Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1926, Image 1

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Wanting; Coach
Berates “Belles”
| Hoopvters Physically Good
But Lack Eaprit-de-Corps
And Verve; ‘Billy’ Rein
hart Glum on Eve of Trip
Twenty-five per cent below par!
That was the estimate of the Ore
-gon basketball team given out by
■ Coach Billy Beinhart after the hol
low victory in the Montana game.
A startling declaration for a coach
to make for a student body which
has worked itself into an exagger
ated opinion of the prowess of the
varsity five!
Montana was not a real oppon
ent—the team is an “in and out
er”—playing whirlwind ball for the
first 10 minutes of the first half atid
- then going into an abysmal slump.
If the team had beaten the Griz
zlies by another 20 points it would
have meant something. The Mon
-tana team played a much better
game against O. A. C. Wednesday
night and was beaten 31 to 19.
“The future of the team is not
so bright—at least it is not daz
zling anyone except some of the
members of the squad. The players
atre not taking the game seriously
-enough this year, and this with
newspaper publicity in the form of
'‘high point man’ and ‘stars’ is
likely to wreck all chances for a
championship team,” said Bein
A conglomeration of “stars” is
like a gronp of leading ladies' all
wanting to take the center of the
stage. That’s the situation, frank
ly stated, of the Oregon team now,
which has depended on the tradi
tion of team work to approach the
• * «
“Last year the team was between
the proverbial ‘devil and the deep
bine sea.’ They had to go every
minute to get any place. The men
were taking it seriously. This year
they have slumped from that ‘put
ting-out-every-minute ’ idea and are
trying to slip by on a reputation.
A few of the men are taking the
team seriously while the rest are
basking in their own tinseled bril
liance,” declared the coach.
“The squad is far behind the
team last year at this time in co
ordination and team work, ^.ltho
hart the day before leaving oft the
ical condition,” stated Billy Rein
they are fairly advanced in phys
hardest northenr trip ever taken in
as individual players but not as a
Oregon’s basketball history.
• > <
Billy Beinhart, careful guardian,
and supervisor of the team, knows
what he is talking about when he
says the team will be lucky to win
half the games on the trip. He is
far from being wildly optimistic.
And he is in the “know.”
Team work is the goal of every
coach, particularly Billy Beinhart,
and unless some of Oregon’s lead
ing ladies quit flirting with the
audience, the chances, hopes or
prospects for a championship team
will go a glimmering.
The team has not hit the stride
it should be going at this time of
the year. The men have improved
as individual players but as a team.
The application and development
of the slide rule will be the feature
of a talk by Helen Shinn before
the Mathematics club Tuesday eve
ning at 7:30 in room one of John
son hall. This is to be the first
meeting of the term.
Balf Couch, ’23, who is now sec
retary of the University of Ore
gon Medical school in Portland was
in Eugene yesterday. Mr. Couch
is a member of Alpha Tau Omega
I- " .— - J.r
Fantastic Play
Lends Idea for
Fairy Feature
The annual dance drama will be
given by Orehesus at the McDonald
theatre, Thursday, April 1. The
outstanding dance drama of the
program will be the Fairy theme
of Midsummer Nights Dream,
Another number will be “The
Lake of the Swans.” This was pre
sented last year at the Woman’s
building and is being repeated by
request. The larger stage and bet
ter lighting facilities of the theatre
will improve this number very
much according to Miss Lilliafi L.
Stupp who is in charge of the
The scene is laid in a garden.
Nyads dance in the background on
the ruins of a greek temple. One
of the three swans in the drama
is shot and sings it’s death song.
“Dabs from a Paint Box” is the
name of the third' feature. The idea
for this originated from a series of
poems written by Etha Clark, a
sophomore in the drama department
and a member of Orehesus. The
colors chosen of the series of poems
are, Black and White, Emerald
green, Brown, Red, Blue and Sil
There will also be another short
series of dances.
Oregon Traditions To Be
Instilled in Frosh
A statement issued yesterday
from the vigilance committee in
dicates that new Tigor has been
added to the frosh policing forces.
The statement follows:
The vigilance committee working
under the auspices and direction of
organizations desirous of stringent
enforcement of Oreigon traditions
has announced the following pro
gram. The committee will meet
once a week and consider the green
cappers and offenses charged
against them. Before submitting
the names of the violators to the
Order of the “O,” the charges
brought against the frosh will be
thoroughly investigated and1* if
charges prove correct they will ap
pear before the paddle wielders.
Frosh who have not overstepped
freshman restrictions will not be
required to appear.
The library steps session is not
looked upon as a mere bit of hum
iliation for the frosh or entertain
ment for the campus in general but
as a paramount step in trying to
instill Oregon spirit and traditions
in the frosh. Yes, the same tradi
tions that from generation to gen
eration have been carried on by
the Oregon students and this same,
idea if conveyed to the green cap-^
pers will undoubtedly make them
more worthy Oregon students.
me rouowing cnarges are con
sidered very worthy of punishment:
No green cap (on the campus or in
Eugene at large); too cocky (frosh
who are endeavoring to dictate the
policies of the University); wrong
attitude (toward the University in
general and at athletic contests),
lack of cooperation (not present
when requested to do work for the
University); also any infraction of
recognized traditions.
The secretary of the committee is
keeping a permanent record of the
violators and charges against them.
For each additional time a green
capper appears on the steps the
punishment administered the pre
vious time will be doubled. If
then, violations are still continuing
some definite action will be taken
which undoubtedly will take effect.
The names of the violators and
offenses charged against them will
be found in the Emerald of Friday
(Signed) Vigilance Com.
Miss Margaret Creech, assistant
director of the Portland school of
social work, will be on the campus
today to give information and help
along the lines of social work, to
those who are interested in this
Fourth Annual Convention
Of State Retail Men to
Meet on Campus Feb. 21
Marshal Dana Scheduled to
Give Opening Address be
fore 300 Members
The fourth annual convention of
the State Retail Merchants Asso
ciation will be held on the campus
February 21 to 24, with a short
course for the benefit of merchants
throughout the state as a leading
“This short course is an honest
to-goodness school,” explained Dean
E. C. Robbins, of the school of bus
iness administration. The freshmen
wear green caps, the sophomores
vivid red caps, and the juniors
orange ones. They have been com
ing down here for the last four
years for the short course, and this
year is the first graduation we will
have. Each class, has its own tradi
ditions and must observe the cam
pus traditions as well. About three
hundred will come this year.”
Noted Speakers to Attend
An imposing array of speakers
including Marshall N. Dana of the
editorial staff of the Portland
Journal; Robert C. Line, nationally
known authority on retail subjects;
Frank B. Conley, president of the
Cost Association of Retail Mer
chants; and a number from the
staff of the school of business ad
ministration has been enlisted for
the convention.
Hr. Line, besides being a techni
cal expert in retail merchandising
and at present running a chain of
stores, is a member of the Univer
sity of Montana Board of Begents.
He has taught economics and busi
ness in eastern colleges and was at
one time connected with the Cham
ber of Commerce of New York City.
He is now travelling about the
country lecturing on retail subjects.
The general opening address,
which is to be of an inspirational
rather than educational type, will
be delivered by Mr. Dana, Sunday
evening, February 21, in Villard
hall. He was the speaker at one
of the University assemblies given
An attempt is being made to
bring Irving Vining of Ashland,
president of the state Chamber of
Commerce, to the convention to
make the closing address. It is
not, however, definitely known
whether he will speak;
Research Bureau Will Report
Frank B. Conley will attend the
short course at the convention, and
Professors David S. Faville, F. E.
Folks, and A. B. Stillman will be
on the program. The results of the
investigation pf the bureau of re
search of the University school of
business administration will be
given dpring the session.
There will be entertainment as
well as business and education for
those attending the convention.
Monday night' the Portland whole
salers will give a banquet at the
Osburn hotel for the guests at the
convention, and Tuesday night the
annual banquet of the association
will be given, at which time the
graduating exercises will be held.
There will also be musical pro
grams during the convention. The
honorary fraternities of the school
will have a part in these programs.
The general sessions of the con
vention will be held in Villard
hall, and the trade divisions, into
[which it will be divided, will meet
in the Commerce building.
The following freshmen report
ii front of the library steps to
lay at 10:50:
Allan Boyden, no lid; Leon
Stein, pigging on week nights;
William Reddick, never wears a
lid; Forest Evans, wears a hat;
Ed Larney, never wears a lid;
Morris Burke, too coekv; Art
Porter, never wears a lid; Ron
ald Smith wears a cap; Claire
Scallon, forgets lid between
ilasses; A1 Hunter, pretty cocky.
(Signed) “Order the O”
School of Art
Receives Many
New Fixtures
and Magazines
Improvements are fairly budding
out in the school of art and archi
tecture lately. But the improve
ments made are beneficial to the
whole University as well as to the
art students and faculty. Speci
mens of work of many ex-students
are arranged along the walls above
the book shelves. Several new
magazine racks have been built,
making it possible to keep the
magazine in systematic order. An
increase in the magazine subscrip
tion list has made it possible for
the art library to have several new
publications on its shelves, among
them. The Vogue, Fashions, Har
per’s Bazaar, and Style. New table
lamps have also been installed
which not only give better light
but lend a studious air to the place.
Though the library is primarily an
art library it is open for the use
of the whole University and stu
dents are welcome to the use of all
books and magazines.
Freshmen Men Excluded;
Dance to be Feb. 6
Tickets for the Senior Ball, the
most elaborate, exclusive and only
strictly formal dance of the year,
will be put on sale today in the
fraternity houses and at the Co-op.
The ball, which will" be given in
the Woman’s building, February 6,
is the second of its kind and prom
ises to become one of the four an
nual campus dances.
The tickets will be on sale at
$2.00 each and with each ticket
will be issued an invitation to be
sent by the men to the women. Sev
eral men neglected sending the in
vitations last year so that this year
that point will be stressed. Cors
ages are not in vogue at the ball
according to a rule passed by Pan
Hellenic and the Inter-Fraternity
The ticket sale will be open to
men of all classes with the excep
tion of freshman men. Women can
purchase tickets from the Co-op in
case out of town men are coming
to Eugene for the affair. “Only
350 tickets have been put on sale
and no more will be printed, so we
urge all men to buy theirs imme
diately,” said Waite/ Kelsey, chair
man of the committee for tickets.
Cylbert McClellan is assistant to
Kelsey and representatives have
been appointed in each house and
at Friendly hall. They are as fob
lows :
Alpha Tau Omega, Ted Gillen
water; Sigma Chi, Jack Seabrook;
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Bruce Curry;
Alpha Beta Chi, Kenneth Rew; Psi
Kappa, Carl Nelson; Lambda Psi,
Paul Ager; Kappa Sigma, Charles
Snyder; Chi Psi, Fred Martin; Phi
Kappa Psi, Guy Mauney; Beta The
ta Pi, F. C. Cone; Sigma Pi Tau,
Charles Falk; Kappa Delta Phi,
Ted Tamba; Theta Chi, Dick Hoyt;
Friendly Hall, Tom Holder; Delta
Tau Delta, Cylbert McClellan; Phi
Gamma Delta, Walter Kelsey.
The committee in charge of fra
ternity discussion groups, consisting
of Francis Rieder, Jack Hempstead,
and Bob Hunt, report progress, 14
of the houses having already signed
up for the work. The remaining
ones will decide the matter at their
house meetings next Monday night,
: and it is thought probable that all
of them will enter into the move
There will be a luncheon for the
professors and others who are to
lead the discussions, together with
one man representative from each
of the houses, next Monday noon at
the “Y” hut. Topics will be ar
ranged and other matters discussed
Julisp Burgess Points Out
Contrasting Phases Of
Mind Children of Writer
To Interpret The Mississippi
River and Country Life is
Attempt of Lecturer
Sherwood Anderson, noted writer
and lecturer, who will inaugurate
the Associated Students’ lecture
series with an address next Monday
night in Villard hall, is character
ized as pre-eminently genuine by
Miss Julia Burgess, professor Jin
the English department. And in
this, she echoes the thoughts, it is
believed, of all those who have
read him.
“A suffocating atmosphere; char
acters rushing madly in search of
freedom; persons declaring them
selves free—yet all the time im
pressing the reader as though they
were the victims of their own pur
suit or some fatal inability.”
Thus does Miss Burgess graphi
cally, as well as cryptically, de
scribe Anderson’s treatment of his
mind children. She believes the
author to be an extremely subjective
one, writing^largely in accord with
his own temperament and experi
ences. Yet, she does not find him
to be a typical realist.
Psychological Nature Noted
Certainly, she1 explains, in his at
tempt to imagine people as they
are, he reproduces life, instinct,
subjective consciousness, or the
state emerging therefrom, and
strong impulses and suppressed de
sires. Consequently he is a strong
exponent of the new trend in psy
Anderson, Miss Burgess says, for
the most part “interprets people
who are not able to interpret them
selves.” He is a man, in other
words, who can interest us in peo
ple in whom we would not other
wise be interested.
Miss Burgess also gathers from
his work a deep impression that
Anderson is trying to improve up
on the thing that Mark Twain did
—that he is trying to interpret
more profoundly the Mississippi
river and countsy life. “There is
not the breeziness of the West
about Anderson’s work that one
gets from Mark Twain,” she said.
Work is Critized
> Her greatest criticism of this au
thor is that although he has strong
•piaterial, it all follows a certain pat
tern—the man temperamental a(nd
mystical with the great ambition to
understand the meaning of life, an
overthrow of the old wife followed
by the quest for the new who proves
to be less satisfying than the dis
carded one. “Poor White” she
makes an exception to this, think
ing it to be the finest lof his work.
As to the literary quality of his
work, she finds the style of his
latest production, “Dark La^igh*
ter,” much improved and minus the
senseless remark: “and then some
thing happened.”
In “Dark Laughter,” due to the
constant references to Joyce’s
“Ulysses,” she believes there is a
fall from originality and an influ
ence exerted by Joyce’s work. At
least, she asserts, running through
both these books there is the same
The cast for the three original
one-act plays to be directed by
Florence E. Wilbur, head of drama
and play productions will be an
nounced tomorrow in the Emerald.
The rehearsals for the plays, “The
Kiss,” by Kee Buchanan, “The
Athlete,” by Katherine Kressman,
and “The Kingdom of America,”
by Helen Webber, arc being held
now. Miniature scenes for the
three plays have been made by
members of the play production
class. Three of the scenes are now
on exhibition among the photo
graphs of the Theatre Arts Month
Candidates for
Medical School
to Be Informed
of Requirements
Representatives of the admission
committee of the medical school will
be on the Oregon campus some
time in February for the purpose of
interviewing prospective applicants
to the school at Portland.
Those who plan on attending the
institution will by this means get
a clear understanding of what is
expected of them after they enroll,
and will find out what credentials
are necessary ' for entrance. Only
70 students are admitted yearly,
while at least two or three times
that many apply each fall.
This is the first time that this
plan has been tried here, and it is
in addition to the formal applica
tion which ea^h student must make.
A schedule will be arranged by
Dr. Harry Yocom, of the biology
department, so that each person will
have an opportunity t)o meet the
Frosh Practice Hard For
Coming Rook Tilt
In what promises to be a hard
fought game, the yearling .basket
ball team will face the strong Al
bany College five tomorrow after
noon on tho Albany court.
Gloom has settled over the green
cappers ’ basketball camp because
Clare Scallon, star forward, is un
der the doctors care, suffering from
a severe attack of the grippe.
Other than this one illness, the
freshman hoop ringers are all in
good condition. Several, however,
are still feeling the effects of fra
ternity preinitiations,. According to
Coach “Spike” Leslie, it is thought
that Scallon will be too ill to . play
in tomorrow’s -fracas.
Practice last night consisted of
hard scrimmage with the varsity.
Some time was spent on general
floor work, with the practicing of a
number of ..center plays. Because
the armory was occupied yesterday
afternoon, both basketball teams
practiced in the men’s gym.
With this practice game tomorrow
and several more tentative games
on schedule, the freshman hoop
team will be given plenty of pre
season practice. The Oregon Aggie
Books will be met on February 5,
at Corvallis.
Kimball Young, associate profes
sor of psychology and sociology,
spoke on the subject of Sherwood
Anderson to Dr. Budolf Ernst’s
English classes in modern and an
cient world literature yesterday
morning at 10 o’clock. The talk
was given in order to better ac
quaint students with the modern
writer before he visits the campus
next Mondry.
Anna DeWitt, president of Wom
en ’s League, announced yesterday
that Mazio Bichards had been ap
pointed to fill the place vacated by
Marion Barnum, sergeant-at-arms of
Womon’s League council. Miss
Barnum did not return to school
this term.
011001 ill
Ten Players, Coach, Mana
ger Start on Longest
Jaunt in Hoop History
Huskies, Grizzlies, Vandals
And Cougars To Be Met;
Coleman, Official
Ten varsity basketball men with
Coach Billy Reinhart and the man
ager leave this morning at 7:30 on
the northern trip which take* the
team the longest distance of any
trip ever taken by an Oregon hoop
squad and includes on the jaunt
the hardest schedule.
The men making the trip are:
Roy Okerborg, Jerry Gufither,
Swede Westdrgren, Charles Jost,
Howard Hobson, the regulars, with
the addition of five men, Arnie
Kiminki, Verl Flynn, Bay Edwards,
Fred Joy, and Bube Murray. Bob
Neighbors, basketball manager will
accompany the team.
The team will play almost li«lf
the schedule on the northern jour
ney. The games pile up in rapid
succession after the first one with
the University of Washington on
January 23. The Montana quin
tet, always a formidable team on
its own floor, however mnch they
fail as a traveling outfit, win ha
met on January 25 in Missoula, fol
lowed by Idaho on January 26 and
Washington State College on Jan
uary 27. The last three games,
with no interval between are the
big humps of the season.
Montana Lengthens Tear
The admission of Montana ta
the conference makes the northern
trip longer than it has been in
former years. The difficulty of the
schedule requires the addition of
two or three men to the touring
squad. The entire sqnad will prob
ably get in the gpmes up north.
“All the games are hard on thin
trip. I don’t know how strong
Montana will be on its home floor,
but Idaho, Washington and W. SL
C. will be mighty hard games. We
will V)e lucky if we win half of tho
contests on this trip,” said Billy
Beinhart last night, after selecting
the ten men who will eompose the
The team will pick up Howard
Hobson in Portland. He left for
Portland yesterday to receive at
tention for an injured foot.
The team went through the final
workout last night in the men’s
gymnasium with fast scrimmage
with freshman teams. All the men
who will leave today were sent un
to the workout. Jerry Gunther has
been slowed up with a charlie horse
but will probahly be all right by
the time of the first game. West
er gren is bothered with sore legs.
The rest of the team is in fairly
good physical condition.
Officials for Games Named
Bobby Morris, of Seattle, and
Balph Coleman, of Corvallis, will
go with the team to act as offi
cials for tho four games. This is
according to the new system adopt
ed this year at a meeting of bask
etball coaches and officials hold in
Spokane last December. The offi
cials will alternate on the games as
referee and umpire. This insures
uniform officiating throughout the
conference for every game wbieh
will be played will be officiated by
either Bobby Morris, Balph Cole
man or Bay Brooks.
The bluff broadcasted by the
Law school barristers has been call- 1
ed by the journalism five, accord- i
ing to reputable sources. The op
posing managers got together, and
the battle of the century is expect
ed when the rival aggregations
tangle in the men’s gymnasium to-:
morrow at 2:30 p. m.
The pen pushers who have a
smooth-working combination, are ;
undefeated thus far this season, !
and are desirious of beeping their
escutcheon unsullied, at least by the j
mud splashing exponents of Black
A bone of contention that may
interfere with this colossal strag
gle between the power of the press
and the power of the vocal organs
is the status of Sammy Wilderraan,
former O. A. C. hoop star. Wilder
man, while a law major, is also a
habitue of the journalistic regions.
Rival cheer-leaders are rounding
the opposing cohorts into form, and
a packed gymnasium is expected ftn
witness this contest.