Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 24, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©tegmt Satlg Smetali
University of Oregon, Eugene
Sol Abramson
Harold Kirk _
Mildred Jean
_Managing Editor
_ __ Associate Editor
Carr _ Associate Mng. Ed.
Webster Jones .. »porrs
Philippa Sherman .<. Feature Editor
News and Editor Phones, 665
PAT EDITORSr Esther Davis, Geneva Drum, Frances BourhiU, Claudia Fletc er,
Mary Conn, Ruth Gregg.
NIGHT EDITORS: Allan Canfield, supervisor, Ronald Sellers, Lynn Wykoff.
SPORTS STAFF: Harold Mangum, Dick Syring.
FEATURE WRITERS: J. Bernard Shaw, James DePauli, Gregg Millett, Paul Luy,
Don Johnson, Sam Kinley, A1 Clark. r»vwii<wr
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Mary Benton, Edward Smith, Eva Nealon, ane
Margaret Vincent, Jack O'Meara. , p .Ql1i_
wwsi (Staff* Marv K Baker. Jack Hempstead, Barbara Blythe, Arthur Bnau ,
”^nmiAFFi.FherM^ahKMcMurrphey, William Schulre Pauiine ^wart Gra^ ^shen
lT±e Ma^oenn’steFnra D.?k 5 Margaret
^onf Edith Dodge! Wilma Liter, Robert Maxwell, Lela Forrest Bob Galloway,
Fanny Marsh, Ruth Hansen, Dorothy Franklin, Grace Taylor, Ruth Newman,
Mary McLean. ____
Wajnu Leland-Associate
81 Blocum_Advertising
Calvin Horn_Advertising
lames Manning_Circulation
Manager Frances McKenna .. Asst. Circulation mgr.
Manager Robert Dutton . Circulation Assistant
ManagerMilton George .. Assistant Advertising Mgr.
Manager Marian Phy . Foreign Advertising Mgr.
Advertising Assistants: Sam Kinky, Emerson Haggerty, Bob Nelson, Ed Ross, tiutn
McDowell, Dick Hoyt, Ray Hibbard, Joe Neil, Herbert Lewis.
Specialty Advertising: Alice McGrath, Mabel bransen. „ ,
Office Administration: Frances Hare, Harold Whitlock, Geneva Drum, Bob Sroat.
Day Editor this Issue—RUTH GREGG
Wi(ht Editor this Issue—W. MORGAN, K. WIL8HIRR
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during
the college year. Member of Pacific intercollegiate Press Association. Entered in
the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.26
v#f resr Advertising rates upon application. Residence phone, editor, 1820,
manager, 721. Business office phone, 1896.
On the Future of
The New Magazine
The Emerald hastens to take back whatever unkind words
may have been said in the past concerning the attitude of the
executive council towards a new campus magazine. With a fair
trial promised for the magazine there is no room for objection.
All praise to the council for its change of attitude.
Needless to say, a large portion of the campus will rejoice
that the University of Oregon is to to-nce more sponsor a maga
zine. After several years of no-magazine-at-all the need for
this "type of publication has become forcibly evident, and we
may assume that a full understanding of the worth of a maga
zine, peculiarly enough, brought about by its absence, will be
sufficient reason to insure a jealous guard of its future.
It is to be hoped that the new magazine will not become too
specialized; for instance, the new magazine, unlike Lemon
Punch, should not contain humor alone. It should not be a dry
so-called “literary” magazine. It should not be merely a story
magazine, and it should not be a house organ for the various
departments of the University. Rather, this new publication
should portray the very quintessence of the undergraduate
' spirit in whatever forms this spirit finds its best expression, be
it stories, articles, essays, pictures, humor or poetry.
The magazine must be a popular magazine, in the sense that
it appeal to a large portion of the student body, yet at the
same time should not merely blindly cater to the mob taste.
Any publication, by its very existence, has a strong responsi
bility to guide into proper channels the tastes of its readers.
This is true of a newspaper, or of a magazine, and the newly
authorized publication is no exception.
It is to be hoped also that the new magazine will have a
mind and a soul; a mind in the sense that it will enter vigor
ously the arguments of the day, and that it will be aware
always of the thoughts and the actions of the undergraduate
body. It should have a soul in the sense that it possess a per
sonality—■’that it contain within itself a distinctive appeal
peculiar to no other publication, here or elsewhere.
Resting with the future editors and managers of this publi
cation is a large responsibility and a large (opportunity. We
trust they will make the most of it.
, Commun
l ications
To tho Editor of the Emerald:
T, like many other students, was
interested to learn that tho Exe
eutivo Council had granted tho pe
tition for a campus magazine.
T, also, noticed that a name had
not been selected for the publica
tion, and would like to suggest
that the new magazine be named
for the former fun publication
"Lemon Punch.”
The use of the already familiar
name would be of great advertis
ing value :us it would suggest tho
type of magazine and identify it
with the University of Oregon.
“Lemmy” was a good magazine
and failed only from lack of fin
ances. The name is distinctive and
is ns much of an institution as tho
University itself.
May the magazine meet with in
imitable success, and 'uphold the
high character of the former “Lem
on Punch.”
To the Editor of the Emerald:
Thanks to the Executive Council
the University is to have a maga
zine. To name it is another prob
lem, for it should have an appro
priate name.
Why not call it the Webfoot—-a
name by which tho University is
known from const to coast and by
which all Oregon teams are ac
knowledged on their trips. It seems
that thus far no suitable nomen has
been satisfactorily judged quito
significant of the University and
its ideals. To me Tigers, Boars,
Bobcats and Cougars are as far
from being a representative name
for the respective schools for which
they stand ns a fish is representa
tive of bird life of today. To me
the Oregon Webfoot has a tinge
to it that smacks of something dis
tinctly Oregonian and I have so far
seen none or heard of any that com
pare with it as a desirable signa-,
turn to affix to our new publica
Lots have it “The Oregon Web
Yearling Track Men
Hold Tryouts Today
Today is the day of days for the
Freshman track aspirants ns the
Yearling squad will bo picked this
afternoon. All of the events will
be run off, according to Bill Hay
ward, starting promptly at 1:30.
The first four men in each event
will comprise the squad but as many
of tho men have not rounded into
shape there will probably be no
fast times turned in.
Any of the men who do not make
the squad should not be down heart
ed, Bill says, because as soon as a
man is able to beat any of those
on the squad lie will take that man’s
place. Several good throws should
be handed in in the weights as tho
Fresh have some of the best weight
men that ever heaved a shot, discus
or javelin in this part of the country.
—Pay Your Fees—
Revised copies of the A. S. U. O.
constitution may be obtained at
the graduate managers office and
at the Co-Op.
Independent men important meeting
of all independent men Monday
night, April 26, at 7:30, at Y.M.
C.A. Hut. It is important that
all men be there.
23.—Plans for financing and con
structing the $100,000 women’s dor
mitory on the university campus
have been approved by the Idaho
building association, and will be
submitted to the board of regents
at its next meeting. The new struc
ture will house about 115 girls.
“Mugs” Dale will soon be off on
her trip to Europe to attend the
annual convention of the New
riches, Butter and Egg Men, and
Nobodies in Paris this summer. She
is now spending her time on the
water—in an Alpha Phi canoe—
trying to read “How to Avoid Six
Meals a Day—Three Dowin and
Three Up.”
When Eve had eaten the apple
She asked at once for clothes
Wo know some chorus girlies
Who need apples just like those.
/.* - "iMHflCwi ■
Unpopular man
Is Johnny O’Rews,
He jumps from bridges
Down into canoes.
The woman with an invitation to
tho Sevon Seer costume cabaret
who is waiting for a bid so she
won’t have to buy a ticket I
* * *
Thank goodness no one ean ever
say we made a nomination speech.
I’ve read dozens and dozens of
To a score of sages I’ve written
But my query is unanswered yet
“What did Sitting Bull sit on?”
The Seers are going to run Sin
bad for president on a sticker at
the coming election. He is the one
and only man for the position. He
was the man who so quickly smoth
ered the proposal for lights on the
mill race and he was also on the
gin committee for homecoming. He
drew the plans for the Woman’s
building and made Springfield what
it is today. His opponents have
failed to dig up anything against
him and so are now circulating
false rumors. The most vicious one
is that he once aspired for fencing
honors. Both of these are abso
lutely false and can and will be
proved so by his loyal snpporters.
the other Six.
Again the baseball season's sprung,
That business problem that annoys,
Again the death rate's high among
The grandmothers of office boys.
T.ife is full of sin and sorrow.
But when winter’s terror stops.
We get other things worth cussing;
Umpires, weeds and motor cops.
• » •
According to Thursday night’s
rehearsal Charlotte Carll of Mc
Phillips’ (laities has a little feature
all her own, but it's doubtful that
it will come off at the regular per
To the Sporting Editors,
Emerald Optimist Men,
Dear and Respected Editor Men:
You sporting guys devote too
much of your time to writing about
football and baseball, and box
fighting, and golluf, seems to me,
and too little to the greatest na
tional games of them all—poker
and electioneering.
Why not have the boys cover
really excitnig draw poker contests
that are ocurring almost contin
ouslv, ag it were, in all our fra
ternity houses? Cover it like you
would a track meet and describe
adroitly some of the local politici
ans permeating the smoke with lies,
and do it in a good, snappy way.
For instance, a good draw poker
game could be written up about like
this, mixing gollufing, ^baseball,
track and tennis altogether if you
want to, so that any of the boys on
your staff would feel at home writ
ing at a poker game:
“The Fraternity Foursome Pok
erists got together on a four-hour
bout last night and put more lead
into a game that cost the losers
plenty more, even than is usual
with this famous quartet of experts
on stud and cut-throat.
“Bill Smith took the deal on
Round 1, passing a couple of color
ed ladieg to Sam Jones, a bob-tail
flush to Make Brown, three two
spots to Jake Jones and four aces
to himself.
“Sam Jones opened for half a
smacker, Mike saw him and raised
him a buck, and Jake Jones went a
buck better, making $4.50 down and
Jake and Jones to go, which he did
by calling.
■Jones canea ior a reaeai m
favor of Lee Luders and a new
pack against the Alpha Chi Omegas
—Luders signaled the support of
Gamma Phi Beta to anybody who
supported her. Fran Morgan called
a foul and asked to see the yard
"Johnson and Staley suspected a
new entrant and called for time
out. It was Bolser who withdraw
when he saw the cards. Despite
the interruptions, the Umpire di
rected a continuation of the game.
“On the draw Sam Jones didn’t
better his negro pair any, but threw
in a buck, to make it good. Mike
Brown, having filled his bob-tail,
raised a simoleon and Jake Jones,
still holding a triplet of deuces,
thought he’d hold somebody to the
■mat by raising it to a five-spot,
which Bill Smith saw and went 10
round smackers better.
“This stymied Sam Jones at the
second hole as it were and he took
the count with a niblick. Mike
Brown raised 20 bones, and Jake
Jones, being knocked cold by the
20, lay down on the m!at beside Sam
Jones and listened to little birdies
“This put it up to Mike and Bill
to stage the main event.
“Bill uppercuts Mike with a half
century bill, and Mike came back
with a left-hoolt. in tho shape of a
century note.
“Bill handed out a short-arm jab
with two centuries, and Mike
promptly countered with a $500 yel
“In turn he was made groggy
when Bill plastered him with a
grand, and toppled over. He man
aged to stagger up at the count of
nine, however, and called, while
Bill remarked that they’d better
set ’em up in the other alley, while
he raked in the coin and passed
the deal over to Sam Jones.”
Get the idea, Mr. Sport Editors?
Yours helpfully,
—Pay Your Fees—
REX—last day: the Ace of Ad
venture, Hoot Gibson in “Chip of
the Flying IT,” a cyclonic comedy
drama adapted from the most pop
ular romance of the range ever
■written, and with a large cast of
favorites in support of the likable
“Hoot;” Century comedy “Chicken
Chasers;” International news evemts,
J. Clifton Emmel in musical ac
companiment to the picture on the
COMING — Barbara LaMarr in
“The Girl from Montmartre,” with
Lewis Stone: Laura LaPlante in
“The Beautiful Cheat.”
MelXlNALD—afternoon and eve
ning, sixth annual Junior Vod-vil.
eight headline specialty acts, head
ed by MePhillip's Gaiety Girls and
the Varsity Vagabonds.
NEXT attraction: Thomas Meig
han in "Irish Luck.” a romance of
the Emerald Isle with the “good
luck” star in h;s most congenial
role, actually filmed in old Ireland
Editorially Clipped
Few days pasg by without some
acid criticism being spat upon high
er education by college presidents
or professors. They offer some
pointed minor suggestions, but they
are too engrossed with looking at
the machinery to see what is wrong
with the machine.
So it has become one of the
grandest of college traditions for
the editors of college newspapers
to point out at some time during the
year their pet peeves against the
educational system. Wherefore the
editorial, since the traditions must
be respected.
The zest to see what waits around
the corner, the urge to know what
lies back of it all, the love of
strong life, these are the things we
believe a college^ or university
should faster in its students. At
least a college career should not
take these things away. Yet that
is the result of four years on a cam
pus for most students.
If we are allowed to keep this
zest, this urge, and this love, wo
may be trusted to pick up some in
formation for ourselves.
^Revision of curricula and grad
ing systems are the reforms most
often urged by educators. We think
those are minor reforms.
Nine-tenths of the faculty mem
bers who teach us respect as many
taboos as did the pagan priests. In
the fields of political theory, in
sex, in prejudices of race and reli
gion, in problems of capital and
labor, in the truth about wars, na
tional heroes and shibboleth's—to
mention but a few—in these we are
told what is thought will be good
for us tb know.
Then this learning is given us in
predigested lumps lacking in educa
tional vitamins. Our instructors for
the most part are not leaders in ed
ucational adventures, in sallies in
to life. They too often do not make
their subjects live for their classes,
do not command the respect of their
students, are neither willing nor
able to live the strong life them
Colleges, in short, are devitaliz
ing. They make us want the soft
things in life. They take the hair
off men’s chests and put goggles
on their Tyes. When we are given
our diplomas and are ready to leave
the campus we are more ready to
compromise with life than to battle
with it.
We ask for a look at life anl
are given a lecture illustrated with
pretty colored lantern slides. We
ask for learning and get petty les
sons to memorize. We ask for light
and the curtain is pulled back only
so far as it is thought safe for us
to see.—Ohio State Lantern.
April 21.—Senior guardians of the
peace have been appointed for the
coming year whose task is primar
ily concerned with the traditional
controversy between freshmen and
S -8th Avenue and Pearl Street H
| REV. TRAWIN, Pastor 1
a Services —11 a. m. and 7:45 0
[fj Special program at evening B
B service by Odd Fellows’ a
a band. 0
0 Students cordially invited, g
TON, Seattle, April 23.—(P.I.P.) —
A camp fro women majoring in phy
sieal education in the University
of Washington will be established
on Hoods Canal, one of the state’s
popular summer resorts, and will
be open from Septeni 1 to 21. This
is reported o be he firs camp of its
kind instituted on the Pacific
Coast, asd the purpose is to give
the women actual experience in
physical education work through
participation and leadership in
—Pay Your Fees—
(Continued from page one)
“What kind of work?” she said
in answer to the reporter’s ques-1
tion. “Oh, a great variety of work.!
Many of these boys, particularly
the Chinese, make fine house boys;
some are dishwashers; some work
in restaurants, and some are jani- j
Besides the Filipino and Chinese j
students, Mrs. Donnelly said there
are two Bulgarans, six Australians,
one Korean, one Bussian, and one |
student from India.
“Not many of them, are sent by :
their countries,” she said, “as many
persons suppose. There are four l
government Chinese students, but
the majority 'come on their own.’ ”|
“Do the foreign students ever feel
that they are being discriminated
against?” Mrs. Donnelly was asked, j
“No, I don’t believe they do,”
she replied thoughtfully. “Mo'st
of them feel that if there is any
discrimination against them, it is
in a large measure their own fault.
I. always tell them they will be re
ceived in the spirit in which they
come. Of course, many persons are
narrow minded or ignorant, and re
fuse to let themselves associate with
Vie foreigners. If they would only
realize that these students aTe the
cream of their own countries, they
would not be so quick to judge. If
an American graduate went to Chi
na, for instance, the Chinese stu
dents he knew here on the campus
would be the first persons he would
look up, and he would get all the
help he could from them to further
any of his business enterprises, so
I see no reason why he should shun
them here.”
Mrs. Donnelly believes the situa
tion on the Oregon campus better
than anywhere else on the coast.
“Of course, we do not intend to
take undo credit. It is smaller
here, and consequently the problem
is easier to deal with.”
—Pay Your Fees—
Sermon Sunday 11 a. m.
Evening service, 8 p. m, —
Third chapter of Fosdick’s
Book on “The Modern Use
of the Bible.” Question
Good Music
All Welcome
Congregational |
Church I!
Rev. Fred J. Clark, Pastor g
“What Price Freedom?
99 1
Sermon theme of the Rev. Frank Fay Eddy at the
Unitarian Church Sunday Morning at 10:45.
Soloist Robert McKnight
A study of the history of religion liberty, based on
Henrik Van Loon’s Book “Tolerance.”
An inquiry into the significance of the present anti
evolution crusade to suppress the expression of phil
osophic interpretaton of scientific facts.
Unitarian churches are uniting in defence of freedom
of thought and expression.
It is a struggle in which Unitarians feel they should
lead because Unitarianism is the product of free
thought and is colored through and through by the
insight and the revelation science has given regard
ing the universe.
Our pulpit is a free pulpit. Our minister is expected
to speak boldly, without quibbling or evasions.
University men and women are always welco'me at
the “Little Church of the Human Spirit.”
Am in the best of humor due
to the fact that I recently exca
vated a box of McKillop’s as
sorted candies from behind the
pillows on the davenport. It’s
such delicious stuff—all kinds
and flavors and is always so
popular that to preserve it for
ones own selfish use concealment
is absolutely necessary.
Had the best canter this morn
ing with Gertrude. Since her re
turn from the east she affects
real tailored things and succeeds
in looking awfully smart. To
day she wore one of those new
Dobb’g Cross Country hats—soft
felt and so appropriate for rid
ing. I was awfully tickled when
she confessed she got it at Leti
tia Abrams in Wetherbee-Dens
more’s balcony now there is
hopes for me.
* » *
Sarah May has invited us all
down to Newport for Sunday—
they have a lovely summer home
and we’ll have just gobs of fun.
To honor the occasion I am go
ing to don the cleverest little
tweed suit conceivable. It’s real
mannish — that strictly English
type — Wetherbee- Densmore’s
certainly do carry just the right
things “pour le sporte” for they
combine style and service.
We discovered the best drink
for parties—J. Hungerford and
Smith’s fruit juice that is so
concentrated that it only takes
a small portion with water and
ice to make a gallon of punch
and a delicious punch is the re
sult of mixing several flavors—
cherry, lime, lemon and rasp
berry are just a few of the fla
vors Underwood -Elliott’s carry
—it certainly is a time saver for
* * *
Have been bemoaning the fact
that I had no suitable dress for
golf until I recently discovered
that Berg’s smart Chumley frocks
are available right here in Eu
gene. They have the best look
ing two piece sport dresses and
also carry those new ultra mod
ern suit scarfs. Ruth Cyrus has
them just a block and a half
east of the Tri Delt house—1360
East 20th Avenue.
* *' #
Saturday was Bab’s birthday
and I didn’t have a thing for
her and was rather worried until
I discovered the lovliest, hand
painted parchment cards in the
Aladdin Gift Shop. Was re
lieved and pleased for she is just
artistic enough to revel in -the
unusualness of these novelties.
* » *
Am planning a luncheon at
the hotel next week to announce
Kay’s engagement. Following
the recommendation of everyone
I have put the decorative ef
fects into the hands of Raup’s—
Eugene’s most capable florists.
I hope it will be a success and
am happy to think I can rely
on Raup’s for perfect service.
Bill has been pestering me for
a snap shot for a long time so
the other day chancing to dis
cover a kodak finishing depart
ment in the “Little Shop Around
The Comer” — purchased some
films and do hope the poor boy’s
desire will be appeased when he
has them developed there.
Going to the Junior Vod-vil
this week-end with big bad Bill
and must have that “snappy ap
pearance” so went down to the
Co-ed Barber Shop which is be
tween the Co-Op and the T.W.
C.A., on Kincaid street for wind
blown hair cut—they certainly
are the rage now. The man who
did it was telling me about their
Fitch D.R. shampoos that are sc^
good for your hair.
Then to complete that “snap”
I stopped with Hasting Sisters
for time and had the most won
derful water wave you have ever
seen—Bill won’t recognize his
date Saturday night—so I guess
I’ll just have to make myself
known and see how surprised he
will be.
* * •
We found out that the An
chorage puts up basket luncheons
and so have planned to go up
the race next week some time
and you don’t have to order
them very early either. They
can pack one in a few minutes.
Till next week,