VOLUME XXVII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1926 NUMBER 66 Changes in Hoop Rules Result of Meeting Two Officials to Accompany Road Teams; Baseball also Sees Drastic Revisions By HABOLD MANGUM Several changes in the conference basketball rules, and stricter inter pretations of others were brought about at the meeting of graduate managers during December. * * * One of the most important con cerns officials. Two will accom pany each traveling squad, and work all its games, alternating as referee and umpire. Bill Mulligan, ■of Spokane, and Balph Coleman, of Corvallis, are with the Webfeet on their present northern invasion. Mulligan will act in each Oregon contest, except the Idaho game in Eugene, which Bobby Morris, of Seattle, will handle. Bay Brooks, of Portland, will pair with the Spo kane arbriter in the O. A. C. tussles, and the Washington State affair in Eugene. Coleman will see serv ice in the Idaho and Washington games in the armory. This is con sidered a considerable improvement on the hit and miss methods form erly employed which resulted in a certain memorable affair at Salem. Good officiating probably has much to do with Montana's lack of suc cess. The officials are calling them close this year, which suits the Grizzlies not at all. * • * The referee is to be in charge of the play, with the umpire follow ing behind to check minor rule in fractions. The officials will ’re main apart from the players, as much as possible, traveling on sep arate trains whenever feasible, and stopping in different hotels. It was recommended that they wear sweaters with vertical stripes, in imitation of those worn by hoekey players, so as to avoid confusion with participants. Another innovation is the intro duction of a gong at least 12 inches in diameter for use by the scorer in making substitutions and when the fourth personal is made by a contestant. The committee decided that all backboards be a uniform white, and that the basket rings be leveled by the vpse of a spirit level, the latter to be furnished by the home team. In case of a_conflict of uniforms, the road outfit is to wear white. There were also several minor changes. Both teams must sit on the same side of the floor, in case of out of bounds the player closest the ball must toss it to the referee, and the officials shall decide as to the proper inflation of the ball. If a team has more than five nfen on the floor as in substituting when a goal is made by opponents, the two points shall stand, and an addi tional technical foul shall be called on the offending team. The home score book is to»be the official tome in all cases of arguments. Sev eral lesser decisions werfe made, briefly clarifying the foul rules. An excellent step was made when the committee endeavored to regu late the color scheme to be used in the uniforms of the various teams. Oregon will have green; O. A. G. black and orange; Montana, red; Washington, gold; Idaho, white; (Continued on page four) FOUR HORSEMEN ININ MAT TITLE IN DIHIUT MEET Free Lance Organization Is First With 39 Points To Credit; Hall Men Second Bouts in Annual Wrestling Tourney Hard Fought, Coach Widmer Declares The long heralded intramural wrestling championship events are finished. The heretofore unsung Four Horsemen free lance organi zation with 39 points to their credit are the ruling champions for the onsuing year. Friendly hall, with 33 points, ran a close second. Winners in the" various weights will today don the brass belt buck les which are significant that they were able to pit their strength and cleverness with the best grappling powers of all campus contenders and emerge from the pile of flying mares, headloeks, wristlocks, |tde-' holds, and all other phases of wrest ling, known and unknown, with colors flying. Matches Hard Fought Competition in the different classes was keener than in recent years, according to Earl “Dutch” Widmer, veteran varsity mat coach and referee and judge for all do nut matches. “The boys showed more enthusi asm this year than ever before. Some of the matches were hard fought with only the final seconds making the decision trend toward the winner. Because of the interest shown this year T am lodkiifg for ward to better results next season.” Winners are Named The individual champions are as follows: 118 pound—Willison, Four Horse man, two falls over Sommers. 128 pound—Lienkamper, Friend (Continued on page three) SOCIAL CALENDAR FOR SPRING NEARLY FILLED Many social functions have al ready been scheduled with the dean of women for spring term, leaving only a few dates open for those who are planning house dances. The social calendar, up to date, is: April 1, dance drama; April 2, open; April 3, Phi Kappa Psi for mal; April 9, To-Ko-Lo formal; Sig ma Beta Phi formal; Kappa Sigma, Sigma Nu; April 10, track meet— Stanford, at Palo Alto, April Fro lic; April 16, class dances;-April 17, Sigma Chi; April 22, Mu Phi Epsilon concert; April 23, Junior Vodvil; April 24, Alpha Omicron Pi barn dance, Pi Delta Theta for mal, Junior Vodvil; April 26, A. S. U. O. concert—The Little Sym phony; April 30, open; May 1, Se attle relay, Alpha Chi Omega spring dance, Beta Theta Pi formal; May 2, Phi Delta Theta picnic, Beta Theta Pi picnic; May 7, Junior Week-End; May 8, Track Meet Washington, at Eugene; May 14, open; May 15, Track Meet-O. A. C. at Corvallis; May 22, Kappa Alpha Theta formal; May 28, closed; May 29, closed; May 31, Memorial Day, I holiday. OREGON CO-EDS RIVAL SOUTHERN MERMAIDS IN WINTER SPORT You’ve read in the current mag azines about Florida mermaids who celebrate New Year’s Eve by tak ing a dip in the surf, and you’re fed up on the publicity of sunny Southern California featuring their bathing beauties in mid-winter beach frolics. So far such orgies have been confined during the colder months to the southern climes, where the sky and air and water are warm and limpid and blue, and we northerners have en vied and marvelled. • But at last our publicity men can use the same clever devise to draw crowds of prospective tourists to the state for Saturday, January 23, at about four o’clock in the afternoon, a similar scene was staged over where the banks of the Alpha Phi lawn meet the Mill race. With the men’s swimming meet, which they viewed earlier in the afternoon, as an incentive, three co eds dared each other to brave the icy current of the race, and took the dare. Although the sky was threatening, and a winter wind whispered in the willows the girls were unafraid, and amid squeals, applause and spectators, took the plunge. Although the swimming meet was brief, and the contestants, Margaret Vincent, Irva Dale and Lois McCook, confessed to a pro longed hot shower and indulgence in steaming lemonade, the act was accomplished. We can now boast of our mid-winter bathing, and the girls have the un-challenged honor of being the first Mill race bathers this year. SHER WOOD ANDERSON VISIONS CREATIVE ERA IN AMERICAN WRITING Author Prophesies Pause in Physical Life of Country; American Artists Becoming Bolder ■i Sherwood Anderson, the man who as an author is “bidding Americans observe what is going on within themselves,” became a prophet, as a lecturer last night, and foretold, with his high-pitched but pleasant voice, the dawn of a “greater trend towards creative and imaginative life in America.” Between 800 and 1000 gathered in Villard hall and heard him first fall in with Mencken’s indictment of the American as a “boob,” then heard him hold out some little com fort to this same American, be cause the physical life—the hustle and the bustle—was coming to a “ pause,” As a speaker, Mil. Andlersfm proved a wonderful talker, some one aptly said. Nevertheless he won his audience, it seemed, from the first when he naively remarked the only reason he was lecturing was because he went “broke” last year. Voice* Conveyed Gentleness This “tramp, soldier, laborer, fac tory hand—and writer,” as he styled himself, lived true to advance notices. He was a man past mid dle-age in appearance. (He is 49 years old.) His face, behind a pair of huge tortoise shell glasses, had in it “powerful masses,” as it has been said, but his voice conveyed gentleness. For secondary honors in physical aspects, it seemed, a vivid blue shirt, partially covered with a still bluer tie vied with long, shaggy hair, equally unfriendly with the barber and the comb. Sherwood Anderson’s topic, as announced, was “The Creative Im pulse in America,” and though he said he had four lectures of differ ent names and the same speech for each one, he kept quite close to his subject. He read from notes, but with a certain freedom which kept this fact from boring the audience. “America’s physical life is the greatest in all the world,” said Mr. Anderson. “We have been a long time in building up this side of our lives, but now, I believe, there is coming a pause—a questioning time.” Writers Becoming Bolder It was this “pause” that Mr. An derson referred to as the “dawn of a creative life in America. Our painters, musicians, writers, and ar tists,” he added, “are becoming bolder. More and more American artists are making names in Amer ica, as well as abroad. Imagina tion is beginning to stay here at home. This process will keep up.” Mr. Anderson pointed out that a distinct change was taking place amongst the writers of America. A few years ago, he said, all the writers went to France or England for their tales. They did not even use the American language, which was thought to be vulgar. Other writers, whom he termed unimaginative wrote about mythi cal cowboys amongst mythical In dians on mythical plains of a myth ical America. Mr. Anderson, whose home is in Chicago, is making his first trip to the Pacific northwest, though he has been to California several times. He arrived on the campus about noon yesterday and was en tertained continually by students and faeulty jnembers. He leaves at 11:10 this morning for Portland. Concert Player Uses Most Valuable Instrument Paul Koehanski, who plays here 'tomorrow evening in the associated students ’ concert series, will use one of the most valuable violins i!n ex istence. It is one of the few real Stradivarius instruments now in use; the age and story of this violin ' is one of romance. ' In 1687 Stradivarius made a num jber of special sets /of instruments among which was a set for the Spanish crown. One of these violins was stolen and came into the hands of Ole Bull, from whom it was ob tained by Charles Plowden and eventually by C. Oldham, the famous ^English collector. After his d#ath ,it wag bequeathed to the British Museum where it remained twto years, but through the protest of a number of, eminent violinists, among them Ysaye, Sauret, Arbos, Whil helmj and others, that so valuable a^n instrument should be withdrawn from the musical world, it was re ' turned to the widow who gave it to [Hill of London for safe keeping. [ About twelve years ago Paul Ko ' chanski had an opportunity to see the instrument in London, and it [ was loaned him for a recital there. He liked the tone and beauty of the violin so well that he bought it. This particular violin is of the second period whefn Stradivarius followed his own fancy leading to i individual modifications of form, archings, sopnd holes and scrolls. Its tonal qualities are possibly as wtonderful as any instrument in use, musicians say. I Koehanski will give a recital [ Wednesday evening at the Metho '■ dist eburch at 8:15. Students will ! be admitted upon presentation of l student body tickets, r ---° ° FACULTY MUST SIGN PAYROLL PROMPTLY Members of the faculty and stu dent assistants are requested by the University pay-roll clerk to sign the payroll not later than January 29, if they want February checks. ONLY FIVE DAYS LEFT TO PAY STUDENT FEES January 30 Set as Deadline By Business Office Five more days remain until the University business office closes for fee payment. January 30 has been set as the last day that a stu dent may pay his fees without be ing charged extra for late payment. The cashier’s window will be open from 8 to 12 o’clock in the mornings and from 1:30 to 4:00 in the afternoons and just a half day on Saturday. A warning against student issu ing checks to pay their fees unless they have funds to cover the checks' has been given. Little trouble from this source was exper ienced last year and less is expect ed this year. ENTRIES FOR MARSHALL CONTEST DUE MONDAY The Edison Marshall short story contest closes February 1. Those desiring to submit stories for the annual 50 dollar prize should do so within the week. Those serving on the committee will be Ralph D. Casey, assistant professor in the school of journal ism; Richard Montgomery, manager of the book department of the J. K. Gill company of Portland;- and Vivian Bretherton, one of Oregon’s short story writers* W. F. G. Thacher of the school of journal ism, chose these people to act on the committee, because they repre sent the attitude of the faculty, the story reading public, and the pro fessional writer. Manuscripts may be handed to Mr. Thacher any time this week. „ • ° ° a ° SPECIAL NOTICE ! Meeting today at 12 o’clock at the men’s gym of the follow ing: members of the Order of the “O” with sweaters, mem bers of the physical educational staff, and all athletic coaches. Pictures will be taken at this time. Epidemic Reports are False, Health Service Says After Three Investigations Living Organizations Are Advised to Disinfect All Members as Precaution No new cases of spinal meningi tis have been reported on the cam pus, nor is it remotely probably that there will be, Dr. John Bovard, dean of the school of physical edu cation of which the University health service is a department, de clared last night. Rumors that there is an epidemic abroad were branded by Dr. Bovard as wholly false. Possibility of more cases of the disease are lessened by the diffi culty of contagion, Dr. Bovard ex plained. Harold Moshberger, of Woodburn, University freshman, died Saturday night of spinal men ingitis, and all persons who were in contact with him have been ex amined. All Cultures Negative “Throat cultures have been made of all exposed persons,” Dr. F. N. Miller, head of the health service said, “and all were negative.” Information on the disease and materials for nose and throat disin fection are being supplied to all liv ing organizations and boarding houses by the health service not because of the possibility of an epidemic but to comply with the suggestion of 8. M. Kerron, county health officer, it was announced. Following is the statement issued by the health service to living or ganizations: Alarm Unfounded “It is known that tire germs of meningitis are often carried in the throat of people who are well and possibly the careful use of a gargle and spray will prevent some cases. We do not anticipate an occurence of any further cases and feel very definitely that there is no cause for alarm. However, we believe that every precaution should be taken. “Wo especially desire stu dents suffering from colds to report to the dispensary for early treat ment. This will at least prevent the lost of much time duo to the development of these minor colds into more serious difficulties. Cooperation Adked “We urge that the students co operate in preventing unnecessary alarm by avoiding discussion of the possibility of meningitis epidemics. As a matter of fact, there have been two cases, one in Portland and one on the campus. Both of these were diagnosed early and removed from other students. Furthermore, while the disease is extremely dan gerous, it fortunately is not highly contagious. There is no specific treatment which can be given to prevent the occurrence of this di sease. All lHat may be done is to attend to the general health of the student. It .is for this reason that we urge students to use gargles as supplied and to report to the health service for every illness. “It is requested that each head resident send someone to the dis pensary to secure material for use in,the nose or throat. Directions will accompany this package. We hope that for a period of a week or two at least, it will be your en deavor to see that these materials are used by everyone in your house.” FACULTY ENTERTAINED BY HENDRICKS HALL The girls of Hendricks Hall and Miss Gertrude Talbot were hos tesses at a dinner party Thursday night at which a group of faculty members and their wives were present. The guests were: Captain John J. McEwan, Captain J. T. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Hoover, Miss Lillian Stupp, and Mr. Stephenson Smith. First Year Girls Will Meet E.B.U. Teams in Debate Twice This Week Six freshmen girls will debate with the Eugene Bible University freshman team on the question of a national uniform marriage and di vorce law this week. Tonight the Oregon affirmative and E. B. U. negative will meet in the latter’s auditorium. Thursday at 3:30 o’clock the negative meets the E. B. U. affirmative before the meet ing of tho Eugeno Paront Teach ers’ Association in the high school auditorium. Both are no decision contests. Not only is tho question of in terest in itself but the girls have added humor to their constructive and rebuttal speeches and the ora tory will flow freely from the lips of the feminine Websters. -f To! night’s contest starts at 8 o’clock. On Oregon’s team are: Nettie mae Smith, Maxine Piorce, and Irene Hartsell affirmative, and Marion Leach, Essio Ilendriksen and Pauline Winchell negative. MEN ADVISED TO BUY BULL TICKETS EARLY Dance to be Formal; Frosh Men to be Excluded “Get your dates and your tickets immediately, men,” is the word from Walter Kelsey, who is in charge of the ticket sale for the Senior Ball, formal dance to be given February 6, in the Woman’s building. “Don’t forget that the idance is a week from Saturday night. It will be the most elabor ate and exclusive dance of the year and you don’t want to miss out on it,” he added. Tickets are selling at the men’s living organizations and at the Co: op. To facilitate the sale among alumni living in Eugene, 20 tickets with invitations have been placed on sale at Lara way’s. Irva Dale has been appointed to handle the ticket sale for women who wish to buy tickets for out-of-town men who are coming here for the affair. Miss Dale can be reached by call ing 851. The dance is formal and no first year men will bo admitted. Cor sages have been voted out by Pan Hellenic and the Inter-fraternity council. Elaborate plans for deco ration, feature and programs are being worked out and judging by the number of tickets sold in the past few days, there will be few left for late buyers. Attendance to the ball is limited, 350 tickets only being placed on sale. Invitations will be given with all tickets to be sent to the women. SOPHOMORE IN ENGLISH HAS WITHDRAWN Ruth Oorey, sophomore in the University, has withdrawn from school because of ill health and has returned to her home at Marshfield to stay for the remainder of this term. She expects to return spring term and resume her studies. Miss (Corey is a major in English and a 'resident of Susan Campbell hall. OREGON BEATS MONTANA FIVE BY 35-17 SCORE “Chuck” Jost Scintillates As Webfeet Win; Gunther And Okerberg High Men Idaho To Be Met Tonight In Crucial Contest; Wash ington Defeated 34-20 CORVALLIS, Ore., Jan. 26.—Ore gon Agriculture College defeated Whitman here last night by a score of 21-26. The game ended at the half 13-14 In favor of the losers. Lineups: Oregon (36) vs. (17) Montana Hobson (2).f..(8) Coyle Gunther (12).f..„. Baney Okerberg (16).c.(6) niiw«» Jost (3).g__ Sweet Westergren (2)....g._ Sterling Subs: Montana, Kelly (2); w»