Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1927, Image 1

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Unusual Motif
Characterizes •
Frosh Glee
Colonnades, Swords and
Lights Add Luxury to
Medieval Scene
Chorus Girls Imported;
Surprise Feature Act
Eight Piece Orchestra
Will Insure Jazz
FBOSH Glee informal, given an
nually by that class, is going
through the final stages of finish
ing work prior to its staging this
Saturday evening at the Woman’s
building. Nearly all heavy work is
completed, and the scenery is be
ing erected and painted.
Decorations Picturesque
The motif of the Glee differs
front the usual. The building will be
turned into the festival hall of an
old medieval castle. Enormous col
onnades, arches and pillars give the
appearance of richness and lavish
ness. A touch of the romantic is
added by brilliant colored lights
playing on ‘the tinted walls and
glass of the hall. The walls will be
adorned with old fashioned swords
and shields, armour and quaint old
Features have beeu chosen with
the background in mind and they
will hold sway between 10:45 and
11:00. A troupe of eight chorus
girls, imported for the occasion will
feature in a surprise dance. The
nature of the climax of the eve
ning has not been divulged.
An eight piece orchestra has
been engaged, which will insure
plenty of jazz with no dragging
moments. It will be costumed in the
quaint old apparel of the medieval
period, and will carry out the ef
fect with big swords and long-bar
relled pistols.
Floor in Good Condition
The floor has been put in excel
lent condition for the affair. A
great deal of time and labor has
made the surface as smooth and
“slick” as any in the city.
Patrons and ipatronesses for the
dance will be:
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Bennet Hall,
Governor and Mrs. Isaac Lee Pat
terson, Dean ftnd Mrs. John Straub,
Hon. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kay, Dean
Virginia Judy Esterly, Dean and
Mrs. H. D. Walker, Deaji and Mrs.
William G. Hale, Professor and
Mrs. W. T. G. Tliacher, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Patterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Sehueking, Mrs. C. S. Jackson.
Moroni Olseti Players
To Be Here January 24
“Outward Bound,” by Sutton
Vane, in which the Moroni Olsen
Players make their last appearance
of the season on next Monday eve
ning, January 24, at the Heilig
theater, was said by E. W. Osborn,
of the Evening World, to be the
“real news of the dramatic year,”
when it was first plaved in New
York City.
Most of the old favorites of the
Moroni Olsen company are in the
cast for “Outward Bound.” Moroni
Olsen is the pompous, brusque, con
ceited master of finance and member
of parliament. Janet Young takes
the part of a poor scrub lady, Mrs.
Midget, whose life had been a love
ly one of self sacrifice in unpleasant
surroundings. Byron Foulger is a
young failure who has tried to
drown his woes in whisky. Leora
Thatcher is the society snob, whose
real character peers through even
the silks and veneer of fine manners.
Gordon Nelson will be seen as the
enthusiastic and sincere young cler
gyman, while Dorothy Adams and
Henry Allen are Ann and Henry, the
young lovers who lost courage and
to end it all turned on the gas.
Joseph Williams is Scrubby, the
Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks
Entertain Art Critics
Mr. and Mrs. Avard Fairbanks en
tertained Judge Charles H. Carey,
art critic and members of the ad
vanced class in modeling, at a lunch
eon in Mr. Fairbanks’ studio
Thursday. Pieces of students’ work
in modeling formed the centerpieces
of the small tables at which about
twenty five guests were served.
Judge Carey gave a short speech
after the luncheon before beginning
his criticism and advice on all the
■work in modeling.
Art Rudd Finds Oregonians Making
Grade in New York, Writers’ Goal
University’s Literary Minds Praised by Former
Emerald Editor After Much Travel
That New York is the mecea of
the journalist, Arthur S. Rudd, '24,
now with theMeNaught Syndicate,
Inc., New York, agrees after work
ing there and meeting m|any of
the writers. Mr. Rudd is spending
the week end on the campus.
“A great many people from Ore
gon have attained success in New
York,” said Mr. Rudd. “I’d say
it is a good place to go. There is
a tendency among college people to
move around and get viewpoints of
other people—the eastern students
come out here and the western stu
dents go back east.”
Because he felt that a newspaper
man should have general knowledge
of the world and of his particular
field, he went into newspaper syndi
cate work, which takes him all over
United States and Canada. This,
gives him a chance to keep in touch
with the newspapers in the princi
pal cities.
“I think that Oregon has one
of the finest groups of literary
minds in the country. I have visit
ed more than half a hundred col-,
leges and universities and have
rarely found their equal. Here, too,
is sympathy and understanding few
schools have been able to attain,
and Oregon has a real reputation. ’ ’
Last summer Mr. Rudd assisted in
conducting a tor» through the prin
cipal countries of Europe. He sailed
on the Leviathan, and coming back
happened to be on the same boat
with General Pershing. Mr. Rudd
interviewed him during the trip, and
said of the incident:
“General Pershing said that
when we first went over in 1918,
the French idealized us as the sav
iours of the earth, and were shock
ed that this rich and great nation
should demand money.”
Mr. Rudd spoke before Dean Al
len ’s editing class yesterday morn
ing about syndicate work and gave
some high lights of his experience
in the ‘field.
There are three types of syndi
cates, according to Mr. Rudd, the
newspaper chain, the big name syn
dicates, and the idea syndicates.
The first arc those which buy and
sell over the country news stories,
pictures and the like. The second,
the big name type, uses material of
well known writers or men who have
made names for themselves in other
lines of work, such as Will Rogers
and O, O. McIntyre.
Rudd is now with one of the big
name syndicates. His first experi
ence in this line of work was with
one of the idea types, the Associ
ated Editors. Their articles are
small and very good, usually aimed
at some definite idea, he said.
There are more than a hundred
different syndicates operating at
present. A comparatively new devel
opment in the comic strip end of
syndicate stuff is the one column
feature, which puts over its joke in
one column instead of seven or
(Continued on page threeJ
Dr. E. E. Day,
Noted Economist,
To Speak Today
Graduates and Faculty
To -Meet Noted Guest
Saturday Night
Dr. Edmund E. Day, dean of
the school of business administra
tion and head of the department of
economics at the University of
Michigan, will be on the cflmpus to
day and Saturday as a guest of
the University. Dr. Day is a man
of outstanding reputation in the
field of social sciences and is in
tensely interested in research work.
Before coming to the University
of Michigan, he was professor of
statistics in the economics depart
ment at Harvard from 1910 to 1921
and served as chairman of the de
partment of economics at this in
stitution from 1921 to 1923. Pre
vious to the appointment of Dr.
C. C. Little as president of the Uni
versity of Michigan, Dr. Day was
seriously considered for the posi
As a member of the Board of
Economic Research at Harvard, he
was partly responsible for the de
velopment of the Business Forecast
ing Service, published by the uni
versity. This was the first scientific
forecasting service Established in
the country.
He published in the Harvard Re
view of Economic Statistics an “In
dex of the Physical Volume of Pro
duction” which has since proved of
invaluable assistance to economists.
His book on “Statistical Analysis”
is considered the best elementary
text on statistics that has been writ
ten. ,
In the words of Prof. H. C. Frame,
of the economics department, who
was one of his students at Harvard,
“Dr. Day is an excellent combina
(Continued on page three)
Beta Theta Pi Visited
By National President
Francis W. Shepardson, national
president of Beta Theta* Pi, nation
al vice president of Phi Beta Ka,p
pa, was a guests last night at a din
ner given by the local chapter of
Phi Beta Kappa at the Anchorage
at 6:30. He spoke on “What Phi
Beta Kappa Could Do.’’
Mr. Shepardson has just come
from the south where he has helped
install a chapter of Beta Theta Pi
at the University of California,
Southern Branch. He will proceed
from here to other chapters of the
fraternity on the coast and in the
western states.
He has been Professor of history
at the University of California and
has been deaft of the graduate
school there. He was for four
years editorial writer on the Chica
go Tribune, and was commissioner
of education for the state of Hlinois
during Lowden’s regime.
Belgium Honors
Ex-Oregon Man
With Decoration
Cross of Order of Crown
Bestowed by King
Of Belgians
Decorated by King Albert of the
Belgians with the Cross of Officer
of the Order of the Crown, was the
honor bestowed upon Edwin P. Shat
tuek, ex-’97, of the University of
Oregon, recently. *
The Belgian medal presented to
Mr. Sliattuck corresponds to the
coveted French Legion of Honor.
It was conferred upon him because
of his important interest in the new
building program of the University
of Brussels, and for his aid in the
reconstruction, of the Louvain Lib
rary, both institutions having suf
fered greatly as a result of the war.
In addition to the Belgian honor,
Mr. Shattuck has received similar
orders from Poland, Finland and
Bulgaria, all in tribute to his unself
ish service.
“In conferring the signal honor
upon Mr. Shattuck,” says the Com
mercial and Financial World, pub
lished in New York, “King Albert
gave formal, royal and lasting rec
ognition to the untiring efforts of
this American in the promotion of
good will between the United States
and Belgium.”
Mr. Shattuck is a prominent figure
in legal and industrial circles. He
is a director in a number of lead
ing business enterprises, including
the Pejepscot Paper Company and
the Welsbach Street Lighting Com
pany of America.
He has for several years been
counsel for the government of Po
land, and has taken a keen interest
in civic and educational activities
together wi£h his interests in com
mercial affairs.
“As a director of the A. K. A.
Child Health Association and of
the C. R. B. Educational Founda
tion, Inc., his contribution to the
improvement in the welfare of cer
tain classes of minors is invalu
able,” commented the New York
Hammer and Coffin
May be Re-instated
Hammer and Coffin, the national
honorary humorous writers organi
zation, may be once more installed
on the campus according to reports
coming from chapters at other
schools. Tom Breeze, editor of the
Stanford Chaparral, has written sev
eral letters to Rolf Klep, editor of
the Webfoot and has informed him
that the matter is to be taken up
at a convention of that organiza
tion to be held shortly in Palo lAl
to, California.
Art Critique
Declared Best
Held in Years
People Crowd Rooms and
Halls Exhibiting
Students’ Work
Sidney Bell, Portrait
Painter, Gives Criticism
Luncheon at Anchorage
Served Visitors
<<rr\HE most successful Critique
-t- ever held,” was the consensus
of opinion of the students and fac
ulty of the school of art and archi
tecture when questioned on La
Deuxieme Critique which was held
in the school yesterday. Judging
by the number of the people who
crowded the halls, class rooms, and
exhibiting room, the opinion ex
pressed was not too strong.
In the department of architecture
the criticisms were inspiring as
well as instructive. In the afternoon
the criticisms took an argumenta
tive turn that was both refreshing
and amusing. W. G. Purcell, Port
land architect, advanced several
helpful hints which not only con
cerned the method by which the
students went about their work (but
also pertained to the conception and
execution of their ideas.
By A. K.
Judge Carey Praises work
In the fine arts department Sid
ney Bell, portrait painter, gave very
helpful criticisms to the students
in painting. Bell is an able critic
and finds little difficulty pointing
out defects in student work and in
expressing clearly such improve
ments as should be made in their
work. His brilliant criticism showed
a keen understanding of technique
and construction.
The work of the students in paint
ing this year shows a decided im
provement over that done by that
department last year. Evidently the
criticisms of people unfamiliar with
the work of the students has had a
great effect and the stucfents seem
to understand their work better.
In sculpture Judge C. H. Carey
found much to praise. A composi
tion figure called “Mother and
Child,” by Beatrice Towers, was
one of the outstanding pieces dis
played. Another, a group of three
figures by Anna Keeney, was also
outstanding because of its excel
lence of composition, line, and tech
nique. There were numerous others
commended for their good workman
ship. Judge Carey gave interesting
(Continued on page two)
Programs Completed
For Discussion Groups
To Start Next Tuesday
The completed programs for the
fraternity discussion groups to toe
held on Tuesday of the next four
weeks at the different houses on
the campus was announced yester
day by Henry W. Davis, director
of Christian work at the Univer
Each speaker will be invited to
dinner at the house, and the discus
sion will immediately follow, clos
in at 7:30 p. in. sharp.
The program for January 25 is as
“Science and Religion” by W. D.
Smith at Alpha Beta Chi; “Inter
national Relationships” by W. G.
Hale at A. T. O.; “The Question of
Immortality” by H. S. Tuttle at
Chi Psi; “America and Her Inter
national Obligations” by W. P.
Maddox at Delta Tau Delta; “The
Apocryphal Books” by F. S. Dunn
at Kappa Sigma; “Christ and Santa
Claus” by H. R. Douglass at Phi
Gamma Delta; “The Sex Problem”
I by Del Oberteuffer at Phi Sigma
j Kappa; “Is Our Religion Worth
I Exporting?” by B. J. Giffen at Psi
I Kappa; “Has Christianity Helped
| or Hindered Progress?” by H. D.
i Sheldon at S. A. E.; “The 18th
; Amendment” by H. G. Tanner at
j Sigma Nu; “Eugenics” by H. R.
Taylor at Sigma Phi Epsilon; “Evo
lution” by E. L. Packard at Sigma
Pi Tau; “The Significance of
Christ” by H. P. Rainey at Theta
| Chi; “The Significant Place of
| Christ in the Christian Religion”
| by Father E. V. O’Hara at Beta
I Theta Pi; “What Is Religion?” by
j Rev. J. F. Haas at Friendly hall;
“The Industrial Unrest” by B. C.
Davis; “The Cross in Human Ex
perience” by Rev. F. J. Clank;
“The Influence of Beliefs Upon
Economics” by M. K. Cameron at
Phi Delta Theta.
Schroff’s Exhibit of Outdoor
Scenes Attracts Many Admirers
Rugged Mountains, Rough Sea, Quiet Lake and
Meadow, Depicted With Equal Success
The sea, mountains, canyons, val
leys, and quiet lakes are all por
trayed by Alfred Schroff, head of
the department of fine arts, in his
paintings which are on display in
the exhibition room of the Archi
tecture building.
The mountain and canyon scen
ery was especially impressive in the
paintings, for great depth and at
mosphere was shown. One painting
was done in less than an hour, just
before sunset. It is just an impres
sion, Mr. Schroff said, done sitting
at the edge of a highway in Cali
fornia while cars were roaring by
and nothing seemed still except the
hills themselves as they rose in their
stately grandeur. Since it is so
rough in texture, some might deem
it unfinished, but in its portrayal
of the impression, it is complete and
the idea can easily be grasped at
a distance.
Some of the sea pictures also are
only impressions, but they are char
acteristic of the sea in their pres
entation, being rough and massive
in their expression. There is action.
One can feel the movement and un
rest of the water.
A quiet lake nestled among pro
tective mountains is the motive for
another painting. The colors used
are cool and restful, while the
mountains are soft and peaceful.
Most of Mr. Schroff’s work was
done in California. The eucalyptus
trees, which are so decorative in
themselves, form attractive spots
in some of his scenes. In the late
afternoon they leave long slender
shadows which are depicted with
great suceess.
The paintings are more or less
alike since they all portray the out
doors, and yet each is a different
scene with some different idea ex
pressed. The artist is able to paint
the most rugged mountain or rough
sea, and also the quiet meadow or
It may be said that distance aids
the appreciation of his art, and
some of the paintings are perhaps
not suited to the average home. It
has been said that enough time has
not been spent on each one, but in
the type of work that Mr. Schroff
does, the interpretation cannot be
too intricate. A better effect can
often be obtained by one large
stroke than by several small ones.
Mr. Schroff does most of his
painting during the summer, when
lie is not hampered by the necessity
of meeting classes. Also in the sum
mer, the scenery is usually better
for the sort of work he does.
His exhibit was evidently much
enjoyed by the visitors, for while
looking at the paintings one could
hear persons about the room expres
sing appreciation 'and admiration.
The room was scarcely ever empty
of people during the entire after
The exhibit is open to the pub
lic every afternoon from 1:00 to
4:00, Sunday afternoon from 2:00
to 5:00 and Tuesday and Thursday
evenings from 7:00 to 10:00.
Mu Phi Epsilon
Gives Pleasing
Musical Program
Concert Includes Piano,
Violin, Vocal, and
Cello Numbers
# -
The piano, violin, cello and vocal
numbers presented yesterday at the
weekly assembly in the Woman’s
building by members of Mu Phi
Epsilon, national honorary musical
fraternity for women, composed one
of the most popular student assem
bly programs of the year.
The women’s trio including Har
riett Ross, Clare Whitton and Leota
iiggs, was one of the features of
the morning. They sang several
numbers including “Allah’s Holi
day,” “The Land of the Sky Blue
Water,” and “All the World Is
Waiting for the Sunrise.” They
were accompanied by Mary Clark.
At the opening of the program
Olga Jackson, school of music stu
dent pianist, played “Lento,” by
Cyril Scott, and “The Crapshoot
er’s Dance,” by Eastwood Lane.
Adelaide Johnson, soloist, and
chairman of the Mu Phi Epsilon
concert committee and in charge of
the program, sang two soprano
numbers, “Moonlight,” by Robert
Schumann, and “Will O’ the Wisp.”
She was accompanied by Lois Ever
son, junior in the school of music.
Nina Wacnock, graduate student
in the music school, played two vio
lin selections, “Chanson Arabe,” by
Rimsky Korsokoff-KTeisler, and
“Hejre Kate,” by Hubay. Reta
Warnock, senior in the school of
music, accompanied her.
Miriam Little, instructor in music,
played two cello numbers, “Village
Song,” by Popper, and “On Wings
of Song,” by Mendelsson. Aurora
Potter Underwood,-assistant profes
sor of music, accompanied her.
The closing number was the sing
ing of the “Triangle Song,” nation
al song of Mu Phi Epsilon, by the
women’s trio.
Old Oregon Features
Order of “O” Athletics
A new section, “Alumni Order
of the ‘O’,” appears in the January
issue of Old Oregoij which has just
been published. This section is
edited by Dudley Clark, ’27, and
has been introduced as an attempt
to 'answer the question, “Where
have the Oregon Order of the “0”
men gone?”
The department will be a regular
feature and will attempt to give
news of some “O” men each month.
An article about the late Clifton
N. “Pat” McArthur, ’01, for whom
the new basketball court was named,
also appears in the issue.
There are several stories of Ore
gon alumni and President Arnold
Bennett Hall. The Campus News
section Is especially large this
Fast Time Made
By Entrants in
Channel Swim
Abercrombie Prophesies
A National Non-stop
Splash to Hawaii
With but two days remaining of
the cross-channel swim in the men’s
gymnasium pool, Leslie Kirkhain
seems practically certain of first
place. He has swum 433 lengths of
the tank in eight duckings of 20
minutes each while second place
rests with Walter Dungan, who haa
407 lengths to his credit.
Chalmers Nooc, who swims noth
ing but a backstroke, has traveled
the length of tlio 20 yard tank 329
times in only seven tries and is in
third place.
The final 20 minute oflfort of each
participant will come Friday after
noon, bringing to a close a unique
event in swimming annals at Ore
A bit of figuring shows that Kirk
ham has swum 8660 yards or a total
of five miles and 60 yards in a total
elapsed time of two hours and 40
minutes. He thus averaged about
1.9 miles per hour. George Young,
17 year old youth who conquered
the Catalina channel, averaged only
1.5 miles per hour for the gruelling
22 mile course.
“Perhaps Kirkham, if lie contin
ues to improve at the rate he has
in the last week, will some day bo
the first human to accomplish a
non-stop splash to the Hawaiian
islands,” opines Edward Abercrom
bie, water coach.
University High Sends
Players to Medford
University high hoopstcrs, under
the direction of Coach Frank Rein
hart, leave today for Medford,
where they will meet the high
school team of that town tonight
and tomorrow night. The team has
so far won its games that count
toward the district title in the
state conference. But the games
this week-end, however, will not
count toward this title as Medford
is outside this district.
Although the schedule for the re
mainder of the season is not entire
ly decided regarding outside games,
still the principal games and those
of this district are as follows: Jan
uary 21, 22, Medford, there; Jan
uary 26, Eugene high school; Jan
uary 28, Corvallis, there; February
5, Salem, here, (tentative); Febru
ary 9, Cottage Grove, here; Febru
ary 12, Corvallis, here; February
16, Springfield, there; February 22,
Springfield, there; February 26, Eu
gene as a preliminary to the Ore
gon-Washington game; March 5,
Roseburg, there. The local games;
will probably bo played on the floor
of the Men’s gymnasium.
Idaho to Give
Oregon First
Actual Battle
Tomorrow Will Determine
Vandal’s Chance at
All Five Veterans
On Invader’s Team
Miles, Forward, Top Man
For Visiting Quint
Coast Conference Standings
Northern Section
W. Jj.
Washington . 1
Washington State . 1
Idaho . 1
Montana . 0
Oregon . 0
Oregon Aggies . 0
Tonight—Idaho vs. Oregon Aggies
at Corvallis; Washington State vs.
Montana at Missoula.
Saturday—Idaho vs. Oregon at
ANOTHER chapter will be ad
ded to “The Book of Wran
gles,” tomorrow night on McAr
thur court with the meeting of the
Idaho Vandals and Oregon's bas
ketball aces in their first confer
ence fracas of the season. “The
Book of Wrangles,” is a serial novel
with the Idaho and Oregon quin
tets as the foremost actors and
main participants of the first in
The Idahoans have swept over
through Washington, Idaho, Mon
tana, Nevada and California on a.
16-game barnstorming tour to win
12 of the contests. Sjports writers
in many places seemi inclined to
toss Idaho and Oregon up in the
same bag as regards championship
possibilities. The Vandals toppled
the University of California, Sou
thern Branch, by a lopsided score
after the Bruins had given the Ag
gies and Stanford neat lacings. Neat
they crashed the Grizzlies by a 45
to 19 tune.
Washington Wins
Then along came Washington and
stole much of the blood and thun
der from the Vandal-Oregon mix
By defeating Idaho at Seattle Wed
nesday night. Now Idaho must beat
Oregon Saturday night to keep in
the race, and Oregon must beat
the Vandals for everyone knows
the lads from Idaho are exceedingly
agile on their own homo floor.
Dave McMillan ranks high in this
conference as a basketball coach.
He always has a good team, but
since the graduation of the Fox
brothers the Vandals haven’t been
quite good enough for the cham
pionship. They were good last year
but not quite good enough to stop
Oregon. With a veteran team back,
this should really Jje Idaho’s big
The loss of the Oregon game
along with the defeat handed them
by Washington would put the Van
dals low in the conference race.
Idaho is coming with a veteran
team—the same man in every posi
tion that met Oregon last year.
Oregon has lost two regulars, and
regulars playing together year after
year make team work.
Veterans Good Men
Tn the Idaho squad Harold Lam
pliore has been a varsity man for
two years at one of the guard posi
tions. Ills specialty is smearing op
posing offensives and caging long
shots. Nedros at one of the for
ward positions is well known to op
posing teams as a shifty, heady
(Continued on page three)
University Alumnus
Dies in California
News has been received at the
Alumni office of the death of Frank
Scaiese, former University of Ore
gon student, last week in San Ped
ro, California.
Mr. Scaiese graduated from the
University in the class of 1917. The
next year he went back to Harvard
Medical school and took his MJ>.
degree at that institution.
While on the Oregon campus he
was prominent in activities, serv
ing in many responsible positions.
He was yell leader during his senior
year, played basket ball four years,
was president of his junior class,
treasurer of his sophomore class, on
the tennis squad during his sopho
more year, and played football for
two years.
He was a member of three honor
organizations, Tokolo, Sigma Up
silon and Friars and of Delta Tan