Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 18, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    Adult Education
Move Organized
4 At Conference
Definite Plans Made for
Teaching Illiterates
Says Dean Rebec
The education of people out of
and beyond school years is reached
through adult education, explains
Dr. George Rebec, who has just re
turned from a conference held at
San Francisco, February 8 and 9,
for the purpose of organizing an as
sociation for adult education.
The world movement for adult
education extended definitely into
America when the Carnegie corpor
ation displayed interest in having it
here, and called a number of con
ferences, the San Francisco session
being one.
According to Dr. Rebec, the back
ground of the Carnegie corporation
is to explain the adult education
idea and situation as < unfolding
themselves throughout the world in
several parts of America, and after
that, to undertake the question of
f definite organization, both for the
country as a whole and for differ
ent sections.
Dr. Rebec report* the conference
was very interesting. Albert Mans
bridge of London, founder of the
Worker’s Educational Association,
was the guest of the conference
and the regional chairman was,
Henry Suzzalo, president of the
University of Washington. Mel
ville A. Brannon, chancellor of the
University of Montana, Rufus Von
Kleinsmid, president of the Univer
sity of Southern California, L. S.
Klinek, president'of the University
of British Columbia, A. C. Crane,
president of the University of Wyo
ming, and C. H. Marvin, president
of the University of Arizona were
among the representatives of the
The movement for adult educa
tion in China began during the war
when an officer in charge of a bri
gade of laborers found them suf
fering from loneliness and home
sickness. “They could write no
letters home, and could not read
the ones sent to them. When the
officer thought of teaching them
how to read, he was confronted with
the difficulty of the Chinese script,
said Dean Rebec. “To be able to
learn this require* a large amount
of time. Finally the officer had
the happy idea of working out a
simple form of'Chinese writing con
sisting of 1200 signs. Nearly all
the men acquired this and the prob
lem of home communication was
solved. The process has been adopt
ed by tens of millions of people in
China.” Education for adults in
America is being reached through
libraries, correspondemee course*
and by various ways, says Dr. Re
Dr. Rebec states that the idea of
educating adults has been taken up
in Europe by Denmark and other
Scandinavian countries, Germany,
Great Britain and Czecho Slovakia.
Committee Meeting
- Of Rummage Sale
Workers Tonight
The first meeting of all commit
tee workers and committee heads
for the student body rummage sale
planned for March 6, to increase
the Fine Arts building fund, will be
held tonight at 5 o’clock in Villard
hall, according to Frances Morgan,
general chairman.
Definite plans for collection and
sale of the material will be dis
cussed, and it is hoped that all
worker's will be present in order to
secure better cooperation in the
work. Committees have been at
work for over a week and actual
collection of material will be fur
nished by February 26, allowing a
week for clothing to be cleaned and
priced for the sale.
A representative in each living
organization will be responsible for
the collection of possible rummage
sale material from that group, and
students living out in town will be
given a chance to contribute. A
Coming Events
Thursday, February 18
11:00 — Assembly, Woman’s
3:30—Basketball, Frosh vs.
Bend high school, men’s gym.
7:30-8:30 — Discussion group.
Topic. “Youth Movement in
China,” Y. W. Bungalow.
Friday, February 19
8:15—Basketball, Varsity vs..
O. A. C., Armory.
Newspaper Conference, sessions
in Journalism building.
Saturday, February 20
Newspaper Conference, all day.
Exhibition of rare printing,
art museum, art building.
Sunday, February 21
Exhibition rare printing, art
museum, art building.
4:30-5:00—Vespers, music aud
group will call at each house for the
On the (lay of the sale 25 men,
and 25 women will be assigned dif
ferent periods to act us salesmen.
A large variety of clothing, mill
dnery, shoes, gloves, blouses, um
brellas and all sorts of knick-knacks
is wanted. Anything will be ac
cepted by the committee, it is an
Another Mumps Case
Develops on Campus
Taylor Kobinson, sophomore .in
the school of business administra
tion, is sick with the mumps in the
infirmary. This is the first case
of mumps for two weeks. Robinson
is a Phi Gamma Delta.
Campus Bulletin
Students who plan to attend the
formal forensic banquet in honor
of Mr. Houck, Friday night at
7 p. m. should please arrange it
with the forensic managers, Elam
Amstutz, Jack Hempstead or Mr.
J. Stanley Gray, at the public
speaking office.
All Band Boys—Report Thursday
night for rehearsal.
All football men report at 3:30 at
Hayward field. Same for frosh
Hermian club meeting 7 p. m.
Thursday . Be on time.
The following men meet in the base
ment of the old library at 12:45:
Bill Adams, George Meade, Rex
Adolph, Joe Price, Nick Carter,
Punk Reinhart, Nick Davis, Skin
Reynolds, Homer Dixon, Vic Wet
zel, Fred Harrison, Jerry Extra,
Byrl Hodgen, Jerry Crary, Bob
McCabe, Carroll Ford, Harry Lea
The Girls Oregon club announces
the election of the following girls
to membership: Marian Paddock,
Eugene; Iris League, Twin Falls,
Idaho; Loretta Mason, Eugene;
Jessie Allen and Elsie Allen, Sun
nyside, Washington; Ruth Helms,
and Hazel Hillberg, Eugene.
Hermian club seminar will meet in
Library of Woman’s building at
8:00 tonight, Dean Bovard speak
ing. Everyone interested, wel-i
A meeting of members of the Dial
will be held tonight at 7:30 in
the Woman’s building.
Ye Tabard Inn—Pot and Quill,
joint luncheon today at 12:15 at
the Anchorage, honoring Anthony
Euwer. Members of both organ
izations especially urged to at
Varsity and Freshman swimming,
Varsity and Freshman wrestling,
and freshman basketball pictures
for the Oregana will be taken
between 3 and 4 tomorrow in the
men’s gym.
The Y. W. C. A. discussion group
meets at the Bungalow 7:30
sharp. The student movement of
China will be discussed.
All football men are to turn out
this afternoon on Hayward field
at 3:30 in full uniform. There
will be no practice Friday.
Rummage sale committee worker's—
Meeting tonight at 5 o’clock in
Villard hall. Everyone please be
Women’s League Council will meet
this evening at 7:45 in the lounge
room of the Woman’s building.
An informal tea for all upperclass
women and sophomores will be
given by the Freshman Girl’s
Commission at the Y. W. C. A.
Bungalow today from 3 to 5:30.
All prospective candidates for ad
mission to the Portland medical
school who want to have confer
ences with the visiting doctors
must make appointments fwith
Dr. Yocum at his office before
tomorrow noon.
Crossroads—Meets as usual Thurs
day night at 7:30. Smith on
Fits hand ~~
pocket and purse
More for your moeey
end the beat Peppermint
Chewing Sweet for any money
Look for Wrigley's P. K. Handy Pack
(Continued from page one)
ANALOGIES I. Many perfect
scores were made on this test. Mr.
Taylor says it is too easy for col
lege students, but it is difficult to
make one that is more in keeping
with the otheils.
“FISH is to SWIM and MAN is
to (Paper, Time, Girl, Walks).”
The correct answer would bo
‘ ‘ walks. ’ ’
It looks easy, but Mr. Taylor says
that it is surprising how many mis
takes are made.
There are 50 possible points, the
average being 27.5. Men averaged
25.6, and women 29.7.
ANALOGIES II. As the first
analogies test was in words, this
one is in forms.
“—is to—as—is to—, or—or x,
or—, or O.” The correct form i/s
In this there were 25 possible
chances to score. The average was
12.1, with men making 11.8 and
women 12.3 points.
student in this test has to work out
the formula as shown in the exam
ple given. For instance, “9-18-3-6-7
—.” The right number would be
“14,” since “9” was doubled to
make “18,” “3” doubled to make
“6,” and twice “7” equals “14.”
One student made the 25 possible
points in this test, but 86 make
zero, bringing the average down to
9.4. Men made 10.1, and women
ABSURDITIES. This is another
test that is too easy for college stu
dents. Forty-six made perfect
scores, while the average was 16.8
Men scored 15.8, and women 17.8,
on an average. Only two of thope
tested scored zero.
In the directions, the student is
told that the sentences given below
are absurd, but can be made reason
able by the change of a single word.
In “I have three brothers, Paul, Er
nest, and myself,” the word “my
self” would be underlined by the
student to show that it is the word
that renders the sentence absurd.
OPPOSITES. Although a hard
test, this is very good for determin
ing vocabulary, accuracy of voca
bulary, and knowledge. For ex
ample four words are given: (1)
warm, (2) heavy, (3) long, (4)
short. The student is told that two
of these words are either the same
or opposite. In this case, numbers
(3) and (4), or “long” and “short,”
are the opposite, and are set down
a|s such.
Out of 27 possible points, the
highest score made was 24 points.
The average for those tested was
7, with men averaging 6.5, and
women 7.5.
“In classifying students on the
basis of the test score,” sayfl Mr.
Taylor, it seemed best to make the
classification as similar as possible
to the grading system of the Uni
versity. Therefore, the freshmen
were graded as follows: 1, five per
cent; II, 20 per cent; III, 25 per
cent; IV, 25 per cent; V, 20 per
cent; VI, 5 per cent.
“College women cluster around
the same ‘above average’ • score,”
he continued, “while men vary from
a few exceedingly brilliant, to a few
very unintelligent. In this way,
women usually have higher average
scores, but men, on the whole, make
the higher individual scores of the
Oregon Professors
Will Give Lectures
In all Parts of State
Members of the faculty will lec
ture under the auspices of the Ex j
tension department in various parts
of the state during the month of!
On Friday, February 19, Avard j
Fairbanks of the art department;
will address the Women’s Club of!
Moro, Oregon, on sculpture.
Dr. Rudplph H. Ernst, of the Eng- j
lish department, will go to Port
land on February 20 to give a lec-;
ture on “Direction and Achieve-!
meats of World Literature” before!
the Graduate Club of Portland Ex
tension center.
“Demands of Education in Wash
ington’s Time and Now” is the sub-,
ject Millard L. Gilbreath will dis-|
cuss before the Parent Teachers’|
Association at Elmira on Monday,
February 22.
Mozelle Hair, of the Extension j
Division, .will give an illustrated
lecture on “New York City” at a
meeting of the Cottage Grovo Wom
en’s Club, on February 23.
Dr. E. S. Conklin, of the psycho
logy department will address the
local teachers’ institute in Silver
ton, on Saturday, February 27. The
subject of his address has not been
(Continued from page one) -
of the business done by the state
legislature has to do with business
and yet most business men stay
away from legislature as if there
was a keep out sign tacked above
the capitol door, said Hemming, whoi
has made a study of the situation.
Three things keep the business man
away from the legislatures. First,
the federal control of business, sec
ond ,the state control of business,
and last, the voluntary control. It
is up to the business man to let the
men at the legislature know what
their problems are, or the legisla
tures will not know how to meet
their needs. The legislature of
Oregon, Hemming continued, was,
wishing someone was there who
could tell them the facts about the
business men and what they wanted,
j Robert C. Line, of Columbus, Mon
tana, spoke on “What to ,do With
Dead Stock.”
“If you can tell me you have no
dead stock in your stores, you are
either lying or you are a most un
usual group of merchants I have
ever seen. It is no disgrace to
have old (stock, but it is a disgrace
to keep it without trying to get rid
of it.”
HHJ Q~J Q_] LHj Oil L_J l—l l—JIHJ Oil C_J IHJ Oil L_J QU GL1 DU Oil Oil Oil OiJ L—J CfJ K
For the Senior Ball
U. of O.
Shoe Shine
13 & ALDER
| 2 Shows T ft 9 j
The Superior Character Comedian
By George Ade
Music With a Smile
The Master Mystic
America’s Greatest One Hand Balancer
. . - -in
REVIEW A Van Bibber (jomedy 0F DAY
Heilig Concert Orchestra
Charles Runyan, Conductor
Selection, “The Mikado’’ by A. S. Sullivan
Basketball Pavilion
Funds Now Available
Reports Ted Larsen
The sum of $105,000 necessary
for building the new basketball
pavilion, can be secured from fin
ancial houses in Seattle, Portland
or Eugene, according to a state
ment by Ted Lateen, chairman of
the A. S. IT. O. building committee,
last night.
After conferring with various
banks, the committee hast found
that money for financing the new
building may bo borrowed through a
system of bond issues. Although no
transaction has been made, the com
mittee expects to have a definite re
port on both the Jjuilding and fin
ancing of the pavilion ready early
next week.
Present construction plans have
been turned over to Ellis F. Law
rence, dean of the school of archi
tecture, for revision. A final ca
pacity of at least 9000 peats is ex
pected. Lean Lawrence will pro
vide as large a number as finances
will allow.
Of the $105,000 to be raised $45,
000 must be ready for payment on
the completion of the building,
about October 1, according to Lar
sen. The money will probably be
borrowed through bond series of
five to ten years. All firms that
have considered financing the pa
vilion have offered the money at an
exceptionally low rate of interest
and on other favorable terms, Lar
sen reported.
Injuries to Mat Men
Weaken Prospects
Gloom, caused by two injured
men out of five, settled down on
the wrefetling team after the re
turn from the trip north, and unless
more men can be put in their places
or recovery is more rapid than an
ticipated, the meet with O. A. C.
scheduled for this next Saturday in
Eugene will probably be cancelled.
The team’s showing on the nor
thern trip which met both Idaho
and Washington State college was
disappointing. Idaho won 50 to
12; W. S. C. won 52 to 12.
It was due to the experienced
squads that they met at both col
leges and the inexperience of tho
Oregon men making the trip, all of
whom were entering their second
and third intercollegiate matches.
Most of the men are from the
freshman squad of last year and
their (showing against veterans of
i the mat could not be exceptionally
The meet with Washington which
| was scheduled for February 29 was
! set ahead to March 4 on account of
I conflicting dates at the northern
I school and an expected trip south
i for their wrestling team.
The wrestling turnout is promis
■ ing but the showings are disappoint
j ing against strong teams like Idaho
and O. A. C. Widmier had three
varsity lettermen back this fall but
none of them turned out for the
team for various reasons from in
eligibility to outside work. Ho has
had great difficulty in making any
kind of team out of the turnout.
Executive Secretary
of Delta Epsilon Visits
Russell H. Anderson, executive
secretary of Delta Upsilon fratern
ity, whose headquarters are in New
York City, arrived on tho campus
Monday evening for a two day
visit. Mr. Anderson is visiting the
Delta Upsilon chapters throughout
the country and while on the cam
pus stayed at the Sigma Pi Tau
He recently visited the Univer
sity of North Carolina and spoke
very highly of Dr. Chase, who has
been tendered the presidency of the
University of Oregon. While on
the campus, he visited admin
istrative officials of the University,
and "Dean Eric W. Allen and Prof.
C. L. Kelly, bo'th fraternity broth
ers from eastern chapters.
Mr. Anderson spent two years in
southern Russia, where he was con
nected with the Near East relief
(Continued from page one)
the forward pass was illegal in
football, and baseball pitchers were
compelled to deliver the pellet with
an underhand motion such as is
employed in quoits. For obvious
reasons, plate glass backboards will
someday be considered indespenls
able to ' a first-class basketball
The best place to have
your hair tut
Frosh Basketeers
To Play Aggie Rooks
And Bend High Here
The Oregon freshman basketball
team will play a quintet from Bend
high school this afternoon at 3:30
in the men’s gym, and the O. A. C.,
rooks tomorrow at the same time
in the same place, in the final en
counter of a four game aeries.
Coach Leslie’s men have won all
their tilts this winter except one,
that with the rooks in Corvallis last
Saturday, and are out to keep their
slate clean by registering wine over
both invading teams.
Dave Epps, frosh guard, who was
kept out of last week’s rook-frosh
contests by an injured ankle is
again in shape, and may be used
against the Aggies.
The Bend team comes here with
a good reputation, having disposed
of all central Oregon competition
in easy fashion. A win over the
freshmen would be a big feather in
their cap.
Classified Ads |
APARTMENT for rent—1224 Mill
street. Phone 1455-R. 4tf
LOST—A pair white shelled glasses
with black line thru rims, in li
brary or between library and
Onyx at six o’clock. Call 941-L.
Reward. 18
LOST—A pair of brown rimmed
glasses, in brown case. Return
to Fanny Marsh. 947. 18
i Satisfactory Results
i —Private Instruction—
—Teaching beginners or ad
—Fox Trot—Waltz — Tango—1
Charleston—Fancy and Ex
hibition steps.
Studio Open Daily 1 to 9 p. m.
657 Willamette—Phone 1715R
Opposite Helllg Theatre
Don’t Spend One Cent, Men
Your Money Will Do
More ■
Than f
Double *
Duty I
Big Fire Sale, Begins
Friday Morning
AT 10 A. M.
Green-Kilborn Co.
825 Willamette Street