Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 19, 1927, Image 1

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Critique Plans
s For Thursday
Nearly Ready
Work of Architecture and
Art Students to Have
Expert Opinion
Paintings by Schroff
Will Be on Display
W. J. Purcell, Judge Carey
Banquet Speakers
THURSDAY is the day for La
Deuxieme Critique. For more
than a week the entire school of
architecture and allied arts has been
working feverishly in the effort to
complete all work, making it ready
for criticisms to be given by the
various members of the jury.
The criticism of all departmental
work by outsiders who are well able
to judge has been a yearly affair in
the school for a great many years.
The purpose of the occasion is to
give the students the advantage of
criticism from authorities unfam
iliar with their work.
Roughly speaking, the program of
the Critique this year will include
a series of criticisms of the work of
the entire school in the morning,
perhaps more criticisms in the after
noon and, possibly, a tea for the
visiting jury and the faculty, and
a banquet in the evening.
Painting Exhibition Open
One of the outstanding features
of the critique this year will be
the special exhibition of some of
the work of Professor A. A. Schroflf,
instructor in painting and painter
of great repute. This exhibition will
be opened to visitors on the morning
of the Critique, and students and
townspeople are invited to visit.
Anyone interested in the criticism
which will be given on the class
work is also welcome.
Tickets for the banquet went on
sale Monday under the management
of George Wardner and Clarence
Lidberg. Because of .unavoidable
alterations in the arrangements
there has been a slight difference in
the prices. Majors in the depart
ments may have tickets for 75 cents,
and others may have them for $1.00.
Portland Men to Speak
W. J. Purcell, Portland architect,
will be one of the principal speak
ers at the banquet. Mr. Purcell has
been an occasional visitor on the
campus and is especially interested
in the work being done by the
school of art and architecture. Last
year Mr. Purcell was a member of
the jury and at that time expressed
great interest in the type of work
turned out by the students.
^ As a speaker Mr. Purcell is known
for a subtle wit and an nnusually
well-informed mind which make him
delightfully interesting.
Judge Charles H. Car«y, who
scarcely needs an introduction to
University students, will be another
speaker at the banquet. Judge Carey
is an art critic and connoisseur of
considerable repute. He is also rat
ed an able speaker.
The committee in charge of the
banquet is expecting approximately
200 students, visitors and faculty
members to attend.
Y. W. Waffle Feed Is
Scheduled for Today
Everybody come and bring their
friends to the Y. W. waffle feed to
Waffles such as you have never
tasted before, with a big cup of
nice, hot coffee to pep you up in
this winter weather.
Every quarter so spent will bring
joy not only to you but will help
the Y. W. to offset a deficit in its
financial program.
Remember that there will be a
Panatrope and a selection of good
Dean Young to Attend
Historical Meeting
Dean F. G. Young of the school
of sociology will go to Portland Sat
urday to attend the quarterly meet
ing of the board of directors of the
Oregon Historical Society. With one
exception, Dean Young has attend
ed each of the meetings since the
founding of the organization in
December, 1898.
In 1900, Dean Young was attend
ing the University of Wisconsin
summer session at the time of the
meeting. He returned later by bi
cycle over the Oregon Trail, with
Joseph Schafer, the author of Prince
L. Campbell’s autobiography.
Need For Integral Changes
In Academic Plan Urged
Readjustments, Necessary to Permit Serious Students to Do Real Uni
versity Work, Proposed by Independent Committee;
Honor Group Plans Will be Studied
THE University of Oregon under
graduate body, like ancient
Gaul, may be divided into three
parts. The several members of the
respective divisions may be descrip
tively called students, studiers and
pupils. The whole 1)ody, in the most
unambiguous term, may be designat
ed as the “body of undergraduate
‘registrants.’ ”
A student is distinguished by
this committee from the members of
the other two groups which together
contain the non-students. A student
is further defined as one who gives
himself to learning for its benefits;
a non-student as one who lends him
self to education for its profits.
A studier is a non-student regis
trant in the University who is ser
iously preparing himself for a life
in trade or profession. The extreme
type of this class is the person who
rigidly measures educational worth
by material utility. Education to
him is admittedly a tool and noth
ing more. Occasional members of
this class follow the educational
philosophy of the Greek Sophists in
conceiving the educative process as
a training in tricks for getting on
in the world. Insofar as the studier
experiences and is directed by im
mediate interest in his work, he
identifies himself with the student
class. s
Structural Changes
Not Advocated
A pupil in the University is a non
student “registrant” whose primary
aim in attending college is to some
how and anyhow win the label of a
“college man.” Education does not
interest him either in substance or
as a specific tool to be used in his
postoeollege business. He is cor
rectly termed a pupil. His essential
attitude towards education is that
of the public school child. A large
part of the University undergrad
uate “registrants” fall in this pupil
class. It is defined by the attitude
of its members rather than by their
capacities. The type mark is a lack
of willingness oftener than of in
telligence to do true University
work. Inadequate and improper pre
college training is, however, a fre
quent factor.
Faults in attitude and preparation
are, in measure at least, curable ills.
Their sources, however, are outside
the University itself. Being resident
in the state political and social ele
ments which are the real genetic
and conditioning forces of a public
university, they appear as at once
the most stubborn and ultimately
most vital concerns of any univer
sity reform. A movement which aims
at more or less immediate improve
ment in the University, and especial
ly one which operates from within
the University, has clearly greater
prospects for success if it works to
correct some evil or lack, vital but
of such a nature as not to demand
readjustments of the substructure.
This committee, in other words, be
lieves it to be the part of practical j
wisdom to first of all work for a j
greater perfection of the integral
university, rather than to attempt
structural reforms. It believes that
the University may be accepted es
sentially as it is, and may yet be
greatly improved in its workings.
Registrants Divided
On Basis of Outlook
Too commonly, criticisms aimed
at college and university conditions
fall short of any exact analysis of
the problems. It is usual to deplore
in general terms the unsatisfactory
academic state of the particular in
stitution as a whole. The cures
most often suggested [propose to
effect a vitalization of the school
en masse. The present committee,
while in deep sympathy with this
general desire to create a more fav
orable and pungent intellectual at
mosphere outside as well as inside
the University proper, believes that
such favorite measures as restricted
entrance may be urged in a public,
institution only to a very limited
point. The conclusion is that the
University in the present state of
the political and social public must
be accepted nearly as it is. It fol
lows that the quality of the under
graduate personnel will successfully
continue to resist any effort at sat
isfactory improvement.
Such a conclusion limits the pos
sible method of reform to, firstly, a
careful analysis of the undergrad
uate material with which the uni
versity must work, and secondly, an
examination of the machinery of
the educative system with a par
ticular study and estimate of how
it can be made to serve its under
graduates as well and as appropri
ately as possible.
The first part of this procedure
was followed by this committee with
the result, that the body of “regis
trants ’ ’ were analyzed into three
mutually exclusive groups. The di
vision which was outlined in detail
in the beginning of this report, fol
lows a real and vital difference of
outlook, ultimately based on dif
ferences of values. The second step,
the logical one of examining the
existing university machinery de
signed to serve its undergraduates,
The first towering fact which
arises from such an inquiry is that
the present system is designed al
most exclusively to serve one kind
of “registrant.” It is essentially a
pupil system and by and large dif-1
fers in no vital way from the com-!
moil high school plan. The rule is
that all “registrants” are indis
criminately assigned daily lessons,
belabored with petty quizzes, held to
strict class attendance, and are fi
nally disciplined with a Iiigh-school
isli svstenl of rewards and punish
ments in the form of grades, I, II,
III etc. Also in keeping with the
general high school method, the fine
pupil is given opportunity to earn
occasional “gold stars” in the
form of the word “honors” printed
after his name aiul course in the
common report card, otherwise
termed the “scandal sheet.” It
follows that the least likely “regis
trant” considered from the view
point of a true university, is the
most favored by the system. This
pupil tutelage would not be so ut
terly deplorable however, if it
were not that it works to the ser
ious prejudice of the student. The
“studier” can more or less suc
cessfully conform himself to the
pupil system without deep injury to
his ultimate aims; the student can
Opportunity for
Real Work Sought
It. is thus that this committee,
believing that the student is exist
ant in some number, undertakes to
make a study of possible means by
which certain existing elements in
the university can, by a minimum of
change, be adapted to serving the
student. The fundamental problem
it conceives to be one of providing
the student with time, freedom and
indulgence to pursue a more or less
independent, but still directed edu
cation. To this end a study of var
ious possibilities is being made.
Student and faculty opinion and ad
vice is being solicited. More defin
itely a careful study of honor
systems now being practiced in var
ious American universities and col
leges is under way. It is hoped
that some scheme peculiarly fitted
to Oregon needs will be formulated
and offered for administrative and
faculty consideration.
(Independent Undergraduate
“T orchbeai ers”
Play Selected
By Miss Wilbur
Comedy in Three Acts
To be Presented
Next Month
“The Torclibearers,” a three-act
comedy satire by George Kelly, has
been chosen for production by the
Guild Hall Players, and the east
selected by Florence E. Wilbur, di
rector of drama. Miss Wilbur feels
that in her advanced class she has
found enough talent to “put across”
the exacting comedy. She has
chosen with care a capable cast, put
ting understudies to the main parts,
so the play will be ready for stag
ing the latter part of February.
The cast is as follows:
Mr. Frederick Ritter, William Forbis
Mr. Huxley Hossefrosse .
.Cecil Matson
Mr. Spindler .Alfonse Korn
Mr. Ralph Twiller, Arthur Anderson
Teddy Spearing ....Ernest McKnight
Mr. Stage Manager, Perry Douglas
Mrs. Paula Ritter .
.Etha Jeanne Clark
Mrs. J. Duro Pampinelli .
.Althea Dwyer
Mrs. Nelly Fell ....Constance Roth
Miss Florence McCrickett . f
.Katherine Sartain
Mrs. Clara Sheppard, Kate Buchanan
Jenny ...Mary Campbell
“The Torc-hbearers” was first pro
duced at the Forty-eighth street
(Continued on page three)
Glass Managers of
Girls Basketball Teams
Named for This Season
Names of girls picked as class
managers in basketball for the com
ing season, were announced last
| night: Marjorie Goff, freshman;
Mae Hileman, sophomore; Eleanor
Glass, junior; and Arliene Butler,
The class managers assist in pick
ing the teams, in checking up on
attendance, and, in general, co-oper
ate with the coach.
A new practice schedule begins
this week which does away w'ith the
period from 4 o’clock to 4:40 on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It j
did not seem practicable to hold a |
who turned out at this time.
The new practice schedule is as j
follows: freshman: Monday, 4:40 to
5:15; Tuesday, 4:05 to 4:40; Wed
nesday, 5:15 to 5:50; Thursday,!
5:15 to 5:50; Friday, none.
Sophomore: Monday, none; Tues
day, 4:40 to 5:15; and 5:15 to 5:50;
Wednesday, none; Thursday, 4:05 to
4:40; Friday, 4:40 to 5:15.
Junior-senior: Monday, 5:15 to
5:50; Tuesday, none; Wednesday,.
4:40 to 5:15; Thursday, none: Fri
day, 5:15 to 5:50.
This does not mean, however,
that only the persons designated
may play in each particular hour.
Girls who wish to make up prac
tices, or who want extra practices'
may come in any hour and play.
A new attendance-checking svs
(Continued on page three)
Webfoot About
To Waddle in
For Third Time
Historical Number, Due
, February 1, Has Neat
Cover Design
The Webfoot will waddle into
public view February first for the
third time in its history. The “big
ducks” in the Webfoot office have
been working night and day classi
fying the heaps of contributions
which have been received and pre
paring it for the “historical” num
ber. The cover design for this issue
has been drawn by Hope Crouch and
represents a bit of futuristic art
with an historical motif. In it is
displayed a strong contrast of red
and black which, with the aid of
the white baekiground of the cover,
will make this a very striking num
The editors have set tonight at
10 o’clock as the deadline, after
which time no contributions will
be accepted unless they receive the
special approval of the staff. It is
necessary for them to do this now
as the job of sorting the many good
contributions is no small one.
Rolf Klep, the chief Waddle of
the Webfoot, said yesterday: “The
increase in contributions has been
very gratifying to the staff, but we
regret that because of the large
amount of material and because of
its unusual high quality, it will be
(Continued on page two)
Duce Menace
Says Skeyliill
Mussolini Govern ment
Proves Efficient
“L’etat ? Ce Moi L’etat”
Applies to Italian
Dictatorships in Favor
Throughout Europe
MUSSOLINI, the leader of the
Black Shirts, II Duce, the dic
tator of Italy, is the greatest man- j
ace to democracy tho world has |
ever produced. This statement was
made by Tom Skeyhill, internation- j
al student and lecturer, last night
in Villard hall.
The only way for democracy to
meet this challenge is to produce
better results than the Italian dic
tator is now producing, said the
speaker. The price to pay for these
results, he declared, is respect for
law, active interest at the polls,
and respect for authority. Such
achievement, he said, lies with tho
young people of tho country who
now stand at the crossroads which
lead either to dictatorship or to
i)uce Gets Results
Mussolini is actually getting re
sults: today Italy is one of tho
most prosperous nations of the
world. Mussolini with his followers,
the Black Shirt legions, has bright
Italy out of chaos into law and or
der, declared the speaker. Four
years ago the congress in Rome
gave him a vote of confidence and
he has been able to retain that con
The people of Italy worship Mus
solini. He has made the Italian
people believe in themselves aigain
and they are happy and prosperous.
He assumed bis power and has re
tained it as an absolute despot, a
dictator. He believes that the people
are too stupid and too lazy to help
to govern themselves. He believes
that he can get the strongest gov
ernment with all power vested in
one man. “And,” said the speaker,
“he backs up his words with re
sults. Democracy must meet his
Mussolini Is Mixture
“Why is Mussolini so popular?”
asked the speaker. “I think he is
popular because he is such a mix
ture. He knows how to mix religion
with politics. He dramatizes and
tickles the romantic ego of the Ital
ian people. It was Mussolini who
said, ‘What we need is less politics
in business and more business in
politics. ’ ”
That Mussolini has dynamite in
his blood and zigzag lightning in
his brain was but one of the descrip
tions Tom Skeyhill gave of this
man of tremendous force.
Entrance to Power Told
The entire audience was stirred
with enthusiasm as the speaker told
of the dramatic entrance made by
Mussolini into the Italian congress,
four years ago when he came and
demanded a vote of confidence from
the politicians. Here, as in his
every act the great dictator showed
his power of dramatism and also
his personal power. With 50,000
Black Shirts in the streets outside
a unanimous vote was entered and
Mussolini left) absolute dictator of
the Italian state.
Denounces Treaty
Speaking of the Treaty of Ver- j
sailles, Tom Skeyhill labelled it the
“Fiasco of fiascos, tho assassin of
the hopes of the youth of the world,
the treaty that has squandered the :
new enthusiasm brought out of the ;
war.” Because of this treaty, he
pointed out, dictatorships have re- '
placed democracies in Europe. Fol- j
lowing the war, democracy was
weighed and found wanting. Auto- I
craeies are building up the chaos
which the war left.
Two Members Pledged
By Botany Honorary
Members of Samara, honorary bot
any society, enjoyed a luncheon in
the botany laboratory last week, at
which time two now members were
pledged. They are June Boesen and
Helen A. Smith, both sophomores in
botany. Mary Sutton, graduate stu
dent in botany on leave of absence
from Pacific College, Newberg, is
also a recent pledge.
Initiation for, the new members;
will be held Sunday at the home of
Frances Schroeder at 708 E. 11th |
“Guest” Artist Spends
This Week on Campus
To Paint Many Profiles
There are artists that come and
there are artists that go—and some
go on forever. Such asv the last
named is the “guest” artist on the
campus this week.
Where he came from, no one
knows, wh#re he is going, no one
cares—but that is aside from the
story. This artist is the greatest
artist in the world ... he says so
himself and ho should know.
Furthermore, he is the man re
sponsible for Ben Turpin’s rosy
checks and cross eyes, poor “Ben”
got ’em sharpening the genius’ pen
cils. The hunch back of Notre Dame
got his “knob” from carrying his
pencils. The late ruler of Japan
lied from pneumonia contracted
while crawling backwards eight
miles through a tunnel on his' stom
ach to get his portrait painted by
this gentleman genius. Truly he' is
Last week he came to the cam
pus, he started his pilgrimage among
the fraternities. At one dollar a
throw he has been painting the
boy’s pictures. At no price at all
lie has been telling them all about
Mr. Pape (the genius).
He has paintc^ on many cam
puses in the United States. This
fact is verified by several students
who have had their profiles dono
elsewhere. He remembers them all,
He has not visited the sororities
yet, but he will .... for he is truly
.the world’s greatest. (We
can hardly call it painter or artist,
.lust meet the man and put in your
own word.)
Mu Phi Epsilon
Sponsors First
Music Program
Organization Will Present
Radio Concert on
January 27
Sponsored by Mu Phi Epsilon,
women’s national music fraternity,
the first musical /program of the
year will be presented at the stu
dent assembly Thusrday, January
20, at. eleven o’clock in the audi
torium of the Woman’s building.
The several numbers featured by
members of the organization prom
ise to be unusually good. Miss Ade
laide Johnson, chairman of the Mu
Phi Epsilon concert committee, has
charge of the program which is the
first of a series of similar events to
take place dyring the term.
The organization will give a radio
concert January 27. On February 2,
the group will feature John' Stark
Evans as accompanist of the Rex
Underwood string quartet.
The x,rc>KrM»»as it is scheduled for
Thursday follows:
Piano solos by Olga Jackson,
“Lento” by Cyril Scott, and “The
Crapshooter’s Dance,” by Eastwood
Vocal trio including Clare Whit
ton, Leota Riggs, and Harriett
Ross, with Mary Clark accompanist.
They will sing “Allah’s Holiday,”
(Continued on page three)
Oregon Wins
Over Gonzaga
By Big Score
65-1 i Game Taken Front
Fighting Irishmen
With Ease
Bulldogs Score First
Goal; Only Time in Lead
First Conference Game Is
Here Saturday
Oregon (65) 17) Gonzaga
Epps (12) f (4) Ingram
Gunther (17) f (6) Rotchford
Okerberg (25) c (6) Meader
Westergren (6) g Kennedy
Milligan (3) g (I) Albers
Subs: Oregon, Joy (2), Kimin
ki, McCormick, Bally. Gonzaga,
Schroeder, Walterskirchen, Beril
Referee: Ralph Coleman, O. A.
Sports Editor
/''VREGON'S storming varsity bas
'-'ketball team won its twelfth
straight game last night, by trounc
ing tno uonzaga
' Bulldogs in the i
new pavilion by a <
65 JJto 17 ’/Count. <
After the first ;
minute of play,
when the score
was tied at two ;
all, there was no i
stopping the riot- i
ous Webfoots who ;
gathered 26 field :
goals and 13 con- ;
versions from the
gin nne uunng jerry unnuer
the course of the festivities.
The Gonzagans were roqgh and
scrappy, but proved no match for
tho speedy, clever, and versatile
basket makers /of Oregon. Alto
gether, the Webfoots were given 20
opportunities to count from the foul
line, and made 13 of these good. The
game provided an excellent chance
for Coach Reinhart to get his at
tack to functioning properly and
he made tho most of it by leaving
the first string in for more than
three-fourths of the contest.
Epps Enjoys Himself
Dave Epps, an unknown when the
season started, was in the opening
lineup and contributed six field goals
to the Oregon total in addition to
hounding the ball as though it waa
a $1000 bill. He is still a bit rough,
and will stand polishing.
Scotty Milligan, another new eog
in the Oregon machine, played as
good ball as any man on the floor.
Swede Westergren exhibited a great
floor game, but had hard luck with,
his shots, netting but one field goal
in 11 attempts. Jerry Gunther press
ed Okerberg for high point laurels,
with 17 markers on seven baskets
and three foul conversions. The
lengthy Okerberg, as usual, was the
scoring duke, totalling 25 points on.
ten shots from the floor out of 20
attempts, and five successes to three
failures from the foul mark. Of the
other sturters, Milligan made one
(Continued on page three)
Ancient Annabel, Sans Real Body,
StiZZ Does Her Bit For Campus Folk
Mysterious Lady Gives Time to Young Nightingales,
But Refuses to Have’ Face Washed
Introducing Miss Annabel. She
is now lying in state in her bed in
the Household Arts building. If
you should come upon her chamber
unaware, be not utterly dismayed
for better men have done so before
The late President Campbell, it
is told, once unintentionally opened
her door and retreated from her
presence with a hasty, “Oh, I beg
your pardon!”
When Annabel had her residence
in the basement of Mary Spiller
hall, the rumor went about that a
sick girl was being kept there. A \
plumber, one day, sent to work in J
the basement, came upstairs white
and stricken, ready to bear witness
to the truth of the report.
Now Annabel is daily nursed with
utmost care*. She submits quietly
to all manner of treatment, except
that she will not have soap and |
water on her face but instead finds
a little rouge much quicker and just
as satisfactory. It is only fair to
say, however, that her hair is still
long and modestly arranged in two
neat braids.
The history of Miss Annabel be
gan during war time, when her head
was obtained, not from the battle
field, but from a closing-out sale,
for the price of fifty cents. A pair
of stuffed combinations, duely cov
ered with oil cloth, were given har
in place of a body.
Her name, which is really Good
Gracious Annabel, was selected un
der the influence of a play by that
title, then in vogue. She has had
two daughters, but only one re
mains with her now, for the other
mysteriously disappeared after her
premiere stage appearance in “The
Wedding Guest.”
At present Annabel has come
forth from one of her periodic re
tirements to play the part of the
victim for the class in home nurs
ing. Since earliest childhood she
has served faithfully and uncom
plainingly, with that poise which
is always hers, at least from the
neck up. Although her eyelashes
and brows are now loosening and
she is still confined to her bed, it
is safe to say that she will continue
to serve for many years to come.