VOLUME XXVIII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1927 NUMBER 65 Kellogg Faces Big Problems At Washington Protection of Interests Creates Deep Hatred In Foreign Countries By WILLIAM P. MADDOX Secretary of State Kellogg has be fore him a series of problems which are enough to make any ordinary man spend sleepless nights for wor ry. Apparently the decision to stay in Nicaragua against the wishes of a powerful faction of Nicaraguan people is irrevocable and the good name of the United States suffers further eclipse in Latin-American countries. With fifteen or more Am erican ships in nearby waters and over 4000 marines and bluejackets ready to land at a moment’s notice, the tiny Liberal force of Vice-presi dent Sacaza can do nothing but face the inevitable. * * * In our dispute with Mexico re garding the land and petroleum laws, the State Department has squirmed out of a rather difficult situation with some success by offering arbi tration. It was the logical step to take but Washington allowed the situation to develop through weeks of fruitless threats and warnings almost to the point of a severance of diplomatic relations before it was proposed. In regards to the midget republic of Panama, a treaty in which that state becomes virtually a dependency *of the United States is now being discussed by the Pan aman Senate and has raised a storm of popular criticism in that country, in which suporters of the treaty are being branded as traitors and tools of American imperialist policies. * * * Furthermore, the treaty whereby the United States was once more to resume formal diplomatic relations with Turkey after many years has been blocked by the United States Senate and the president has noth ing left to do but accept the defeat with good grace. The World Court issue still stands where it was. Most of the members of the Court ac cepted tour or the nve reservations which the United States insisted up on as the conditions of her member ship and went as far on the fifth as was probably possible at the time, but President Coolidge demands that the Court’s statute be so interpreted in every detail that it shall corres pond with the American idea there of. Meanwhile the Court continues to function without us and its mem bers do not seem to find that it con flicts with their respective “national interests.” Indeed, some think that it should be given even greater powers of jurisdiction. And then seemingly to cap the climax comes the news of further nationalist riots in China against all foreigners. At one time the United States held a position unique among nations in the opinion of Chinese by refusing to cooperate with European powers in their ef forts to maintain political control there. That position has long since been forfeited. We gave up the advantages which the confidence of the- Chinese might have given us for the somewhat doubtful benefits of cooperation with the western pow ers and now we all ride in the same Doat. mere are billions or dollars of foreign money invested in China and undoubtedly there is sufficient pressure to demand a vigorous pol icy. The United States participates to the extent of some thirty or forty warships in Chinese waters, some of which have gone hundreds of miles into the interior by way of rivers. Prom the western point of view this protection of American property and American citizens seems .only nat ural and proper, especially since there is no single, stable govern ment in China which pretends to undisputed authority. And yet, the Chinese seem united in one thing and that one thing may bring complete unity. It is, of course, opposition to foreign control. Apparently this business of protect ing “national interests” accom plishes little ibut the stirring up of incalculable hatreds against us. Co-ed Trio Entertains At Kiicanis Luncheon The Co-ed Trio, members of which have been prominent in campus ac tivities and radio concerts during the school year, entertained the Ki wanis elub of Eugene at noon yes terday with several voeal selections. The members of the Trio, Harriet Boss, Leona Biggs, and Claire Whit ton, were accompanied by Mary Clark on the piano. Oregon Wins From Cougars By Big Score Reinhart’s Men Easily Outdistance Staters By 31-13 Score Gunther, Okerberg Are High Point Men Webfooters Take Lead In First Minute Standings—Northern Division— Won Lost Pet. Oregon .2 0 1.000 Washington .1 0 1.000 Wash. State .2 1 .667 Idaho .2 2 .500 O. A. C.....0 1 .000 Montana .0 3 .000 Games this week: Tuesday—Oregon vs. Idaho. Wednesday—Oregon vs. Gonzaga. Thursday—Oregon vs. Montana. Saturday—Oregon vs. Washington. Oregon 31 vs 13 W. S. C. Epps (1) f (4) Clay Gunther (13) f (2) Henry Okerberg (9) c (3) Paul Westergren (2) g Brumblay Hidings (6) g (2) Gilleland Substitutions: Oregon, Milli gan; Y1'. S. C., Byers, Aberill, Rohwer (2). THE Oregon varsity five defeated the Washington State College by a 31 to 13 score at Pullman last night. The Oregon defense held the Cougar hoopsters to five counters in the first half, while the Web foot offense chalk ed up 17 counters. The Cougars came within 10 points of tying the score twice in the second half, but Jerry Gunther, Oregon’s veteran forward, uncorked a high grade Jerry Gunther brand of Ball and removed all doubt as to the final outcome. He was high point man with 13 markers, which equaled the total points made by the Cougar aggregation. Roy Oker berg, Webfoot’s lanky pivot man, was second with nine counters. Clay, playing forward, was high point man for the Cougars with four .counts. Oregon Always Ahead Oregon went into the lead in the first few minutes of play and never was headed. The nearest thing to a rally staged by the “Staters” was in the second half when a Cougar player connected with the loop soon after the whistle blew. This was (Continued on page Jour) Kinley Is Named Business Head Of Webfoot Staff Etiquette to Feature in February Number Of Magazine Numerous changes were announced in the staff of the Webfoot yester day by Eolf Klep, editor. Copy for the historical number is nearly ready for the printers and Klep, with the assistance of staff members is working hard to get the magazine out by the first of February. In addition to the many interest ing articles which will be included in this issue there will be space de voted to pointers on etiquette. This has been written from documents which were printed in the middle of the nineteenth century and which were only recently unearthed by certain members of the staff. Joe Sweyd, one of the new feature editors, said: “No doubt Emily Post, the famous authority on etiquette, will find it necessary to revise her book after she sees the ‘Webfoot.’ ” Sam Kinley, who has for some time in the past been working on the business staff of the Emerald, has been appointed business man ager of the Webfoot to fill the va cancy left by the resignation of Douglas Wilson. Several other changes have been made in the staff of the Webfoot. Joe Sweyd and Art Schoeni have been appointed as new feature edi tors. Harriet Atchison and Jim Eogers have been added to the staff ofi artists and Dan Cheney has been appointed the publicity manager for the magazine. Members of Faculty Praise Work Undertaken by Student Committee Dean Sheldon Calls Movement One of Important And Valuable in History of University Kecommendations for changes within the University educational structure, made by an informal un dergraduate committee, are viewed favorably by members of the fac ulty, who were interviewed by Em erald reporters. The general opin ion was that the survey and the accompanying suggestions will prove valuable both to the students and to the faculty in creating greater interest in the function of educa tion. “I regard the present movement, aiming to provide more extensive and elastic facilities for gifted stu dents as one of the most important and valuable in the history of the University,” said Dr. Henry D. Shel don, dean of the school of education. “I believe it should take the form of encouraging the students to read more widely. It may very well also take the form of supplying facilities for honors granted to students who have achieved a thoroughly compre hensive mastery of the field, a pro cess lasting three or four years. The success of the movement will de pend on the genuine interest among the students and upon the ability of the authorities to work out some means of checking up on work of a free and elastic character which will guarantee its amount and qual ity without checking the spontan eity. It is probable that there will have to be a year or two of experi mentation before this ean be achieved.” * # » “I think it is most valuable, par ticularly for the reason that such a move from the students is likely to have more influence than when it comes from the faculty. It shows a healthy spirit,” said Dr. James D. Barnett, head of the political science department. » * * “Part of the value of the student report is the thoughtful, construc tive criticism of serious minded stu dents who are familiar with the gen eral student point of view towards intellectual, extra-curricular, and social activities,” was the opinion of Dr. E. V. Boyer, head of the Eng lish department. “It is valuable to the faculty to have this point of view of the students to consider. It is immensely valuable to the stu dents themselves to liave made an attempt to understand the working of the university and the difficulties that have to be faced and the ob stacles to be overcome. The lnove ment is absolutely commendable.” * * * “It i3 the best thing the students are doing at the present time,” said Dr. E. S. Conklin, head of the de partment of psychology. * * * “The more that students tliem (Contimied on page three) Ad Men Have Shindig up Sleeves With Campa Shoppe Scene for Orgy What might at a passing glance seem merely a minor detail in the already well-filled social calendar, has proved, upon examination, to be something altogether new and dif ferent, and as such, it is arousing the curiosity of people about the campus. The affair in question is none other than the dance planned by Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s national advertising honorary, which will be given for the entertainment .of the campus in general on Fridav eve ning, February 4, at the Campa Shoppe. The party promises to be a mile stone in Oregon history, according to Joe Neil and Sam Kinley, who are in charge of arrangements, and1 it is planned to make it an annual affair. In originality of detail and cleverness of execution it cannot be equalled by any social function ever given here, they contend. Ideas for the dance will all be take-offs on modern advertising, and the authorities have guaranteed each guest a laugh a minute. There will be a feature between eacli dance, to make the evening inter esting. Tickets will be placed on sale at the Co-op, the Campa Shoppe and the various houses during the week. Alpha Delta Sigma has just elect ed two new pledges, Laurence Thie len and Carol Eberhardt, who are to be initiated just before the dance. Swimmers Take Diving Honors From Winged M Five First Places Won By Multnomah; Two By Webfoots Coach Ed Abercrombie’s varsity swimmers journeyed to Portland Saturday to meet Multnomah club and returned with a total of 21 points to the clubmen’s 38. Jack Cody’s men carried off five first places to two for Oregon. The lemon-yellow made its best showing in the diving event. Byerly and Thompson took first and second while Davis, whose score was not counted, made a better mark than Thompson. Cunningham of Mult nomah placed third. Although Cuthbert Beiveley, the club’s star diver, was not able to compete, the opinion of critics was that Byerly’s excellent form would have earned him first place against the best the club could offer. The only other first place taken by the Oregon tinmen was in the 150 yard backstroke in which “Wig” Fletcher triumphed. Complete results were as follows: 220 yards—Schroth (M), first; Lombard (M), second; McCook (O), third. Time, 2:33 1-5. 200 yard breaststroke—Becker (M), first; Linderman (M), second; Smith (O), third. Time, 2:54 4-5. 440 yards—Horsfall (M), first; Hansen (M), second; Beid (O), third. Time 5:48 3-5. 150 yard backstroke—Fletcher (O), first; Slocum (M), second; Kier (O), third. Time, 2:13 2-5. 100 yards—Thomas (M), first, Greulich (O), second; Sheridan (O), third. Time 60 4-5. 150 yard medley—Won by Mult nomah, (Becker, Schroth, Thomas.) Time, 1:33 1-5. Diving—Byerly, (O), first; Thomp son (O), second; Cunningham (M), third. Prof. Turnbull Passes Cigars, Late for Class Engagement to Former Student Announced In Extra Edition Late to class for the first time in his ten years as instructor in the School of Journalism, Profes sor George Turnbull was greeted with a vigorous clapping of hands, caused by the announcement of his engagement to Miss Mary Lou Bur ton, graduate of the University in 192B, which was made Saturday evening at the home iof Dean and Mrs. Eric W. Allen. “Extra Engagement Announced’’ ■printed in the form of headlines was placed bv the plate of each guest to tell the news. The sheets were printed by Bobby Allen on his own press. One cigar, even two perhaps, were passed by the professor to his many friends yesterday. .Guests present at the dinner were Miss Mary Lou Burton, Professor George Turnbull, Prof, and Mrs. W. F. G. Thaeher, Prof, and Mrs. Ralph D. Casey, Prof, and Mrs. Robert C. Hall, Miss Margaret Skavlan, Mrs. Frederick Clayson, and Colin V. Dvment. Miss Burton was a member of the Emerald staff for four years and is a member of Theta Sigma Phi and Pot and Quill. At present Miss Burton is reporting the House of Representatives for the Oregon Vioter. She has received recognition as a short story writer as well as in the newspaper field. Next Saturday will mark the tenth year that Professor Turnbull has been on the school of Journal ism faculty. He has been advisor for the Emerald as well as conducting his regular classes. He is a mem ber of Theta Chi and Sigma Delta Chi. Mr. Turnbull graduated from the University of Washington with honors in 1915. Elly Ney Gives Piano Concert Wednesday McArthur Court Provides Ample Seating. Room For Students Other Performances Receive Critics’ Praise Program Includes Chopin And Beethoven <