Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 17, 1926, Image 1

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Maddox Comments
Upon Narrow Sphere of
Campus World; Dwells
On Students’Small
Knowledge o f Stale,
National and Foreign
Political Interests
(Editor's Note: The Emerald has re
quested William P. Maddox, instructor in
political science at the University, to con
tribute from time to time, interpretative
articles on current national and inter
national politics. Mr. Maddox, the Em
erald believes, is singuarly well quali
fied to offer instructive and entertaining
comment on matters in the field of po
litical science. In the summer of 1924,
while in Europe on a Rhodes scholarship
to Hertford college, Oxford, Mr. Maddox
contributed articles to the New York
Herald-Tribune on the League of Nations
meetings which he attended before ^ and
during its sessions at Geneva. While a
student at St. Johns College of Maryland
and during a year of law study at the
University of Maryland, Mr. Maddox was
a correspondent and reporter on the Bal
timore Sun, that vigorous newspaper of
which H. L. Mencken is a contributing
editor. Mr. Maddox joined the Univer
sity faculty in the fall of 1925. The first
of his articles follows).
It may seem a little incongruous
to some that a university paper
should wish to publish articles
which are concerned with current
national and international politics.
Somehow these things have a way
of appearing remote and unreal
when viewed from a college campujs.
# # *•
But it is a commonplace criti
cism against universities (and espe
cially those giving courses in lib
eral arts) that they tend too much
to remove themselves from contact
with the actualities of life. Seclud
ed in the quiet atmosphere of the
campus, immersed in the study of
books, which from the very nature
of preparation and publication can
seldom deal with events more re
cent than a couple of yea^fs at the
least, the student builds up out of
the fabrics thus presented to him
from manifold second-hand sources
of a mosaic of obsolete social facts,
bound together by forces whose rel
ative intensities and patterns are
those of yesterday, and fondly im
agines to himself that this fiction
of his mind is the world he is living
in. I use the word “student” in
the broadest sense as including the
professor, for the professor himself
is no less subject to the artificial
isolation of the campus and unless
he is careful, he, too, will slip into
those circular processes of thought
whose circumferences brook no ap
proach to the realities of today.
* * *■
This divorce of theoretical and
historical from the practical study
of the social materials under sur
vey is in some ways natural and
may very properly be defended on
the grounds that frequently the men
most immersed in public affairs
have but little understanding of the
broad significance of events, and
that often it is only in a position
of relative detachment that one can
arrive at true appraisals. The stu
dent is able to trace the historical
and logical development of institu
tions; he is able from his distance
perspective to discover principles
and forces which illuminate and
give significance to the facts. Thus
the interpretations that he gives to
current events, while sometimes dif
fering from those given by public
men, may be no less instructive and
But that doesn’t solve the prob
lem for the University student, who,
deprived of the advantages of ex
perience and also the emolument of
the public official, still must be
careful so to arrange his work that
a proper distribution of attention
may be given to, say, political or
economic history and theory on the
one hand and to a study of current
events on the other. Oxford uni
versity has such a reputation for
being but a whirlpool of thought in
an entirely immaterial plane that
(Continued on page four)
gTUDENT tickets for Friday
night's game are now avail
able at the University Co-op
store. A regular student body
tieket must be punched in order
to secure the special pink ticket.
Everybody will be requested to
have these tickets. No admission
will be given to managers, re
porters and those having seats
on the stage unless they have a
door ticket. All reserve seat
tickets have been sold.
Oregon Wins
Hoop Title;
Washington Wins From
Corvallis, 29 to 21?
At Seattle
Defeat Second One
Of Year for Aggies
Victory Gives Eugene Men
Chance to Play in
Oregon automatically won the
basketball championship of the
northern section of the Pacific
Coast conference last night,
when the University of Wash
ington five defeated the O. A.
C., squad at Seattle, 29 to 21.
The defeat was the second
of the season for the Aggies
who meet Oregon in a return
game Friday night. Should O.
A. C. do the unexpected and
capture this contest, Oregon
would still head the conference
with only one defeat.
The game at Seattle last night
was spectacular throughout. Both
teams played carefully, and the
score was knotted 12 to 12 at the
end of the half.
In the second half neither team
was able to pull ahead for any
length of time, and during the last
few minutes of play the spectators
were held breathless. Two minutes
before the closing gun the score
was again tied, 21 to 21. This
point, however, was the high mark
of the Aggie attack, for Washing
ton spurted ahead, in the mean
time holding the opposition score
The Washington victory brings
to Oregon the first Northwest con
ference title since 1919 when the
Webfooters, coached by Dean H.
Walker, now dean of men, also van
quished California and captured the
coast championship. Eddie Durno,
then a sophomore, and Nish Chap
man were co-stans during that sea
son when almost 40 games were
Varsity Women Hold
Triangle Meet April
13; Plans Complete
Arrangements have been com
pleted for a triangle women’s de
bate with Reed college and Univer
sity of Washington to be held on
April 13, according to Mildred
Whitcomb, women’s debate manager
who received a wire yesterday from
Seattle stating that Washington
consented to the conditions of the
debate already agreed upon by
Reed and Oregon.
Members of the Oregon varsity
are: Frances Cherry, Margaret
Blackaby, Helen Helliwell, and Ce
cil McKereher, who are under Rob
ert D. Horn, who is coaching the
freshmen men for the dual debate
with Willamette next month. The
varsity women will begin work at
once on the following question:
“Resolved, that the present trend
among youth is indicative of higher
morals and life.”
Mr. Horn will meet with the girls
in the sociology building tomorrow
afternoon at 3:30, to make prepa
ratory arrangements.
Frosh Cagers to Play
Send Five Tomorrow
A contest with the barnstorming
Bend high school quintet has been
unexpectedly added to the frosh
basketball schedule, and will be
staged tomorrow afternoon in the
men’s gym.
Coach James Biney is bringing
his Bend' high hoopsters with a big
reputation, as they have trimmed
all central Oregon competition by
one-sided scores. Their tour in
cludes frays with Hood River and
West Linn high schools.
The yearlings will wind up their
season Friday afternoon with a
final tilt against the Aggie rooks
in the men’s gym. The series now
stands two to one in favor of Spike
Leslie’s green cappers.
Psychology Tests for Freshmen to
Determine Future Grades, Belief
Intelligence Quiz Indicates Student’s Success Says
Taylor; Hour is no Handicap
(Editor's Note: Intelligence tests, given
this year for the first time to incoming
freshmen, have caused no end of com
ment on the University campus. Num
erous objections to the tests have been
made from time to time. It has been
contended that the tests are of meager
value; that the practice of measuring
intelligence and telling the results to the
less gifted is unfair and unwise; that
sheer intelligence is but one of the fac
ters of success, consequently not worthy
of undue stress. Miss Jane Dudley, an
Emerald upper staff writer, has prepared
three articles, based on interviews with
Prof. H. R. Taylor, who has charge of
the tests, presenting an unbiassed account
of the test work done on the campus up
to the present time. The first article
Would you like to know at the
first of a term what grades you
would get in your courses!
The psychological tests given by
H. R. Taylor, assistant professor in
psychology, to the 889 freshmen en
tering this year, have as one of
the fundamental bases, the pur
poses of determining in which
courses a student will succeed, and
what his grades will probably be.
In this way, if it is found that a
student would most probably fail in
the Subject he has chosen for his
major, or attain more success in an
other, he would be advised to
change his major. If he showed
little intelligence in the test, he
would be told frankly that he prob
ably would flunk out of college,
and that an occupation requiring
little brain energy would be more
suited to him.
Success in business is also deter
mined to a great degree by psycholo
gical tests, says Mr. Taylor. This
phase of the work has been studied
only to a limited extent so far, but
several psychologists are at this
time making a complete analysis.
“Intelligence tests such as we
give here,” he stated, “are mostly
pointed at trying to predict oollege
success and psychological capaci
ties. Unfortunately, grades in col
lege work are now the most import
ant in determining intelligence; we
do know, however, that college
grades are pretty fair indications of
success in business life.
‘'President Lowell of Harvard,”
continues Mr. Taylor, “found that
(Continued on papa three)
Junior Week-end
Workers to Talk
Over Plans Today
Representatives of Organi
zations to Secure
Representatives of each living
organization who will be responsi
ble for the parts their respective
organizations will play in Junior
Week-End will meet today at five
o’clock in Room 1 of Johnson hall.
It will be up to them to secure
campus support since Junior Week
End is only approximately seven
weeks off, according to Ralph Sta
ley. general chairman.
The representatives follow: Alpha
Chi Omega, Frances Morgan; Al
pha Gamma Delta, Maurine John
ston; Alpha Xi Delta, Marian
White; Alpha Delta Pi, Jean Har
per; Alpha Phi, Lucille Pearson,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Hazel Mary
Price; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Beat
rice Peters; Gamma Phi Beta, Grace
Cobb; Delta Delta Delta, Mary
Cogswell; Alpha Omicron Pi, Alice
Doreman; Sigma Beta Phi, Helen
ErnLst; Hendricks Hall, Alice
Kraeft; Susan Campbell Hall, An
nette Heckman; Delta Gamma,
Catherine Struplere; Chi Omega,
Doris Brophy; Delta Zeta, Glenna
Pisher; Pi Beta Phi, Kathryn Ul
Men’s organizations: Beta Theta
Pi, Ed Therieau; Alpha Tau Omega,
Hugh Biggs; Chi Psi, James Fore
stel; Phi Kappa Psi, Phil Berg;
Sigma Nil, Howard Osvald; Kappa
Sigma, James I. Johnson; Delta Tau
Delta, Joe Price; Psi Kappa, Har
old Barthel; Alpha Beta Chi, Wil
ford Long; Sigma Pi Tau, Alan
Christensen; Phi Delta Theta, John
Walker; Phi Gamma Delta, Dudley
Clark; Friendly hall, Lowell Bak
er; Sigma Chi, Edgar Wrightman;
Sigina Alpha Epsilon, Ward Cook;
Kappa Delta Phi, Frank Wilson;
Theta Chi, Louis Dammasch.
Fellowship Offered
By National Sorority
The national of Alpha Xi Delta
sorority will turn over to the
American Association of University
Women, $1,000.00 for a fellowship
this year and every two years here
The money is raised through the
national organization, and the fel
lowship is open to any woman
graduate of a standard university.
Application is to be made through
the A. A. U. W. fellowship com
Anderson’s Notes
Destroyed by Fire
.Several manuscripts including the
text for a book of Sherwood Ander
son’s, which was to appear this
spring, were recently destroyed in
a fire which started in the base
ment of Boni and Liveright, pub
The material for Anderson’s book
consisted of small personal note
books. The publishers are attempt
ing to get in touch with him to
find out whether he has duplicates
of his manuscripts.
Oregana Copy to
Go to Printers
Last of Month
Historical Sketches Will be
Feature of 1926
Student Book
Material for the 1926 Oregana is
being assembled by the staff, and
it is expected that the yearbook
will be ready for the printers by
the latter part of this term, ac
cording to Wayne Leland, editor.
Bill Cushman has been appointed
to take Bernard Shaws’ place as
editor of the satire section. He
will handle the satire, and will
work with Bob Keeney, who has
charge of feature teartooning.
Most of the art work for the book
is complete, and all Oregana pic
tures have been taken. The pic
tures are now being printed at the
Kennell-Ellis studio ,and the actual
work of mounting will begin today,
under the supervision of Ellen Mc
Clellan and a representative from
the Hicks-Chatten Engraving com
pany, Portland.
A complete set of historical
sketches, made by University stu
dents, will be used in the Oregana.
They take up the development of
Oregon, the discovery of the Co
lumbia river, points of interest in
the state, and glimpses of pioneer
days. These sketches will be used
as section heads and are in three
colors. Two colors will be used for
all other art work including the j
Students who contributed to the
art work of the yearbook are Eolf
Klep, Warren Small, Wayne Le
land, and Maurice Burk.
Eight color plates have been se
cured to be used in the front sec
tion of the book. .These scenes,
used for the first time, are of pointfe
of interest in the state. Among
these are Crater Lake, the Mc
Kenzie valley, Mt. Hood, and the
Circuit Eider. They will be fin
ished with a four color process.
Those who still want Oreganas
are asked to order them before
March 10, as that is the final date.
It will be necessary that the print
ers know the definite number that
are to be printed at that time, ac
cording to Jim Manning, circula
tion manager. Orders may be placed
at Jack Bencfiel’s office in the
noTth end of Friendly hall.
Senator F. J. Tooze
To Address Meeting
Senator Fred J. Tooze, chairman
of the Ways and Mear^s committee
of the Oregon legislature, will speak
to the Education club Thursday eve
ning at 7:30. Senator Tooze has
chosen “Educational Legislature”
as his topic. The other half of the
program will be a report by Prof.
H. P. Rainey, on “Eugene Building
and Financial Survey.”
1 "■ ■ ^ " <r>
All men interested in the |
I formation of a University golf j
f team meet in Virgil Earl’s of- |
j fice at 4 p. m. today.
Merchants In
Frolic AfterJ
Day of Work
Graduation Exercises At
Osburn Banquet Are
Feast of Fun
Group Conferences
Discuss Problems
Secretaries of Credit Bodies
Take Course
After a day given over to trade
discussion groups, the retail mer
1 chants of Oregon, in convention
here, laid aside business problems
Tuesday night and devoted the last
evening before adjournment Wed
nesday noon to the annual dance
and graduation exercises which were
held at the Hotel Osburn. At this
time the “seniors” were “grad
uated” with honor and strange
If any baffled merchant, a mem
ber of the senior class, while taking
his final examination, happened to
lean over his neighbor’s shoulder in
an attempt to find out the “wave
length of a grapefruit,” he prob
ably found the neighbor frantically
trying to decide whether “an Apache
dancer can handle figures better
than an accountant.” The confu
sion was Accentuated by the con
tinual ringing of the starting gong,
and the vain attempts of dazed stu
dents to keep on their black lids,
which told of their rank as “school
boys.” However, their dignity car
ried them through, and the entire
40 were graduated with honors.
The examination held im(med
iately after the banquet was pre
sided over by Dean E. C. Bobbins of
the school of business administra
Trade discussion groups were
held in Commerce building.
Advertising Sytem, Topic
A few minutes before the after
noon meeting of the State Retail
Grocers’ conference adjourned,* F.
H. Connelly, president of the Pa
cific Coast Retail Grocers’ associa
tion, was asked to explain the co
operative advertising system used
in Southern California. Emphasiz
ing the need for a strong organiza
tion as a means of protection against
the chain stores in the West, Mr.
Connelly outlined the plans of pro
cedure which might be followed to
imake the ideal of maintained resale
prices work out to the satisfaction
of the independent grocers.
“The chain store is a common
enemy,” he said. “Our future de
pends on ourselves. We miust help
each other fight the invaders. Cali
fornia is in a position to take care
of herself. The work needs to be
extended along the whole coast.”
Exemptions Are Discussed
At the meeting of the general
stores division, J. H. Garrett of
Hillsboro spoke on “Exemptions and
Bankruptcy.” Mr. Garrett stated
that our exemptions for the state of
Oregon can bo controlled by the
state and that he has seen fit to
adopt the same status of exemp
[tiona in the state of Oregon as any
where in the United States.
It was found advisable to discon
tinue the discussion group for the
hardware merchants. A course was
given, instead, for the secretaries of
credit associations.
Three awards of engraved loving
cups were made at the banquet, do
nated by Woolworth’s. J. H. Gar
ret, of Hillsboro, was adjudged the
best liar after a spirited contest
among the Munchausens present.
Coos Bay had the largest delega
tion attending the convention, and
the award was made to Mrs. Mabel
Prances McLeod. Willamette Jas
per Jones, of Portland, won the cup
as the most helpful person, all
around, at the banquet.
Women’s League Tea
Today in Sun Parlor
The weekly Women’s League tea
will be this afternoon between 4
and 6, in the nun room, of the
Woman’s building. Alice Southwick,
who is in charge of these teas, re
ports that the chief mode of enter
tainment will be conversation, tea
and cookies—very good ones, too, of
a variety never before served at a
Women’s League tea. “Moreover,
there will be plenty of them this
time,” she reports. Invitation is
extended to all women on the cam
pus to attend.
NotedExplorer Who
Speaks Tonight
Capt. Roald Amundsen
Anthony Euwer
To be Speaker
For Assembly
Lecturer Contributes To
American, English
Anthony Euwer, poet-humorist,
will be the speaker at the regular
assembly on Thursday in the audi
torium of the Woman’s building.
Successful as a lecturer, illustrator,
and author for a dozen years, Mr.
Euwer will bring to the platform
on Thursday an abundance of jovial
humor, kindly philosophy, and
unique sidelights on life, according
to those who have heard him speak.
Mr. Euwer is a contributor to
various magazines and newspapers,
and illustrates his own work. Among
the best known magazines for
which he writes regularly are Scrib
ner’s, Harper’s, Collier’s, American,
Life, Outing, Leslie’s and other
English and American newspapers.
He has written a number of books
among which are “Rhymes of Our
Valley,” a volume of serious poems;
“By Scarlet Torch and Blade,” on
the theme of forest fires in the
northwest, and “The Limeraton
omy,” a book of limericks.
During the war Euwer entertain
ed American soldiers with his
rhymes in France and has since lec
tured in many cities in the United
States. Euwer reads from his own.
works, but does not make his entire
program humorous.
“Euwer is the Robert Servico of
the Northwest, and through the in
sight of an understanding, whimsi
cal nature, has given to the world
glimpses into nooks and corners of
the human heart that would prob
ably otherwise have remained unex
plored.” This is what the critic of
the Sacramento Union says about
Euwer is a graduate of Princeton,
being a member of the class of ’98.
He is a college friend of W. F. G.
Thaclier, short story writer and
professor of journalism at the Uni
Clara Jane Stephens
Exhibition Still Open
The Clara Jane Stephens collec
tion of paintings will remain on
exhibition at the Art building until
February 19, when they will be re
placed for a short time by the John
Henry Nash prints. Miss Stephens’
pictures are very colorful and lovely,
and are skilfully done. The exhi
bition is open every afternoon from
1:30 to 4:30.
Jeannette Calkins ‘Out’
To Callers This Week
Jeannette Calkins has been “out”
to all callers, and newls gatherers
the first part of this week and will
continue to be so until “Old Ore
gon” is issued. The magazine will
be off the press the middle of the
week and Miss Calkins is busy gath
ering late data and compiling the
material for publication.
Conklin Meets Classes
As Usual This Week
The announcement made in yes
terday's Emerald to the effect that
Dr. Edmund S. Conklin, head of
the psychology department, is not
meeting his classes this week was
an error. Dr. Conklin is holding
elasses as usual.
Explorer Will
Give Lecture
at 8 Tonight
Amundsen to Tell Story
Of Last Expedition to
Polar Regions
Students Must Secure
Tickets at Heilig Office
A. S. U. O. Card Plus 50c
To be Admission Charge
Captain Roald Amundsen, veteran
explorer and survivor of numerous
hazardous expeditions to polar re
gions, appears tonight at eight
o’clock in the Eugene armory to
tell by word and picture the thrill
ing account of man’s combat witk
the elements in an attempted flight
to the North Pole last summer.
Originally the students were to
have sponsored the lecture, and the
Heilig theatre the movie. It wa*
later decided by W. B. McDonald,
manager of the Heilig, and Jack.
Benefiel, graduate manager of the
University, to combine the two and
improve the entertainment and edu
cational valuo. The armory, with
a seating capacity of 4500, was se
Tickets Cost 60 Cents
Students will have the privilege
of obtaining tickets from the Co
op by presenting their student body
card. These with 50 cents are to be
exchanged £.„ the box office of the
Heilig theatre any time before the
performance for the best reserved
seats available.
Captain Amundsen will tell the
story of the flight of two planes
under his supervision, carrying six
men, in an attempt to reach the
North Pole.
Trip Started April 9
The expedition left Tromso, Nor
way, April 9, for Spitzbergen, the
starting point for the flight. The
airplanes were assembled on two
ships, carrying the pilots and erewe,
and after three days of storm, in
which the two planes were partly
damaged, they were finally assem
bled, and the crew waited for fav
orable weather before starting on
the 800-fnile flight whieh they
hoped would take not more than
48 hours, including several hours
to make scientific observations.
On May 21 the party set out. Day
after day passed but nothing was
heard of them. Finally, govern
ments volunteered to finance ex
peditions to seek the missing men.
Forced Landing Made
In the meantime, the two planes,
made forced landings 130 miles from
their goal. The frozen mountains
of ice at first separated the crews
of the two planets, one of whieh
was damaged beyond repair while
making a landing, but finally after
many hours of wandering they met
and combined forces.
Amundsen’s expedition was mo
tivated by scientific curiosity as
well as by an urge to adventure
into hazardous fields, and it was
hoped that with modern transpor
tation facilities greater space could
be covered, and land, if any exists
in the vicinity of the pole, might
be explored and perhaps charted.
Land Important Point
Amundsen believes that land ex
ists in tho region of the pole. Al
though his flight has proved noth
ing conclusive, there is still mneh
interest in the subject in scientific
circles. Dr. F. T. Hodge, of the
geology department, explained that
the discovery of land would account
for many geological phenomena,
because its presence as a barrier
would determine the direction of
tides and currents, thus having a
direct influence on the climate of
the rols.t of the world.
In case land is found, Dr. nodge
said, it is hardly possible that new
vegetable or animal life will be
found. “But,” he added, ‘*any
thlng may be expected in the way
° ,
(Continued on page four)
Order of “O” requests the
i following men to meet in the
! basement of the old library at
| | 12:45.
Bill Adams, Georgo Mead,
| Rex Adolph, Joe Price, Niek
Carter, Punk Rinehart, Perry
Davis, Skin Reynolds, Homer
Dixon, Vic Wetzel, Fred Har
rison, Jerry Extra, Bvrl Hod
gen, Jerry Crarv, Bob McCabe,
Carroll Ford, Harry Levitt.
Order of the “O”
-.—- -»