Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 20, 1926, Image 1

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On Visitors
Doughty Photographer
Adjusts His Camera
While Bishop Prays
Among the thousands who listen
ed in on the inaugural program as
it was broadcasted from Hayward
•field Monday morning, was H. C.
Hall, father of President Arnold
Hennett Hall. At least Hr. Hall
hopes so, for he wired his father to
tune in on the program with his
radio. Mr. Hall is at present living
in Indiana.
«■ # *
Professor John P. Buwalda, a del
egate from the California Institute
of Technology, was for years a mem
ber of the geology faculty of the
University of California, and for
several years dean of the summer
sessions there. He has done consid
erable work in investigating the ge
ology of the John Day region, and
will lecture this morning at the nat
ural science symposium on “Certain
Events in the Interesting Geological
History of Oregon and Their Con
V * *
Levi T. Pennington, president of
Pacific College at Newberg, Oregon,
has been an interested listener at
all of the symposiums held so far.
One of the delegates had been ad
miring the campus here, and com
plimented his host on the splendid
way in which it is kept, but when he
saw the sign advertising the new
Pine Arts building, which is to be
constructed soon, he was heard to
remark that he thought that the
University should allow no adver
tisements on the grounds.
* * •
Mrs. Charles H. Edmundson, wife
of Charles H. Edmundson, former
professor of zoology at the Uni
versity of Oregon, and now at the
University of Hawaii, is visiting in ;
Eugene and renewing her acquaint
anceships among faculty members
and their wives.
* # «
Prank S. Baker, of Tacoma, Wash
ington, publisher of the Tacoma
Ledger and News Tribune, is attend
ing the Semi-Centennial celebration
this week as a delegate from West
ern Beserve University of Missouri.
» * »*
As Bishop Walter T. Sumner, of
Portland, started to deliver the in
vocation at the inaugural cere
monies at Hayward field Monday
morning, an imperturbable photo
grapher calmly continued to adjust
his camera until it was trained at
just the right angle toward the
stage, afterwards reverently remov
ing his cap.
* * «■
The representative of Princeton,
J. Duncan Spaeth, came down from
% Portland where he is on sabbatical
leave. He is teaching at Reed Col
lege this year. Professor Spaeth is
probably as well acquainted with
the University and the faculty as
any of the delegates here, having
been a member of the faculty dur
ing several of the recent summer
sessions. When not engaged in the
pegagogical capacity at Princeton,
he coaches rowing.
A. L. Mills, the representative of
Harvard University, normally, holds
down the office of President of the
Pirst National bank of Portland.
Rumor has it that co-eds grad
uating from the University of Ore
gon will take their graduate work
at the University of Michigan—at
least those who have seen President
C. C. Little.
Dr. Norman Coleman, president of
Reed college, who presided at the
social science symposium Tuesday
^ afternoon, has been president of the
Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum
bermen, and is keenly interested in
industrial relations. President Cole
man is not representing Reed col
lege, but the University, of Toronto,
where he was a classmate of Colin
V. Dyment.
Dean L. John Nuttall, Jr., acting
president of Brigham Young uni
versity, brought his little daughter
to the Semi-Centennial celebration.
She was very much interested in the
Japanese doll exhibit at the formal
showing of the Oregon Museum of
Pine Arts in the Woman’s build
ing Monday afternoon.
Alfred A. Cleveland, dean of
Washington State college, who
i is representing that institution at
” the Semi-Centennial celebration this
(Continued on page three)
Science, Adult
Education Are
Topics Today
Change in Place of Initial
Speech Made to Allow
Use of Slides
Dr. C. C. Little to Talk
At Morning Session
President Hall to Preside
At Lectures During
The Afternoon
LECTURES concerning natural
science and problems in adult
education will be included in the
symposia program for today which
marks the third day of the cele
The first address this morning,
“Certain Events in the Interesting
Geological History of Oregon and
Their Consequences,” by Professor
John P. Buwalda, Ph. D., California
Institute of Technology, will be held
in the auditorium of the University
high school at 10 o’clock instead of
the music building. The change was
decided upon because the lecture
will be extensively illustrated with
slides which can be more effectively
used in the high school building.
After this hour the audience will ad
journ to the music auditorium for
the remainder of the program.
Dr. Little to Speak
President C. C. Little, Sc. D., LL.
D., of the University of Michigan,
will deliver an address on “Genetic
Investigations and the Cancer Prob
lem.” Eugene Carr, baritone, will
sing “I Shot an Arrow Into the
Air.” President C. H. Clapp, Uni
versity of Montana, 'will preside.
This afternoon President Arnold
Bennett Hall will preside at the
symposium on education. New ten
dencies in adult education will be
discussed by Henry Suzzallo, Ph. D.,
LL. D., former president of the Uni
versity of Washington, in an address
at two o’clock.
Wyoming Educator Has Part
President A. G. Crane, Ph. D.,
University of Wyoming, will con
clude the afternoon’s program with
an address on “The Extra-Mural
Responsibilities of a State Univer
The exhibit of the Murray War
ner Memorial Collection of Oriental
Art will be on display again today
in the Woman’s building and annex
from two to five and eight to ten.
The Week’s Sessions
Thursday, October 21
9:00 a. m. Music Symposium,
Music Auditorium.
10:30 a. m. Semi-Centennial
Assembly—Annual Pledge Day,
Woman’s building.
2:00 p. m. Symposium on Art
and Aesthetics, Music audito
4:00 p. m. Dedication of the
site of the Fine Arts building,
a Memorial to Prince L. Camp
bell, late president of the Uni
Friday, October 22
10:00 a. m. Dedication of
Deady hall, leeture room, Deady
2:30 p. m. Memorial to Presi
dent John W. Johnson, Guild
theater, Johnson hall.
7:00 p. m. Annual Homecom
ing Eally, Eugene Armory.
Saturday, October 23
10:00 a. m. Alumni meeting,
Guild theater, Johnson hall.
12:00 p. m. Annual Homecom
ing luncheon, men’s gymnasium.
2:00 p. m. Annual Homecoming
football game, Stanford vs. Ore
gon, Hayward field.
8:00 p. m. Alumni Reception,
Alumni hall, Woman’s building.
Sunday, October 24
2-4 p. m. Final day of display
of the Murray Warner exhibit.
4:30 p. m. University Vespers,
Music auditorium.
Student Directories
Will Be Ready Friday
The student directory will be off
the press October 22, and after that
time will be available at Jack Bene
fiel’s office for 25 cents a copy.
The directory will contain the
name, class, university and home
addresses, and telephone nnmber of
every university student. Names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of
the faculty will also be included, as
well as the names of all living or
ganizations and their telephone num
Old Chinese Paintings Recall Beauty
And Splendor Of Ancient Dynasties
\ --
Perfection of Design Still Retained; Panels Show
Characteristics of Their Periods
Mellow browns, soft blues, rich
old roses, and other shades sugges
tive of another age, an age when
Oriental rulers were truly monarehs
of all they surveyed—an age when
splendor, brilliant and colorful, sur
rounded those lords and masters who
ruled grandly and ruthlessly—hang
from the walls of the exhibiting
room in the school of art and archi
tecture building this week. They
seem to lend to the room a feeling
somewhat mysterious, (somewhat
reminiscent of those days when
they, in all their brilliance of color
adorned the walls and screens of
some Chinese lord. Today they are
faded, but with their fading has
come an added mellowness, a soft
ness, a rich glow which has manag
ed to atone for the loss of their or
iginal gayety.
As one glances around the room
letting his eyes linger here and
there upon some very lovely paint
ing, he sees some which are still
quite well preserved regardless of
years of gradual fading, others
quite brown with age. Some are so
old, so brown, that they look as
though they had been discolored
perchance by the heavy smoke of
an opium den. These are among
the most charming of tho group.
In all of them are found charac
teristics of the dynasty during
which they were painted. If the
paintings are closely studied accord
ing to their respective dynasties it
can be seen that Chinese art of that
time went through various stages
just as art did some hundreds of
years later in Europe. Several
pieces displayed which are fruit of
the renaissance period that took
place in the Ming dynasty are very
pleasing. They show a brilliance
and elegance in treatment.
In all these works the pattern is
of greatest interest, as it is in all
Chinese art. They are all highly
decorative and most of them seem
almost perfect in design. Their
rhythm is very pleasing as is their
balance, unity, and harmony. Be
ing an artist who is most interested
in the- decorative effect of his work,
the Chinese devotes himself large
ly to detail. His mastery of it is
beautifully presented in all of these
The entire group of paintings in
this showing are examples of the
best art of these periods and beauti
ful remembrances of a people who
were masters of their work.
U. of W. Alumni
In Eugene Rap
Hartley Action
Dr. Suzzallo Honored at
Luncheon; Resolutions
Show Spirit
The policy of Governor Hartley
and his board of regents toward
higher education in general and the
University of Washington in partic
ular, was criticised yesterday in a
resolution passed by a group of
Washington alumni residents in Eu
gene. The occasion was a luncheon
at the Anchorage yesterday noon,
tendered Dr. Henry Suzzallo, lately
deposed from the presidency of the
University of Washington by a
board of regents whose majority
was appointed by Governor Hartley.
It was explained by those pres
ent at the luncheon that the res
olutions were introduced on the in
itiative of Dr. Suzzallo’s hosts and
that they were passed without any
suggestion on his part that action
be taken. The resolution, signed by
twelve former Washingtonians, fol
“Besolved, that we, graduates,
former students, and friends of the
University of Washington, deplore
the spirit of uninformed hostility
toward higher education which char
acterizes the policy of the present
governor of Washington, as worked
out by his board of regents;
“That in our opinion time will
reveal an increasing harvest of ills
for the university through the ar
bitrary acts of those on whom the
control of a great educational in
stitution has been unwisely bestow
“That the people of the state of
Washington should, at the earliest
opportunity, come to the rescue of
their system of higher education
and reassure the friends of the uni
versity and enlightened observers
the country over that the institu
tion which means so much to the
future of Washington is not to be
thrown to the wolves by politicians
who neither love it nor understand
Those present at the meeting
were: Dr. Henry Suzzallo, former
president of the University of Wash
ington, who was a guest of the
group; Kai Jensen, instructor in the
school of education; Stanley Orne,
representative of the Oregonian;
Professor George S. Turnbull of the
school of journalism; Professor F.
L. Stetson, of the school of educa
tion; Mrs. F. L. Stetson; Mrs. Alice
H. Ernst, assistant professor in Eng
lish department; Dr. fb L. Packard,
professor in the geology depart
ment; Margaret L. Daigh, instructor
in the household arts department;
Mrs. Lois Osborne Casey; Balph D.
| Casey, associate professor in the
school of journalism; Maude I.
Kerns, assistant professor in the
school of architecture and allied
arts; and Dr. Budolph H. Ernst, as
sociate professor in the English de
Fijis Nose Out
Kappa Sigma in
Over-time Play
Game Ends 19 All; Extra
Ten Minutes Needed
For Play-off
Story book basketball featured
the Fiji victory of 23 to 21 over
Kappa Sigma yesterday afternoon.
Two periods of over-time play, fivo
minutes each, were needed to reach
a decision.
With the tally 21 to 19 in favor
of the Kappa Sigs, and with only
10 seconds left in the first over
time stanza, Gray, Fiji forward,
heaved the ball toward the basket.
Up it arched, then swooped down-'
blew his whistle to end the game,
ward, and just as the time-keeper
the spheroid swished through the
basket in regulation fiction style.
The second and last over-time
period waf more cautious, each
team fearing the results of fouling
an opponent. Hosford converted the
winning goal for Phi Gamma Delta.
Good basketball was played by
both teams, neither having a partic
ularly outstanding star, though Mc
Kay, Kappa Sigma, and McDonald,
Fiji, had an edge on their cohorts
in marksmanship.
Sigma Phi Epsilon trounced Al
pha. Beta Chi in a one-sided mas
sacre following the Fiji-Kappa Sig
struggle, the final count being 32
to 7. Bichard “Big” Horn, lengthy
Spee center, chalked up 14 points
on his own account.
Phi Gamma Delta 23 Kappa Sig 21
Gray (6) .f. Burdge (2)
McDonald (9) Horsfeldt (2)
Schmeer .c. McKay (13)
Loughlin (4) ._g. Cheney
Hosford (4) .g. Dale (4)
Sig Phi Ep 32 Alpha Beta Chi 7
Tetz (4) .f. Semler
Dutton (7) .f. Weinrick
E. Horn (14) .c. Fields (2)
Hermance (7) -g. Gale (5)
Buzan ..g.. Bobberson
Harold Kirk, Former
Oregon Student, Weds
“No man is a hero to his valet,”|
bul the same doesn’t apply to pri
vate secretaries. Harold Kirk, who,:
previous to this year, was a student I
in journalism, and is now acting in I
the capacity of assistant editor of
the Ojai, California, newspaper, was
married to his secretary, Alberta ]
Graves, of Ojai, Monday, October 11.
While on the campus Kirk was
associate editor of the Daily Em
erald, and prominent in other jour
nalistic work.
Miss Graves is employed as secre
tary of the Ojai Publishing Com
A mistake in Emerald make-up
yesterday caused several stanzas of
Symphony III to appear at the end
of Symphony V of Walter Evans ;
Kidd’s “To University of Oregon.” j
Game Seating
Is Now Ready
Section Reserved for 1000
Stanford Rooters
Under Cover
No Charge Made for
Student Body Tickets
Temporary Bleachers to
Be Built
/CONTRARY to reports which
have been circulating on the
campus for the past several days,
University students will not have to
pay for admission to the Homecom
ing game. According to Jack Bene
fiel, graduate manager, tickets are
available at the Co-op with the pre
sentation of your own student body
ticket. These tickets are for stu
dents only, and cannot be purchased.
Ticket sales have been going good
but there are still 2000 reserved
seats yet available. Each mail
brings application for a few more
and by Friday tickets will be at a
Railroad Fare Cheap
Everyone in the state is giving
the proper co-operation which should
make the Oregon-Stanford game at
tendance the largest in the history
of the University. Railroad fares
are on a one and one-third basis
from any station in the state to
Eugene. A round trip ticket gives
the purchaser until Monday, October
25, as a return date.
In order that seats will be avail
able for everyone, workmen are busy
this week constructing a temporary
bleacher on the south end of the
field. 'This new section will contain
850 uncovered seats and brings Hay
ward field’s seating capacity to ap
proximately 16,000. The covered
seating capacity now amounts to
Lemon-yellow rooters will have
the pick of the seats this year. Ac
cording to the graduate manager,
3000 choice seats have been reserv
ed in the north end of the new
grandstand. This will include sec
tions K, L, M, and part of N and
will be accessable through gates 9,
10 and 11. Located in the Oregon
rooting section will be the band out
fitted in new lemon-yellow uniforms.
Stanford Rooters to Come
.uucaiea next to the Oregon yell
ing section have been reserved 1000
seats for Stanford alumni and root
ers. It is reported that quite a del
egation of Cardinal rooters are mak
ing the trip north'.
The Order of the “O” will have
their customary procession preced
ing the game. The “O” parade
starts from the barracks, marching
through the main gate and around
the field. Bleacher seats will be con
structed fo% the former athletes in
front, of the west grandstand.
Many Ushers Appointed
Taking no chances with excited
football crowds, the managerial staff
has appointed a large number of
committeemen who will work in con
junction with a large corps of ush
ers, so everything will be system
atically worked out. The doors open
at 12 o ’clock, with the band giving
a concert beginning at 1:15. At 2
o’clock the opening kick-off will
start plays determining the super
iority of Coach “Pop” Warner’s red
shirtcd Cardinals and Coach John
•T. McEwan’s lemon-yellow varsity.
Committees in charge of accom
modations at the game include Paul
Sletton, west stand head usher;
Harold Brumfield, east stand head
usher; Bob Warner, traffic; Harold
Socolofsky, ticket takers; Bob Over
street, ticket sellers; Dave Adolph,
Oregon team; and Stewart Ball,
Stanford team.
Former Professor
Writes From Boston
John B. Siefert, who was former
ly a professor in the school of music,
is now teaching music in Boston,
Mass. The following letter was re
ceived by Sol Abramson, editor of
the Emerald, from Mr. Siefert:
Dear Sol: It’s a far cry from Bos
ton, Mass., to Eugene, Ore., but I
know of no better way to keep in
touch with campus affairs than by
reading the “Emerald,” so, immed
iately upon receipt of these lines,
will you kindly enter my subscrip
tion for the year. I do not know
what the charges are, otherwise I
would enclose a check.
Kindest greeting)* to you from
Bob Dart and myself. Sincerely,
Homecoming Smoker
Planned for Friday
IYE ’im a right? Atta
VJboy hid, sock him again!”
When yotj hear such as this you
will know that tho seniors and
alums are enjoying the annual
Homecoming smoker to ba held
in the men’s gymnasium Friday
night after the rally. Ward Cook,
general chairman for the smoker,
announced yesterday that the
committee plans to present a
snappy two-hour program with
something going on all the time.
Six peppy bouts of wrestling and
boxing have boen lined up and
there will also be several clever
The committee in charge in- j
eludes Ward Cook, general chair- 1
man; Joe Prico, Don Jefferies, |
Maurice Collins, and Algot Wes- i
tergren, program; Peter Ermler,
Lawrence Armand, and Bill
Adams, arrangements; Elton
Schroeder, Doc Elwood, Wilford
Long, refreshments; Howard Os
wald, and Kirk Bolligor, fin
ance; Wilbur Wester, publicity.
Fraternities are asked to wait
until the Homecoming smoker is
over to hold thfe house smokers.
Oregon Jo Have
Lively Big Rally
Friday Evening
Students to Meet at 6:30
On Sigma Chi Corner
For Pajamerino
Starting from tho Sigma Chi cor
ner at 6:30 p. m. Friday, Oregon stu
dents will participate in one of tho
liveliest Homecoming rallies ever
given before a Webfoot grid clash.
From this corner, all tho men on
tho campus will start a pajamerino
parade to tho armory. Tho commit
tee in charge of tho parade have put
but one restriction on tho attire for
the evening—that it not bo formal.
Pajamas or any clever costume will
bo very much in place for the even
The route of tho parade is: start
ing from tho Sigma Chi corner and
down to Eleventh street; down Elev
enth to Willamette and from there
over to the armory. A colorful spec
tacle will bo presented when the
rally-marchers go down to the arm
ory, with every student carrying a
flaming torch.
wnen the parade reaches 'Willam
ette, it will bo temporarily halted to
view the firework display on top of
Skinner’s butte. Immediately after
this display, the “Flaming O” will
bo set afire. An enlarged replica of
the present “O” on Skinner's butte
is being constructed by the fresh
men at the present time, and the
burning of this large “O” will cast
a glow over the entire city.
After the burning of the “O,” the
rally pajade will march to the arm
ory, where an unusually peppy pro
gram has been arranged. The Ore
gon band, in new uniforms, will
play a part in the program, while
the American Legion drum corps
will be on hand to furnish some
lively music.
In the lino of speakers and other
parts of the program, the rally com
mittee has promised something quite
different and is expected to play an
effective part in the revival of the
Oregon Fight.
At the conclusion of the program,
the seniors and alumni will meet in
the men’s gym for the annual Home
coming alumni smoker. Further en
tertainment has been arranged for
this event.
__ )
Booster Organizations
Will Assemble Tonight
There will be a meeting of the
members of Oregon Knights, Grak
os, Tokolos, and freshman, sopho
more, and junior athletic managers
tonight at 7:30 in 110 Johnson hall.
It is imperative that all members
of these organizations be there.
Please bring your student body
tickets. They will be exchanged for
special passes.
Students’ Autos Are
Taboo at Big Game
All students owning cars are re
quested to leave them at home dur
ing the Stanford-Oregon game Sat
urday. It will greatly assist those
in handling traffic if students will
oo-operate with the managers in
this matter.
Social Science
History T opics
Of Symposia
| Ancient Beginnings and
Modern Problems
Dr. Paxson Declares
Borders Bar Solution
Eva Emery Dye Calls First
Schools Frontier Forts
"VrESTERDAY’S program of the
symposia, which included sub
jects of history and social science,
was developed by six speakers, all of
national prominence. Dr. Frederick
Logan Paxson, professor of history in
the University of Wisconsin, talked
on “The Trail of Our Border.” Dr.
| TIenry D. Sheldon, dean of the
school of education, detailed “The
Pioneer Stage in the History of the
University of Oregon, 1872 to 1885.”
“Forts on the Frontier” was hand
led by Mrs. Eva Emery Dye. The
morning’s symposium was conclud
ed by Dr. Joseph Schafer, super
intendent of tho Wisconsin State
Historical society, who spoke on the
problem of “Modernizing tho Uni
versity of Oregon.”
Speakers for the afternoon social
science symposium were Dr. Frank
LeRond McVey, president of the
University of Kentucky, whose sub
ject was: “The University as a Me
diator;” and Dean Willard Eugene
Hotchkiss, dean of tho graduate
I school of business, Stanford univer
sity, on “Human Relations in In
Borders Are Barriers
Dr. Paxson, in his address on
“The Trail of Our Border Life,”
declared that American life is still
traveling in “border ruts;” i. c.,
influences resulting from pioneer
life. Dr. Paxson, one of the best
known historians of the West, was
the first speaker of the history sym
posium held yesterday morning at
nine o’clock ^in tho music audito
Among the modern problems whose
lack of settlement he attributed to
pioneer customs were prohibition,
farmer’s surplus and the Monroe
doctrino as tho most successful pol
“It may be laid down as an axiom
that when the governing centers
in our life have enacted regulations
that depend upon personal assent
for their enforcement, those regula
tions have had little weight upon
the border unless they have harmon
ized with the local opinion there,”
Dr. Paxson said.
Jjocai option Needed
He developed this idea from the
days when smuggling of slaves, and
earlier still of ammunition, up to the
present time when bootlegging is
the main source of worry to those
Volstead sympathizers.
As a moans of overcoming this
problem, the speaker advocated loc
al legislation for local problems, and
national handling of only the prob
lems that are not sectional in na
ture. Through no other means will
all be willing to follow the laws,
and will all judge without personal
feelings entering in when voting.
Hr. H. D. Sheldon spoke on “The
Uioitecr Stage in the History of the
University of Oregon, 1872 to 1885."
In tracing the growth which was
inspired by the National Ordinance
of 1787 which set aside two town
ships in each state as providing rev
enue for educational institutions,
I)r. Sheldon said: “In 1872, $40,000
school lands in Oregon and the gov
ernor at that time proposed that
the money be turned over to the
community who put up a building."
Eugene Gets School
Eugene, although solicited by
Thomas F. Campbell of the school at
Monmouth to aid that town in pro
viding the required building, saw
its own opportunity, and with the
help of local people, gained the
state’s promise to establish the
school here if it could construct a
$50,000 building within the next two
years. This time was extended an
other two years however, because
the plan of individual taxation and
of popular subscription, arranged by
the Union University Association of
Eugene and which was hoped to
bring in the required sum, was a
Mrs. Eva Emery Dye of Oregon,
author of “McLoughlin and Old
Oregon” and other books of pioneer
life, traced the development of col
leges and universities in her “Forts
of the Frontier."
University Needs Named
The universities of today must
be freed from such elementary
(Continued on page four)