Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 12, 1927, Image 1

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    Assembly Will
Open Student
Faculty Members Invited
To Welcome Preppers
Friday Morning
All Sections of State
Will be Represented
Oregon Knights Will Meet
Trains and be Guides
<<'TVHE most important meeting
A of the high school conference
this year will be the Friday morn
ing assembly,” said Ralph Casey,
professor of journalism, at a joint
meeting of the student directorate
and faculty heads yesterday after
noon. Mr. Casey stressed the im
portance of a big assembly and ac
tive student participation in the ini
tial meeting 'of the preppers.
A special faculty bulletin will
probably be issued urging faculty
members to attend the assembly.
Inasmuch as the high school stu
dents are here as guests of the Uni
versity, Mr. Casey feels that the
faculty, as well as students, should
turn out to welcome the preppers to
the seventh annual convention of
student body officers, press repre
sentatives, officers of Girls ’ League,
and faculty advisers.
Program is Complete
Details of the conference pro
gram are now complete, it was
shown at the directorate meeting,
and when the estimated 550 dele
gates and high school instructors
begin arriving tomorrow afternoon,
they will be efficiently conducted
through the preliminary steps of
registration and housing.
Oregon Knights under the direc
tion of Bill Hynd and Clint Mit
chell are organiz'd to aid the dele
gates in every way possible. Their
most important duty will be to con
duct the delegates on tours of the
campus Friday afternoon.
Houses to Have Guide
Each living organization is asked
to have a man at the 'registration
booth in the administration build
ing at all times from 10 o’clock
Thursday morning until 11 o ’clock
Thursday night, to conduct dele
gates to the houses.
Every train, from 10 a. m. to 11
p. m. Thusrday, will be met by
freshmen, Oregon Knights and com
mittee appointees, and the dele
gates will be taken to the adminis
tration building in busses run es
pecially by the Eugene Street
Six hundred extra copies of the
Emerald will be issued Friday and
Saturday morning for the jliijgh
school representatives.
The names of delegates are stlil
coming in. All general sections of
Oregon will represented.
Work Opens in Men s
Gym in Preparation
For Spring Football
Football class work lias been
started in the men’s gym with Cap
tain John J. MeEwan and Gene
* Vidal as instructors. Light work
in gym suits will occupy the men’s
time for several weeks, so as to
prepare them for spring football
which will start early in February.
This work is not, as previously be
lieved, open to all freshmen and
sophomores, but only those who de
sire to stick with the game long
enough to find out what their capa
bilities are. Students who want to
continue the work, however, may
secure slips from Virgil D. Earl, or
any of the coaches.
Gene Vidal, backfield coach, re
turned this week from Los Angeles
where he has spent the time since
the Notre Dame-Southern California
football game some time ago. He
will remain on the campus until
the completion of spring training.
Albert Britt Speaks
To Journalism Class
Albert Britt, president of Knox
College, spoke briefly ter Dean Al
len’s editing class yesterday morn
ing. President Britt is a former
newspaper man and-related his ex
periences as a teacher of writing,
He declared that schools of journ
alism, especially, should take as
their motto “If you don’t know—
fina out,” for then the quality ol
their work would be improved, and
some of the ordinary clic/hes avoided
Triangular Meet
Contracted For
Men And Women
Northern Debate Trophy
Contest With Idaho,
With several debates scheduled
definitely for the men's team, and
a three-year contract with Wash
ington and Idaho for both the men’s
and women’s teams, debate plans
for this term and next are well un
der way.
Jack Hempsted, a junior in jour
nalism, and Dudley Clark, a junior
majoring in economics both varsity
debaters, have been chosen to de
bate the negative of the prohibi
tion question here against the Uni
versity of Montana. Montana and
Oregon debate here February 21st
on the question that the eighteenth
amendment be modified to permit
the sale of light wines and beer.
“We have finished signing com
plete three-year contracts for tri
angular debates with the universi
ties of Idaho and Washington, one
for the men’s team and one for the
women’s team. The Oregon teams
will go to Washingitojn, and the Ida
ho teams will come to Eugene. The
new triangular contest will be
known as the Northern Debate
Trophy contest,” said Mr. J. K.
Horner, debate coach.
This year’s women’s debate team,
chosen in the tryouts the first part
of the term, is: Frances Cherry,
junior in journalism, Irene Hartsell
sophomore majoring in history, Mar
garet Blackaby, senior majoring in
English, Louise Mason, sophomore
majoring in English, Marion Leach,
sophomore majoring in pro law,
senior majoring in English, and
Pauline Winchell, a sophomore ma
joring in History.
The girls’ team will take the
negative against the University of
Washington at Seattle, April 7, on
the questioh that the United States
should establish a federal depart
ment of education with a secretary
in the president’s cabinet. The
University of Oregon will take the
affirmative of this question on the
same day in Eugene.
There will be a meeting of the
women’s team tonight at seven
o 'clock in the Sociology building.
That section of the men’s varsity
debate team which is working on
the democarev question will meet
Saturday morning at ten b ’clock.
“Black Shirts”
Let Tom Skeyhill
Ride in Parade
S Speaker Coming Jan. 19
Has Traveled Much
In Europe
“Mussolini and the Black Shirts,”
is the subject of Tom Skeyhill’s
talk, Wednesday evening, January
It is from first-hand experience
that he speaks. During the last year
he spent three months in Italy. At
Sorrento, he came to know intimate
ly the leaders of the Fascisti move
ment during his recent trip in that
land. He attended the local meet
ing of the organization opening the
occasion of the celebration of the
third anniversary of Fascism. He
sat in session with several thousand
of the “Black Shirts,” was given a
place of honor in their torehliglit
procession, heard their speeches and
musicals and watched their fire
works. He heard the stirring march
sung with its inspiring ending:
“Ben-ven-uto, Muss-o-lini — Ayah,
Ayah, Aye!”
Mr. Skeyhill was profoundly im
pressed with the serious mental at
titude of the members of the Facisti.
In his honor American and English
songs were sung and a guard of
honor returned him to his hotel and
serenaded him upon his retirement.
Everywhere in his travels through
Europe and in many countries of
the world, Tom Skeyhill has been
welcomed and has been accepted by
the people among whom he moved.
It is because of this personal trait
of his to make himself liked and
trusted that he has been able to
gather information on all subjects
of world affairs.
He comes to the University of
Oregon on January 19. General ad
mission for the lecture is 50 cents
for students and 75 cents for towns
people. Season tickets for thrf’ re
maining three lectures of the series
may be obtained for $1.25 and 75
Annual Short
Story Contest
Is Announced
Campus Students May Vie
For Edison Marshall
$50 Award
February 15 Is Set
As End of Competition
Prof. Thacher Gives Rules
For Entry
Announcement of the annual com
petition among University of Ore
gon slvort-story writers for the Edi
son Marshall prize of $o0 was made
yesterday by W. F. G. Thacher, pro
fessor of English and journalism,
in charge of the contest.
Any undergraduate student on
the campus is urged to submit an
original manuscript in the contest,
Professor Thacher said. The manu
script is to be typed, double-spaced,
on one side of the paper, with one
carbon copy. It must be given to
Mr. Thacher on or before February
Only the one prize is to be given
but the contest is open to all stu
dents, not limited to members of
the short story class.
The manuscript is not to bear the
name of the writer but instead a
sealed envelope is to go with it,
containing on the inside the writ
er ’s name and the name of the1
story on the outside.
Donor is Successful Writer
Edison Marshall, donor of the
prize, is one of the m-ost successful
writers in the -country, the author
of a number of novels, short stor
ies, and scenarios, and a former stu
dent of the University of the class
of 1918. He was a member of Pro
fessor Thacher’s first class in short
story writing, being a freshman the
year that Mr. Thacher first came
here. At this time he had already
begun to sell stories.
A few years ago he was awarded
the O. Henry prize for a story call
ed “The Heart of Little Shikara,”
which was considered the best of
the year.
Visits Campus Often
Mrv. Marshall has always taken
a great interest in the work and au
thorship on the campus and makes
frequent trips to this city. He was
one of the twelve founders of Ta
bard Inn of Sigma Upsilon which
originated on the campus March
11, 1915 and received its national
membership soon afterwards. In an
article of an Emerald dated Octo
ber 28, 1915 is found this statement, |
“Edison Marshall’s stories have i
been published in several of the!
magazines, Henry Howe (another!
name to be found among the list \
of founders) -has sold one of his;
(Continued on page four)
Freshman to
Start Work on
Annual Dance
Committees Meet to Make
Elaborate Plans
For Glee
Decorative Scheme
Not to be Disclosed
Basketball Game Set
For Same Night
C0MMITTE3 chairmen for the
annual Fresh Glee which is to
be held on January 22, in the Wom
an ’s building, were announced yes
terday by Arthur Rogers, general
chairman of the affair. Practically
all of the appointments had been de
cided upon before the Christmas
holidays, but final selections were
not made until yesterday.
Many of the committees have had
several meetings and have their
work well under way. All have had
had at least one opportunity to
meet and discuss iplans, so that
preparations have begun on every
phase of the yearly frolic. Even
the “clean-up” chairman, Keith
Hall, whose work does not logically
begin until the morning after the
night before, has arranged for as
sistants and made plans for a full
staff of janitors.
Decorations to be Elaborate
Walton Crane will handle the dec
orations, which, according to Rog
ers, will be very elaborate. This
committee was one of the first to
be organized, and therefore has had
an opportunity to advance its plans
further than the others. The motif
of decorations has already been de
cided upon and the details are at
present being w'orked out. The com
mittee refused to divulge the nature
of the decorative scheme.
The music will be arranged for by
James Sharp. Tentative plans call
for Roses’ Orchestra of Portland to
furnish the music. George Jackson
will handle the programs, Eleanor
Flanagan, reception; Bertram Stev
ens, floor; and Thomas Stoddard,
The feature will be arranged by
Cavita Campbell, who has spent the
last few days scowing the campus
for suitable material. Agness Ferris
will act as patroness for the affair.
Basketball Game Before Dance
January 22 was the only date
available for the Frosh glee this
year, and although the opening Pa
cific Coast conference basketball
game between the University of
Idaho and Oregon quintets is sched
uled on the same night, the com
mittee in charge made arrange
ments to begin the Glee after the
hoop game.
The game will begin early, prob
ably about seven o’clock, and the
dance will take the stage immediate
ly after.
Miss Thompson Says Spanish A re Gay;
Gives Other Traits ofLandofCastinets
Colorful Costumes Are Not so Common as Formerly
But Are Still Found in Remote Villages
“The old strong towers are crum
bling and doddering now
And sit like old men. smiling in the
—John Dos Passos
Oblivious to America’s brawling,!
big-fisted and primal combat for j
dollars and food, old Spain, steeped:
in .dreams of historic grandeur,
dozes beside the turquoise level of
the Mediterranean, Miss Anna M.
Thompson found during her resi
dence there. Spain is content with
skies blue as harebells and occasion
al storms, with vast landscapes
crumbling at sunset into violet, with
fig and orange groves blazing askew
and with the reddish-yellow and
arid plateaus humping up to sum
mits of eternal snow—content with,
the very simple things of life, easy
I acceptance of existence, the un
ashamed joy in the flavor of food
and wine. Miss Thompson is an as
sistant professor of Romance lan
guages, who taught in Spain from
1910 to late in 1919.
Many revolutions, innumerable in
vasions of Romans, Goths, Moors,
Christian ideas and fads and con
victions of the Renaissance swept
over this nation, Miss Thompson
pointed out, changing surface cus
toms, modes of thinking and speech
only to be metamorphosed into keep
ing with the changeless Iberian
mind. The Spaniards’ intense indfir
idualism, born of history, whose fun
damentals lie in isolated adobe pueb
los, she continued, is the basic spirit
of everlasting Spain. To them life
is a dream, she philosophized, only
that part of life which is in the firm
grasp of the individual being real;
out of this individualistic life an
tiquity flashes its significant facets
of romance and the epic past.
‘‘Old Spain speaks all-powerful
ly,” she said, “through her racial
traditions and historic achieve
“The Spaniards have, a dry humor
(socoroncria) and a self-searching
that can’t be beaten,” commented
Miss Thompson in an enthusiastic
and mellow voice. “They are exces
sively romantic, impassioned in ac
tion, dramatizing their feeling and
loving dazzling display. They are
very tolerant without a natural im
pulse to torture, overflowing with
hospitality, kindness, frivolous ga
iety, poetic sentimentalism, devo
tional sincerity and patience. They
are exceedingly clever about ex
pressing themselves in the third per
son. Often they talk in terms of the
past, applying it to the present.
“The Andalusians are very humor
ous, the Castilians very dignified,
the Basques very stiff, stolid and
stubborn, and the Catalonians are
very industrious; but the cultured
Spaniards are very cosmopolitan,”
she emphasized. “To see the real
1 Spanish costumes, usually worn by
the peasants, you must get off the
beaten track—toward the Portugese
(Continued on page twoj
Elly Ney, Concert Pianist, to Appear
In Beethoven Recital on January 26
Portland Symphony Orchestra, Glee Clubs and
University Orchestra Coming Later
With concerts by Madame Elly
Nev, the Portland Symphony or
chestra, the men’s and women’s glee
clubs, and the orchestra of the
University, the music “season,”
from all appearances, will be well
filled during the winter term. All
of these are sponsored bv the A. S.
U. O.
Elly Nev, pianist, will open the
series on January 26. Madame Ney
is considered one of the world’s best
interpreters of Beethoven. It is in
this field that she is specializing
while on her American tour, and in
her Eugene concert the program
will consist entirely of Beethoven.
The New York Sun says, “Mine.
Nev’s fine powers as an interpreter
of Beethoven are familiar. Her com
prehension and grasp of Beethoven’s
music has authority, power and
conviction. ’ ’
March 7 brings the Portland Sym
phony orchestra, William van Hoog
straten conducting. In the sixteen
years of its existence, this organi
zation has grown from a group of
public spirited musicians to one of
the leading symphony orchestras of
the United States.
Mr. van Hoogstraten is well
known to the campus, having visit
ed here several times. Recently he
was given an honorary degree of
music by the University. T'his, how
ever, will be the first opportunity
to see him as a conductor, in which
capacity he has few peers.
The Men’s Glee club concert,
which was originally dated for
January 13, will be given the lat
ter part of February.
The Womans’ Glee club concert
is scheduled for February !>. A very
clever program has been arranged
by John Stark Evans, leader.
The University orchestra, under
the direction of Rex Underwood,
will give a. concert Sunday after
noon, February 20.
Club Banquets
At Hut Tonight
Dr. John Straub Will Act
As Toastmaster; Hall
To Speak
Tlio Cosmopolitan club of the
University is sponsoring a banquet
being held in the Y. M. C. A. hut
this evening at 7:15 p. m., honoring
the foreign students on the campus.
This is the first occasion on which
a banquet of this nature has been
held on this campus, but it i» hoped
to intake this an annual affair.
The toastmaster of the evening
is Dr. John Straub, dean emeritus
of men, and blessing will be asked
by Dr. A. II. Saunders of the Pres
byterian church.
Speakers for the evening include
President Arnold Bennett TIall, of
the University, Dr. Warren D.
Smith, adviser to the Cosmopolitan
club, Jo T. Tamura, representing
the Japanese Student organization,
C. F. Tong, Chinese government stu
dent, N. Pablo, of the Varsity Pliil
ippinesis, E. Chung, of Korea, Singh
Sadhaira, of India, and Gilbert
Brighouse, president of the club.
Miss Charlotte Winnard will sing,
and the Filipino string orchestra
will give selections.
It is exepteed that more than one
hundred guests will be present.
Hosts will include both faculty
members and townspeople, while
among the guests will be represen
tatives of China, Japan, the Philip
pine Islands, Korea, India, South
Africa, Australia, Russia, Chile, and
Great Britian. It is felt that much
of benefit will result for both hosts
and guests in the furthering of un
derstanding of mutual problems.
The Cosmopolitan club is an or
ganization of those interested in in
ternational affairs and problems of
world peace. It numbers among its
m'dnbers those of almost every na
tionality in the world. The club’s
annual Festival of Nations will be
liebl in the spring term. Regular
meetings, held on the first Wednes
day of each month, are open to all
Proofs for Oregana
Pictures Wanted at
Studio by Saturday
“All proofs of individual pictures
for the 1927 Oregana must be re
turned to Keunell-Ellis studio by
Saturday of this week,” Frances
Bourhill, editor of the year book,
announced last night. Mounting of
the pictures will begin on next Wed
nesday, and in order that all pic
tures may be ready, no proofs will
be accepted at the studio after Sat
urday, as they would be too late
to appear iu the Oregana, Miss Bour
hill declared.
More than 1700 individual pic
tures have already been taken and
of these there are approximately
300 proofs which have not been re
turned, according to the studio files,
The next three days will be the
last opportunity for new students
and those who belong to organiza
tions and honorary groups who have
not yet had pictures taken, to do so
and get them in the book. This in
eludes members of varsity forensics
and debating teams, and Oregana
Webfoot, Emerald, and Old Oregon
I staffs, and honorary and profession
al groups.
Keyserling Is
Subject of Talk
To Campus Club
J. C. Nelson, Salem High
School Head, Speaks
To Philosophers
Displaying a depth of understand
ing, a polished .treatment of his
subject, and a breadth of cultural
reading that is uncommon, Princi
pal J. C'. Nelson of the Salem high
school last night read a paper be
i fore a meeting of the University
Philosophy club which is acclaimed
by all who were present as a work
of unusual worth. His subject was,
“The Kducational Significance of
Keyserling’s Work.’’ Nelson’s
treatment dealt with both the life
and work of Keyserling as well as
the activities, aims, and significance
of an institution called “School of
Wisdom,’’ which Keyserling found
Count Keyserling belongs to an
old, aristocratic German family, and
even as a young mlan formulated
dreams of a cultural journey around
the world in which he planned to
project himself into the point of
view and spirit of the different peo
ples and civilizations which lie
would meet, lie accomplished such
a journey in the years shortly be
fore the World war, and wrote from
it his famous book, “The Travel
Diary of a Philosopher.’’
rne war prevented the publication
of his book, Keyset-ling being un
able even to get in touch with his
publisher. After the war his book
appeared with modifications due to
the profound impressions which the
war had made on Keyserling, and
made the writer a world famous
This journey and book confirmed
Count Keyserling in his desire to
start a school to serve a very unique
function for Germany and the
whole world. He was convinced that
civilization was spiritually on the
edge of bankruptcy, and in the war
his belief was realized. He believed
that what the world needed was
not more technology, machinery, or
even natural science, but a deep
ening of the spirit of man.
The Orient had greatly impress
ed him and he aimed in his “School
of Wisdom’’ to provide an atmos
phere and a general situation where
men could seek and dwell in their
souls and inner sensibilities rather
than acquire knowledge. He is keen
ly averse to methods of debate,
and favors the orchestral concord of
souls rather than the clash of wits,
holding that there is no need of
theories or philosophies, but the
deeper broodings on the implications
that lie behind all philosophy.
In 19-1 he was able to realize his
ambition of this school, which has
continued and has brought together
representative intellects which
dwell and think together in an at
tempt to deepen their spiritual ex
perience and well being.
Nelson expressed the belief that
for America such a program would
seem a little airy, if not amusing,
and that the humorist would no
doubt find material in it for a round
of shot. Hut there is no doubt but
that Keyserling and his followers
are in earnest and that their in
fluence is considerable throughout
Germany and -even beyond. Beside
his connection with this school Key
serling is engaged in lecturing and
has also written several other books.
Beelar Named
Chairman For
Juniors’ Fete
Varsity Orator, Aide oh
Homecoming, to Lead
Week-end Work
Directorate in Full
Practically Made Up
Organizations and Plans
Like Those of ’26 ;
A PPOINTMENT of Don Beelar
-^*-as general chairman of Junior
Week-end was announced yesterday
•> - —
president of the
junior class. Bee
lar, who is a var
sity debater and
orator, was assist
ant chairman of
Homecoming last
fall and is also a
director on the
greater Oregon com
Beelar has prac
tically decided on
Donald Beelar his directorate and
will announce it today. A meeting
will be held in 104 Journalism at 4
o’clock this afternoon, at which time
plans will be discussed and definite
assignments made.
Junior Week-end Dates Set
May 20 and 21 are the dates set
for Junior week-end. The junior
vaudeville will be given two nights,
May 13 and 14. No new feature*
are planned for either as yet, these
matters being left to the individual
managers. The Junior Week-end cer
emonies will be the same as usual,
including the Junior Prom, Campus
Day, Campus Luncheon, and th»
Canoe Fete.
“This year’s organization will be
similar to that of last year,” said
Beelar yesterday. “I believe that
Ralph Staley handled the work in.
an excellent fashion, and it will be
hard to improve on his occomplish
ment. The individual chairmen and
managers will be given large respon
sibility, and left to their own re
sources as far as possible. The per
sons I have in mind for the positions,
are exceptionally well qualified and
will justify complete trust, I think.
Early Start Desired
“We want to get an early start
this year, so as to avoid last-minute
confusion such as has been encoun
tered sometimes in previous years.
We will get the ball rolling this
afternoon, and it will be gaining
momentum from now until May 13,
the first night of the vaudeville.”
Finances for the canoe fete, .Jun
ior l’rom, and Junior Vaudeville
will lie handled directly through
the managers. They will use requisi
tion forms which will come from
Ed Ctowley, treasurer of the class.
Riggs Asks Co-operation
‘‘I think that a big step toward
making Junior week-end a success
has been accomplished by making
Beelar chairman,” said Frank
Riggs yesterday. ‘‘His past work in
campus activities lias shown him
resourceful, dependable, and origin
al. Of course, the success of this
undertaking will depend upon the
cooperation of every member of
the directorate and class.”
The complete directorate will be
announced tomorrow.
Drama Enrollment
Doubled; Comedies
Will be Produced
With increased interest reflected
in a doubled enrollment this term
Miss Florence E. Wilbur, coach of
drama, is planning a period of in
tensified activity in her depart
ment. Up to the present time she
has had trouble in finding sufficient
talent, especially among the men, to
fill the casts, but now she is having
trouble finding parts for all the stu
dents who are taking the work.
A play is to be selected for each
of the groups, the sophomore and
upperclass. Work will start immed
iately. Some of the plays being con
sidered by the upper group are the
comedies, “The Torch Bearers,” by
George Kelly, “The Man Who Mar
ried a Dumb Wife,” by Sir James
Barrie, and “R. U. R,.” by Carol
Miss Wilbur has tried to secure
the production, “The Dvbbuk,” by
Henry Alsberg. However the Neigh
borhood Playhouse of New York hast
a lease on the translation of this
production and she must secure the
author’s permission before obtain
ing a transcript from the publishers.