® re runt Haxlg fmetalu University of Oregon, Eugene _ ■OL ABRAMSON, Editor EARL W. SLOCUM, Manger Nub EDITORIAL BOARD Manapring Editor Harold Manprum Phillipa Sherman, Feature Editor News and Editor Phones, 665 Sports Editor jjj^Y EDITORS: Claudia Fletcher. Beatrice Harden, Bob Galloway, Genevieve Morgan, Minnie Fisher. Alternates: Flossie Radabaugh, Grace Fisher. NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Hall, Clarence Curtis. Wayne Morgan, Jack Coolidge. gpOBTS STAFF: Jack O'Meara, Dick Syring, Art Schoeni, Charles Burton, Harry Van Dine. _ FEATURE WRITERS: Donald Johnston, Joe Sweyd, Ruth Corey, A1 Clarke, Sam Kinley, John Butler. UPPER NEWS STAFF: Jane Dudley, Alice Kraeft, Edith Dodge. mn STAFF* Helen Shank. Grace Taylor, William Schulze, Herbert Lundy, Marten *jSSL£TDorothy BsSUr KeAneth Roduner, Cleta McKennon, Betty Schultse Elame Crawford Frances Cherry, Margaret Long, Mary McLean, Barbara Blythe, Bess Duke, Ruth Newman, Miriam Shepard. Liicile Carroll, Betty Sclwneer, M»udle Loomis, Ruth Newton, Dan Cheney. Eva Nealon. Margaret Hensley, Bill Hag gerty, A1 Canfield, Margaret Clark. _____ BUSINESS STAFF Milton George _ Associate Manager Francis McKenna Circulation Manager itoKiSS “ . Advertising Manager Bob Dutton Ass’t. Circulation Manager Advertising Manager Ruth Corey - Specialty Advertising F Edwin Ross Foreign Advertising Mgr. Alice McGrath -^pecialty Advertising Joe Neil . Assistant Advertising Manager Roberta Wells ....... Office Administration Advertfaine Assistants: Ruth Street, John Allen, Flossie Radabaugh, Roderick La FofleHe M-orir'- I omhard Charles Reed Larry Thielen, Carol Eberhart, Geo. Mhson. Office* A dmi nYstra t ioo*Dorothy Davis, Ed Sullivan, William Miller, Ixru Anne Chase. Ruth Field. ___ Hay Editor This Issue—Bob Galloway Night Editor This Issue—Clarence Curtis Assistant—Charles Burton The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of •he University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during «ha college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the posteffice at Eugene Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates J2.60 per year. A