Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 27, 1926, Image 1

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Elect Student
On Merits Only
Voters Will Enter Polls
Wednesday; Editor
Urges Importance.
By E. M. M.
When the, University; undergrad
uate family goes to the polls to
morrow the various three thousand
voting members will do well to take
their thinking caps along with them.
A thousand years from now the
world will probably have recovered
from whatever awful calamities,
catastrophies and tragedies may
happen at the University polls with
in the next 48 hours. But getting
down to practical figures, we might
safelv say that it will make a dif
ference to the University a year
from now, and probably many jears
in the future, wliat officers are
elected at the polls tomorrow.
* * *
At the University of Oregon the
students play an uncommonly large
part in .University affairs. Eor in
stance ,the last several generations
of student body officers have in
augurated and sold the principle of
student self taxation for the con
struction of University buildings.
As a result, next year the Univer
sity will have the finest basketball
pavilion in the United States, and
in a few more years other buildings
-—libraries, student unions, or wnat
3ver the students wish to construct
svith their money, will take fonm
as a result of the $5.00 fee. Stu
dent officers of past and present
vears are responsible for. these
buildings, and had less efficient of
ficers been put in office the results
might have been entirely different.
Some positions in student gov
ernment as in any other form of
government are more important
than others. We pay a great deal
of attention to the election of a
national president, and are apt to
consider less seriously the choosing
of a mayor. This is natural and
fair enough. And it is natural that
we should watch much more care
fully the man who steps into the
student body presidency than, per
haps, the man who achieves the
sophomore seat on the student coun
* * »
There are four positions filled in
the student body each year that
really “make a difference.” They
are, president of the student body,
vice-president of the student body,
junior man on the executive coun
cil (two year position) and editor
of the Emerald. With no intent to
lessen the dignity of the remaining
offices, the four positions listed
above are the ones that pull the
strings and guide practically every
•move that the student body makes.
# * *
The president’s duties are rea
sonably well known. No matter
what comes up in student activi
ties, the president, as chairman of
the student and executive councils,
and as chief shoulder for all mourn
(Continued on page three)
Friendly Hall
and Theta Chi
in Net Finals
Kappa Delta Phi Tennis
Stars Eliminated in
Semi-Final Tilt
Hard Match Expected
For Intramural Title
Cad well and Peterson Will
Face Read and Veazie
rjpHIS afternoon at 4 o’clock,!
teams representing Friendly J
hall and Theta Chi will face each j
other across the net to determine
the intra-mural tennis champions.
Theta Chi by defeating Kappa
Delta Phi 7-5, 4-6 and 6-2 won the
right to meet the Friendly hall
netsters, who previously defeated
Alpha Tau Omega 6-0, 1-6, 7-5.
In the match yesterday afternoon
Kappa Delta Phi was decidedly off
form. They failed to show any of
the flash which brought the Phi
Delts and Sigma Nu courtmen to
defeat. Theta Chi on the other
hand played good conservative ten
The first match went to Theta
Chi after going to deuce. Henry
Stevens, Kappa Delt, seemed content
to lob them over without his usual
drive. Skipper Brooks h,ad a bad
day with his serves.
Cadwell in Form
Ken Caldwell and Tillie Peterson
played championship tennis through
out the matches. Cadwell with his
smashing overhead drive helped con
siderably to bring victory to Theta
Chi. His work at the net was par
ticularly good. Tillie Peterson,
smaller .of the two victors, had a
good day with his serves. His low,
net-skimming lob made point after
In the match this afternoon, the
Friendly hall team, Arleigh Read
and A1 Venzie, should put up good
opposition. Friendly hall started out
the season without much attention.
Little was thought of their chances
to gpt into the final. By playing
cool, consistent tennis they defeat
ed Phi Kappa Psi eourtmen and j
Alpha Tau Omega.
Rival Players Compared
Read and Yeazie are both smart,
conservative players. They do not
resort to smashes and driving
strokes but consistent and well
placed shots. Each has a good
Ken .Cadwell with his tall figure
should look like a stone wall to the
hallmen. In yesterday’s fracas he
smashed shot after shot over the net,
the ball bouncing high. Cadwell’s
favorite position on the court seems
to be in the middle, where he also
plays a nice game at net. Cadwell
has a straight over-head serve which
skims the net and is well placed.
Tillie Peterson has the more de
j ceptive serve of the two. Peterson
! plays a smooth game from the rear
i of the court, letting his partner play
net. He has a pretty backhand
drive and plenty of ability to place
I it.
Budding Barristers Challenge
All Comers to Baseball Game
Ambition has surged in the
"breasts of the law school nine. Yes
terday, they broke the peace of a
beautiful day, with a broad, sweep
ing, all-encompassing challenge to
all and sundry to cross bats with
the demon home run clouters from
the Oregon building.
Their blatant challenge announced
that they were champions of the
campus by virtue of having cleaned
up all comers last spring, and the
only reason they are not wor’d
champions is that their studies
confined them, to the narrow limits
of Eugene. Manager Sherman Smith
also states that the shysters are
champions in football, cross coun
try, ping pong, water polo, bar
vaulting, and bull throwing. In
teresting, if true.
One championship that the ora
tors can’t claim, however, is bask
etball as the Sports Writers hung
up an easy victory in this sport.
It is rumored that the Scribes will
also uncork a winning baseball team
when the time is ripe.
Anyway, the ambulance chasers
have held several hot workouts, and
are reported to have the nucelus of
a fair nine. Attorney Mautz, al
ways good for a wise crack, has
been spending his spare hours in
(Continued on page three)
Applications in Order
For Managers’ Jobs
APPLICATIONS for the posi
tioug of business managers
of the Emerald and the Oregana
will be considered by the publi
cations committee at a meeting
to be held Friday or Saturday
of this week. All applications
will be accepted at the graduate
manager’s office until Friday
Appointments will be made at
this time so that next year’s
managers may become familiar
with their duties and prepare
schedules for next year’s publi
cations. The managers, appoint
ed at this time, take up their
duties next fall and hold office
during the entire school year.
University Not
To Participate
In Debate Meet
McCroskey, Only Entry,
Ordered Withdrawn by
Oregon will not be entered in the
district meet of the National Con
stitutional oratorical contest April
30, due to the forced withdrawal
of its entrant, Benoit McCroskey.
McCroskey, upon doctor’s orders
has had to give up the responsi
bility of representing the University
in this contest, and only Oregon Ag
ricultural College and Reed college
are left to carry out the contest,
which was originally scheduled for
Eugene next Saturday night, but
which will probably be held in Sa
The winner of this event will
compete at Stockton, /California,
May 17, in the semi-finals. The
winner of that event will represent
the Pacific Coast region in the fin
als at Los Angeles in June. Last
year, Jack P. McQuire, now of,0.
A. C., won fifth place for Oregon
in the national contest, with a prize
of $300 for himself.
McCroskey, who has been a mem
ber of the varsity debate and ora
tory teams for two years, would
have stood a good chance of enter
ing the finals, according to inter
collegiate forensic authorities. The
only remaining forensic event of
the year, now that the last varsity
debate is completed, is the tri-state
oratory contest at Moscow, May 22.
Ralph Dailey is Oregon’s enrant.
Blair Stewart of Corvallis is O.
A. C. ’s representative in the consti
tutional contest this week.
W.A.A. Mass Meeting
To Be Held Tonight
The first W. A. A. mass meeting
of the term is to be held at 5
o’clock tonight in room 121 of the
Woman’s building. Janet Wood,
president of the association, and
Myrtle Mast, president-elect, will
give reports of the sectional con
ference of the representatives from
western college athletic organiza
tions »ecently held in Pullman,
Washington. Plans for Play Day,
to be held here with O.A.C. women
May 22, will be explained and dis
cussed. All members of W.A.A. are
urged to attend this meeting, as it
is of interest to every sport en
Miss Hair Delivers
Address to Farmers
Miss Mozelle . Hair, director of
correspondence study for the Ex
! tension Division, was the speaker
at the meeting of the Farmer’s
I Union at Mt. Vernon, Oregon, Wed
nesday evening. “Oregon Scenery’1
was the topic of Miss Hair’s ad
Miss Hair will speak again Wed
| nesday on Oregon Scenery including
in the lecture Oregon writers. This
I talk will be made at River Road
' school near Santa Clara.
Canoe Fete
Ticket Sale
Opens Today
Best Seats Are 50 Cents;
1500 Are Reserved
In Bleachers
Full Capacity Provided
In Re-Numbered Plan
Committee Plans to Hold
Unreserved Tickets
rJ’ICKET sales for the canoe fete
will begin this noon, at the Co
Op and at Kuykendall’s drug store.
Thgse seats which will be placed
on sale are the best and will be all
Selling for 50 cents they repre
sent the best seats in the bleachers.
There will bo only 1500 reserved
seats, and with the usual rush for
tickets to be expected it may be
best for those who wish to get good
seats for the event to buy their
tickets immediately. The commit
tee plans to hold the general admis
sion tickets for the day of the
float, however, if the reserved seats
are all sold out before the day of
the fete the others will be placed
on sale.
There will be no ticket* on sale
at the various living organizations
this year.
As for those who have been ner
vous about the condition of the
bleachers it might be said that they
have all been thoroughly renovated
and are now in good condition. Al
so, they have all been renumbered
to their fullest seating capacity.
Kirk Bolliger has worked out a
plan so that the crowds will be
ushered in the most efficient and
rapid manner, and usher rehearsals
will also be held with this end in
Barrere’s Little
Symphony Wing
Critic’s praise
Music Body of Trained
Artists Declared to be
Of First Rank
! The only possible criticism of the
| Barrere Little Symphony, which ap
i peared here last night, is its name.
The title “symphony orchestra,”
even when prefixed by “little,” sug
gests the hugh symphonic orchestra
of today with its tremendous possi
bilities of tone and volume.
This organization of 14 men is
really a superb chamber music body
of the first rank. Every player is
an artist, carefully selected and
l trained.
The program presented last night
! (Continued on Page Two)
i Delegation to Attend
Seabeck Conference;
Students Sign at “Y”
! Eight students from the Universi
1 ty of Oregon have signified their
| intention of attending the Chris
tian intercollegiate student con
! ference at Seabeck, Washington,
.Tune 12 to 21, according to reports
'from the campus “Y,” where the
men are signing up. This year Or
egon has a quota of 20 men to fill
: for this conference, and those on
! the campus who are Jn charge of
i forming the delegation feel greatly
j encouraged by the early enrollment.
A committee composed of eight
men who have already attended a
j conference at Seabeck, with Byron
Serfling as chairman, have been
| busy lining prospects up for the
past several weeks. This committee
will meet at 8 o’clock Wednesday
evening at the Y.M.C.A. hut, and
any one interested in the Seabeck
conference is invited to attend.
Y.W.C.A. to Sponsor
Picture “Irish Luck"
rT,HE depleted coffers of the
T. W. C. A. general fund are
to be built up by the proceeds
gained from Thomas Meighan’s
“Irish Luck” which is to be at
the McDonald Theatre Wednes
day evening. Tickets are being
sold at all the campus living or
ganizations and the interest and
cooperation of the campus for
the' cause is solicited by the Y.
W. C. A.
“Irish Luck” is reputed to be
Thomhs Meighan’s best picture.
In addition to the movie the
prize-winning sophomore stunt,
“The Kiss” from April Frolic
will be given between shows.
| Alice Southwick is in charge of
j the affair. Katherine Kneeland
| lias charge of tickets; Frances
Wardner of posters; and Pauline
! Stewart of publicity.
Cream of Talent
Will Sparkle at
Seers’ Cabaret
Mirth - Makers to Allow
No Time Out for Fun
Between Dances
“Realizing the impecunious con
dition of campus habitues as the
end of the month draws near, and
with the knowledge that the first
of the month arrives the day imme
diately proceeding our reception
of King Olaf, we have consented,
upon the appeals of many embar
rassed persons, to accept anti-dated
This welcome news was given
out last night by the Seven Seers,
campus scathera and scandal mon
gers, who let out some of the plans
for their Evening of Feasting and
Merrymaking, Friday evening, Ap
ril 30 at the Campa Shoppe.
The dance, which will be the first
cabaret to be given on the cam
pus, will fill the other wise boring
lull that occurs between dances, by
numerous and varied forms of en
tertainment. Selections from “No
No. Nannette,” coming road show,
will give the crowd a taste of the
musical comedy; Ovis Poli, noted
I Swedish magician, will astound
i with his miracles with eggs, water
| and rabbits, also mesmerizing of
j strong-minded campus people;
Madge Normile, low-voiced blue
singer, will give the act that she
| was unable to present for Junior
1 Vod-vil because of illness; Paul
j Peek, one of the four reasons why
the •Vagabonds made a hit at the
I Vod-vil, has promised a line of chat
; ter and song snatches to go witu
it; Lcb Warner, dogger ml Ln
Tlrnpson, soft shoe dancer, bath
have a line of patter decidedly all
their own, and .Tim T)e Pauli has
written a skit depicting the con
versation of a co-ed and collegian
wrecked on a desert isle, with
naught but a pair of galoshes and
a package of Luckies to keep them
Extra features, such as crowning
of a May queen, bull fight, a Lame
| Duck table for all those unsuccess
ful in the elections, special features
| by the Aggravators orchestra, a
welcoming speech by King Olaf, and
prizes for costumes, both ridiculous
and otherwise, will keep excitement
! and interest at a keen pitch
i throughout the evening.
All the proceeds of the ticket
sale are being turned into favors,
decorations and refreshment.
Amphibian Members
To Hold Public Swim
The Amphibian Club of women
! swimmers will hold a public demon
\ stration of the work of the club on
May 21. All kinds of water craft
will be presented. The meml'ers. un
der the supervision of Miss Ern‘
estirie Troemel, are already prac
ticing for the affair and a eommit
| tee is busy working up decorations
j for the gallery in the tank room.
Intellectual Vigor
of University to Be
Subject of Report
Questionnaire to Be Basis
of Proposals; Draft of
Requests Drawn Up
(Bj' the Editor)
A student report on the status of intellectual vigor in the
University with recommendations for remedies of conditions
found undesirable will be published within the next two or
three weeks, it was announced yesterday by those in charge
of the student investigation.
The report will be made public excepting those portions
dealing with personalities, which will be submitted directly to
the University administrative officials.
The proposed report will be the culmination of an investi
gation started at the beginning of the Spring term, when a
Ball Game Good
But Score Book
Arithmetic Bad
Cold Figures Indicate Tie
After Frosh Girls Romp
Off As “Winners”
The freshman first and junior
first women's teams put up the best
baseball battle of the season last
night. But even at that, the final
result is still undecided.
A synopsis of the affair would
read something like this:
.Juniors take the field and, all
on account of the bat work of the
frosh and the fumbling® of the up
perclassmen, the frosh walk over
the plate exactly 10 times.
At length, the juniors slink to
the sidelines—and manage to get
two runs over in their frame.
The frosh trot to bat; the juniors,
with much wailing and gnashing of
teeth, hold them to a couple of
The juniors, somewhat revived,
scatter their cloutg sufficiently to
allow four girls to cross the plate.
(Score 6 to 12, favor frosh).
Juniors to the field, where they
muster every man to hold the yearl
ings tight. It works; they retire,
scoreless for the inning.
It’s the last inning, the juniors
to bat and the frosh just six runs to
the good! An out. A few walks.
The bases full and a sure home-run
ner up. She walks! A score. An
other out. Later—the bases full,
two down; a pop fly—dropped! And
so luck favored the juniors until—
the final out.
The scorer says the freshman
win, by one point!
All run from the field.
An Emerald reporter comes along
to see the score book. The tallies
are counted. Again, slowly, incred
uously. Horror of horrors, the first
counter made a mistake and the
real score is 1? to 12—a tie.
(Continued on Page Three)
committee of students, with the
FAnerald as the sponsor of the
investigation, set about to dis
cover the causes responsible
for the lack of more spontane
ous intellectual activity with
in the University than is now
the case. >
The first tangible result of the
committee’s work was the Emerald
student questionnaire distributed
some ten days ago on the campus, at
which time a great mass of extreme
ly valuable data was gathered. With
the questionnaire data as a sub
stantial aid in the investigation the
student committee will endeavor, by
assimilating the opinions of many
students and faculty members, te
raw up a report describing the
scholastic atmosphero of the Uni
versity, giving both good and bad
points of the int dlac+ral activity of
tho University at present.
Some phases of the situation
which in nil probability will be in
cluded in tho report are:
Advisability of changing present
plan of grades and credits with sng
gentions for future policy towards
n,e public grade sheet.
The freeing of upperclassmen from
compulsory class attendance.
The granting of special nrivileges
and encouragement to upperclass
men in “free-lance” scholastic study
and endeavor.
Changes in policy of University
towards dormitories.
Recommendations for differenti
ation of teaching and research ac
tivities of professors.
Recommendations concerning in
dividual departmental practices.
Changes in advisory system.
Possibility of placing all freshman
in separate first year college and
the witliolding of major and minor
selections until second year.
Various other matters will be in
cluded in the report.
The University of Oregon is by
no means the pioneer in student par
ticipation in the solution of problems
similar to the one now confronting
the University of Oregon. Within
the past few years American uni
versity students the nation over
have awakened to the fact that
(Continued on page four)
School Spirit at Oregon Outclasses
That of California Says Mrs. Esterly
| “There is more school spirit
; among the Oregon students as a
whole than there is among Califor
nia students,” said Mrs. Virginia
Judy Esterly, dean of women, who
has just returned from a trip to:
California in connection with the
Women’s League convention.
Mrs. Esterly; who is a graduate
of thp University of California
stated that there is a more friendly
and sociable spirit at Oregon. This,
she believes, is because Oregon stu
dents’ interests, both scholastically
and social, are bound up in the
Since many of them live in the
city, California students spend their
time at the University in school
work and their outside interests
are 'mainly at home. Sinee most
Oregon students are away from
home all their interests are bonnd
up in the University and there is
a friendlier feeling among the stu
“There is much more dating here
at Oregon than there ig at Cali
fornia,” said Mrs. Esterly. “This,
too, is because the students are bet
ter acquainted and their social in
terests are at the University.
“The democratic spirit at Cali
fornia is just as strong as it is at
Oregon,” she declared. “I tthk
this is true everywhere.”