Warm Time Promised at Frosh Parade No Slow Moments for Sophomore “Guests” Saturday Prompt Arrival at Start is Demanded Hayward Field Scene for Annual Mix MANY will be called but few will be frozen because it will be a hot affair when the frosh and sophs meet at the Sigma Chi corner Saturday morning at 8 o’clock. To-Ko-Lo, sophomore men’s or ganization, is in charge of the par ade, which will be everything a par ade should be, with freaks, color, trainers, and frosh in abundance, according to Les Johnson, president of To-Ko-Lo. A reception committee will meet all frosh who are tardy and fail to arrive at the appointed corner at 8. Few absences are expected be cause a town crier will announce the event early in the morning and a vigilance committee will see that they are there. That is only part of the committee’s plans. Costume Party Planned When the frosh arrives at the corner he is instructed to appear as follows: beginning from top to bot tom, around his neck will be a gar ter, the left pant leg will be rolled up, he shall carry a green lid, a package of cigarettes, and one dime. All who are improperly at tired will be dressed in barrels and other suitable rainment. That is also committee orders. From the corner the troupe will proceed to the “O” on the top of Skinner’s butte. At the bottom of the hill two toll takers, Bert Mc Elroy and A1 Boyden, will accept the dimes and all remaining cigar ettes. Sophs to Give Aid Paint will be served at the “O” and after the “O” has been refin ished the frosh will take turns play ing shoot-the-shoots down the fa mous letter. At the bottom of the hill the sophomore class will be in the receiving line. Not the kind they have at teas, but the kind the Indians used to show the white men. It may here be stated that the frosh will be urged to make haste, and every effort will be made to assist them down the line. The frosh will then march through town and to Villard hall, and all will be merry for they will sing Oregon songs and shout Oregon yells. The Oregon seal ceremony at Vil lard hall will be next on the pro gram, according to the committee’s plans. The frosh, each in turn, will pay homage to the University of Oregon, by kissing the great seal of the University. Again they will run the gauntlet and proceed on to Hayward field to take part in the underclass mix. special Hosts named The vigilance committee, which is in charge of the parade, consists of the following men: Bob Foster, Lyle Beddick, Bill Crawford, David Bau man, Arthur Anderson, A1 Boyden, George Barons, Wendell Gray, Bill Sullivan, Bert McElroy, and Ell wood Enke. The senior cops, policemen of the campus, will be on hand to see that everything is run according to the regular rules for such a parade. Seniors to Publish Book on P. Campbell As Class Memorial The senior memorial for this year will be the publishing and distri bution of a book on the life of President Campbell. Final plans for the financing of the volume will be decided at a senior class meeting today at 5 o’clock in Guild hall. This book was written by Dr. Joseph Schafer, who is an eminent histor ian, having been head of the history department of the University for years, and who is now superinten dent -of the Wisconsin Historical society. Plans in regard to senior apparel which will distinguish the fourth year student from any other on the campus will be formed. Committee appointments will be made for the senior smoker, an annual event dur Homecoming. There will also be a discussion of finances. “I hope everyone takes an inter est in this first meeting, as it is of great importance to the class in future years,” stated Earle Chiles, president of the senior class. Social Swims Again In Vogue This Year “"W^at d° y°u say we set W together?” is the name of a latest jazz hit. That is also what the men and women of the University have been thinking so, on the strength of it, social swims will be held on Friday nights during the com ing year. Fnr the benefit of the uninit iated swims were held last year in the Woman’s building tank and met with great success. An open invitation is extended to men and women and bathing suits ire furnished at the tank and life guards will be on hand to oversee the frolic and teach be ginners the gentle art of swim ming without swallowing too much water. The time: Friday evenings, 7:30 to 9 p. m. The place: Wom an ’s building, northwest entrance. Local Churches To Hold Parties; Students Invited _ t President Hall Will Visit Each Church During The Evening Tonight is open house in all the local churches. Church night is an annual custom of long standing in the Eugene churches, it is held at the beginning of each year to give new and old students an opportun ity to become acquainted with the church members.1 President Arnold Bennett Hall of the University will visit each church to extend a few words of greeting. Musical numbers, short talks, games and features are also on the pro grams. The following is a list of the churches and their locations, to gether with the programs that will be offered: Church Names Listed Baptist, Eighth avenue east and Pearl street, will give a carnival. Central Presbyterian, Tenth ave nue and Pearl street, will offer a musical program. First Christian church, Eleventh avenue and Oak street, has a short program to be followed by a social and games. Methodist Episcopal, Twelfth ave nue and Willamette, will give a play that will be followed by a social. Congregational, Thirteenth avenue and Ferry street, has invited all the freshmen to a weiner roast at 6 p. in. to be followed by a program at 8 p. m. that is open to everyone. Episcopalian, Seventh avenue west and Olive street, will give a recep tion. Central Lutheran, Seventh avenue and Pearl street, will give a social preceded by a musical program. Catholic, will give a program in their parish house at 1062 Charnel ton. Church night is given preference on the social calendar and no other events are scheduled. Hempstead Appoints Web foot Speakers The names of 15 men, all of whom are experienced in public speaking work on the campus, were announc ed yesterday as speakers in the va rious living organizations for the coming subscription drive for the Webfoot, the new eampus magazine. Jack Hempstead has been appointed by Doug Wilson, manager of the magazine, to take charge of in structions and arrangement of schedules for the speakers, and he has called a meeting at 4:30 this afternoon in room 107 of the jour nalism building to give them the in formation upon which to base their talks. The men selected by Hempstead, all of whom he urges to be present at the meeting, are: Mark Taylor, Beryl Ludington, Benoit McCroskey, Donald Beelar, Wilfred Long, Avery Thompson, Dudley Clark,' Ronald Robnett, Robert Mautz, Frank Riggs, Ward Cook, Robert Love, Herbert Socolofsky, Roland Davis, Ralph Staley, Jack Hempstead. Council Appoints New Managers for Year The executive council held the first meeting of the year yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock in the Ad ministration building and discussed several matters of routine business. The following appointments were made: varsity basketball manager, Harold Socolofsky; varsity baseball manager, Harold Brumfield; varsity track manager, Calder McCall; var sity manager of minor sports, Stew 1 art Ball. Frosh to Meet Dr. Hall Today At Reception New President Expresses Desire to Know First Year Students Deans Esterly, Straub And Walker Are Hosts Plans for First Tea Laid By Women’s League KATHRYN ULRICH, president of Women’s League, emphasizes necessity of all freshmen turning out. “We are depending upon the fresh men men and women to co-operate,” she says, “and the success of the affair rests upon them.” In the receiving line will he Dean Esterly, President and Mrs. Hall, Hugh Biggs, Kathryn Ulrich, Cath erine Struplere, Beatrice Peters, Myrtle Mast and Esther Hardy. Dean Straub and Dean Walker, who with Mrs. Esterly, are the freshman class advisors, will act as hosts. Members of the executive council of Women’s League will assist. A musical program prepared by Olga Jackson includes piano solos by Myra Belle Palmer and Olga Jack son, violin numbers by Gwendolyn Hayden and vocal solos by Leota Biggs and Harriet Ross. Only Informal Meeting The freshmen reception to be given by the Women’s League this afternoon from 4 to 6 at Alumni hall will probably be the only op portunity for the entire freshman jclas.r throughout the year to meet President Hall and his wife in formally, says Mrs. Virginia Judy Esterly, dean of women. “President and Mrs. Hall have expressed that they are particularly anxious to meet the men and women of the freshman class,” Dean Es terly says, “and since it is Presi dent Hall’s first year in the Uni versity, I would urge that they all come, and come directly from 4 and 5 classes.” Ewamas to Serve Pauline Stewart has charge of the refreshments which will be served in the sun room by active and inac tive members of Kwama, honorary women’s sophomore organization, and Alice Douglas is chairman of the decorating committee. Casey Reports Magazine Work Full of Interest American Boy Demands Stories of Action And Character Ralph D. Casey, associate profes sor in the school of journalism, spent six weeks during the summer as editorial assistant on the staff of the American Boy magazine, pub lished in Detroit. Mr. Casey read manuscripts, in cluding serials, short stories and spe cial articles and wrote for the April number of the magazine a 4500-word interview with Dean Cromwell, coach of the University of Southern California track team, national in ter-collegiate champion for the past two years. In this article Mr. Crom well tells of his training methods and gives valuable hints on track and field technique. George F. Pierrot, former national president of Sigma Delta Chi, is managing editor of the American Boy and he invited Mr. Casey to join the staff last summer. “The experience on the magazine was very interesting,” said Mr. Casey. “I think I obtained a good insight into magazine needs and magazine methods, thanks to the kindness of Mr. Pierrot and his staff. Those who work for the mag azine are like members of a club; friendliness, informality and good spirit prevail throughout. “As the American Boy is appeal ing to an older group of boy read ers—of high school and early col lege age as well as to somewhat | younger clientele—the fiction de mands were high. Stories desired were those usually with plenty of plot and action, but the magazine demanded good character and set ting as well.” Mental Tests Tell Tale of Scholarship Mental tests do count, freshmen! If you are skep tical, take a look at the nice, neat correlation between the men tal tests of last year’s freshmen and their grades, as announced by I)r. Howard E. Taylor of the psychology department. (And bear in mind that the same tests were used this year.) Here they are: 34 per cent were low in test score, and also below average in grades, and 34 per cent had high scores in both mental tests and year’s grades. Tho percentage that had high test scores and low grades was only 18. Freshmen can obtain their rela tive mental scores from Dr. Tay lor, after October 15 at his office. Pacific Game To Test Power Of Oregon Squad McEwan to Polish Eleven For Husky Contest Next Week With the first Pacific coast con ference game of October 9 against the University of Washington still in the offing but continually grow ing nearer, Coach John J. McEwan is leaving practically no stone un turned in the way of preliminary preparation. Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 his Webfoot eleven will oppose the shifty Pacific university Badgers in the second pre-conference game to be played on Hayward field this year. Coach Leo Frank, Badger mentor, is coming with ten letter men in his fold and several capable regulars from last year’s squads. About five years ago Frank was a member of the University’s physical education staff and nothing would please him so much as to see his prodigies drag the lemon-yellow into the mire of defeat. Last year the Oregon varsity defeated the Forest Grove team 13 to 0. Since the beginning of this fall’s grid practice Coach Frank has had a squad of 25 out of which he must mould a winning team. The ten lettermen making the trip include Captain Horn, tackle; Bryant, cen ter; Pollock and Ingles, ends; Em erson, quarterback; Frost, halfback; Tucker, fullback; Kannow and Irvin, tackles; and Bennett, fullback. Coach Frank and his assistant, Les lie Hoar, will have to build the rest of his team from the freshman turn out and Oddie, Beckett, Jess Tucker, Baker and Tuor, who were on the regular squad, but did not make let ters. Coach Frank’s gridiron teams are known for their deception. Each year the Pacific university eleven produces a new set of trick plays that keeps the opposing team on e4ge throughout the tilt. This year’s attack is built mainly around Emerson, signal barker, and Tucker, fullback. “The Contrast” Selected By Florence Wilbur For Early Production “The Contrast,” by Royal] Tyler, which has been selected by Miss Florence Wilbur, instructor ^n drama, for early production, is a historical comedy bringing in the typical Yankee. Miss Wilbur believes “The Con trast” is one of the most interest ing plays ever attempted by the department, based as it is on the assumption that to be well educated one must be “finished” in Europe. It was first produced in St. John’s theater, New York, early in 1787. “This year,” Miss Wilbur asserts, “the department has some excel lent drawing material, as many of those who were active in University dramatics last year have returned. I have several competent assistants, among them Perry Douglas, stage manager, and Harold Whitlock, busi ness manager. I hope to have this play completed and presented be fore Thanksgiving so that we can start work on our Christmas pro gram which is to express the typ ical Yuletide spirit. “So far, ‘Napoleon’s Barber,’ by Arthur Caesar, is only play chosen for the sophomores. This group will produce a number of one-act plays during the early part of November. Casting will begin as soon as pos sible after the cast for ‘The Con trast’ has been definitely decided. “ ‘The Contrast’ is an elaborately costumed play,” added Miss Wilbur, “and will compare favorably with ‘Liliom’ which was produced last year in Guild theater.” Alonzo Jasmin Elected Head of Freshmen Eleanor Flanagan, Agnes Farris and Ralph Rielis Also Win First Year Students To Meet President Hall Yearlings Get Instructions For Mix by Biggs I DEFEATING five jsfcher cancel-" dates, Alonzo Jasmin was elect ed president of the freshman class at a meeting held yesterday after noon in Villard hall. Eleanor Flan agan was elected vice-president, Agnes Farris, secretary, and Ralph Riehs, treasurer. Other aspirants for class offices were: Francis Neff, Sidney Dobbin, Richard Hawlinson, Kenton Hamak er, and James Terry for presidency; Emery Miller, vice-president; Eloise ^chade for secretary, and Carl For strom and William Doyle for treas urer. Previous to the meeting of the 1200 class members, two nominating committees were appointed by Hugh Biggs, president of the associated students. These two committees had nominated complete tickets for the election and the names of the can didates selected were placed on bal lots which were distributed among the members of the class. The privilege of making nomina tions from the floor was granted and Alonzo Jasmin and James Terry were nominated for president and William Doyle for treasurer. The candidates chosen before the meet ing were introduced by Larry Shaw and Bob Porter, chairmen of the two committees appointed by Mr. Biggs. Each person introduced took a seat on the stage. The men nominated from the floor joined the group of candidates on the stage, and speeches were made by the six presidential aspirants. Each candidate asked that all members of the class co-operate with the man who received the elec tion. By virtue of its number one brought out the fact that the fresh man class was “bound to become a great power” since it contains one tliird of the students enrolled in the University this term. Dean H. Walker addressed the freshmen at the opening of the meeting and complimented them on their number before announcing the frosh parade and underclass meet scheduled for Saturday morning. Each freshman was instructed to be at the top of Skinner’s butte at 8:30 equipped with a green cap and cigarettes for the upper classmen to smoke. An invitation was given by Dean Virginia Judy Esterly asking the freshmen to come to Alumni hall Friday afternoon between 4 and 6 O’clock to meet President Arnold Bennett Hall. She assured them they would receive food, not “tea.” The members of the nominating committees acted as election boards for counting the votes cast. Swimming Campaign By Amphibian Club Will Start Tuesday A campaign to interest students in the Amphibian club, local swim ming honorary, will be started Tues day, October 5, at the first meeting of the club this year. Miss E. A. Troemel, instructor in physical edu cation, and Virginia Lounsbury, president of the Amphibians, aro in charge of the drive. The requirements for membership are the possession of a life-saving certificate. The ability to dive for form, which necessitates that the swimmer be able to do four standard dives and one optional dive with an average of 85; being able to do three strokes for form, the crawl included, with an average of 93; and strokes for speed, going two lengths of the pool using two of the following strokes: crawl, side, trud geon, English over arm, breast, or trudgeon crawl. 3 he purpose of the club, accord ing to Virginia Lounsbury, presi dent, is to encourage proficiency in swimming and diving, to assist others to pass the lifesaving exams, to gain an up to date knowledge of new things in swimming and diving, and to provide a way to gather to gether students interested in swim ming. Webfoot Will Waddle In Homecoming Rain \T7ITH a quack here and a ™ ^ quack quack there every body will quack quack as soon is Jupe instigates the sky juice falling and plans are made for Homecoming. Duck season is now open to members of tho hunted group but in the Uni versity it is an open season— open to all members who keep their eyes open, for with them closed nothing can be seen. The ducks are ducky birds but not foul ns one might judge. In ap pearance they are not dissimilar to other victims of the Darwinian theory with the exception that their toes are never far apart for they stick by each other. Ah! the Webfoot will appear during Homecoming week and then all will be quite ducky. Route Schedule For Open House Now Complete Chi Omegas Receive at Kappa Sigma; Three Arts Club Listed The routing schedule of jinen’s houses for open house to be held Saturday night has been completed by Katherine Ulrich and Georgia Benson, of the women’s committee. The program starts the men on their way at 7 o ’clock, allowing a ten minute visit at each of the 22 women’s organizations. “There will be very little retrac ing of steps,” said Miss Ulrich, “but the men are cautioned to keep on schedule time, and to go to the next house at the expiration of their time allowance, even though no other group has arrived to take their place.” The routing schedule was arrang ed by a committee consisting of Frances Morgan, Katherine Ulrich, Anne Runes, Dean Judy Esterly, Georgia Benson, and Mrs. G. D. Oberteuffer. Because their house is yet uncom pleted, the Chi Omega’s will be hostesses at the Kappa Sigma house. Three Arts club at Fourteenth and University street will be included on the route of women’s houses. Thacher cottage will receive the men at their house at 1370 Onyx street, instead of being located at Hendricks hall as previously. In addition to the men’s fratern ity groups and Oregon club, a sep arate group of independent stu dents will be in the line of march. Three Hundred Spanish Volumes Added to Stacks Library Receives Many French, Italian Books In Collection A colloStion of 300 Spanish books by both old and modern Spanish authors and playwrights for use in the romance language department has been received by the library. A few volumes in French have also been received and others in French and Italian have been'ordered but have not come. One Spanish set is “Clasicos Cas tellanos” in sixty-six volumes and is an up-to-date edition of Spanish masterpieces. Another set of sev enty-one volumes is the very valu able “Biblioteca de Autores Espan oles” valuable because it contains all of the old editions. Five vol umes of the “JVueva Biblioteca” will serve as the beginning of this collection of twenty-live volumes which the department hopes to own in the future. The remaining portion includes fifteen volumes in the Boyal Acad emy edition of the “Obras de Lope de Vega,” Spain’s greatest play wright; six volumes of the “Obras de Santa Teresa de Jesus;” seven teen of “Don Jose Maria de Per eda;” twenty of “Palacio Valdes;” thirty-live of Pardo Bazan, who is perhaps Spain’s greatest woman novelist; and seventy-three of Perez Galdos. Only the one collection, “Clasicos Castellanos,” has been catalogued and ready for use by the students. The Biblioteca is ready to be cat alogued but the other volumes will not be ready for some time. Dr. Bay P. Bowen, head of the department, is very much interested in the development of this depart ment and in the purchase of new books. Initial Speech Made by Hall To Students President to Follow Plans Of Prince Campbell for A “Greater Oregon” Introductory Talk Made By Sheldon and Biggs Students Warned Against Bigotry by Head-Elect rT'HE auditorium of the Woman’s -I building yesterday was filled to overflowing with members of the student body and faculty, who lis tened to Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, president-elect of the University, when he pointed out to the students fundamental guideposts on the road to a “Greater Oregon,” in his ad dress on “Leadership.” Dr. Hall in the capacity of a stu dent leader at his initial assembly address, spoke of the possibilities for an era of growth for the Uni versity in the same way which President Campbell pointed the way to future growth when ho appeared for the last time April 23, 1924 and talked from his chair concerning the launching of the student union drive to a similar group of students. Hall Attacks Bigotry “Conviction without bigotry, strength $of character without ibru tality, faith without credulity, sym pathy without sentimentality are the principles which will lead to a. high type of spiritual and intellec tual life, a larger vision and abun dant achievement. Youthful enthus iasm will be my inspiration, and my ambition is service to you,” declared Dr. Hall. In discussing what he considers a requisite for developing leadership, Dr. Hall warned students of the curse of bigotry which he defined as a fixed opinion usually based on nothing more tfym tradition. Con viction, on the other hand, he de fined as the thought and idea result ing from careful study. Cynicism Lacks Character “Strength of character is also im portant,” ho said in dealing with the problems of life. “Yet thjit strength must come without any loss in gentleness of character and an insight into the finer things of life. A man lacking in strength of character and gentleness and poise, often develops a cynical attitude to ward life,” lie said. ihe speaker illustrated the value of strength of character in the ex ample of Abraham Lincoln who when disaster threatened the states was the one man to keep his head and definitely to meet the crisis. ^ ou must be one who can con struct a philosophy of life. Form a definite attitude toward the prob lems of life and then form them into fixed habits of thought and conduct. Crystalize them into char acter.” Faith in Mastery As the third point essential to the development of leadership, Dr. Hal! urged faith, that is, belief in ones self and in all people. He urged a faith based on science, not on credulity. To have faith in ones self is at tained through a mastery of oncs self, through self analysis and free dom from egotism, he said. A belief in the higher destiny of man based on a reading of history leads to faith in humanity, is Dr. Hall’s opinion. An analysis of the lives of the men throughout history who Have made civilization and have left a permanent influence on the world, are the men of deep sym pathy, he said. He pointed out the (■rent Xazarene as an example of the power of a spirit of compassion, as a source of strong leadership. Preceding Dr. Hall’s address, Hugh Higgs, president of the A. S. U. O., in a brief address of welcome to the students of the University, offered a “sincere and hearty wel come to the students for the com mg year.” He also spoke of the possibilities which the present school year offers and which should lead to a realization of the dreams of the University. Two Solos Sung Dean H. D. Sheldon, of the school of education, introduced Dr. Wall as a friend and leader of the stu dents, a combined business man and administrator, a college president, an oracle expected by the public to speak authoritatively on prob lems of foreign interest, head of the faculty and representative of the University with the public and the alumni. Mrs. Prudence Clarke sang two solos, accompanied by John Stark (Continued on page three)