Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©regott ®ailg J-metalfc
University of Oregon, Eugene
Bol Abramson_Managing Editor
Harold Kirk ..Associate Editor
Mildred Jean Carr _ Associate Mng. Ed.
Webster Jones -- feports rAuwr
Philippa Sherman . Feature Editor
News and Editor Phones, 665
DAT EDITORS? Esther Davis, Geneva Drum, Frances Bourhili, Claudia Fletcher,
Mbit Conn, Ruth Gregg.
NIGHT EDITORS: Allan Canfield, supervisor, Ronald Sellers, Lynn Wykofr.
SPORTS STAFF: Harold Mangum, Dick Syring.
FEATURE WRITERS: J. Bernard Shaw, James Defauli, Gregg Millett, Paul Luy.
UPPER NEWS STAFF: Mary Benton, Edward Smith, Eva Nealon, Jane Dudley.
wlarfl staff* Marr K Baker. Jack Hempstead, Barbara Blythe, Arthur Pnaulx,
^h^Lriah M^urphw.William Schulze, Pauline Stewart, Grace Fi.h.r,
SS^ce HaHem Fra“ Ch«^y Margaret Hensley Ruby Lister Genevieve
Morgan, Marion Sten, Dick Jones, Miriam Shepard, Flo8*1® Radabaugh, Margaret
Long, Edith Dodge, Wilma Lester, Robert Maxwell, Lela Forreet._
Hum Leland
81 Slocum
Oalvia Horn
_ Aaaoeiate Manager Frances McKenna _ Asst. Circulation Mgr.
Advertising Manager Robert Dutton - Circulation Assistant
Advertising ~—"77 ", 1-»,
Advertising ManagerMilton George - Assistant Advertising Mgr.
Circulation ManagerMarian Phy .— Foreign Advertising Mgr.
___ Manning --
Advertising Assistants: Sam Kinley, Emerson Haggerty, Bob Nelson, Ed Roes, Ruth
McDowell, Dick Hoyt, Ray Hibbard, Joe Neil, Herbert Lewis.
Hn«rlnltT Advertising: Alice McGrath, Mabel Fransen.
Office Administration: Frances Hare, Harold Whitlock, Geneva Drum,
I>gy Edihnr thin Tmmft— FRANCES BOURHILL
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday durlng
collage year Member of Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association. Entered in
postofflce at Eugene, Oregon, as aecond-claaa matter. Subscription rates, **-28
p. Advertising rate* upon application. Residence phone, editor, 1820,
721. Businas* office phone, 18®B. ^
Proving That the University Has a
Good Friend in The “Portland News’
An editorial signed by C. W. R. and entitled “P. S.” was
published in the “Portland News’’ on the evening of April
17th. The editorial is reprinted in today’s Emerald since
it tells of libraries, breakfast dances, goldfish, and the Uni
versity of Oregon.
The editorial, a perfect example of Scripps editorial style
of writing, is worth reading. It shows that C. W. R. and the
Portland News are keenly and sympathetically aware of the
University’s greatest need—a new library.
The writer of the editorial, C. W. R. is Charles W. Robinson,
now a successful lawyer in Astoria, and a former yell king
and varsity debater at the University of Oregon. Charley,
or “Beauty” Robinson, as they called him, was vitally inter
ested in student activities and made a good job of it.
Two weeks ago Beauty’s wife, Birdie Wise Robinson, visit
ed the University as a member of the alumni investigation
committee. In speaking of educational values she said:
“My husband (Beauty) has often said he wishes he could
return to the University for four years’ study. He says his
most valuable education was derived from the Bible and
And now Beauty Robinson, ex-yell king and activity man is
interested, not in dances and football, but in libraries and
If Beauty were here now we should say, after reading
his editorial: “Do you really believe that fish story about the
$25 dances?”
If he should reply in the affirmative, we should say: “Well,
it may he true and it may not be true. Just like Jonah, maybe
it happened and maybe it didn’t. But at any rate there was
only one Jonah. And if sorority girls paid $25 each for gold
fish dances they’ve' been too poor to repeat the stunt; and
they’ve forgotten to tell most of us about it.”
And if he should say: “Well, what about breakfast dances?”
We would say: “Yes, Charley, breakfast dances are the
rocks. Any normal person would rather study in the library
than go to a crazy breakfast dance.”
And if he should say: “Then why do you have them?”
We should say: “That’s one of the things you han’t ex
plain. It’s just like our present library. You can’t explain
why we haven’t a library that invites serious reflection and
But that’s not the point of this yarn. The moral of the
story is this: That Beauty Robinson, the ex-yell king, after
niany years away from the collegiate, realizes that not dances,
and not goldfish nnd not even student elections, hut libraries
and books are the things that really count in achieving a Uni
versity education.
P/S. No. 2: Us too, “Beauty.”
J. Stitt Wilson Lists
Books Valuable for
Present Day Reading
A list of the 12 books which ho
considers the most valuable for
reading at the present time has
been proparod by J. Stitt Wilson,
■who lectured on the campus last
■week under the auspices of the
Christian association.
Mr. Wilson estimates tho value
of tho books for students in the
ordev in which they are tabulated,
lie places first on his list, “The
Fundamentals of Life,” written by
Bufus Jones. There is not a copy
of this book in the University li
brary. There are copies of the
four books standing next in im
portance, which are: “What Ails
Our Youth,” by George A. Ooe;
“The Manhood of Humanity,” by
Korjybski; “The Science of row
er,” by Jenmain Kidd; and “Sci
ence and the Modern World,” by
“Life, Mind and Spirit,” and
“Emergent Evolution,” by Lloyd
Morgan; "The Remaking of Human
Nature,” and “The Meaning of God
in Human Experience,” by W. E.
Hocking, are placed next on tho
list. They are not on file at tho
library. Tho last three books in
the tabulation are on file at the
library, which make* a total of
aeven out of the twelve recom
mended. These books are; “The
Direction of Human Evolution,” by
K. J. Conklin; “Reconstruction and
Philosophy,” by John Dewey; and
“The Human Worth of Rigorous
Thinking," by Cassius Keyser.
Kappa Delta Phi announces the
pledging of Roseoe Anderson, of
Hood Kiver.
'Theaters „
REX—Inst day: “Off the High
way,” with Marguerite do la Motto,
John Bowers, William Y. Mong,
Charles Gerard and Joseph Swick
ard in a gripping adaptation of
Tom Gallon’s powerful novel of
artists and model®, “Tatterly. ” Ligo
Conley comedy, “The Tin Ghost,”
a spooky affair, with laughs ga
lore; Kinogram news events; J.
Clifton Emnp'l in musical accom
paniment on the organ.
COMING—Hoot Gibson in “Chip
of the Flying-IT;” “The Girl from
Montmartre,” with Barbara Ba
Marr and BewHs Stone; Baura Ba
I I’lante in “The Beautiful Cheat.”
James Cruze’s “The Pony Express”
with Ricardo Cortez, Betty Comp
sou, Wallace Beery and Ernest Tor
j rence.
McDonald—last day: "Three
Paces East,” the international mys
I tery melodrama depicting on the
screen the most thrilling gamo of
hearts ever played against a back
ground of spies, secret service and
world turmoil, the great east in
cluding .Tetta Goudal, Henry B. Wal
thall, Robert Ames and Clive Brook;
another ‘Adventure of Mairie,’ en
titled “Or, What Have Ton,” with
Alberta Vaughn and the all earned y
cast supreme; Frank D. C. Alexan
der in rpysterv musical setting on
the organ.
NEXT attraction: sixth annual
Junior Vod-Vil presenting eight
headline acts of variety specialties,
featuring the Mc.Phillips Gaiety
Girls; Next week, Thomas Meighan
in “Irish Luck.”
Subscribe for the Emerald
* * »
Awaked early today and soon
pondering upon the costume which
I am too wear to the Cabaret on
30 April, hut am at a loss for an
idea. Did once think of wear
ing my military uniform and act
like Art Gray the mime, till idea
of wearing a package of cigarettes
and a smile and be a candidate did
strike me. To campus, and did
hear that Frank Loggan and Bar
bara Blythe were dressing as Topsy
and Eva. Methinks it is too had
that there are not more election
times during the year for it is the
one time when that “Old Oregon
Spirit,” made famous in booke and
song is really in practice.
• * •
"With all due seriousness and fit
ting ceremonies the Seven Seers
now openly and publicly nominate
Ikan Laffangiggle for Tell King.
• * *
Who is this Pole that everybody
is looking for in airplanes?
• * «
The dust of the battle had clear
ed away and the bodies of the de
feated knights dragged from the
field. Sir Gallupaway had won the
melee and was riding up to the
King to get his prize. The King
after giving a short speech of
praise presented him with a beau
tifully engraved hand saw and a
genuine mahogany chest inside of
which was his youngest daughter.
After a few blushes and words of
thanks Sir Gallupaway dashed
through the gates and off to the
Climbing down fromj his foaming
steod he immediately set about
sawing. First a playful toe reveal
ed itself and the knight kept on
sawing. Next a dimpled knee ap
peared. And the knight kept on
sawing. And then the house man
ager appeared. “Why Clint Mit
chel quit trying to tear all our
study tables apart and get back in
your bed.”
• • •
If these skirts keep getting shorter
Said the poor priest with a sigh
I shall have to have tiny glasses
To blind this wicked eye.
Why is everyone so nice to us
all of a sudden? In the past week,
we’ve received several invitations
for tea, numerous compliments on
the column, 15 ten-cent cigars and
countless bright and cheery greet
ings as we pass ambitious young
men, women and politicians on the
These are hard days for the Col
legside Inn! The ice-creams and
sherbets are melting, the chocolate
eclares are wilting and even the
cokes have lost their sizzle. But
you can’t blame them, with Mc
Phillips’ Gaiety Girlies rehearsing
daily in the banquet room. These
bite of pulchritude, measuring each
5 ft. 2, are enough to bust the gate
receipts on any show, and you can
cuddle that in your canopy!
There 'was a young girl in Eugene
Whom tho College men thought was
qnite mean
Still they left her lay cold
For the boys had been told
She was stool pigeon girl for the
Editorially Clipped
(From the Portland News, April
17, 1926.)
P. S.
BY C. W. E.
They woke me up this morning.
They are having a breakfast dance.
You can’t by the written word pro
nounce "dance” as they pronounce
it. You see, it’s a “breakfast
dance”. I am in Eugene, that lit
tle Boston of Oregon, and some col
lege students are having this “break
fast dance”.
It isn’t the fact that they woke
me up, but it is the fact they are
dancing on Saturday morning that
gives me the title“P. S.”—“pay
some and pay soon.”
When I came downstairs I talked
to mine host, a fine, affable old
gentleman. He told me that this
was the second breakfast dance that
they had had in the hotel. Yon
see, it works this way: The boys’
fraternity gives two dances, one
formal and one informal. The dif
ference being the difference be
tween Twiddledee and Twiddledum.
Then the girls’ sororities give a
dance—in fact, two dances—formal
and informal, the difference being
“Who’s sweet?” and the resultant
answer, “bof of us”.
Mine host told me that one sor
ority gave a dance where they used
gold fish as a decoration and it cost
each girl $25. No wonder they call
them “gold fish”. I am ichthyolo
gist enough to understand now the
derivation of the term “poor fish.”
This dance made me angry. So
I have decided to investigate the
state university myself. There are
forty couples on the dance floor.
There are forty times that many in
the library. I have no right to use
the term “library.” There is no
such thing on the Oregon campus.
Instead of a library there are sub
stations where your boy and mine,
whom we slave for and love with
almost an idolatry, will work in.
I talked to M. H. Douglass, li
brarian of the state university. He
hadn’t seen me in nineteen years,
but he knew me, called me by name.
Then he took me thru. He didn’t
cry about it; he apologized.
He said: “Charles, last year we
issued 89,117 books to students for
home use. There is only one univer
sity in America that passed us—
Amherst college, with a student
body of 560, issued 19,483. We are
the second highest college in Amer
ica. Last year we issued 403,104
volumes from the three reserve
desks, making us also the second
university in America.”
I said to him: “Listen. Do you
know what a breakfast dance is!”
He said: “I’ll have one of the
girls find it for you.”
I said: “You don’t have to find
it. I just left it.”
I said to him: “Look! They are
sitting in those draughty halls up
stairs, reading books in chairs. You
can’t study that way.”
He replied: “I know it. But
what can I do? I can do the best
I can and some day we will have
a library.”
“Some day we will have a li
brary! ” I have been out on the
football field that cost thousands.
I have been in the basketball court
that cost more than a hundred thous
In the state of Oregon, that
spend* a million dollars, there is
not, on this morning, a place for
tho students to work comfortably
and healthfully.
I am writing this from the hotel
where the dance is. They are play
ing jazz music—about “The gal that
I loved stole the pal that I loved”
or words to that effect.
This dancing is but the slag on
the rim of the educational caldron.
And we—you and I, mothers and
fathers—when our ehildren want
$25 for gold fish.“pay some and pay
soon.” But for those of our sons
and daughters who want an educa
tion, who would sit on Saturday
morning as we want them to. and
do as we want them to, travel with
Plvsses, lift sunken islands from
the deep, rouse the ghosts of fable
kings out of their vanished tombs,
who would read those things that
science and hours of work have
brought, sit in dusty rooms or
draughty corridors, toil and sweat
and puzzle without even the meager
comfort .that our modest library
gives. Shame on ns!
P. 8.—You and I too.
Small Dog Included
Among Lost Articles
The lost and found department
at the University post office has
an unusual article among the coats,
umbrellas, pens and pencils. The
stray article is a small, white span
iel that wags a friendly tail at
everyone and shows decided inclin
ations for following each University
student that speaks a friendly word
to him. Someone brought the lit
tle dog to the post office yester
day morning, but no notice had been
turned in as to his ownership, and
doggie is still running around, vain
ly seeking his master.
J unior
V od-vil
BIG Feature Acts
You’ll Like Everyone
The “Varsity Vagabonds”
Their Very Best Program, their next Engagement at
Liberty Theater in Portland
Don’t Miss
McPhillips’ Gaiety Girls
“They’re five foot two, with eyes of blue,
But Oh, What those five feet can do.”
NIGHT—50c, 75c, $1.00 Matinee Saturday Afternoon 35c
^S/hen it’s the night of
the season’s most festive dance—
and Mimi, herself has consented
to go—when in a last moment
before starting you thank
your good fortune
—have a Camel!
Into the making of this one cigarette goes all of the ability
of the world’s largest organization of expert tobacco men.
Nothing is too good for Camels. The choicest Turkish
and Domestic tobaccos. The most skilful blending. The
most scientific package. No other cigarette made is like
Camels. No better cigarette can be made. Camels art the
overwhelming choice of experienced smokert.
O int
WHEN the night of the
famous prom has come
—and you contemplate
your luck and your
greatness — have a
For Camel adds of its
own romance to every
memorable event. Camels
never tire the taste, never
leave a cigaretty after
taste. When you light a
Camel, you may know
you are smoking the
world’s mellowest
So this night, as you
fare boldly forth to
society’s smartest and
gayest affair—learn then
how sympathetic, how
really fine and friendly a
cigarette can be.
Have a Camel!
Our highest wish, if rum do
not 3ret know Cornel atsol
*tyf is that you try them*
We inrite you to compose
Camels with any cigarette
made at any price.
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco