Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 15, 1926, Image 1

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    VOLUME xxvra
Will Feature
Oregon Fight
At Big Rally
Pajama Parade Will Have
Record Number in
Line of March
Program of Rally
Kept in Secrecy
Former Grid Heroes to Be
In Attendance
THE keynote of the Homecom
ing rally this year will be
the reincarnation of the “Old Ore
gon Fight,” and from the time the
pajamarino parade leaves the cam
pus until the last loyal Oregon stu
dent files out of the armory, after
the rally assembly, enthusiasm and
fight will reign paramount.
The general outline of the rally
program starts with the formation
of a parade of 3000 students at the
Sigma Chi corner in pajama attire.
The parade will march down to Wil
lamette street in torch-light forma
tion, with the yell staff leading in
Oregon veils.
“O” to Be Burned
With the student body at Wil
lamette street, attention will be
focused on Skinner’s butte, where
the flaming “O” will be set afire,
preceeded by a skyrocket display.
The flaming “O” will replace the
old freshman bonfire, and it ie ex
pected that the blazing “O” will be
more symbolistic of Oregon victory
than the heretofore frosh bonfire.
The rally parade then will march
down Willamette street in noisy pro
cession under the light of torches to
the armory. Bill James, rally chair
man, refuses to 4pve out much in
formation on the program at the
rally, but he promises that the pro
gram will instill the thought of vic
tory in every student, even to the
most doubtful grid fan.
Former Warriors to Attend
A number of former Oregon grid
heroes will be on the stage to urge
the varsity on to victory, while the
Oregon band, in the new uniforms,
will be on hand to play. Accord
ing to present plans, the American
Begion drum corps will also be at
the rally.
The rally at the armory will be of
a different nature than the one of
last year. The committee is enthus
iastic over the present plans and pre
dicts that the 1926 rally will be
one of the outstanding pep-assem
blies ever staged at Oregon.
The whole rally program will be
over fairly early in the evening, and
following, there will be an alumni
and senior smoker at the men’s gym.
For former order of the “O” men,
a banquet and attractive program
has been arranged for the same
University Band to
Don Nifty Uniforms
Declares Director
'“We must have a band that the
University will be proud of,” de
clared W. L. Ferris, director of the
organization yesterday. “We have
a wealth of material, and if the
students co-operate and lend their
efforts, there is no reason we can
not have a band unsurpassed in any
other college.”
At present, there is instrumental i
material sufficient for three bands,
according to Mr. Ferris. They will
be ranked according to ability. The
first band will give a student con
cert soon, he added, while the third
band will be used as a training
school for those students who have
had little experience in band work.
The members of the B. O. T. C.
band will wear their regular cadet j
uniforms, but those in the Univer
sity band will have broadcloth uni
forms of special design. “These |
will consist of four pieces,” said
Mr. Ferris, “«blouse, breeches, Sam ^
Brown belt, and cap. The belt will
be of regulation style. The blouse
will be of green and in the same
■general pattern as those worn by
the American Legion drum corps of
Eugene. The cap will be in the
Pershing army style with a green
crown, yellow band, leather visor
and chin strap.”
John Barron Chosen
Glee Club Accompanist
The members of the men’s glee
■club held their first monthly “get
together” supper last evening at
the Anchorage, for the purpose of
discussing the plans of the organiza
John Barron has been chosen as
accompanist for the club, and on the
annual tour will act as piano soloist.
“Oter the Top" Drive
Of Y. W. C. A. Wins
<<4^VYER the top!” is the mot
to of the Y. W. C. A. fin
ance drive -winch terminates at
5 o ’clock this afternoon. Five
living organizations have exceed
ed their last year’s quota. The
victorious houses so far are: Kap
pa Kappa Gamma, Gamma Phi
Beta, Alpha Chi Omega, Sigma
Beta Phi and Hendricks hall.
Hendricks alone has raised $68
and Katherine Kneeland, who is
in charge of the campaign in that
organization, promises to report
more today.
Pep talks will be given by
Beatrice Mason, Julia Wilson and
Pauline Stewart in various cam
pus living organizations today at
luncheon. All committee mem
bers will make their final report
at 5:00 this afternoon at the Y.
W. C. A. bungalow.
“Girls, work your hardest, this
last report must be a good one,”
is the final word of advice given
by the chairman.
Dr. Ely, Noted
Economist, to
Lecture Today
Students Privileged to
Hear Noted Scientist
At Eleven
Dr. Richard T. Ely, noted econ
omist and head of the bureau of
farm economics at Northwestern
University, will arrive in Eugene
early fliis morning from Hood River
where he has been attending the
Reclamation Congress. Immediately
upon Dr. Ely’s arrival he will pro
ceed .to” President Hall’s residence
where he will be entertained. Dr.
Hall and Dr. Ely were former as
sociates on the University of Wis
consin faculty, Dr. Ely being a pro
fessor in the economics department.
Dr. Ely’s first appearance will be
this morning before Mr. Gilbert’s
class in public financing in room
106 Commerce building at eleven
o’clock. He will discuss some phases
of American land policy and prob
lems of reclamation. Students not
enrolled in this class are invited to
attend. Additional seats will be
available. This will be the only op
portunity for undergraduate students
to hear Dr. Ely during his stay on
the campus.
rnis evening tne social science
club and members of the faculty
will hear an address by Dr. Ely on
some phase of research. This will
be given at 6 p. m. tonight at the
Anchorage. Faculty members desir
ing to attend should make reserva
tions through Ralph Casey, secre
tary of the Social Science club.
Saturday Dr. Ely will accompany
Dr. Warren D. Smith on a trip into
the coast range mountains where
students in geology will make inves
tigations. Dr. Smith is a class friend
of the distinguished economist, hav
ing known him during several years
of residence at Madison, Wisconsin.
Saturday evening Dr. Ely will
meet with graduate students at the
Anchorage at 7:30 and will again
discuss with them the field of re
search from the standpoint of the
graduate student.
“Probably no American econom
ist,” says Mr. Gilbert, “has done
more to stimulate and direct research
in the social sciences than Dr. Rich
ard T. Ely, formerly of Wisconsin,
but now connected with a research
bureau on land economics at North
western University. No graduate
student can afford to miss the stim
ulus of personal contact with one of
the best minds in the field of social
Dr. Ely has written several texts
on subjects dealing with economics,
and is considered as an authority on
many subjects.
Personnel for Oregon
Orchestra Selected
The personnel of the University
orchestra for this year, chosen as
the result of the tryouts held last
week, is composed of twenty-two
men and women.
Those playing- the first violin are:
Kenneth Brown, Estelle Johnson,
Margaret Inwood, Katherine Kirk,
and Charlotte Hilliard; second vio
lin—Roy Ford, Martha Patterson,
Pearl Taylor, Alice Dellar, and
Mabel Kullander; violas—Bertha
Aim, Esther Layton, and Esther
Wicks; piano — Helen Falcner;
trumpets—Lawrence Wagner, Wil
liam Sievers; fine—C. M. Haeske;
bassoon—John Sprouse; cello—
Roberta Spicer, Miriam Little; bass
viol—Evelyn Mortimore; drums—
Martin Geary.
Big Contests
On Schedule
For Week-End
Aggies Invade Bear’s Lair;
Rated Weak
Huskies Tackle Idaho
As Oregonians Rest
Warner Says Stanford
Team Is Poor
Coast Conference Standings
Oregon Aggies . 1 0 1000
Washington . 1 0 1000
Idaho . 1 0 1000
Southern California 1 0 1000
Oregon .0 1 .000
Washington State 0 1 .000
Montana . 0 2 .000
California . 0 0 .000
Stanford . 0 0 .000
TOMOBBOW afternoon every
coast conference football team
swings into action with the excep
tion of the Oregon varsity. How
ever, all are not playing conference
games. The biggest game scheduled
for this week-end is between the
Oregon Agricultural college and the
University of California at Berkeley.
Yesterday morning Coach Paul J.
Schissler and 28 grid warriors, with
the cry, “California, here we come,”
boarded the Shasta at Albany for
Berkeley. So high is the enthusiasm
on the Aggie campus that over 250
students and business men are mak
ing the trip south.
O. A. C. Favored
To date the Aggies have made a
very impressive showing. The huge
Orange and Black machine has scor
ed 139 points to its opponents ’ 6.
Coach “Nibs” Price’s Golden Bears
have done nothing outstanding. In
their first game of the season, the
Santa Clara outfit fell before a 13
to 6 attack. The Olympic club* proved
a set up, 32 to 0, but last Saturday
they met defeat at the hands of
the St. Mary’s eleven, 26 to 7.
In Seattle tomorrow the Washing
ton Huskies entertain the Univer
sity of Idaho Vandals. Each have
won a conference game. The Wash
ington State Cougars after a 16 to
7 defeat at the hands of the South
ern California Trojans are ready tQ
play their first home game against
the University of Montana.
Cards Have Tilit
The Southern California Trojans
and Stanford Cardinals are both
playing non-conference teams. The
Occidental college eleven invades
the Los Angeles campus. “Pop”
Warner’s red-shirted Cardinals meet
the crafty University of Nevada
grid machine. Each year this eleven
makes a trip to the eoast and throws
a big scare into the heart of some
football coach.
While the rest of the conference
teams are in action Coaeh John J.
McEwan will be taking advantage
of the rest period and put his men
through a strenuous practice. By
the end of next week each player
will be ready to give the Cardinals
(Continued on page two)
Order of “O” Is
Proud Owner of
Six Vice-moguls
Reinhart Gets High Job
As Frosh Paddlers
Elect Officers
At the first meeting of the Order
of the “O” held yesterday, Frank
Reinhart, baseball letterman for the
past two seasons, was elected presi
dent for the ensuing year. Fred
West was elected secretary-treasur
er. A new idea was started in the
way of a vice-president. Six vice
presidents were elected, each repre
senting one of the four major and
two minor sports of the campus.
Those elected included Beryl Hod
gen, football; Roy Okerberg, basket
ball; Ed Crowley, track; Bill Baker,
baseball; George Mead, tennis; and
Donald McCook, swimming.
These new-plan vice-presidents will
act as a committee but any business
arising pertaining to any one in
dividual sport will be turned over
to that respective vice-president.
According to President Reinhart this
will give each sport of the campus
equal importance.
Plans have already been formulat
ed for Homecoming. This is one of
the big occasions for the Order of
(Continued on page two)
Homecoming Slogan
Won by J. H. Gilbert
<<T TOME to honor Oregon”
will be the Homecoming
slogan this year, written by Dr.
J. H. Gilbert, acting dean of the
This makes the fourth time Dr.
Gilbert’s slogan has been ac
cepted. His former ones were:
“Home to meet ’em back to beat
’em,” “Home hello hit the husk
ies,” and “Back to back our Ore
The Homecoming committee
hought the slogan chosen this
year especially appropriate for
the Semi-Centennial celebration
as well as a good Homecoming
and the game. Houses are asked
to start building their signs to
interpret the slogan immediately.
Schedule List
For Oregana
Pictures Ready
Chien Fei Ting Named
, As Art Director
Of Year Book
In order that work may progress
mote rapidly on the 1927 Oregana
a schedule has been arranged with
Kennel-Ellis for having pictures
made. Sittings are to begin im
mediately so that there will be no
last minute confusion in regard to
pictures, according to Frances Bour
hill, editor of the publication.
As considerable time has been
spent in arranging this schedule, it
is urged that all houses and groups
co-operate with the editor in regard
to the time and date of their ap
pointments with the photographers.
These will start October 19 and con
tinue regularly until December 8.
The appointment of Chien Fei
Ting, Chinese student, as art direct
or was announced yesterday after
noon. The editor feels that this is
a very important step as the entire
scheme for decorating the book is
The dummies of all sections are
to be in by November 14, at which
time it will be possible to announce
the approximate number of pages
to be in the entire issue.
The schedule of organizations to
have pictures taken for the Ore
gana, and the student in charge in
each organization follows:
October 19: Sigma Nu, Lawrence
October 20: Alpha Tau Omega,
Ronald Hubbs.
October 21: Alpha Chi Omega,
Marian Sten.
October 25: Beta Theta Pi, Jack
October 26: Alpha Phi, Barbara
October 27: Kappa Sigma, Robert
October 28: Phi Delta Theta,
Ralph Staley. *
October 29: Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Ronald Sellers.
October 30: Alpha Xi Delta, Beth
.November i: Aappa Alpha Theta,
Virginia Lee Kiehardson.
November 2: Sigma Chi, Dick
November 3: Theta Chi, Fred
November 4: Delta Zeta, Betty
November 5: Sigma Alpha Epsil
on, Bill Prendergast.
November 6: Phi Kappa Psi, Don
November 8: Pi Beta Phi, Claudia
November 9 and 10: Hendricks
hall, Alice Kraeft.
November 12: .Kappa Omicron,
Flossie Badabaugh.
November 13: Alpha Beta Chi, *
Wilford Long.
November 15: Friendly hall, Joe
November 16: Friendly hall, Al
len Canfield.
November 17 and 18: Susan
Campbell hall, Buth Corey.
November 19: Delta Tau Delta,
Chi Psi, Clayton Meredith, Jack :
November 20: Gamma Phi Beta,
Virginia Bailey.
November 22: Psi Kappa, Lamb-:
da Psi, Elwood Enke, Pete Ermler.;
November 23: Chi Omega, Bea-,
trice Harden.
November 24: Alpha Gamma Del
ta, Sigma Pi Tau, Art Schoeni.
November 29: Delta Gamma, El- '
izabeth Beans.
November 30: Sigma Beta Phi,
Tau Nu, Maurine Lombard, Mar
garet Pepoon.
December 1: Delta Delta Delta,
Alice MeKinnon.
December 2: Phi Gamma Delta,
(Continued on page two)
Committee Of
Seniors Listed
For Book Sale
Life of Late P. L. Campbell
Work of Historian
Of Note
Group to Hold Initial
Meeting Tonight at 5
Campaign to Be Handled
By 45 Students
\ COMMITTEE of 45 seniors
*who will have charge of the sale
of the new memorial biography of
Prince Lucien Campbell during the
week of the Semi-Centennial and
Homecoming 'celebrations have been
appointed and will be given their
directions at a meeting this even
At a preliminary meeting last
night Ralph Staley, chairman of the
committee, laid before the group
the plans and presented a sched
ule which will govern the working
of ithe group.
Authentic Biography
The book which is to be sold is
the work of Dr. Joseph Schafer,
[superintendent of the Wisconsin
Historical society and former pro
fessor of history on the Oregon
campus during the regime of Prinee
Campbell. Dr. Schafer is a histor
ian of note and his personal collec
tion of material concerning some of
Ithe leading men of the United
States is of great value.
Besides the advantage which the
book possesses in being written by
an expert historian it also has a
personal touch which could not be
obtained except through a man
who was personally acquainted with
the late president. Realizing the
true merits of the book and its
worthy cause the senior class of
1927 has offered to sponsor the sale
of the publication and to back the
printing of it to the extent of
Committee Appointed
Those seniors who will make up
the committee are: Esther Crad
dock, Glenna Fisher, Grace Oobb,
Lee Luders, Harriet Dezendorf,
Marie Schulderman, Virginia Keat
ing, Helen Davidson, Kathryn In
wood, Harriett Ross, Myrtle Mast,
Flossie Radabaugh, Alice Kraeft,
Anne Runes, Audrey Lundy, Edith
Shell, ^taurine Johnston, Alice Ol
sen, Lucille Pearson, Katherine
Graef, Dorothy Ward, Georgia
Davidson, Adelaide Johnson, Doris
Brophy, Beatrice Harden, Camille
Burton, Catherine Struplere, Eliza
beth Beans, Lee Rapp, Milton Rico,
Howard Osvald, Berwyn Maple,
Louis Dammasch, Wilford Long,
Joyce Albert, Kirk Bollinger, El
ton Schroeder, A1 Westergren, Bob
Boggs, Harold Llewelyn, Lloyd By
erly, John Walker, Veryl Flynn,
Lowell Hobblit, Harold Barthell.
Meeting At 5 o’clock
Every member of the committee
is expected to appear at the uneet
ing which will be held at 5 o ’clock
this evening in room 105 Journal
ism building. At this time the en
tire plans will be presented and a
complete schedule for the workers
worked odt. This will be Ithe last
meeting of the committee, so every
member will have to attend for the
purpose of receiving' directions.
School of Music
Gives Program
For Assembly
Centennial Program
Open to Members
Of A. S. U. 0.
A large audience of students and
faculty yesterday were present at
the first weekly assembly of the
year devoted to a musical program
sponsored by the University of Ore
gon school of music, which was
opened with a selection by the Uni
versity orchestra, “Coronation
March,” by Kutscbmeer, under the
direction of Bex Underwood.
Although John Stark Evans, who
was presiding, requested that no en
cores be asked for by tho audience,
because of lack of time, the num
bers were enthusiastically applaud
Among the features of the morn
ing were included a trumpet solo
by Lawrence Wagner, “Carnaval of
Venice,” by Arban; bassoon solo
played by John Sprouse; and a harp
selection, “The Song of the Volga
(Continued on page four)
Frosh Girls Needed
For Pennant Making
<<T)BING your scissors and re
- -O port at the Y. W. C. A.
bungalow prepared to make
Homecoming pennants,” is the
messago sent to freshman girls
by <tho Freshman Commission.
There are 4000 pennants to make
and five more days in which to
make them, so full co-operation
will be needed. Freshman Com
mission, under the guidanco of
its new officers, Beatrice Mil
ligan, president, Eleanor Poor
man, vice-presidqpt, and Mar
jorie Whetzel, secretary, is un
dertaking the work.
Sophomore girls have been ap
pointed in each living organiza
tion to ask the freshman girls to
report. A large number helped
yesterday, and it is hoped that
the enthusiasm will continue
throughout the rest of the week.
The money gained from the pen
nants will be given to Women’s
League for its ^foreign Scholar
Get-wise Party
Time Changed
To Afternoon
Big Sister Requested to
Bring Little Sisters
To Party
The Get-Wise party for fresh
men women, sponsored by the Wom
en’s League, which was to be given
Saturday evening from 7 to 9, has
been changed to Saturday afternoon
from 3 to 5 on account of the nu
merous pledge dances scheduled for
Saturday evening that would con
flict with it.
All-Big Sisters are urged to at
tend the party and bring their
Little Sisters. “To make the af
fair a success, it is absolutely neces
sary that we have the co-operation
of all Big Sisters,” says Kathryn
Ulrich, president of Women’s Lea
gue, “ and we . hope that every girl
will make it a point to bring her
Little Sister.”
Dean Esterly, Esther Hardy,
Myrtle Mast, Esther Setters and
Beatrice Peters will speak upon
various phases of campus activities
and talks will be given upon “De
partmental Societies” and “Class
Societies.” Madeline Normile is to
sing “Dumb and Devoted,” Kath
arine Martin and Ethel Crane will
give an Apache dance, and a ten
minute comedy a<$ is to be put on
by Alpha Omicron Pi. Between
numbers of the program there will
be dancing, with music furnished by
the Alpha Xi Delta orchestra. The
program is in charge of Mayanna
Sargent, and Esther Chase is chair
man of the refreshment committee.
Photograph Contract
For Coming Oregana
Let by Executive Body
Photograph work on the 1927 Ore
gana was let to Kennel-Ellis studio
at a meeting of the executive coun- j
oil Wednesday in Johnson hall, i
They were awarded tlio contract on
the same terms as last year. This
year they are giving especial atten
tion to tne University work and are
fitting a special room for this work.
Budgets for the Webfoot, Emerald '
and Homecoming expenses were ap
proved by the committee; also plans
of the building committee were ap
proved that call for a change in the
plans of the pavilion basement floor.
It was decided to make the entire
lower floor of the pavilion of white
cement. This will cut down the ex
pense on the building, according to
Frances Bourhill, editor of the
Oregana, announces that pictures
will be taken for the yearbook be
ginning Tuesday.
Two Students Injured
When Struck by Auto
Anita Williams and Sybil Weskil, I
juniors in the University, received
injuries when struck by a car while
crossing the street at Eleventh and
Kincaid. The accident occurred
about 1:30 yesterday afternoon.
Miss Williams was taken to the
infirmary where it was found she
had received two fractured ribs and
minor injuries to the head. However,
her condition was not reported as
serious and she is recovering satis-1
factorilv. Miss Weskil was able to i
return to her home, having received |
only a few scratches. Both girls are
members of Delta Zeta sorority.
! Sydney Team
Meets Oregon
Debate Men
Australian Debatorg Use
U. of O. Method of
Forensic Battle to Be
At Methodist Churclt
Beelar, Bailey Will Argue
Heathwood and Godsal
' | ''HE University debating team
will meet the University of
Sydney team at 8:15 in the Meth
odist church tonight. The Austra
lian team makes this their second
stop after reaching the states, in
their country wide debating tour.
The subject for the debate will
be: “Resolved, that it is to the best
interests of the United States that
the English cabinet system be adopt
ed.” This is a subject broad enough
to cover the faults and benefits of
hhe two forms of government.
Judge P. W. Skip worth will pre
side in place of Dr. Arnold Bennett
Hall who has found it impossible to
omciate Decausa
of his executive
duties. The audi
ence itself will act
as judges, sli^pa
will be passed out
among them ani
each member will
hand in his writ
ten decision.
The Oregon
team will take the
negative side ot
Donald Beelar 1"e8t,I0n- "■"*
ald Beelar anff
Ralph Bailey, both experienced
speakers, will represent the Uni
versity, and Sydney H. Henthwood,
John Godsal and Noel D. McIntosh
will uphold the Australian Univer
sity. The Sydney debaters are all
alumni of the University and hav*
had a great deal of experience ok
the subject.
Karl Onthank, in speaking of tb*
debate, says, “This is a big thing.
It is important not only because it
is an international affair but be
cause an issue is at stake that is
important to every one of us.” J.
K. Horner, debate eoaeh, believes
that the Oregon men are well pre
pared to argue on the question but
that they will meet up with stiff
competition and will have to present
good substantial arguments to win.
Hugh Biggs, president of the stu
dent. body, commented: “I am deep
ly interested in forensics and their
success. The Oregon system used in
this debate is in my opinion a great
improvement over the old style de
bate, and both for this reason and
because the debate is an interna
tional one, it is well worth nttend
This will be the third interna
tional debate that the University
has taken part in. The previous de
uaies proved very
interesting- and at
trac ted large
crowds and it is
hoped that this
debate will bring
out an even great
er crowd.
University stu
dents will be ad
mitted with their
s t u dent tickets.
Townspeople can
obtain tickets for
idmission at Lara- Ralph Bailey
way’s music store. The price of
idmission0 will be fifty cents.
The outcome of tonight’s debate
will give some idea of what to ex
pect of the outcome of the radio
debate to be broadcast over the sta
tion K6W, the Oregonian at Port
and Saturday night. This will also
oe with the Australian debaters bat
Tack Hempstead and Benoit Me
Croskey will represent t#e TTniver
sity of Oregon. The subject for the
debate will be: “Resolved, that this
audience is opposed to the prohibi
tion of the liquor traffic.” The Ore
gon team will again uphold the neg
ative side of the subject.
Avoid Rush, Alpha Phi's
Jitney Dance Is Today
The first jitney dance of the sea
son will be given today from 2:45
to 5:45 by the Alpha Phi’s at their
chapter house.
Abby Green’s orchestra will sup
ply the music and for food there
will be lots of cider and doughnntn.
Dates may or may not be taken an
you desire, and students are advised
to come early and avoid the rush,
the girls announce.