Dailg University of Oregon, Eugene BOL. ABRAMSON, Editor _EARL W. SLOCUM., Manager EDITORIAL BOARD Ray Nash Managing Editor; Harold Mangum, Sports Editor; Florence Jones. Literary ' Editor; Pani Luy. Feature Editor; News and Editor Phones, 655 KAY EDITORS; Claudia Fletcher, Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace Fisher. NIGHT .EDITORS: Bob Hail, Clarence Curtis, Wayne Morgan, JacK Coolidge. SPORTS STAFF: Jack O’Meara. Dick Syring, Art Schoeni, Charles Burton, Hoyt Barnett. FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Ruth Corey, A1 Clarke, Sam Kinley, John Butler. UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Epley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge, Barbara Blythe. NEWS STAFF: Helen Shank, Grace Taylor. Herbert Lundy, Marian Sten, Dorothy Baker Kenneth Roduner. Cleta McKennon, Betty Schultzc, I ranees Cherry, Mar garet ’Long, Mary McLean, Bess Duke. Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard, Lucile Carroll, Maudie Loomis, Ruth Newton, Dan Cheney, Eva Nealon, Margaret Hensley, Bill Haggerty, Margaret Clark, Ruth Hansen, John Allen, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy Franklin, Eleanor Edwards. La Wanda Fenlason, Wilma Lester. BUSINESS STAFF Milton George . Associate Manager Sam Kinley . Advertising Manager Herbert Lewis . Advertising Manager Larry Thieler .... Foreign Advertising Mgr. Joe Neil .... Assistant Advertising Manager Francis McKenna .... Circulation Manager Ed Biased . Ass’t. Circulation Mgr. Bob Dutton . Ass’t. Circulation Manager Ruth Corey . Specialty Advertising j Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising j Advertising Assistants: Ruth Street. Flossie Radabaugh, Roderick La*Odette, Maunne Lombard, Charles Reed, Bob Moore, Bill Hammond. Office Administration: Dorothy Davis, Ed Sullivan, Lou Anne Chase, Ruth Field. Day Editor This Issue—Genevieve Morgan Night Editor This Issue—John Nance Assistant— Dave Pompel The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students . of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during the college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice mt Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 per year. Adver tising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1320. Business office phone, 1895. Unsigned comment in this colump is written by the editor. Full responsibility si assumed by the editor for all editorial opinion. AMONG them but not of them. —Byron. Consideration for The Student EXISTING under no authority save that right of participation in his own education which belongs to every student, an undergraduate group today presents its analysis of the University’s educational mach inery. Tho persons now engaged in this task, which is a continuation of a movement begun last spring, consid er themselves neither uplifters nor martyss. They are not bent on revo lutionizing the educational system or on inculcating in the student mass new cultural ideals. They si mi ply ask that those persons who seek education Vie given a better oppor tunity- to realize this desire. Un der the present arrangement this is not possible. The spirit, of mass production that characterizes the industrial world lias been carried over into our uni versities and colleges. The old ideal of education as an end in itself has been relegated to the scrap-heap to gether with once accepted indus trial notions. Tho university as a cultural center has been replaced by tho university as a training cen ter for “life” as seen through a bank-book. Most of the universities, this in stitution no less than any other, have centered their attention on this phase of activity: the development -of efficient bread-winners. Any students who retain some sliado of the old notions of education find themselves sadly out of step with tho mass, and must depend, in the main, upon themselves for the real ization of their educational aspira tions. All the new self-constituted com mittee asks is that those students who wish t-o seek education as an ■end in itself (and it is certain there are some who hold to this ambition) be given some consideration by the University, and an opportunity to achieve this end. In today’s Emerald appears a definition of the committee’s aims, and the grounds for its dissatisfac tion with the University's educa tional system. This is the forerun ner of occasional suggestions in the development of the group’s pro gram. It is hoped that those persons who find in the committee's state niient an expression of their own views, and who feel the movement worthy of their support will make known their opinions, and throw their support to the group, which after all is representing an educa tional ideal,—more so than a num ber of students. King Henry’s Suspenders TIIIS is a story of the evolution of the university professor. The author is Dr. Omrence Cook Little, president of the University of Mich igan, who addressed his remarks to the National Student Federation. So brutally frank is this pronounce ment that we pass it on as a great expose: “Most professors (he said) reach their positions through a curious process. After they receive their pass-key into that intellectual gar ret of Phi Beta Kappa, the devil, in the form of some friend, whis pers into their- ears that they should teach. They often accept the sug gestion, and after securing their master’s degrees, they write a thes is on somo such subject as ‘The Suspenders of Ilonry VIII’ and then are qualified to teach. A thes is subject is by definition a. sub ject about which no one ever cared to write before. “This type of man is then put in charge of a group of freshmen and he generally has a great disdain of their consummate ignorance, while they on their part have a great lisdain for his consummate learning. Sometime someone springs up among the freshmen with the declaration that the suspenders of Henry VIII are the most important things in the world. Immediately the profes sor picks him up from the bog of ignorance in which the rest of the freshmen lie and starts him on the path to another professorship.’’ We May Have * Missed Something ARL SANDBURG, American troubador, passed through Eu gene yesterday on ••the way from Salem and Corvallis where he ad dressed the student bodies of Wil lamette university and O. A. C. Mr. Sandburg did not stop in Eugene. Is it too much to ask why ? Perhaps Air. Sandburg was not invited. It can hardly be supposed that he did not care to come. Cer tainly he did not fear a lean and apathetic audience, for the Univer sity of Oregon, even if no better, is no worse in this respect than oth er institutions. He ought to be used to it. It really seems a pity that some thing was not done about it. II. A. Webfoot (Continued from page one) necessary for us to leave many good articles out of th>s issue. At the present, time we are publishing an expensive magazine but it cun only be enlarged as the advertising in creases. ” The staff requests that anyone who is ambitious to enter the man agerial or editorial field, visit the office or send in contributions. They make this request because the staff for next year will be chosen from the contributors and the lower mem bers of this year’s staff. An unusual number of sttories have been turned in which feature Sir Galahad, but there have, ns yet, been no stories of Noah or Cain and Abel, or other Bible characters. M auv artists have contributed to this issue and it will probably con tain more in the way of cartoons than any of the previous numbers. An interesting article by A1 Clark, a noted exponent of wit and humor, will appear in the historical Web foot. Also an exceptional number of the “London. Noose” will be touml in the pages of the magazine. Many letters have been received complimenting the editors on the “Christmas Edition” and among them is a letter from Tom Breeze, editor of the Stanford Chapparal in which he compliments the staff and the contributors very highly. Bob Lane, a former student here, has also written to the AVebfoot and has praised it in a very apt style. Mrs. Eric W. Allen Entertains Honorary Mr. Griffin Barry, former Russian correspondent of the London Herald and now a representative of the Open Road, Inc., was a guest at the dinner given last night by Mrs. Eric A\\ Allen for the members of Theta Sigma Phi. Mr. Barry, who has been visiting on the campus for several days for the purpose of organizing students for summer tours in Europe, made the story of the tours more attrac tive to those present bv telling of some of his personal experiences in Russia and other European coun tries. Each year the members of Theta Sigma Phi hold one meeting at the Allen home. sTtt SEVEN *a SEERS Jf THE OPEN SEASON IS NOW DN FOR THE ANNUAL INVESTI GATION OF ACADEMIC ILLS. « • * That being the case the serious group of little thinkers begs to re port the result of investigations: Whereas, we have felt that there was something wrong with the Uni versity for some time; and whereas we have been convinced of that ever since we got our last term papers returned; therefore we have under taken a survey and we hereby re port the results of our investiga tions. The two eviis which cry the loud est for attention are: 1. The faculty. 2. The students. (The buildings are inarticulate.) • * * * If all the student investigations that are being carried on were plac ed end on end they would reach not not much of any place. » • • A MIRACLE HAPPENED YES TERDAY. I WAS IN YILLARD HALL FOR A WHOLE HOUR AND NOT ONE LUSTY LUNGED EN GINE WENT BY TO DISRUPT THE LECTURES. * * * And speaking of miracles—-Vic Wetzel took a date to the ankle massage at the Campa Shoppe Sat urday night. Another little heart made glad. • * * EVEN THE most COLLEGIATE AND blase OF COLLEGE men CAN BE made to FEEL PRETTY darn SMALL AT times after ALL. THE other night AT THE campa shoppe I SAW a man who had BEEN EATING in one OF THE booths SAUNTER UP to pay THE CHECK and there WAS A crowd standing AROUND FOR it was JUST BEFORE bedtime AND ALL of a sudden THERE WAS a jingle OF SILVER and every ONE LOOKED just in TIME TO see two SPOONS SLIDE from THE MAN’S pocket to THE FLOOR and it must HAVE SEEMED to him like THE MINUTE hand on his WATCH HAD paralysis. • * • OMTGOSH! And here we thought lie was such a nice nuan. A sign in DeNe,ffe's Clothing store window says: MEN’S PANTS ONE FOURTH OFF • • • No Gretchen, freshmen don’t get numerals for singing in the Frosh Glee. By the way, the freshmen must want a small crowd at their dance. They have surely been keeping it quiet. • • • It A ('K \V A Y SUGGESTTO N Why not have a special canoe with side boards to use for heavy dates? • • • The days will soon be with us again when the men owning tuxes are the most popular in the house. * * # WHO REMEMBERS BACK TO THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN THE WATER IN THE FOUNTAIN IN FRONT OF THE LIBRARY USED TO BE SHUT OFF ON SUN DAYS? * • • ‘‘I think the Seven Seers column . is awful, especially when they men tion persons names,’’ said Anita W dim ms in the course of conver sation with one, who she believed to be an innocent newswriter—this Homes under the heading of ‘’feed ing the lions” in some states. • • • Do be more careful Anita. Don’t you see the guilotine at the top of I this and as Loreli says it turns peo ple’s hair white when they are put In it. • • • QUICK EDGAR, PUT THE vORK IN THAT HUS! From Other Colleges Los Angeles, (PIP)—Track fans will have plenty of opportunities to see a return sprint classic this spring between Charley Paddock, world record holder, and Charley Borah, Southern California’s sensa tional sophomore dash man, if pres ent plans carry through. The Tro jan and the Los Angeles Athletic club teams are both entered in three events where a century race feat ures. The first is February 26 at the A. A. U. relays where an open 100 is listed. Paddock, who runs for L. A. A. C., may not be in condition for that meet but Borah will run. The second affair is the Southern Pacific A. A. U. championships on April 16 and the third meeting is slated at a triangular meet between the Hollywood and Los Angeles Athletic clubs and the Trojans. At the 1926 A. A. U. champion ships on May 15 Paddock and Borah, the latter then a freshman, ran a thrilling 100 yard dash. Paddock was named the winner in the world record time of 9.5 seconds, a mark which has been officially accepted. Many hoped to see the two meet at the Nationals in Philadelphia but Paddock was unable to make the trip with the club team. Los Angeles, (PIP)—Dates and locations for the California ,and Stanford track meets have been switched for the Southern Califor nia schedule, it was announced yes terday by Gwynn Wilson, general manager of the Trojan institution. California will again come to Los Angeles and the Southern Califor nians will once more travel to Palo Alto. The original dates had Stan ford booked here March 26. Cali fornia now takes this spo$ here, the Cardinals being hosts to the Tro jans on April 2, the afternoon first scheduled with the Bears at Berk eley. This change sends the Cardinal and Gold team to Palo Alto two years in a row but also brings the Bears south for two successive years. The shift puts the meets on the old time basis where the team which travels in football is home team in track. The shift is hard on Southern Cal ifornia, Stanford now being favor ites to win its dual affair with Troy. The Trojans, however, now take a slight edger over the Bears because of the trip. Los Angeles, (PIP)—Track and field men who have never earned a monogram in that sport will engage in a novice track meet at Southern California Friday afternoon. The meet, to be staged on Bovard field, is for the purpose of giving Coach Dean Cromwell a line on untried material. Present freshmen and sophomores will feature the event. A few letter men will be in events in which they have never competed in intercollegiate meets. Los Angeles, (PIP)—Track and not baseball will be the spring sport activity of Morton Kaer, all-Am erican halfback at Southern Cali fornia. Kaer hinted earlier in the year that he might go out for base ball instead of track in order to make letters in four major sports. This week, however, he announced he would engage in track. Kaer was a member of the Southern California team which last year won the Na tional Intercollegites at Boston. Kaer was entered in the low hurdles but did not place. Fniversitv of Washington, (P. I. P-)—That co-eds should go 50-50 on dates if the boy friend’s financial condition is poor, was the consensus of the women as well as men at a. joint discussion of the Athena and Stev ens Debate clubs recently. Co-eds should not expect a good-* All Oregana subscription repre sentatives in the various living or ganizations bring in your receipt book and money to the Graduate Manager’s office this morning. Oregon Knights very important meeting at 7:30 in the Administra tion building tonight. All mem bers must be present. Mathematics club meeting Thurs day at 7:30, room 1, Johnson hall. Dr. Milne will speak on “Smoothing Curves.” Dial meets Wednesday night with Euth Miller, 1791 Alder street. light kisfe after a heavy date, said me of the stronger sex. “After he las called a taxi and taken her to the Olympic, fed her, and taken ler home, he has done entirely enough for her.’’ Personal experiences of the men revealed that if the co-eds did go 50-50 they would learn to appre ciate a date, instead of emitting an indifferent “uh huh’’ when asked for one. University of Idaho.—(P. I. P.) —The first issue of the paper after Christmas vacation, the Argonaut was printed with seven columns to the page instead of six, as had been the policy for the past several years. Added press facilities have enabled this change. The new Argonaut will contain considerably more news as well as more advertising as a result of the change. The paper originally was printed only three columns wide; but as the school and news grew, the paper became six columns in size. However, the four-page style will be retained and the days of issue will not be changed. The new press facilities include the latest, type of Duplex flat bed presses, which prints, cuts and folds the papers in a single operation, and about 4000 copies can be print ed in an hour. U. of Southern California, (P. I. P.)—Men -have superior intelligence but they don’t use it, according to statistics compiled by N. Bradford Trenham, M.A., statistical assist of S. C. The result of the Thorndyke ex amination for high school graduates shows that the average intelligence of men is 7 per cent higher than that of women. Apparently men make a better showing in stiff ex aminations of intelligence and mem ory than women do. But why, oh why, if men are better equipped mentally, don 7t they use this knowl edge"? For women consistently have 25 per cent better grades than men. The best and the- worst grades are made by men, which accounts for genius and dumbness. Women have the best group averages which proves that intelligence is not the only factor to be considered. Oregon Agricultural College — More than 3206 students have regis tered this term. This is an increase New York Almost Burst! What Will | Eugene Do? Tomorrow Tells the Tale —■ of 115 students over the registra tion of last year at this time. New students registering for the first term number 108. Old students reg istering for the first time this year number 137. The total registration of regular students is now 3665 as compared with 3470 total iregistratidln this time last year. Last year’s enroll ment for the entire year was 3593. This mark has already been passed and it is estimated that the enroll ment for the entire year will reach approximately 3800. Berkeley, (PIP)—Women’s ath letics will come into their own at the University of California this spring with the completion of the new Phoebe Apperson Hcarst Mem orial gymnasium. Built to accommodate 6000 wom en, the structure has five gymna sium floors and three swimming pools, in addition to various en closed open-air courts. A gift of William Randolph Hearst to replace the wooden building given by his mother and destroyed by fire in 1922, it is the finest thing of its kind in the United States and prob ably in the world. Administrative officers are al ready installed in the new gymna sium offices and other units’ will be completed within a few w'eeks. University of Washington, Seat tle, (PIP)—Embodying a pseudo judgeship and a system of cross questioning, an entirely new style of debate will be inaugurated at the University of Washington this year. The new form will consist of a twenty minute - speech from each tearri, each talk being followed by 10 minutes questioning, and a final 10 minutes summary and rebuttal for each side. The chairman will cease to be a figurehead and will act more in the capacity of a judge, as he will decide upon the relevancy of questions asked by the debaters, and will also act as interpreter of certain issues brought up. Sum of Student Fines Less Than Last Year Whether students are being more careful about getting their books back to the library this year, or they have decided not to use so many books, the fines on late and lost books for the year 1926 was only $1,668.41 in contrast to the $1,872.27 of the year before. The difference in fines amounts to $203.86. Moroni Olsen Players in , Outward Bound An original and thrilling story by SUTTON VANE Monday, Jan. 24, 8:15 P. M. Prices: (No Tax) $2, $1.50 $1, and 75c SEND MAIL ORDERS NOW Cloaks the beard softer WHEN you shave with Williams Shav ing Cream notice how much sharper your razor seems. Williams remarkable beard softening qualities are responsible for this. For Williams lather is saturated with moisture that soaks the beard soft for easy shaving. A Williams shave leaves the face glove smooth. Two sizes, 35c and 50c. Williams Shaving Cream “You could have fooled me —with the new souvenir writing sets at Lemon-O-Pharmacy. You ought to see them — they look just like little i;stills,” with mash barrels, copper coils and all; they sure make handy desk sets. Besides these, there are smoking sets, ash trays, match holders, candle sticks, etc., all made of white wood with a little edge of bark. Not at all expensive, either.” Lemon-O Pharmacy E.C.S. _ “Where the Campus Trades''_ 13th at Alder