BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ralph Staley, ’27, President Pat Hughes, ’27, Vice-president Arthur Hamilton, ’28, Secretary Roland Davis, ’28 Arthur Anderson, ’29 Dean James H. Gilbert Dean John F. Bovard M. F. McClain, Manager Marie G. Hadley, Secretary Spencer R. Collins, ’21, C. P. A., Auditor Text Books All text books are sold at publishers’ list price. Students at Oregon pur chase their books at the same prices paid by those at Harvard, Princeton, "i ale, Columbia or Cornell. Your store pays transportation across the continent and makes no additional charge. Special orders for books will be handled quickly and at list price. Students’ Supplies The thousand and one incidental items required for work in the different schools and departments are handled at the lowest prices consistent with safe management. The quality of such supplies is the best obtainable for student use. The store does not cut prices but operates on a profit sharing plan. Save your Cash register tickets. THE CO-OP STORE IS OWNED ENTIRELY BY T HE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON It was incorporated in 1 920 by the Executive Committee of the Associated Students. It is a legally consti tuted Co-operative Society of which every regularly registered student in the University is automatically a mem ber. The managing body is a board of directors, members of which are elected by the students at f^ieir election in May of each year. There is no charge or fee for membership in the store. The purpose of the store is the operation of a convenient depot for the distribution of text books and other supplies to its members. Its sole aim is to give efficient service through Co-operation with students and faculty. The Store Is Profit Sharing. Save all your cash' register tickets. When you have ten dollars worth or more turn them in at the Co-op office and receive a rebate on your purchases. Save Cash Register Tickets. Ask for Them. Professors are but human, and busy humans at that. Simplify their tasks by sub mitting neatly typed papers. We are campus agents for Remington Portable and Corona typewriters. Let us explain the long term payment plan. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT Frosh Gaps and Rooter Caps Things You Will Need Daily Loose Leaf Note Books Note Book Fillers Lab. Drawing Paper Manila Covers Venus Drawing Pencils Castell Drawing Pencils Sheaffers Skrip Sanford’s and Carter’s Ink Drafting Instruments T Squares and Triangles Water Colors and Boxes Oil Paints and Brushes Slide Rules Padlocks Keytainers Kodak Films Film Developing Playing Cards Seal Jewelry Social Stationery Seal Stationery Thumb Tacks Picture Wire Mending Tissue Memory Books Campus Postcards Fraternity Postcards Brief Cases Fountain Pens— Sheafer Lifetime Pens Waterman Pens Parker Duofold Pens Eversliarp Pencils Sheaffer Pencils Date and Address Books Bill Folds and Purses Ingersoll Watches Various Alarm Clocks Oregon Seal Stickers Suitcase Stickers and Seals Protractors, Rulers, Scales Oregon Seal Pennants Oregon Pillows and Banners Dissecting Sets Name Engraved Free On Any Pen $5.00 or Over Toilet Articles— Tooth Brushes and Paste Packers Tar Soap Ivory Soap—Guest Ivory Assorted Toilet Soaps Shaving Cream and Brushes Pocket Combs and Hairpins Safety Razors and Blades Handkerchiefs for Men and Women Face Creams and Powders Rouge, Compacts, Bath* Salts Shampoo, Shaving Lotions Powder Puffs and Hair Nets Bar Candies Cigarettes, Cigars Pipes, Tobacco Tobacco Pouches Pins and Needles Thread Adhesive Tape Aspirin Art Candles Artists Supplies Kodak Books Gift Articles Greeting Cards Dictionaries General Books Current Magazines GYM SHOES FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Many makes of shoes were submtited to the Phy sical Education departments and we carry only the ones fully approved. Hood Rub ber Shoes have proven worthy in every respect. “GYMSHU” FOR WOMEN “WHIPPET” FOR MEN Slickers for both Men and Women UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Westgate Building—Thirteenth Avenue Campus Entrance