Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1926, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 11

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    A. S. U. O. Head
Outlines Policies
For Coming Year
Inauguration of President
And Coach Expected
To Add Impetus
Greater Oregon Committee
To Bid for Freshmen
Hugh Biggs, president of the As
sociated Students of the University,
Lowell Baker, its sub-chief, and
Hugh Biggs
rranees Morgan,
its scribe, with a
glance at the past,
are looking to
wards the future
school year with
hopes and ambi
“We should an
ticipate a pleas
ant and profitable
year beginning
next September.
Every opportunity
will be offered to make the
year a most successful one in
point of scholastic achievement
and extra curricula activity. By
the inauguration of a new presi
dent and a new coaching staff both
scholastic and athletic departments
will no doubt receive a great for
ward impetus and can hardly fail
to reflect credit on the institution,”
Mr. Biggs said.
“Through the work of Greater
Oregon Committee this summer we
are expecting a still bigger and bet
ter freshman class.
While special em
phasis will be laid
on the quality of
students rushed
during the sum
mer there will
. probably be an in
crease in student
enrollment as well
as an improved
scholastic stand
ard of incoming
students. The Uni
Lowell Baker
versity can expand and prosper only
as it maintains a high standard of
student achievement. It is with this
point in view that the Greater Ore
gon committee will use a more sel
ective process in rushing students
during the summer,” was Mr. Biggs’
“With the continued cooperation
and willing spirit of the student
Frances Morgan
body the coming
year cannot fail
to be a marked
success. The re
sponsibility for a
successful year
rests, of course, on
the student body
as a whole—-I am
confident that it
is well placed,”
was the optimistic
view the new pres
ident gave the reporter. “Drop in
again” were his parting words.
This year’s intra-mural basketball
tournament proved to be a hotly
contested meet and many of the
games were worth paying to see. The
“fighting Phi Delts” succeeded in
defeating all comers.
Out of the dozen or so teams en
tered, three reached the semi-finals
—the Oregon club, Betas, and Phi
Delts. These teams took part in a
“round robin” and the Phi Delts
came out on top, with a .1000 av
Three of the winners were picked
on the all star team chosen by the
physical education department: Gor
don Eidings, Mervin. Chastain, and
Joe Bally.
New Directorate of Greater Oregon Committee
Reading from left to right: Arthur Priaulx, associate chairman; Paul Sletton, Herbert Socolofsky,
Dudley Clark, chairman; Don McCook, Dr. James H. Gilbert, Jack Hempstead, Janies Manning, George
Hill, Ronald Sellars, George Mimnaugh, Cliff Kuhn, Nick Carter.
Retiring A. S. U. O.
Officers’ Record
Shows Good Work
Handicaps Fail to Offer
Barrier to Success
In Year’s Activity
Success both from an adminis
trative and a financial standpoint
Walter Malcolm
nas inaraea
past year of the
Associated Stu
dents of the Uni
versity under the
careful guidance
of Walter Mal
e o 1 m , retiring
president of the
student body.
Paul Ager, vice
president, and De
li o r i s Pearson,
Many accomp
lishments of the
A. S. U. O. admin
istration appear worthy of note.
A successful Greater Oregon cam
paign, carried on during the sum
mer, brought to the University a
freshman class that Dean John
Straub pronounced early in the
year, “bigger and better than ever
At the beginning of the school
year, the position of the freshman
presidency was
made one of
honor; heretofore
an unheardof situ
With a debt of
$19,000 practical
ly cleared up, the
past administra- !
tion can boast one
of the most suc
cessful financial
seasons in A. S.
TJ. O. history.
The first con
Paul Ager
j struction on the student building
program was done this year when
the bleachers on Hayward field
were erected opposite the grand
stand and the next step in the
building program made when a
bond issue of $150,000 was floated
for the construction of the basket
ball pavilion which was started in
May first of this year.
Student officials maintained and
carried on regular student body
activities, includ
ing forensics,
music, athletics,
Homecoming, lec
ture series, con
cert series, High
School conference,
and the general
student body con
duct was all ac
complished under
difficult s i t u a
De Loris Pearsontlon8
Able assistants
to Walter Malcolm have been Paul
Ager, retiring vice-president; De
Gifts for Graduation
In order to cnt down our stock we axe making a
Special Discount of
On our complete line of Art Goods.
Don’t fail to visit our store before you seleot your
Graduation Gifts
Paint—Wall Paper—Art Goods
922 Willamette
Phone 749
Loris Pearson, retiring secretary;
Kenneth Stephenson, retiring senior
man on the executive council;
Betty Eauch, retiring senior woman
on the executive council; and Fred
Martin, two years yell king, be
sides the remaining members of the
student councils and members of
committees throughout the year.
Call of Wild Comes to
Teaching Staff; Will
Scatter to Four Winds
The entire physical education
staff, with the exception of two
members who will take advanced
study, will be engaged in teaching
in summer sessions which range
from New York to Southern Cali
average needed to allow a girl to
participate in competitve sports.
This year, for the first time, there
was a rather rigid requirement that
each .girl playing on teams must
have a 4.00 average. Next year
there will be an attempt made to
have the average raised to a 3.5.
Dr. John C. Bovard, head of the
department, will conduct classes in
theories of physical education at the
University of California, Southern
Harry Scott, head of the men’s
physical education department, will
teach his fourth summer at Colum
bia University in New York. He
will instruct in organization and ad
ministration of university physical
education. He will also have charge
of the recreative program for the
summer session students.
Nash, San Francisco
Printer, Honors Campus
John Henry Nash, San Francisco
printer, will come to the campus
each fall to help the typography
class, under the direction of Robert
C. Hall, head of the University
Press, print one edition de lux at
this time. The first book will be
started at the beginning of the next
fall term.
Mr. Nash offered, at the last news
paper conference held here, to fur
nish the paper and his time if the
newspapermen and printers of Ore
gon would put up a fund for ex
enses. So far they have raised
Of Course, Hus Store Is
Where Savings Are Greatest
When h. comes to talking about Quality of goods,
we would just like to say that Quality for Quality and
Dollar for Dollar you will find it extremely difficult'
to get more for your money elsewhere.
In making this statement in this positive way we
want to go a step beyond: Please do this: MAKK
We have no particular store in mind. Go where
you will, in or out of town. We do not claim to be
performing miracles in business and such things as
exaggerated claims are not within what we regard as
good business ethics.
However, our 24 years of extensive operations, the
quantity of goods required by our 676 Stores, and our
unexcelled buying position in the field of production,
make of each one of our Stores, including this Store,
undeniably the place “where savings are greatest.”
We Wish
To Express
To the entire Student Body of Oregon, our appre
ciation for the courtesies rendered in o.ur business rela
tions during the elosing school year.
To The Class of 1926
We Extend Our Sincere
Good Wishes
Kennell-Ellis Studios
$657.50. Joel D. Thomasen, presi
dent of the Oregon State Newspa
permen’s conference, hopes to be
able to raise a thousand or fifteen
hundred dollars for the fund.
The book for printing has not
been selected yet, but it is hoped
one can be found that will be dis
tinctive of Oregon, well written and
Mr. Nash is well known for his
unusual work in the printing of
fine books. During the last two
state newspapermen’s conferences
held on the campus, he has brought
a part of his library of famous old
books, some of them among the
earliest printed, to the campus for
exhibition. He was given the degree
of Doctor of Letters at the last
commencement by the University
for his work.
The Gift
a Soul
A graduation gift must
embody the spirit of the
occasion as well as being
a treasure to be valued
and by which to remem
ber the giver. Nothing
could be more suitable
and better to meet these
demands than a rare piece
from the Aladdin Gift
Shop, a piece the soul and
value of which lies in its
art and craftsmanship.
Aladdin Giftware
This is an age of outdoor sports—and every
sport must have its correct costume. Distinc
tively in accord with Fashion’s edict are the
new Colitmbiaknit Swimming Suits—bright in
color and boldly striped.
Pure virgin wool worsted yarns give warmth and wear
ing quality to Columbiaknit Swimming Suits—A
It’s Easy to Swim
in a
remaraaDie elastic stitcn,
exclusive form-fitting fea
tures of design and the
famous patented Oolumbia
knit Crotchless Trunk give
them clinging snugness of
fit—comfortable and be
—Designed by a Swimmer
for Swimmers
Let Us Show You the New
For the
Graduation Day is an event in everyone’s life, memories of which the years
never blot out. Make the occasion doubly significant to the graduate by
adding to its sentiment with some real remembrance.
Bath Salts
Memory Books
Oregon Jewelry
Cigarette Cases
Box Candies
Fountain Pens
The University Pharmacy
‘The Students’ Druf Store"