Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1926, Image 1

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Changed by
Hoop Officials
New System Adopted by
Convention of Ooacihes;
Results Satisfactory
*"pHE new system of officiating
now used in the Northwest divi
sion of the Pacific Coast Confer
ence in all basketball games, which
was adopted at a meeting of offi
cials and coaches in Spokane last
December, is modeled after that
used in the Big Ten conference
where probably the most perfect
teams in the country are developed.
There, a committee composed o^
unbiased persons selects the offi
* * •
"We like the new system very
much. The team knows what kind
of officiating it will run into game
after game on a trip. The rules
and the work are uniform from
place to place and it is very satis
factory,” said J. W. “Doc” Stew
art, coach of the Montana quintet,
here last week-end.
It is a system that marks an ad
yance in the development of bask
etball in the Northwest. Coaches
and sports writers throughout the
Northwest are strong in Jheir praise
of it. ii !
How is an official paid?
They are paid by the University
at which the game is played and
receive $25 for an evening’s offi
ciating, with $10 per day for living
expenses, which pay the cost of
absence from their regular work,
jand expenses for railroad fare. Most
of them, as can be seen by the fees,
-are not in it for money. They like
-the game and enjoy officiating.
* * *
Montana was the first conference
-team to take the long field trip
and she had it the hardest with no
preliminary trip and a bunch of
hard teams to play at the beginning
of the season. Oregon’s field trip
comes now, with Washington third
and O. A. C. fourth. W. S. C. and
Idaho will follow.
* * *
The new basketball pavilion, to
be built of concrete with an ulti
mate seating capacity of 10,000, is
hoped to be completed by October,
1926. The building committee, head
ed by Ted Larsen, with Dean Law
rence as architect, has been occu
pied for months with the details
of the building. The Board of Re
gents will pass on the plan when
submitted. Both the finance and
building plan must be approved by
the board.
* » *
The difficulty ' and the large
amount of work entailed in the
building is due to the fact that
there isn’t another building in the
country like it. It will be just
about the most advanced thing in
the pavilion line.
* # *
The Idaho basketball floor at
Moscow is long and narrow and not
standard. The baskets practically
are perched on the end of the build
ing. It is a good floor but the ar
rangement is poor. The seating ca
pacity is very small. It is a dis
tinct advantage to the home team.
Oregon was victorious last night in
spite of the handicap of a rotten
(Continued on page two)
Frosted Dainties
to Please Co-Eds
Will Be Served
at League Teas
No longer do- reluctant freshman
women attend Women’s League teas
to avoid punishment from stern up
perclassmen; no longer does one
hear the Bored ejaculation, “Oh,
those teas are all just alike,” or
“Oh, I’m too busy to go.”
Have the freshman girls reform
ed, or become suddenly repentant?
Neither and here is the secret. . .
new cookies!
It is the truth. Those famous
rectangular specimens of pastry
known among Oregon co-eds as
“Women’s League cookies” are a
thing of the past. In their place
have appeared a delicious tempt
ing cookie with real frosting be
tween the layers. If you don’t be
lieve it, girls, come this afternoon
from 4 to 6 to the Women’s League
tea in the Woman’s building and
find out for yourselves!
-L. '!^l,
Three Numbers by Campus
Students to be Given
Added interest in the DeMolay
vaudeville, which is showing this
afternoon and evening at the Mc
Donald theater, is lent to those on
the campus due to the fact that a
number of University students are
appearing in the production.
Three of the acts on the program
are composed entirely of University
talent. One, “Static,” is presented
by the Councilor club, campus or
ganization of DeMolays, and in
cludes Burton Nelson, lidwin John
son, Sigwald Skavalan, and Adrian
Burris in the cast. Another, “The
Porter,” is a black and white bur
lesque by Sid King and Mark Tay
lor. Mr. Taylor and WJlliam
Schulze also have parts in the fea
ture of the program, a one act
plav, “In the Zone,” by Eugene
It was orginally announced that
another act, “This and That,”
would be given by Helga MeGrew,
Orion Dawson, Vivian Woodside,
and Mr. Schoenberg, but due to
sickness and an accident to one of
the cast, which1 hindered the pro
duction, it was decided to drop the
A special acrobatic dance by Bev
erly Simard, premiere • danseuse,
who lifts appeared successfully in
Portland and other cities, has been
substituted for the one which was
dropped. Miss Simard is visiting
relatives in Eugene, and those in
charge of the production consider
themselves very fortunate that she
has consented to present her dance.
Jim Purcell and his band will
also appear in “Modern Tenden
cies;” this act will include seven
musicians and two Charlestoners.
Dr. W. R. Skidmore, graduate of
the University of Oregon, is now
professor of chemistry at Ottawa
university, Ottawa, Kansas, accord
i ing to word received here by Dr.
j P. L. Shinn, of the chemistry de
I partment.
The summer session students in
1920 and 1921 were enlightened as
to the daily happenings, the weath
er, announcements, who’s who and
the coming social events through
the columns of the “Acta Diurna.”
Miss Grace Edgington, who was
then dean of women on the cam
pus, conceived and worked out the
idea of the bulletin board newspap
. er. Every day the news or at least
several items, was collected and
typed. It was pasted on a card
board 22 inches by 28 inches, bear
ing the heading “Aota Diurna,<”
in tall black letters. The news
sheet was posted on a bulletin
board, and although it could not be
enjoyed along with the eight
o ’clocks or over the toast and cof
fee, it was read by almost everv
« one.
Snapshots were sometimes-used to
illustrate an unusual news item and
to add personal interest. Red ink
was another device. But that was
only employed when something par
ticularly startling had happened or
was about to happen.
Nothing was lacking. Not even
editorials and book reviews. And
there was a “policy” mantaining
that the “Acta Diurna” was a pure
and unadulterated sheet, having to
do with the dissemination of near
news, and offering support to the
daily eleven o’clock assemblies and
recreational programs.
The idea proved to be a worth
while one, and soon everyone had
the “Acta Diurna” habit. There
was one evil connected with the
running of pictures in this bulle
tin; they always disappeared be
fore the page had been up long.
(Continued on page four)
Coach Hayward Issues Call
For Experienced Men In
Jumps, Vaults, Weights
Regular Pre-Season Work
Well Under Way; First
Meet, Palo Alto, April 10
The cinder track on Hayward
field, which for a time was desert
ed except for a few distance men,
has now become the scene of work
for the 150 varsity and frosh track
men reporting three times h week to
Bill Hayward, trainer, who starts
his 24th consecutive • year at Ore
gon as track coach.
Work has been progressing slow
ly but steadily this term according
to Hayward, who has been piecing,
shifting and spending long hours
figuring out the best use for the
small nucleus with which he has to
build a team this season.
There is a great scarcity of men
with experience. Coach Hayward
has a large group of men out, but
most of them with the exception of
the men from the 1925 squad are
inexperienced. There is an urgent
need for jumpers of all kinds, pole
vaulters, and weight men. The
weakness of the 1926 team will
come out in those events if the
turnout can be judged now. The
dashes and the middle distances are
represented by capable men, who
should be doing their best work this
year. The hurdles are well taken
care of. In addition to the weights
and jumps the team shows weak
ness in the distances.
Three Workouts Weekly
The work this term will be com
posed of three workouts a week on
Hayward field. The old system of
indoor training has proved unsatis
factory, and the work will be con
tinued outside for the entire term.
Weight men and others will prob
ably have inside muscle work and
limbering up exercises.
The training schedule as an
announced by Hayward for the
term will consist of a gradual con
ditioning of the team, with empha
sis placed on endurance? for the
first part and more on speed as
the time of the meets approach.
The foundation of endurance in the
training grind will be made this
term, according to the program as
outlined. .
The schedule starts off this week
end on Saturday afternoon and will
continue ever week until the season
is over. The 600 yards for 440 men;
1100 yards for 880 men; one and
one quarter mile for miles; and the
discus. The times will probably be
slow but will serve as a means to
determine the strength of the team.
Schedule for Season
The tfS6k Schedule for 1926 for
Varsity and ^rdshi
January 30-600 ftoto tor 4‘10
nen; 1100 yards for 880 men) 1 l-4
nile for rnilers; discus.
February 6—60 yards low hur
lles; high hurdles, distances, pole
/ault, broad jump and high jump.
February 13—Competition in all
February 27—75 and 150 yards
for sprinter; 220 yards for 440
men; 440 yards for 880 men; 880
yards for rnilers; mile for two
March 6—600 yards for 440 men.
3-4 mile for 880 men; 1 and 1-4 mile
for rnilers. 2 and 1-2 mile for two
March 13—Interclass relays, mile,
880, two mile and four mile.
April 3—Tryouts for Stanford
dual meet.
April 10—Stanford meet at Palo
.Alto, 16 men.
April 17—Competition for weak
April 24—Tryouts for the Univer
sity of Washington relays in 100,
220, 440, 880 and mile.
May 1—Relays at Seattle.
May 8—University of Washing
ton dual meet at Eugene.
May 15—O. A. C. dual meet at
May 21-22 — Coast conference
meet at Palo Alto.
Life of Campbell
To Be Written by
Clark and Schafer
First Few Chapters of
Book Finished
As a memorial to the late Presi
dent Prince L. Campbell, a commit
tee of faculty members has chosen
Dr. Joseph Schafer and Pjrof. R. C.
Clark to write a book in the form
of a biography in appreciation of
his services.
Dr. Schafer, havng been closely
associated with the late president
for nearly 20 years, was named as
the formal author, and he has as
his assistants, Prof, R. C. Clark of
the history department, and Mrs.
P. L. Campbell, wife of the Into
president. Professor Clark and
Mrs. Campbell are working togeth
er in gathering material for the
book, of which two or three chap
ters are already under way.
Dr. Joseph Schafer, now at Madi
son, Wisconsin, the superintendent
of the Wisconsin Historical soci
ety, was head of the history de
partment at the University of Ore
gon from 1900 until 1920, before
P. L, Campbell was elected presi
It is planned that the biography
will be finished by the end of the
summer, in order that it may be
published in time for the 50th an
niversary of the University in the
fall. Dr. Schafer expects to come
here in June for impressions of the
late president from his more inti
mate associates, as a finishing
touch to the book.
Close Competition Assured
Do-Nut Supporters
One of the largest and splashiest
turnouts of doughnut swimmers is
taking to the water this week in
final preparation for the campus
championship classic to be staged
in the Woman’s building Friday,
January 29, it is announced.
More men are taking the prelim
inary work in swimming than ever
before in the history of intramural
water sports in the University, in
the opinion of E. F. Abercrombie,
varsity coach and judge for th#
intramural conflict.
The rules for entrants call for
several hours of practice work be
fore the final day of the match
in order to insure the anticipated
big crowd of cheering spectators a
real show.
These rules are being carried out
to the final letter, the team mana
gers state, and every man is show
ing a real desire to cop the title
which goes to thq winner in the
various events, Honors will go to
I both individual winners and the
team with the highest number of
points, it is stated.
Don McCormick, freshman bask
etball star, and former all-state for
ward, who was taken ill suddenly
in Portland with spinal meningitis,
will probably be able to convalesce
in Eugene, it was announced by
physicians in Portland yesterday,
if his present rate of recovery is as
marked as it lias’ been.
“He is coming; along very nicely,
far better thaAc'ould be expected.
Although he i®not out of danger
yet, he is rapidly* recovering from
the severe attack,” said Ur. Leon
ard, his physician in Portland. “He
has been able to 'sit up every day
for a few moments. His spinal cord
is practically normal.'"
Ur. Manlove, the specialist who
assisted with the case, stated that
his recovery was the most rapid he
has ever seen, considering the vio
lence of the attack.
Arthur R. Himbert, assistant pro
fessor of business administration,
left yesterday for Portland, where
he will attend the meetings of the
secretaries of chambers of com
merce and of the Oregon State
Chamber of Commerce.
A. S. U. 0. Tickets to Admit
Students; Affair To Be
At First Methodist Church
Virtuoso Receives Ovation
From Portland Audience
For Work in Symphony
Paul Koehanski, famous violin
virtuoso, will appear tonight at the
Methodist Church auditorium in
what promises to be one of the most
popular recitals of the year. Ko
chanski played last night in Port
land in conjunction with the Port
land Symphony orchestra, and was
given a great. ovation for his work
hi tne Brahms concorlo.
He is a violinist of the first
-»nk, and judging from the size
of his audiences in the Pacific
Northwest, is one of the most en
thusiastically received artists on
Debut in Brahm Concerto
Koehanski came to this country
without any particular introduction
or advance advertising, and in his
debut at New York he played the
Brahmss* Concerto with the New
York Symphony orchestra under
the direction of Walter Damrosch.
He was received with such enthu
siasm and popularity that he was
immediately in demand over the
whole country, and he has retained
that popularity during all of his
The violin on which he will play
is one of the very oldest instru
ments in existence, having been
made by Stradivarius in 1687 when
that famous violin maker was doing
his best and most distinctive work.
This violin was owned at one time
by the Spanish crown, and after
changing hands many times it fin
ally came into the possession of
Koehanski, who uses it at its very
best. The tonal qualities of this
instrument are supposed to be as
good as any in use, according to
Hill, of London.
Doors Open at 7:30
The concert tonight will begin at
8:15 and students will bo admitted
by their student body tickets, which
must be presented at the door. The
doors will open at 7:30 sharp, and
close after the first number on the
program, after which no one will
be admitted.
Scholarships and fellowships from
French, German and Italian univer
sities are now open to graduate
students, says Mrs. Clara L. Fitch,
Secretary of the foreign scholarship
committee. They aro awarded on
a basis of Scholastic record and
other ^!ialifmtions.
Application MajjJtS Shoulii be
properly filled out, accoffljlfttlied by
all required credentials, and ill the
hands of the Institute of Interna
tional Education by February 15
for the French and German scho
larships, and May 1, for the Italian.
Further information regarding the
subject may be received from Mrs.
Miss Emily Veazie, *23, won the
French scholarship offered last year
by the University of Bordeaux and
is now studying in France.
“Central Oregon Scenery Var
ied,” is the title of an article writ
ten by Phil F. Brogan, graduate of
the University of Oregon, now a
member of the editorial staff of
the Bend Bulletin, which appears
in the January copy of Oregon Bus
iness. The article tells the story
of the geological formations found
in the central' part of the state.
“Born of volcanic fires, the cen
tral Oregon country presents scenes
of wild grandeur which are not sur
passed in any other part of the
world,” is the opening statement of
Mr. Brogan’s article. It is accom
panied by a photograph of Green
Lake, which lies- tliree miles from
Unusual Scarfs
Dyed in Lovely
Colors for Use
A set of new scarfs, some to be
used by the regular gymnasium
classes, and a few to be used for
the Orchesus dance drama, were
dyed by the senior majors in phy
sical education Saturday. The work
is part of the credit in the course
in theory of dancing.
One of the most unusual scarfs,
was dyed to represent a snake skin,
and will bo used in “Midsummer
Night’s Dream” to cover the fairy
queen when she is asleep in her
fairy bower. The fairies dance and
sing the song “Ye Spotted Snakes”
by Mendelssohn, during the time
she is sleeping.
Some of the scarfs which are
dyed soft green, blue, lavender and
orange will bo used to suggest fairy
Tlio physical education depart
ment is planning to do more dye
ing under the direction of Miss
Victoria Avakian, instructor in al
lied arts, They wilj he assisted by
Miss Avakion’s (Iress (lesign classf
Portland Minister To Be
Campus Visitor
Dr. Harold Bowman, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of
Portland, will speak Thursday at
the regular assembly in the audi
torium of the Woman's building.
Although Dr. Bowman has appear
ed on the University campus on
numerous occasions, he has not
been here for the past two years,
and his address Thursday is being
anticipated with keen interest by
many who have heard him speak.
Dr. Bowman is a large man, with a
forceful personality and he is well
known for his finished addresses
made interesting by humor and his
torical and literary references.
“In spite of* being one of the
youngest men in the Presbytorian
pulpit today, Dr. Bowman has one
of the largest parishes on the Pa
cific Coast,” said Bev. Bruce J.
Gif fen, University pastor yester
day. “Dr. Bowman accepted the
parsonage at the First Presbyter
ian church in Portland when barely
30 years old, and during his six
years there he has been extremely
successful,” he also said.
After graduating from college,
Dr. Bowman taught for three years
in an American college at Beirut,
Syria. lie traveled in Europe and
spent'several months in Turkey and
Egypt, and upon his return to Am
I STlOa, he became pastor of a Pres
byterian church in Chicago later
taking up the work in Portland.
Dr. Bowman will be accompanied
by Mrs. Bowman to the campus.
They will be entertained at West
minster House and on Wednesday
evening they will be guSsts at
Susan Campbell hall for dinnei'.
Varsity wins Fourth Straight
Conference Tilt; Cougar
Game Will Conclude Tour
Westergren Flashes in Ore
gon Victory; Idahoans
Prove Tough Antagonists
Oregon (34) vs. (24) Idaho
Hobson (2).f.(8) Nedros
Gunther (3).f.(6) Miles
Okerberg (13).c..(4) Reamer
Westergren (12) ..g... (6) Nelson
Jost (4) ..g.<l) Jacdb*
MOSCOW, Idaho, Jan. 26.—(Spe
cial to tho Emerald).—Oregon's
championship Jiope cruised off the
Idaho floor tonight a winner 34 to "
24, but It encountered stubborn re
sistance from tho outset, and for
a time it looked as though the Van
dals were due to topple the in
Baskets by Reamor and Nedros
gave the Idahoans an early lead,
which they held for 10 minutes*
Oregon then jumped into a lead
which it held to the ending toot.
Westergren is Star
The invaders flashed a tow-head
ed Scandinavian tonight named
Westergren, who proved entirely
too classy for the Gem State de
fense. The summary gives him IS
points, but that only gives a small
idea of what a thorn in the side h»
proved to the Vandals. Okerberfe,
once more high point man with 13
tallies, featured long range caging,
Oregon Squad Trim
The visitors aro weathering their
grueling tour in good shape, as ev
ery man is in fine condition. They
will end their excursion tonight in
the W. S. C. gym against Doe Boh
ler’s Cougars. The latter are not
expected to halt the Webfooters*
winning streak, as they lost to Gon
zaga last Saturday night.
Initial Contest To Be In
Portland Saturday
McCook, Gardner May Be
Out; Other Meets Friday
The greater part of the month of
January has been a rainy one, hut
not many of u» have been worry
: ing about swimming. Coach Ed
Abercrombie of the fewimming"
team has his worries, though. Next
Saturday night the University of
Oregon swimming team meets the
(Continued on page two)
“How much am I offered for this
fine hat? Gome on now, What d’ye
say? Fifteen cents? Who will
make it sixteen? Why just look at
that hat, only fifteen cents? Twen
ty—Twenty-five? That’s fine!
We’ll take T. O. TJ.’s if you hav
en’t the cash! Come on folks!”
were some of the strenuous expos
tulations heard all over the campus
yesterday from the hard-working
auctioneers of the Women’s League
Rummage sale. The crowd, pre
dominantly masculine, with a small
er number of co-eds bringing up the
rear stood for four hours in front
of the library, bidding, laughing
and shivering alternately in the
sharp damp atmosphere of the win
ter day.
By two-thirty in nhe afternoon
the whole stock of goods was ex
hausted and Mary West who was in
charge, reported that over sixty
dollars was made. This money will
be added to the foreign scholarship
fund of Women's League. In view
of the fact that the rummage was
held fully a month sooner than last
year, the officials of Women's
League felt that the sale was a real
success. The auctioneers were Clar
ence Toole, Jack Seabrook, Dick
Lyman, Benoit McCroskey, Fred
Martin, Bob Officer and Boh Mc
Besides the articles from the Uni
versity depot which were sold by
Women’8 League, a collection of
books-by Colonel Johu Leader, sev
eral paintings and some book ends
were sold for the benefit of the
Art Museum. Over five dollars was
added to that fund.
A group of freshman girls assist
ed the auctioneers by faking the
articles to the purchasers and re
ceiving the money.