Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene
lar Naah_Managing Editor Harold Mangum . Sports Editor
Philippa Sherman, Feature Editor
News and Editor Phones, 666
Calvin Horn - Associate Manager
Milton George _Advertising Manager
Bm Kinley _— Advertising Manager
M Ross — Foreign Advertising Manager
Herbert Lewis _ Ass’t. Advertising Mgr.
Francis McKenna . Circulation Manager
Bob Dutton ... Ass't. Circulation Manager <
Joe Neil, Ruth Street.. 1
.. Specialty Advertising
Alice McGrath . Specialty Advertising
Roberta Wella _ Office Administration
Day Editor This Issue—Bee Harden
Night Editor This Issue— Larry Thielen
Assistant— Eugene Laird
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of j
Che University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and. Monday during 1
the college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice ,
•t Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 per year. Adver
ttsing rates upen application. Residence phone, editor, 2293-L; manager, 1820.
Business office phone, 1895.
Unsigned comment in this column is written by the editor. Full responsibility
fti assumed by the editor for all editorial opinion.
IF any man seeks for greatness
let him forget greatness and
ask for truth, and he will find
both.—Horace Mann.
Abraham Lincoln and
The College Critics
AT regular intervals, much too
frequent, some prophet of pro
ress asks: “What would Abraham
Lincoln have been had he gone to
There can be no objection to these 1
queries except for the fact that
they are made out loud, and invari
ably find their way into tho news
papers. Tho question is usually ac
companied by an indictment of the
modern university, and wo are ex
pected to believe that the great men
of history would have becomo me
diocrities had they attended insti
tutions of higher learning.
One of tho moro recent indict
ments has come from a man well
known on the Oregon campus, Pro
fessor Charles E. Hugh, of the Uni
versity of California. After asking
the usual question, the professor
is quoted as saying:
“Abraham Lincoln would never
have been heard of if he had been
the graduate of a modern American
university. If Lincoln had had
knowledge heaped on him in the
manner that it is heaped on modern
youths, his brain would have become
so befuddled as to be useless to
While shedding a tear for tho sor
ry plight of modern youth, give
thanks to the forces of tho uni
verse, not only because America had
the Great Emancipator, but also,
aud most important, because h®
never attended a college.
Just think of tho possible course
of events if Lincoln had attended
collegfi! lie would probably havo
been an unknown lumber dealer,
■pccializing in fenco rails, and not
as “Honest Abe,” tho savior o£ his
land. Had Abraham Lincoln boen
to college, America might even now
be divided, slavery might bo flour
ishing, and tho whole course of tho
world thrown into channels differ
ent from what history now records.
IIow stupendous! Think of tho nar
row margin by which the* country
was savedl Whew! Wipe beads of
perspiration off your foreheads.
In tho interest of justice, we can
not let pass the belief that the idea
originated with the Californian. The
same tune has been played by many
other enlightened and well-meaning
citizens, outstanding among whom
was the famous and unbelievably
wise Arthur Brisbane. So you see,
the challenge may not be lightly dis
Just what tlio arguments of the
Hughs and the Brisbanes prove, we
are unable to find out. To all ob
vious purposes they are based on
useless conjecture. It’s the same old
merry-go-round: was Lincoln a great
man beeauso of or in spite of dif
ficulties and obstacles that stood in
his path.
Transplant the man to the Oregon
campus and of course ho seems out
of place. So would anyone else of
Lincoln’s time. Can you imagine
“.Honest Abo” participating in the
freshman parade, or even walking
several miles on a stormy night to
get a library book? Is it easy to
visualize the Great Emancipator,
from what wo know of his supposed
characteristics, sitting through an
accounting laboratory course? Cer
tainly not. And it is equally dif
ficult to visualizo the days when au
tomobiles and telephones were non
existant. As proof of any point,
transplantation of a static figure of
one age into an altogether different
period is worthless.
Fortunately, Professor Hugh of
fers the optimistic thought that the
next generation’s university will be
ns different from oars as night is
from day. How interesting!
An excellent bit of prophecy, but
oh, professor! not so very daring.
Does night follow day? Yes? Then
it is safe to predict that the uni
versities will change and progress.
If they do not keep pace with
changes in thought, tlioy are worth
less and might just as well quit
now as die later of stagnation. If
they had not progressed in the past,
tHey would not exist now.
All this is old, threadbare talk,
but no one has yet brought it suc
cessfully to the attention of the
apostles of light.
Poor Abo Lincoln. What a fino
hobby-horse ho is for these prophets
of progress. Oh well, that’s the price
he pays for fame and honor. He
should have gone to college and
thereby have found peace and ob
scurity in both life and death.
, Commun
More on the Plumbers
To the Editor: Tuesday’s editorial
of the Emerald entitled “Spoiling
Too Many Good Plumbers” brought
to surface of ray consciousness a
long discarded idea regarding the
purpose of education in a democ
racy. If you ask me why I discard
ed it, my reply would be, in the lirst
place that it was sporadic, and in
the second place that is was too
idealistic and incapable of becom
ing real. If you ask mo to narrato
it to von I would be at a loss as to
how to formulate it. if you insist
on me giving you some kind of an
answer, 1 will ask you tit go with
me to an educator, who, I am con
vinced, because of his experience in
education, will gladly tell us what
is the purposo of a state university
tn » democracy. His reply would I'o
somewhat as follows: The purpose
of education iu a state university
should bo an endeavor to develop in
pach individual the knowledge, in
terest, ideals, habits and powers,
whereby ho will fiud his place and
use that place to shape both himself
and society toward ever nobler ends.
Unquestionably you will agree
with me that his reply is brief but
sound. However, we needn’t be sat
isfied with his reply, but let us
•visit other educators, and confront
them with the same question. Their
experience in education, I believe,
qualifies them to give us a ruplv
not less valuable than the first.
The philosopher tells us that the
pur]Hise of education in a state usi
veraity is to enable those who seek
it to appreciate the contributions of
the nion that have gone on before
■m, and to use their contributions
as bases for improving conditions
in our own time and leave something
worthy of preservance for the fn
ture generations to use as a guide in
solving tho problems of their gen
The sociologist affirms that educa
tion’s purpose in a state university
is to help men to learn how to live
together peacefully and rationally,
serving one another in a brotherly
like manner.
The journalist however, asserts
that the purpose of education in a
state university is to prepare men
and women for tho future life in
order that they may live a better
and fuller life, to foster such ideas
that tend to bring about a fuller
understanding of each other's rights
and deal justly toward ono another.
The economist dismisses us with
this assertion: that the purpose of
education, in a stato university, is
to prepare men to utilize their time
and energy in an effort to make life
tor mankind more comfortable and
the scientist laconidy declares
that the purpose of education in a
state university is to assist the youth
in their quest for truth so that, they
may use that truth for the good of
themselves and society.
The psychologist with an adoles
cent enthusiasm emphatically de
clares that the aim of education in
a state university is to eliminate
ail fear from youth—to enable
them to face life’s problems cour
ageously and to solve them and not
run away from them—to instill in
them enthusiasm and unconquerable
desire to earnestly seek for truth—
to create in them a desire for a ra
tional and fuller appreciation of hu
man nature in all its forms which
will enable them to enjoy life to
the fullest extent.
Such, perhaps, would have been
the opinions of these educators, on
this question had we actually inter-,
viewed them. Their opinions be
come fundamentally the same, thefo-'
fore we can summarize them in some
such fashion as this: That the pur
pose of any state university is not
to reject those that didn’t happen'
to be the children of intellectual
aristocrats and keep those that are
—rather its purpose is to help every
individual that enters its gates, re
gardless of his family reputation,
to develop the best that is in him
which will enable him to render i
more effective and efficient service
his fellow men, regardless of wheth
to his fellow men, regardless of
whether or not his service is that
what not.
It happens that university stu
dents are not the descendants of
Locke, Hume, Kant, or Spencer; but
rather those of common people. And
I venture to say even Mr. Percy
Marks with his pseudo-aristocratic
conception of his origin, who seems
to be worried over misused plumber
material would be surprised at the
discovery that his ancestors ’(^
traced back far enough) were also
soil tillers—and that his intellectual
achievement is largely due to the
inspiration of some of his early
teachers, (to whom he is perhaps
not giving credit) and not wholly
on his intellectual inheritance.
The trouble lies in the kind of in
spiration the youth receives before
coming here; hence the necessity of
inspiring teachers in our public '
Freshman Assembly Thursday
morning at 9 o’clock in Yillard hall.
All freshmen must be present at
tliis assembly, they will be excused
from their classes for it.
Inter-fraternity Council meets
Thursday night in room 1 Johnson
hall. i
....A practice for tryouts for Or
cliesis and W. A. A. dancing honors
will be held every day this week
at Woman’s building. Anyone in
terested please see Miss Scott.
Volleyball schedule changed. Tues
day, juniors, 4 to 5; seniors, 5 to 6.
Wednesday, sophomores, 5 to 6, and
Thursday, freshmen, 5 to 6.
Band Meeting: All members are
urged to be present at a meeting,
the R. O. T. C. building at 4 o’clock
today, very important as the ques
tion of footwear must be decided
at this meeting.
Methodist University Girls Bible
class will hold a “pot-luck” supper
at the campus Y. W. C. A. this even
ing at 5:30.
All members of senior memorial
book committee ^(listed on front
page) Room 105 Journalism build
ing, 5 p. m. tonight.
All girls interested in riflory will
meet in room 121 of the Woman’s
building, Friday at 5 o’clock.
Crossroads will meet tonight at
I Oregana staff meeting tonight—
5:00 p. m. Journalism building.
Every member of editorial staff must
be there.
Homecoming directorate meet to
day 4 p. m. 105 Journalism building.
Rally committee meet A. S. U. O.
office today at 5 o’clock.
Musical Program for
Semi-Centennial Week
Arranged by Mr. Evans
An interesting and elaborate mus
ical program lias been worked out
for Semi-Centennial week by John
Stark Evans, member of tho celebra
tion committee and assistant dean of
the School of Musie. Much time and
attention has been spent on these
musical numbers to insure their
coming up to the high standards set
by the speakers, many of whom are
men of national repute.
At the inauguration of President
Hall, on Monday morning, the Uni
versity orchestra will play, and
Mine. Rose McGrew will sing a solo.
The next day, at ten a. m., Miss
Miriam Little, cellist, will appear,
and at two o’clock Mrs. W. F. G.
Thacker will sing. At tho Wednes
day morning symposium Eugene
Carr will sing a baritone solo, and
in the afternoon John Stark Evans
will play selections on the pipe
At the Thursday morning sym
posium, which is devoted to music,
the speaker being Willem von Hoog
straten of tho Portland Symphony
orchestra, a larger program is to be
presented, consisting of selections
bv the Underwood String Quartet,
Mrs. Prudence Clark, contralto, Loan
John Landsbury, pianist, and Mr.
At the Pledge Pay assembly fol
lowing the symposium, the glee
clubs and the orchestra will appear,
presenting the Semi-Centennial song.
In the afternoon George Hopkins,
professor of music, will sing.
On Friday, the alumni, under Mrs.
Lawrence T. Harris, will provide
tho program.
First W orn on's League
Tea Well Attended
The first Women’s League tea of
the year was attended by a large
number of University women, and j
according to Kathryn Ulrich, presi-|
dent of Women’s League, was a do-1
eided success.
Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall, in,
whose honor the tea was given, and[
Pean Esterly were present. Kath-:
leen Powell sang, accompanied by
Barbara Edmunds, and Lois Ever
son played a piano solo.
The teas will be given weekly on I
Wednesdays, from 4 to 6.
h SEE,£
With apologies to Oh! Mar!
But as for me, the loaf of bread
The jug, the desert tree—
A jug, a jag, a jazzy jane
and may that jane be theel
Why give so much space in the
Emerald to fraternity dogs and not
to sorority cats?
* Use the word “Valentia” in *
* a sentence. •
* “I Valentia my umbrella, *
* why don’t you return it?” *
Dear Mr. McHoehandle:
How much is Eef paying for pub
licity? What claim to glory in your
column has he? Every dog has his
day, so how’s to give a few of the
rest (if not the best) of us a
Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
14th and Alder Sts.
Phone 1306.
Noble Noble:
We’ve got the goods on you. If
you want publicity just wait.
“Oh boy, here’s where I shine!”
said the bootblack as the E. O. T.
C, officer climbed into Ithe chair.
* # •
At last. How to make your old
cigar boxes a cigar lighter.
Fill box with cigars (any na
tionality). Then with thumb and
forefinger of right hand, take one
cigar from box, and the box will
be a cigar lighter.
• • •
<■- ■ rs twj
Dick Jones says that he has an
awful thirst, but he just can’t down
a cotton gin.
Hall of Flame
Dean Caswell—because he fills
the role of Deacon Bluenose and
Mrs. Grundy far more naturally
than they could themselves; be
cause he believes the place for bath
ing beauties is on magazines cov
ers and ithe magazines in the fur
nace. Bocauso he does not believe
in the drinking songs or the motives
for said songs. Persuaded the Betas
and Kappa Sigs to have nothing
more to do with liquor or liquid than
to wash in it or watch it flow un
der the mill-race bridges.
• • •
From Yesterday’s Emerald
And so everyone was there.
* * * •
Yes, the Betas did pledgo could
men—a frosh has already received
a letter addressed to the Phi Beta
Kappa house. Are the Beta boys
keeping something from usf
Have you heard the “Aimee”
“Aimee head beneath a rose.”
Four Mathematics
Graduates Teaching
Several of last year ’» graduates
of the mathematics department o«
cupy prominent positions as teaeh
ers throughout the state. Elizabeth
Lounsberry is dean of girls and
advisor of the sophomore olaes at
the Myrtle Point high school where ,
she is teaching mathematics.
Dorothy Sehnpp is teaching math
ematics and English at Oregon City.
There are seven University of Ore
gon graduates on the high school
faculty there.
Eula Benson is teaching at Cot
tage Grove and Arthur Andrews is
a mathematics teacher at Toledo.
Juniors Urged to Try
Out for Scholarship
To Rhodes by Rebec
Juniors interested in attending
an English university, such as Ox
ford, after leaving the University
of Oregon are urged to try out for
a Bhodes scholarship this year by
Dean Bebec, chairman of the exam
ining board. This is to provide them
the opportunity to prepare for the
scholarship during their senior year.
Men who wish to be considered
for the scholarship must leave their
name and address with Mrs. Clara
Fitch, secretary of the examining
board, before Saturday, October 16,
at her office on the second floor of
Johnson hall. Examinations are ex
pected to be held by the middle of
next week, and in the interval Mrs.
Fitch will be busy looking up the
University records of the candidates.
Stephenson Smith, assistant pro
fessor of English, W. P. Maddox,
instructor in political science, and
Walter Barnes, professor of history,
all of whom have been Bhodes schol
ars, spoke before a group of inter
ested students at 4:15 Tuesday
afternoon in 107 Villard hall. They
discussed the various phases of stu
dent life at Oxford and answered
questions relative to the courses of
fered and manner of teaching at
that university.
Classified Ads
LOST—Sunday night, an old cameo
bracelet. Reward. Anne Went
worth, 840. 012-13-14
FOUND—In Multnomah stadium,
after the Oregon - Washington
game, an Oregon rooter’s lid with
a stickpin attached. Inquire at
Emerald office. ol2-13-14-15-16
FOUND—Black fountain pen near
the Woman’s building. Phone
Mildred Pike, 2022-R.
Pacific International Live Stock Exposi
tion, Portland, Oct. 30-Nov. 6
to Portland
Roundtrip iveekend fare
Other tares and limits to suit
your plans. Save 10% to 40%
—buy roundtrip tickets.
Eugene-Portland Pullman
leaves Eugene 2:20 a.m. Arrives
Portland 7:00 a. m.
Returning—leaves Portland
1:00 a. m. Arrives Eugene 5:30
a. m. (Ready for occupancy at
9:30 p. m.)
Southern Pacific
F. G. LEWIS, Ticket Agent. Phone 2200
Last Day
Usual Prices
Oregon Players
May Take Part
In Tournament
International Croups
Will Vie for Honors
In New York City
Mias Florence Wilbur, instructor
of drama, and the members of the
dramatics department, are desirous
of sending a group of players to
represent Oregon in the Little The
ater Tournament in New York next
Last year, the University of Ore
gon was asked to send a group of
players in a one-act play to com
pete with the groups from other
parts of the United States and Eng
land in an international tournament
to be held on Broadway, in New
York City, the early part of next
No western university group has
ever ventured so far as Broadway,
but the Oregon dramatists this year
are very anxious to be represented
in the Little Theater Tournament.
One of the things keenly desired
is an original one-act play,” Miss
Harold Kelly, “chairman of
construction” on the “Blazing
‘O'” bonfire, requests that the
following freshmen call him this
evening at 5:50 p. m.
Dick Rawlinson
Walton Crane
Walt Henningsen
Day Foster
Bonald Coleman
Dean Creath
for a local group to enter the tourn
ament, it would be extremely inter
esting to have a play indicative of"
our own surroundings and environ
ment, and filled with western spir
it,” she explained.
The Little Theater Tournament
was started four years ago, in New
York. The idea of the movement
was to bring to Broadway, compe
titive groups interested in the de
velopment of the Little Thearter
The idea has spread throughout
the country and in England. Two
groups from England participated in
the last tournament. *
David Belasco, dean of the Amer
ican theater, has taken considerable
interest in the movement and to the
best group of players at the tourna
ment earh year he awards the Bel
wiiDur said, "fcnouicl it be possible asco cup.
Here’s a swanky
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$5.45 to
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