Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1926, SECTION FOUR, Page 3, Image 15

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    Emerald Files Tell History of Senior Class
All Activities
Are Recorded
“Biggest and Best” Class
Has Notable Record
During Career
Junior Grades Highest
Largest Entering Class
Up to 1922
Freshman Year 1922-23
Fall Term
October 4—“From the powers that
be and sanctioned by Thomas
Hughes, president of the sophomore
class, comes an ultimatum effective
tomorrow afternoon. At that time
all members of the class of 1925
will be requested to array them
teelves in proximity to the scenery
near the library in preparation for
the annual Frosh parade.”
October 6—“ ‘Boll up that pant
leg, Frosh.’ ‘Where’s that green
lid?’ These and many other sim
ilar orders punctuated with the re
sounding whack, whack, of big pad
dles, little paddles, thick paddles,
limber paddles, long paddles and
short paddles, wielded by willing
sophomore arms on ah many differ
ent types of unwilling ‘mediums of
resistance,’ typified the spirit of
the frosh parade yesterday after
October 8—In spite of the number
of entrance requirements the fresh
man class this year is the largest in
the history of the University. The
number of new full-time students,
the most of whom are freshmen, is
Dean Straub gives welcoming ad
dress in Villard hall, Friday after
noon, to the “biggest and best”
class in the history of Oregon.
October 12—Faculty limits size of
Frosh bonfire for first time in his
tory of University.
October 11—Freshman class offic
ers elected at the meeting yester
day in Villard hall are: Joe Frazer,
president; Everett Ogle, vice-presi
dent; Gladys Noren, secretary; Lea
MacPike, treasurer. Eugene Rich
mond later elected president upon
resignation of Joe Frazer.
October 15—“Freshmen and sopho
mores yesterday morning on Kincaid
field intermingled in friendly com
bat and the final score was fill to
40. Good newswriting dictates that
the winner should be specified, but
the underclass mix is one exception
to the rule. The seniors of ’26 won
several of the events.”
October 15—Freshman dance at
Woman’s building, Saturday night,
with talks by President P. L. Camp
bell, Dean Elizabeth Fox and Dean
October 26—The time for con
struction of the frosh bonfire is
limited to 30 hours by student coun
November 10-11—-Homecoming
November 11—“A lone soph for
ager came to grief this morning
when he attempted an impromptu
raid on the doughnuts intended for
the frosh workers on the bonfire.”
Frosh bonfire and pep rally held
last night.
Oregon defeats W. S. C. T3-Q.
“And in the evening, Oregon went
to the dance with the cougar skin
over its shoulders, and what was left
of the cougar went to danee, too,
for the cougar is a game bird.”
December 5—“This year 26 mem
bers of the frosh squad are eligible
for their numeral. They are:. Gos
ser, Hunt, Bliss, Warren, A1 Sin
clair, Bob Mautz, Carlburg, Pearson,
McMullen, Bass, Scriptures, Mays,
Mosier, Anderson, Mills, Poulson,
Purvine, Brosterhouse, Stoddard,
Navet, Aiken, Peak, Bitner, Hob
son, Toole, Shrieve.
Winter Term
January 27—“The freshmen, at
their class party last night, did not
follow in the footsteps of their eld
ers, but staged a very clever party
in the Woman’s building. The en
tire setting was decorated in blue
and white streamers. The dancers
mingled in p. unique eafe set off
from the main dance floor."
February 8—To-ke-lo, sophomore
honor soeiety, elects: Robert Maute,
Walter Kelsey, Roy Farley, William
dosser, Alvin Rills, Herman Blaefr
stag, Chybom Carton, Ted Maya,
Ben Callaway, Fred Martin, Otto
Maoth|, Powell Garland, Rolf Eep,
Claude Snow, Louit Anderson, Paul
Krausee, Ogden Mills, Albert Sin
clair, Kenneth Btepheneon, Mike
Goodell, Arnold Southwell, Jerome
Gunther, Joseph Saari, Perry Davis,
Carl Dahl, Jack Rivenburgh.
February 10—“Dim lights from
many-colored lanterns, great bas
kets filled with roses, big shadowy
palms, willow branches adorned with
multitudes of eolorful motifs against
a wall of black ggurea in rainbow
hued dresses weaving in and out and
a great yellow moon overhanging
Women Trade Places
With Men Leap Week
A ND then the women took it
upon themselves to show the
men how it should be done. Leap
Week began, as Leap Weeks have
a way of doing, with open house.
And the women tramped the
weary leagues between Phi Psi
and A. T. O., making the 10-min
ute stop at every fraternity
house between. They also adopt
ed the men’s prerogative of
“looking 'em over” and picking
the best looking, or the best
dancer, or, perchance, an elusive
secret sorrow with whom to
dance and to make a “date”
for the days yet to come.
Then, after it was all over,
the women went home, tired but
still in good spirits, to-sit about
the fireplace and tell what “he
said an’ I said,” and how sweet
the Fiji’s looked in the receiving
line and what clever things the
sigma Nus talked about.
The committee in charge of
leap week was composed of Imo
gene Lewis, chairman, assisted
by Betty Rauch, Louise Inabnit,
Lillian Vulgamore, DeLoris Pear
son, and Adrienne Hazard.
it all. Such waB the FroSh Glee,
with all that goes into the making
of a truly festive evening.” Floyd
McKalson was chairman of the af
March 2—“What constitutes a
verdant head-piece f Numerous em
bryonic seniors who have been ab
breviating their badge of lowliness
are liable to become painfully aware
of what does not constitute a green
lid, and find themselves being of
fered up as a sacrifice on the library
“The balmy weather may be the
cause of it. Anyway, for some rea
son or other, numerous babes have
deliberately flaunted cherished trad
itions by appearing on the campus
with their distinguishing insignia
reduced to proportions equal to the
beloved iron man, and adorning
their sta-combed knobs like a beauty
spot adorning a chorus girl’s cheek.”
March 8—Paddling session today.
The following freshmen are to ap
pear before the library steps today
at 11 o’clock: Emery Marks, Otto
Mauthe, Sherman Smith, Rufus Sum
ner, Gordon Slade, Hen Mailt, Herm
Blaesing, Bob Gardner, Ed Hicks,
Ted Mays, Ken Stephenson, Bert
Hodgett, Philip Thompson, Matt
Faust, Bug Hall, Carl Frame, Rex
Stroud, John Littlejohn, Ed Casey.
Spring Teem
April 20—“The new pigger’s par
adise—"the future rival of the mill
raee and the cemetery—is in danger.
It has just been discovered that the
eourt of new architecture and allied
arts building is to be lighted.”
May 1—“Professor Frederick S.
Dunn and Miss Mary H. Perkins
were chosen as class advisers by the
freshman class at a meeting held in
Villard hall, Friday evening. Be
sides choosing their advisers the
class made arrangements for a Frosh
Biot to be held in the men’s gym
May 25.”
May 3—“While Eugene Sleeps,”
might be an appropriate title far the
little skit put on by the green-cap
pers of the various houses down in
front of the Heilig theater Tuesday
night and early yesterday morning.
When the rest of us were blissfully
dreaming away the Still hours of 'the
night, these doughty sons of ’26
were shivering and shaking waiting
for the ticket office open, Chat
they might get a few blocks of (the
choicest seats for the “Varsity Van
May 10—Claude Bobinson elected
president of student body, and Ar
thur Eudd, editor of the Emerald.
May 18, 19—Junior Week-end.
“Another colorful event of Friday
morning was the burning of the
green—the incineration of the fresh
men’s abbreviated headgear.”
The sophs defeated the Babes in
the class tug-of-war yesterday.
“Like a gang of frogs, splashing
joyously in a limpid pool, the
Knights of ’26 took to the icicle
waters of the mill race. Clawing
the air, spitting water, gasping,
elimbing over one another, they
surged through tha swirling liquid
and scrambled up the ether bank,
ready for tho last part of the rit
May 26—“The Frosh riot, the
‘biggest and best’ event of the year
for tho fiiht year elaas, waa held at
8 o’eloek last night in the men’s
gym. It waa a riot of color, festivity
and noise. Who wae there! Well,
all tho gang that slipped tho green
turban into the fire barrel Junior
Week-end and all the fair lassies
of the elan of '26. President Camp
bell and Dean Straub were there to
see that nothing happened to the
Dean’s ‘biggest and best.’ "
Sophomore Tear, 1923-24
Tall Torn
Sophomore class officers: Ken
neth Stephenson, president; Maurine
Silent Guardian of University Campus
The spirit that led the early Oregon settlers to found the University
la typified in the statu e of the Pioneer, 'which Was presented by Joseph
X. Teal, of Portland.
Buchanan, vice-president; Freda
Runes, secretary (later replaced by
Mary Brandt); Joe Frazer, treasur
October 2—The sophomores decide
to wear red hats. “A hat he wore
—he wore a hat—the hat was red,—
and that is that!” So chirped an
impertinent sparrow from the lib
rary steps soon after seeing, not a
last year’s birdnest, but the head
gear of the men of ’26. Were we
a deer in a thicket by the millrace
we might think—“More hunters
after those rabbits!” Were we a
professor we might say, “Ah, a new
tradition!” But all we can say is—
“The men of the class of '26 are
wearing hats. The hats are unmis
takably red.”
October 10—The sophomore class
held its first class meeting in Vil
lard hall yesterday afternoon.
Maurine Buchanan was elected vice
president to fill Catherine Lyon’s
place, and Joe Frazer, treasurer, in
place of Rolf Klep, who did not re
turn to school.
'October 14—Sophomores win un
derclass mix, October 13. "Outside
of the fact that the president of the
sophomore class was carried off Kin
caid field by a group of modest
friends when he was tom asunder
from many of his important gar
ments during the flag rush yester
day, there were no casualties in the
‘Annual Squarest Underclass Mix’.”
October 21—It had previously
■ been announced that the sophomore
party would be rough neck last
Friday, and it was. The sophs lit
erally oozed out of the sides Of the
Campa Shoppe dance hati. So
crowded was the floor that they
took possession of the sidewalk and
street.” Jimmy Leake and Paul
Krausse were in charge.
October '26—Otto Mauthe, Paul
Sletton, Rufus Sumner, and Dick
Lyman, sophomores, were chosen as
sistants to the managers of the vari
ous athletic teams.
November 18—-Sophomore infor
mal. “In an Oriental milieu of
exotic splendor, the annua!! sopho
more informal was given ‘Saturday
evening at the armory.” Gladys
Noreen and Kathryn Jane Seel gave
a fantastic feature. The dance was
sponsored by the sophomore class
and was one of the largest college
dances of the year.
Floyd McKiilson was general
chairman for tie informal, and Paul
Krausse, head of the decorating
The class donated $50 to make
Homecoming a success .-at a reeent
November 24, 25—Homecoming
Aggies defeat Oregon, 6 to 0, is
game Saturday.
December 5—Coach Shy Hunting
ton resigns.
Winter Term
January 19—The sophomores will
disguise themselves st their perty
day after tomorrow—a regular
"gases whs” affair. “It will be
stTietly a no-date affair, and though
malts are t« be vers, the costumes
need set be elaborate, m H Is striet
>7 am eld clothes affair.”
January 81—Canrpos votes 2 to 1
to have ne guests for Jonisr Week
February 87—"Word has been re
ceived that Lylah MeMurphey left
Japan, February 15, for a visit in
China. Bhe will leave shortly for
the United States. She will resume
her work at the University at the
beginning of the spring term.”
March 1—“Joe Frazer and Walter
Malcolm debated with the Univer
sity of California team last night
in the first radio debate ever held."
Spring Term
March 2.8—“A large number of
Students were so anxious about their
grades for last term that their feel
ings were shown last Monday night
in a raid on the press-room where
the far-famed ‘scandal sheet’ was
being put out.”
April 4—Kwama, sophomore wom
en’s honorary society, pledges 19
members from the freshman class.
April 10—“At a regular meeting
of the Oregon Knight* held last
night, Rufus Sumner, a sophomore,
was elected to the office of chan
cellor of the exchequer to take the
place left vacant by the election of
Charls Norton to the office of presi
dent some time ago.”
April 16—“A short story, ‘The
Canyon of Storm,’ has been sold by
Walter Evans Kidd, sophomore in
journalism, to Street and Smith, pub
lishers of a number of current maga
zines. Kidd has likewise placed a
poem, ‘ A Message, ’ with Lyric
West, a journal of poetry, and ‘Sil
ver Slippers’ with American
Poetry. ”
April 23—“Plans for a sophomore
class picnic were made at a meeting
of the class yesterday afternoon in
Villard hall, and committees for the
j affair were appointed.
“Joe Frazer is general chairman
and has a number of committee
chairmen to work with him. Floyd
McKalson 'has charge of the dinner;
Edna Murphy is chairman of the
patroness committee; Bob Mautz,
entertainment; Fnsd Martin,
grounds; and Steele Winterer, trans
portation. Other members of the
committee will be named later. The
pienie is to be held on the after
noon and evening of May 29.
Mary Brandt was elected secre
tary of the class to serve for the
rest of the term, taking the plaice
of Freda Runes, who has withdrawn
from school.”
May 8—Randall Jones elected
president of A. S. K. O., Don Wood
ward gets editorship of the Emerald,
Ruth Akers, secretary of Student
body, Russell.Gowans, vice-president.
May 9 and 10—Homecoming
May 36—Officers for junior year
elected-: Steele Winterer, president;
Margaret Jamieson, vice-president;
DeLoris Pearson, secretary; Bob
Gardner, treasurer; Charles Snyder,
May 29—Baseball games, swim
ming, the customary bonfire, a
dance at Coburg hall, and mueh food
featured the sophomore picnic to
day. A speeil train left Eugene at
3:30 for Gaburg. Joe Fraser was
general chairman of the picnic com
mittee; Bob Mautz was in charge of
the entertainment; Mary Brandt,
food; Edna Murphy, patroness;
,‘Steele Winterer, transportation.
Junior Tear 1024-25
Fan Tens
October 0—With approximate
1290 new students, the roll of the
University is expected to reach
2000, a fain of nearly 18 per cent.
October 8—The fret meeting of
the junior dads b held in Villard
hall October 7. “Geneva Smith, of
Portland, woe elected vice-president
of the class, and plans for the claes
dance ware d is earned. This will bo
one of the biggest dances of the
y ear and will enable the juniors to
show off their cords and really feel
like upper-classmen, eaid Steele Win
terer, class president. The dance will
be strictly no-date and will begin
promptly at 8:^0 o'clock October
17. Committees for the affair an
nounced by Maurice Warnock are:
refreshments, Adrienne Hazard,
chairman, Helen Weber and Carl
Dahl; features, Paul Krausse, chair
Diary Reveals
Happy Days
Underclass Mix, Soph
Informal, Junior
Prom Inclnded
Class Dances Numerous
Junior Week.end Proves
Great Success
man, and Jack Seabrook; publicity,
Margaret Vincent; decorations, Bud
Pearson, Chuck Norton, Dorothy My
ers and Imogene Lewis; patrons,
Gladys Noren.”
October 9—Walter Malcolm, gen
eral chairman of the underclass Mix,
announces that plans are progress
ing rapidly, with faculty opposition
October 11—Sophomores defeat
freshmen in Under-class Mix, in
charge of the juniors.
October 18—Class dances held on
Friday, October 17—“A Roman holi
day, in the form of a corduroy rub,
was celebrated at the Campa Shoppe
by the juniors. Paul Krausse and
Jack Seabrook put on a little skit
entitled ‘The Three Trees,' and be
cause the andience wanted an en
core (we hope for no other reason)
Jack Seabrook sang a solo ‘Hard
Hearted Hannah.’ ”
October 24—The official junior
class list is given out. “With 252
men and 222 women registered as
juniors, only 52 men and 60 women
are entitled to junior certificates
and appear as members of this class
on University records.”
October 24—“The engagement of
Cecile Bennett and Blondel Carle
ton, both juniors in the University,
was recently announced at Hend
ricks hall.”
October 31, November 1—Home
coming Week-end. Colonel John
Leader talks at assembly Thursday,
saying, “I am loyal to my native
country, loyal to the regiments I
have fought with, and loyal to my
alma mater, but when I come to the
Great Divide, before St. Peter, then
I’ll make my final registration from
the University of Oregon.”
The big noise parade on Friday
evening is declared to be the best
ever held, in spite of the rainy
weather. “After the bonfire was
ignited on old Kincaid field, the
parade was formed which Serpentin
ed its way under a canopy of bril
liant Roman candles, red fire, spark
lers and fire crackers, down to the
Oregon defeats the University of
Washington Huskies on Hayward
field by a score of 7 to 3, thus ob
taining top place in the northwest
conference. “The varsity team, with
the same old fighting spirit, played
the game, using every ounce of
scrap and grit that they possessed.
It was really impossible for the cool
and confident Huskies to beat such
a combination.”
-November 4—-Wild, cheering,
serpentines, a campus dance of like
nature and a rally at Hayward field
marked the spontaneous bursting
forth of Oregon spirit yesterday
afternoon in honor of the Lemon
Yellow victory Saturday. All classes
were dismissed and men and women
alike joined in the festivities ”
November 6—“The strenuous and
climatically disagreeable week-end
just passed has had rather a bad ef
fect on the health of the students
on the campus, according to I)r.
Boss, of the University health ser
vice. Cases of colds and grippe have
been very numerous during the past
few days.”
November 23—Varsity defeats O.
A. C. by four-point margin.
November 25—Junior shine day.
“All the junior men are asked to
appear in boot black costume as no
particular appointments of the
workers have been made. The pro
ceeds from the day will be used to
buy dinners for Eugene’s poor on
Thanksgiving day. 'Every kind of
shoe and every shade of color can
be shined—excepting only suede
pumps,’ is the authentic information
extended by Steele Winterer.”
December 2—Bob Haute la ehosen
eaptain of the Oregon football team
for 1023 at a banquet at the Osburn
on December 1.
December 3—Oxford debate, with
Walter Malcolm, Paul Patterson and
Joe Prazer representing Oregon.
Winter Tuna
January 7—Word is received that
President P. L. Campbell is enjoy
ing the mild California winter at1
January 3—The junior class leads
in scholarship for the fall term.
“The junior women lead both the
men and women in scholarship, and
the junior class leads the classes.
The rating of the classes follows:
juniors, 2.79; seniors, 2.98; sopho
mores, 3.31; and freshmen, 3.30.”
January 8—“Although early in
the year, plans have already been
Campus Dogs Invited
To “Bow-IFoh) Brawl”
A “DOGGONED good brawl” it
was that the Alpha Chi Ome
ga and Tri Delt girls put on at
the Tri Delt house as the second
feature of Leap "Week. All the
campus dogs were issued invita
tions to bring their masters to
the Brawl, and Eef, Noble, Cae
sar, and Tige were among the
elite of dogdom who gladly came
to the party in their honor. Dog
gy posters decorated the walls,
and dogs of the “hot” variety
were served for refreshments in
company with buns and coffee.
Canine accomplishments were
displayed as the feature, with
Marc, the Phi Psi police dog,
climbing a ladder.
started by the junior class in pre
paration for Junior Week-end, May
22 and 23. Bob McCabe has been
appointed by Steele Winterer, presi
dent of the class, as chairman of
the directorate, which as a unit will
have the management of the entire
January 16—“The heads of the
various committees for the Junior
Vodvil, which will be presented on
May 9 and 10, were announced by
Paul Erausse, chairman, at a meet
ing of the junior class Thursday
afternoon. James Leake, manager
of the Emerald, was named business
manager of the affair; Wayne Le
land, who has had a great deal of
experience in creating scenes and in
painting them, scenic director;
Maurice Warnock, who has served
in various executive positions in
campus activities, stage manager;
and Charles Norton, president of
the Oregon Knights, properties.”
January 17—Word received that
Joe Maddock, Oregon coach, has re
January 22—Richard Shore Smith,
of Eu'gene, chosen Oregon's new grid
January 31—"Fashion plates of
Vanity Fair of pre-war days were
at tho junior party at the Campa
Shoppe last night. Junior men as
small town dance hall sheiks and
girls as vamps danced in the set
ting of a grange hall dance of a de
cade ago. Refreshments were in the
form of the never-omitted basket
lunches. Hayracks called at the wo
men’s organizations to convey them
to the affair.”
February 28—“Reports were made
by the heads of the various com
mittees of the directorate for Junior
Week-end at the meeting of the
committee members in Condon hall
yesterday. Margaret Vincent, chair
man of the campus luncheon, and
Clarence Toole, canoe fete chair
man, announced plans. James Scrip
ture, junior prom chairman, named
Arthur Gaft;, of Bandon, as chair
man of the decorations committee.
George Mansfield, who was original
ly appointed to take charge of the
decorations, is not enrolled in the
University this term.”
March 13—Janet Wood, a junior
in physical education, was elected
president of the Women’s Athletic
Spring Term
April 1—Spring term foes payable
from April 15 to 25.
April 4—“The best act presented
at the April Frolic will be given as
one of the acts for Junior Vodvil,
according to an announcement made
at the Directorate meeting yester
day afternoon.”
April 7—“There will be no queen
for the canoe fete this year, accord
ing to an announcement made by
Clarence Toole, chairman of the
canoe fete, at the meeting of the
Junior Week-end directorate last
April 8—Names and plans for the
floats for the canoe fete must be in
by April 30, announces Clarence
Toole, chairman. “Everett Ogle was
recently named chairman of the
committee in charge of the bleach
ers. A new committee in charge of
the lighting is Sylvester Stevens
and Frank Roehr.”
April 15—“Members of the Junior
Week-end directorate are as follows:
Robert McCabe, directorate chair
man; Adrienne Hazard, assistant
chairman; James Scriptures, Junior
prom; Arthur Gale, deeorationfe;
Clareace Toole, canoe fete; Paul
Krausse, Vodvil chairman; Margar
et Viaeeat, campus luncheon; Ken
neth Stephenson, campus day; James
Leake, manager; and Paul Ager,
May 1—Bight big acta announced
for Junior Vedvll, May 8 and 8.
May 9—Junior V odvll proves
great hit. “The beet number on the
program! Take yonr pick. The Pi
id Pipers with their novelty offer
ings, are by far the most profession
al. The Pinneo-Wooten-Wilson aet,
burlesqueing the show, the campus,
and life in general, is truly an
‘alarming etartlement,’ as its au
thors call it.”
May 13—Student officers elected.1
Walter Malcolm elected president,
Paul Ager, vice-president, Edward
Miller, editor of the Emerald, and
E. Richmond
First Prexy
Ken Stephenson Head of
Class During Soph
omore Year
Winterer Junior Leader
Bob Gardner President
For 1925-26.
DeLoris Pearson, secretary.
May 22-23—Junior Week-end.
“The menu for the campus lunch
eon Friday in charge of Margaret
Vincent, was cold sliced veal, baked
beans, fruit salad, hot rolls, Ice
cream, sandwiches and lemonade.”
May 23—Friars elect: Bob Mautz,
Kenneth Stephenson, Fred Martin,
Walter Malcolm and Paul Ager.
Mortar board elects: Mrs. P. L.
Campbell, Margaret Boyer, Maurine
Buchanan, Eloisc Buck, Louise Inab
nit, Dorothy Myers, and Janet
May 26—“Eloise Buck, of Eu
gene, and Robert Mautz, of Port
land, were announced as the winners
of the Gerlinger and Koyl cups at
the Junior Prom Saturday night.”
The interior of the armory re
sembled a large hall such as would
be found in French chateaux dur
ing the reign of Louis XI, so care
fully was each detail worked out in
the planning of the Junior Prom,
tho last event of Junior Week-end.
May 28—Senior class officers
elected yesterday were: Robert
Gardner, president; Lylah MoMur
phey, vice-president; Mildred Bate
man, secretary; Carl Dahl, sergeant
at-arms; Anna DeWitt, class barber.
Senior Year 1826-26
Fall Term
October 15—“Among the things
which culminated at the senior
meeting was the adoption of large,
flat-topped Stetsons which have
hatbands ornamented with the Ore
gon seal, the word “Oregon” and
the figures “26” as the latest fad
of the senior class. The idea was
not entirely original, however, as it
was first adopted by the senior class
of 1910.
The committeo appointed for the
investigation of priees and supply
for the dance tomorrow night con
sists of Bao Mosier, Carl Dahl, and
Laird McKenna.”
October 1—“The seniors will
dance tonight to the music of the
Pi-id Pipers at the Campa Shoppe,
says Tom Graham, chairman. Tom
my McGinnis, in charge of the fea
tures, promises diversion enough by
an Apache dance and features pre
sented by the senior men.”
| October 22—“Elizabeth Rai^hi
was appointed senior woman w* th<,
executive council at a meeting of'
the council last night.”
October 24—“Miss Edith Pierce,.
! senior in the school of physical edu
! cation, attended the summer school'
at the University of Wisconsin and;
is recipient of the annual scholar
ship given by Orcheeis, honorary
dancing society,”
November 13-14—Homecoming. O.
A. C. defeats Oregon 24-13. Senior
class inaugurates Alumni smoker.
December 8—Imogens Lewis ap
pointed general chairman for Christ
mas College Ball at Multnomah ho
tel, Portland.
December 11—“Genevieve Chase
and Tom Graham will represent the
University of Oregon at the Stu
dent Conference to be held at Evan
ston, Illinois, from Docember 31 to
January 1.”
December 12—Plans started for
Senior Ball,
Winter Term
January 12—“Captain John J.
McEwan received his initiation into
Oregon and its famous mist when
he stepped off the train in Portland
last Friday evening after 20 days of
travel that carried him many thou
sands of miles.”
January 16—“Laraway’s hall was
tho scene of the junior-senior dance
at which cords and sombreros held
sway as campus clothes were in or
der for all the dancers. Tho nine*
members of Jim Pnrcell’s orches
tra clad in formal attire made the
jazz king of all Panl Joneses, for
trot*, waltzes and varlated “Ohar.
lesto®*” tho epper daaunea at
temped.” ° o
reDruary 9—“Danees may coma
and dances may go but the senior
boll of February 8 will long remain
« pleasant memory to all who at
tended it. The entire gymnasium at
the Woman's building was trans
formed into a huge ballroom with
Arabic setting. Large attractive
lanterns of varied shape cast their
light over the room, made lively
with draped hangings which extend
ed from the ceiling to the floor. The
programs and the supper were typ
ical of Arabia, as was the feature
of the evening, danced by Miss Ed
na Dipple.”