Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©resow Bailg fnteralb
University of Oregon, Eugene
TOWARD M. MILLER, Editor __i-KAJNR.___
Sol Abramson
Harold Kirk ..
Mildred Jean
_ Managing Editor
. Associate Editor
Carr .... Associate Mng. Ed.
Webster Jones .. Sports Editor
Philippa Sherman ... Feature Editor
News and Editor Phones, 665
day EDITORS: Geneva Drum, Frances Bourhill, Claudia Fletcher, Mary Conn, Ruth
NIGHT^EDITORS: Allan Canfield, supervisor, Ronald Sellers, Lynn Wykoff.
RPORTS STAFF: Harold Manprum, Dick Syrine.
FEATURE WRITERS: J. Bernard Shaw, James DePauli, Gregz MiUett, Paul Luy,
Don Johnson, Sam Kinley, A1 Clark. w , T Dudley
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Mary Benton, Edward Smith, Eva Ne ,
Beatrice Harden, Prances Cherry, fif qhenard Flossie Radabaugh, Margaret
Morgan, Marion Sten. Dick Jones. M'mm Shepard, B*b' GaUoway,
&yE!^H?0Ruth“em Dorothy Franklin. Grace Taylor. Ruth Newman,
Mary McLean, Faith Eimball, Ruth Corey. ____
Wayne Leland . Associate
81 Slocum .-. Advertising
Calvin Horn . Advertising
James Manning . Circulation
McKenna .. Ass’t. Circulation
Dutton . Circulation Assistant
George ...... Ass't. Advertising Mgr.
Phy .. Foreign Advertising Mgr.
»cygkaiggaag; »rs. c...., m. »-■■ .
Day Editor This Dane—Frances Bourhill
Assistant — Jane Dudley
Nipfct Editor This Issue— Ron Sellers
Assistant—• Clarence Curtis
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during
coHege year Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association. Entered in
postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $ .
year Advertising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 1320,
manager, 721. Business office phone, 1800.___
A Few Reminders
For Spring Time
As a contribution to the jollity
•of spring-time we offer the follow
There are two weeks and a half
left until the black shroud of ex
examinations closes about us.
All seniors who expect to gradu
ate must immediately pay $10.00
blood-money for a diploma.
Wax mighty merrily, oh sons and
daughters of ’26, because in a few
days you won’t bo collitch boys
and girls any more.
Get ready—you seniors—you’re
goijig to get an awful jolt these
next few weeks.
You’ll have to get a job.
You’ll have to work.
You ’ll probably starve.
No more mill race.
No more fun.
Boo, Hoo.
But thank Heaven, we won’t have
toast and coffee for breakfast!
Praise Allah—
Wanted—A Miracle
Man for Prexy
In your daily rounds have you
ever heard this: “Well, of course
that is bad—very bad, but as soon
as tho new President comes every
thing will straighten out. ...”
Undoubtedly tho new president
will assist materially in smoothing
the troubled waters; but unfortun
ately, in all probability tho now
proxy is little more than a human
being with human limitations, and
even ho may falter if all tho woes
of the universe aro tossed ou his
It is reasonable to expect that
the new president should assist
greatly in setting tho good ship
University aright; but it is reason
able to expect also that every one
else around tho University will have
to do his or her share to make
tilings easy for this limn. So don t
let the big Proxy Myth get the best
of you.
The Executive Council
Gets Under Way
The new executive council got
off to a flying start yesterday by
passing two very excellent meas
ures. One of them will provide
three new playing fields for intra
mural athletics and the other will
place the lecture series under stu
dent body control. Both actions in
dicate a very definite and healthy
trend of policy that is extremely
In past years student body inter
ests have been confined largely to
amusements and intercollegiate ae
tivities. Now we find the policy
broadening to include the whole
student body and taking in also
matters of strictly educational na
ture. The new athletic fields will
give Mr. Average Man a chance to
play do-nut baseball, and the lecture
series will provide intellectual di
version of a type that has been
almost lacking in the past.
• » *
The funds for the new playing]
fields will bo made available on
condition ■ that the regents match
the student body’s $1,500 contri
bution. Some may argue that the
students are unwise to embark on
a policy of paying for athletic fields
which have been provided by the
state in the past. As a matter of |
principle, however, thoro seems to
be little differenc between a basket
ball center for the students and
baseball fields for the students.
The lecture series will give stu
dents an opportunity to hear some
of tlio most stimulating people of
the day. Alexander Meikeljohn,
distinguished educator, will keep
people talking for months after he
has left the campus.
Politics Makes
Its Entry
The state-wide interost in poli
tics has seeped into the campus
with scvoral political clubs making
their appearance. This brings into
discussion tho place of state or na
tional politics within university
bounds. ITave tho students and the
faculty tho right to plunge into
politics? Shall state-supported in
stitutions engage in tho politician's
• • •
There seems to bo a wide-spread
belief that all persons enrolled or
employed by a stato University
shall not participate actively in
theso political affairs. Tho assump
tion is widely accepted, but strange
ly enough, a careful scrutiny of the
proposition will fail to disclose any
reason why students or faculty
members should not enter eagerly
into politics. No one ever heard of
a state employee around the state
eapitol refraining from politics, so
why exempt the University? As
long as freedom of speech and ac
tivity is assured it would appear
reasonable that politics should go
the merry rounds.
A common criticism levied against
colleges and Universities holds that
these institutions are narrow in their
interests; that they do not partici
pate in the affairs of the world.
Perhaps an active interest in tho
practical political science of tho
state and nation would help mat
ters out considerably.
United Christian Work
Secretary to t isit Here
O. D. Foster, secretary of the
University inter-church commission,
and founder of the United Chris
tian work board on this campus, will
visit here Friday. He is making
a tour of the universities of tho
West, and is particularly interested
in co-operative church work in these
Mr. Foster will be the guest of
honor of the campus United Chris
tian work board at a luncheon at
the Osburn hotel Friday noon. He
inaugurated the local board three
years'ago, and this will be his sec
ond visit to the campus since that
time. i
Physical Ability Tests
To be Given Saturday
The last physical ability tost of
the year will bo given this Satur
day in tho men's gymnasium ac
cording to an announcement from
the physical education department
The final test of the year will
bo for the purpose of record. The
high score made this year was reg
istered by Ked Slaussen with 11S
points. Any men who have not
taken the test may take it and re
ceive the physical ability privileges
next year.
Send the Emerald Home
* * *
Up early and play at tennis rac
quets with Sir Edward Abercrombie
and would have beat him but for
a dizziness in the head and the
biting of fleas and my being almost
out of my wits from a greate store
of buzzing some tattle-monger put
in Scrivener Ed Miller’s ear and
he had but hint but would not tell
me. Anon to the office where to
dispatch much weary business, and
so at 4 to see a dental churgeon,
who did snatch my wisdom tooth,
which is the fashion now, and it is
mightie neat tooth and am of a
mind to have it mounted to wear
as a tie pin. The dental churgeon
did tell me it was one of the finest
he has ever seen and near perfect
in both colour and shape, which did
make me mightie pleased.
******* *******
* *
* Use Disembark in a Sentence *
******* *******
“Morning, Colonel old man, check
me off for the last six drill periods,
I was just too busy to come around.”
“At’s all right, have a cigar.”
Here is Walter Malcolm in his
sturdy little Ford, tearing up the
driveway to Hendricks (Hall, not
Park), making the turn on two
wheels and crashing into a defense
less car parked on the side-lines.
Oh, these student body presidents
are busy people, and apt to have
their thoughts so concentrated on
important subjects of a Saturday
night, they just don’t see what’s
going on around them.
“Mary, Mary, quito contrary,
How do your tulips got”
“Tlioy don’t,” sho said, as she
swung on the gate,
“You’re slow, big boy, they oscu
Embarrassing Moments:
I—“Why don’t you brush your
Pana—“Don’t need to, ain’t got
no hair on ’em.”
Theaters >
REX — last day: “Hearts and
Fists,” a virile drama of love and
courage filmed in our great north
west, along the Columbia and amid
the grandeur of Mt. Rainier, with
Marguerite de la Motte and John
Bowers co-featured; comedy, “Hon
eymoon Feet,” 2000 feet of fun;
Kinogram news events; John Clifton
Emmel in musical accompaniment
on the organ.
COMING — “Under Western
Skies," a romance of the Pendleton
Round Up, with Norman Kerry;
“The Man Upstairs,” with Monte
Blue and Dorothy Devore; “Too
Much Money,” with Lewis Stone
and Anna Q. Nilsson.
MeDONALI): first day—a com
edy sensation, the sunny side of the
war, “Behind the Front” with Wal
lace Beery and Raymond Hatton.
And extra added attraction, the
Oregon Aggravators Jazz Band in
a musical novelty, “Dug Out Dit
COMING—Another mirth maker
Reginald Denny in his latest “Skin
ners Dress Suit.”
Reviewers for Emerald
Browse Among Books
..Reviewed by CLARA L. FITCH..
If you have, way down deep un
der your conventional likings of
the things you think you ought to
like, a remnant of the little boy
or the small girl that wanted to
peep into windows and hide behind
davenports when “sister” had a
caller, you must get out of the li
brary the letters of Anton Chechov,
and gallop through them. For here
is an inside view, a glimpse under
drawn shades. Here are the letters
which the great Russian wrote to
tho woman he married, from the
time he met her till he fell a victim
as do so many Russian genius per
sons seem to do, to the white plague,
The first amazing thing about
these letters is that they are gay
letters. He has troublous times, he
is enraged, it is “scurvy” weather,
he is bored by dull visitors, he is
forbidden this and that pleasure by
doctor’s orders, and yet this writer
of shiveringly drab tales is vigor
ously gay. Contrary to your ex
pectation, you think you would
have found him good fun. Hear
him exclaim “Oy Oy!” and call his
correspondent “Ginger-haired dog.”
He must have been an actual human
being after all.
The letters are an exhibit of live
ly and overflowing spirit, trying
like the sun on an April day, to
come out from behind the clouds
of ill health and poverty, and suc
ceeding pretty well, on the whole.
And incidentally, they become a
show window into the life of the
literary and artistic coteries which
boosted Russian literature into the
' catalogues of most of the American
colleges. Into immortality, for
Chechov’s wife, whose name no
one could possibly pronounee, unless
the}' were able to corner some Slav
ic friend, was one of the leading ac
tresses of the Art theater that up
set all the old traditions of dramat
ic production and burst on an as
tonished and bedazzled world like
a sky-rocket. She pjlayed leading
parts In his plays, and did them
to his entire satisfaction, which of
course explains why he fell in love
with her.
But after all, no one should be
advised to read this book who does
not have more time than the ordi
nary college slave. For having read
this lively and ingratiating volume,
one feels attracted to the large
volume about the Moscow Art the
atre, and finds a disposition to hunt
for the novel of Maxim Gorky (a
constant visitor of Chechov’s) and
read or to re-read “The Cherry Or
chard” and “Uncle Vanya”. Then
there are stories which clamor to
be given attention, and the first
thing you know you find yourself
ranging as far afield as Tolstoi;
and horror of horrors, perhaps even
emerging at the other end of a long
avenue of books with a rather com
plete acquaintance with what is
called contemporary European nov
elists. And quite without any credit
signed, sealed and delivered on yel
low cards filed in the registrar’s
This is an insidious book. It is
liable to be habit-forming. It may
lead you to read more and more and
more. You are hereby warned sol
| emnly against it.
Physiology Students
Produce Red Solution
Using Gold Chloride
A ruby-red solution made by the
mixing of chloride of gold and
water which has been boiled with
a small amount of tannic acid and
placing it in a clean glass bottle
and shaking is one of the results
of experimentation by students in
the general physiology laboratory.
This color is due to the gold be
ing present in extremely minute
particles that are even too small to
be seen with a microscope.
Michael Faraday, famous English
scientist, was one of the first men
to perform experiments with gold'
and water. A sample of his gold
preparation made in 1885 is preser
ved in the Royal Institution. It
still retains its original bright color.
Purple and bluo solutions result
from changing the size of the gold
particles by the addition of hydra
zine hydrate.
Red glass windows in many of
the older cathedrals owe their color
ing to collodial particles in the
Graduate Receives
Post in N.Y. Hospital
Norton Winnard, graduate of the '
University of Oregon, who will
graduate from the Harvard Medical
School in June with the degree of
doctor of medicine, has been ap
pointed to an internship in the Cor- i
noil teaching service of Bellevue
Hospital, New York, which is con
sidered one of the best appoint
ments in the East.*
Ho was also recently selected for I
membership in the Harvard Medi- j
cal (society, along with 14 other stu- i
dents, out of a group of 135. He !
has been honored with membership !
in the Alpha Omega Alpha medical!
fraternity. j
In letters to his parents, Dr. and
Mrs. N. E. Winnard of Eugene, the j
former Oregon boy said that it is;
a tradition in Harvard that no in-!
tellectual morons como from Oregon. !
He says that they have great re-;
spect for Oregon scholarship.
Commencement Play
Rehearsals Progress
The cast for the annual com
mencement play, “You Never Can
Tell,” by Bernard Shaw, which will
be produced June 11, in the Heilig
theater by the drama and play pro
duction department, are rehearsing
every afternoon and evening of this
week. Rehearsals will probably con
tinue until the end of the term.
Dress rehearsals will be held on the
Heilig theater stage the week of
June ti. Very little work will have
to be done on the scenery for this
fashionable English comedy, as the
stagings and properties of the Hei
lig theater will be used, and any
extra settings will be made by stu
dents in the department.
I .11.S. Senior Class
To Conduct Assembly
The Senior class at University
high school will conduct the assem
bly Friday morning at 10. They
will present their class prophecy
and will.
Dr. Gilbert to Deliver
Salem High Address
Dr. James II. Gilbert, acting dean
of the college of literature, science
and the arts, has received and ac
cepted an invitation to deliver the
commencement address of Salem
high school on June 4.
“Choosing Life’s Work” is the
title of the subject Dr. Gilbert has
chosen to deliver for the address.
I Distinctive
Gifts gathered from all j|
parts of the earth. g
♦ •¥• 1
or 1026 Willamette lj
Balcony Carters Hat Shop gj
Alpha Delta Sigma meeting Thurs
day noon, College Side Inn . Im
The last men’s physical ability test
will be held in the men’s gym
nasium Saturday morning at
All Bed Cross Life-Savers report
to Mr. Webster at men’s gymna
sium this week.
Margaret D. Creech, assistant di
rector of the Portland school of
social work, will be on the cam
pus Thursday, May 20; and will
be glad to confer with any stu
dents interested in social work.
Spring Conference of Phi Delta
Kappa open to everyone. Central
subject will be the re-organiza
tion of the high school curriculum
will be held Saturday, May 22, at
the school of education, 2:30.
An important meeting of the senior
class will be held in Villard hall
today at 5:00.
Y. W. u. A. Cabinet will have a
special meeting, very important,
at the Y. W. bungalow this af
ternoon at 4 o’clock sharp. Very
W. A. A. council meeting tonight,
7:15 library of Woman’s build
To-Ko-Lo—Election of officers for
the coming year at the College
Side Inn at 7:15 tonight.. All
members must be there.
Important Allied Arts League meet
ing today 1:15 in lecture room.
Everyone be there.
Theta Sigma Phi meeting Friday
noon at Anchorage. Very im
Mathematics club meeting Thurs
day at 7:30, Room 1, Johnson
hall. Members urged to be pres
Pi Lambda Theta luncheon Thurs
day at 12 noon, College Side Inn.
Today Last Day!
and FISTS”
Marguerite de la Motte
John Bowers
Actually filmed In Ore
gon along the Columbia
cAmerica’s Favorite Fine Tobacco
;r^»->“,l,g11 inig
Old Style, Old Delight
Blended in the early day man
ner, famous since your grand
father’s time, Blue Boar is
the favorite of connoisseurs.
One man
tells another
Qood hospitals '
are discriminating!
Get Whet You Ask For!
“Sure I carry Orange-Crush, but
I haven’t any on ice right now.
Here’s something just as good.”
But it isn't as good. That’smerely
a trick on the part of the unscru
pulous dealer to gyp you out of
an extra fraction of a cent!
Don't Ut him do it!
There is only one Orange-Crush
—always in the Krinkly Bottle—
and it s so vastly superior to
cheapened imitations that it’s well
worth fighting for. Here’s why:
To sparkling carbonated water is
added the juice of luscious
oranges, the delicate flavor of
their peel, the zestful tang of the
fruit acid found in oranges, lemons
and limes, a pure food color, such
as you use in your cakes and
csundies, pure cane sugar.
Doctors agree that true fruit flavored
carbonated beverages are helpful.
That’s why Orange-Crush is served to
convalescents at many of the better
hospitals. They know what Orange
Crush is made of—know that it is
pure and wholesome. All the flavor
comes from the orange.
Orange-Crush is not only refreshing; it
has more energy-replacement value,
or Food Calories, than an equal quan
tity of fresh ripe oranges. Mothers,
give the children all the Orange-Crush
they like—it’s good for them.
Buy Orange-Crush over the counter
from your neighborhood dealer—or
ask him to send you home a case.
Remember, there is only one Orange
Crush—always in the Krinkly Bottle.
Replaces Bumed-up