Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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    Frosh Win From
Preppers With
79 Point Score
Jefferson Places Second
In Track Meet With
Total of 45
Renfro Ineligible Under
Franklin Colors
In n, track meet more exciting
than the score indicates, the Frosh
finished the four-cornered contest
Saturday with a final tally of 75
1-2 points, while Jefferson high
school had 45, Corvallis, 14 1-2, and
Franklin finished with only 9.
Franklin had been doped for high
Crawford of the frosh took high
point honors with 10, taking first in
high jump and high hurdles in :17
flat. McGee of the frosh wag sec
ond with 9 1-4. Lowry, and Duf
field both of JefSerfson tied for
third honors with 8. Kretzmeier of
Franklin totaled seven. Summary:
Mile—Little, Oregon, 4:43.9; Sen
sen, Oregon; Jennings, Jefferson;
Greb, Jefferson.
440-yard run—Stanard, Oregon,
first, 53.9; Bryan, Corvallis; Dig
man, Jefferson; JoneB, Oregon.
High hurdles—Crawford, Oregon,
first, :17 flat; Foster, Oregon, sec
ond; Lillie, Jefferson, third; Jack
son, Oregon, fourth.
100-yard dash—Renfro, Multno
mah, 10 flat; Duffield, Jefferson,
10.2; Lowry, Jefferson; Highberg,
Jefferson; Cameron, Corvallis.
(Renfro doesn’t count in the race
High jump—Crawford, Oregon, 5
feet, 9 inches; McCulloch, Oregon;
Boyden, Oregon, and Reitsma, Cor
vallis, tied for third.
Javelin—Burnell, Oregjon, 168
feet, 5 inches; Heiburg, Jefferson;
Hogue, Corvallis, Hannaman, Cor
Half mile—McKittrick, Oregon,
2:07.6; McClure, Jefferson; Rasmus,
Oregon; Lillie, Jefferson.
Discus—Stager, Oregon, 115 feet,
5 inches; Byington, Oregion, 10)9
feet, 9 inches; Sanderson, Oregon,
102 feet, 9 inches; Kretzmeier,
Franklin, 99 feet, 6 inches.
220-yard dash—Lowry, Jefferson,
time 23.5; Duffield, Jefferson;
Brennan, Jefferson; Scott, Oregon.
Renfro ran unattached, 22.3.
Pole vault—Kretzmeier, Franklin,
11 feet, 3 inches; Hoguo, Corvallis;
Lane, Jefferson; Carpenter, Cor
220-yard low hurdles — McGee,
Oregon, 27.3; Foster, Oregon; Pair
in, Franklin; Hill, Jefferson.
Relay half milo—Oregon wins,
1:30.2; Standard, McGee, Burnell,
Broad jump—Jennings, Jefferson,
20 f ot, 7 inches; McGoe, Oregon,
20 feet, 1 inch; Ord, Oregon, 19
feet, 8 inches; Foster, Oregon, 19
feet, 3 inches.
Ilermian announces tho pledging
of Katherine Schnoll, Cornelia Meek
and Elaine Mobley.
(Continued From Page 3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Houston, Mr.
j and Mrs. James Leake, and Mrs.
On Wednesday evening the soph
omore class of Susan Campbell hall
entertained the freshman class at
a pajama party. The evening was
spent dancing and singing. A stunt
entitled “Gasoline” was given later
in the evening. Miss Fanny Mc
Camant and Katherine Edgar were
special guests of the class.
* » •
A dinner dance was given by the
members of Psi Kappa fraternity
on Saturday evening at the Eugene
hotel. The dancing room was dec
orated with large bouquets of spring
flowers. The patrons and patron
esses of the evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Harphan, Captain and
Mrs. John J. McEwan and Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Dale.
»• » *
Members of Beta Theta Pi gave
a picnic at Riverside park last Sun
day. The day was spent boating
and swimming. The Eugene alum
ni were guests.
• * *
A circus dance was given by the
underclassmen of the Alpha Phi
sorority on Friday evening. The
dancing rooms of the chapter house
were cleverly arranged to resemble
the circus tent and the refreshments
which were served late in the eve
ning carried out the same idea.
Mrs. Henry W. Augustine and Mrs.
Josephine Stewart were the patron
esses for the dance.
• •
The members of Alpha Chi Omega
held a picnic at Riverside park on
Saturday afternoon for a number
of out of town guests. The time
was spent swimming and boating.
Mrs. C. Hart, was the chaperone of
the picnic.
* • *
The Salem alumni of the Alpha
Omicron Pi sorority entertained
with a luncheon at the Greybell on
Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur
Miner, of Eugene, drove the follow
ing girls from Eugene chapter to
the luncheon; Georgia Davidson,
Dot Ward, Roberta Douty, Agnes
Palmer, Lynn Jackson, Mildred
Vaughn, and Ethel Gasman.
The housemothers of the campus
were invited to the annual May
day breakfast given in honor of
Mrs. Lottie Mowroy by the mem
bers of Kappa Kappa Gamma on
Saturday morning. Tlio table was
decorated with many spring flowers
and at each place was a small May
day corsage. After the breakfast
was served Mrs. Randall Jones play,
ed several piano numbers. Dean
Virginia Judy Estorly was a special
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Irene Stewart
of Eugene, to Fredrie Clayson of
Portland. Miss Stewart was a stu
dent of the University and a mem
ber of the Delta Gamma sorority.
How Do You Do It?
A large percentage of students find a typewriter a *
necessity in their college work. Have vou one? g
Sell — Typewriters — Rent
Special Rates to Students
Office Machinery & Supply Co.
Phone 148 1047 Willamette St.
i wiiii—iiiiwiiimi mu in ■ .warn
MiiiilBraBiiHBiitKiIHLi ill ' IfltiBii'
YOlr don’t want a heavy meal but you
want something to tide you over the
afternoon. The tea that we serve with
a doughnut or a roll or toast is mighty
hotsv totsy.
i'*"*; a ■ ■ ■ ■..»mMmmmm’wmiiataKMaw
She was also active in the drama
tic department and a member of
Pot and Quill. Mr. Clayson was a
former student of the Stanford
University and the University, where
he is now taking post graduate
work. He is also a member of Tab
ard Inn and Crossroads.
* * »■
On Friday evening the freshmen
entertained the upperclassmen of
the Alpha Xi Delta sorority at a
dance. The rooms were trimmed
with fir boughs on lattice work and
Japanese lanterns shaded the lights.
The patrons and patronesses were
Mr. and Mrs. Bay Yeatch, Mrs.
Charles A. Gray and Dean Esterly.
* • *
On Saturday afternoon the mem
bers of the Eugene alumnae and the
active girls of the Pi Beta Phi sor
ority gave a bridge benefit tea.
There were about fifty tables. The
rooms were decorated with Scotch
broom and lupin which were ar
ranged in baskets. Mrs. E. E. Wyatt
and Mrs. Delbert Oberteuffer each
sang a song. Later in the afternoon
Miss Harriet Boss and Miss Max
ine Edmunds also sang several duets.
• • •
The Delta Zeta sorority went up
the mill race for a picnie break
fast on Sunday morning. Boating
and swimming were the pastimes of
the morning.
The Alpha Delta Pi sorority en
tertained with a formal dance
on Saturday eve. The "dance rooms
were attractively decorated. Chin
ese inscriptions of gold lettering on
black were hung on a red back
ground. In the entrance a minia
ture altar was placed with a golden
buddha in the center. Late in the
evening a Chinese supper was served,
in the sun room. A Chinese dance
was given as a feature. Dean Vir
ginia Judy Esterly, Dean and Mrs.
W. G. Hale, Mrs. Lucy Perkins, Dr.
and Mrs. A. B. Gullins, and Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Jewett were the
Mother’s I
Day I
Sunday 1
May 9 I
Perhaps your Mother or
some other mother you ||
wish to remember is in g
another city miles away, a
To Pier you can send your §3
flower token just as eas- |j
ily as to your own neigh- g
borhbod through our g
Flowers by Wire Service. |1
Your order can be mailed s
n'otw at considerable sav- g
imr to you and* us. “Do 1
it Now.” I
The 1
University I
Florist I
598 13th Avc. E. Tel. 654 1
patrons and patronesses for the
• • •
The Alpha Gamma Delta sorority
gave an informal breakfast dance at
the Anchorage on Saturday morning.
The dancing rooms were decorated
with spring flowers and at each
place at the table was an individual
May basket.
The patronesses were Mrs. Abbie
Marsh, Dean Esterly, and Miss
Maude Kerns.
* • •
On Sunday the wedding of How
ard Hobson and Jennie Noren was
performed by Rev. Levi Johnson of
the First Presbyterian church in
Portland. The wedding took place
at the bride’s home. The rooms
were beautifully decorated with
many flowers.
I We Are Candidates!
We are candidates for your patronage in building ■
materials, Oregon fir lumber, shingles, Sheetrock s
wallboard, cement, lath, mouldings, posts and ^
roofing. ®
Lumber Company
Fourth and Pearl
Phone 500
Grease and Dirt
Dump your dirty clothes in a bag and
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Phone 252
Domestic Laundry
Phone 252
143 W 7th St.
To Keep That Day
for All Time
Wedding Portraits at Home or in Our
Studio. Telephone or call for an Ap
Kennell-Ellis Studios
Rex Theater Bldg.
That your Love for her is as lasting as hers is for you—if you surprise and
honor her on Mother’s Day with “the Gift that Lasts!" That’s Jewelry!
Indeed, she'll be deeply touehed by your expression of devotion with such
attractive Gifts.
790 Willamette
The bride was dressed in June
rose crepe silk and she carried a
shower bouquet of pink roses, lilies
of the valley and sweet peas. She
was given away by her father.
Gladys Noren was her sister’s
only attendant and George Mim
naugh was the best man. Only
members of the immediate family
attended the wedding.
The couple are making a short
wedding trip at the beach and they
plan to return to Eugene until Mr.
Hobson finishes his university work.
Learn About Yourself
Would You—
Choose the right vocation?
.Develop your personality?
Know what life holds in store for you?
Nioma Shishcoff
Phone 2388-R 408 11th Ave. E.
Special Student Rates—75c
■ for
Ia taikiiM; row aw bona you ytat py hare
it wpjfctwd wldijaodem appotatimdtat
out. Kiddle Fitment* ate the itaadard of
home lighting ia *tyl*» quality and value. l*t
us *bovr you th* nvw Kiddle style* {d banging
and trail fitment*, moderately priced.
Bailey Electric Co.
Eugene, Oregon
640 Willamette St. Telephone 234
Authorized Riddle Dealer
Deserve as much care in dry cleaning as in tailoring.
Your good appearance is certain if becoming ap
parel is dry cleaned here—workmanship with unfail
ing care. .
If We Clean It, IT’S CLEAN!
Q'ty Qleaners
939 'Willamette St,
Gugene. Oregon
Phone 220
Wire Her Flowers
On Mother’s Day. We guarantee satisfactory service
and you can make any selections you wish. Flowers
will please her greatly.
Chase Gardens Florist
Phone 1950, Corner 9th & Oak