Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 23, 1926, Image 1

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L. H. Gregory
Wins Duck in
Name Contest
Portland Sports Editor
Suggests “Webfoots”;
Awarded Bird
Vikings, Dragons Pass
In Review; Given Ax
Monickers Swamp Judges
In Attempt to Name
Oregon’s Teams
A L. H. Gregory, sports editor of
the Oregonian, wins the prize offered
for the beat monicker submitted. He
<did not hold high hopes of winning
when he made his suggestion, but
after long and careful deliberation by
an august committee, lo, Greg’s name
led all the rest.
Henceforth and forever more, ath
letic teams representing the Univer
sity of Oregon will be known as Web
foots. There it is. Pert, long-whisk
ered with tradition, and a neat mouth
ful. Buckeyes, Hawkeyes, Hoosiers,
and other names of eastern state uni
versities suffer by contrast with Ore
jgon’s new adoption.
Duck Substitutes for Turkey
Inasmuch as the winning sobriquet
was not entirely original, the commit
tee has decided to award Gregory a
- duck instead of the advertised turkey,
with the hope that this duck will be.
the last duck of a long line of ducks.
Some folks may say that the prize
winning name is not as new as it
might be, and that the contest has
proved ineffectual. The committee
considers it an overwhelming success
and is tickled to death with the re
sponse with which it has been greeted.
Liberally hundreds of suggestions
have been received from all over the
coast, including everything from Es
kimo to Amazon. Several news
papers have burgeoned out in their
editorial columns, and comment has
been both favorable and vituperative.
Good Old Webfoots
The feature has been the loyalty
with which Oregon supporters every
where have rallied to the support of
the term Webfooter. Where one week
they were cussing the rain, they are
now hailing it as a blood brother.
A great surge of pride in the, state
of muddy gridirons and sullen skies
has arisen.
It suits us fine. The search has
(Continued on page four)
HE name contest is over.
Book by Douglass
Receives Favorable
Comment in Review
“Douglass isn’t particularly ten
^ der, but he strikes me as being re
freshingly true.” So Principal Phil
ip Manzer distorts the familiar
phrase in his review of “Modern
" Methods in High School Teaching,”
a book which has recently been writ
ten and published by Harl E. Doug
lass, professor in the Oregon school
of education and director of the Uni
versity high school.
The remarks appear in the Nov
ember issue of the “Educational Re
view” in a section called “Profes
sionals Review Professional Books,”
in which teachers tell what they
think of books on teaching which
are fresh from the press.
“As usual,” says the review,
“Douglass hits the high points in
his introduction. ‘Thinking, not
merely reciting, is the high school’s
business; giving out and hearing les
sons won’t suffice now;’ ‘There is a
proper procedure proved by experi
ment and as essential as the estab
lished methods of medicine.’”
^ Manzen writes, “The book starts
right -with a clear expostion of the
purpose of high school teaching and
with a definite plan of campaign.
You should hear him describe the
discarding of the old style of teach
ers preparing lessons as so much
text to cover. Listen to his urge for
adopting the new procedure using
daily plans or aims.
“I like the book because its gen
eral principles are not conjectures,
and because they are illustrated by
detailed specimens of procedure.
How to plan a high school lesson is
accompanied by actual lesson plans.”
The book has attracted consider
able attention among educators and
other favorable reviews of it ap
pear in the Hawaiian Educational
Review and the High School Quar
^ terly. The book is one of the “Riv
erside Educational Series,” of which
Elwood Cubberley is editor.
Bluff Called; Here’s
More About Big Fuss
Typewriters and rocks,
law books and gym suits,
with a few adding machines
thrown in, will have a chance to
uphold their claims to athletic
How? Well, here’s the latest.
The lawyers are a big blow, or
so say the journalists. Geologists
claim that the physical ed ma
jors are all wet and all four
agree that the business ad bunch
don’t figure at all.
Which is right remains to be
seen. A basketball tournapient
for all majors in those depart
ments will be run off soon.
For the last three years the
physical educationalists have
beaten down all oppo|jtion and
have intentions of doing the
same again. November 29 rep
resentatives of all and sundry
schools and departments of the
University will meet and ar
range a schedule. Four o’clock
at the men’s gymnasium. Inter
ested groups are invited to join
the confusion.
Liiristmas oaii
In Portland Is
Plan of League
Affair Is Annual Event;
Multnomah Hotel to Be
Scene of Gaiety
The annual Christmas College
Ball, sponsored by the Women’s
League, will be given at the Mult
nomah hotel in Portland, December
27, Monday evening. Edna Ellen
Bell, chairman of foreign scholar
ship fmid, is to be general chairman
of the affair.
The following committees have
been appointed to arrange for
the dance: finance committee:
Gladys Steiger, chairman, Prances
Plimpton, Gladys Calef, Katherine
Mutzig; publicity committee:
Hazelmary Price, chairman, Claudia
Fletcher, Barbara Blythe, Edwina
Grabel; patrons and patronesses:
Doris Welles, chairman, Frances
Wardner, Virginia Keating, Grace
Tickets will be issued shortly after
Thanksgiving and a man appointed
in each house to take charge of
them. In order to give Portland
alumni an opportunity to purchase
tickets, they will be placed on sale
there at the lAultnomah hotel and
Sherman and Clay music company.
The Christmas College Ball orig
nated in 1920 when Vivian Chand
ler was president of Women’s Lea
gue, according to Georgia Benson,
secretary to the dean of women.
Bernice Alstock was general chair
man and the purpose for giving the
dance was to raise money for for
eign scholarship. Because the dance
was successful it has been continued
as a method to secure money for the
foreign scholarship fund and is now
an annual affair. The /proceeds j
from the dance usually amount to j
about three hundred dollars.
Senior-Soph Combine
Wins Women’s Swim
A combination of the junior sec
ond and freshman third swimming
teams competed with the senior first
team, and a combination of the
sophomore second and freshman sec
ond with the sophomore first team
last night. Both the senior and
sophomore teams were winners, the
seniors with a 41 to 27 seore, and
the sophomores with a 62 to 14
The individual winners were: side
strike. Ellean Fargher and Roma
Whisnant; crawl, Elizabeth Gallag
her and Olive Banks; breast stroke,
Ellean Fargher and Roma Whisnant;
back stroke, Margaret Pepoon and
Beth Ager; freestyle, Elizabeth
Gallagher and Olive Banks; three
lengths, Kitty Sartain and Ethel
Gasman. Margaret Pepoon, senior,
took first place in the plunge with
47% feet and Beth Ager, sophomore,
with 46% feet.
Two unevenly matched games con
cluded the volleyball contests of
the week, Monday night. The junior
! first team won from the junior sec
ond team 60 to 26, and the freshman
fourth team from the sophomore
fourth 56 to 27.
Forms; Plans
Museum Aid
Mrs. Gerlinger Discloses
Scheme for Raising
More Funds
Dr» Suzzalo Scheduled
For December Lecture
Spring May See Start
Of Construction
AT’ESTERDAY at a meeting of
-*• University alumnae, and other
women of Eugene interested in the
fine arts, a Fine Arts club was or
ganized for the purpose of aiding in
the campaign for the Fine Arts
museum to be constructed on the
campus as a memorial to the late
president, Prince L. Campbell, and
for the further purpose of develop
ing the idea of beauty as a neces
sity in the lives of people.
Important plans for the raising of
funds for the museum were disclos
ed by Mrs. George T, Gerlinger, who
said that Howard Christy, noted
artist, now in Portland, has become
greatly interested in the art mem
orial and he and Mrs. Christy have
expressed themselves as desiring “to
do something big for the museum,”
and have proposed an art exhibit
to be given for the benefit of the
Christys Sponsor Exhibit
The exhibit, which will consist of
some of the best portraits painted
by Mr. Christy, will be held in Port
land sometime next spring when he
returns to Oregon. A*similar exhibit
was held in New York, Mr. Christy
said, and thousands of people visit
ed it, so it is expected that the
Portland exhibit will be highly suc
“Mr. Christy has a gracious, buoy
ant, sunny spirit and both he and
his wife are charming people,” said
Mrs. Gerlinger.
Another important part of the
campaign will be the aid which Dr.
Henry Suzzalo, ex-president of the
University of Washington, offers.
He will deliver a lecture December
28, in Portland for the benefit of
the Fine Arts memorial.
Dr. Suzzalo was a great admirer
of President Campbell and during
the Semi-Centennial asked if there
was something which he could do
for the furthering of this plan,
which was President Campbell’s
dearest dream.
The aid which is coming from all
sources, from friends and alumni of
the University, from clubs and or
ganizations, is indicative of the
high esteem in which President
Campbell was held, said Mrs. Ger
Spirit Is Commended
During Semi-Centennial celebra
tion, the prominent educators pres
ent on the campds were particularly
impressed with the Fine Arts spirit
on the campus.
President C. C. Little, of the Uni
versity of Michigan, told Dr. Hall
that he “coveted” the architecture
and fine arts departments of the
University of Oregon.
President Campbell recognized the
idea of art as one of the most valu
able contributions which the Uni
versity could make to the state of
Oregon, and he is largely responsible
for the high place the Oregon fine
art department now has, said Vir
ginia Judy Esterly, dean of women.
She spoke of the time when Pres
ident Campbell said: “There are
times in a man’s life, when beauty
is the most useful thing in the
The club just organized intends
to raise two thousand dollars within
the next two years. Mrs. David
Graham was elected president; Mrs.
Carl Washburne, vice-president; and
Dorothy Collier, secretary-treasurer.
Over fifty Eugene women were
present at the meeting and they con
stitute the charter members of the
organization. The idea of such a
club was begun by Mrs. Gerlinger,
and was enthusiastically adopted
by the women.
Teas, furniture and tapestry ex
hibits and other benefits will also
be given, and it is expected that a
student committee will be appointed
| to solicit student subscriptions.
May Build Next Spring
The club will probably develop
into a state wide institution and
gradually work into the national
group. The annual dues to it will
j be used to buy from time to time
(Continued on page two)
Frog, on Rampage,
Disrupts Health Staff
A FROG was a notable guest
at the infirmary over the
week-end. Dr. F. N. Miller took
him to the infirmary where he
spent Sunday and was treated
on a water diet. Monday his con
dition was worse and he was
transported to the dispensary to
be examined for infection.
Fright seized Mr. Frog while
on the operating table waiting
for the blood test, and he bound
ed off the table into the great
outdoors. The entire health stafiE
rushed to the rescue, Dr. Os
borne and Dr. Miller, armed with
brooms and dustpans, figuring
prominently. The fugitive was
finally captured with the aid of
a pan and the disrupted staff re
sumed its work. Mr. Frog’s con
dition is being eagerly watched
by all his friends.
President Hall
To Meet Oregon
Alumni on Tour
Group of University Men
Will Make up Party;
To Start Nov. 27
Starting Saturday after Thanks
giving Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, ac
companied by Harold Young, presi
dent of the Oregon Alumni associa
tion, Dean Alfred Powers, of the
Extension division, and Dick Smith,
alumnus and former coach, will
make a tour through the state stop
ping at all the larger towns to speak
at meetings of Oregon alumni and
other organization gatherings. Dr.
Hall will speak before the Chamber
of Commerce, at the high schools
and occasionally at special evening
programs. Special alumni meetings
have been planned for Dr. Hall’s
visit. '
Dr. Dan E. Clark of the Univer
sity extension division is handling
the scheduling of the meetings and
Dean Powers is in general charge of
the trip.
The first talk will be given at
La Grande, Monday, November 29.
The party will be in Baker on
Tuesday; Pendleton, Wednesday;
The Dalles, Thursday; Hood River,
Friday; Oregon City on Saturday.
Beginning the next week, they will
be in Salem, Monday, December 6;
in Corvallis, Tuesday; Roseburg, at
noon Wednesday; Grants Pass in the
evening; Klamath Falls, Friday; and
Medford, Saturday.
This trip is similar to that taken
by Harold Young and Coach John
J. McEwan, last spring, soon after
Coach McEwan’s arrival, when they
traveled through the state and the
new coach spoke to different alumni
Frosh Law Breakers
Will Appear Before
Student Court Today
Freshman violators of Oregon tra
ditions and laws will be brought to
justice this afternoon when they
appear-»befoie the student court? in
the first regular session- to be held
at the Administration building in
room 111 at 4 o’clock. Lowell
Bakep, vice-president of the A. S.
IT. O., is chairman of the group.
The other members are Tom Graham,
senior man on the student council,
and Frank Reinhart, president of
the Order of the “O”.
Only those men who have been re
ported by the official vigilance com
mittee are included in the list of
11 offenders. Each one will be called
upon individually and will be per
mitted to defend himself. The court,
after hearing the evidence on both
sides, will decide the penalties.
Although the library steps pro
cess is to be the chief scene of pun
ishment, other corrective measures
may in some cases be U3ed. The fol
lowing freshmen are requested to
report to the court today, and if
they fail to go will be subjected to
the paddles of the “O” men: Dar
obl Belshe, Robert Hosford, James
Wiley, Neil Dickenson, Henry Bris
tol, Henry Ball, Kirby Kittoe, Wal
ter Browne, Lee Hall, Lawrence
Morgan, and Fred Eismann.
A meeting of all members of the
vigilance committee will be called
by Bob Foster, chairman, in the
Administration building today at 5
o’clock in room 110.
Results of the court session will
be printed in tomorrow’s Emerald
with the names of those who are to
appear on the library steps.
IF ootballTeam
Closes Season
In Sixth Place
Letters Earned by Twenty
three Players; Seven
Regulars Lost
Next Season Appears
Bright for Gridsters
Men From Yearling Squad
Strengthen Hopes
OREGON’S varsity football team
has disbanded for the 1926 sea
son, having completed its schedule
by losing to O. A. C. 16-0 at Cor
vallis last Saturday. This game
marked the close of an unusual sea
son. The Webfoots won but one
game, tKat from California^ but
were not badly beaten In any con
test, and through a series of coin
cidents led or were even at half
time in three of the four contests
Another remarkable phase of the
season was the large number of men
to earn letters. Captain McEwan
never hesitated to send in replace
ment, with the result that 23 men,
the largest number in the history of
the University of Oregon, earned
sweaters. Seven of these men pl&y
ed their last game Saturday, but 16
will be on hand next fall, and to
gether with this year’s crack fresh
man outfit should assure a candidate
for conference honors next fall.
Oregon ended up in sixth place this
8weater Awards Won
The letter winners are Ted Pope,
Ted Slauson, Sherman Smith, and
Frank Riggs, ends; John Warren,
Captain A1 Sinclair, Hompr Dixon,
and Bob Keeney, tackles; Bert
Kerns, Beryl Hodgen, Harold Man
gum, and Hal Harden, guards; Nick
Carter, and Carl Johnson, centers;
Ira Woodie, George Mimnaugh, and
Merrill Hagan, quarterbacks; Otto
Vitus, Victor Wetzel, George Bur
nell, and Whippet Ord, halfbacks;
Lynn Jones, and Cotter Gould, full
Pope, Slauson, , Riggs, Warren,
Keeney, Mangum, Harden, Woodie,
Hagan, Burnell, Ord, and Gould are
earning their first award; Hodgen,
Dixon, Carter, and Wetzel are get
ting their second sweaters; and
Smith, Sinclair, Johnson, Kerns,
Mimnaugh, Vitus, and Jones are
signing for three stripes.
Although it has never been the
policy of this institution to win
championships twelve months in ad
vance, it is anticipated that Ore
gon will finish better than sixth in
1927. • But three regulars are lost
from this fall’s machine, and their
places will be more than filled by
the crop of yearlings coming up.
O. A. C. Loses Many
O. A. C. loses practically her en
tire team, with only Robbins, Maple,
Luby, Liebe, and Eilers remaining
of the first-liners. Jim Dixon, Hippo
Dickerson, Slim Balcom, Glenn
Olmstead, Dallas Ward, Clare Bad
ley, Ewell Grider, Web Edwards,
Kon Denman, Everett Jarvis, Wes
ley Schulmerich, Kneut Wernmark,
and Harvey Hale have played their
last coast conference game, and fill
ing their places will cause Paul J.
Schissler mqny nights without sleep
before another Oregon-O. A. C. foot
ball game rolls around.
Features of last Saturday’s battle
were few. However, it was as hard
fought and desperately contested as
an Oregon-O. A. C. football game
ever was, and the intense partisan
ship of the rival rooting sections was
as evident as ever. Both teams were
out to win, and did everything pos
sible to achieve that aim. The Ag
gies won, as all the Aggies knew
they would.
Oregon lost, but it was not through
lack of support or confidence. An
Oregon team never fought more
gamely or heroically against a pow
erful foe.
Jones Hits Hard
As since disclosed, the blocked
punts were not entirely accidental,
and intercepted passes are made in
the best regulated crap games. Jim
Dixon had been bellowing in like
a wild bull in the first half, but bel
lowing wide. Coach Schissler fig
ured one out between halves that
got the Aggies through the melee on
top. Dixon, instead of charging out
ward, plunged to the insii'e, drawing
the Oregon backs in, and giving Dal
S las Ward, his end, a clean shot at
Wetzel’s right foot. Dallas connect
(Continued on page two)
I Get Things Packed
For Trip; Here’s How
^"''OING- homo? Think of the
roast turkey, dressing, cran
berry sauce and mince pie, for
dinner Thursday. The excite
ment of seeing the family and
old friends and talking over all
that has happened in this event
ful term.
Everyone is planning some
thing. Even those who are stay
ing in Eugene have planned their
Thanksgiving dinners, it is re
For students going north, a
special will leave at 3.15, from
Villard hall. Round trip rates on
all lines going north will be $5.10.
Special rates are also beixg
offered to all parts of the state,
effective until after midnight,
Monday, November 29.
Campus rules for those re
maining in Eugene will be the
same as they are over any week
end, it is announced. Twelve
twenty rules are to be observed
during the holidays.
A. S. U. O. Officers
Leave Enroute
For Ann Arbor
Michigan Conference to
Promote Friendship
Of Universities
Frances Morgan, secretary, and
Hugh Biggs, president of the A. 8.
U. 0., left Portland yesterday for
Ann Arbor, Michigan, where they
will represent Oregon at the second
annual conference of university stu
dents of America, to be held Decelh
ber 2, 3 arid 4.
They plan to arrive in Chicago,
Saturday morning, November 27,
where they will witness the big
Army and Navy football game that
afternoon. Several days will be
spent at Detroit, Michigan, and
from there they will go to the Uni
versity of Michigan. Their home
ward route , takes in New Orleans,
and California where they intend to
visit friends.
Besides attending lectures and
meetings at Ann Arbor they will
look up James Johnson, former Ore
gon student and classmate, who is
completing his law course there.
One purpose of the convention is
to strengthen the bonds of friend
ship among the various universities
of the country. Open discussions
about fraternities, scholarship, ath
letics, curricula, and methods of in
struction are included in the pro
The Oregon delegate* plan to re
turn to the campus December 10.
Lowell Baker, vice-president of the
student body, will discharge the
presidential duties, and Kathryn Ul
rich the secretarial, during tho ab
sence of the regular officers.
Freshman Basketball
Season to Open Today
The freshman basketball season
will open this afternoon, when can
didates turn out at 5 o’clock in tho
men’s gym under Coach “Spike”
Leslie, who led last winter’s green
cappers through a successful season.
Two all-state men are registered
and will turn out. They are Roland
Coleman, of Eugene, and Kenneth
Potts, of Milton-Freewater. They
were stars of tho state high school
tournament held in Salem last win
ter. Other prep school luminaries ex
pected to turn o"t today are Wil
bur Harden, Athena.; Ed Cheney,
high school of commerce, Portland;
Alva Ilorsfeldt, Grant high, Port
I land; and George. Stadelman, The
1 Dalles.
I Fencing Bout Won by
Four o’Clock Section
In a closely contested fencing
bout last Friday', the four o’clock
section won from the three o’clock
section with a score of 36 to 33.
The winners took six bouts, and the
losers three bouts.
Joy Ingalls is captain of the four
o’clock section, with Hulda Thom
and Gertrude Parker as the other
two members of the team. The
other group is made up of Agnes
Palmer, captain, Margaret Fasching
and Audrey Hall.
A return match will be held a
i week from Wednesday.
Novelty Choir
From Russia
Comes Nov. 30
“Human Orchestra” With
Conductor Kilbalchich
Opens Concerts
Program Includes
Classic, Folk Songs
Pifcturesque Costumes
Worn by Members
A “HUMAN orchestra,” the Rus
-^*-sian Symphonic Choir of which
Basile Kibalchich is conductor, will
appear in concert at the Methodist
church Tuesday evening, November
30, ,as the first event in the A. S.
U. O. music series.
The Russian Choir is regarded by
music critics as a unique organiza
tion in the highest quality of voices,
which compose its membership. Mr.
Kibalchich has taken the symphony
orchestra as his model and has given
each voice of his choir the same
value as each instrument in the
modern orchestra. It is for this rea
son that it has been called a “hum
an orchestra under the able leader
ship of a master musiciggi.”
Many Solo Numbers included
Most of the singers of the organ
ization are of solo caliber, for par
ticular attention is given by the
leader to the timber, range, quality,
and solo abilities of each member.
Solo numbers with choir accompani
ment are generously included in the
Program Spans Wide Variety
The programs of the choir, as ar
ranged by Mr. Kibalchich, are mod
els from the standpoint of musical
arrangement, variety and entertain
ment. The repertory is extensive
and each program spans a wide var
iety of music from the rich choral
music of the church, through the
classic and romantic periods to folk
songs of Russia and related Slavic
nations. Mr. Kibalchich has also
invaded the repertory domain of
the chamber orchestras, and the
piano and has re-arranged many
standard classics for choral singing.
A feature of the appeal of this
unique organization is the external
appearance, since the members wear
a picturesque • Russian costume.
Theater Atmosphere
Of Two Centuries Ago
Shown in “Contrast”
New York about the time of
Shay’s rebellion after the* Revolu
tionary War is the setting for
“Contrast,” the play to be pro
duced in Guild theater December 1,
2, and 3. “Contrast,” by Royall
Tyler, is a comedy drama in five acts
and incidentally is the first Amer
ican comedy written by an Amer
ican author. It was first presented
at the John Street theater April
16, 1787.
Revived from the files of historic
al manuscripts, the play will bring
before an audience of the northwest
for the first time a bit of the the
ater atmosphere of two centuries
ago. The contrast between native
worth and affectation of foreign
manners is the central theme of the
The cast has been selected by
Miss Florence E. Wilbur, head of
the drama and play production de
partment, from the Guild Theater
Players, and includes Colonel Man
ly, Laurence Shaw; Dimple, Cecil
Matson; VanRough, Arthur Ander
son; Jessamy, a servant to Dimple,
Howard Van Nice; Jonathan, servant
to Colonel Manly, Ernest McKin
ney; Charlotte, Etha Clark; Maria,
Constance Roth; Letitia, Catherine
Sartain; Jenny, Mary Campbell;
Betty, Frida Deininger; Charles, a
servant, Perry Douglas; and George
I butler to Charlotte, Elmer Grimm.
Perry Douglas has been chosen
[ stage manager. Tickets will sell
! for 50 and 75 cents, according to
Harold Whitlock, business manager.
An announcement as to when they
will be placed on sale will be made,
University Library
To Close for Holiday
The library will be closed over
Thanksgiving day, stated H. M.
Douglass, librarian, but will main
tain regular hours during the rest
of the holidays with one exception.
It will open at eight o’clock in
stead of seven-thirty in the morn