Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    <®t£0mt lailg ^tttetalb
University of Oregon, Eugene
Bay Nash
Managing Editor Harold Mangum . Sports Editor
Florence Jones, Literary Editor
Paul Luy, Feature Editor
News and Editor Phones, 656
DAY EDITORS: Claudia Fletcher, Beatrice Harden, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie
Fisher. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace Fisher.
NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Hall, Clarence Curtis, Wayne Morgan, Jack Coolidge.
SPORTS STAFF: Jack O'Meara, Dick Syring, Art Schoeni, Charles Burton, Hoyt
Barnett. ,
FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Ruth Corey, A1 Clarke, Sam Kinley, Jonn
Butler. t,, rt,
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Dudley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge, Barbara Blythe.
NFWS STAFF • Helen Shank Grace Taylor, William Schulze, Herbert Lundy, Marian
Sten Dor'thy Scr, Kenneth Roduncr, Cleta McKennon, Betty Schultze Frances
Cherry Margaret Long. Mary McLean, Barbara Blythe, Bess Duke, Ruth New
Man Miriam Shepard Lucile Carroll, Maudie Loomis, Ruth Newton, Dan Cheney,
Eva' Neal™ Margaret Hensley, Bill Haggerty, Margaret Clark, Ruth Hansen,
John Allen, Grayce Nelson, Dorothy Franklin. ____
MOton George . Associate Manager
Sam Kinley . Advertising Manager
Herbert Lewis . Advertising Manager
Larry Thielen .... Foreign Advertising Mgr.
Joe Neil .... Assistant Advertising Manager
Advertising Assistants: Ruth Street, Joh1
Follette, Maurine Lombard, Charles Reed,
Office Administration: Dorothy Davis, Ed
Ruth Field, Roberta Wells.
Francis McKenna .... urcmsuun '
Ed Bissell .-. Ass’t Circulation Ms;r.
Ruth Corey . Specialty Advertising
Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising
Allen, Flossie Radabaugh, Roderick La
Carol Ebeihart, Goo. Mason, Bob Moore.
Sullivan, William Miller, Lou Anne Chase,
Day Editor This Issue—Bill Haggerty.
Night Editor This Issue—Jack Coolidge
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official puhlicatio not the Associated Students of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during
2e ^Mege year Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the POStoff.ee
*t Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2. per-„20
Sriw rau» upon application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1320.
Business office phone, 1895. _ _________ .
Unsigned comment in this column is written by the editor,
is assumed by the editor for all editorial opinion.__
Full responsibility
‘HE underman ia revolting
A not because he 'is unable to
comprehend civilization, but be
cause he comprehends it too well.
—Eollo Walter Brown.
Teaching Democracy
To Our Neighbors
AMERICAN marines are estab
lishing neutral zones in Nic
aragua, the presidential spokesman
firmly asserts that American rights
in the southern republic are being
violated, the president nods his
’head in affirmation, democratic con
gressmen and a few insurgent re
publicans charge that America is
being inveigled into an unjust war,
and other republicans, with their
eyes on the 1928 presidential elec
tion, remain silent, so it may not bo
amiss if the college student, as pros
pective cannon-fodder, turn his eyes
toward a very unpleasant situation.
At the risk of being reminded
that we know little about the mat
ter, that we are unpatriotic, that
wo are foolish, and that the herald
ed war is none of our business, wo
venture the belief that our govern
ment is pursuing anything but an
honorable and just course.
Wh:lo openly decrying imperial
ism our “statesmen” almost as open
ly push what appears to be as im
perialistic a policy as might be de
vised. “Protection of American in
terests” has become a threadbare
and unsatisfactory explanation that
Van cover a multitude of question
able motives.
Certainly, if we are imperialists,
we are pursuing a policy that is
quite reasonable and to our advan
tage. But why not admit if true,
that such is our course, instead of
continually reaffirming interest only
in the protection of “lives and prop
erty." If the whole truth were only
told the situation would not be quite
so unbearable.
As matters now stand our 'govern
ment seems intent on keeping its
right hand from knowing what its
left hand is doing. Recent history
of Nicaragua indicates that the
Diaz government does not exist by
the will of the people. While it is
undoubtedly of advantage to Amer
ican aspirations that a man subject
to the influence of our capital con
trol the government of a strategical
ly located country, such a policy is
hardly compatible with out avowed
but very dim interest in recognizing
only governments representing the
pleasure of the people.
Not only do we refuse to recog
nize Sae.asa, but on the excuse, for
which there is no evident basis, that
American citizens and property aro
endangered, we send troops to hin
der his operations. Gun-running
from Mexico for the insurgent
troops is halted, though our govern
ment made no strenuous efforts to
halt American gun-running to Mex
ican revolutionaries during our
southern neighbor’s many political
On the grounds that Mexico is
aiding the Nicaraguan revolters, we
assume as firm a stand as the presi
dential spokesman is able to muster
for the president, and threaten Mex
ico. Admittedly the recognition
granted Saoasa by the Calles gov
ernment was not in the way of en
couragement to our governors. Then
too, Mexico’s valiant attempts to
establish a stable government by
making “Mexico for Mexicans” has
not been greatly relished by our
ivonderfully flar-sighted diplomats
and oil speculators.
They Are Martyrs,
Not Heroes
DESPITE all the advantages cit
ed in favor of the student who
works his way through college, it
is probably true that those who
glorify the self-made student have
never experienced his troubles.
In the editorial, which is reprint
ed below, from the MichigaA Daily,
reference is made to a loan fund
for deserving students, established
at Dartmouth college by the student
body. Considering the inadequacy
of the University of Oregon’s fund
and the increased demands made
upon it, it might be well if the A.
S. U. O. should follow the Dart
mouth lead.
Of working students in general
the Michigan Daily says:
It has long been the fanciful
illusion of those who have never
tried it, that working one’s way
through college is a most excel
lent discipline, a builder of char
acter, and the means to an appre
ciation of educational values.
Now it is at last becoming rec
ognized by the educational funda
mentalists that such is not the
case, that John Jones who earns
every cent of his expenses is not
the ideal student but a martyr,
that the hours he puts in washing
windows, cleaning furnaces, or
clerking in a store, could far bet
ter bo spent in study or recrea
tion. Leisure is no longer thought
of as something to be. avoided if
the student would discipline him
self for the rigors of after life.
Especially encouraging is the
step taken by Paleopitus, student
government of Dartmouth, in
meeting this problem. A sum of
$10,000 has been set upon for a
scholarship fund to furnish loans
to worthy students. Our own Uni
versity has such funds available.
It will not bo very long before
they will be available in nearly
every college in the country. These
efforts should be encouraged. Phil
osophy, rhetoric, and physics do
not go well with cleaning, clerk
ing, and waiting table. College stu
dents should be free to enjoy the
leisure of their school life. It’s
a certainty they won’t have any
after they graduate.
Solving a Mystery;
A Message From Below
■pvISCOVERY by the Seven Seers
of a new volume of Ambrose
Bierce’s writings testifies to the
genuiness of the columnists’ oc
cult powers.
The literary world will no doubt
be stirred by news that “the great
futilitarian,” who vanished many
years ago and is thought to have
died in Mexico, has not neglected
his writings, even though he is no
longer, we suppose, of this earth.
Since the new volume is entitled
“The Devil’s Dictionary,” it is easy
to guess where Ambrose has taken
up residence.
\Ve hope the Seers’ latest contri
bution to the advancement of the
psychic will receive due recognition
from Sir Oliver Lodge and the world
at large.
JL* Commun
in' icatlons
In Defense of Women
To the Kditor:
Wh;it chance has a man of get
ting the bettor of a women in any
quest ion pertaining to either so
cial or intellectual welfare of so
ciety f
“yon know better than to get
mixed up in any logomachy with
a 'Woman; they always have their
way and the final say in all things
in spite of anything you say,” will,
probably, be your reply.
That may bo true but I can’t for
the life of me keep from being in
volved in a mix-up at this time
though I am fully aware that my
defeat is inevitable.
If you rend the article in the Cur
rent History, (for January 1927)
entitled ‘‘Feminism is destructive
to woman's happiness,” written by
the daughter of Lombroao, fatuous
criminologist, and wife of Ferrero
the renowned historian, you will,
possibly, be obliged to ask the lady
with me if it is possible for men
to live with love, alone? Here is
what she intimates in her article.
“Women today are suffering from
lack of fixed objective’’.
Woman’s objective according to her
should be “to persuade man to love
her outside and beyond the limits
of the traditional point of view,
outside and beyond the limits of
virtue, outside and beyond consid
eration of the services that she
might render him and outside and
beyond the senses, at the very time
of their enjoyment.’’
If women are to achieve this ob
jective, they must revert to the
traditional morality of the middle
ages, to which they were bound, to
the severe repression to which they
were trained. Back to those tradi
tions which ancient civilizations
imposed upon women, favored qual
ities and habits necessary to enable
women to attain the satisfaction of
her deepest and most sacred in
stincts, to permit her to have some
one to love whom she could center
all her life. “Man can be selfish
for he does not depend on others
for the satisfaction of his desires.”
(quarter wanted). “Women can not
be selfish, without being ready to
serve others, to be useful to others
one cannot excite desire as women
wishes to excite it. ”
Think of what would take place
in all the American universities
would the coeds followed her ad
vise. They would drop their books
and run for a man to center their
lives on. And happy, indeed, would
be the man who would find his way
to the roof of some building before
the grasping started, from where
he could watch the coeds hanging
on men’s necks telling them their
alluring tales as to how much they
love them and other things which
Mjadaime Ferrero would prescribe.
To be some what serious, however,
one is inclined to ask Madame Fer
revo if women have to be undevelop
ed intellectually to possess the
charm which a lady of Middle Ages
possesses? Must women be unable
to do anything else, when their hus
bands come home from their busi
ness, then hang on their husbands
necks while they kneel in reverence
of their idols? Do men in general
desire to have for their wives wom
en that are not able to carry on an
intelligible conversation with them
along the line of their interests be
they industrial, academic or what
Base not your assumption, Ma
dame Ferrero on few cases indica
tive of your theory, for then you
will be committing a grosser error
than that of your father’s. Forget
not, we pray Madame Ferrero, that
women of different nations, though
they inlay be alike in their physical
make up, differ quite radically in
their ideas of charm, beauty and
the like in proportion to the enlight
ment of their nation. The men and
women of whom you speak so highly
died long ago to make room for
! generation, finer, freer, more con
! scioUH of its duties, perhaps, far
more intelligent than that of which
i you adore. Civilization is now* going
' forward madame will you not walk
with it? Forget not, however, that
man liveth not by love alone but
with every sensible word and en
couragement that proceedeth out of
a wife’s mouth.
From Other
University of Idaho—The second
annual poultry short course to be
offered by the college of agriculture
will be held February 7 to March 5,
it has been announced by R. T. Park
hurst, head of the department of
poultry husbandry. Registration is
scheduled for Saturday, February 5,
and the morning of February 7.
The first poultry course, held last
year, was such a definite success
that the work has been given a per
manent part in the college of agri
culture program. Fifteen students
attended last winter and a consider
able gain in enrollment is in pros
pect for the coming course.
University of California—Football
was the only sport to show a profit
at the University of California dur
ing 1026, according to a preliminary
estimate made today by W. W.
Monahan, general manager of the
Associated Students.
Although football earned $268,
070.61, every other sport on the list
showed a deficit and the actual in
come of the athletic department will
probably be reduced to not more
than $206,000. Athletics have long
carried the burden of the unprofit
able welfare, women’s, student union
and miscellaneous activities, whose
average annual loss of $66,000 is
expected to further cut down the As
sociated Students income to approx
imately $140,000. The latter figure
is still further depleted by pay
ments due on the union building and
the Memorial Stadium.
-sift SEVEN
‘ * • •
“I’m kicked out of school for
copyreading in the exam.”
“I didn’t know you took journal
“That’s just it. I don’t.”
After a person is several years
[ removed from college it must be
very amusing to think of the things
one used to think of.
What the talk sounds like:
“Oggi mukajinfut hak kah wah.
Gluk Glub moko wik vinem igl«
woo. Waffo zim glub a la bla. La
I baka potato anda la cola tomatoa.
i What you think it is:
Cripes! such a pair of shoes! Look
how they are run down and the heels
and scarred on the toes. This bozo
sure must be from the sticks.
What they really say:
Did you go to see “Blossom Time”
last night? Yes, how did you like
it? Oh dear me, Iwas quite bored
for I really prefer Italian music to
that of the German.
“Gallahad” by John Erskine,
author of “The Private Life of
Helen of Troy,” is now available.
Of course no onfe is going to read
it though, for it has been called
naughty by some of the reformers.
# » *
The old man with the spike on
the end of the stick for picking up
papers. His job is always on the
pick-up. School teachers on the
campus to take a few courses and
brush up a bit. Why do they al
ways wear their hats so high on the
tops of their heads? Andy Ander
son saying hello to everyone he
meets. If he just spoke to his A.
T. O. brothers around the Business
Administration School he would be
quite a busy man. The man with
the sandy-coloured wig. I’ve walked
behind him many times hoping the
wind would blow it off, but it seems
to be firmly anchored. Four house
mothers on their way to a tea fight
O. O. McIntyre in lais Day By Day
colymn wishes there were such a
thing as a restaurant without any
waiters. What about a barber with
out any tongue?
Dean Walker must have written
some more letters home to the par-!
ents requesting that students bring
no cars to college with them. The
parking space across from the Li
brary is more crowded than ever this
It’s about time Jack Benefiel was
having another one of those concerts
that all of us pay for and only
about one-third of us get in to.
I can’t see why they insist upon
fashioning the new stoves on the
same lines as phonographs. One of
my friends has a stove and another
a phonograph and they both look
Alpha Delta Sigma meets today
noon at the Anchorage. Important.
Friday classes meeting at 9:00 a.
m. will be held today at 11:00 a. m.
because of assembly to be held
Friday morning.
The Daily Club will hold a busi
ness meeting tonight at seven-thirty
in the sun parlor of the Woman’s
building. Very important.
Phi Chi Theta meeting tonight at
7:15, 105 Commerce.
W. A. A. mass meeting Thursday
at 5 o’clock in Woman’s building.
Allied Arts League—Meeting at
1:00 this afternoon in lecture room.
alike to me. Whenever I go to
either of the houses I am uneasy
because I* always forget which is
which and am afraid I will pull my
chair up to the phonograph to get
warm or attempt to get some music
out of the stove.
* * *
# * *
Aren’t there any feminine hum
orists on the campus? Complaints
say that this eolymn is too mas
culine.. Well what can I do? I look
at the world through different col
oured glasses than the women, but
if some of you who aspire to write
will come around—well,—I was go
ing to. say I’d welcome you with
open arms, but perhaps that is put
ting it a bit strong.
It’s our job
to make the
world cleaner
and for this
purpose we
strive daily
Phone 252
All members be present. Important '
matters concerning Jury Day to be ^
discussed. ,
Sculpture Club Tea, Woman’s
building. 4-6 today. All members
and their guests be sure and be pres
University Orchestra picture will
be taken Thursday evening at 7:30.
’uxedos for men. Formal dresses
or women.
Have yon renewed your sub
scription to tbe Emerald?
Prompt renewal insures your
receiving every issue, and Is
a courtesy greatly appreciated
by tbe Oregon Daily Emerald.
Listen Girls
The co-ed making the greatest number
of different words from the name of our
store will receive a pair of slippers free
Anyone is eligible—just bring your list
of words to the store and enter the con
Second prize is a pair of all silk chiffon
hose. Get busy girls — Do your stuff
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
I—^UCKY STRIKES are smooth and mellow—
the finest cigarettes you ever smoked.
They are kind to your throat.
Why? All because they are made of the finest Turkish
and domestic tobaccos, properly aged and blended
with great skill, and there is an extra process in
treating the tobacco.
“It’s toasted”
Your Throat Protection