Russians Have Great Respect Fur Henry Ford Admiration of American Typical of Country, Says Barry Two Student Croups Hear Noon Lecture “Henry Ford is a great name in Russia,” said Giffen Barry, former correspondent of the London Daily Herald and a member of the Amer ican embassy in Russia, at a special luncheon of Sigma Delta Chi mem bers at the Anchorage yesterday afternoon. William Maddox’s class in inter national politics participated in the informal discussion of Russian af fairs, and heard Barry’s answers to questions concerning social, political and economic conditions in that country. The great respect of the Russians for Henry Ford, Barry explained, is typical of the materialistic, in dustrial attitude of modern Russia. They consider America as having advanced further mechanically than any other country. Russian com- j munists, like Sinclair Lewis’ “Bab bitt,” are materialistic, said Barry. I Trotsky Is Leader “Tho job market is open in Rus-j sia, now, ”ho said. This, he ex plained, is not true in Germany, France, or Italy. He told of experi mental farms established through out Russia by the government, on which were placed tractors, good stock, and new agricultural methods. There are comparatively few of ! these farms, however, he said. jjcu/i xroisay is tnn outstanding man in Russian affairs, said Barry. Government Discussed Tho necessity for a strong central head of Russian government was explained by Barry, who believes that intense centralization is inevit able for some time in Russia. The largo area of the country would be the cause of revolution under a de centralized form of government, he said, because only a strong central power can suppress unrest in tho outlying provinces, which if un hindered, would burst into revolu tion and anarchy. The place of tho old aristocracy in Russia has been taken by the communists sinso the revolution, he said. The revolution was carried through by a faction of young in dustrial workers, the communists, who number about 100,000. They live comfortably, said Barry, but they are not allowed to accumulate large fortunes. The gathering of small fortunes is allowed. Church Situation Given Barry pointed out that there wore undoubtedly Russian communists throughout the world, but he was unable to say if there were paid emmisaries of the Soviet in Amer ica. Russian influence on labor groups, he acknowledged. Russia has much in common with Mexico, and the Soviet government is sym pathetic towards that country, said Barry, although lie declared that there was a recognized feeling in Russia that the Mexicans (were “'boungoisie,”. and not the same -as the communists. In Russia, the light comes from the East, said Barry. Thev want to Russianize Constantinople and the surrounding country, and there is a radical element in Turkey as well as in fermenting China which is friendly to Russia. lne attitude of the government^ toward the church was explained briefly as one of ridicule. Although opposed by the government, the ■church is still strong in Russia, lio pointed out. Population Restless One of the most amazing things ■‘bout Russian life, said Barry, is the restlessness of the population, j Russians are curious, venturesome, : careless of hardships, and always moving without cause or objoct, ho said. "Even before the revolution, tho ! Volga boats were packed with fain-1 ilies going nowhere.” Teaching is an extremely honor- j able profession in Russia, according to tho speaker, explaining that edu Conference Delegates Find Rising Tide of Jingoism Nation’s Greatest Problem (Editor’s Note: Following is the first of a series of four articles on the findings of the c&mmittee which attended the National Student Con ference at Madison, Wis., during the vacation.) By JOSEPH HOLADAY “The religion of power is the fetish of the modern,” said Dr. Reinhold Neibuht in speaking to the 3000 students assembled from all parts of the country at the National Student Conference held recently in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This paradoxical nation of Amer ica is fast approaching such a climax that even the most optimistic of the more foresighted statesmen and thinkers are conscious of darkening skies in the interna tional heavens. No nation in the world is more greedy of power, nor so quick to profess Christianity. No nation is more restless nor blithe ly optimistic of the future than America, and no nation has a tenth of the ill-will of the world that she has. We have earned the distinction of being a nation of pious frauds, gesturing to heaven with one hand, and greedily clawing the wealth of I the world to us with the other. Recently 27 economics professors at Columbia University sent a state- | ment to the president and his cab- ; inet that set forth a plan for seal- 1 ing and cancelling* certain of the ! European war debts. They received j an intimation that Washington will ! never consider the cancellation of I debts. To the 3000 delegates no problem held graver attention than the men acing and timely one of Imperialism and its results. Because of a dip lomacy as short-sighted, as unchris tian as this, our nation is rapidly becoming the most hated in . the world. According to one of the speakers, “the Asiatic missionary ictivities have nearly ceased to have any progressive effect whatever.” While the Japanese ambassador may smilingly protest that Nippon loves America, yet on the floor of the con- ! ference, Japanese students warned | us that their nation was wounded and alarmed at the recent acts of America, “Christians,” exclaimed one Asiatic speaker, “make it hard to believe in Christianity.” Our economic power is feared and hated throughout the world . The conference attempted neither to view with alarm nor point with pride, but instead to face an ex tremely grave situation and deter mine what intelligent and Christian solution might be found to combat the rising tide of jingoism. War is the result of Imperialism and in America eminent editors and divines, to the contrary, the war spirit is rising. The war depart ment is encouraging py every means in its power such institutions as the compulsory R. 0. T. C., the C. M. T. C. and branches of military schools. This peaceful nation which made the world safe for democracy and for peace spends $500,000,000 a year on war and preparation for war. Kirby Page, an editor and speaker, stated that by no stretch of his imagination could more than $50,000,000 a year be spent on peace projects. The comparison is not fattening td tlje intelligence of our statesmen, but it is characteristic. Certain definite stands were taken by the conference on the War and Imperialism question. Our nation’s policy of nationalism and eco nomic imperialism was roundly condemned. Agitation was urged against the mischievous R. O. T. C. and C. M. T. C. While the conference as a whole admitted that a hypothetical war might exist which would permit a man to recon cile his Christian principles and fight yet any such war as the past, or those looming in the future were recognized as impossible of any just attitude but that of pacifism. It is interesting to note that only 24 out of 3000 delegates stood firm on the' proposition, “my country, right or wrong.” As prospective cannon fodder we students of Oregon and of the na tion should do a bit of serious think ing. As a speaker observed, “The oresident and the senate are watch ing their mailbags.” cation and learning were greatly respected in that country. Money for educational purposes is a great need in Russia today, said Barry. Sociology Fraternity Plans Survey of City Alpha Kappa Delta, national soc iology fraternity, has chosen to make a social survey of Eugene as its major activity for the year, fol lowing a requost made to the school of sociology by the Eugene Y. M. (' .A., according to Dean F. G. Young. Work on the survey will begin immediately after the completion of the Y. M. drive for finances for the coming year. Prof. Tuttle to Talk I To Faculty Committee | “University Training of Teachers in Connection with the Weekday I Religious Schools” is to be the sub I ject of a talk to be given by Pro fessor II. S. Tuttle, of the school of education, at the weekly lunch eon held under the auspices of the faculty committee of morals and religion, every Wednesday at noon. Discussion will follow. Household Arts Shows Enrollment Increase An increased enrollment is shown this term in the household arts de partment. Most of the classes are : now filled to capacity. Clothing selection, taught by Miss Margaret L. Daigh, house planning by Mrs. Andrew Fish, and foods by Miss Lilian Tingle, are the courses which show the greatest increase.! The latter class has almost doubled. ' It is planning to give a number of; practice luncheons in the near fu- ! ture. Varsity Swimmers Will Match Clubmen At Portland Saturday Saturday morning the Oregon var sity swimming team leaves for Port land to engage the unusually strong | Multnomah club team. The Web ! foots will be minus the services of j Hob Boggs and Art Larsen, neither of whom will be able to make the | trip. Little hope is held for an Oregon victory as the club is presenting one liiiiHiiaiiiiMiiiiiaiiiiHiiiiiaiiiiiaiiiiiniiiiuiiiiBiiiiiBi LAST DAY with Ronald Coleman and Vilma _Banky Our Gang: Comedy Fables Brr! it’s cold— to walk downtown those January days. Don’t you just shudder inside your coat all the way! But when you get there, on the corner, is the Peter Pan.' You dash in for a cup of hot coffee or chocolate, and come out feeling fit for any weather. Peter Pan 10th and Willamette Phone 1096 _E.C.8. of the strongest teams in its his tory. Practice gained in actual com petition, however, is expected to benefit the team materially in the coming meets with O. A. C. A return meet is scheduled with the club for February 5 at Eugene, and, if Jack Cody, Multnomah men tor is willing, the crack freshman team in place of the varsity will be pitted against the clubmen. The lineup is announced as fol lows: 100 yard dash, Greulich, Sher idan; 220, McCook, Johnson; 440, Reid; Dives, Byerly, Thompson, Davis; 200 yards, Fletcher, Smith, Newbegin; 150, Smith, Kier, Fletch er; medley, McCook, Kier, and Fletcher. “Outward Bound” to Appear January 24 The last Moroni Olsen play of the season, “Outward Bound,” iby Sutton Vane, will be presented at the Heilig theatre on Monday eve ning, January 24, instead of the date first announced. The change was made to avoid conflict with the concert of Elly Ney, which is one of the University series. “Outward Bound” is a play » It’s a poor fish who can’t laught at — 1 i is4nR 8 Tomorrow— “The Whole Town’s Talking.” about the hereafter, in which all the characters are dead, but don’t know it. The picture he draws of that life is unique in being at one and the same time extremely humorous in its simplicity and genuinely moving and quickening in its personal ap plication. Neither does he attempt to make the application, but leaves each person to interpret for him self. Introduction After Inventory Half Price SALE This event, one of the many featured during our January Clear ance Sales, offers unusual opportunities to buy smart apparel and dress accessories at a fraction, of their real worth. Come to this store today and take advantage of the many bargains offered. • | 100 Women’s I Costs NOW Half Price Regularly $9.95 to $85 A final clearaway—including Sports and Dress Coats in a variety' of colors. Mod els along straight and wrappy lines. Squirrel, fox, wolf and other popular furs often appear as trimmings. A once a year opportunity to choose. Sizes 34 to 44 $ 9.95 Coats for . .$ 4.98 $16.95 Coats for . . $ 8.84 $22.50 Coats for r . $11.25 $26.50 Coats for . $13.25 $29.75 Coats for . .$14.88 $35.00 Coats for . . $17.50 $62.50 Coats for . .$31.25 $85.00 Coats for . . $42.50 UtttOtt V;, O*6*1 oBEGOS OBI'1 0? „ ._JL w®®* 0 G tobacco ebbs wi® *^ob «££^S° ^TITs — *» ?lB3t BIBCTW ~~~ tdOB CB° ^ W0M BO* TBXS «**» ®* S,IT too BO* EBO *** TOBEOCO bob ^ewar rr^co®0^ 3TJST » -yg r«0 CO tbE U®*** ^° One man tells another