Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1926, Page 2, Image 2

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    ©tenon Satin Jfmetalii 3j*tutorial |Jage
Edward M. Millor
i rail*, xi. xiuggeui
Sol Abramson .-. Managing Editor
Mildred Jean Carr .... Associato Man. Editor
News and Editor Phones, 655
Harold Kirk ...- Associate Editor
Webster Jones . Sports Editor
Philippa Sherman .—.Feature Editor
Wayne Ireland .. Associate Muagc*
Bnsinss Office Phone
Esther Davis
Geneva Drum
John Black
Bob Nelson
Day Editors
Frances Bourhill
Claudia Fletcher
Mary Conn
Night Editors
Nash, Chief Niirht Editor
Ronald Sellars
Bill HaijKerty
Earl Raess
Harold Mantfum
Bernard Shaw
James De Pauli
Sports Staff
Ricoard Syring
Feature Writers
Walter Cushman
Paul Luy
Mary Benton
Edward Smith
Upper News Starr
Ruth Gretas
Jane Dudley
Margaret Vincent
News Staff
Mary K. Baker
Jack Hempstead
Barbara Blythe
Arthur Priaulx
Minnie Fisher
Lylah McMurphy
William Schulze
Pauline Stewart
Grace Fisher
Beatrice Harden
Frances Cherry
Margaret Hensley
James Leake
Ruby Lister
Genevieve Morgan
Marion Sten
Dick Jones
Miriam Shepard
Flossie Radabaugh
Margaret Long
Allen Canfield
Edith Dodge
Wilbur Lester
Eva Nealon
Business Staff
Si Slocum .-__ Advertising Manager
Galvin Horn ..Advertising Manager
Milton George _ Assistant Advertising Manager
Advertising Assistants: Sam Kinley, Paul Sletton,
Emerson Haggerty, Bob Nelson, Vernon McGee, Ed
Ross, Ruth McDowell, Dick Hoyt, Webster Jones.
Marian Phy __ Foreign Advertising Manager
James Manning .... Circulation Manager
Alex Scott __ Assistant Circulation Manager
Frances McKenna -- Circulation Assistant
Mabel Fransen, Margaret Long_Speeialty Advertising
Office Administration: Herbert Lewis, Frances Hare,
Harold Whitlock.
—---— . A . . .. - TTnlwmitv of Oregon. Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday during
The Oregon Daily Emerald official f&Sd in til. poatoffice at Eugene. Oregon, aa eecond-claaa matter. Subscription rates. $2.26 per
Day Editor—Geneva Drum
Night Editor—John Black
Assistant—Larry osterman
Assembly And
The Library
Once a week, when the hour of assembly draws near, all
students are requested to betake themselves out of our library,
and the doors are locked until noon. This practice seems to
be a hold-over from the days when attendance at this weekly
convocation was compulsory, the supposition being that if stu
dents have no place to go, they will perforce attend assembly.
If attendance at assembly is so much to be desired, for t le
welfare of the student body we should carry the matter to its
logical conclusions. Since fraternity houses and halls of resi
dence are ofttimes congregating places for undergraduates who
have nowhere else to go, we should drive them out during this
hour and lock their doors. Sundry campus eating places might
also be prevailed upon to cease serving during that one hour,
once a week, and in the interests of so worthy a cause Mr. Mc
Clain would perhaps consent to close the Co-op.
Since there are numerous other places about the campus
that serve as gathering places-certain browsing grounds such
as exist in the Journalism and Architecture buildings; these
also should be cleaned out and locked up.
‘ it is reasonable, is it not, that if this were done, students
would flock to assembly rather than wander aimlessly over the
campus for this hour. _ -r-—
Oh, well, it might worse—at Yale they are just now trying
to do away with compulsory attendance at chapel.
Too Much Parental
One of the most pitiable individuals is the student who
has been sent here for an education by his parents, who has
been sent here for an education by his parents, who is being
financed by his parents, and whose career has been mapped
out by these same parents. He may want to be a motor me
chanic,, an aviator or a landscape gardener, but father is paying
for it, mother has set her heart upon it, and because father
was a lawyer or a doctor, or perhaps because father was not
a lawyer or a doctor, son must have the best education that
money can buy, and be a lawyer or a doctor. He feels obli
gated to become a lawyer or a doctor, and never having stood
upon his own feet, he sometimes burdens lus professors through
several years of futile and disheartening work before lie finds
the courage to jump the parental coral. Is it any wonder that
such students find classes irksome, and go to the eternal dogs?
Is it strange that they sometimes turn out to be ne er-do-wells
to be pointed out by enemies of higher learning as horrible
According to the. statement, of Mr. Douglas, University
librarian, the circulation of books for home reading is higher
ier capita at Oregon than at any of 2-1 leading colleges and
universities of the country, except Amherst Our per capita
?irculat.ion for the year just past was 33.09, while Amherst,
with a student body of 660, ranks first with 34.7J.
This is not a bad record. It would be presumptions to claim
however, that this is altogether due to our superior liitellectua
capacity. In larger institutions it has been impractical to
supply ‘enough books of the more popular type to allow current
fiction as free circulation as it is given m our library,
fact, that a number of courses have laboratory fees available
for the purchase of books has released many volumes for gen
eral circulation that would otherwise be confined to the reserve
1 l'n'other words, this report may be interpreted to mean that
there are more books per capita available for circulation in
our library though this is poor solace for those who are driven
to the limit of human endurance in procuring assigned volumes.
However, it indicates that ours is not such an inefficient libra
ry, as libraries go, after all.
| Communications j
January 21, li>2(i.
To the Editor:
Will you please grant uio the use
of your columns to air my beliefs
regarding the foreign language
quire incut for the 15.A. degree? At
the outBCt I would assert that for
eign languages have a certain def
inite cultural value, but so do many
other subjects taught in eollege and
we cannot study many of those we
would like to because of lack of
time. In many instances and for
many students a knowledge of cer
tain foreign languages is almost in
• dispensable. This, 1 think, is es
pecially true of science majors. On
the other hand the great majority
of our students will probably never
liave nay use for foreign languages
after they leave the University.
If I were the benevolent autocrat
of the University, I would abolish
the B.S. and all other so-called
“science” degrees, and perhaps some
others. The B.A. would be the only
degree conferred by the University
college at the end of the undergrad
uate course. I would not require1
any foreign languages as prerequi
sites to the conferring of the de
gree, but any major department
would be given the authority to re
quire the knowledge lof one or two
foreign languages to be specified by
the department, the manner in
which this requirement might be
met to be determined by the depart
At present the B.S. degree simply
provides a way of escape for those
students who refuse to study any
foreign language. If we make for
eign languages qptional except
where they are a necessary part of
the student's preparation for his
chosen career, we put them on api
equal footing with other academic
subjects and relieve them from, the
stigma of what to the student ap
pears to be an arbitrary University
requirement. Under the proposed
plan students would take language
for a definite purpose aside from the
meeting of requirements or accumu
lation of credit hours. Probably a
great deal of the language work
would be done in the junior and
senior years after the student has
caught a vision of the value of this
type of work.
- This little thesis which we
snatch bald headed from the
works of Robert Benchley, well
known humorist, we reprint be
cause of the great value that is
hidden in its text. We also feel
that if there is anything going
on that in any way can benefit
the students either in adding to
their well-being, digestion or
happiness we will be only too
glad to use this columfi as a
means of putting the idea over.
(Apologies to Robt. Benchley)
When you take a bite of that de
licious cookie or swallow a morsel
of that nourishing bread, do you
stop to think of the marvelous and
intricate process by means of which
Mother Nature is going td convert
it into bone and sinew and roses
for those pretty cheeks? Probably
not, and it is just as well. For if
you had to stop to think of it at
that time, you would unquestion
ably not be able to digest that
cookie—or that nourishing bread.
But whether you think of it or
not this exciting process of diges
tion is going on day in and day out,
sometimes pretty badly, but always
with a great show of efficiency. It
is, on the whole, probably one of the
worst-done jobs in the world.
First you must know that those
hard, white edges of hope which
you have noticed hundreds of times
along the front of your mouth arc
“teeth,” and are put to a very def
inite purpose. They are the ivory
gates to the body. They are nature’s
tiny sentinels, and if you have ever
bitten yourself you will know how
sharp they can be, and what effi
cient little watchmen they are. Just
try to slip your finger into your
mouth without your teeth’s permis
sion, and see how1 far you get. Or
try to get it out, once they have
captured it.
Now these thousands of brave
little soldiers, the teeth, which we
have in our mouths, take the food
as it comes through the air (in case
you are snapping at a butterfly) or
from the fork, and separate it into
its component parts (air, land and
water). In this process the teeth
are aided by the tongue, which is
that awful-looking thing back of
yourth teet. Don’t look at it!
The tongue (which we may call
the escalator of the mouth or
Nature’s nobleman for short), and
the teeth toss the food back and
i forth between them until there is
j nothing left of it, except the little
bones which you take out between
your thumb and forefinger and lay
on your butter-plate. In doing this
be careful that the bone is really on
the butter-plate and that it does not
instead stick to your fipger so that
you put it back into your mouth
again on the next trip, for this
would make the little white sen
tinels very angry and they might
all drop out.
And now comes the really won
derful part of the romance which is
being enacted right under your very
eyes. A chemical reaction on the
tongue presses a little buttotn which
telegraphs down, down, ’way down
| to the cross old Stomach and says:
; “Please, sir. do you want this food
or don’t you?” and the Stomach,
whom we shall call “Prince Charm
jing” from now on. telegraphs (or
more likely writes) back: “Yes.
'dear!” or "You can do what you
like with it for all of me.” Just as
he happens to feel at the time.
And then, such a hurry ana Dustie
as goes on in the mouth! “Foodie’s
going to visit Stomach!” all the
little teeth cry, and rush about for
all the world as if they were going
themselves. “All aboard. all
aboard!” calls out the tongue, and
there is a great ringing of bells and
blowing of whistles and bumping
! of porters and in the midst of it all,
the remnants of that delicious
' cookie seated nervously on the ton
gue. ready to be taken down on its
first journey alone, down to sea
Princfe Charming. For all the joy
ousness of the occasion, it is a little
sad. too. For that bit of cookie is
going to get some terribly rough
! treatment before it is through.
The food is then placed on a con
yeyor, by means of which it is taken
to the Drying Boom, situated on
the third floor, where it is taken
apart apd washed and dried, pre
paratory to going through the
pressing machines. These pressing
machines are operated by one man,
who stands by the conveyor as it
brings the food along and tosses it
into the vats. Here all rock and
moss are drawn off by mechanical
pickers and the food subjected to
treatment in a solution of sulphite,
a secret process which is jealously
guarded. From here it is taken to
the Playground where it plays
around for a while with the other
children until it is time for it to
be folded by the girls in the bind
ery, packed into neat stacks, and
wrapped for shipment into bundles
of fifty. Some of these bundles,
the proteins, are shipped to the
bones of the body, others, the hy
drates, go to making muscle, while
a third class, the sophomores, con
tribute to making fatty tissue
which nobody wants. The by-pro
ducts are made into milkrbottle
caps, emery wheels, and insurance
calendars, and are sold at cost.
Thus we see how wonderfully
Nature takes care of us and our
little troubles, aided only by soda
mint and bicarbonate.
MCDONALD—Last day: The
world’s sweetheart in her latest and
greatest picture, Jdary Pickford in
“Little Annie Rooney,” humor and
pathos in a wonderful drama. Extra
added attraction, “Life’s Greatest
Thrills,” Frank Alexander in spe
'cial concert, “In Annie Rooney’s
Own Back Yard,” a medley of old
REX—Last day: “The Midnight
Flyer,” a dynamic romance of the
roaring rails, with Cullen Landis,
Dorothy DeFore, Barbara Tennant
and little Frankie Darrow; Mermaid
comedy, “Lickety Split,” with Ligo
Conley; International news events;
J. Clifton Emmel in melodramatic
musical setting on the organ. Com
ing—“The Broadway Lady,” with
Evelyn Brent.
| Filipinos to Have Basketball
To promote fellowship among their
kinsmen, is the aim of the Varsity
l’hillipinensis, a club for Filipino
students of junior and senior stand
ing in the University.
The president of the club, Ro
mula Avila, a senior in the busi
nss administration college, an
anounees that the club now receives
a Manila daily paper, the Tribune,
which has been placed in the new
room of the public library. This
paper is for the benefit of those
who are interested in knowing
something of the ideals of the Fil
ipinos, and their views concerning
international affairs. The Tribune
is edited bv natives who have been I
educated in American universities,!
and the paper is printed in the
English language.
The Varsity Fillipinensis hoicks
its meetings the first Friday of.
every month at the Y. M. C. A.'
There are 16 active members, one
a graduate. Manuel: Alcid,^who is!
working for a Master’s degree in
the business administrafion col-,
lege. Ur. Warren Smith acts as the
club’s advisor, and Mrs. Charlotte
Uonnellv is an honorary member of
ithe organization.
A literary or musical program is
! often included in their meetings
and sometimes after business ses
1 sions the students hold debates. A
basketball team is being organized
to compete with the Japanese team
j and other organization teams on the
' campus.
Campus Bulletin |
Georgia Benson—Bequests that all
of the girls who were on the
committee to sell Christmas cards
for the Fine Arts building fund
turn their money in to her before
the end of this week.
1 Girls interested in Scouting meet
in Susan Campbell hall at 1:00
Saturday afternoon.
Paris of Revolution
Hard to ' Imagine;
Says Doctor Clark
(Continued from page one)
France, not for its atmosphere so
much as for its people.
Borne, where the doctor and his
j family spent a week, and in Flor
ence where they were also a short
time, attracted the travellers
through the beauty of the build
ings, and are work, rather than
through the people as did Paris.
“The standards of the people and
cities of Italy are very low,” Dr.
Clark said. Agricultural cultiva
tion as well as the development of
natural resources is retarded. Large
stretches of country are unoccup
ied. In many places, wooden ploughs
are being used, and even the real
agricultural districts are not, seem- j
ingly, very prosperous,” he pointed
out. “The vineyards, the main
source of agricultural revenue, seem
poor and their vines only fair, none
of them bearing heavily,” he added.
The Clarks, while in Switzerland,
were right at the base of the Alps
for awhile, Jungfrau Glacier being
just above them. They went up
into the foothills of the peaks on
one of the small railroads that runs
clear to the top— In leaving Swit
zerland, they travelled over the
Brenner Pass, through the largest
tunnel in the world, which runs
through the Alps.
Belgium and jGermany showed
almost no signs of war, Dr. Clark
stated, in referring to Antwerp,
Brussells, Cologne, along the Rhine
to Heidelburg, the parts of these
countries that they touched. Before
reaching Belgium, they passed
through Amsterdam and Hague in
There are so signs of occupation
except in Cologne where the Eng
loish soldiers are seen on the
streets, but seem not to make them
selves obnoxious or even disagree
able, for the people pay no atten
tion to these foreigners. Two Scotch
soldiers in their kilts were the only
ones Dr. Clark said he saw on actual
duty even there.
The ship “Paris” carried the
Clarks to Europe the first of July,
and they returned to this country
the middle of November on the
“Minnekahda,” and spent several
weeks in the East where Dr. Clark
attended the American meeting of
the Historical Society at the Uni
versity of Michigan, at Ann Arbor.
r *\
and Cream
First on the list of essen
tial health-building foods
for growing youngsters
should be — MILK! Let
them have plenty of it
with their cereals at
breakfast time.
Make sure though,
that it is Pure, Pas
teurized and Fresh!
We’ll deliver that
kind to your dbor
?d3fiy, Just phone) $£>1
365. We manufac
ture Willamette
Gold Butter.
This evening the yearling basket
ball team will receive its formal
baptism of intercollegiate basket
ball when it meets the formidable
Albany college quintet at. Albany.
Ten freshman hoop ringers and
Coach Earl “Spikd” Leslie will
leave for Albany at 4 o’clock this
afternoon. In speaking of tonight’s
game Coach Leslie said, “I’m glad
to get this game. We need it badly
as we have only one more practice
game before the first O. A. C. Book
Although Coach Leslie had to
start his practice all over again at
the beginning of this week, he ex
pects a different brand of basket
ball exhibited than that of the two
Portland high school games. Leslie
emphatically denounced the indi«
vidualism shown in the two previ
ous tilts. “Tonight,” he said, “the
men will be instructed to take no
long shots. The ball will be worked
down past the foul line before a
shot is attempted. I want to break
up the playing of these individual
Coach Leslie will follow the same
policy as that of other practice
games. All ten men will be given
a chance to show their wares. The
line-up will find two star players
missing. Bed Scallon is in bed suf
fering from an attack of the grippe,
and Don McCormick is in a Port
land hospital recovering from the
spinal meningitis. According to
Leslie, he received word yesterday
noon that Don had felt better
Thursday than any day and is ex
pected to recover. “The absence
of McCormick in our line up will be
keenly felt,” said the yearling
coach. “He playe'd a wonderful
brand of ball in half of the Frank
lin high game.
Here Is a
New Combination
Ice Cream, always delicious, tastes even
better when served in a variety of flavors
Try this brick for tomorrow’s dinner—
Cherryanne — French Nut
Peppermint Stick
Bulk — Cherryanne Ice Cream
Eugene Fruit Growers
PHONE 1480
—Which you for
got to have fin
May be
Quickly and Efficiently
Carl R. Baker’s Kodak
-4 Points to Success
Good. Salary, Steady Posltlotx. ^
Interesting Work, <£>lo Demand.
’Svtoene 5ckool of
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5ho\\> Card Writitv?
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