Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 14, 1926, Image 1

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Campus Will
Receive Its
Webby Subscriptions Are
Over 1000 Mark;
More Wanted
First Issue Will
Appear Homecoming
Duck Will Have Most
Blase Waddle
THE Webfoot campaign has
reached the 1000 mark, which
was set as the necessary quota for
the publication of the new mag
azine. The first issue will make its
appearance during Hompcoming
The subscription blanks will be
left with the representatives of the
various living organizations for the
next few days in order that those
who have not as yet been solicited
may subscribe. Those who are un
affiliated with campus organizations
will have The opportunity to sub
scribe for the Webfoot at the of
fice in the Journalism shack.
Receipts Mailed Subscribers
Receipts will be mailed to those
persons who have not paid the en
tire amount as soon as the $1.25 is
turned in to the business manager.
Meetings are held each after
noon and evening at which time
members of the staff make the last
minute plans for the publication of
“You notice our freshmen this
year,” advises Philippa Sherman,
one of the editors of the magazine.
■“They’re the most sophisticated, ul
tra blase bunch of babes that have
•come to these parts since I first reg
istered in the University. But I was
a freshman once and I know why
they act that way. It's because
they’re new and scared stiff and
don't want anyone to know about
it. So they put on a bold front
•and cover their timidity with a
worldly-wise appearance.
“And that’s just what ‘Webby’
is doing. His little yellow legs are
frightfully shaky, and he has the
feeblest, most stage-struck quack
that a duck ever owned.
“But it won’t be known for he’s
going to wear brilliant, flaring plum
age never before seen on a barn
yard fowl, there’ll be a twinkle in
his eye, a saucy tilt to his head,
and he’ll have a sophisticated swag
ger that all his brother freshmen
will want to copy.”
Beer Suits and Scarfs j
Insignia of Sophomores
Beer suits, to inspire envy in the
hearts of all men who are not soph
omores, and white scarfs, to be the
pride of all sophomore women, will
soon blaze forth on the campu^ as
the official insignia of the class of
’29. All sophomores at the meet
ing in Villard ‘hall at 4 o ’clock yes
terday afternoon unanimously agreed
on “white and frothy” beer suith
to insure recognition to the “biggest
and best class,” the sophomores; as'
Bobert Foster, president of he class,j
remarked in the meeting, Dean j
Straub said we were “the biggest',
and best class.” Sophomore women
will wear jaunty white silk and
wool, or flannel scarfs, either square
or long and narrow, the size to be;
decided at a meeting later in the i
week. Previous to this year, no |
successful garb for sophomore wom
en has been worn, but this year
“chic” white scarfs to correspond
with the beer suits of the men, will
disinguish sophomore girls from:
all others.
Frosh to Start Work
On Blazing “O” Fire
AS shown in the “burning of
Rome,” and “stove wood,”
something more than a few
matches are needed to make a
big fire. Barrels, boxes, rubbish,
boards, and oil will take the
place of the famous buildings of
Nero’s “spree,” in the freshmen
bonfire on the night of Friday,
October 22, on Skinner’s butte.
All inflamable material which
can be secured will be gathered
on Thursday and Friday of that
week and .members of the
“Frosh” class will be scouting
around for material between now
and then. To the people of the
city goes the plea of the fresh
man class for donations of bon
fire material, the more, the mer
rier. Trucks will call on Thurs
day and Friday of next week for
the donations and the people are
urged to co-operate.
The bonfire, this year, for the
first time, will take the form of
a blazing “O,” and because of
its prominent position upon the
butte, will be visible from all
parts of the town.
Music School
Gives Program
For Assembly
Trumpet, Bassoon Duet
Unique Addition; Solo
By Leota Biggs
The first of six musieal programs
to be held during the year under
the auspices of the school of music
of the University at the weekly as
sembly in the Woman’s building at
eleven o’clock, will take place this
A portion of the hour will be de
voted to a rehearsal of the new
Semi-Centennial song, the words of
which were written by Irene Stew
[ art, an alumnus of the University,
and the music by Bex Underwood,
professor of violin, providing the
copies of the song, which are being
printed in Portland, arrive in time.
A trumpet and bassoon duet will
prove a unique addition to the pro
gram, stated John Stark Evans, in
structor in the school of music. The
program will be opened by a
“March” played, by the University
orchestra, led by Bex Underwood.
The next number will be a violin
solo by a member of the school of
music. Miss Leota Biggs of the
music school will sing a soprano
solo. The program will be closed
with an “Overture” by the. orches
tra and the singing of the Oregon
Pledge song by the students.
Announcements regarding 'Semi
Centennial arrangements, excusing
of classes and other details of the
program, will be made at the assem
Vern Folts Appointed
Chairman of Senior
Class Informal Dance
Vern Folts was appointed yester
day as the chairman of the senior
dance which is to be held on Novem
ber 5. Doris Brophy was named as
the assistant chairman. Folts an
nounces that the committee heads
will be named later in the week.
The dance will be an informal
one and will take place at the Win
ter Garden. George McMurphey’s
“Blue Boys” will furnish the music.
(“We expeet this to be a manifes
tation of the class spirit,” declared
Earle Chiles, president of the senior
class. “This being the first oppor
tunity of the school year for the
members of ’27, as a whole, to show
that they are still the biggest and
best class in school.”
Swedish Royalty Delayed Eleven Hours
fBy Tardy U, S. Reception Committee
Genevieve Swedenburg, Oregon Student, Tells of
Voyage With Crown Prince and Princess
It isn’t often that a member of
the royalty must wait on his enter
tainers, nor is it the custom to ask
a guest to remain outside of the
door until the host is ready, yet
this is the experience of Crown
Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Swe
den, who, accompanied by the Prin
cess, arrived in the United States
May 28, for a tour of the country
and a visit with government offic
ials. Miss Genevieve Swedenburg,
University of Oregon student, who
made the trip with the Prince on
the Gripsholm, tells the story.
The Prince, a rather remocratic
person, who was as pleased as any
one when his side won a game of
tug-of-war on the trip over, was
nevertheless rather chagrined to
find, upon arrival at the three-mile
limit in New York, that he was a
whole day ahead of time. The re
ception committee would not be
able to meet the Prince and his com
pany until Thursday noon, the
message said.
^he Princess remained in her
suite of rooms with eleven ladies-in
waiting, but the Prince nervously
paced the deck, or conferred with
(Continued on page four)
Debate With
Two Days Off
First Forensic Battle
Between Colleges
To Be Friday
Australian Speakers
Possess Experience
Oregon Represented b y
Bailey and Beelar
FRIDAY evening at 8:30 o’clock
the University debate team will
meet the representatives of the
University of Sydney at the Meth
odist church, to decide the topic,
“Resolved: That it is to the best in
terests of the United States that
the cabinet form of government be
This is the third international de
bate in which the University has
engaged, the previous ones being
with British Columbia and Oxford
last year. The forensic squad from
Australia is composed of alumni
members who have an added advan
tage of age and experience.
Donald Beelar and Ralph Bailey,
both experienced speakers, will up
hold the negative argument for Ore
gon. Sydney H. Heathwood, John
Godsall, and Noel D. McIntosh form
the South Pacific team.
island ueoaiers xixperienceu
Sydney Heathwood, who is the
leader of the visiting "team, has
been active in election campaign
and other political issues in Aus
tralia. He represented his college
two years ago against the Oxford
debate team. He is connected with
an advertising firm in Australia.
John Godsal is a journalist of note
and has a reputation as a college
debater. The last member of the
squad, Noel McIntosh, is the man
ager of the forensic trio and a mem
ber of the bar of the supreme court
and high court of Australia.
Chances Look Even
In considering the relative cap
abilities of the two teams, J. Stan
lay Gray, debate coach, believes
Oregon to have a fair opportunity of
winning. Oregon defeated the Ox
ford team here two years ago, which
in turn won a verbal victory over
the Australians. Ralph Bailey was
one of the three members of the
squad which met the Oxford men.
Student body tickets will admit
holders to the debate, while towns
people may obtain theirs at the Co
op or Laraway’s music store, the
price being fifty cents.
This affair will be as equally large
an attraction as the Oxford debate
which drew an audience of 2500,
is the opinion of the forensic coach..
New Men Are Invited
To Smoker by Campus
Masons This Evening
Masons and sons of Masons are
invited to attend a smoker to be
given at the Craftsman’s club on
Fourteenth avenue tonight at 7:30.
This is the first social event that the
club presents this term. The object
is to acquaint new men with the
old members of the club and to give
them an opportunity to become af
filiated with the club. Alden Wood
worth, social chairman, wishes to
emphasize that this smoker will
be free to all eligible.
A short business meeting will pre
ceed the program which will be in
teresting and varied. Bob Pilking
ton, a talented banjoist, will open
the program. This will be followed
by three snappy bouts of boxing
consisting of three rounds each.
Clinton Davisson will give a fencing
exhibition, his opponent has not as
yet been chosen. A vocal solo will
follow after which refreshments
will be served.
All Craftsmen are urged to be
present at this meeting. The mem
bership of the club includes, aside
from the students, the professors
and assistant professors of the Uni
English Exam Will Be
Given Frosh Saturday
Freshman English examinations
for those students who were unable
to take the regular ones, because of
late registration, will be held at 9
a. m. Saturday in Villard hall.
Students who entered the Univer
sity too late for the regular exam
ination were giyen provisional ad
mittance so they could register, but
must take this examination if they
are to continue in school.
Sinkers Sell Today;
Bring Your Nickel
TODAY is the day when the
annual Theta Sigma Phi
doughnut sale feeds the campus.
Good-sized, sugary doughnuts,
the very kind you like to munch,
will be at hand all during the
day. Each cake will cost five
cents, witlf no additional charge
for the-hole. ’Tis rumored the
Theta Sigs, co-ed journalism hon
orary, will make no endeavor to
restrict the sale to one per stu
The members of the fraternity
who will peddle doughnuts to
day include: Minnie Fisher,
Frances Bourhill, Alice Kraeft,
Grace Fisher, Marian Lowry,
Flossie Radabaugh, Margaret
Hensley, Ruth Gregg, Geneva
Drum, Jane Dudley, Eva Neal
on, Genevieve Morgan, and Mary
Memorial to Be
Unveiled With
Much Ceremony
Homecoming Speakers
Are Announced;
Mostly Alumni
Program for Friday and Satur
day, October 22 and 23, of the
Semi-Centennial will be made to
cater especially to alumni. The per
sons on the program for those two
days are graduates of the Univer
sity with the exception of Dr. Luel
la Clay Carson, who was the first
dean of women here.
Dedication of Deady hall will
■take place Friday morning. Dr.
Carson will deliver the dedicatory
address “The Antiquity of Learn
ing and It’s Benevolence.” In the
address she will will refer to for
mer graduates, descendents of the
older families. She will review the
sacrifices made by the pioneers who
made possible the University.
Dr. Claiborne Milton Hill, ’81,
president Berkeley Baptist Divinity
school, will speak on “The Spirit
of Old Oregon.”
Dr. John Straub, emeritus dean
of men, head of the department of
Greek, will give his “Recollections
of the Campus in 1876.”
Honorable Benjamin B. Beekman.
’84, will preside at the dedication,
and Rev. Herbert Spencer Johnson,
’87, will deliver the invocation and
the benediction.
Melba Williams, ’19, will give
several vocal numbers accompanied
on the piano by Frances Pierce,
The unveiling of the memorial to
John W. Johnson, first president of
the University, will take place
Friday afternoon. If the weather
is suitable the ceremony will be
executed on the north steps of
Johnson hall, otherwise in Guild
Hon. Robert S, Bean, ’78, will
preside. Judge Lawrence T. Harris
will deliver the main address “John
W. Johnson, the Founder.”
Following the address the tablet
bearing the words, “Johnson Hall”
•over the north door, of John
son hall will be formally unveiled
by Emeritus Dean John Straub, and
Emeritus Prof. B. J. Hawthorne,
a member of ex-president tjohn
»8'0n’s faculty.
Rev. Frank B. Mathews, ’95, pas
tor of the University-Baptiat church
in Seattle will deliver the invoca
tion; Melba Williams will give a
vocal selection.
Herbert Johnson will speak for
the Johnson family. Relatives of
Deady’s, the Johnson family, and
deeondants of the first board of
regents*liave been especially invit
Dr, Hall will deliver a short ad
dress at this program.
From 3:30 until 5 Dr. Carson will
be at home to all friends of the
University, both men and women,
in Alumni hall of the Women’s
The annual Homecoming rally
will be held Friday evening, com
plete plans for the rally are not yet
announced. But, Bill James, chair
man, says that it will be colorful,
peppy, and spectacular.
Saturday morning at 10 o’clock
alumni, as a group, will far the first
time meet and hear Dr. Arnold Ben
nett Hall, who will by that time be
president. Dr. Hall will speak on the
general subject of “Alumni and
Their Relation to a University.”
At 12, Saturday, the campus
lucheon will be served; at 2 the
football game between Oregon and
(Continued on page four)
Y. W .C. A.Drive
ToHaye Quota
By Week-End
Living Organizations t o
Be Visited by Speakers
On October 16
Non-affiliated Students
Result 100 Per Cent
Membership Card for
One Dollar Pledge
^"pLEDGES are a little bit slow
so far, but we feel that the
quota will be made before the week
is up,” was the report made, by
Julia Wilson, chairman, on the Y.
W. C. A. finance drive which is
under wav this week. “There will
be a meeting this afternoon at five
o’clock of all the committee mem
bers, so we can check up on the
actual money which has been col
lected.” Pledge cards and general
information on the progress of the
drive will also be turned in at that
time. Talks will be given by Miss
McGowan, campus Y. W. C. A. sec
retary, Julia Wilson, and Bill Kid
well. The various living organiza
tions will be visited by speakers
during meal-times on Friday.
Jteport encouraging
The Y. M. C. A. reports very en
couraging results, so far, from its
campaign. Two chairmen of non
affiliated students have reported 100
per cent. These men are T. J. Nel
son ;and Eugene Slattery. There
have been no reports from the liv
ing organization chairmen as yet,
is the announcement of Bill Kiawell,
who is general chairman of the Y.
M. C. A. driv%. During the week
there will be several speeches made
at the different houses, by the fol
lowing men: Ed Sox, Clifford Pow
ers, Wilford Long, Bob Love, Joe
Holaday, Boland Davis, Benoit Mc
Croskey, Tom Montgomery, Bud
Christianson, Lowell Baker, Jack
Hempstead, Bonald Robinette, and
Joe McKeown.
A pledge of one dollar or more
entitles the giver to a membership
card, which will give the owner spe
cial privileges in any Y. W. C. A.
organization, was the statement of
Mr. Davis, director of the United
Christian work on the campus.
Student Makes
Many Voyages
In Frail Canoe
A. Burg, Jr., Traverses
Length of Columbia
For First Time
“It isn’t lonely on the river. I
can't be with people, and so I have
to depend on the river and the sky.
They both are changing every min
ute, and I like to learn their moods.
The sun rises in the morning, and
it’s like seeing an old friend. And
at night, when I draw my canoe
up on a sand bar near the river
bank, and the rain pours down on
me, I think, ‘my roof is leaking,’
that’s all,” said Amos Burg, Jr.,
Burg has recently completed a
trip with Fred Hill, of Spokane,
100Q miles down the inner passage
from Skagway, Alaska, up the Fra
ser River until the current forced
them tp leave the water and portage
by rail to Upper Columbia Lake, the
source of the Columbia River, and
follow that stream to Portland.
Burg, who formerly attended O.
A. C., is registered here in the
School of Journalism. He is a grad
uate of Jefferson high school in
Portland. During the World War
he was with the French navy and
circumnavigated the globe.
In the winter of 1924 he paddled
the length of the Columbia River
from Canada to the Pacific Ocean,
a feat never before accomplished.
Prior to that, he followed the Snake
River from its headwaters to the
ocean. His canoe, “Song o’ the
Wind,” was too badly damaged in
the grand canyon near the mouth of
Wolf Creek on the third day of the
trip to permit him and his compan
ion to continue. With a new canoe,
however, he returned to the river
and finished his journey alone.
At another time he lost his frail
boat in the Cascades of the Colum
bia, when it capsized and threw
him into the water. He swam to a
sand bar, but the “Song o’ the
Winds” was swept down stream.
On one of his trips he paddled
from Livingston, Montana, down
(Continued on page four)
Biography Memorial
Committee Appointed
on your very best salesman
ship smiles and prepare to offici
ate in the sale of the biography
of the late President Campbell,
also—you, whose names appear
in the following list, be present
at a meeting of the Memorial
Book committee, at 5 p. m. in 105
Journalism building, today, is
the request of Ralph Staley,
The books will be sold at all
meetings during the Semi-Cen
tennial and Homecoming cele
brations at tables located outside
the doors of the meeting places
and each member of the com
mittee will preside at one table
during one session.
Appointees of the committee
are: Esther Craddock, Glenna
Fisher, Grace Cobb, Lee Luders,
Harriet Dezendorf, Marie Schul
derman, Virginia Keating, Helen
Davidson, Kathryn Inwood, Har
riett Ross, Myrtle Mast, Flossie
Radabaugh, Alice Kraeft, Anne
Runes, Audrey Lundy, Edith
Shell, Maurine Johnston, Alice
Olsen, Lucille Pearson, Katherine
Graof, Dorothy Ward, Georgia
Davidson, Adelaide Johnson,
Doris Brophy, Beatrice Harden,
Camille Burton, Catherine Strup
lere, Elizabeth Beans, Lee Rapp,
Milton Rice, Howard Osvold,
Berwyn Maple, Louis Dammasch,
Wilford Long, Joyce Albert, Kirk
Flaming “O” to
Be Biggest and
Best Bonfire
Display Will Be Seen for
Miles Around; Not
A Substitute
“People who are under the im
pression that we are to have no
Homecoming bonfire this year are
due for a big surprise,” said Don
Bcelar, assistant general chairman
of Homecoming. “It is true that
there will be no bonfire on the cam
pus but if the plans for the flaming
“O” on Skinner’s butte work out
properly we will have the most sen
sational and startling exhibition of
fire ever presented at a Homecoming
rally. It must be understood that
this is not a substitute for tho old
bonfire but a big improvement,” ho
Dean Walker and Don Beelar
drew up the final plans for the fire
and appointed committee chairmen
to handle the work connected with
it. As the rally is to be held down
town, it was thought that it would
be much better to have the fire on
the butte than somewhere on the
campus. This will give the “0” a
wonderful display and should be
seen for miles around. The letter
will be of huge proportions s6 it
will be necessary for the freshmen
to work just a little harder this
year than in previous years to make
it a success.
C. A. Jasmin, president of the
freshman class, has been appointed
general chairman of the committee
and under him there will be Harold
Kelley, chairman of the construction
committee; James Raley, materials
committee; Harry Wood, transpor
tation committee; Tom Wells, vig
ilance committee; Keith Hall, guard
committee; and Dorothy Williams,
of the women’s committee. Further
appointments will be made by the
class president and will be an
nounced later.
Further plans will be announced
at the freshman class meeting this
morning at 9 o’clock in Villard hall
at which time President Hall will
also address tho class.
Work Started
On Last Unit
Of Pavilion
{Large Crew Rushing Plant
| To Completion for
Winter Season
Building to Be Ready
For Idaho Varsity Game
Large Floor Space and
New Roof to Feature
TJ OME wasn’t built in a day and
-tneither will Oregon’s new $175,
000 basketball pavilion, but it will
be completed by the first of Jan
uary, in ample time for the first
basketball gamo with the Univer
sity of Idaho Vandals on January
22. The construction contract calls
for a finished building by November
1 but labor trouble has hindered
A. Pajunen, contractor, in complet
ing the structure on time.
According to J. V. Spore, Uni
versity inspector, the crew of 60
men are rushing the work to com
pletion as fast as possible. The out
side concrete shell of the building
has been practically completed save
for a small portion near the top.
Workmen will begin today in pour
ing concrete to finish the outside
Interior to Be Finished
The interior of the building is yet
to be finished but a foundation has
already been laid for the floor. Thei
roof of the building which is nearly
completed is perhaps one of the out
standing features. The large cover
ing is a Lamella roof design which
was patented some four or five years
ago in Holland and has been m
use in this country only about two
years. It is a trussloss arch roof
and will be the largest of its kind
on the coast. No large mid-floor
braces support it but is made up of
a number of Lamellae. Ten largo
steel columns give support from the
side of the playing floor. Three
large sky lights should give plenty
of light for afternoon practice.
Playing Floor One of Largest
The playing floor will be one of
the largest on the coast. Approxim
ately 16,500 feet of floor space will
be available for three practice
courts with the main playing floor
designed in the middle.
The seating arrangement of the
new pavilion calls for a capacity
or 7,338 seats and available stand
ing room for 3000 more. When the
demand warrants, it will be pos
sible to install an additional bal
cony which would bring the seating
capacity to nearly 10,000 persons.
"he pavilion' will have two main
entrances and twelve exits. Archi
tects have been careful in planning
tor a speedy clearance of the build
ing. Hall space will be about 14
feet, wide and considerable space
has been given over to Btairways.
Ihe east half of the building has a
basement in which will be housed
shower rooms, dressing rooms, train
ing room, doctor’s room and such.
According to members of the A. 8.
IT. O. building committee the base
ment will be fitted out with all mod
ern equipment.
Coaches and Director Have Booms
I’art of the space of the first
floor has been given over to rooms
for the various athletic coaches and
director of athletics. The balcony
on the west side of the building will
be equipped with opera chairs. It
is planned to use the pavilion for
musical events with the possibilities
of constructing a temporary stage
whenever needed.
The new basketball pavilion will
be the only one of its kind in Amer
ica. Oregon is the first college to
(Continued on page four)
Art Student’s Bust Has Setting Amid
Fig Leaves, Anatomies And Frocks
Merry Revelers Stage Largest Department Party in
History of University
In a setting that would put any
Greenwich Village orgy to shame,
the art students of the campus and
many others got together last night
for the hottest blowout ever staged
barring none. The revel was staged
in the painting studio which was
fittingly adorned with decorative de
signs, casts and various other means
of artistic decoration. As a means
of variation a line hung with paint
besmeared smocks which looked
more like the back end of a New
York tenement than an artistic de-|
vice was swung the entire length of
the room.
Various casts were displayed,
some with added decoration, some
without, representing the members
of the department.
Along one side wall in mutual
indignation stood two casts of the
Venus de Milo. Beside them was a
sign explaining that they were
“Kerns and Avakian, Hands off
and Arms off.”
A futuristic fig leaf adorned the
door of Professor Behroff's office
(Continued on page four)