©tegon Edward M. Miller . Daily Ifmetalii ifjiitunal Page Editor WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 1926 Frank H. Loggan .. Manager Sol Abramson .-. Managing Editor Mildred Jean Carr .... Associate Man. Editor News and Editor Phones, 655 Harold Kirk .—. Associate Editor Webster Jones . Sports Editor Philippa Sherman —. Feature Editor Wayne Leland .. Associate manager Businss Office Phone 189S Esther Davis Geneva Drum Day Editors Frances Bourhill Claudia Fletcher Mary Conn Ray John Black Earl Raess Harold Mangum Night Editors Nash, Chief Night Editor Ronald Sellars Bill Haggerty Sports Staff Riciiurd Syring Feature Writers Bernard Shaw James De Pauli Walter Cushman Paul Buy Upper News Staff Ruth Gregg Jane Dudley Margaret Vincent News Staff Mary Benton Edward Smith Mary K. Baker Jack Hempstead Barbara Blythe Arthur Priaulx Minnie Fisher Lylah McMurphy William Schulze Pauline Stewart Grace Fisher Beatrice Harden Frances Cherry Margaret Hensley James Leake Ruby Lister Genevieve Morgan Marion Sten Dick Jones Miriam Shepard Flossie Radabaugh Margaret Long Allen Canfield Edith Dodge Wilbur Lester Eva Nealon_ Business Staff Si Slocum __ Advertising Manager Calvin Horn . Advertising Manager Milton George _ Assistant Advertising Manager Advertising Assistants: Sam Kinley, Paul Sletton, Emerson Haggerty, Bob Nelson, Vernon McGee, Ed Ross, Ruth McDowell, Dick Hoyt, Webster Jones. Marian Phy .. Foreign Advertising Manager James Manning .... Circulation Manager Alex Scott .<. Assistant Circulation Manager Frances McKenna . Circulation Assistant Mabel Fransen, Margaret Long..Specialty Advertising Office Administration: Herbert Lewis, Frances Hare, Harold Whitlock, Geneva Drum. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication college year. Member of Pacific Intercollegiate P y«r. Advertising rates upon application. Phonea of the Associated Students of the University ress Association. Entered in the postoffice —Editor, 1320; Manager. 721._ of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday aunng me it Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.25 per I Day Editor—Mary Conn Night Editor—Bill Haggerty Assistant—J acK ±ioyt Giving the Public the Facts Concerning University Business Shortly after the election of Captain McEwan and the sub sequent announcement of his $8,500 salary, numerous objections were heard throughout the state, various taxpayers maintain ing that the salary was exorbitant and unwarranted. In due time an explanation was made, pointing out that the associated students and not the taxpayers were bearing the burden. Since that time no objection has been heard; rather, the state papers tiave hastened to clear up the situation. Among these is the Astoria Budget, which points out that the. situation is the result of a tremendous interest in inter-collegiate sports, winch in turn, forces up the salaries of coaches. Says the Budget, m part: . , “However, the taxpayers need not become exercised_ over this high cost, and Mr. Durbin of Salem would not have inter preted the $8,500 salary as an outrage upon the heavy-burdened property owners had he been fully informed as to the tacts. The University is actually only paying $3,500 of the $8,oOU salary to Captain McEwan. The Associated Students are pay ing the other $5,000 out of their own funds which are not de rived from the general taxation. Most of their funds are the profits upon the football games their team!s play. Well and fairly stated. But notice one phrase: Mr. Durbin of Salem would not have interpreted the $8,500 salary as an outrage upon the heavy-burdened property owners had he been fully informed as to the facts.” Mr. Durbin can not be called to account for not knowing the facts; they were never made public until less than two weeks ago. For some reason it was thought best by those in charge of such matters to let the pub lic draw its own conclusions; and draw them it did. And after all—isn’t it best that such matters, indeed a large share of the University business, be laid open to public scrut iny? Publicity, while often a bit blinding for a time, usually results in happiness for all parties' after everyone has had his say. Any business that will not bear publicity had best not be contracted. . T . The Emerald is confident that nothing exists about the Uni versity which is not utterly free from all intrigue. No more honest group of folk could be found anywhere. 1 herefore, m the future, when any coach, graduate manager, publicity man, assistant coach or otherwise is hired, the Emerald suggests that full publicity be immediately given the terms of the con tracts. An Opportunity to Make Golf a Minor Sport For the last several years a steadily increasing demand for the recognition of golf as a minor sport at the University has been heard. Last year the proposition received more or less attention, but nothing came of it. Now once again the cry has been heard and the athletic authorities are giving heed. Today a mass meeting for all those interested in golf will be held under the auspices of the University athletic director, and it behooves all golf fans to be on hand to press their case. As contended before in these columns, golf is a sport that should be given a place beside the other collegiate sports. In deed, few and far between are the reasons why it should be left out in the cold. We are told that a University is a training ground for the future; that education in college is not an end in itself, but a preparation for later life. Carried to its obvious conclusion, this reasoning may be applied to physical education, and hence, to sports. Why encourage only those sports which are prac tically useless to the participant after leaving college? Yet, at the present time, that is precisely what is done. Those sports, such as tennis, swimming and golf, all of which may be enjoyed many years after college graduation, in the realm of University of Oregon sportdom, receive the smallest attention. Putting golf on a minor sport basis would be a step in the right direction. University Welcomes the Oregon Retail Merchants’ Association The University is particularly linppy of the opportunity to play host for the Oregon Retail Merchants’ Association, meeting in annual convention on the campus this week. For the past several years the sight of multi-colored capped merchants has been an amusing and pleasurable sight on the campus, and if appearances be not deceiving, these same merchants appear to be enjoying their initiation into the collegiate existence. The University’s part in the retail merchants’ convention is a phase of its activity which it carries into the farthest cor ners of the state. The University of Oregon is definitely pledged to the policy of placing its services within reach of all those who will accept them. Or. Harry Woodburn Chase, president elect of the University, spoke in commendation of this policy the day he left for North Carolina. “There is also the responsibility of carrying the university directly into the life of the state. The university has big reser voirs of knowledge and information. . . These reservoirs of knowledge and information may. . . be of use to industries, public life, school. There are many problems of state and eities that the university may, through research and stored up knowledge, help to solve. “University ideas have changed somewhat. There was a time when the university lived on the campus and did not go beyond, when it might have imagined there was a high wall about it. The university of today should be a power house with its current going all through the state.” Without doubt, in the instance of the retail merchants’ con vention, the University is reaching definitely and surely into the extra-earapus activities of the state. The University is proud of this fact, and is truly honored in playing the role of mine host to these green, red, yellow and black capped mer chants. o f~ SEVEN SEERS SIRUS PINCHPENNY’S DIARY TJp, this day my stomach sicke ■with the buttered ale I did drink last night. This morn ing do propose that to save wear and tear on laundry chute, houses should henceforth be fashioned with walls two feet thick, but hollow inside, which, methinks is a noble device to stow sarsaparilla and ale bottles. At eventide to dinner’ with Iola Rubenstein and she do much chin wagging and tell me how she swims like paraly sis—three strokes and it’s all over. Home and to reading aloud from new book “Fire crackers, ” which is mightie fine example of what can be done with a stub pen. So to bed in fine mood. W # # O. O. McIntyre in his “Day by Day” column, wonders if xylophon ists wear out many gadgets while playing. Judging from, the work they make of it we’ll bet it isnt’ the gadgets that are worn out. LIZ WABRA SAYS SHE’S ALWAYS WANTED TO DRIVE A MILK TRUCK SO SHE COULD GO SKIMMING ALONG. Why such high aspirations, Liz? Why don’t you get a job as a scrub woman and have a kneesy job? #»#***#**#*** * TODAY’S HOROSCOPE * February 17—Peoplo born on * * this day are often absent mind- * * cd when it comes to returning * * slumps and books they have * * borrowed. Fraternity men born * * on this day seldom borrow * * their brother’s clothes or use * * their notes. * »*»##»*****»* The above is an exact replica of De Loris Pearson’s new spring chapeau. Yesterday its color was almost like that of her cheeks. This was no doubt a faux pas and We don’t imagine they will be that shade again. What has become of the bozo who used to be the life of, the party with his itching powder and stink bombs? »■ * * TODAY’S NEWS PICTURE At the Pi Phi open house last week end, Jimmie Gilbert play ed that touching ballad, “Sil ver Hairs Among the Gold,” on the above comb. For an encore he responded with “A Hair in the Head is Worth Two in the Brush. ” Tho Aggies played their usual style of holding.—Holding the sack this time, however. All that I do for exercise, Is lift my brows and roll my eyes. HELEN CONNELL. a Intimate glimpse of sub-deb Marion Leach and petite Gib Wright winning the handicap marathon Charleston contest held at Junction City recently. Marion did not want to appear Suzanne Leuglenish. but it is rumored that she fainted at the close of the act. After the recent flurry regarding the songs tho band can and cannot sing at the games we are still at a loss to know just what they will sing Friday night. Why not have them sing “El Toreador,” or “The Cow Jumped Over the Moon.” * FAMOUS LAST WORDS * “MAY I BORROW YOUR * * TUX FOR—” G. HOSAFAT. I Ofte Chameleon BY JIM Some time ago Dean Hale, of the law department, ran an article in the Emerald concerning the lawless ness' of this fair land of ours. He tabulated a number of whys, where fores, and whereases that seemed to get at the root of the thing. But now something has popped in the march of events that garbles our minds. « * tr A cordon of 1,000 soldiers sur rounds a Kentucky courthouse to see that justice is preserved. In order to prevent innocent bystanders from staging a lynching it was nece^lsary to call the militia out. Proving that this is a glorious country if you stick your tongue in your cheek. • • *• Justice jumbled v^ith military maneuvers. We use gunboats and cruisers to sink bootleggers. We use naval aircraft for vaudeville stunts at county fairs. We string soldiers around a courthouse to pull off a trial. The versatile, “Army and Navy for everything” is our motto now. That’s the American plan. From now on be prepared for this: * * v EUGENE, Ore.—On local hillsides tonight, the Rainbow Division of the United States Army awaits the second day of the famous co-ed divorce caso on the morrow. In anticipation of a gruelling battle, rations of rum and chocolate bars have been passed out. * * V The preliminaries were disposed of at the trial today, Students were captured from ambush and 12 jurymen picked from among them. The rest were Sentenced to kitchen police. This morning reporters outflank ed a detachment of infantry and reached their press seats. The dis trict attorney asked for some bomb ing planes to keep students from' peeking into the ■windows. Barbed wire and other legal entanglements will be used to keep spectators under control. * • «■ A troop of calvalry clattered in to the square and escorted the judge to his bench. Spectator seized sev eral rows of seats, but the major ity of them were repulsed, leaving the choicest locations in the hands of the ticket scalpers. Three sob sisters got into the trial disguised as Red Cross nurses. ^ * * * This noon, while crossing No Man’s Land on her way to lunch, the court stenographer, with jher shorthand notes, was seized as a spy. She was shot at sunset. Gen eral Woffle said it was all a mis take and apologed to the stenograp her ’s family. He also ordered all flags at half-mast. * # « Tonight the general said he had the situation under control. “Ev erything is jake in all sectors,” his communique reads. “I expect a verdict the day after tomorrow and have ordered the shock troops in. To date we have killed and wounded 218 enemy civilians and one sprain ed trigger finger is our only cas ualty. We’ll show ’em what all the shootings for.” Purcell’s Orchestra Featured at Theatre Jimmy Purcell’s seven-piece band, composed of campus musicians, will furnish the special feature this eve ning at the Colonial theatre. In addition to the orchestra, which will play the latest numbers of pop ular syncopation, Bobby 'Warner, clever clog dancer, will display his talents in the soft shoe line. Any students having special skits or musical bits to offer may call Walter Cushman at 186, and make arrangements for appearances. Communications Good sportsmanship is always harder to feel and display when school spirit is at its highest pitch. Although there were no reservations made for Oregon students, a num ber of us were fortunate enough to< see one of the most exciting games of the year, Saturday night. We gladly stood in line for two hours waiting to buy general admission tickets, and watched the O. A. C. students file in before any one else was allowed to enter. They had paid for their student body tickets, the game was of greatest interest to them, and, strange to say, they were given the first chance to the seats! The whole student body was seated when eight of us entered, happy to get inside the building, and willing to stand to watch the game. When we had reached the gallery, an usher told us that we could get seats at one of the side sections. Being “Oregon” girls, and seeing nothing but reserved seats unoccu pied, we looked at each other in wonder, and followed the usher dubiously and with several skepti cal comments. One student assured us that some of the men would give us their seats. By that time we were thoroughly convinced that we were being duped out of a good place to stand. This is an age of sex equality, and one of the first rights conceeded to women is that of standing up and watching the men comfortably seated. But they have some old fashioned ideas of chiv alry at Corvallis; the men arose, without grimace or comment, and we were seated in some of the best seats in the gym where we could see all the floor and both baskets. There were many catty remarks that might have been made then and throughout the game, for we made no secret of the fact that we were proud Oregon students. But there were no catty remarks, nor were there any women standing at any time during the game. It was quite evident that the Aggie men were not playing up to form. Their shots have been ad , mitted “deadly accurate from I middle distances and under the net.” Their shots certainly could not have been so characterized Sat urday night. Several times, also, the ball rolled around the edges of their basket and surprised everyone by falling out instead of in. There was, oi course, no doubt that we had the better team, but it would have been logical to expect com plaints of sheer bad luck and alibis of a team in poor condition. Such remarks were not in evidence. We congratulate the students of the Oregon Agricultural College on good sportsmanship, courtesy, and hospitality I EDNA ENGLISH. Theaters COLONIAL — Wednesday and Thursday, Matt Moore and Dorothy Devore in “His Majesty, Bunker Bean.” Also comedy and Fable. * * * HEILIG — Last day: Wednes day, “The Tower of Lies;” Friday and Saturday, “The Golden Strain.” Thursday, Association circuit, feat uring, “The Mayor and the Mani cure.” REX—First day, a double bill of fun and thrill, “If Marriage Fails,” a drama of those who scoff at vows, luxuriously set in a silken whirl of life among the pleasure seekers, and featuring Jacqueline Logan, Clive Brook, Jean Hersholt, Belle Bennett and a brilliant cast; and, Roy Kah ler’s “Country Store,” -a barrel of fun and hundreds of dollars worth of presents for all, nightly at 9 p. m.; clever comedy, “A Peaceful Riot,” of laughs; Kinogram news events; Rex musical settings to the pictures. Coming—Douglas Fair banks in “Don Q, Son of Zorro,” with Mary Astor and a great cast. IMPERIAL LUNCH Let’s EAT Here Chinese Noodles, Tamales and Raffles At All Hour* Captains for Class Basketball Chosen For Coming Season Captains for the women’s class basketball teams have been chosen by Miss M. J. Shelly, basketball coach. The captains will inform all members of their teamp of the date when they will play, see that all members of the team are dressed and in the right gymnasium at five o ’clock, and supply substitutes from a lower team in case of ab sence. If it is impossible for the girl to play she must either let her captain know before nine o’clock in the morning of the day of the game, or procure her own substi tute. Senior captains are, Elizabeth Lounbbury, first team; Regina Da vault, second team; Elaine Mob ley, third team. Junior captains, Ellean Fargher, first team; Arliene Butler, second team; Lela Horton, third team. Sophomore captains, Genera Zimmer, first team; Fern Hays, second team; Elda Wilson, third team; Vida Buchler, fourth team. Freshman captains, Editha Barthel, first team; Dorothy Young, second team; Lois McCook, third team; Lucile Dillard, fourth team. Color team captains, Gladys Baylis, first team; Jean Temple, second team. Coming Events Wednesday, February 17 Retail Merchants’ Convention. 4:00-6:00 — Women’s League tea, Woman’s building. 8:15—Amundsen lecture, Arm ory. Thursday, February 18 11:00 — Assembly, Woman’s building. <“—---o Campus Bulletin All groups desiring to add names to their lists for the Oregana please phone Dot Ward, 49. Students who plan to attend the formal forensic banquet in honor of Mr. Houck, Friday night at 7 p. m. should please arrange it with the forensic managers, Elam Amstutz, Jack Hempstead or Mr. J. Stanley Gray, at the public speaking office. Campus DeMolays—Are invited to attend meeting of the Councilor club at the Craftsman club, Wed nesday at 4:15. All Band Boys—Report Thursday night for rehearsal. All football men report at 3:30 at Hayward field. Same for frosh managers. O. N. S. business meeting at 7:15 in Y. M.. C. A. hut Wednesday. Women’s League tea this afternoon between 4:00 and 6:00. Y. W. C. A. cabinet meeting today at 4:15 in the Bungalow. Hermian club' meeting 7 ,p. m. Thursday . Be on time. Orchesus meeting 7:30 tonight at Woman’s building. Classified Ads * APARTMENT for rent—1224 Mill street. Phone 1455-R. 4tf ANNOUNCEMENT Kappa Omicron announces the pledging of Lova Buchanan, of Eu gene. BEX SHOE SHINE The Best Place to Have Your Shoes Shined and Cleaned Next tb Bex Theatre Rival* the beauty of 1 the Scarlet Tanaget firtmifc I Over-size Duofoid *7 J Extra Fine Fine Medium K Stub Oblique Paying a Little More £or barker Duofold ! Costs You a Great Deal Less In Almost No Time WALKING two blocks to spend three dollars ) for a pen that sours a man’s disposition—that’s foot * work. But walking two \ miles (if necessary) and I paying $5 or $7 for a Par | ker Duofold, with 25-year I guaranteed Point—that’s ' headwork. Stop at the nearest pen counter i and choose your Point. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY I Duofold Pencils to match the Pens; Lat/y, S3; I Ouer-tuejr., S1.S0; "Big Brother" Oner-rizt, $4 Factory and General Offices * JANESVILLE. WIS. Bad and Black Color Comblnatloo Bsc. Trade Mack U. S. Pat. Offloo A: 6 A pale dry J*-ngre-t'9rW' ' Busch IncStLouisMc^ When hoop skills and the Virginia Reel were in vogue, and loving hands at home fashioned Grandfather’shome spuns for the prom . . , . even in those days, Anheuser-Busch was nationally known to good fellows. And today .... when feminine heads are bobbed and shingled, and we dance the Charleston in expen sively tailored clothes to the stir ring strains of a jax orchestra .... BUSCH (A-B) PALE DRY Un/yet/. is the favored drink of college men because, like the college man, Busch Pale Dry is a good mixer every where and every time. Anheuser-Busch StLouis ALLEN & LEWIS Distributors Eugene, Ore. J