Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1926, Image 1

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Varsity to Meet Montana
At Eugene on January 19
Before Starting North
Eleven Games on Schedule
For Oregon During Rest
Of Basketball Season
The varsity net saggers, fresh
from their victory over the Multno
mah quintet, went through a spir
ited workout yesterday afternoon
in preparation for its encounter
with the Pacific university court
men next Friday night on the arm
ory floor.
Little is known of the visitors,
■except that they have a fast, scrap
py aggregation, but it is doubted
that they will be able to keep step
with the pace the Oregonians are
Following the Badger fray, the
varsity will meet the Montana
Grizzlies in the armory next Tues
day. The succeeding week-end will
find the Webfooters on a swing
around the northern loop which
will penetrate as far as Missoula
and include games with Washing
ton, Montana, Idaho, and Washing
ton State. The last three of these
tussles will come on successive
Trip to Corvallis Feb. 13
The team will then have a long
home stand which will find Wash
ington, and W. S. C. invading the
campus. A short jaunt to Corvallis
to meqt the Aggies will come on
February 13, with a return game
in Eugene a week later which will
wind up the regular season.
In the event Oregon emerges at
the top of the northern heap, a
three-game series will be played
with the winner of the southern di
vision of the conference to decide
the coast title. As this event was
staged in the north last year, it
will be necessary to face the south
erners on their home floor. O. A. C.
lost a hard series to California in
Corvallis last winter, winning the
initial encounter, and dropping the
next two.
An idea of the growing import
ance of the hoop sport may be ob
tained from the fact that the bas
ketball team will cover more than
twice as much territory as the foot
ball eleven did last fall. The grid
schedule included trips to Palo Alto,
Seattle, and Portland. The approx
imate mileage covered was 2250
Many Miles Made Christmas
The basketball barnstorming ven
ture into Southern California cov
ered about 2700 miles, and the
northern trip will add another 1800.
Tack on 250 mileposts for the round
trip to Portland last week, and 80
more for an expedition to Corval
lis, and there is a total of 4830. If
Oregon wins the northern champion
ship, a further mileage of at least
' 1350 miles will be added, making a
grand total of 6180. This is more
than the distance an Oregon con
gressman would cover in going to
Washington and back, enough to
send a Filipino to Manila, or Doc
Cook to the North Pole. The bas
ketball team and first string subs
fContinued on page fow)
Spanish cavaliers, hula hula girls,
clowns, copper-hued Indians, Ru
dolph Valentino sheiks, and num
erous other characters of more or
less fame are expected at the soph
omiore class dance. Friday evening
in the Campa Shoppe. Fancy cos
tumes ranging in style from the
ridiculous and mirth-provoking, to
the gala and unique, will be in
order, according to the announce
ment of the committee in charge.
Prizes will be offered for the clev
erest men’s and women ’a costumes.
McCluskey Is Oregon Aggravators
have been secured to furnish the
‘•Sophomore social affairs are
being run on a radio plan this
year,” the committee reports.
‘‘Last term our dance was a ‘loud
speaker,’ this time it is to be still
louder, and next term it will be
Red Wright is acting as general
chairman of the committee. Eliza
beth Talbot is in charge, of patrons
and patronesses; Pauline Stewart is
■handling publicity; Esther Hardy,
refreshments; Bob Knight, features,
and Bill Prudhomme is floor man
ager. Since the dance will be
strictly no date, the sophomore
class is expected to turn out en
masse to try for the prizes.
Graduate School Head Disapproves System
Of Machinery to Keep Student on
Job of Scholarship
The grade system as a measure
for determining the quality of work
performed by a student during his
college career was, subect to certain
reservations, upheld by Dr George
Rebec, dean of the graduate school,
in a recent interview.
“I believe in grades as an ap
proximate measure of perform-*
ance,” he said. “Grades may be
very unjust if they are taken as
the estimation of one instructor
alone at one given time, but if
grades represent the judgment of a
considerable number of instructors,
or of a given competent instructor
over a good many different times
and tryouts, I believe the remark
able thing about them is the way
they work out to a stable level. In
deed, I have never known of a
student staying in college three
years without his grades converg
ing to give a remarkably just in
dex of his performance. I express
ly say ‘performance;’ for a stu
dent’s performance may, for one
reason or another, not measure up
to the fullness of his powers; still
less is it true that the student will
have arrived at the full develop
ment of his powers, even at the time
his college course is concluded. I
am only advocating He proposi
tion that usually a student’s actual
performance is fairly (adequately
expressed in the long run by his
Grades given a student as an in
dication of his performance are,
however, a very different matter
from grades made a chief end in
themselves, according to Dr. Bet
bee. He disapproves of the organ
ization of elaborate machinery in
a university for “keeping a student
on the daily job of scholarship.”
“The present program pursued by
our fraternities and sororities of
urging their members to achieve
grades for themselves and their
(Continued on page four)
Bretherton, Montgomery to
Serve as Judges
A committee of three has been
selected by W. F. G. Thacher, a
member of the school of journalism
faculty, to select the prize short
story for the Edison Marshall Short
Story Contest. The prize of fifty
dollars will be given to the writer
of the best short story handed in
any time this month and up to the.
first of February.
Those who will serve on the com
mittee are: Ralph D. Casey, profes
sor in the school of journalism;
Richard Montgomery, manager of
the book department of the J. K.
Gill company of Portland; Vivian
Bretherton of Portland, one of Ore
gon ’s best short story writers.
Miss Bretherton was for a time a
member of Mrs. Parson’s and Mr.
Thachgr’s short story classes in the
extension department at Portland.
She sold her first story thi;ee years
ago to McCalls. She has been con
tributing to them since that time
through a contract. Mr. Thacher
selected these three people because
they represent the ideas of the fac
ulty, the story reading public, and
professional writer.
Two copies of each story are to
be submitted. One of these may be
the carbon of the original, if it is
clear. The, manuscripts are to be
typed double space on one side of
the paper only. Stories are not to
be folded or rolled. The name pf
"the writer is, under no circum
stances, to appear on the story. An
envelope giving the name of the
story is handed in with the orig
inal. The name of the writer is
to be placed inside the envelope.
Only original stories are acceptable.
Captain John J. McEwan, new |
football mentor of the Univer- |
sity will be introduced at as- [
sembly tomorrow, and will make j
a short address to the students. |
Dean Immel Gives Rules for
Good Speech
Dean E. K. Immel of the school
of speech at the University of
Southern California, who wiH speak
at assembly Thursday morning on
“Popular Fallacies;” discussed the
highly complicated speech mechan
ism of man and gave some general
rules for effective results of speak
ing in addressing students of the
classes in speech and oratory yes
terday afternoon in Villard hall.
“All speeches are made for a pur
pose, and every time a person
makes a public address he should
have an axe to- grind, just as every
salesman has his goods to sell,”
Dean Immel said. He characterized
speaking as one of the useful rath
er than fine arts. A singer has no
designs on his audience and asks
nothing of it, his performance being
an end in itself. His primary pur
pose is aesthetic entertainment. A
speaker must have a definite aim
and must not be too grieved if his
efforts do not show immediate re
sults. He must be content with
long time results, and think of his
work as a long time job, the speak
er stated.
People do not realize what a com
plicated process is involved in the
art of speech. They think of pub
lic speaking as a purely mechanical
and automatic process. The speak
er gets wound up—turns a lever—
stops talking when he runs down.
Dean Immel explained that a pig
has practically all of the vocal ar
rangement, that a human possesses.
The only reason that a pig gets no
farther than a lusty squeal in the
way of talking is because he has
nothing to say.
Bernard Shaw's “ Devil’s Disci
ple” will be read by Dean Immel
tonight in Villard at 8:00 o’clock.
The general public, as well as stu
dents, are invited to attend.
The activities blanks whSch each
student was required to fill out at
registration have been compiled and
are available for use in the A. S.
U. O., office. In the future these
files are to be used as a reference
by all people who are appointing
committees. The list has already
been consulted, Esther Setters, who
is on the activities committee, re
The blank which each student
filled out contains a record of the
activities in which he is already
participating, and anything addi
tional which he would like to get
into. It also shows a record of the
students’ past experience in cer
tain lines. The purpose of this is
to allow more students to enter
activities and to let them do the
things in which they are most in
y' _
Bailey, Hempstead, Beelar,
McCroskey, Thompson,
And Brown Are Winners
Keen Competition Displayed
By Fifteen Entries; Five
To Compete, one Alternate
Winners of last night’s Univer
sity oratory tryouts are Ralph
Bailey, senior in pre-law; Donald
Beelar, sophomore in pre-law; Her
shell Brown, senior in economics;
Benoit McCroskey, sophomore in
pre-law; Jack Hempstead, sopho
more in journalism; Avery Thomp
son, freshman in pre-law.
These six men, speaking in com
petition with fifteen men in Vil
lard hall, were chosen by judges
who are members of the public
speaking teaching staff. They will
represent Oregon in all of the in
tercollegiate contests this year
which include the following events:
State Old Line Contest, O. A. C.
Corvallis; Pacific Coast Forensic
League, Pullman, Washington; Na
tional Constitutional contest, San
Francisco or Los Angeles; State
Peace Contest, Eugene Bible Uni
versity, Eugene; Tri-State contest,
University of Oregon, Eugene.
“While we are very much pleased
with the calibre of the orations de
livered at the tryouts last night,”
said J. Stanley Gray, head of the
public speaking department, speak
ing for the judges, “it will be ne
cessary to work over every oration
of the winners before they will be
of contest calibre.”
The other judges were: Robert D.
Horn, Walter W. Snyder, and Bry
an Gilkinson. Mr. Gilkinson, win
ner of the national inter-collegiate
oratory contest, representing Carl
ton College, Minnesota in 1917,
stated that the typo of speaking
last night was as good as any he
had seen before at college tryouts.
Meetings of the oratory squad
will start next week, at which time
assignments to the various events
will be made. One of the six men
will act as alternate.
The men spoke on the following
subjects last night: Bailey, “The
Sin of Progress;” Beelar, “The
Question of the Sphinx;” Brown,
“My Country, Right or Wrong;”
Hempstead, “On the Scales of
Time;” Thompson, “The Receding
Frontier;” McCroskey, “The Pre
cious Heritage.”
WEST POINT, N. Y. (Special to
the Emerald)—Cadet Don Z. Zim
merman, class of 1929, took part in
the basketball game between the
Army team and the Yale Univer
sity team on January second,
which was won by the Army team,
by the score of 26 to 13.
Cadet Zimmerman played well at
left forward.
Among his other accomplishments
while at the academy, he is credit
ed with, or has taken part in the
Football squad, season 1925; class
seal committee, 1925.
Cadet Zimmerman, formerly at
tended the Eugene high school, and
the University of Oregon.
Clifford Constance, ’25, left re
cently for Chicago where he will
take up a position offered him in
connection with the Western Elec
tric Co. He is a major in pre-en
gineering and a member of Phi
Beta Kappa. Mr. Constance was
formerly president of the Westmin
ister Christian Endeavor and in
tended to attend the student inter
denominational conference held
Coach Talks of Development
Of 1926 Team; Planning
Hard Spring Scrimmage
Mentor Advocates Clean
Football; Dirty Type of
Play Disappearing
The first address of Captain John
J. McEwan, new head football
coach at the University, was made
last night at the banquet given in
the Eugene hotel. The new mentor
was the guest of honor for the
evening at which were present
members of the faculty, athletic of
ficials, representatives from the
alumni and members of the execu
tive council.
“The University and the alumni
look for a winning football team.
That is what we play for and I
shall do everything I can to pro
duce a winning team. Supporters
of the varsity are liablo to be op
timistic at first. It takes years to
build a team and I want to begin
with a hard spring practice, with
possibly some scrimmage to mako
a team so that by September 15 I
will be able to begin work on a
combination which will be used in
the first conference game of the
season against Washington on Oc
tober 9. But win or lose I want to
develop a team that will be a credit
to the University.
Roughneck Era Fast
• “The days of the roughneck
coach with his dirty playing are
gone. Such petty, small things as
keeping a team waiting on the
field, are cheap stuff and are not
used any more in high class foot
ball circles. Coaching of dirty
playing and playing dirty is disap
pearing. I have played on teams
where every devise known was
coached and used against teams
that used the same tricks. Coaches
can’t get by with that sort of
thing now.
The captain spoke in praiso of
the system of control at Oregon
which gives the students such a
large part in the running of the
athletic and student affairs. Ho
stated that it was a student coun
terpart of the Military Academy.
Game Like War
He said quite frankly that he was
interested in winning and that
while in theory the games are val
uable, won or lost, nevertheless, the
losing is somewhat like losing a
war; the bottom drops out of ev
Dean Henry Sheldon, member of
the administrative committee, ex
tended a welcome on behalf of the
University to the new coach. Wal
ter Malcolm, acting as toastmaster,
expressed the confidence of the
students and Del Stannard, alumni
representative on the executive
council, promised the cooperation
of the alumni.
“Seeing Ourselves ns Others See
Us” was the subject of an address
by Dr. Charles D. Hurry, general
secretary of the Erienclly Rela
tions committee of the Y. M. C.
A., which he delivered before the
Cosmopolitan club last night in the
“Y” Hut.
In this speech Dr. Hurry discussed
the American impression of other
peoples. “They are apt to judge a
people by the inferior classes. Thus,
Chinese, to the American mind, are
strongly associated with laundries,
when in reality the 2,000 Chinese
students in America are much more
representative,” said Dr. Hurry.
India calls to the American mind
a picture of famine and supersti
tions, instead of the works of lead
ers like Ghandi and Tagore.
Dr. Hurry believes that the rem
edy for these conditions is to be
found in the iirterchange of stu
dents, who may interpret nations
fairly to each other and show the
best phases instead of the worst.
Music was furnished by Miss
Lois Everson, who gave piano solos.
A short business meeting of the
members of the club followed at
the open meeting.
Don McCormick,
Basketball Man,
Reported to Be
Slightly Better
A slight improvement in the con
dition of Donald J. McCormick,
who is ill in Portland with spinal
meningitis was reported by his
father, Donald J. McCormick, 752
Jefferson street, on his return here
“When I left him at midnight,”
said Mr. McCormick, “he was
slightly improved. His case is
hopeful, and that is about all.”
McCormick was taken ill Satur
day morning, after playing the pre
vious afternoon on the freshman
basketball ' team against Franklin
high school. Little hope has been
held for his recovery.
Arrival of Mail Relieves
Friends of Chinese
A papkago mailed from Shanghai
November 12, and recently received
by Prof. N. B. 2ane, instructor in
normal art, has brought moro joy
and relief to the members of the
school of art and architecture and j
other University folk than tho
mere contents of the packago could
afford. The packago was sent by
Fook Tai Lau, former Chinese stu
dent of the University, thought
dead for tho past few months, as
the result of a, rumor which spread
to the affect that Fook Tai Lau,
or Tai as he is more familiarly
known, was killed during the recent
insurrection in China.
Following the rumor about which
no sot facts could bo learned, in
vestigation was started by Ellis F.
Lawrence, dean of the school of art
and architecture. Dean Lawrence
got in touch with tho American
Consul in China but received no
satisfaction as to the fate of Tai.
Friends finally came to consider
the rumor ns probable truth and
believed him dead until word was
received of the arrival of the pack
age. Tai’s friends are now quite
convinced that the former student
is alive since the insurrection in
which he was reported to have lost
his life supposedly occurred much
earlier than tho dated posting of’
the package indicates.
The last issue of the Common
wealth Review contains an article
by Ur. Warren U. Smith, head of
the. geology department, in regard
to the physical and regional set
ting of the Willamette Valley and
the human response to the physical
environment. This is one of a
series of articles now appearing in
this magazine on the regional geog
raphy of Oregon.
Dean F. G. Young, of the socio
logy department and editor of the
Commonwealth Review, made this
remark in regard to Dr. Smith’s ar
ticle, “Dr. Smith’s study makes
clear the progress through which
the floor of the valley was laid
down, how the sides were elevated
and then how the floor was car
peted with soil.”
He adds that knowledge as to
the construction of the country
suggests the features of the plan
for reclaiming the water-logged soil
of a large portion now in slight use.
Phi Kappa Psi Leads Houses
In Drives; Sigma Beta Phi
Second; Chi Omega Third
Those Living Off Campus
Urged To Sign at Booths;
Everyone to Wear Tags
Living Organizations that
have signed np one hundred per
cent to the Oregana, In
order are:
Phi Kappa Psi . 8:30
Sigma Beta Phi _9:00
Chi Omega . _12:00
Alpha Omicron Pi.._12:15
Delta Delta Delta.. 12:30
Alpha Phi . 12:31
Pi Beta Phi..12:34
Delta Zeta ..r_3:15
Kappa Alpha Theta_.7:08
Theta Chi . 9:30
Reports from the representatives
conducting .tho Oregana drive in
the living organizations on .thd
campus were favorable, last night,
but show that considerable work is
still to bo done, according to Jamen
Manning, circulation manager, and
Clinton Peets, assistant manager.
Tho reports from tho booths indi
cate that tho students who are not
living on the campus are not sign
ing up as fast as is desired, and
are urged to do so today.
The representatives ,of ihoutoea
going one hundred per cent in sub
scriptions should call headquarters,
407 at once, in order that they may
be placed on the list in the aetnal
order in which they come.
All Oregana money should be
turned in at Jack Benefiel's office
in the end of Friendly hall, by
Thursday morning.
Organizations Addressed
Speakers visited every living or
ganization on the campns during
luncheon yesterday, for the pnrpoea
of giving talks to create enthusi
asm in tho drive.
The two Oregana booths, placed
on the campus for the convenience
of students who are not affiliated
with any living organization were
kept open from 8:00 a. m., to 6:0®
p. m., yesterday, by a committee
appointed for that purpose. Tfie
booths will be open again today un
til <5:00 , o’clock, the closing hour
of the circulation drive. Studente
should bear in njind that this will
be their last chance to order a 192S
year-book, as no more than nnmber
subscribed for will be available m
the spring, and no orders will be
taken after tomorow evening.
Original posters, made by BiH
Prendergast and Phil Bergh pre
placed on tho campus, as further
reminders that the Oregana drive ie
I in process.
February 1 Checks Accepted
Checks dated up to February I
are being accepted, in order j***
students who do not have the
amount of the subscription, new,
may be accommodated.
Evpry subscriber to the Oregans
is given a lemon yellow tag to wear
during the drive. Those in charge
of the drive hope to see everyone
tagged by tonight. Students whe
subscribed yesterday are asked te
wear their tags again today, im
order that drive workers may cheek
up on those who have not snbeerib
ed without asking everyone.
Every living organization on the
campus whose members sign np one
hundred per cent will receive a
complimentary copy of the Oregana
as a reward.
Dolls have often gone to school,
so often that when an ordinary dolk
makes its appearance in an ordin
ary school room that is not news,
but when a Chinese doll visits a
college French class, that should be
news, especially if he comes with
the instructor.
The Chinese doll which attended
Miss Lois Gray’s class Monday af
ternoon was welcomed by all the
students. The privilege of minute
ly examining the doll’s apparel was
granted and it was found to be
clothed in the game attire as that
worn by the Chinese Mandarin boy.
Bright green bloomers, royal Man
coat, and fancy braided nhnie, a
jaunty Chinese cap perched on the
top of his head, and a small bow
of red ribbon tied to hia qoeafl^
completed the doll’s costume.
It is a real Chinese speeimen im
ported by Mrs, Harvey Wheeler, of
the Oriental Art Shop. Although
the doll did not participate in the
{French translation the atndenta
i thoroughly enjoyed its visit.