Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1926, Image 1

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Frosh Girl Debaters Will
Meet Eugene Bible Uni
versity Tuesday Evening
National Defense Question
Subject for Discussion of
Dual Meets in March
The first varsity debate bf this
term will be a ‘ triangle with the
University of Washington and the
University of Idaho on February
25, according to the 1926 forensic
schedule. The question to be de
bated then is: “Resolved, That our
national defense be -organised un
der a single department with three
co-ordinate divisions, army, nlavy
and air forces.”
Freshman girl debaters meet the
Eugene Bible University freshmen
-next week on the question: ‘ Re
solved, That the Constitution should
be amended so as to give Congress
power to pass a national uniform
marriage and divorce law.” While
on the varsity team there are only
two men on a side, three girls each
for the negative and affirmative
will be used by J. Stanley Gray,
coach, in the girls contest.
Northwest Debaters Named
Oregon men in tne
triangle next month, who are now
training for the event, are: affirm
ative, Max Bobinson, senior in law;
Dudley Clark, junior in economics;
negative, Jack Hempstead, sopho
more in journalism; and Mark M.
Taylor, sophomore in business ad
Because of agitation caused by
Colonel William Mitchell’s attack
on the present form ot air service
organization, the national defense
question has become one of the most
vital questions in the nation today.
It is receiving extensive consider
ation in the present 69th session of
Congress. •- r
On Tuesday night of next week,
the Oregon freshman girl’s affirm
ative, Nettimaie Smith, Maxine
Pierce, Irene Hartsell, meet the
Eugene Bible University negative
in the E. B. U. auditorium. Some
time next week, the negative, Mar
ion Leach, Essie HenrickeK and
Pauline Winchell, will meet the E.
B U affirmative in a no decision
contest before the Parent Teachers
Association meeting of Eugene city
high schools.
v women Prepare Speeches
“The girls have made an attempt
to make their debate speeches
worth listening to,” said Mr. Gra7
yesterday. “They will be livened
up by humor, with the result that
the talks will be interesting as well
as instructive to the students.
In the early part of March, two
dual debates for varsity men will
take place. As scheduled by Elam
Amstutz, forensic manager, and
Jack Hempstead, men’s forensic
manager, they are to be with the
University of Utah and with the
University of Southern California.
“Shall the question of war be
referred to the people,” will be the
subjee't of debate in both of these
meets. Freshmen men meet O. A.
C. in a dual debate on March 4.
Mildred Whitcomb, women’s debate
manager, is attempting to arrange
dual debates for the varsity women
debaters with University of .Wash
ington and University of California.
The Councilor club smoker, which
was originally scheduled for last
night, was postponed due to lack
of time in which to_prepare it. At
a meeting to be held-at 4:15 this
afternoon, a new date will be
chosen, it was announced last night
by club members.
It is expected, however, that the
smoker will be held sometime dur- j
ing the week following the DeMo-;
lay vaudeville, which the local;
chapter *of the order will present,
at the McDonald theatre, January:
Present System Said to Be Inconsistent With
Future Development Plans; More
Dignity Needed
A change in the method of nam
ing campus buildings is advocated
by Prof. F. S. Dunn, head of the
Latin department, who suggests
that a more significant plan of
nomenclature be adopted. Mere
chance is left to govern the present
system, he says, and a growing in
stitution is probably more of a suf
ferer than others would be.
Professor Dunn declares the
buildings are called by names not
consistent with college practices
and traditions. The eastern colleges
do not consider the phrases we use
here, such as sociology, commerce,
and music building, but they give
all their halls dignified and fitting
All the campus buildings should
have their names changed to halls,
says Mr. Dunn. When these have
been named, then they will always
be known as that, for example, Con
don hall. It was termed that in
the beginning and has never been
colloquialized into the geology
building. No matter what a build
ing contains, it should be termed
by a dignified form of name, main
tains Professor Dunn.
Present System Confuses
“It is unfortunate that Johnson
hall should come to be called such
a name as the ‘Ad building,’ ” con
tinues Mr. Dunn. “It is the stu
dents who have allowed a slangy
expression to detract from the dig
nity of a building that was named
after our first president, John W.
Professor Dunn believes that as
a consequence of the looseness of
naming a building, and afterwards
moving the department in it, much
confusion ensues. If it had been
named definitely from the start,
confusion would have been averted.
“We -have an example of this
in Oregon hall,” states Mr. Dunn,
“because it has inscribed over its
facade, “Education building.” Ore
gon hall is popularly and unwisely
known as the Oregon building
which again detracts from it’s dig
nity. The Oregon building in Port
(Continued on page three)
Experiences in Africa Told
By Claire Holdredge
The January issue of “Old Ore
gon” was distributed yesterday
from the offices of its editor, Jean
nette Calkins, alumni secretary. The
cover is unusually attractive with
its picture of Susan Campbell hall
at late sunset. Another campus
scene with Deady hall in the back
ground is found facing the first
stpry. 1
“Campus- Welcomes Oregon’s
New Football Coach,” is the title
of the article written by Raymond
Lawrence, ’22. A picture of Coach
McEwan accompanies the article,
taken with Walter Malcolm, presi
dent of the student body, Virgil
Earl, athletic director, and F. H.
Young, president of the Alumni as
Two years ago “Old Oregon” be
gan a series of personality sketches
of deans on the campus. It was
discontinued for a time, but is
started again in this issue. The
sketches or “academic portraits”
will extend to other members of the
faculty as well as deans. James
Barnett, professor of political sci
ence, is the subjeat of the first
sketch in the new series.
Earl Kilpatrick, former dean of
the extension division, recently re
signed from the position, and an
appreciation of the man and his
work is found in the alumni maga
A story of Africa finds 9. place
in the number. “Africa Without
Lions” is the article about the
experiences in Africa of Claire
Holdredge, ’21. He is back on the
campus now completing the require
ments for his master’s degree in
Malcolm Epley, sophomore jour
nalist, has compiled the facts of
what football captains of Oregon
are doing now. The professions in
clude farming, law, the ministry,
and other fields of activity.
There are several short articles
about events on the campus, and
regular departments have their
places. Among these are “News of
the Classes,” “Family Mail,”
“Campus News,” and sports. A
page spread of basketball men is
found in the sporting section, edit
ed by Dick Svring. The section in
cludes personal notes on football,
basketball, and swimming athletes,
and a story by Prof. H. C. Howe, of
the English department, on the
coast conference. In the campus
news department is a picture of
seniors enjoying their privilege of
lounging on the senior bench.
A poem by Evelyn Schenck, ex
’25, and editorials complete the
magazine, which is issued every
month. The staff of the magazine
includes both alumni and, students
of the University,
Legalists Win From “Mud
Smellers” 41 to 22
Coach Evans’ dashing law school
five romped over the Condon hall
geologists Tuesday afternoon in the
men’s gym, 44 to 21. As to a re
sult, it is rumored that a holiday
will be declared upon the upper
floor of the Oregon building, and
the ambulance chasers are broad
casting challenges to the four winds.
Contests with the physical educa
tion, business administration, and
journalism quintets are greatly de
sired. That leaves one wind re
Evans and Westerman, the speedy
lawyer forwards, played sensational
ball and caged 25 points between
them. Ed Walker led the fossil
fiends with five baskets.
The lineups:
lawyers (41) (22) Geologists
Westerman 10)....f.(2) Frazer
Evans (15).f.(10) Walker
^elly (6)...e.(6) Truck
Dahl (8).g.(4) Powers
Gooding ...g. Cox
Subs: Lawyers; Dobler (2), Oeh
ler, Reid,
Hodgeil, referee; Almstutz, timer;
Brown, scorer. »
Notice of a motion to permit fou?
students, the president of the stu
dent body, editor of the Emerald,
secretary of the student body, and
president of. the Women’s League,
to attend facility meetings as non
voting members, was given by
Dean Walker at the last faculty
If the motion is passed, it will
increase the co-operation between
students and faculty and although
it will give the students no right
to enter the discussions unless
called upon, still they will know
what is going on in the faculty
meetings which vitally concerns the
students. Dean Walker anticipates
that better understanding and bet
ter results would come from such
an arrangement.
Camille Burton, prominent junior
in the University, left Eugene Mon
day noon for San Diego, California,
where she will make her home in
the future. As the result of doc
tor’s orders, Camille will be forced
to stay out of school for the next
two terms, but she expects to re
turn to Oregon next fall. She is
a member of Chi Omega sorority
and Kwama.
. .... i
Women’s League Chairman
Announces Appointment
Of Committee Members
Big Bargains Expected In
Collection of Unclaimed
Umbrellas, Pens, Pencils
Committees have been appointed
to handle the Women’s League
Rummage Sale which will be given
next Tuesday, the 26th of January,
was the announcement made yester
day by Mary West, chairman. The
library steps will be the scene of
action, and a constant auction will
be held from 9 to 12 o’clock in the
Auctioneers Selected
The auctioneers will be Robert
Mautz, James Leake, Robert Mc
Cabe, Ted Gillenwaters, Clarence
Toole, Fred Martin, Robert Offi
cer, and Benoit McCyoskey. These
men will work by schedule each tak
ing a certain time of the morning
to work.
For the purpose of delivering ar
ticles to the purchasers, taking in
the money, and running errands, a
number of freshman girls have been
appointed as assistants to the auc
tioneers. The following list of
girls have been asked to help: Julia
Groo, Agnes Palmer, Elaine Craw
ford, Catherine Martin, Alice Lat
ture, Helen Pugh, Doris Pratt, Mary
Johnson, Billie Martland, Helen
Smith, Dolores Hare, Marjorie Wil
liams, Edith Dodge, Katherine
Kneeland, Laura Mosier, Lucille
Pettijohn, Doris Trick, Helen
Shank, Hermene Franz, Lonna
Powell and Vernita Winzenried. *
Beal Savings Offered
Last year over $80 was added to
the Women’s League foreign scho
larship fund as the result of this
sale, and many students were able
to buy real bargains in umbrellas,
fountain pens, and other articles.
A good fur choker wa§ sold last
year for thirty cents. This is only
one of the many opportunities for
bargains Which were offered last
year. » ■ ,
Dancing is being sponsored by
the Women’s Athletic association
this year, and has been put in the
sport system so that points may
be earned by it for a W. A. A,
It is possible to make 286 point*
on the test, which must be passed
to make the dancing honor require
ment, but 150 points entitle the
student to 50 points toward her
sweater, and 200 points makes her
eligible to be voted on for admis
sion to Orcliesus.
The dancing test gives 40 points
for fundamentals, 20 points for up
per body movement, 40 points for
lower body movement, 40 points for
musical knowledge combined with
dancing, 30 points for activities, 30
points for posture, 30 points for
impromptu work, and 50 points for
the original dance.
Bay Williams has been a patient
at the University infirmary since
the first of the week. Bay was
taken down with measles on Mon
day, but was feeling much better
Williams is well known around
school, being pitcher on the varsity
baseball team for the last two sea
sons, and a member of Sigma Chi.
The first Emerald staff meet
ing of the term will be held this
afternoon at 4:00 in 105 Jour
nalism building, the editor an
nounces. All staff members are
expected to be present, and at
tendance will be checked up.
General plans for the term will
be discussed. Aspirants are re
quested to attend.
W. F. G. Thacher Discusses
Famous Author Who Will
Visit University Monday
Interpretation o f Human
Nature is Fundamental
Impression Given Public
Absolutely original in his ideas,
never having followed any “school,”
and saying what has never been
said before—such is Sherwood An
derson, according to an estimate of
him by W. F. G. Thaeher, profesor
of short story, in commenting on
the pending visit of the distingu
ished author, who is to be on the
campus Monday.
“Whether one likes Anderson or
dislikes him, and many people do
dislike him, no one who knows any
thing about the litorature of the
times can deny that he is one of
the most significant figures of the
day,” Mr. Thacher said.
Comparison is Made
“Those who don’t like him are
those to whom the word ’modern'
in literature or art is anathema,’’
Professor Thacher explained. “Peo
ple who like him find in him a de
sire, so intense at times as to be
come almost terrible, to get at a
fundamental, underlying interpre
tation of human nature.”
Mr. Thacher compares the work
of Sherwood Anderson with that
of D. H. Lawrence in England, ex
cept, he says,, that Lawrence is
highly cultured, and Anderson is
not, if one may judge by the testi
mony of his books.
Anderson Studies People
“The impressions which his
stories make upon me,” Mr. Thacher
said in giving his personal reac
tions, “are those of a man who has
laid upon himself the tremendous
task of seeing what people are
really like. His world is certainly
not a pleasant world. It is a world
most nice people will repudiate, be
cause there are no ‘nice’ people
in his world.
“The question of whether it is
true or-hot is utterly' beside the
point. But there,is no question that
the world he has created is true
for Sherwood Anderson, and that
is all that can be expected of any
original writer. He is like a char
acter in one of his own books;
Sherwood Anderson ‘uat has to go
away and look at people and
think.’ ”
Several books have been added to
the rent collection in the English -
history reserve of the University
library this term. There are noW
about 24 books, on the rent shelf.
This collection was started by the
librarians to accommodate the stu
dents who wished to keep the re
serve books more than the allotted
time. As the plan has worked sat
isfactorily for both students and
librarians, more books will be add
ed to the list as the demand grows,
according to M. H. Douglass, libra
The books on the shelf called for
most often are: “Pilgrim’s Pro
gress,” “Moby-Dick,” “The Works
of Shakespeare,’’ “From Beowulf
to Hardy,” “Representative Eng
lish Plays,” and “Pride, and Pre
The fee charged for each book
is five cents a day. This same
plan is being carried on quite .ex
tensively at the University of
Washington library.
The R. O. T. 0. received the new
uniforms for the first year ad
vanced course students. These uni
forms are made l)v the associated
stores for the government special
for the R. O. T. C. student officers.
The cost of the uniforms, that is
their initial purchase, and upkeep
for the two years is $3(1. There
are 32 officers to be equipped.
Many Pay Fees
Early to Avoid
Laggard’s Rush
at End of Month
Yesterday the clink of silver
coins was heard in the corridors
of the Administration building as
students filed past the cashier’s
window and paid the sum of money
necessary to make them regularly
registered students in the Univer
Wednesday was a good day as
far as the number of students who
paid their fees could influence it.
But the powers that be in the comp
troller’s offico repeat again that
those who come early will avoid
that long wait in line at the end of
the ten-day period.
The last day that fees may bo
paid is .January 30. Students who
pay by check should see that their
accounts cover the cheeks. If for
any reason a check is returned to
a student marked N. S. F. that stu
dent is considered to have not paid
his fees.
Piano, Vocal, and Violin
Solos to be Given
Members of Mu Phi Epsilon,
women’s national honorary music
fraternity, and Phi Mu Epsilon,
men’s honorary music fraternity,
will give a short concert at today’s
assembly, which will be held in the
Woman’s building.
Alma Lawrence sophomore in the
school of music, will open the pro
gram with two piano solos. Eu
gene Carr, baritone and instructor
in the school of music, will sing
two solos. Delbert Moore will play
two violin solos. Adelaide John
son, soprano and junior major in
the school of music, will give two
The concert which the societies
gave at the musical assembly of
last term contained a greater var
iety of vocal and instrumental
solos and several presentations by
the stringed quartet. Miss Jean
Harper, bead Of the local chapter
of Mu Phi Epsilon is planning a
program of such a nature for next
term. '... ,
A section has been reserved at
basketball games held at the Uni
versity of Oregon for women. Svho
are members of the ojd^r of the
Since the sectioii will be reserved
only if it is filled at every game,
members "of the order are urged to
take advantage of this opportunity
of getting good seats.
Banquet Shows Optimism of
Grid Men and Coach for
Approaching Season
McEwan, Onthank, Mautz,
Skipworth, Sinclair and
Malcolm are Speakers
All football men will meet in
110 Admistration building this
afternoon at 4:16.
A1 Sinclair, husky left tackle of
the 1925 varsity football team, was
elected captain of the team which
will start the new regime of foot
ball at Oregon under Captain John
J. McEwan, at_ a special meeting of
the football lettermen held before
the banquet in the Hotel Osbom
last night.
A spirit of optimism and expec
tation prevailed at the banquet giv
en for members of the varsity and
freshman football squads,, and offi
cials and guests of the University
at which Walter Malcolm acted as
toastmaster and Captain McEwan
was the principal speaker.
Mile Post Passed <
“Oregon iB entering a new era of
athletic progress—we have passed
the mile post to supremacy with
the engagement of Captain lie
Ewan to guide the destinies ef the
team,” said Mr. Malcolm, chairman,
of the athletic committee.
Karl Onthank, executive seers'
tary; Judge Skipworth, of the
board of regents; Bob Mauts, IMS
football captain and A1 Sinclair
were the other speakers. More than
100 attended.
Coach Tells Plans
“A football system,” said Gap
tain McEwan, “is merely the
building of a certain style of play
from year to year. You hear a let
about Dobie’s or Boekne’s systems.
There is nothing very different
about the play, but it is one kind of
football continuously drilled. While
at Oregon, I hope to hold to one
style of play—not that we will he
toe conservative or hide-bonnd, fos
we will conform to the players."* /
A meeting of all football mein
and those who plan to go out for
the team was called for this after
noon at 4:15 o’clock in W
in the Administration building.
This is the first meeting under the
new coach and he will partially ont
lino his plans for the spring worh.
Humor is Xil£ea
j Captain McEwan spoke (briefly
on subjects related to football aaid
with his quiet humor kept tha
group in laughter between the sar
(Con tinned on page four)
j Scve^Si years ago, tho late Pros'
; ident P. L. Campbell of the Uni
versity, looked at the flannel drape
j curtains on the west wall of the
ldancing room in tho Woman’s
building, smiled and said they were a
little short. He suggested that they
have a flounce sewed on them. The
curtains hung about a yard from
the floor and the effect was ludi
When the curtains were bought,
it was known that they would have
to be put through a chemical pro
cess to make them fireproof. So
they were sent to a laundry, and
P.rof. O. P. Stafford, head of the
chemistry department, supervised
the job. They were returned to
the school of physical education and
carefully pressed, but when they
were hung up, they showed a dis
astrous shrinkage.
So Mrs. Campbell, acting on her
husband’s advice, supervised the
work of putting a flounce on tho
curtains. And now the soft, gray
flannel drapes in graceful folds
along tho wall.
Such is the episode of the cur
tains as it was recounted by Miss
Lillian Stupp, instructor in the
women’s department of physical
education, and teacher of educa
tional interpretative dancing. The
curtains are an important setting
in the (lancing room.
On each end of the rOoitt where
Miss Stupp teaches her classes are
French doors, opening on to the
sun parlor on the south; and on to
an iron balcony overlooking the
campus on the north.
The round, white Btair, designed
by Eliler Brown of the school of
architecture and allied arts, is the
scene of many lovely dance pante
mines. Beauty is added to many
dances, such as the “Bainbow
Fountain,” and the “Lake of the
Swans,” by the scarfs of many
colors, made of raw, imported, Jap
anese silk and dyed by students of
the art and physical education de
Silhouettes, drawn by Miss Ber
nice Qehler, of tho University of
Wisconsin, after observing students
in the dancing classes there, adorn
the walls. “The Cycle of the
Hours,” the lovliest of the group,
was depicted from a dance drama
of that name, originally given at
the University of Wisconsin.
To harmonize with tho simple
beauty of the room, the girls of
tho sophomore classes and the mem
bers of Orehesus, honorary dancing
group, have costumes of tricoskan,
made on simple Grecian lines, and
of various colors.