Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    Law Professor
Commended in
Letter for Book
■ —
Sam B. Warner Receives
Recognition From
Census Bureau
Sam Bass Warner, professor of
law, who has returned to the Uni
versity after a leave of absence ex
tending through the fall term, has
received favorable recognition in a
letter from the head of the United
States Census bureau for whom he
recently completed a booklet of
“Instructions for the Compilation
of Criminal Statistics on Penal In
stitutions, Police Departments,
Courts, Prosecutors, and Parole and
Prohibition Agencies.”
The booklet, which was written
under the auspices of the United
States Census bureau, was complet
ed by Professor Warner while in
Boston last summer. Professor War
ner taught a course in the Harvard
Law- school last fall.
The results of his research has
brought conclusions upon the admin
istration of criminal justice which
are contrary to present-day concep
“I am very doubtful,” said Pro
fessor Warner, “whether there is
any relationship between more rigid
enforcement of criminal law and
the decrease of crime.”
Professor Warner has had a wide
range of experience with criminal
statistics. In 1924 he constructed
the census of prisoners and Institu
tions. Last year he persuaded the
census bureau to provide for the
■compilation of this census annually.
He wrote his recent booklet for the
purpose of formulating a uniform
method to be used throughout the
country in making the annual cen
sus of crime and criminals.
Professor Warner will spend the
greater part of next summer in
Boston and while there will com
plete a survey of the administration
of criminal justice in courts for the
City of Boston.
(Continued from page one)
theater in New York, in 1922. It
proved a huge success. The play
has an appeal for all types and
classes of people, according to Miss
Wilbur. The story is that <cf a
young man who retsrrns home from
a shortened business trip to find
that his wife has become an actress,
an occupation of which he disap
proves in any form. It is skid to
be a riot of fun, suspense and hum
orous situations.
(Continued from page one)
basket in three attempts, and one
free threw. Epps tried 11 field
shots and made six.
The game started with a rukh, the
Irishmen evidently being determined
to show up the highly touted yellow
shirts. Okerberg took the fipoff,
but Gonzaga got the ball. After a
flurry of a few seconds, Meader, of
Gonzaga, flumped it into a basket
and sent "the invaders ahead. Weeter
gren tied the score a moment later
with a niee field goal. Okerberg
sent Oregon ahead with a success
ful try from the floor, but Albers
netted a free throw and put the
Bulldogs one point behind.
Wehfoots Run Wild
From then on it was a slaughter,
Okerberg scored, and, being fouled
as he shot, added another digit for
good measure. Okerberg made a
basket, Gunther made two more.
Okerberg tossed in yet another, and
Dave Epps followed suit with a two
spot. Okerberg scored behind Wes
tergren to boost the total to 18
points. Rotchford poked in two foul
tries to stem the onslaught tempor
arily, but Milligan and Gunther
whisked in field goals for four more
points. Rotchford, Gonzaga’s best
man by a wide margin, connected
from mid-floor, but Epps bounced in
two short ones and sent the count
to 26 to 7 five minutes before half
Mel Ingram, grid luminary, was
hurt a minute or so later when he
slipped in attempting to guard the
elusive Westergren. He earne back
with a long field goal, but Oregon
pushed in eight points in two min
utes to lead at half time, 34 to 13.
Notes made at half time suggest
that Oregon has more than a fair
chance of winning the game.
Heavy Scoring Continues
Schroeder replaced . Ingram at
forward as the second period start
ed. Figures compiled between halves
show that Epps had collected eight
out of 11 attempts at the netting in
the two Willamette tilts and the
first half of the Gonzaga fracas.
Two out of three were made in the
first Bearcat engagement, two out
of two in the second meeting, and
four out of five in the first 20 min
utes against the Bulldogs.
The second half was a repitition of
the first, only more so, as the surg
ing Webfoots counted off 31 points
and held the visitors to two doub
lets, both by Meader. Reinhart sent
in replacements for everybody but
Epps in the waning moments of the
game and the scoring stopped.
Idaho Next Opponent
Oregon plays Idaho in the pavil
ion Saturday night in the next
showing of Reinhart’s prize troup.
This contest will not only open the
conference season but see the ded
ication exercises for the new struc
ture. The Order of the “0” has
also promised a bit of diversion be
tween halves.
Interclass Debates
At Hi Begin Friday;
Final Is January 28
Interclass debate will begin Fri
day at the University high school
when the seventh grade team meets
that of the eighth grade on the sub
ject of ship subsidy. The winner of
this contest will debate the ninth
grade team, and the winner here
will meet the junior class team. The
senior team will vie with that of
the tenth grade for a chance to
meet the winner of the other series.
This final debate will be held Jan
[ uary 28 in the high school audit
I orium and will be open to the pub
i lie, although all others of the con
test will be closed.
Debate teams are now organized
in all English classes in the school
with the SocTa'tie method in use
throughout. Three members compose
I each team.
The final contest of the debate,
which will be between the junior
and senior teams unless an unusual
change occurs in the outcome, prom
ises to be hotly contested, according
to B. U. Moore, principal of the
high school,^for the winning or los
ing of the interclass rivalry cup de
pends on this contest. Basketball
and debate carry the most points
toward the cup, and -as the seniors
have already won the basketball
title, the cup will go to them if they
win in debate. If the juniors win,
however, the decision will depend
on baseball and tennis in the spring.
Harold Benjamin, former principal
of University high, is the donor of
the Benjamin cup which goes every
year to the winners of these inter
class rivalry contests.
Barnett Sees Danger
In Dead-law Repeal
“There is an opportunity for a
lot of mischief in the movement to
repeal what are 'known as dead
laws,'” said James T>. Barnett, pro
fessor in political science, in an
interview yesterday on the proposed
legislative “clean up” of all dead
laws on the statute books.
“My opinion is that there is very
great danger in going about this
so eagerly; danger of doing it so
hurriedly that it -will take away
something without due considera
tion. They are inviting people to
suggest legislation that ought to
be repealed,” he continued. “A num
ber of years ago there was a move
ment of the same sort. At that
time Mr. Alien Eaton, representa
tive of Lane county, pointed -out
the danger, and it is still dangerous
$50,000 Prize Offer Is
For Best Wilson Essay
The Woodrow Wilson Foundation
offers a prize of $50,000 for the
best essay on “What Woodrow Wil
son Means to Me.” Contestants are
limited to 2500 words. Anyone be
tween the ages of twenty and thirty
years may compete. The articles
must appraise the standards, ideals
and principles of Woodrow Wilson,
according to the personal standpoint
of the writer.
The contest closes October 1, 1927.
Posters on the campus give further
details of the contest.
All expenses, sea and land, !
$255 up ' |
College orchestras. Cultured leadership—social
delights t's the new way of happy travel. ; ? j
n6 Colleges and 45 States represented on our 1
19z6 tours Find out why; write for 1917 program.
1 Students Travel Club
\ 1440 Broadway-NewYork
'Theaters ^
MCDONALD: Last day: Kod
LaBocque in “The Cruise of the
Jasper B,” a delightful comedy
drama of laughs and love, adapted
from the highly successful stage
play by Don Marquis, with Mildred
Harris costarred; special musical
features: Frank Alexander playing
selections from the Gilbert and Sul
livan opera, “The Pirates of Pen
zance,” and Sharkey Moore and the
Merry-Macks in an atmospheric pre
sentation, “Sea Sharpers,” a medley
of music and mirth, featuring
“Moonlight on the Ganges;” com
edy, “Wet Paint,” and Internation
al news events.
Coming—Edward Horton in “The
Whole Town’s Talking,” a rapid
fire farce comedy, hailed as being
even funnier than his “Poker
Faces,” being an adaptation of the j
John Emerson-Anita Loos stage
comedy that kept New York rocking
with laughter for over a year.
* * *
REX: First day: “Souls for Sa
llies,” with Claire Windsor, Eugene
)’Brien and George Fawcett heading
a large cast of favorites in a com
pelling drama of love and luxury,
and wives who demand clothes
rather than love ... of one in par
ticular who wanted a sable more
than a husband . . . and got it . . .
and more than she had bargained
for; clever comedy and news week
ly; John Clifton Emmel at the or
Coming—“The Flame of the Yu
kon,” a brand new, 1927 version, of
the most famous Northland melo
drama ever screened, with a stellar
cast of players in a gripping tale
of primitive passions under the glow
of the northern lights, where brawn
and grit meant fortune to those
who dared.
Infirmary “Full-up;”
Infections Popular
The infirmary continues to be
popular and to be “full-up” most
of the time. Infections of various
sorts seem to be very prevalent
among the students at present. A
small eruption on the hand or foot
may easily develop into a serious
infection, and the majority of the
invalids at the infirmary this week
have some infection which has be
come serious through carelessness.
(Continued from page one)
“The Land of the Sky Blue Wa
ter,’ and “The World is Waiting
fOT the Sunrise. ’ ’
Violin solo by Nina Warnoek ac
companied by Beta Warnoek,
“Chanson Arabe” by Bimsky Kor
sokoff-Kroisker and “Hjne Kote”
In- Hu bay.
Vocal solo by Bobert Schumann,
Adelaide Johnson accompanied by
Lois Everson, “Moonlight.”
Cello solos by Miriam Little, ac
companied by Aurora Potter Under
wood, Mendelsson’s “On Wings of
Song,” and “Village Song” by
Vocal trio, “Triangle Song” the
official Mu Phi Epsilon fraternity
Classified Ads |
LOST—A green slicker, valued as
an heirloom. Name “SuMivan” on
inside of collar. Betrsm to Em
erald Business Office. j!9
Much Interest Shown
In Swimming Meets;
Need More Bleachers
Ample proof that interest in
swimming in the University has tak
en a sudden bound, was furnished
last Saturday at the frosh-varsity
meet. Although the freshman bas
ketball team was playing its first
game in the new pavilion, the nov
elty of which has not yet worn off.
and although the meet was only an i
inter-squad affair, the Woman's]
building pool was crowded to eapa-j
city and a large number was turn
ed away.
A portion of the money paid into ;
the A. S. U. O. treasury by the stu
dents is disbursed to the various
sports to provide equipment, seat
ing, etc., but no arrangements have
yet been made to alleviate the short
age of seats at swimming meets. It
is hoped that some steps will be
taken to accomodate more specta
tors at future meets.
At a very nominal cost additional
portable seats could be placed at
both ends and one side of the pool
in the Woman’s building without
interfering with the work of offi
cials at the meets, and space thus
provided for at least 200 more spec
If attendance at the frosh-varsity
meet last. Saturday can be taken
as an indicating it is evident that
a good number will be turned away
from every future meet of any im
portance. The addition of 200 ex
tra seats would relieve the situa
tion considerably.
(Continued from page one)
tern is also going into effect, which
not only checks attendance but
health habits as well. There is a
ruivu- rlET
is an
with an
on it. It is made of afine
genuine English Broad
cloth that retains its
nice, silk-like finish.
It pays to insist on
Arrows, because by so
doing, you get the best
that there is in shirts,
collars and materials
$16 Dresses $16
New Spring Dresses — Just In
Each garment has been personally
selected. Fine quality — Best and
most wanted colors.
We are prepared to show you an ex
cellent assortment of snappy evening
gowns, at —
Prices Greatly Reduced
place provided on the card posted
in the gym for each girl who comes
to practices to check for sleep, food,
hygiene, and exercise. A check in
any of these serves as an attendance
In order to satisfy the food re
quirement, it wras first decided that
the girl must eat three regular meals
every day, with no sweets in be
tween meals. But if a girl is in the
habit of eating only two regular
meals a day, with no sweets in be
tween, and does this regularly, she
may check the food requirement,
said Jliss Shelley. A shower or bath
every day satisfies the hygiene re
quirement; eight hours of sleep ev
ery night, the sleep requirement;
and three periods of exercise every
week besides gym classes, the exer
cise requirement.
Staff Members Collect
Laboratdry Specimens
A party comprised of Dr. and Mrs.
A. R. Moore of the department of
zoology. Professor R. R. Huestis,
also of that department, and Dr.
Daniel Freeman, professor of biol
ogy at Albany College, spent Sat
urday and Sunday at the coast gath
ering sea urchins and star fish for
use in the laboratories. The devel
opment of the live embryos will be
studied. They were gathered )at
Newport near Lighthouse Point
where they are especially abundant,
and are obtained by prying them
from the rocks when the tide is low.
Subscribe for the Emerald
25c and 35c !
Served Twice Daily
Daffodil Tea Shop
Next to Colonla Theater
I ...
[Mothers visit the club-house]
| Camel attracts the quality smoker
CAREFUL observation will reveal
that men of quality demand quality
in a cigarette—smoke Camels. A
Camel smoker goes straight to the
point in cigarettes and demands
For there are no better tobaccos
or blending than you get in Camels.
There is no other cigarette taste
and fragrance tkat can compare
with Camels, because they are
rolled of the choicest Turkish and
Domestic toDaccos grown. In a ciga
rette,as in the smoker,there is noth
ing that can substitute for quality.
If you want to know what ex
perienced smokers like, just try
Camels. Each year new millions try
them all and find in Camels enjoy
ment realized. Camels never tire
the teste. To test the quality of
Camels, compare them with any
cigarette made regardless of price.
"Have a Camel!”
| 5)1927
Is It Another Scandal?
Sssh! Don’t
Teh A Soul!
Tomorrow Will Toll All
i :
Watch Tomorrow’s Emerald
A drama of love and lux
ury—of a wife who wanted
finery more than she did a
“Duke” Says
If you want punch and special pastries for
your parties and formals,—call 141,_and
, ask for ‘Duke’ or Ethyl.
Watch for our daily menus posted outside
our windows, we always serve a ‘profit-shar
ing’ 40c lunch.
“And say!—We’ve just installed a special 5
minute service lunch-bar at our fountain.
—Look for the menu there.”
College Side