Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 12, 1926, Page 3, Image 3

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    Outstanding for this week, will
he the concert appearance on Jan
uary 14 at the school of music audi
torium of Mischa Levitzki famous
pianist, and the exhibition of paint
ings from the American academy of
design which is now on display at
the fine arts building. This col
lection is one of the best obtainable
and is remarkable for its beauty
and excellence.
Blue and white, the colors of Phi
Delta Theta, were used in the
rooms of their house Friday even
ing when members entertained
with an informal dance. The stream
ers were arranged to form a false
ceiling which extended down over
the walls. Musical numbers by a
quartet composed of Fred West,
Alan Smith, Paul Peek and Ted
Larsen were well received.
Patrons and patronesses were Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Banks and Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Church.
f * * *
At a lovely luncheon for which
Mrs. E. Broders was hostess Sat
urday at the Eugene hotel, an
nouncement was made of the en
gagement of her daughter, Miss
Claudia Broders, to Frederick Har
tung. Eeceiving with the hostess
and her daughter were Mrs. E. E.
Hartung and Mrs. G. F. Skipworth.
The long table in the east din
ing room was lovely with delicate
shades of potted hyacinths and
greenery. At each place were cun
ning doll brides with tiny bou
quets, who carried miniature scrolls
telling the news. Miss Gussie Got
tlieb and George Hinkle furnished
music during the luncheon hour.
Miss Broders, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Broders of Eugene, is
a member of Alpha Chi Omega and
was graduated from the University
of Oregon in 1925. She was a mem
ber of Samara on the campus. Mr.
Hartung, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Hartung of Eugene, was graduated
from O. A. C., in 1922 and is a mem
ber of Theta Chi, Scabbard and
Blade, the Withyeombe club and
Alpha Zeta. He is employed by
► Swift and company in Portland at
present. Ho definite date has been
set for the wedding but it will be
an event of next summer.
* * *
The engagement of Miss Mar
garet Carter, daughter of Mrs. F.
M. Carter, and Charles Bluett, son
of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bluett, of
Tuscon, Arizona, was announced at
an informal party given for mem
bers of Pi Beta Phi by Mrs. Carter
at ber home on Kincaid street Fri
day evening.,
Miss Carter graduated from the
University of Oregon last June
and this year is teaching in the
high school at Cottage Grove, Ore
gon. She is a member of Pi Beta
Phi. Mr. Bluett graduated from
the University of Arizona and has
been doing graduate work here for
the past two years. He is affili
ated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
The initiation banquet of Pi
Lambda Theta, honorary education
al society for women, was held last
Sunday at six-thirty o’clock at the
Anchorage. Initiation ceremonies
were at four-thirty at the Woman's
• • *
Another engagement that came
as quite a surprise to many friends
is that of Miss Genevieve Elkins
and Larson Wright. This was an
nounced at the Alpha Xi Delta
house Friday evening at dinner.
Pink carnations, pink candles in
silver holders and ribbon streamers
extending to each plaee from the
center of the table made the table
gay. At the end of these ribbons
were kewpies bearing the names of
Miss Elkins and her fiance.
Miss Elkins is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elkins of Eu
gene and is a pledge of Alpha Xi
Delta. Mr. Wright is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Wright of Vic
toria, B. C. The wedding will prob
ably be an event of June.
News of the engagement of Miss
Phoebe Frary of Vermilion, S. D.,
and John Dierdorf, formerly of
Portland, will be of considerable
interest to campus folk. Mr. Dier
dorf, after graduating from the
University of Oregon, was a mem
ber of the staff of the Portland
Telegram for a shortr time.
Miss Frary is a sophomore at
the University of South Dakota and
a member of Kappa Alpha Theta.
Mr. Dierdorf is a member of the
local chapter of Phi Kappa Psi.
Very informal was the dance
given by members of Friendly hall
Saturday evening at which about
25 couples attended.
Mrs. Elizabeth Prescott, Mr. Bob
ert D. Horn and Miss Irene Whit
field were patron and patronesses
for the evening.
Had You
Of This?
Wh'at Representa
tive Students Think
of The Oregana and
Its Value in College
“I don’t believe a fcollege edu
cation is altogether complete un
less one has an Oregana or a year
book as a concrete, complete and
beautiful reminder of the pleasant
days college gives to us.”
Walter Malcolm—President of
the Associated Students.
“I think it would be a grave er
ror for anyone to leave college and
not have the Oregana in his lib
rary. I urge freshmen, particularly
to purchase an Oregana, which will
always remind them of their frosh
days, in case they do . not return
to school.”
DeLoris Pearson—Secretary of
Student Body.
“The Oregana has been one of
the most important factors in my
college life. Never has an Oregana
date failed me. I heartily recom
mend it to all soul-sick, sentimental
and adolescent persons. What it
has done for me it should do for
Ed Miller—Editor of the Em
“I don’t think it is necessary to*
say much about the Oregana to
the old students. They will all buy
without a ‘drive.’ The new stu
dents should not let slip the op
portunity of getting a college mem
ory book. The price is very rea
sonable when one considers the
value one receives] in the long
Anna DeWitt—President of Wom
an’s League.
“The Oregana is a book of value
which cannot be computed in dol
lars. It is more like a mighty
pleasant memory—you wouldn’t sell
it if you could, and the longer you
have it the more enjoyable it be
James Leake—Chairman of Home
coming 1925.
“The Oregana is the best mem
ory book one can get to refer to
in after life.”
Bob Gardner—President of the
Senior Class.
“The Oregana is the most com
plete record of student activities—
social, scholastic, and extra curricu
lar. Don't miss the opportunity of
having a memory book containing
every phase of University life. Sub
scribe to the Oregana.”
Peggy Boyer—President of Y. W.
C. A.
“The Oregana is a wonderful
source of contact with the students,
as well as with all phases of the
James Johnson—President of the
Junior Class.
“Everyone ought to have a copy
of the Oregana, because it is a
complete record of everything that
relates to Oregon. It is valuable
to everyone during student days,
and will prove even more interest
ing later.”
Eloise Buck—President of Mor
tar Board.
“The Oregana is a student body
enterprise and deserves the whole
hearted support of the students. The
Oregon year book costs the stu
dents dess and still compares favor
ably with any other similar publi
Kenneth Stephenson— Chairman
of Finance Committee of the Exe
cutive Council.
“I think the Oregana embodies
the spirit of Oregon, in that it
gives one an idea of the great var
iety of activities and opportunities
to be found here.”
Janet Wood — President of
W. A. A.
“I think all freshmen should pur
chase an Oregana as the first part
of a complete record of their col
lege careers.”
Arthur Anderson—President of j
the freshman Class.
“One notices that Alumni always
seem to get the greatest enjoyment !
from looking over the pages of the j
Oreganas for the years that they j.
were in school. If for no other!
reason than that of future enjoy
ment the Oregana is worth far
more than it costs.
Benoit McCroskey—President of
Sophomore Class.
An order to recruit ten new men
has just been received by Major
Amos O. Waller, commander of the
186 medical detachment of the Ore
gon National Guard from BrigadieT
General George A. White.
Medicine students are preferred
although others who are interested
are urged to apply. This work of
fers a future for medical students,
giving them actual practice as well
as renumerating them for their serv
ices. After graduation there is a
chance for commissions as doctors
in the guard. This is especially so
if they go into the service now and
have some practice before they
graduate from college, says Dr.
Walker. Freshmen and sophomores
of the University have a good
chance of advancement as the de
tachment is composed mostly of
high school and college students and
the enrollment is continually chang
ing. Dr. D. C. Stannard, of the
university faculty, is captain of the
medical detachment.
Any who are interested are urged |
to attend drill which is held in the ;
armory every Tuesday evening from
8:49 to 9:30 o'clock.
Specimens of the mud clam or
mya arenaria are being studied by
the animal biology class as the first
laboratory problem this term. Com
parisons will be made between these
mollusks and m the Empire clam
which has a two foot neck and a
convex shell. Clams living a great
depth under ground have longer
necks than those living near the
surface as the siphon must be above
the mud except when the animal
senses danger and withdraws for
No live specimens are being used
by the students. Most of the clams
are from five to seven years old;
the age being determined by the
layers of rings on the shell. The,
mud clams were found on the Ore
gon coast and are scarce as they
are not natives of this part of the
There are few new students in
the biology class, according to Mrs.
Harry B. Yocom, of the department,
176 are enrolled and the usual de
crease in the number of last term
students is noticed.
Mrs. Graves
Formerly of
Is now at the
Model Beauty
Another goQd meal — that’s I
what everyone wants and t,
K 0 I
everyone knows where to t
get it.
The Oregana a
At the first meeting of the cir
cuit judges of the state of Oregon,
Friday, at Portland, many questions
concerning the problems of the or
ganization of the Oregon court sys
tem were discussed, according to
Dean William G. Hale, of the law
One of the items attracting at
tention was the high cost of operat
ing courts in cases where jury trials
are involved. It raised the ques
tion whether or not the litigants
should be compelled to pay larger
fees for such cases, rather than let
ting the state bear the expense,
stated the dean. The fees required
in the circuit court are much lower
than those required in the smaller
justice of the peace courts, where
the fees are large enough to cover
almost the entire cost of operation.
For that reason, the circuit court
which is supposed to handle the
more important cases, is flooded
with petty litigations.
“Oregon was one of the first
states to adopt the judicial council
act,” stated Dean Hale, “which re
quires the judges of the state to
meet once a year in Portland, to
discuss means of correcting defects
in the organization of the Oregon
Dr. Charles D. Hurry of New
fork, brought to the campus by
ihe Y. M. C. A., and the Y. W. C.
A.., will speak to the Cosmopolitan
:lub at an open meeting in the Y.
M. C. A., Hut at 7:30 tonight. All
interested are welcomed.
Dr. Hurry’s subject is unknown.
Henry W. Davis, director of uni
ted Christian work on the campus,
believes that “the address will be
along some phase of the united stu
dent movement, probably specially
relative to foreign students in Am
erican universities.”
Dr. Hurry is general secretary
of the friendly relations committee,
a Y. M. C. A. committee serving to
promote the welfare of the 12,000
foreign students in the universities
of America.
Classified Ads
LOST — An envelope-shaped blue
and silver beaded bag. Finder
please return to Delta Gamma
house. Reward. 12-13
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with
board, if desired or will arrange
for housekeeping. One single
room, one suitable for two, one
for three, all with large closets.
344-E 14th street. 9-12
ROOM and board for women at the
Three Arts Club. 1415 University
Ave. Telephone 2264. 9-12-13
BOARD and room for girls. Sleep
ing porch and furnace heat. 818
15th avenue east. 8-9-12-13
FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen
with or without board. Furnace
heat, 907 Hilyard, Phone 2228-J.
FOR RENT—One large room facing
Hilyard street for two students.
One large second floor room for
three students and one room w-ith
sleeping porch for two students.
All attractive prices. Call at 715
E. Thirteenth Street. 7-8-9-12
■r s' y ;
with Jack Mulhall
It’s in a class by
Alexander’s Music
Students Meet New
Mentor of Gridiron
Saturday Afternoon
(Continued from page one)
Ewan,” said Jack Benefiel, gradu
ate manager. “Lawrence Perry,
famous Consolidated press writer,
and Harry Fischer, team mate of
Dick Smith at Columbia, and a host
of other sports writers and coaches
in the East recommended him high
ly. I saw the Army-Navy game in
tfew York which was played on a
field that permitted nothing but
ine bucks. The army was a well
Irilled machine both offensively
and defensively. HcEwan certain
y had a wonderful line and a pow
jrful backfield which could hit.”
t mInTsIth
At present citizens of the Phil
ppine Islands are not ready to take
>ver the responsibilities of being
ndependent., declard Dr. Warren D.
imith, head of the geology depart
nent, who spent more than 12 years
>n the islands with the United
■dates Geological survey investi
gating resources of the country.
The problem of dependency is one
The Famous College Star—
in -
A Romance of San Francisco
which will come up for settlement
in the near future, Dr. Smith said.
An intensely antagonistic situation,
as in America’s battle for freedom,
is a possibility, he pointed out.
Although the islands have the re
sources, their people lack tho capi
tal and ambition and tho technical
knowledge of production to prop
erly develop them. However, con
trary to popular belief, the natives
are civilized and many of them
highly educated, he said.
From a world viewpoint, it would
be unwise to grant the islands their
independence because larger na
tions would gobble them up, Dr.
Smith believes.
The men’s and woman’s gleo
clubs and orchestra of the Univer
sity of Oregon will give three joint
recitals, at Eugene, Salem and Port
land, it was announced by James
| Peake, concert manager. The Eu
gene date has not yet been select
ed but it probably will be Febru
ary 3. Tho recital at Salem will bo
at the Heilg theater March 23, and
at Portland at the municipal audi
torium the following day.
The women’s glee club will then
return to Eugene, while the men’s
glee club will go to Hood River
where it will give a concert at the
Rialto March 25, one at The Dalles
at the auditorium March 2G, and
will wind up the tour of central
Oregon with a concert at the Bend
high school auditorium March 27.
Th'e orchestra will go to Long
view for a concert March 25, to
Astoria, March 26, and to St.
Helens, March 27. The American
Legion will sponsor the concert at
Longview. The dates at Astoria
and Longview are not definite,
Leake said.
iA Pupil’s Idea of
What Is a Creditor.
Buying on credit instead of paying
cash apparently has its ludicrous side
in Prague as well as in this country.
According to the "Humoristiche,"
a comic weekly printed in Prague, a
teacher asked a young pupil,' "What
is a creditor?"
The pupil quickly drew from his
observations at home and replied, A
man who must be told that .my father
is not at home.
Paying-cash-as-you-go has no at
tending embarrassments. It assures
a life of independence.
You are permitted to buy where
you will and where you can get the
most in quality and satisfaction for
what you pay.
Tie a tin
A TIDY red tin of Prince Albert, to be exact.
There’s the greatest little trouble-chaser in the
known world. Smoke P. A. and pipe-grouches
choose the nearest exit.
Yes, Sir, P. A. is right there with the Polly
anna stuff. Sunshine, gladness, the light heart,
the bright smile. Because Prince Albert is the
cheeriest, chummiest tobacco that ever tumbled
into a briar or corncob.
Smoke P. A.—and smile. Cool, comfortable
P. A. Fragrant, friendly P. A. Not a tongue
bite or throat-parch in a ton of it. The Prince
Albert process hung the "No Admittance” sign
on Bite and Parch the day the factory opened.
Get a tidy red tin of P. A. today and give
pipe-worries the gate.
Fringe albert
—no other tobacco is like itt.
0 1925, B. I. Reynolds Tobacco
Company, Wlnston-8alsm. N. C.
P. A. is sold tv try where in
tidy red tint, pound and half
pound tin humidors, and
pound crystal-glass humidors
with sponge-moistener top.
And always with every bit
of bite and parch removed by
the Prince Albert process•