West
—replete with thrills
and hearty laughs—
and NEWS
got up with a throat that felt like a
‘hang-over’ . .. ‘No more of these sand
paper smokes for me,’ I resolved. So I
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from breakfast to bedtime, without a
• a
cough, a throat-scratch or a tongue-bite.
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in '
Frank Alexander
Piano Soloist
Also—How to
It’s a Kick
—high romance of an
ace of cads who wears
his sins as nonchalant
ly as his monacle—and
who never kissed a
lady until he had made
her want to be kissed.