CHINESE TO PRESENT NEW YEAR ACTIVITIES Cosmopolitans to be Hosts For Unique Affair The Chinese students will give n celebration of the Chinese [New ■Year, Friday evening at a meeting of the cosmopolitan club, which will be open to the public. Chinese mu sic, refreshments and fireworks in honor of the season are to be fea tures of the evening. New Year is the greatest holiday in China, lasting as it does for near ly two weeks. The festivals in honor of the season vary in the va rious parts of the country. In preparation for this great holi day, houses are cleaned, new charms bought to keep off evil spirits, and the best of clothing of the family is brought out and looked over. As New Year approaches, the princi pal amusement is flying kites. These are- admirably made, repre senting birds, beasts, and fishes. Each kite has a tiny acolian instru ment attached. The sight of these weird monsters humming in the air is said to be very interesting. In preparation for New Year’s day many lanterns are also bought, varying in form from a semblance of a bouquet of flowers to a fiery dragon. These are placed on sale in the Street of Lanterns and are bought in quantities. The fifteenth day of the ftrst moon is the Feast of Lanterns. Each bouse, however poor, has at least one paper lantern suspended on a long polo from the roof. When these are lighted, the whole city takes on a strange boauty. The lan terns go out soon, but revelry and fireworks continue far into the night. A quaint custom of Chinese mer chants is to bo seen early New Year’s day. This is the time when debts are settled and accounts paid off. Men go around from early morning with a lighted lantern, which is not put out until the last bill is paid. Nothing but peace and good will is supposed to carry over into tho new year. ANNOUNCEMENT Alpha Gamma Dolta announces the pledging of Lenore Durkec and Katherine Glafke, both of Portland. Kappa Delta Phi announces the pledging of William Foley, of Bend, Orfi^nn. Gay, Fantastic Colorings Mark Clara Stephen’s Work Paintings of Bare Merit Now on Display at Art Museum For those people who are reached by gay, fantastic colorings, by the dreams and air castles of Spain, there is great treasure in store; for those who are touched by reality dressed in the gay garments of spring and summer and fall, in the reds of a summer sunset, the mauves and purples of a fall twilight, the greens of clover fields, for them too, there are delights in store, if they have not already seen the col lection of oil and water paintings done by Clara Jane Stephens, which are now on exhibit in the art mu seum of the art building. Miss Stephens, who is an instruc tor in the Portland art museum at present, has recognized ability as an artist, last year having won a prize at the Northwestern Art Ex hibit. There is a sophisticated style about her work that draws and holds the attention. Is it the free dom from conventional designs, or is it the daring mixture of colors, vivid, varied, yet always comple mentary, that fascinates? One can not say, for pictures cannot be analyzed by formulas, or measured by rules. But, one can say that anyone who misses this exhibit of pictures of which none are priced lower than $150 and some as high as $4000, has missed a chance to test his ability at adaptation to the unusual; and more, he has missed a rare opportunity to see how an artist can express herself in pic tures that are as varied as the ocean in a summer breeze and in a winter storm. PARSONS’ TEXTBOOK COMES OUT IN APRIL Philip A. Parsohs’ text-book of criminology, which is to be publish ed about the last of April, was de signed to popularize the informa tion available on tho subject, and not to set forth any new material. It is an elementary text, compre hensible to the layman. This pop ularization is necessary 5f tdid methods of tho treatment of crim inals are to be effectually changed, according to Mr. Parsons. The work, which is about 325 pages in length, is being printed by Knopf, incorporated. IMPERIAL LUNCH Let’s EAT Here Chinese Noodles, Tamales and Waffles At All Hours aiaigjaigjajajsjanaaHafarsisHaiaiaHaiaiaiaiaiaiaisiaiaiaiaiSfaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaisi laiaiajajsjsjsisiaiaMisrajsrcUEJsraiajsisiejEiaisiSisjafBjajaisraiaranaiai^JMSiajsiajsiiaJSJBira The Finest Red Tulips For Valentines Grown by Specialists Raup’s Flower Shop DESIGNERS—MASTER FLORISTS 988 Willamette Street Phone 616 . During Orchestra Intermissions of the Friday and Saturday Grill Dances we will play various selections on the New Brunswick Panatropc The Marvel of the Musical World Phone 229-R for Reservations—$1.00 Cover Charge Ye Campa Shoppe Any Afternoon Bring a Girl Over and Dance to the Music of the New Panatrt>pe .if-»i ii'ir'n ii in ir trnomtmfmrniMimfMlfjnrniii'llnllnllnlfnlfnlfrnfiTlfnlfrill'riirnlfnHfflfnlfnlfn' rafrDfri]fn3rf3n:3rfOIn3fnlfr3rn3fn]rnJrn]fn}frDfn3frDf?3l Presents JAMES M. BARRIE’S “A KISS FOR CINDERELLA” with BETTY BRONSON THE “PETER PAN” GIRL TOM MOORE ESTER RALSTON THE WONDER FILM OF ALL TIME Romance and Beauty Charm and Grace With a Delightful Modern Story of Beautiful Romance TODAY Friday and Saturday AND ANOTHER CLEVER “PACEMAKER” COMEDY “Miss Me Again” with GEORGE O’HARA ABERTA VAUGHN And That Comedy Pair AL COON AND KIT GUARD It’s Thirty Minutes of Pure Unadulterated Fun! POPULAR PRICES!, Matinee — 35c Evening —■ 50c AT THE HOME OF OF THE BEST The DeLuxe Stage Specialty— And ‘SWEETHEARTS’ a melodious medley of singing \ i and dancing in three gorgeous settings featuring Kathleen Powell Leland Robe Katherine Stang and her “Tiny Ibts’’ Nightly 8>t 7120—9 .*25